Mudbloods at Hogwarts | By : Gandalfs-Beard Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 291248 -:- Recommendations : 10 -:- Currently Reading : 17 |
Disclaimer: All rights to Harry Potter belong to Rowling and the relevant corporations--though I doubt they want anything to do with this one. I make no money from the publication of this work. |
Stormy Weather
Draco wasn’t sure how much sleep he had managed to get with Crabbe’s or Goyle’s cock in his mouth, but he had woken up so many times during the night, he reckoned that he had slept an hour at best. Annoyingly, Crabbe and Goyle seemed to have slept much better, judging by their snores nearly every time he had woken. Draco was freezing his arse off—literally—and he hated himself for hoping that one of them would wake up and piss in his mouth again.
It had been the longest night he had ever known as the hours had crawled by so slowly he felt as if it had been days. He shook his head again to remove the load of snow which had accumulated since the last time he had shaken it off, and was relieved to see the storm clouds lightening, despite the heavy snowfall seeming to get even worse in the driving gales of wind.
Finally! It was almost over!
That told Draco that they had been in the cage with snow piling atop them roughly seven hours. … Seven hours! … Seven bloody hours with either Crabbe’s or Goyle’s dick in his mouth!
At least it was breakfast time at Hogwarts and soon someone would come along to rescue them. And then Draco realised with horror that it was Saturday morning and that a load of students would brave the blizzard just to watch the receptacles being…
“NO!” Draco yelped, releasing one of his mate’s cock from his lips. “Oh c-c-crap! N-not that!” he moaned, stuttering from the terror as much as the cold. “P-p-please! Not that!” he begged, already seeing a number of figures rising from the deep snowdrifts
“W-wuzzup?” groaned Crabbe or Goyle sleepily.
“Huh?” muttered the other one.
“N-n-not that!” Draco whimpered again.
“W-w-wat’r you on ab-b-bout?”
Against the brightening sky—well, bright was a relative term given the dark storm-clouds above—Draco could see the shapes forming into three ice-sculptures, and surrounding them, several snowmen. He scrambled to his feet, panicking, kicking one of his friends in the face, and sending the mountain of snow which had been piled on the lot of them flying.
“OI,” yelled Crabbe, “W-w-what’re you doin’?”
“G-g-get back here and s-s-stick your willy in m-m-my mouth,” shouted Goyle.
“L-l-look!” said Draco, crying out to be heard over the howling wind and pointing through the flurries of snow.
Crabbe and Goyle looked, their eyes bulging in shock, and quickly clambered to their feet. Draco was already attempting to run through the two-foot high snowdrifts towards the gate of the cage. Crabbe and Goyle waded along right behind him. All three of them began ineffectively shaking the frozen bars of the steel gate and yelling.
“Help! Help!” shouted Draco, shivering violently as he was ripped away from the bars by the Ice-Dragon.
Crabbe was dragged away by the Ice-Minotaur and Goyle by the Ice-Unicorn. The three first-year Slytherins were hurled face-first into the snow and hands made of ice lifted them by their waists. Their bums wriggled in the air and the lot of them started screaming, even before the violation began. And each boy had a snowman standing before them and lifting their faces from the snow.
The bell-end of the barbed ice-cock of the Ice-Dragon pressed against Draco’s anus and he shrieked loud enough to wake the dead. His shrieks were suddenly cut off by the roughly hewn frozen snow-dick of a snowman.
The Ice-Dragon’s enormous ice-cock penetrated his sphincter, freezing his rectum almost instantly, the barbs raking his inner-walls. The icy snow-dick of the snowman scraped his throat as it brutally plunged in deeper. The ice-sculpture of the Dragon was all the way inside Draco now. Paying no heed to the boy’s muffled screams it began to saw in and out of his arsehole.
Draco flailed uselessly, unable to prevent the savage assault at both ends, pummeling his bum and his face. His now frozen throat and bunghole were painfully and relentlessly fucked for nearly ten minutes before he felt icy semen squirting into his bowels and stomach. His eyes widened with shock, seeing only the frosty belly of the snowman.
What the hell? Spunk? In an ice-sculpture? And to make matters worse, when the snowman pulled out, still spurting, Draco received a faceful of cum which froze to his cheeks and forehead. Miserably, Draco went limp, his face burning with humiliation—despite the cold—at being shagged and forced to swallow semen and take it up his arse again.
