There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
RECAP: Theo tends to Charlie and Harry while waiting for his mentor, Ilsa Gorgens to arrive. She turns up with one of her mates, a man named Aracle and immediately immerses herself Charlie's blood purification ritual. Meanwhile, Harry spends time with Aracle, who shares some information on Dragel society, while Theo upholds a protective dome over them all as Ilsa rushes the ritual to save Charlie.
The magic in the room slowed to a crawl and crackle.
The tingle of unfamiliar magic made Harry squirm. He didn't like it. "What time is it?" He rasped, licking his lips. He really wanted out of this protective dome and to be moving around. The earlier wave of tiredness had finally been napped off.
"About morn." Aracle furrowed his brow and counted quickly beneath his breath. "Breakfast time, I think." He confirmed, when his stomach gave a half growl. He smiled ruefully. "I should not have skipped dinner."
"Morning? Monday?"
"The ritual takes time."
"How much time?" Harry demanded.
"Usually an entire day. Ilsa is rushing it though. I'd wager a handful of minutes from now. She's changed casting runes and Theo has shifted to accommodate the new wavelength."
Harry just stared at him.
"Almost finished." Aracle translated. "Mint?"
Harry scowled, darkly, but didn't protest. The man seemed to have an endless supply of the candy and it did help, somewhat. His mind shifted to more important things. He'd originally been mildly curious to meet Theo's mentor and know the woman who'd had such a big hand in his mate's life, but his first impression of her was quickly being ripped to shreds. "She doesn't like me."
"She doesn't like anyone." Aracle retorted as he unwrapped a mint and gave it to Harry anyway, taking one for himself as well. "And that's on her good days."
She has good days…? Harry snorted. It didn't seem very likely at all.
"I am serious. She is—different. Don't let it bother you. It does take some getting used to, when I first met her, I thought she would kill me. I was rather surprised that she didn't." He smiled, fondly. "Death was probably a happier option then, all things considered. She has a habit of keeping everything at arm's length, she's done it for so long, I wager it is a part of her now. Just know that Theo is everything to her." He paused. "Everything."
"Aracle!" Ilsa's sharp voice cut into the private conversation and through Theo's originally soundproofed dome. "Get your arse over here—alone!"
The man scrambled from the sofa, his dark eyes tinged with worry as he fixed Harry with a look that clearly meant 'stay there!' and hurried over to his mate's side. They spoke in low whispers between each other.
Out of the corner of his eye, Harry could see Ilsa cradling Charlie's limp form. He bristled, faintly, underneath, unable to help the pangs of jealousy and frustration that bubbled up inside of him. How dare she touch him! Charlie belonged to him—he'd stake his claim the first chance he had. Harry slowly turned his head, wincing faintly at the residual pain that still settled in his bones.
He all but ached to get up and move from the settee to snatch Charlie from her hands.
His fingers burned and tingled.
Harry winced.
That lovely scent was back again.
Charlie groaned.
Everything was hurting—again—but that wasn't really anything new.
Then again, there'd been that whole hands-sprouting-claws bit and the redhead was pretty sure that at some point, he'd grown wings, or at least, things that felt like wings. He shuddered and the very movement sent spikes of raw pain shooting through his body. His skin was burning and sensitive to the touch and everything was suddenly too bright and too loud and too hot.
There were words whispered softly over his head and a warm hand gingerly rested on his shoulder.
Welcome tingles of cool, comforting magic trickled into him from that sensitive point.
He screeched in displeasure when he tried to sit up and hands held him back. Something brushed his shoulder and he really did scream, lashing out with uncoordinated limbs and hazy magic that seemed to be dancing 'round his fingertips.
"…arlie. Charlie!"
That voice sounded vaguely familiar.
The protective bubble broke.
