The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
All Dressed Up
Remind me, why did we subject ourselves to this again? Severus groused inside Hermione's head as he escorted her away from The Daily Prophet's offices in Diagon Alley.
It was only half past eight in the morning. Severus had agreed to the interview, providing it was conducted before the start of the working day so they could avoid gawping onlookers. The other main condition was that he wanted to choose the journalist. He'd chosen one of the Prophet's newest journalists, Edgar Symmington, who Severus hoped hadn't yet been tainted by The Prophet's usual insistence of publishing utter drivel.
Because if we didn't give them an interview, you can imagine the headlines tomorrow, Hermione responded, slightly annoyed with him because although she'd suggested it might be a good idea, he had agreed and arranged the interview himself.
Severus chuckled in her head. Well given their usual journalistic flights of fancy, I really can't imagine the headlines resembling anything we've told them.
Hermione sighed. It won't be that bad. Once you stopped being a sarcastic bastard, I thought the whole thing went quite well and anyway, you chose the bloody journalist, so shut up.
Oh OK. Well don't come crying to me when you read tomorrow that you're expecting triplets and I'm turning Hogwarts into a knocking shop, Severus thought tersely, and as she glared up at him he arched an eyebrow.
"Oh well, that's one way to raise funds I suppose?" Hermione deadpanned, which rapidly dissolved the building tension that she knew would lead to him sulking, as Severus suddenly started to laugh at her wisecrack. She knew he was tired, so to hear him laugh was a relief.
He hadn't slept well again. He'd had a nightmare, unsurprisingly, which she'd managed to soothe him from, but still they found themselves sat up at three o'clock drinking hot chocolate.
Noticing him relax, Hermione absentmindedly took his arm as they walked towards the Apparition point. For the first time since their relationship began, they were alone together in public in the wizarding world and although it was early, there were still enough people in Diagon Alley to notice the couple. Severus immediately tensed at Hermione's contact, aware of the words he could hear and see around him.
Years as a spy provided Severus with plenty of lip reading practice, and although there were some unpleasant comments being thrown towards him, he was disturbed that most of the comments were aimed at Hermione. After Severus saw one couple say 'how many more wizards is she going to shag? Poor Weasley is better off without her,' he removed Hermione's hand from the crook of his arm and put his arm around her shoulders.
"Are you feeling alright?" Hermione muttered.
"Everyone will know by this evening. We can't, and I don't want to delay the inevitable. You're right! We gave them an interview and if they bollocks it up, I'll sue their arses, but the point is I don't care anymore. They can make up as much bullshit as they like for the next nine hours but I still know I'm a lucky son of a bitch who..."
"Don't you dare say you don't deserve me, Severus," Hermione interjected.
Severus smirked. "I wouldn't dream of it. No, I was going to say who...oh never mind, you've ruined it now."
What? Tell me, Hermione asked pleadingly as he seemed determined not to say another word.
Severus gave her a quick squeeze and asked, who loves you more than anything? I will just refrain from snogging your face off in public until tonight. Merlin only knows how I'm going to keep my hands to myself let alone fight off all the lechers who'll be eyeing you up.
Will you defend my honour, my Lord?
Always, my Lady, and then as they approached the Apparition point, Severus stopped suddenly and pulled a disorientated Hermione into him. "Shall we go for a coffee?"
Hermione was taken aback by his spontaneity, but gave him a beaming smile and nodded enthusiastically. "Where do you want to go?"
"Well I hear there's a Muggle cafe near here that everyone else seems to have gone to apart from me," Severus said as he wrapped a strand of her hair around his finger before releasing it with a smirk.
Hermione slipped her hand into his and gave it a squeeze. "Come on, then, I'm buying" she giggled.
"You bloody well are not," Severus groused as they walked towards The Leaky Cauldron.
"Are we going to fight about this?" Hermione asked exasperatedly.
Severus sighed deeply. "Only if you persist with this misguided notion that you are paying."
"Alright, if you buy this one, the next time we go out, I'll buy the next one," Hermione said, trying to sound insistent.
"Then we shall continue this discussion then," Severus informed her, smirking as Hermione rolled her eyes and shook her head at his stubbornness.
"Harry, wait!" Hermione called as she saw him walking away down the corridor away from his rooms. It was only half past ten, but Harry was already leaving with his dress robes bagged and over his arm and rucksack on his back.
"Oh hi, 'Mione. I was just..."
"It's a bit early to get ready, isn't it?" Hermione asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
Harry smirked. "That's rich coming from you! How long are we spending at the beauty salon today?"
"Oh shut up. Anyway, Angie and I are treating Molly, so we'll be there as long as we like," Hermione huffed playfully.
Harry laughed. "Sorry! Anyway, I'm taking my date out to lunch. But I have a few things to do first. I presume it's still alright to change at Severus' flat?"
Hermione certainly wasn't expecting him to say that. "Yes, of course," was all she could manage to say before Harry put his hand on her arm and whispered intently, "So yes, before you ask, I am alright today."
"Oh," was all Hermione could say again before adding, "I tried to find you last night but you weren't in."
"That's because I was out," Harry laughed.
Hermione giggled. "Alright, smart arse! Sev said George told you about Blaise and..."
"Yeah, I met George for a drink after his meeting with Severus," Harry sighed. "Bit of a shock, but, well, she can do what she likes, and anyway I'm hoping to be moving on myself later. Did you hear about Draco and Adrian?"
"Yeah, and Draco's already with Luna. I can't believe it. Talk about bed hopping." Hermione's hushed tone in the empty corridor made Harry chuckle.
Harry leant up against the wall. "Well if it wasn't for Draco going off to get Luna, and then Luna going off to ask her if she wanted to go with me tonight, I wouldn't have my date, so I should be grateful. But talking of bed hopping,' he said conspiratorially, "Professor Sprout was berating Neville at breakfast for unbecoming conduct, which I believe may have something to do with him smuggling Adrian out this morning."
Hermione joined Harry against the wall; a sight reminiscent of their schooldays, which now felt like an age ago. "It's strange, isn't it? All those years of Neville boring us with rigid with tales of Norwegian water plants, and now he's found someone he can talk to about them to his heart's content," Hermione said with a light-hearted laugh.
Harry smiled and nodded before tilting his head towards her. "Do you think there's someone for everyone out there, or is it just complete luck?"
Hermione pondered this and shook her head slowly. "I don't know, Harry. I really don't know. I think sometimes we look too hard, and sometimes they're right under our noses."
"Well it's wasn't hard for you to be..."
"Don't you dare say anything about Severus' nose!" Hermione hissed as she slapped Harry's arm. "I'll have you know I love his nose. It's very talented."
Harry screwed up his face in disgust. "If you mean what I think you mean I really...I mean, I'm pleased you're happy together and he's been alright recently, but please...I now have an image of him between...oh I hate you. I really, really hate you."