And when the Ice-Dragon and snowman had finished with Draco, the Ice-Minotaur and another snowman took their place. For nearly an hour in the snowstorm it went on and the sky was as bright as it was ever going to be, covered as it was by coal-grey clouds. His throat was chafed and frozen from the course, lumpy ice-penises of the snowmen and the pain in his battered rectum would have been agonising if it weren’t already numb from the bitter cold.
When the first students began arriving to watch the show, expecting to see the Receptacles being raped by snowmen and ice-sculptures, Draco wondered why he hadn’t frozen to death yet and wished that he had.
Through his stupor, he heard girls giggling and guffaws of laughter at his plight. And then the snowballs started raining down on him…
“Maybe we should throw snowballs at them and bet on who gets the first ten in a row,” Susan Bones giggled. “Just like Malfoy and the Weasleys and Zachariah did to Sophie and Katie.”
“That’s a great idea!” said Hannah, beaming at her fellow Hufflepuff.
“Sounds good to me,” Parvati chortled. “What about you guys?” she asked the others.
“Of course!” said Lavender without hesitation, grinning.
“We’re in,” said Padma, glancing at her housemates. Cho and Marietta both nodded.
“Why not?” Penelope laughed and shook her head.
“What will we bet though?” asked Susan, feeling a bit embarrassed. “I forgot. You need money to bet, and I don’t really have any money.”
“That doesn’t really matter, does it?” said Penelope kindly. “We can just keep score and whoever wins gets big hugs from all of us...”
“..and kisses,” said Hannah, peering at her friend perceptively.
Susan’s eyes widened and she bounced up and down on her toes gleefully and said, “Ooh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
The girls all giggled and rolled up snowballs, then began chucking them at the three Slytherins. They all fell rather short except for Cho, whose snowballs hit their mark—Draco—twice, due to her keen Seeker’s eye and reflexes. Cho glanced at the others.
“You know, this isn’t really fair,” she said reasonably. “I’m the only one who’s done any sports. Why don’t we use our wands instead.”
“Oh, ta Cho!” said Parvati, beaming at the second year Ravenclaw.
“We’ll be able to hit them loads of times then,” said Susan, her eyes gleaming, and she was already brandishing her wand. “Thanks Cho!”
“You’re welcome,” said Cho, grinning at the little Hufflepuff. “That’s the idea anyway, isn’t it?”
The girls all giggled and moments later snowballs hurtled like missiles, many more hitting their targets. The gusts of wind carried with them Draco’s screams, and then Crabbe’s and Goyle’s when the snowmen plundering their throats pulled out. Something that looked very much like sperm to Susan drooled from Draco’s mouth and froze to his chin.
Another snowman lifted Draco’s head and his shrieks ended when it stuffed its frozen-snow-cock into his mouth.
Students came and went, laughing uproariously at the sight of the three naked Slytherins being plundered by ice-sculptures and snowmen, but not willing to endure the blizzard for too long. But the girls remained, toasty warm as they were in their enchanted parkas. Everyone landed dozens of snowballs on the three naked boys.
Lavender and Parvati and Cho won a lot of the rounds, but nobody won more than Susan who was determined to get back at Draco, wishing she could get back at the Weasley Twins too.
And true to their word, everyone gave Susan loads of hugs, and she was thrilled and surprised when they all gave her loads of rather steamy kisses on her lips. She had only been expecting kisses on her cheeks, and was a bit puzzled. She didn’t think that any of the others liked girls that way.
Hannah grinned at her after giving her a nice long kiss too and Susan was struck with a funny feeling.
“Was it you?” she whispered, “Did you tell them that I liked girls?”
“It’s okay, isn’t it?” Hannah whispered back, suddenly looking worried. “They’re all nice, and I was sure none of them would be mean to you about it. I didn’t think you’d mind if they all gave you proper kisses.”
Susan hesitated, then kissed Hannah back.
“I don’t mind at all,” she said, “Thanks Hannah. They all gave me really nice kisses. It almost felt like they actually liked it.”
“To tell you the truth, I think they did,” said Hannah shyly, “I know I did—”
“Well, I never!” a shocked voice gasped, interrupting Hannah.
Everyone looked up to see Professor McGonagall standing behind them with the headmaster, his long silvery beard whipping in the gale-force wind. The crowd of students surrounding the girls all backed up a bit, looking sheepish. Professor Dumbledore simply sighed and rubbed his crinkled forehead as the falling snow swirled around him.