Harry wrenched free from Theo's grip and streaked towards a half-naked Charlie. He flung his arms around the trembling dragon tamer and nuzzled that bare chest. A moment later, happy purrs filled the room as Charlie's attention was redirected to Harry who was happily exploring the redhead's new Dragel attributes. Harry's own distinctive Dragel traits had come out to play and the sound of ripping fabric gave way to his lovely, silver-spined wings with the shimmery pearl and peach-tinted webbings. He flexed them, gently, carefully, a please coo leaving his lips as he leaned forward, chest to chest with Charlie, hands reaching up in wonderment to stroke the rich, bloodied, navy blue wings that hung from Charlie's shoulder blades.
Charlie's soft blue eyes winked from round human pupils to the native cat-eyed look of his Dragel heritage. He rumbled in appreciation as Harry's nimble fingers skimmed over fresh, sensitive skin. He winced at a faint twinge in his left shoulder. It ached and burned as a reminder of something that swiftly flew out of his head when Harry turned wide, seductive emerald eyes up at him, having paused in his ministrations to Charlie's chest.
The redhead swallowed hard.
Harry's sniffed along his collarbone and then around the ache in his shoulder. He gave a dismissive snort and focused instead on licking and nipping a trail along Charlie's neck, having tugged the redhead forward to reach him more easily.
Charlie whimpered for a moment, then winced. The movements weren't helping his shoulders any and—a sudden thrill of pleasure washed over him. He nearly went boneless, sagging back into strong arms that caught and braced him.
"Oi, none of that now!" The bossy voice sliced through the happy haze. "I didn't go through all this trouble for you to collapse on me now. Show some backbone, boy. Stand up! You're not half dead. Trust me, I'd know if you were. You can stand on your own two feet if you've a mind to!"
Harry growled.
Charlie hissed.
Theo gave a soothing rumble in answer.
The Harry-Charlie duo blinked in confusion and a moment later, Theo's footsteps announced his approach before he was visible standing to the side in their line of sight.
"Harry? Charlie?" He asked, tentatively.
Harry chirred softly in his throat.
Theo smiled in understanding. "That's good and yes you're right. He is lovely. Charlie? How about you?"
Charlie didn't answer. He stared quizzically at the other young man, trying and failing to understand the significance of the question and why he ought to answer to him. Harry turned to him expectantly. The arms holding the dragontamer squeezed a tad tighter and Charlie fought the urge to break free. He didn't have that kind of energy yet. He half-shrugged at last, not quite understanding what was wanted of him.
"Your wings need to be stretched and you'll probably want a shower." Theo ventured.
Harry suddenly jerked away from Charlie and bared his fangs in an audible hiss.
"…or not." Theo corrected, taking a step backwards. "Harry?"
A guttural growl in answer, had Theo's golden eyes darkening just a fraction. Charlie leaned weakly against the arms holding him and reached for Harry with a wavering hand. He didn't like that look in the golden eyes. But as he reached for Harry, the smaller figure ducked away from him with a slight hiss in his direction.
Charlie bristled at once. He did not deserve that! He was only trying to help and—OW!
Something smacked him upside the back of his head.
He lurched forward as the arms released him and was partially caught by Harry. He turned to glare and the expression froze on his face at the glower from the short, stocky woman standing beside him, her hands on her hips.
"Before you get all wound up and out of hand, I suggest you get the necessary things out of the way. I have not the patience to put up with a pair of hormonal-"
Harry clutched Charlie protectively to him, even as the taller dragel effectively hid him from view. "You didn't have to hit him!" He snarled, claws tightening into the closest thing to a fist. He wasn't paying any attention to the words coming out of the woman's mouth.
"Er, Harry, she didn't mean anything by it." Theo said, soothingly. "She has a habit of doing that. You're both a little-"
"Sugar-coating it won't change the reality." Ilsa smacked Theo lightly over the head in turn, ignoring the injured look he sent her as he rubbed the spot. "What I was trying to say is very simple. A good shag and their instincts will return to normal, since their bond is currently incomplete. Surely there is an empty room in here somewhere?" She looked to Theo for confirmation.