Hermione laughed as she observed the range of expressions falling across Harry's face. "Anyway, who's your date?" she asked, moving the conversation along.
"Who I should have taken to the Yule Ball in the first place," Harry said distractedly. He pushed himself away from the wall and smiled. "I really have to go, but I'll see you tonight."
Hermione stood there and watched him walk away until it dawned on her who he meant. "Cho?" she called after him. Harry turned round and walking backwards said "Now I know why they call you the brightest witch of the age!"
"I will expect a dance tonight from you, Mister," Hermione snarked playfully.
Harry stopped and bowed dramatically. "Of course. I'm still shit though!"
"How did your interview at the Prophet go this morning, dear? " Molly asked from the salon chair in between Hermione and Angelina.
Narcissa had given Hermione details of the hair and beauty salon she frequented...she said they were terribly discreet...and so far the three witches had enjoyed a facial and were currently having manicures and pedicures whilst their hair was being done.
"I thought it went quite well after Severus toned down the sarcasm," Hermione replied, almost moaning as the witch behind her began to give her a scalp massage.
"Nervous, was he?" Molly asked with a smirk.
Hermione giggled. "He'd never admit it, but yes. Gods, Ginny doesn't know what she's missing," Hermione sighed.
"Oh don't talk to me about that, young Madam," Molly grumbled. "And certainly don't talk to me about Ronald. He's upset Bill and Fleur now. And George isn't happy with him, is he Angie?" Angelina shook her head.
"Even Percy is losing patience with him. Charlie's just keeping out of it. Anyway, if Ginerva would prefer to spend the day with her new beau, so be it, although something doesn't sit well with me about that young man. He's got lovely manners but..." Molly paused and sighed deeply. "I think it's probably because he's not Harry."
Hermione gave Molly a watery smile in the mirror. "Harry's going to the ball with Cho Chang."
"He went out with her before Ginny, didn't he?" Angelina asked.
"Yeah, and it didn't go well!" Hermione said knowingly.
"Oh, that is bothersome," Molly exclaimed. "I was so hoping tonight might at least lead to them talking again. You're their friend, dear, do you know what went wrong? Ginny just said they realised they wanted different things."
Hermione was pleased there had been no mention of Lucius, but swallowed hard as she composed her answer. "I think they both want the same things, but they're not sure how to get them. Ginny wants Harry, but not Harry Potter, the Chosen One. And he wants Ginny, but he wants her to accept him for who he is. Except I don't think he knows who he is."
Molly sighed deeply. "I've known Harry since he was eleven and you're right, he doesn't quite know who he is. He has no links to his parents apart from that dreadful woman..."
"He does," Hermione interrupted. "He's got Severus. Sev gave him the grand tour of all his and Lily's haunts and took him to her house and school on Wednesday. If it didn't help him find out about his mother it certainly helped him find out about his final link to her."
"You know, I always forget that the problems started because of Lily. The boys just didn't understand how those two could be so close," Molly said, sighing once again. Angelina looked at Hermione as they could both tell Molly was feeling very down at the moment.
"Well, what's done is done," Hermione said, not wishing to drag up old arguments. "The point is, Severus is trying really hard to be there for Harry now...he still needs a little nagging, though," she said with a smirk.
Molly brightened considerably. "I think it's lovely, especially as Harry and Ron disliked Severus so much."
"And Severus gave them plenty of reasons to dislike him. He was such a bully at times," Hermione admitted. "I'm under no illusions...I love him more than anything, but he's still a bastard at times, and his ability to hold a grudge is implacable. But I don't think being a spy and a teacher mixed very well."
"I bet it was really hard for Prof...Severus, to teach Harry as well," Angelina said quietly before adding, "He was always hard on us; he wasn't like our favourite professor and he loved his Slytherins, but he's bloody good at Potions."
"At least Severus had his reasons...Sirius was just a spoiled brat," Molly reminisced. "You know I shouldn't say this, but I used to enjoy the arguments between Severus and Sirius at Grimmauld Place. It was obvious Sirius had never grown up, but Severus had. You could tell Severus was baiting him."
"That's my boy," Hermione chuckled, and then all three witches looked at each other in the mirror before bursting into peals of laughter.
As Molly composed herself, she looked at Hermione and said sincerely, "He most certainly is. And he adores you; that much is certain. Is he working today, or are all the preparations for the new year complete?"
"He did some work this morning after we got back, but he's completed everything he needs to for Monday," Hermione proudly stated. "He just likes to keep on top of the post. But against all odds, all the repairs are finally done and he managed to fill all the staff positions, which he was really worried about. So Hogwarts is fully functional. Even the house-elves are familiar with the new menus. All that's left is some final admin for the first year's, but that's being handled by Minerva, anyway."
"I am pleased for him," Molly said almost affectionately. "I expect he's desperate to forget about last year. You know, I do feel so guilty for ever doubting him."
"He knows everyone had reasons to doubt's one occasion where he refuses to hold a grudge," Hermione said wistfully.
"So is he meeting us at the flat?" Angelina asked as she inspected her hair, just as the mirror told her she looked amazing.
"Yes. He's got a mystery date with Lucius. I think I know where they're going, but do you realise I haven't even seen what he's wearing tonight?" Hermione groused before her mirror told her she would be turning heads. For all the wrong reasons, she thought to herself. She was starting to feel nervous about how everyone would react when they found out about their relationship.
"It'll be black, dear," Molly teased, chuckling when Hermione rolled her eyes.
"Your hair looks lovely, Molly," Hermione told her sincerely, and giggled when the mirror concurred.
Angelina added, "Arthur's a very lucky man...he won't know what's hit him."
An evil smirk drifted across Molly's face. "Oh he will, because it's usually me!"
Once again the sound of laughter could be heard from the three witches as they continued with their afternoon of pampering.
Hermione would have been pleased to know that Severus had been where she thought he was.
"Are you sure it's alright?" Severus asked with a worried tone in his voice, as he and Lucius left the oldest barbers in wizarding London. Based in Diagon Alley, like Ollivander's, it was a family run business that had been trading for over a thousand years and served many of the great and the good...or not so good, of the wizarding world.
"Do you honestly think I'd let you out of there if it wasn't? You will be seen with me tonight and I wouldn't allow you embarrass me," Lucius chuckled mischievously. "And besides, it has been shorter."
Severus huffed. "When?"
"When you were fifteen," Lucius stated as he strode off in front of his friend. "No, I like it. And it's not that short. You can still hide behind your hair when you want to sulk, and you do look younger."
"Hmmm. Will she like it?" Severus asked, now feeling a little vulnerable. Despite his bravado earlier, he was starting to feel nervous about formally revealing his and Hermione's relationship tonight. What he'd heard in Diagon Alley earlier had shaken him, because although he was a private man, he could swallow down any harsh words sent in his direction. But to hear that people were directing vitriolic comments towards Hermione had shocked him.