“We’re not in trouble, are we?” asked Penelope, “We thought—seeing as they were in the cage—”
“No, no,” Dumbledore assured them, sighing again when he heard Draco Malfoy screaming. “Of course you’re not in trouble. It would seem that half the school was enjoying this… this...”
“Spectacle?” said Professor McGonagall tartly, raising her eyebrows.
“Ah, yes!” said Dumbledore resignedly. “That would seem to be a fitting word. ... In any case, as I was saying, most of the students seemed to be quite enjoying themselves, including many Slytherins apparently. If Theodore Nott hadn’t informed me, who knows how long this would have carried on until I or one of the professors noticed?”
Then, with a wave of his wand, all of the ice-sculptures and snowmen which had been raping the three young Slytherins vanished. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle collapsed into the deep snowdrifts, some of which had reached up to four feet by this point. Dumbledore shuffled through the snow to the gate, followed by a livid looking McGonagall. Susan wasn’t certain, but she could have sworn that Professor McGonagall had given them all a sly wink as she strode by...
“ least Draco and his friends will make a full recovery,” said Dumbledore. “Whoever did this had the forethought to cast temporary charms ensuring that the boys would not be damaged to any great degree and that they would be protected from the elements. … Though, of course, the compulsion collar would have protected Draco from the cold anyway.”
“Nonetheless, this is outrageous!” snarled Lucius Malfoy, banging his fist on Dumbledore’s desk, and Fawkes let out a squawk in response, ruffling his scarlet feathers. “...And preposterous! How? ... How was this possible, Albus?”
“Clearly the girls had outside help,” said Dumbledore calmly, stroking his beard in thought. “And yet the only help which readily comes to mind is Harry Potter and the Granger girl.”
“You can’t be serious?” said Warlock Malfoy incredulously and the portrait of headmaster Black snorted in agreement. “Potter and Granger? … Two first years with absolutely no training whatsoever? The enchantments you placed on the cage can only have been broken by someone highly skilled. And the Trace...impossible to break!”
“Not quite impossible, Lucius,” Dumbledore pointed out. “As you must surely recall from our search for the horcruxes, Tom Riddle, at only sixteen years of age, apparently managed to manipulate his own Trace in order to cast blame for the murders on his uncle.”
Warlock Malfoy pursed his lips.
“True, true,” he agreed. “But Riddle was extraordinarily well-versed in magic—more skilled at that age by far than most adults. … Potter and Granger, though? ... It’s nonsensical on its face!”
“I concur,” said Dumbledore, “But every one of the professors is above reproach—they have all served Hogwarts faithfully for many years. And Hagrid is devoted to me. Even Mr Filch—despite being a Squib—he delights in punishing the muggleborn students most of all.”
Malfoy scowled.
“Speaking of which—what of the students? Perhaps some of them—”
“The only one even approaching the skills necessary is Percy Weasley, and he is angling for a position with the Senior Undersecretary when he completes his studies, in the hopes of one day being Minister himself. … He himself has participated in making good use of the Receptacles during his time at Hogwarts, as have all of his siblings.”
“But… Potter and Granger,” said Malfoy, sounding more moderately skeptical now. “That just seems so… unlikely.”
“Indeed!” Dumbledore sighed. “But you saw the results of Harry Potter’s handiwork yourself. His power—”
“Raw power—untrained. It was a bloody mess, what he did that night!”
“Yes! ... But think, Lucius—think of what his magic did manage to accomplish by sheer Will and Intent alone. He destroyed all the charms I had placed on the cage in the Great Hall! The compulsion collars—they could not contain him. He not only shattered the magic of his own collar—which are nigh unbreakable but by myself and our unfortunately departed Severus—Harry Potter obliterated Granger’s as well…
“And my Dementor—annihilated! … Harry Potter has achieved the impossible—that which no other wizard in the historical record has accomplished. … Is it truly so difficult to believe that his Intent alone also broke the hold of his and Granger’s Trace? … After that night—knowing what his magic could accomplish, even without the use of his wand—well, surely you must concede that he might now have some inkling of how to put that magic to use...”
Malfoy paled as he carefully considered Dumbledore’s words. Then he nodded.
“Yes...yes! I see it now, Albus—the strength of his Will—even without a wand to focus and direct his magic—that level of power certainly would have the potential to force the direction of Intent towards the desired target or goal—”
“—as young Tom Riddle did at an even more tender age,” Dumbledore nodded. “He made great use of wandless magic during his time at the orphanage, albeit on a far smaller scale.”