He sighed. "Guest room. Down the hall, second door on the left."
"Lovely." She snorted. "En suite?"
"Across the hall."
"Good. That wasn't so hard, now was it?" She turned to Charlie and Harry, a frown on her face. "You, sir redhead, need to have your wings rinsed off, if you don't quite feel up to a bath, your wings need to be wiped down, at least and stretched. Also, you'll need to scrub the runes I've inscribed until they bleed the-" she stopped at a very obvious snarl from Harry and a swipe of his claws in her direction. Her golden eyes narrowed, but before she could speak, Theo was in front of her.
"Harry…" There was a warning note to his voice to his mate. "Aracle?" Theo threw over his shoulder. He didn't have to look to see that the older man moved to catch hold of Ilsa. It wouldn't do for anything to get out of hand now.
But Harry now stood fully in front of Charlie, his green eyes holding a slight glow and touch of gold. His glare was solely fixed on Theo, his lips half-curled to show his fangs in a wordless snarl.
Charlie shifted, but now held Harry from behind, his blue eyes weary, his wings weighted, an expression of pain muted on his tanned features, but his own stance was slightly defensive.
"Must we really do this now?" Theo said, exasperated. "I don't really want a repeat performance and I know you won't remember a single moment of this once the haze clears." He huffed and without waiting for an answer, shrugged out of his robes and tugged off his shirt and jumper. A moment later, he stood, bare-chested in the room, as his eyes glowed gold. From the pale skin, his tattoos began to surface, complicated, intricate lines of black and burgundy. They moved and swirled as if they were alive, until he hunched his shoulders up to his ears and then shrugged them down and rolled them back. A soft whooshing sound announced his wings as they emerged from behind, flaring elegantly out behind him.
Charlie growled.
Harry elbowed him.
The redhead made a face, but his wince was barely there, as he swallowed, slowly.
Theo's golden gaze narrowed, faintly. He gave a warning sound, low in his throat.
Silence hung thickly in the air.
Charlie sniffled.
Theo's eyes darted towards him, the annoyance giving way to concern as he took a careful whiff of his own. His expression darkened at once. "Charlie?" His voice was rougher, deeper. "You are in pain…" The words were spoken with a scowl. "I can't do anything about that until-"
Harry threw himself forward with an angry snarl, his eyes flashing angrily. "He's in pain! Help him!"
Theo dodged the angry swipe of claws and bared his own fangs in warning. He could partially understand Harry's reason for attacking him. "Not yet, Harry, I cannot do anything until you two have-"
Charlie grabbed Harry from behind, a sudden spike in the room's temperature hinting at his element coming into play and giving him the extra kick of energy that he desperately needed. His new instincts screamed at him to get away from the powerful, confident creature in front of them. He hung onto the smaller dragel even as Harry fought and snarled.
A suddenly, sweet scented breeze washed over them.
Harry froze and Charlie stiffened.
Standing just out of reach, Theo fluttered his wings, a move conscious and seductive at the same time. He'd taken the opportunity to deliberately release a small wave of his signature scent, knowing it would calm the suspicious pair. A smirk settled onto his face. "Har-ry." The name came out as a drawl. "The bedroom is down the hall, the second door over." The golden eyes gleamed wickedly as hazed green eyes focused on him, wearily. "You will owe me for this when your head clears." His laughter was almost musical. "My precious treasure…" He murmured. The amused gaze turned on Charlie. "And I am not going to forget your little display either, dragonheart. Two steps to the left and back…don't take too long."
The moment the bedroom door clicked behind the stressed pair, the haze seemed to clear at once.
Harry found himself clutching Charlie's arms and staring up into the tanned, freckled face as the cloudy blue eyes began to clear.
A moment later, the dragon tamer shook his head as if to clear it. Blue eyes met green. A rich, rosy blush danced across Charlie's face, to match his lovely, dark red hair.