Severus knew there was no turning back, but he was wondering how best to protect Hermione tonight when Lucius snapped him out of his thoughts.
"So it was her that told you to get it cut?" Lucius laughed heartily at this.
"No! Well, not in so many words. She mentioned the length..."
"And we are still talking about your hair here, are we?" Lucius smirked, raising his eyebrows in amusement.
Severus glared at him, but then his eyes softened and he said smugly, "Of course...she's never complained about the length of anything else."
"And I have heard the screams to prove it," Lucius groused.
Severus put his arm around Lucius' shoulder and whispered, "Never mind, old man!" before continuing. "No, she mentioned how long it was and then she did the 'You know I love you' trick."
"Always advisable to listen to that one, though," Lucius conceded. "Although with Narcissa, that usually meant 'I've just spent 10,000 Galleons on something frivolous'."
Severus wasn't sure why he suddenly blurted out, "Hermione knows about the business."
Lucius turned and looked at Severus, having sensed a note of disquiet in his voice. "And? She was always going to find out. Worried she's going to bleed you dry?"
"Gods no!" Severus snapped. He was annoyed at Lucius' inference, but also annoyed with himself for raising the subject so that Lucius could make the inference. Hermione would find out his plans for it eventually. He just hoped she would approve.
"Hermione's not like that at all," Severus continued. "She's never accepted any money from me when she's gone out or shopping and Merlin knows I've tried. Hell, we almost had a row over who paid for the coffee this morning. She lets me buy her presents but she's made it quite clear that she has her own money from a deal she did over her parents' dental practice."
Lucius snorted. "Well then! At least she's sensible, unlike my bloody son."
Severus raised his hand to stop Lucius' diatribe. "Before you go any further, I need a drink if you're going to moan all afternoon," he said with a smirk.
Lucius nodded his approval. "Excellent idea. Let's go and annoy Thickie on the way and drag him to the pub."
"He'll be busy," Severus grumbled as he watched Lucius stride off up Diagon Alley.
"A man has to eat," Lucius announced haughtily.
Severus couldn't argue with that. "Indeed. So what's Draco done now?"
The Head of Magical Law Enforcement was sat behind his desk, sporting a wicked grin.
"And this couldn't wait until later?" he asked the woman stood before his desk.
"You're working later," Narcissa smirked as she walked around his desk and leant against it in front of him.
"Narcissa, my secretary is..."
" lunch...and it will be a long lunch at that," Narcissa reassured him smoothly.
"Darling, you can't just..."
"What? Oh you've got to loosen up a little, Pius," she drawled seductively. "I only told her you were going out, so she may as well take advantage."
He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply. "Alright, show me."
Narcissa leant forward and kissed his forehead, but rather than summoning one of the many expensive looking bags she had with her, she started to slowly undo her jacket.
Pius knew he should fly out of his seat and stop her, but as he looked up and saw the fire burning in Narcissa's eyes, that thought rapidly dissolved. Besides, he needed a distraction after the morning he'd had. Not only did he have a massive security detail and operation to control tonight, he had to make sure that Harry Potter's plan for Ronald Weasley ran smoothly.
So if Narcissa wanted to show him her new underwear, he wasn't going to complain...much.
"Narcissa, for Merlin's sake, we could get caught," Pius groused teasingly.
"And? Shut up and kiss me," she purred as she removed her jacket to reveal a tight black satin basque, which as he was about to find out had matching knickers. Pius took a moment to appreciate the way the basque pushed up her breasts, his eyes then lowering to take in the sight of lace at the top of her stockings.
"You're right, this can't wait," he growled as he cast a quick silencing spell and picked Narcissa up.
Narcissa wrapped her legs around Pius' waist as he attacked her mouth. Lying her on his desk, he pulled her forward so her beautifully sculpted buttocks were slightly over the edge before frantically undoing his waistcoat and shirt, whilst Narcissa reached forward to work on his trousers.
Knowing time was of the essence, he pulled her knickers to one side and immediately attacked her sex with hot, hard sucks and licks to her deliciously tempting wet folds. Narcissa's stockinged legs draped over Pius' shoulders as she pushed herself up on her elbows to watch her lover pleasuring her. Her moans of pleasure spurred him on, and she almost cried out as his tongue plunged into her channel. She grabbed hold of his head, entangling her fingers in his hair as she pulled him into her, encouraging him on his endeavour. Pius was making her squirm as his tongue teased and licked, flicked and probed her silky smooth cunt, and as he slid his finger into her welcoming wet heat, she cried out loudly. He continued his dexterous assault and smirked as she called out his name.
"Pius," she cried breathlessly.
"Yes, darling," he mumbled before withdrawing his mouth from between her legs.
The sight before him caused his already throbbing cock to harden beyond anything he'd felt for a very long time. Narcissa's eyes were heavy and full of lust; her pale skin blushed as she panted and trembled from his vigorous ministrations. He continued watching Lady Malfoy gulping for air as she regained her composure before issuing a definitive order.
"Fuck me."
"So does he know you know how much he's spent?" Severus asked as the two wizards strode purposefully through the halls of the Ministry of Magic towards Pius' Offices.
"He knows the account had a trace on it when he was at school. And I admit it should have been removed when he was eighteen, but we've all been a little preoccupied!" Lucius drawled.
Severus snorted. "So if technically you shouldn't know what he's spent, why are you concerning yourself?
"It's not the amount that he's spent," Lucius grumbled. "It's the fact that he's spent it on Luna. He's dipped his wick in the witch on a handful of occasions...repeatedly last night...and he's buying her 8,000 Galleons worth of jewellery. He had a boyfriend yesterday, for Merlin's sake."
"I think she'll be good for him," Severus said thoughtfully.
"She better be," Lucius groused. "I do think he's rather...what's that Muggle phrase you use? Jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire?"
Severus nodded. "Well he's a big boy now. I just hope he doesn't mind me telling him that he can't shag a student on school grounds unless they're engaged," Severus smirked.
"Oh don't mention the engaged condition, for fuck's sake. He's likely to do something stupid," Lucius snarked as they walked into Pius' suite of offices, "Oh damn, that nice secretary of his isn't here."
Severus huffed. "Is that all you think about?"
"No, but have you suddenly become blinkered to the opposite sex since Hermione came into your life?" Lucius teased.
Severus huffed. "Of course not. I often bombard Hermione with my accidental musings over one witch or another. Besides, I actually preferred that intern he had here a few months ago."
"Oh she was nice," Lucius agreed. "Once upon a time I'd have banged her over this very desk," He said as he leant against it. "However, I'm actually considering a period of celibacy until I can sort my feelings out for...well, you understand?"