“Then what you stated in the interview with Skeeter—”
“Is more true than even I had believed,” Dumbledore sighed, looking out of his partially frosted over window at the blizzard still raging outside. “Unleashed, Harry Potter is the most dangerous wizard in Britain...”
An entire stretch of craggy rock-face from the nearest bit of cliff collapsed and fell—seemingly in slow-motion—into the surging waves as the others peered through the downpour, all looking very impressed.
“I did it! … I can’t believe I did it!”
“Fantastic!” Sirius called out to Harriet, loud enough to be heard over the wind and the rain and the crash of waves against the dwindling shore. “What did I tell you, Remus?”
“Yes! Quite so!” said Remus, his soggy moustache twitching as he raised his eyebrows at Sirius. “To cast such a strong Bombarda at her age—not mention so skillfully aimed—Harriet hit the target perfectly.”
“Yeah—she’d probably be a brilliant Seeker, with that sorta focus and reflexes,” said Dora, chuckling as she watched Hermione pounce on Harriet and give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“You really think so?” asked Harriet, grinning. Rainwater sluiced from her nude figure as she and Hermione drew nearer.
“Don’t be so modest,” said the equally nude and wet Hermione, poking Harriet in the ribs, “Professor McGonagall and Oliver Wood both thought you’d be quite a good Seeker once you’d had a bit of practice. That’s what you told me they said, anyway.”
“I suppose,” said Harriet, blushing and looking very embarrassed. “I wasn’t trying to brag, really!”
“I know you weren’t bragging, Harriet,” said Hermione, some of her drenched ringlets blowing across her face. “It just came up—it’s not like we had anything better to do but talk when we were alone in that horrid cage.”
Harriet raised her eyebrows, grinned, and leaned in closer so the others couldn’t hear.
“Well, we did come with a couple other nice things to do in the cage whenever we could manoeuvre into a half-way decent position.
It was Hermione’s turn to blush, then she and Harriet heard Remus saying, “Dora’s not wrong—nor McGonagall or this Wood boy you mentioned.”
“It takes a lot of focus and good hand-eye coordination to be a Seeker,” said Sirius, beaming at Harriet as his saturated hair flapped around his face. “After seeing you hit that target—well, your father would be very proud. … He was a Chaser, but he was a fairly decent Seeker himself whenever he had to fill in. We’ll have to find you a few Snitches so that you can practice—”
“And maybe a quaffle?” said Dora eagerly. “I’m rubbish at being a Seeker, but me and Hermione could toss around a quaffle while Harriet’s Seeking.”
“Maybe a Bludger too?” said Sirius, then he caught Remus’s eye, “Joking! … I’m just joking!”
Harriet breathed a sigh of relief; she wasn’t sure that she liked Bludgers very much. Wood had mentioned that they had never killed anyone at Hogwarts, but that hadn’t reassured her very much when he had also mentioned in the very same breath that some students had ended up with a few broken jaws during school matches.
“Alright then,” said Remus, “It’s Hermione’s turn now, and judging by her skill at transfiguration, I expect her focus might be quite as sharp as Harriet’s.”
“Oh no!” Hermione moaned anxiously at the thought of having to live up to Remus’s expectations.
“Don’t worry! You’ll be brilliant, Hermione,” said Harriet, her wet ponytail whipping in a particularly strong gust of wind and rain. “You’re loads better than me at transfiguration. You’ve got lots of concentration.”
“I suppose,” said Hermione doubtfully. “You’ve got much better aim than me though.”
“You’ll do just fine, Hermione,” said Dora—who was as wet and naked as Harriet and Hermione—as she massaged the younger girl’s bare shoulders. “You just need to relax.”
“But I’m dreadful at relaxing,” Hermione insisted.
Dora’s drenched blue hair swept across her face when she turned around and glared at Remus and Sirius.
“Oi—go hide behind a rock for a minute. And no peeking.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” said Sirius earnestly. Then he and Remus disappeared behind a rocky outcropping which reached from the bluff to the stormy sea.
“Right, Harriet, you ready to help me get Hermione good and relaxed?” said Dora, grinning at the other wet girls.
“Of course,” said Harriet, returning the grin.
“W-what are we going to do?” Hermione squeaked nervously as she sat on the wet sand, the rain pelting down on them harder than ever, if possible.
“Nothing we haven’t done before,” Dora replied nonchalantly as she gently pinched and tugged Hermione’s rock-hard nipples.
