Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Both Sides.
CH 34 The Sorting
The students stood muttering nervously amongst themselves, a few looking in Lou’s direction, but no one spoke to her.
Not that she cared, she was too busy thinking about the fact she would be getting sorted in front of the whole school. She felt like bolting for the door and was just looking round for it when Professor McGonagall stepped in.
“The Sorting Ceremony is about to begin. Follow me and keep an orderly line.” She told them.
The students followed, Lou dragging along at the back as the Professor led them into the Great Hall. Lou had seen it before, but never full of students like this. There were four long tables and they were full, everyone sitting on long benches at either side. Lou tried to keep her eyes forward and she saw another table set high on a dais. The teachers table. She caught a glimpse of jet black hair and knew immediately it was Severus. But she didn’t make eye contact with him, he was talking to another Professor, besides, she wasn’t supposed to know him at Hogwarts.
“Good luck Lou.” Whispered a voice to her right.
Lou turned her head to see Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny grinning at her and she smiled back at them, relieved to see some friendly faces.
When the line of students finally stopped, Lou looked at Professor McGonagall, , who place a four legged stool on the floor with a dirty, patched and frayed witches hat set upon it.
Lou and several others started slightly when what she assumed was a rip in the hat, opened and the hat began to sing.
'Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuff s are true
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!'
Lou listened along with everyone else in the hall until it finished, then everyone at the tables started clapping.
Professor McGonagall stepped forward and picked up the hat. She had a long parchment in her other hand and began reading out names.
As each name was read, that particular student stepped forward and sat on the stool. The hat was placed on their head and would shout out the house they were chosen for. The student would then go sit at that table to the cheers and applause of their new house mates.
Lou noticed that sometimes the hat took a while to make it’s decision, at others it called out the name of the house before it even touched the persons head.
She hoped she would be one that took a while, so she could ask it to put her in Ravenclaw. Failing that, Gryffindor.
She shuffled from one foot to the other as she waited her turn. Her leg was aching like mad again, and although she had a bottle of potion in her pocket, she didn’t much want to take it stood here in front of everyone.
‘Dammit.’ She thought, then flicked her eyes at the head table in case Professor Snape heard her thoughts, but he didn’t seem to be paying any attention to her and she relaxed a bit.
“Thackery, Miles.” Professor McGonagall called and the last first year stepped up to the stool to be sorted.
Lou chanced a glance behind her and Hermione and the others gave her a discrete wave before she turned back at the sound of her name being called.
“Nilsen-Black, Louhi.”
Her foot dragged on the floor as she made her way to the stool and she kept her eyes fixed firmly on the floor. She could hear every scrape of her foot, every tap of the cane, and it sounded loud in her ears. It was a relief to sit on the stool though and the hat was lowered onto her head.
‘Aha.’ The hat said in her head, making her jump.
‘A proper young lady we have in our midst’s. Now where to put you.’
‘Please, put me in Ravenclaw.’ Lou told the hat in her mind.
‘Ravenclaw eh? Well you’ve got the brains, and more than enough knowledge in that head of yours. Brave too, you’d do well in Griffindor.’
‘Gryffindors good too, but Ravenclaw would be better. I don’t mind which.’ She told the hat.
‘You have a darkness about you too, a yet unseen power that has yet to be unleashed, crafty too I see. You would do best in Slytherin, you have cunning, lots of it. ’
‘No I don’t, honest. Ravenclaw, I have to go in Ravenclaw. Please, I’ll be in so much trouble if I don’t get in Ravenclaw.’
‘Trouble? I doubt that. No one argues with the sorting hat, I am the one who knows best.’ “SLYTHERIN.” The hat shouted.
‘No.’ Lou thought to it. ‘No please, you’ve got it wrong.’
But the hat was lifted from her head and the Professor was urging her to go and take her seat at the Slytherin table.
Lou had no choice but to obey. She chanced a look at her friends again and they didn’t look too pleased.
The Slytherins didn’t cheer much for her either. Not like they did for the others that were chosen for their house. Those that did offer applause or shouted were soon silenced by a look from the head boy.
So Lou sat at the end of the table, the only space left open for her, as everyone shuffled to fill up the spaces.
She stared at the golden plate on the table in front of her and only looked up when the hall went quiet again.
The Headmaster was standing, smiling down at everyone.
“Welcome, welcome everyone. To those of you who have returned, and those who are new to us, welcome. Let the feast begin.”
The tables were suddenly filled with such an array of food that Lou was taken aback by it all.
“So, we meet again.” The voice of the Bloody Baron said beside her.
“Go away.” She whispered. “I don’t like you, you know that.”
“Ah, but you’re in my house now, I am the resident ghost of Slytherin, or had you forgotten?”
Lou didn’t get chance to answer as he flew down the table, greeting older students and scaring the wits out of the new ones.
“He’s creepy.” Said the first year next to Lou. “How come he already knows you? Your new aren’t you?”