"All too well," Severus agreed, as he remembered his personal vow when he realised he felt more for Hermione than he should have done all those years ago.
Severus walked towards Pius' door and was about to put his hand on the handle when Lucius said quietly, "I believe she'll be attending this evening with her husband.
"I don't know what I'm going to do, Sev," Lucius told him, swallowing hard to suppress the sudden rise of emotion he was experiencing. Severus sighed deeply and walked back to his friend. He leant up against the desk that Lucius was already leaning against it.
For all those who thought of Severus as being cold and unfeeling, they were correct, in the most part, except when he genuinely cared about someone. But for so many years, the threat of every memory he had being used against him; against those he cared about, caused him to construct defences that even Voldemort couldn't break.
Severus would be the first to admit that his relationship with Lucius had suffered after Voldemort had returned. Lucius would tell Severus everything, but he could only lie in return. He tried to warn Lucius that he was heading for Azkaban but being a Malfoy, he, of course, knew better. It wasn't that Lucius had agreed with Voldemort completely anymore; in the end he was only interested in the preservation of his family. He had, after all, been brought up to follow Voldemort, but once he realised he needed to get out it had been too late...he'd been in too deep.
And then there was Bella and her own brand of twisted cruelty. She hated Severus as much as he hated her, but given that she was Narcissa's older sister, he had to pull away from the family as much as was seemly. Bella was mad, but she wasn't stupid, and in some respects he feared her more than Voldemort. So all Severus could do was stand by and watch, unable to show any attachment other than in the implied service of their shared master.
But as Severus leaned up against Pius' secretary's desk with Lucius looking utterly dejected, he put his arm around his shoulders, realising that their friendship was back to the way it had been when Draco was small.
Severus couldn't imagine what Lucius was going through without his soulmate. It had been bad enough not making love to Hermione for two days, and they lived together, but to face a life without her was something he couldn't even contemplate now.
Severus cleared his throat nervously as Lucius put his hand on his thigh and mumbled, "Thank you."
If it had been anyone else, Severus would have scolded them, asked them what the hell they thought they were doing and hexed them appropriately. But even if Lucius did harbour more than just platonic feelings for him, Severus wasn't about to push him away.
Severus sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose, contemplating whether what he was about to say was appropriate. And then he thought to hell with it. If the boot was on the other foot, he knew Lucius would do the same for him. "Come and find me if the draw is too much and I will endeavour to cover for you both."
Lucius slowly turned his head to look at Severus "I cannot ask you to..."
"Lucy," Severus said earnestly, "I cannot imagine being without Hermione, and I can't comprehend how you're coping with this. So," he said exhaling sharply, "if you need some time with whoever she is, just let me know and I'll cover for you. You don't have to tell me who she is, but I'll maintain you were with me."
Lucius squeezed Severus' thigh in appreciation. Nothing more needed to be said, and Lucius stepped away from the desk quickly. Despite his unrequited feelings for Severus, Lucius had always prized their friendship and wasn't about to ruin it by giving in to his urge to kiss Severus.
The urge didn't happen often, but Lucius knew his emotions were off kilter at the moment and needed to enforce some distance between them. He walked towards Pius' office door and was about to place his hand on the doorknob, but stopped as a familiar voice was heard calling after Severus.
"Ah Severus, I thought I'd catch you here," Arthur called as he entered the office. Lucius stepped away from Pius' door, acknowledging Arthur almost pleasantly.
"The Ministry is full of rumours about you being spotted with a young lady who resembles Hermione, and that you've had your hair cut. I'm sure not which rumour is attracting the most attention," Arthur added distractedly.
"Well they are better rumours than I'm usually subjected to," Severus smirked.
"We should always be grateful for small mercies, I say," Arthur said jovially before continuing with an air of concern. "Anyway the reason I'm glad I've caught you is, how's Hermione? Molly said she had a bit of a cry when she visited yesterday."
"She did mention it," Severus said sheepishly. "She's much better today, thank you."
"Good. It happened to us before Bill was conceived," Arthur admitted. "We didn't have a clue what was happening until we found out that our soul bond was messing with Molly's hormones."
"What are you on about?" Lucius enquired.
"Hermione had a magical outburst yesterday," Severus told him, watching as panic set into Lucius' eyes, the blond wizard now wondering if his soulmate would suffer in the same way.
"It seems that part of the soul bond destabilises the witch's magic at that time of the month until a child is conceived," Arthur said, trying to not to chuckle at the look of consternation on Severus' face. It wasn't funny...he knew that from experience, but it still amused him to see the usually unflappable Severus Snape, so worried.
Severus let out his breath slowly. "I just don't want it to dictate our plans."
"Very sensible, which is why I brought you this. I was going to give it to you tonight but it's probably better that I give it to you now," Arthur said almost excitedly.
"The mother-in-law used to brew it for Molly. It worked pretty well. She was still moody but it helped soothe her magic. Anyway, I hunted out the instructions for you," Arthur told Severus before handing the piece of parchment to him and adding jokingly, "Do you think you can handle brewing it?"
"It's alright, Arthur, if I get stuck I'll ask Hermione for help. Her bastard of a Potions master keeps insisting she study a broader range of potions," Severus said sardonically.
"He's quite good, I understand," Arthur teased.
Severus smirked. "He's adequate," before adding sincerely. "Thank you Arthur. I...we appreciate this."
"My pleasure," Arthur smiled. "Now on an even more serious note, Molly said she refused to talk about my son's behaviour on Monday. Is she..."
"It shook her," Severus informed him simply.
Arthur nodded, concern was etched on his face. "I just pray he behaves himself tonight," he said dolefully.
"A sentiment we all share, Arthur," Lucius stated calmly.
Arthur considered this for a few seconds. The blond and dark haired wizards' expressions remained impassive, neither giving away that there were plans afoot to teach his son a lesson.
Finally Arthur said, "Well I best get back to work but I will see you later. Oh, and thank you, Severus, for escorting Molly here this evening."
Severus nodded courteously. "I will endeavour to deliver her in one piece."
The older wizard just smirked, but before he bade Severus and Lucius farewell, he said, "Pius is in, by the way. I saw Narcissa go in there about twenty-five minutes ago."
Lucius looked up at Severus with a wicked smirk and Severus knew exactly what to do.
Severus walked up to Pius' door and cast a quick detection spell. He turned around and summoned a chair, placing it six feet away from the door and sat down. Lucius followed suit.
"What spells did you detect?" Lucius asked in a hushed tone.
"No need to whisper; it's a two-way silencing spell...they can't hear us. There's no locking spell on the door, though, so we could just walk in, but this is more fun," Severus drawled.
"Gods, we haven't done anything like this since Rabastan's twenty-first," Lucius said almost excitedly.