“Oh,” said Hermione, feeling rather silly for even asking—that feeling was quickly forgotten, replaced by the tingles of pleasure as Dora tweaked her nipples more vigorously, rolling each between between her thumbs and forefingers.
Hermione’s breath quickened, the tingles growing stronger when Dora squeezed her breasts, still toying with her nipples, and heard her say, “Harriet? You wanna take care of down below?”
“Love to!” said Harriet, giving Hermione a kiss; then Harriet knelt in the sand and Hermione parted her legs to give Harriet access.
Hermione leaned back against Dora’s breasts and sighed happily when the blue haired girl drew her closer and began nuzzling her neck just under one of her ears—heavy raindrops beating against her skin—peppering her face with a hundred kisses—cascading down her front like a waterfall and between her breasts which were still firmly in Dora’s grasp—rushing to meet the hands slipping across her wet abdomen—Harriet’s hands—converging between her thighs and streaming from her vulva into the hard, wet sand.
One of Harriet’s hands slid down Hermione’s slick belly, following the path of the waterfall to cup her smooth mound. An almost electrical shock jolted her when Harriet’s fingers grazed the stiff little pearl which was peeking out from its hiding place.
Hermione bit her lip and let out a little moan, her abdomen rippling at Harriet’s and Dora’s touch and the caresses of the rain.
Harriet’s fingers slipped into the crescent between Hermione’s thighs, fondling the petals before entering the aperture leading to her interior. The inner-walls of her heated channel clenched tightly around Harriet’s fingers when she thrust them inside.
Hermione had really come to enjoy the constant state of arousal produced by the enchanted candlestick whenever they went out in public, but she much preferred to feel Harriet’s warm digits inside her rather than cold, hard silver.
Dora’s kisses grew steamier, her lips engulfing Hermione’s as she mauled the younger girl’s breasts.
Harriet probed deeper into Hermione’s humid sheath, stroking the inner-walls which clung to her fingers, and she leaned forward until her face was between Hermione’s thighs. She nibbled Hermione’s clitoris with her teeth before sucking on it and twirling it with her tongue.
Harriet’s naked bum waved in the air, her exposed pussy taking the full force of the downpour. Her bottom wriggled even more at the sensation of the cold, driving rain pelting her heated vulva. When Hermione quivered and moaned and clamped Harriet’s head between her thighs, Harriet felt a surge of euphoria and climaxed too.
Hermione’s thigh muscles slackened, releasing Harriet’s head. Harriet grinned at Hermione, whose juices were now mingled with the rainwater on her face.
“Feeling relaxed now?”
“Mmm,” Hermione replied, a blissful smile on her own dripping face.
“I’d say that’s a yes,” Dora chortled. Then she yelled back at the rocky outcropping. “Oi—Hermione’s nice and relaxed now!”
Hermione blushed, not quite able to look Sirius and Remus in the eye when they emerged from behind the boulders.
“Alright Hermione,” said Remus pointing at a spot on the rock-face of the cliff which was at the rear of a large overhang, “Now, you know the spell—you’ve already practiced the weaker version—give it a go.”
Hermione raised her wand and aimed.
“Bombarda Maxima!” she shouted.
The curtains of rain rippled where the spell passed through them. Hermione held her breath. The section of cliff she had aimed at exploded into a large cloud of dust and flying rocks. Then everyone held their breaths, watching to see if anything else would happen.
A loud, deep, groaning sound could be heard over the thrum of rain and crashing waves. And Hermione also felt the rumble of even lower frequency soundwaves—too low for the ears to pick up—in her belly and under her feet. The rear of the massive overhang cracked. More pieces of stone—some of them as large as boulders—fell from the crumbling gap, and the overhang slowly peeled away from the craggy cliff-side and collapsed into the foaming waves pummeling the base of the bluff.
The small group of witches and wizards broke into whoops and cheers, except for one who was still staring through the downpour at the place where once had been tonnes of stone jutting from the rock-face of the cliff.
“That was brilliant!” Harriet shouted, jumping up and down with glee. “I knew you could do it!”
“I’ll say!” yelled Dora, who was equally exuberant.
“Excellent, Hermione!” said Remus to the young witch who was still in shock. “Very well done! See?… All it took was good aim at just the right spot and concentration.”
“I-I didn’t realise...” Hermione trailed off then found her voice again. “That was a lot more powerful than I expected. I mean, Harriet’s Bombarda took out an entire stretch of cliff—and I didn’t think I’d even come close… I didn’t, of course—but still—that bit of cliff was as big as a building...”