As if on cue, Harry looked away, a blush of his own coming out to play. He dropped Charlie's arms as if on fire and took a step backwards only to bump into the door that had shut behind them. He swallowed hard as his wings shrank and folded back, melting into his body with a swirl of tattooed lines.
Charlie shifted, awkwardly. Then one claw went to his bare chest and he stared down at it in some confusion and unease. There were dozens of carefully written runes in black, all over his entire front, crusted over as if they'd been actual marks carved into his skin. He ran a shaky claw over the lines, biting his lip when faint tingles of pain came through. His left shoulder twitched and shuddered. He hissed softly as the movement brought a spike of pain and he clenched his teeth with a wince.
Harry surged forward. "Charlie? What's wrong? What hurts? Is it your wings? Are you okay? Is it the runes?"
The barrage of questions fit the image in his head, so Charlie managed a soft chuckle. "Just my shoulder." He admitted. "Left side."
Harry immediately looked and gave a low growl in his throat when he saw the bite mark, bleeding sluggishly, not quite healed over. He reached over, taking Charlie's hand and leading him to a familiar bed.
He'd been here before.
With Theodore.
The scowl darkened as Harry guided Charlie to sit down and then leaned forward, bending his head to lap at the wound, laving it gently with his tongue. His alpha shouldn't have left their beta in pain like this. His Dragel-self whole-heartedly agreed and promised retribution for the oversight. Charlie's stiff shoulder slowly relaxed with Harry's ministrations and finally, he gave a soft, welcome sigh.
Straightening, Harry licked his lips and didn't bother to hide the blush that was now most likely permanently on his face.
"Thank you." Charlie smiled at him, the expression beautiful and bittersweet at the same instance. His wings twitched faintly and he winced again.
Harry's gaze darted around the room and settled on a wide basin on the nightstand. He went to investigate and took note of the tepid water and the large bath sponge. He sniffed it, delicately, noting healing herbs mixed in the clear liquid.
Charlie looked at him expectantly.
"Can you lie down?" Harry dipped the sponge in the water. "I'll help you with your wings."
Blue eyes shimmered gratefully and wordlessly, Charlie complied.
With one final swipe of the sponge, Harry tossed it into the bowl and bent over to set it on the nightstand that he'd wrestled closer to the bed. An inquisitive noise came from the 'patient' beneath him and Harry almost smiled, as he sat, wearing only his pants, perched on Charlie's strong thighs for easier access. He gave an answering chirr of his own to Charlie's soft, continuous purrs. Cleaning the redhead's beautiful wings had been special and wonderful for them both. He'd washed away the blood and natural fluids before they could harden too much and then he'd stretched and rubbed them, as he'd done to his own when he'd wakened that fateful day in July.
Once he was satisfied, Harry had then alternated between rubbing, stroking and re-washing every inch of those gorgeous blue wings, tipped with bright red scales. His attentions to the sensitive appendages had swiftly turned Charlie into a relaxed pile of humming Dragel, complete with encouraging purrs whenever he stroke a particularly sensitive spot.
Harry smiled, faintly, to himself as he finished with a gentle pat to Charlie's tattooed back. He'd washed off the runes there and all that was left, remained the ones on his front.
"Roll over." He scrambled off from his comfortable perch and poked Charlie in the side.
Charlie moaned something that sounded vaguely like 'why' to which Harry suppressed the urge to laugh. The ponytailed redhead was looking more adorable by the minute and he couldn't help preening inwardly at the thought that such a beautiful creature was bound to be his.
Mine. My beta. He thought, possessively. "I need to reach the front." He explained, aloud.
There was a mumbled string of unintelligible words.
Harry snickered. "C'mon big guy." He teased. "Of would you rather do it yourself?"