Severus snorted. "And even then you didn't do were too busy trying to arrange a buy one, get one free deal with the proprietor."
"Well, that Russian witch was rather special, and I was already paying over the odds for Rabastan's entertainment. I thought it was the least Old Mary could do," Lucius groused.
"She ran a brothel, not a bloody charity," Severus snarked.
Lucius became lost in his thoughts as he reminisced about that night. They'd been high on some potion Severus had brewed, and a group of them had dragged Rabastan down to Knockturn Alley after he admitted he hadn't had sex for a year. "Was it you or Mulciber who asked her if he'd made her cum?"
Severus' laugh rumbled deep in his chest as he recalled the event. "I believe I may have made such an enquiry of the witch. I also recall, shaking my head in disappointment at Rab when she said 'no', and walking off to show my disdain."
Lucius couldn't help himself and burst out laughing, but suddenly had to control himself as Severus jerked his head toward the door as he noticed the doorknob twist. Both wizards assumed deadpan expressions and slouched nonchalantly in their chairs as if they had been waiting for hours.
Pius opened the door, still kissing Narcissa, who was in a much more respectable state of dress than he was. His shirt and waistcoat still lay open and Narcissa was running her perfectly manicured nails down his chest as they continued to kiss. They were so distracted, neither noticed the two surly and silent wizards.
"If you wear that tonight I might have to sneak off for ten minutes for a quickie," Pius muttered into Narcissa's mouth as he ushered her out of the door. It was then that Lucius broke the silence.
"Ten minutes!" He exclaimed. "Bloody hell, that's a disgraceful offering. Don't you agree, Severus?"
"Absolutely disgraceful," Severus drawled as he pretended to examine his nails.
"Oh, fuck off!" Pius snapped as Narcissa buried her face into his chest, unable to suppress her amusement or embarrassment at being caught.
Lucius snorted playfully. "Well I don't know, we come here, don't we, Severus, to see if the man wants to join is for lunch because we are aware he has a long day ahead of him, and he tells us to fuck off," he said indignantly.
"Of course, he may have already eaten," Severus deadpanned, but that was enough for Narcissa to swing one of the bags she was carrying at him.
Narcissa leant up and gave Pius a peck on the lips before announcing, "I will see you all later. Lucius, don't be late. You know I hate being late and I will hex you into next week if you embarrass me tonight."
"Yes, dear," Lucius drawled, and as Narcissa swept out of the office, he added, "We're bloody separated and she's still fucking nagging me."
Severus and Lucius then turned to Pius with expectant expressions, waiting for him to spill the beans.
"You can buy me bloody lunch for being such bastards," Pius groused as he did up his waistcoat before summoning his coat and striding past them. Severus and Lucius both summoned their impassive masks and followed behind their friend, but neither could look at each other for fear of laughing. After all, they had reputations to maintain.
Molly Weasley's day had been wonderful. She had been thoroughly spoilt by two of her favourite young witches, been in a London Black Cab, and was now sitting in the living room of Severus' very salubrious apartment in Mayfair, sipping a cup of tea.
She laughed as Hermione told her and Angelina about Severus' various reactions to the interior design ideas she'd shown him, and it dawned on her how much all of herchildren had changed.
Bill and Fleur were married with a baby on the way. Charlie was Charlie, and loved his dragons; she just wished he'd love someone human. Percy had grown up a lot; she just wished he'd come home more often.
George, well...losing Fred had been the worst day of her life, but it ripped George apart. She saw the sparkle die in his eyes as he looked at Fred's body, and it was only recently that she'd seen the occasional flicker returning. And that was solely because of the young woman sat on the sofa next to her, who was now telling Hermione about how George wanted to buy a purple velvet sofa.
Ginny was turning into a younger, more fiery version of herself, and that worried Molly greatly. She had hoped that Harry could have grounded her as Arthur had her. But the war had put these children through things they should never have been exposed to. Instead of the gentle, blossoming relationship she hoped her daughter to have, both Ginny and Harry had been through so much that their relationship had become a runaway train, and was now lying derailed at the bottom of a chasm. Molly just wanted to know what obstacle was placed on the track to cause the derailment.
But deep down, Molly believed Harry and Ginny would be alright, eventually. She just hoped they would be able to see that for themselves.
Then there was Ron. The end of the war had been hard on everyone, but Ron, at first, seemed to accept it with ease. He was immediately snapped up by Wimborne Wasps and immediately got down on one knee and asked Hermione to marry him. But the basis for the proposal had surprised Molly. The two had kissed once during the battle and already Ron began calling Hermione his girlfriend. At the time both Molly and Arthur thought Hermione asked him to wait because it was too soon. Now it was evident why, even if Hermione hadn't been sure at the time.
Yet, although Ron had professed his love for Hermione, he was never around to have the kind of relationship that Molly knew Hermione would crave. She needed an intelligent relationship where the conversation moved beyond what's for dinner, and Quidditch, so it came as no surprise to Molly and Arthur that Hermione called an end to the relationship. They tried to tell Ron it was for the best but his reaction had shocked them. His behaviour in general worried them and the family as a whole, and he was the topic of many late night conversations between herself and her husband. They felt like they were losing him and they couldn't understand why.
But neither Molly nor Arthur could lay the blame at Hermione's door because they both realised Ron was incapable of making her as happy as Severus did. Of course, on the outside, Severus hadn't changed much but if he let you, you only had to scratch beneath the surface to find a more relaxed, content man who was more than happy for Hermione to delve into his very soul.
No, Ron had a problem, and it certainly wasn't the young woman Molly was currently observing laughing with Angelina, the witches deep in conversation about how you can get a wizard to submit by threatening him with a cushion.
"I have to say," Angelina giggled nervously, "I'm surprised Severus' décor isn't either all black, or at least green and silver."
"I would hate to be so clichéd," Severus drawled as he walked into the living room, frock coat draped over his arm. He smirked as he noticed Angelina jump at the unexpected sound of his voice.
Hermione rolled her eyes without looking at him. "Do you always have to creep around?"
"I wasn't aware that I always did," Severus grumbled as he stood behind her, bending down to peck her on the cheek.
She still hadn't seen his hair, but Molly had, and was about to make a comment when Severus raised his finger to his lips. Molly just smirked and took another sip of tea.
"Well I must say ladies, you all look lovely," Severus said politely. "But if you will excuse me, I must go and get ready."
Just then, Draco walked in with Luna on his arm, looking like the cat that had got the proverbial cream. Severus looked a little shocked at their sudden appearance until he remembered that Draco still had a key.
"Hello, everyone," Luna greeted them cheerily. They were both already in their finery and Hermione did a double take as she noticed the large sapphire pendant Luna was wearing.
Stop gawping. Draco bought her it. Now come and get changed, she heard Severus say in her head.
"Help yourselves to whatever," Severus drawled. "Draco knows where everything is."