“A two storey building, I would say,” said Sirius. “Anyway, that’s a Bombarda Maxima for you. It’s powerful enough to collapse a decent sized building if you hit a load-bearing part of the structure—you did as well as most adult wizards could—including me or Remus. … Harriet though… Her Bombarda would have taken out half of Hogwarts without even having to aim it at any particular spot if she wanted to.”
“Quite so,” Remus agreed, nodding. “Harriet could turn an entire rampart or one of the smaller towers to rubble—enough to pull down another rampart and a few more towers with it.”
“Anyway,” said Sirius. “It’s probably best if we don’t take out any more of the cliff—you and Harriet can just go back to practicing with the smaller spells now that you know how to do this one. … Now how about we get out of the rain and get some lunch. … Fish and chips and burgers sound good?”
The three young witches all indicated their assent, then Sirius and Remus clambered over the outcropping of wet boulders again to give Harriet and Hermione (and Dora) a bit of privacy for a few minutes.
The young witches all grunted a bit as they inserted the charmed silver artifacts into their vaginas. There were a few blissful gasps and moans as all three climaxed one by one, brought to a peak by the vibrations and the twisting and thrusting of the candlesticks inside them.
“You were right, Dora,” gasped Harriet, who looked like she was about to have another orgasm. “It was loads easier to learn and practice without these things in us.”
“Still,” said Hermione thoughtfully, “We really ought to—ooooh—unh...” She clutched at her pussy and shuddered and gasped, taken by another surge of euphoria. “...We really ought to practice spells with them in us. After all, we’ll probably have to do spells when we’re in public at some point.”
“That’s true,” said Dora, who was rubbing at her clit with a sultry expression on her face.
They walked up and down the seashore a bit until they plateaued at a comfortable level of arousal which they could control.
“Alright Sirius, Remus,” Harriet yelled, “we’re all ready to go now.”
Sirius and Remus returned from the other side of the rocky outcrop, pleased to see that the Illusory Attire Charm was working as well as ever. Then there were several loud cracks and the island was as uninhabited as it had been before their arrival.
It had been about two weeks since their night at the movies, and Harriet and Hermione had learned quite a lot of spells in that time, practicing some of the larger and more dangerous ones on the island.
“We’ll get you both up to speed on magical theory later,” Remus had told Hermione when she had asked. “For the time being, Sirius and I have agreed that it’s best for you two to just learn and practice as many of the most important spells—especially the defensive ones—as quickly as possible so you can look after yourselves in a fight if it becomes necessary.”
Over lunch, everyone now warm and dry, Sirius and Remus expressed how pleased and impressed they were at how quickly the girls were learning. Hermione and Harriet both flushed at their guardians’ continued high praises. Finally, Dora told Sirius to shut up.
“What?” said Sirius, looking wounded. “Can’t we tell our girls how proud we are of them?”
“’Course you can,” said Dora, sprinkling some more vinegar on one of her pieces of battered cod. “But enough’s enough! Blimey—can’t you two see you’re embarrassin’ them?”
“Oh!” said Sirius, “Sorry! We just thought, erm… the... er… candlesticks...” He trailed off, glancing at Remus, their own faces reddening.
Harriet relaxed and returned to her hamburger, and Hermione dipped a chip in some ketchup, both relieved when the conversation turned to more casual and innocuous things. They had all finished and were washing their lunch down with Cokes or fizzy lemonades when Sirius gave them some interesting news.
“I was just thinking,” he said. “How would you like to visit with some other girls. I think you know at least one of them—Katie Bell. She was a second year in Gryffindor.”
“Oh!” said Harriet, her eyebrows popping up. “Yeah—I do know her. Oliver Wood introduced me to her before all the horrible stuff happened—she’s on the quidditch team.”
“I think I saw her around the common room,” Hermione added. “I never really met her though.” Then she took another sip of her fizzy lemonade and frowned. “Shouldn’t she be at Hogwarts?”
“About that,” Remus chimed in, peering at them a bit awkwardly, “Yes, she should be. Unfortunately, she’s a muggleborn, and so is her friend—”
“Wait—you mean...?” Harriet paled, feeling a bit ill.
“Oh no!” said Hermione, looking very distraught. “They took our places, didn’t they? … as Receptacles?”