“We met once before, I didn’t like him then either, he scared the living daylights out of me.” She told the young boy with a smile.
He chatted with her for a while as they ate, but one of the older students whispered something in his ear. He turned red and stopped talking to Lou.
She looked down the table and saw Draco Malfoy and several others smirking at her. It was clear they intended to make things difficult for her while she was here.
So she concentrated on her food. She even managed to take her potion without many noticing, not that anyone asked her what it was for.
Lou dare not under any circumstances, look up at the head table. She knew without a doubt that Professor Snape was most likely mad as hell that she was in Slytherin.
The fact that she’d pleaded with the hat would make no difference to him. She knew him well enough to realise that.
She sat through the feast in silence, and when it was over, the Headmaster stood and made his announcements. When he said the first years were to follow the prefects to their houses, Lou wasn’t sure if she was meant to go with them, or wait with the rest of the students. Of course, no one volunteered the information, so she waited and stood to follow when everyone at her table rose to leave.
She followed them into the dungeons corridor, grateful that she didn’t have to humiliate herself by asking for help to climb the stairs. She would have liked to have hung back, to talk with Ginny and the others, but she was struggling to keep up as it was and daren’t loiter.
When they stopped, someone said a word Lou couldn’t hear and they all climbed through a narrow portal with serpents carved round the doorway.
She was last in and struggled over the high step, but she managed by hanging onto the doorframe and stepped inside.
Most of the older students made their way down another corridor, appearing for a while on a high balcony before disappearing from view again.
She moved to stand with the first years, to see what happened next.
“Not you Black.” Said a voice she really didn’t want to hear. “That talk is for first years only, you come over here.” Malfoy told her from his place on a large green leather sofa.
He was sitting with five other students who looked to be around his age and she hesitantly made her way to them.
One of them, a pretty girl with long blonde hair, said something under her breath and they all looked at Lou and started laughing.
The first years were being led down the corridor by a couple of prefects, and Lou was left on her own with Malfoy and his friends.
“Can you tell me where my room is please?” She asked a dark haired boy she’d not noticed before.
“Your room? You mean your dormitory.” He answered. “You only get your own room here if your head boy or girl.”
“Oh. I thought …where do I go then?”
“Right now, you go nowhere.” Malfoy spat. “We have a little score to settle, you need to learn some manners.”
“Not from you I don’t. I wont let you bully me, you or your friends.” She told him, in a much braver voice than she felt. ‘Shit they’re gonna kill me.’ She thought.
Malfoy’s eyes hardened and he got up and stood right in front of her. “Definitely by me you cheeky little bint.”
He stepped so close to her that Lou was forced to take a step back.
But he kept taking more steps until Lou was standing with her back to a wall and could go no further.
When he pressed his body hard against hers her eyes widened in terror, especially when he ground his hips against her.
“Get off me.” She told him.
“I think not, I quite like it here.”
Lou tried to push him away but he swiped the cane from her hand and grabbed her arms.
She notice the dark haired boy making his way over to them and breathed a sigh of relief, thinking he was coming to help her. Instead, he picked up the cane, twirling it in front of her and grinning.
“You let me go, get off.” She said, struggling against Malfoy while trying to keep her balance. She knew damned well she was probably going to fall flat on her face if he let her go now, but Lou would rather that than the way he was grinding an obvious erection into her.
“Oh yes, keep wriggling about like that and I’ll have you on the floor with your legs wrapped round me in no time.” He said, causing the others to laugh and Lou to redden.
“Please, I’m sorry I was rude to you on the train, let me go.” She said, knowing there was no way she could get out of this if she kept trying to make him let her go.
“I haven’t finished with you yet. My father mentioned you would be arriving today, he did not mention however that you are a cripple.”
“I’m not a cripple, I just have a bad leg.”
“So I noticed, what happened to it?”
“None of your business.”
He narrowed his eyes at her then turned to Zabini, who was still twirling Lou’s cane. “You hear that Blaize? It’s none of my business, shall we see for ourselves do you think?”
“Why not?” The dark haired boy grinned, stepping closer. Malfoy kept his body pressed against hers as Zabini reached down for the hem of her skirt.
Just then the door opened and a tall dark shadow loomed over them.
“What is going on? Mr Malfoy, I take it you are up to date with your new duties?”
“Yes Sir.” The boy told him, now standing slightly to the side of Lou but still holding one of her arms. “The new girl dropped her cane, I was just helping her stand while Blaize picked it up for her. We’re not too clear though who’s dormitory she’ll be sharing, otherwise we would have gladly shown her where to go.”
Blaize Zabini passed the cane to Lou and she shrugged Malfoy’s hand away before staggering away from him.
“Is this correct miss Black?”
“Yes Sir.” She told him. The last thing she needed was to make them hate her even more, she needed to handle this on her own somehow.
“Very well, follow me. The rest of you, get to bed. You have classes first thing in the morning remember.”