Hermione was already in the bedroom when Draco said, "Uncle, you've had your hair cut."
"Nothing gets past you, does it?" Severus chuckled. "May I say you look...enchanting, Miss Lovegood?"
"Thank you, Headmaster," Luna said sweetly. "You look very nice yourself, and you're not even ready yet."
Severus realised that he would have to get used to being taken aback by everything Luna said. But there was one thing for sure, when she put herself in the path of Ron Weasley later on, there was no way the Ginger Whinger would be able to resist.
As Severus walked into their bedroom, Hermione had her back to him, undoing her shirt. With a flick of his wrist the shower sprang to life in the en suite, and he leant against the wall, just watching her as he waited for the water to warm up. Muggle plumbing could be incredibly annoying at times.
Severus smirked as Hermione seemed to be in a world of her own. She was humming to herself as she sat on the bed and opened up the three jewellery boxes on the bedside table. As he watched her pick up her snake necklace, he realised that with her hair up, her neck would be exposed to him all night, and the thought of that sent a jolt of desire to his groin.
He watched as the necklace slithered round her neck. Hermione then rose and went to stand in front of the ornate full length mirror, before taking her bra off. Severus walked up behind her and she closed her eyes as he rested his hands lightly on her hips.
"You know, I am going to have trouble keeping my hands off you tonight, you sexy minx," Severus whispered before nuzzling her neck. Hermione leant into him, moaning softly as his fingers caressed her skin, and the tail of her necklace flicked against her.
"Don't feel you have to resist," Hermione giggled, as Severus grazed his teeth along the juncture of her shoulder and neck whilst his hands moved up to encompass her bare breasts. She gasped as his skilful fingers teased her nipples and opened her eyes to watch what he was doing in the mirror. It was then she did her second double-take of the evening. "You've had your hair cut."
"Took you long enough," Severus smirked against her neck.
Hermione turned round to face him. "I didn't think you would actually do it," she admitted sheepishly.
"I was going to do it soon just gave me a kick up the arse," he chuckled.
Without another word Hermione put her arms around Severus' neck, pulling him down for a kiss as she ran her fingers though the back of his hair. She pulled away and smiled before she told him, "It's about the length it was in my third year."
"How do you know?" Severus murmured as he recaptured her lips gently.
Hermione giggled and rested her forehead against his chest before looking at up him bashfully. "Well, because that was when I first dreamt about running my fingers through your hair."
Severus' eyes seemed to burn into hers. "Is that so?," he asked, as his voice seemed to drip mellifluously from the top of her head, down her spine, only to rest with an insistent throb between her legs. "Well, I distinctly remember the first time I saw you with your hair up like this and I would have done anything just to have placed a single kiss..."
He turned her round and allowed his fingers to deftly skim over her shoulders. "Just..."
He leant down only to pause; she could feel his breath caressing her skin as his lips hovered and she heard him whisper "Here," before he gently pressed a lingering kiss on the side of her neck just behind her ear. Hermione let out the breath she was holding as she anticipated his lips, and melted into him as he wrapped his arms around her again.
"Severus," she whispered breathlessly, "I..."
Hermione turned round, pulling him down and attacking Severus' mouth, desperately grabbing the front of his shirt, fumbling with the buttons before she lost patience and ripped it open before pushing it from his body.
"Shower?" he gasped as her teeth grazed his nipple. He hurriedly undid her jeans and began to push them down.
"I...I can't get my hair wet," Hermione panted.
"Fine. Get on the bed," Severus growled impatiently.
Hermione wasted no time in scrabbling to the bed, wriggling out of her jeans as she went before lying on the bed, propped up on her elbows watching as Severus' trousers and boxers suddenly dropped to the floor.
Before Hermione had time to take in the sight of her completely naked lover, her head was being pushed back by the force of his lips on hers. His mouth drifted down over her throat, her chest, and finally his lips brushed against her hardened nipples. Hermione gasped as her thigh registered how hard he was, but suddenly he withdrew his mouth from her breast and looked at her mischievously.
"Turn over; get on all fours," he whispered urgently and Hermione immediately complied; excited once again about sampling another new position with him.
Severus pulled her the edge of the bed and stood behind her; his cock bobbing underneath her completely smooth sex. How did I not notice that? he wondered to himself as he slipped his hand between her legs and gently caressed her mons.
"Approve, do we?" Hermione sighed as Severus' exploring hand teased her folds.
Severus smirked, and bending over so that his chest was in full contact with Hermione's back, he drawled silkily into her ear, "I don't actually care either way, but I would lying if I said that my tongue can't wait to fully appreciate it soon."
He turned her head, kissing her lightly on the mouth before pulling back and teasing her with his cock. He brushed the tip through her folds and over the cleft of her rounded backside, pausing as it ran over both of her entrances, teasing soft moans from her.
Hermione wriggled against him and instinctively stretched her arms out in front of her; her backside in a more prominent position. All that Severus wanted was beautifully presented before him. He had to admit, she looked delicious in this position.
His hand skimmed over her back, the lightness of his touch sending shivers through her before she felt him once again at the entrance to her soaking wet channel. She bit her bottom lip in anticipation, and feeling both his hands on her hips, took Severus completely by surprise as she pushed back onto him.
The unexpected feeling of sinking into her depths caused his breath to hitch and elicited a low rumbling moan from him. "Fucking hell, somebody wants it," he growled as she pulled forward and pushed back on him before he managed to take control, and began steadily but relentlessly plunging into her.
Soon Hermione was rolling her hips to meet his thrusts, crying out as he caressed her tight walls; her body relishing the new position with its new angles and sensations.
All too quickly though, for Severus at least, he found himself biting out, "I'm going to..." but that was as far as he got as his body shuddered to his release. Pulling out immediately, he muttered an apology before petulantly throwing himself down on the bed.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Hermione panted as she noticed the pained expression on his face. She scooted onto her side and stroked her fingers across his cheeks before sweeping back the hair that she noticed could still hide his eyes. She felt his arm across her back, pulling her towards him so he could kiss her forehead.
"I'm sorry...I didn't make were just so tight and..."
"Oh, get over yourself!" Hermione chided before straddling him; desperate to quash the stupid thoughts she knew he was having. "I loved it...feel free to do that again." She noticed the corner of his mouth twitch.
"You didn't come the other night and that was alright, so what's so different?"
Severus shook his head and whispered, "I don't know."
"There is no difference and besides, you need to get in the shower, I need to get cleaned up and get changed as we are rather neglecting our guests," she said, kissing him quickly on the lips before going to move off the bed.
Severus caught Hermione's wrist, pulling her to him before rolling her gently onto her back. He kissed her deeply and smiled as he pulled back to look at her. "I don't know what I would do without you," he whispered softly before kissing her again intensely.