“Yes,” said Remus, nodding. “I’m afraid so—but please—you mustn’t feel guilty for escaping. The whole Receptacle business has been going on for years. You weren’t the first, and you won’t be the last—”
“—Until we put an end to this nonsense, anyway,” Sirius growled. “At least we’re finding a few more supporters to join the Order—your other friends’ parents for example.”
“And a Slytherin family too, surprisingly enough,” said Remus, “the Greengrasses. … Anyway, to get back to business, some of your friends at Hogwarts and McGonagall and Flitwick broke the girls out of there about two weeks ago—”
“And Dumbledore’s probably replaced them already, too,” Sirius interjected darkly.
“Er...Quite so!” said Remus, “So feeling guilty for other kids replacing you two won’t do you any good. As I was saying, two weeks ago they were broken out, and now they’re being looked after. … We thought if you and they had a chance to hang out together a bit, it would do you all a bit of good to have a few more friends outside of Hogwarts.”
“Yeah! Okay!” said Harriet without hesitation. “We’re alright really—we’ve got Dora—but if it’ll make Katie and the other girl feel better to have more friends, we ought to do it—” She glanced at Hermione and Dora. “—er, if you two don’t mind, that is.”
“’Course not. We’d love to,” said Dora at the same time as Hermione said, “Of course we don’t mind, Harriet.”
“Good! … Very good!” said Remus. “We were thinking it might be nice to visit tomorrow. … Now, this is the sticky part—the people who are looking after them are just about the kindest people you could ever hope to meet—it’s just… well, erm... they already have some kids of their own who were at Hogwarts—kids you won’t have very good feelings about—”
“But they’re getting exactly what they deserve,” said Sirius, who appeared to be just as anxious as Remus. “I promise—they’re being punished good and proper for what they did—”
“It’s the Weasleys, isn’t it?” Harriet sighed resignedly. “Their mum and dad are looking after Katie and the other girl, aren’t they?”
“Er… Yes, actually!” said Lupin, looking a bit surprised. “How did you—?”
“Just a hunch, really,” said Harriet. “Their kids and Draco Malfoy are some of the ones who were the worst—”
“There were other particularly awful ones, of course,” Hermione explained. “But they were the ones we were most familiar with, being from Gryffindor. It just seemed that they were the most likely ones you would feel uncomfortable telling us about.”
“Yeah,” said Harriet, giving Hermione a half-smile, “That’s it—what Hermione said.”
“Anyway,” said Hermione, her eyes narrowing slightly, “Of course we still want to help Katie and the other girl. … But when you said they’re being punished, does that mean they’re at home at the moment?”
Sirius was about to say something when the waitress approached the patio table. Harriet and Hermione stiffened slightly.
Being utterly naked in public in a perfectly ordinary muggle setting such as a busy street in London, or at a pub in a little Welsh town near the sea (where they were at the moment) was something they would never really get used to. They glanced at each other nervously to reassure themselves that all the waitress was seeing were three perfectly ordinary thirteen or fourteen year old girls in perfectly ordinary muggle clothes. Dora seemed rather nonchalant about the whole thing.
“Anything else for you then? … Ice-cream perhaps?” the waitress asked.
“Soft-serve?” asked Dora.
“’Course,” said the waitress, smiling. “Three 99’s then? ... Or five?” she asked Sirius and Remus.
“Three will do,” said Remus, returning the smile warmly.
They waited for the waitress to come back with three ice cream cones with chocolate flakes poking out of the side of the swirl, and resumed chatting once she had gone.
“Er… Where were we?” said Sirius, “Ah, right—well at the moment three of the boys are at home, but they’re all being kept out of sight in their own bit of the house to make Katie and the other girl feel as comfortable as possible.”
Curiosity got the better of Harriet.
“What are the punishments, anyway?” she asked, looking almost eager.
“I hope it involves being naked in cages,” Hermione muttered before taking a bite of her chocolate flake.
“Funny you should say that,” said Sirius, grinning. “As it so happens, it does indeed. It involves a lot more than being naked in cages though. According to Arthur, they’re getting a taste of their own medicine.”
“Good!” said Harriet and Hermione in unison.
“So, er… will we get a chance to see them? ...being punished, I mean,” asked Hermione hopefully.
“Certainly, if you want to,” said Remus, raising his eyebrows.
“Brilliant!” said Harriet, a big grin spreading across her face.
“We’d love to,” Hermione added, nodding her bushy head and taking a lick of her ice-cream.
