The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
An angry young man
There was a time when one of the most comforting sounds to Hermione Granger's ears was the voice of Ron Weasley. He could have been amusing her or exasperating her, but it was the voice of her friend...her best friend...her boyfriend. But now her blood ran cold as she heard his voice and she instinctively grabbed hold of Severus' hand. Hermione felt his fingers tighten supportively around hers, and she could sense his usual snarky demeanour darken, ready for a fight.
Sev, don't make a scene. He's not worth it, Severus heard Hermione say in his head as he turned to glare at the late arrival.
I know he's not worth it, but he's already making a scene. However, I won't exacerbate the situation unless he does. I prefer my vantage point from the moral high ground,Severus stated, trying to reassure Hermione that he was not about to put himself in a questionable position.
"Mr Weasley, I am delighted that you and your companion have finally decided to join us," Severus drawled sardonically, raising an eyebrow as he looked disdainfully at the tawdry blonde on Ron's arm.
Severus took a step toward Ron, who instinctively took a step away from his former Potions professor. Severus' black eyes locked onto Ron's, which caused the younger wizard to look away quickly as he remembered whom he was actually dealing with.
Severus was about to castigate Ron for speaking to Hermione in such a way, but noticed Molly bustling past him to greet her son and to avoid an unpleasant scene.
She was immediately struck by the unmistakable smell of alcohol surrounding him. Ron wasn't drunk, but his inhibitions were lowered considerably.
"Are you going to introduce your young lady?" Molly asked in an overly cheery manner as she tried to remain civil.
"No," Ron growled and walked straight past his mother, heading straight for Hermione. Molly was stunned and stood with her mouth wide open, whilst Ron's companion looked at the floor awkwardly. "How long have you been fucking him?"
"Ron, back off!" Harry snapped as he stepped in front of Hermione. Severus had already stepped back and pulled her slightly behind him; his wand was at his cuff, ready to be drawn. He could also tell that Harry's wand arm was twitching.
"Son, calm down. You're embarrassing yourself. This is not the place to bring all this up, and you will apologise to Hermione this instant," Arthur glowered at his son as he placed his hand on Ron's shoulder to hold him back.
Ron shrugged his father's hand away and snorted as he pointed at Hermione. "Apologise to that? She's fucking..."
"Ronald, you will stop this immediately," Molly chided as Severus rolled his eyes at Ron's predictability.
"Well it's nice to see that she's got my parents on her side," Ron laughed, spreading his arms in disbelief. "Talk about fucking family loyalties."
The elderly Wizard of Ceremonies had noticed the disturbance towards the end of his well ordered line of guests and came hobbling up to them. "Mr and Mrs Weasley, can I please ask you to get back in line? You will be called soon and..."
"NO!" Molly and Arthur replied together.
"I believe Mr and Mrs Weasley said no," Severus drawled distractedly as he turned his attention back to Ron. He wanted to rip Ron's head from his body, but he knew now was not the moment as he could feel Hermione inwardly cringing at the unwanted attention; her feelings were his only priority.
Proust bowed sycophantically to Severus. "Of course, my Lord Snape," and backed away, still looking on with a nervous expression between his precious line, his timepiece, and Molly and Arthur.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, Ron?" Harry hissed, taking a step towards his old friend.
"Wrong with me?" Ron snorted. "Mate, you should ask that bint what's wrong with her?"
"I'll tell you what's wrong with me," Hermione snapped as she brushed past Severus and stood toe to toe with her ex boyfriend.
Let me sort this out, Severus heard Hermione say in his head.
Severus wasn't happy about this as he desperately wanted to teach Weasley some manners for the way he'd just referred to Hermione. If he speaks to you like that again, I will intervene, he warned his witch.
Hermione just acknowledged Severus with a simple thank you before she looked Ron up and down contemptuously. "You were one of my best friends, Ron, and I loved you as such. But it was never going to work between us because of how I felt about Severus. I didn't realise I was in love with him until recently, but once I did..."
"But you said you didn't sleep with him until after we split up," Ron spat at her, spitting the words out like poison as he thought of Severus' hands all over body.
"I'm not having that conversation with you again. I've told you already that I didn't, but Severus and I are soul mates, Ron. There was no hope for us, and I ended it because I didn't want to see him behind your back. I didn't want to hurt you, so I tried to do the decent thing. But all you've done is lashed out and lied about me and my friends..."
"Friends? They are fucking Death Eaters!"
"Were, Ron. They were Death Eaters, yes, but Lucius served his time and was exonerated, Draco was cleared, and Severus was a double agent. He was on our side, and he saved your miserable arse more times than I care to count. And one thing's for sure, at least they know how to conduct themselves!"
Ron snorted at this and shook his head. "I don't know who you are anymore."
"You don't know who I am anymore?" Hermione laughed mirthlessly. "Well you're not the person I've known all these years, either. I don't know what's gotten into you, Ron, but for the love of Merlin, sort yourself out. Now, why don't you go back to your friend..." Hermione hissed as she looked at Ron's blonde companion with disdain, "...she looks rather cold. And then leave Severus and I alone."
"So he's your soulmate, is he? I can't believe you of all people believe in that bullshit," Ron laughed disparagingly, although he realised he was making a fool of himself with that statement as his parents, whom he knew were also soulmates, stood by glaring at him.
"Yes," Hermione stated as she stepped back knowing Severus would be behind her. "And I'm happier with him than I could have ever been with you."
"How can that bastard make you happy?" Ron seethed at her through gritted teeth.
Hermione had tried to remain calm, but she finally snapped. "Don't you dare speak about Severus like that again," she screamed at Ron, "or else I will make you regret it! I'm happy...happier than I have ever been in my life thanks to him and it just keeps getting better. And I just wish you could be happy for me."