"We're going to the Manor tonight, by the way," he said as he released her and sat up. "Anything you want to be taken up there, just leave on the bed and the house-elves will see to it." Before she had time to respond, he disappeared into the bathroom.
Hermione had forgotten quite how revealing her dress was until she was stood in front of the mirror, admiring it. She slipped on her shoes, still unconvinced that even with cushioning charms she would last the night in them, and was putting on the emerald jewellery Severus had given her for her birthday, when she called, "Sev, what are you wearing, by the way?"
"It's in the wardrobe," he replied with amusement as he turned off the shower.
Hermione opened her bag, pulled out a small box and as she opened it, she gave a satisfied smile. She snapped it shut before replacing another small box on Severus' bedside table with it. Then she couldn't help herself. She walked over and opened the doors of the wardrobe carefully.
There's a surprise! Hermione thought to herself as she looked at the back of the velvet formal coat. As suspected, it was black, as was the high collared double breasted waistcoat, but that was heavily embroidered with black and silver vine motif and on closer inspection, the edges of the coat had matching black embroidery. The white shirt had a double buttoned high collar, and finally the cravat was black silk yet had the same pattern as the coat and waistcoat, but in white, edged with silver. The lining was exactly the same shade of green as her dress.
She turned from the wardrobe as Severus walked into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, using another to dry his hair.
"I approve," Hermione informed him as she walked over to him.
"I knew you would," he smirked before actually taking time to take her in. "You look..." He paused, unable to find exactly the right words to tell her how beautiful she looked.
'What? Don't you like it?" Hermione asked in a panic.
"No...I mean yes...oh fuck! What I mean is...I still have trouble believing happening to me," he said, gently cupping her cheek and pulling her towards him. He pressed his forehead to hers and whispered sincerely, "You look incredible," before adding, "but as gorgeous as this dress is, I can't wait to get you out of it later!"
Hermione blushed profusely. "I can't wait either, but I better go and see to our guests. We'll have to leave soon."
"Alas," Severus sighed, kissing her nose lightly. "I said we'd meet Lucius and Narcissa there, and I'm not in her good books, so we'd better be on time," he added sheepishly.
"What have you done?" Hermione enquired suspiciously.
After Severus told her about ribbing Narcissa and Pius earlier, she didn't know whether to laugh or berate him for being childish. It seemed no matter how old they were, wizards never really grew up. She decided on the former. After the last few days, it was nice to see his mischievous side.
Hermione left Severus to get dressed and rejoined everyone in the living room.
Both Molly and Angelina had changed and were talking to Luna on the sofa, whilst Draco was talking to George and Harry, who had arrived together ten minutes before, about Quidditch training. Hermione just rolled her eyes as she went to greet the newcomers.
"Bloody hell, 'Mione, you look amazing," Draco declared, a little too enthusiastically for a now slightly self-conscious Hermione.
Harry greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and although he considered her to be his sister, he was still a man and knew when to think Severus was a very lucky one. He whispered cheekily, "I'm definitely dancing with you now."
"I don't think there will be many not wanting to dance with you," George chimed in as he leant in to kiss her cheek. "Severus better be prepared to share you tonight."
"I might be prepared, but only on the basis everyone keeps their hands to themselves. Are we all ready to go?" Severus drawled as he walked into the living room.
Hermione hoped no one actually noticed her jaw drop as she looked at him. She'd seen him in Muggle clothing...or naked...probably more than she'd seen him in all his buttoned glory since they'd been together, but tonight he looked amazing...every bit the pureblood aristocrat of a wizard that he wasn't.
She felt a twinge of possessiveness as well as a sudden desire to devour him, as she took in the sight before her. He was adjusting his cuffs and she heard him purr in her head, Thank you for my cufflinks. I will show my appreciation properly later.
Hermione blushed as all sorts of wicked thoughts flooded into her mind and she realised the tail of her necklace had begun to languidly stroke her skin. Severus just gave her a knowing smirk, as did Draco.
"Better send an owl to Father, then, and make sure he knows about the no touching rule," Draco chuckled as Luna joined them. George began helping his mother and Angelina on with their outer robes.
Hermione laughed. "He's already promised to keep his hands to himself."
"Darling, this is Lucius we're talking about. That kind of promise isn't worth the parchment that he'd never use to write it down on," Severus reminded her as he possessively placed his hand on the exposed small of her back.
Severus then turned to Molly and offered her his arm. "I promised Arthur I would deliver you in one piece; shall we?"
A moment, and several popping noises later, the flat was completely empty.
The Ministry of Magic was buzzing in anticipation as the great and the good of the wizarding world gathered to honour those who had ensured that the magical community was now entering a period of peace. Every effort had been made to ensure this was an elegant affair. The music was upbeat, the catering and décor was exceptional, the guest list was illustrious, but no one could hide the fact that this was also a solemn occasion, at least for anyone who had been directly affected by the war.
But the elegance of the event was of no concern to Pius Thicknesse as he strode along the corridors of the Ministry building. He was satisfied that all the wards were in place, and that his Aurors had been briefed thoroughly. He'd ensured the press were kept on a tight leash. But despite meticulous preparations, Pius was nervous. Narcissa had told him earlier that being nervous was a good thing; it was something his wife would have said as well. Still, it didn't make him feel any better.
As they arrived at one of the Ministry's Apparition points, Severus immediately looked for Hermione, who was clinging onto Harry as her stomach lurched slightly.
Are you alright, sweetheart? He asked in her head.
Hermione smiled and nodded shakily. Molly let go of Severus' arm and in a hushed voice said, "Hermione's looking a little green around the gills. I think she needs her man."
Severus nodded and spoke to Harry. "Mr Potter, could you escort Mrs Weasley, please?"
Harry immediately obliged and Hermione relaxed as Severus put his arm around her. "Are you sure you're alright?" he whispered, his voice full of concern.
"Yeah. I'm just nervous," she admitted quietly.
Severus smiled and squeezed her to her lightly. "As am I, but we deal with everything together, remember?"
Hermione gave him a watery smile and nodded as she wrapped her arms around him. "I love you, you know."
"I do, indeed," he replied, but realised Hermione needed him to say it back. Despite the public setting, he leant down and whispered against her ear, "I love you, too."
Argenius Proust was an elderly, officious wizard, who had been appointed as the official Wizard of Ceremonies for the evening. He was a stickler for etiquette, and this evening's guest list was creating more than a few headaches for him, especially with a sudden wave of partner swapping.
As soon as Draco and Luna entered the foyer, they were immediately accosted by the bumbling official.
"My Lord Black," he said, bowing, much to Draco's chagrin. "I find myself with a terrible dilemma..."
"Oh?" Draco clipped, looking and sounding very much like Lucius.