When Lou followed the Potions Master, she realised it was a different door to the one she’d come through and it didn’t have a step. This one led to a study and he indicated she sit on the chair in front of the desk, while he seated himself behind it.
“So, do you wish to tell me exactly what was really going on in there?”
“I …I dropped my cane and …”
“I want the truth, not the bull that came from Malfoy’s mouth. Look at me when I am speaking to you miss Black.” He demanded, his voice raised.
Lou jumped and looked at him. His eyes were boring into hers and she started to tremble. “I told you, I dropped my cane.” She said quietly.
He slammed his hands loudly onto the desk, stood and walked round it, his face set into a mask of anger. “Then perhaps you would care to explain instead what you are doing in Slytherin house.”
He waved a hand at the door, warding it and placing a silencing charm.
“How many times did we go through this. You had ample amount of time to persuade the hat to put you in Ravenclaw, Merlin, even Hufflepuff would have been preferable to this. What the hell did you think you were playing at?”
“But I did, I tried, honest. It wouldn’t listen. As soon as it shouted Slytherin the Professor took it off my head, I didn’t want be in Slytherin.”
“Then you did not try hard enough. Do you know who you were with just now?”
“Yes.” She said. “I met him on the train and we kind of …didn‘t get on too well.”
“Clearly. It is not advisable to alienate your house mates now, you are stuck with them for the next three years. I suggest you try and befriend at least a few of your fellow Slytherins, for your own sake. As for Malfoy and his friends, try and avoid them as much as possible. I will show you to your room.”
Severus stood and Lou followed him back into the common room. Just inside the corridor that led to the dormitory stairs, he showed her a door with a painting of a large black snake on it.
“Place your hand on it’s coils.”
Lou did and the snake turned it’s head to look at her, it hissed and the painting opened to reveal a door. Severus opened it and walked into the room, Lou on his heels.
“Validus.” She cried, seeing her owl in the room waiting for her.
The owl flew straight to her shoulder, rubbing against her as she stroked his feathers.
“This will be your room for the three years you will attend Hogwarts. No other student will have access to this room with out your explicit invitation, the painting is warded to your signature. I expect you to spend as much of your free time as possible mingling with the other students in your house, not hiding yourself in here at every available opportunity. You will not invite male students into your room at any time, should I find you have disobeyed this rule, there will be serious repercussions. Madam Pomfry will be down shortly to change the dressing on your leg, and will do so each evening before you retire for the night. I and the rest of the staff will have access to this room at all times. We can and will check that you are adhering to the rules when we deem it necessary. Any questions?”
“No Professor. Thank you.”
“Good, put away your belongings and get to bed. Kreatcher has requested to assist you with your toilet, he will make sure your leg is kept dry during your bath. You will not take advantage of having the use of a house elf during your stay here unless it is for the purpose of assisting you with something you cannot manage because of your leg. Goodnight Miss Black.” He turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
Lou sighed and pulled her luggage from her pocket, setting it on the floor, she enlarged the trunks and spelled her belongings to put themselves away.
The photo of her parents took pride of place on her bedside locker and she stared at it for a long time.
She was just climbing into bed when there was a knock on the door. “Who is it?” She called, worried that Malfoy had decided to come calling.
“Madam Pomfry, I’ve come to look at your leg.”
Lou climbed back off the bed, grabbed her cane and opened the door.
“Hello Madam Pomfry, thank you for coming down to see me.”
“That’s alright, Professor Snape was most insistent that you are unable to make it to the infirmary. It must be quite a serious injury.”
“Lou climbed back on the bed and pulled up her nightgown. “Things happened and it didn’t get a chance to heal properly.”
Madam Pomfry sat on the side of the bed and removed the dressing. “Oh my, how did this happen?”
“I got hit with a …I dunno what it was, but each time it started getting better, something happened to open it and it had to start healing again. The last time, I banged it on a table and it got infected. I didn’t tell anyone and Professor Snape had to open it to clear the infection.”
“Well he had done a wonderful job.” She told Lou while running her wand the length of Lou’s leg and stomach.
Lou could see numbers and symbols flitting about above her, seemingly ordering themselves and changing again.
The medi-witch studied the figures, making odd whispered comments to herself but telling Lou nothing of the results. She had no idea that Lou knew exactly what the result of this scan was, and Lou did not enlighten her.
Pomfry used her wand to apply cleansing spells to the wound, applied the Murlap that Lou had waiting on the bedside locker and gave Lou several potions before re-bandaging the leg.
“There we are, do you have a good supply of pain potion?”
“Yes thank you, Professor Snape gave me lots. He said if I need more to tell you.”
“That’s right dear. Just let me know when you are down to your last couple of days supply and I shall provide you with more. I shall see you tomorrow evening, sleep well.” The woman told her before leaving the room.
Lou watched her leave and used her wand to place her own wards on the door. She guessed she’d learned them through Severus’ sleeping, teaching spell and decided she might as well make use of them.
Snuggling down , she slept as soon as her head hit the pillow.
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