Charlie whined in answer, but with some effort, heaved himself upwards. He accepted Harry's help in sitting up, cross-legged and leaning forward until his forehead rested in the crook of the brunet's neck. Harry reached for the sponge, glad that the charmed water continually refreshed itself. He half-squeezed it dry, pressed it to that marked chest.
Rivulets of red streamed down the tanned skin as Harry pressed the sponge into the marks, reaching up with one hand to tangle it in Charlie's messy ponytail, while he gently scrubbed with the other. He repeated the actions until Charlie lifted his head to press his cheek against Harry's.
"Just a few more." He whispered, stroking the tangled, red strands.
A sorrowful, soft sound hummed out of Charlie's throat.
Harry nuzzled that warm, tanned cheek and then pressed a kiss there. As he wiped away the last of the ugly runes, an audible hiss was heard as the black lines began to lift and fade into wisps of blackness that curled away, leaving smooth, carved lines, with rich red blood. The lines of red began to close and heal as the blackness was removed, leaving smooth, unblemished skin behind.
Charlie released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.
Harry threw the sponge away and with the hand tangled in Charlie's hair, guided the redhead closer for their lips to meet in the softest, lightest of kisses.
"Charlie." Harry whispered against those trembling lips.
"Harry." Charlie breathed.
They kissed again, softly, tentatively.
Then again, a little harder, a little more insistently than before,
By the time that tongues and teeth clashed together, Harry eased them both backwards onto the bed. He helped Charlie brace against the pillows and waited until the wings were comfortably situated. He sat, straddling Charlie's hips, both of them clad in only pants.
Green eyes met blue.
Charlie smiled. He stretched one weary hand towards Harry and winced, when it tugged at the swollen bite, no longer bleeding.
With a tender smile on his face, Harry caught the hand and brought it to his lips, kissing the palm.
The blue eyes lowered and looked away.
"Shh. No." Harry held the hand to his chest and rocked forward to catch Charlie's chin and coax the face back to look at him. "We are the same." He murmured. With a slight wince of his own, Harry drew his wings forward and flared them out. A thrilling sense of freedom stole over him as the familiar weight settled and hung where it belonged. Taking Charlie's hand, Harry guided it to one pearlescent spine.
Wondering fingers traveled over the smooth, cool webbing and along the strong, silvery-peach spine.
"The same." Harry whispered, moving forward and draping his smaller form over Charlie's.
"I didn't know." Charlie said, hoarsely. "And all those things…they keep saying…Mum wouldn't…"
"Shh." Harry crooned, nuzzling the juncture between neck and shoulder, laying soft, whispery kisses along the warming skin. "It's okay. You're here now. You're fine. You're mine."
"Is it?" Charlie rasped. His shaking hands came up to lock around Harry, holding him close. "Am I?"
"Mine." Harry repeated. "All mine."
"Why would you want something like me?"
"I am not…this is…this is different."
"Isn't everything?"
"I don't deserve this. I don't even understand all of it and-"
"I don't deserve you." Harry corrected, hearing and accurately interpreting the hidden meaning behind the pained words. To see the strength of a hero he'd admired, reduced to the very real pain twined around them, Harry only wanted to make it better. His mind began to cloud over, his Dragel senses heightening as he opened his mouth and threw his head back. The soul-wrenching cry reverberated through the room.
Charlie stared up at him, questions hovering in the lights in his eyes as he bared his fangs and sank them into the nearest available piece of Harry. He could not refuse that call, not that one, the one that brought him back from the edge of death itself.
Oh Harry… Hot tears spilled out as he sucked a mouthful of warm, coppery blood from the new bite.
Harry grimaced as he felt the sharp fangs sink into his left bicep. It didn't hurt as much as the mark that Theo had given him. He nosed the throat beneath him and selected a spot of his own, with a warning lick before he bit down. He sniffed, scenting salt in the air that warned him of tears. It brought a wetness of his own to his eyes.
Charlie… and he worked his lips gently around the bite, suckling the taste of fresh, delicious blood.
Magic swirled around them, teasing and touching as it mingled.