“See?” said Sirius, smirking at Remus. “What’d I tell you? I knew they’d be up for it.”
“Indeed!” said Remus, his moustache twitching with amusement, and a few light sprinkles of rain pattered against the umbrella over the table...
“Hey, Dad,” George called out through the curtain, “Dad… Can you hear me?”
“I hope he doesn’t,” Fred grumbled, shivering as the rain began to fall again. “My arsehole is still feeling sore—”
“No worse than mine—not after being buggered by that monstrosity of yours again,” said George, wishing that Fred would just shut up already. “There’s no point whinging about it all the time. We’ve got weeks to go yet—”
The velvet curtain was pulled back and Arthur Weasley peered sourly at his sons.
“What is it, boys? … And don’t bother asking for food again, Fred,” said Dad when he saw Fred open his mouth. “You’re eating whatever the so-called ‘Receptacles’ ate for as long as you’re in this cage. … Anyway, George, you had something to ask me?”
“Er… Dad, I think we’ll be needing a Beater’s Bat, and a broomstick.”
Dad rubbed his forehead and sighed.
“I had a feeling we’d be getting around to those sooner or later. … Butterbeer bottles, firewhiskey bottles, and wine bottles, bottle-brushes, toothbrushes, hairbrushes—the bristly end, candlesticks, figurines, trophies, kitchen utensils—thank God you at least had the sense not to use knives—tree branches… I’m starting to lose track...”
Dad shook his head and sighed again, looking distraught.
“The things you tortured those girls with over the years. … You boys are just lucky that McGonagall managed to get a hold of Dumbledore’s secret modified Impervius spell for me, or you’d be doing some serious damage to each other. … Should I even ask what else you’ll be needing after this?”
“About a dozen Snitches,” said George. “Icicles charmed not to melt—we’ll probably have plenty of those in a few weeks—”
“Okay, okay,” Dad held up his hand, “I didn’t really want to know everything all at once—I can’t handle it—that was a rhetorical question.”
“There was food,” said Fred, ignoring his father, his face lighting up, “We’d save bits of everything from meals—even stuff like mashed potatoes—and stick it all up their, er… well, you know—and make them eat it and lick it out of each other...”
“Enough!” said Dad sharply. “If you’re so desperate for proper food that you’re willing to eat it after it’s been up your bums, I’m more than happy to oblige. … I’ll bring the Beater’s Bat and the Broomstick and leave it in the cage with you—you can use them on each other tomorrow too—and you’ll have your dozen Snitches and some food as well—which you will ONLY eat after it’s been up your bums...”
A thoughtful expression crossed Dad’s features—it looked somewhere between hopeful and disappointed.
“I don’t suppose you used small animals—like rodents, let’s say?”
George cringed.
“Where d’you think Ron got the idea from?” he said in a small voice.
“GAH!!!” Dad began tearing at his hair, then he halted and stood tall, his nostrils flaring, his face full of resolve. “Very well then—as it turns out, that might also be very entertaining for the girls tomorrow—”
“What girls?” George’s eyes widened in horror.
“Don’t worry about Ginny—she has no wish to see you in your present state. And the other two—Katie and Sophie—are far too traumatised by your heinous antics to watch you perform. … I’m talking about Warlock Black’s girls—”
“Oh—them!” George muttered dejectedly at the idea of having an audience. He had forgotten all about Mum and Dad mentioning them a few weeks ago.
“Yes—them!” Dad snapped. “Apparently they’re all too thrilled by the prospect of watching you torment each other...”
Then he whipped the enchanted curtain closed and stalked off to find the required items while the wind picked up and the rain turned into a downpour.
George sat down miserably next to his naked brother and they both huddled together for warmth, growing wetter and wetter.
“Black’s kids!” Fred scowled, tugging at his slave-collar as if hoping he could take it off. “They weren’t at Hogwarts and they oughtta have been in at least first or second year. So what’d’you reckon? … Raised and home-schooled by an old girlfriend, maybe?”
“Dunno, Fred!” George sighed. “Does it really matter?”
@ Oxnate: Hopefully you make it this far so you can see my response to your reviews.
First, thanks for the kudos on the first chapter, I'm glad you enjoyed that one. :-)
Second, there are other muggleborns, but they come up later (which you may have seen if you've read this far.
Third, there's very little scat play in this story (also which you will have seen if you did make it this far), but there is a whole load of pee play. Here's hoping that it didn't put you off the story entirely. And thanks for your reviews. :-)
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