"You see, my Lord," the sycophantic wizard gushed, "with regard to the introductions for this evening, my instructions are to announce those who are to be honoured first. But as a Lord, etiquette dictates that you are announced before Miss Lovegood..."
Draco rolled his eyes. "Well, screw etiquette. Tonight is for Miss Lovegood, and I find it deplorable that you would raise this with me in front of my companion."
The wizard bowed deeply and stuttered, "Please accept my apologies, my Lord, Miss Lovegood."
Draco huffed and offered Luna his arm. "Let's find mother and father."
Narcissa smiled as they approached. "Beautifully handled, my darling," she said as she kissed Draco and air-kissed Luna. "Don't you agree, Lucius?"
But Lucius was too preoccupied to hear her. He was looking past Severus and Hermione, who were talking to Harry and Cho Chang, towards the Weasley family, who were greeting Ginny and Blaise, and Bill and Fleur. Narcissa looked at her ex-husband carefully and followed his gaze. She leaned up to whisper in his ear. "It's her, isn't it?"
Lucius looked at Narcissa, startled by her question. He had no response.
Narcissa patted him on the arm affectionately. "Be careful, darling," she offered before going to greet her sister, Andromeda. Lucius nodded dolefully before turning his attention to Draco and Luna.
Severus noticed Lucius' consternation, and had just excused himself from his conversation with Hermione, Harry and Cho to see him, when Minerva and Arthur rushed towards him.
"Severus, have you seen this?" Minerva asked, waving a piece of parchment in front of him.
"Unlikely. Stop waving it about, woman!," Severus groused. "What is it? You look splendid by the way, dear."
Minerva blushed, and Severus looked at Arthur to carry on.
"The press has just received this. It's a list of all posthumous honours and who is accepting them on whose behalf," Arthur said in a hushed tone.
Severus looked perplexed. "I understood there would only be a roll call."
"So did I, but Kingsley has decided otherwise," Arthur informed him with an air of annoyance.
"And this concerns me how?" Severus snarked. Hermione and Molly sensed the tension from their partners and excusing themselves from each of their conversations, went over to them.
"Most are fine," Minerva continued. "Andromeda's accepting on behalf of Nymphadora, Ted, and Remus; Harry's accepting on behalf of Sirius, and I'm accepting on behalf of all the pupils who fell..."
"But George is down to accept on behalf of Fred," Arthur said pensively as he felt Molly's anger rising. "It will break him so I'll do it, but..."
"Who have I got?" Severus groused exasperatedly, resigned to the fact he wasn't going to like what he was about to hear.
"You're accepting a special award on behalf of Albus," Minerva told him apprehensively.
Severus closed his eyes and swallowed hard. Hermione could feel his disquiet and grabbed hold of his hand and arm. Sweetheart, I'll do it...or we'll ask Harry or Minerva. Why have they asked you?
Severus opened his eyes and smiled at his witch before putting his other hand over hers. He squeezed it lightly, appreciating her concern. I would hope it's because I'm the current Headmaster, but I doubt it...
"It's just unacceptable to foist this on us. I don't know what he's playing at, but I'm going to find Kingsley now," Arthur stated, giving Severus a knowing look.
Severus nodded, understanding the meaning behind Arthur's expression. He bit the inside of his cheek as he pondered the situation.
"If Severus accepts the honours on behalf of the pupils, I will accept the one for Albus," Minerva offered.
"That would be acceptable," Severus said stoically. "Inform Proust and let Arthur deal with Shacklebolt," Severus told Minerva.
As his deputy left, Lucius joined them as he'd noticed the thunderous look on Severus' face. Hermione was relieved that Severus calmed quickly, but she had to stop Lucius from giving Shacklebolt a taste of his wand, when he heard of the situation. They both looked concerned as Hermione told them Kingsley seemed strange when she saw him on Wednesday, and Lucius went to ask her a question when she suddenly felt a hand on her arm.
"What's he doing with that bitch?" Ginny hissed, trying not to look at Lucius.
"Excuse me, but you're with Blaise. Ginny, you've left him. What was he supposed to do?" Hermione almost growled as Narcissa joined them.
"Come on his fucking own!" Ginny bit back.
Severus rolled his eyes at Ginny's comment. "Ginevra, as you saw fit to end your relationship, you are in no position to dictate who Harry can or cannot ask to accompany him."
"Since when have you taken his side?" Ginny snapped at him.
"Miss Weasley, friend of Hermione's or not, may I remind you whom you are speaking to?" Severus growled.
Ginny was about to answer back, but he just glared at her, daring her to say something else so that he could verbally beat her back down again. And what was worse, Lucius stood there, looking at her disapprovingly.
"Sorry, Sir," Ginny mumbled, lowering her head.
Hermione tried to break the tension. "I love your dress, Gin. Is it new?" she asked as she took in the long, elegant black number Ginny was wearing.
"Thanks. Blaise took me shopping this afternoon," Ginny mumbled, before adding, "I better go. Slughorn's just cornered him," and walking away dejectedly.
"Well, that was interesting. How long do we give Miss Weasley and Mr Potter before they're back together?" Narcissa pondered.
"For Harry's sake, I hope it's not for a while," Severus muttered distractedly. Hermione reluctantly had to agree with him.
"You almost act as if you care," Lucius drawled.
Severus chuckled lightly. "I never thought I'd ever say this but..." as he looked over at Harry and Cho laughing with Neville and Adrian, "I do."
Proust was flitting around the foyer, trying to herd all the recipients of honours into the correct order for him to introduce to those gathered in the main reception hall. The order was simple: Order of Merlin, Third Class; Order of Merlin, Second Class and finally, Order of Merlin, First Class. The only small problem was that out of the four people receiving the First Class honour, only three were present.
"Mr and Mrs Weasley, do you know where your son and his companion are?" Proust blustered as he checked his time piece.
Molly was taken aback. "Companion?"
"Yes. A Miss Alexandra Carson," Proust informed her as he consulted his list.
Arthur looked perplexed. "Oh, well, we look forward to meeting her," he muttered distractedly.
Proust looked at his timepiece again. "We'll have to start without him and hope he arrives before we reach Mr Potter, Lord Snape, and Miss Granger," he muttered to himself.
The introductions began, but were being held up by the press as they insisted on interviewing each recipient as they entered the hall. The Hogwarts teaching staff, who were receiving Order of Merlin, Second Class, were being introduced, when a concerned Molly asked Harry, Cho, Hermione and Severus, "Is he here yet?"
"Evidently not," Severus drawled as he placed a splayed hand on Hermione's back.
He was gently stroking her skin with his thumb as Harry sighed. "Part of me doesn't want him to show up."
Severus snorted. "We can live in hope."
"Too late," Cho whispered, before everyone was suddenly made aware of Ronald Weasley's presence.
"You're fucking joking. You dumped me for him?"
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