The temperature in the rooms rose by several degrees and the lights within, flickered.
Claws shredded Harry's pants and he returned the favor in kind to Charlie.
Claws morphed back to hands and Harry lost himself in the pleasures that Charlie's work roughened hands coaxed out of him. They ran up and down his sides, heating to temperatures that made him squirm and sigh. They were insistent as they stroked, squeezed and occasionally scratched delightful trails of fire on his flushed skin.
"Beautiful…" Charlie sat up, braced against the headboard, the words murmured into Harry's ear. "So beautiful." One roughened hand slid between them, palming both erections and fisting with practiced ease. Harry whimpered and mewled, arching closer and fanning his wings, seductively, pleadingly. His hazy emerald eyes burned with fire and a whisper of the magic binding them together as mates.
There was little preparation necessary.
Harry didn't mind. He didn't care for it. He wanted to feel that pain, that familiar burn. Wanted to feel it to know that this was real, that it was happening, that they were alive and together. When Charlie had stretched a hand towards the nightstand where his wand had appeared at one point, Harry had grabbed it back. He'd shook his head, once.
Charlie had then presented his hand, two roughened fingers, to Harry's plump, pink lips.
Green eyes sparked beneath fluttering eyelids as Harry accepted the fingers, sucking, laving and tasting, as he generously coated them. He leaned forward, bracing himself on Charlie's shoulders, careful of the bites, lifting himself up for the questing, spit-slicked fingers. He cried when the first finger circled, teased and slid in. He tangled his hands in Charlie's thick, sweat-dampened hair when the second finger followed.
The fingers worked him over, expert in their teasing and thrusting, until they began to wring soft, pleasured noises from above.
"You deserve the world, Harry." Charlie breathed, slipping his fingers out.
Harry shook his head.
Charlie stopped him with a kiss. "Yes, you do." He whispered, fiercely. "And much more." His hands moved quickly, a flicker of elemental magic coming to his aid as he grasped Harry's hips and situated him just right. "Relax." He nipped lightly at Harry's neck as the brunet tensed. "Relax, Harry…it's just me."
Emerald eyes shimmered upwards. "Just you?" Harry said, hoarsely.
Charlie half-laughed. They were a sight, he was sure, with their tear-streaked faces and flushed bodies. "Just you and just me." He pressed a kiss to the bobbing head of messy hair. "I am me and you are you. That is all there is."
Harry sucked in a breath and gasped as he was moved and filled in one sure stroke. He gave a little cry of surprise and locked his arms around Charlie's head, crushing him to his chest.
The redhead merely fastened his mouth over one conveniently placed nipple and began to shift, coaxing their bodies to move together.
Temporary discomfort gave way to immeasurable pleasure.
When Harry came with a cry, Charlie did too.
The tears and pain were equally shared.
They traded it all, as they made love.
When they lay, panting on the sheets, covered in the remnants of their latest coupling, Harry felt something new flicker inside of him. He tugged on it, lightly, feeling the air heat up around them.
Charlie mumbled something from beneath him and Harry instantly released the tangible grasp on the thread of magic. The temperature dropped at once, to a lovely, cooling point.
A new sudden surge of confidence rolled through him and Harry straightened with a smirk, a hint of his old self.
Charlie shifted, one blue eye opening to look up at him. His own, old smile spread across his face as he gaze upwards at the beautiful creature beside him. "Figure something out?"
"Yeah." Harry reached for his hand. Charlie gave it willingly. "I've decided that I'm going to like this."
"Really?" Amusement mingled in Charlie's soft drawl.
"Yes. Really." Harry dropped the hand and pounced on his new mate. "More." He demanded, impishly.
"Again?" Charlie moaned. But there was no real protest in his word as he wriggled playfully beneath Harry's questing hands.
"Always for you."
A/N: This fic is now current with the exact same version on updates coming after finals are over. Thanks for reading.
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