Ron's anger was also at breaking point. He could not begin to comprehend how the evil Bat of the Dungeons could make his Hermione happy; how she could choose the Greasy Git...who he had to admit actually wasn't...over him.
As Hermione's temper began to fray, Severus was whispering in her mind to stay calm and had placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Unconsciously she had begun to lean against him, and as Ron looked at the girl he thought would have been his future, all he could see was Severus' hand gently caressing her, and that was what finally broke him.
"I'll see you in hell first," Ron snapped, drawing his wand on Hermione, but he suddenly found himself facing down the three wands of Severus, Harry, and to his surprise, his own father.
"That can be very easily arranged, Mr Weasley," Severus growled, daring the ginger-haired wizard to antagonise him further.
Alexandra put her hand on Ron's shoulder and pulled him back. "Now's not the time, baby," she told him as she looked Hermione up and down before whispering something in Ron's ear. He smiled slyly at his friend and nodded.
"Mr and Mrs Weasley, Mr Weasley, Miss Carson, could you please follow me? We cannot hold up proceedings any further," Proust again interrupted anxiously.
"This isn't over, Snape. You'll both pay for this," Ron sneered as he tried to lurch at Severus, but Proust caught his arm and led him and Alexandra away to take their places.
Severus smirked. "I look forward to receiving your invoice. Just send it to my office and I'll make sure it is filed appropriately."
He watched Ron like a hawk, and Hermione noticed he had yet to stow his wand away. It wasn't until Ron and Alexandra had been introduced to the gathering that Severus' wand disappeared.
Hermione jumped as Harry gently touched her shoulder. "Are you alright? I can't believe what a prick he was being."
Hermione just nodded as Severus told them, "Regrettably he has always been capable of this level of idiocy. I seem to remember him treating you, Harry, with the same level of contempt during the Triwizard Tournament."
Harry was shocked. "How did you know about that?"
"It was my job to watch over you," Severus smirked as he pulled Hermione into his arms. "So, did Mr Weasley's companion make you green with envy, darling?" Severus drawled sardonically.
"No," Hermione giggled incredulously, but Severus knew that she was extremely shaken by what had just happened.
Severus sighed. "Such a shame he wasted so much money, then!" he deadpanned.
There was a moment's silence before Hermione, Harry and Cho all began laughing.
Severus chuckled and took Hermione's hand in his before bringing it up to his lips, and kissed it as Harry and Cho were introduced to the awaiting gathering.
Hermione and Severus only caught a fleeting glimpse of the flashbulbs and hubbub of the press as the door closed behind Harry and Cho, but they seemed far brighter and more numerous than for everyone else. It certainly caused both of them to tense up to the point where when Proust turned cheerfully and asked if they were ready, his expression dropped as Severus asked, "Can you give us a moment please?"
Severus turned to Hermione and took both of her hands in his. "Are you ready for this?" He asked softly as he pressed his forehead to hers.
"No, but we can't hide away forever, and as you keep saying, we'll deal with everything together," Hermione replied softly.
Severus kissed Hermione's nose. "No second thoughts, then?"
"Absolutely not," she stated emphatically as any sense of nerves dissipated.
"Right then," Severus said, straightening up and offering Hermione his arm. "Shall we?"
Both Hermione and Severus heard I love you in their heads as Proust opened the massive double doors and announced to the assembled guests, "Lord Severus Snape and Miss Hermione Granger."
The press questions were incessant, and neither Severus nor Hermione could hear clearly what the other was being asked. The Prophet had their exclusive interview already, so their questions were mainly for the fashion pages. A young journalist from the Quibbler, asked them both if they were relieved to be able to acknowledge their relationship in public finally. They both replied with a resounding "yes". If only their photographers had been less annoying.
Unfortunately, the other journalists took it upon themselves to question the nature of their relationship and enquiries, ranging from the innocent to the salacious. In the end, it was the questioning about their sex life by Play Witch that caused both of them to call a halt to the press interaction, and Severus guided Hermione through the throng of guests towards Lucius and Narcissa.
The couple sensed that the majority of whispers around the room were about their relationship, but once most had witnessed Severus' attentiveness to his witch, after a few minutes the topics of conversation diversified effortlessly.
"So you survived the rabble?" Lucius asked as he pulled Hermione in for a hug.
Hermione giggled. " was when they started asking me how big Sev's cock was that I had to get away."
"And I suppose you had to lie and say it was huge," Lucius teased as Severus glared at him.
Narcissa just smirked. "No, I expect Hermione told the truth and said it's much bigger than Lord Malfoy's," before adding innocently, "I must go and find Pius."
Lucius growled at her and then at Severus when he whispered to Hermione, "See, darling, I told you."
"Of course, you could always find out for yourself, darling," Lucius told Hermione lasciviously. "And to be honest, when you first took your robes off and I saw that dress, you very nearly did."
Severus snorted as he took two glasses of Champagne from a passing waiter and handed one to Hermione. "If I'd known there was the possibility we were going to be treated to that I'd have brought a microscope."
Hermione nearly spat her drink everywhere before her eye was suddenly caught by Ron, who was sitting on the other side of the room, glaring at her. Somehow, she noticed, he'd managed to obtain a full bottle of Champagne and was swigging it straight from the bottle whilst Alexandra was talking intently to him.
"I understand Weasley was not amused when he learnt of your relationship," Lucius drawled as he looked at Ron and then back at Hermione.
Hermione sighed. "I didn't expect him to throw a party in our honour, but his reaction seemed..."
"Strange," Severus interjected before adding, "Something in his behaviour seems...I'm not sure what it is, but he was out of order to draw his wand on you."
Lucius' anger suddenly flared, and his wand flew into his hand. "He did what?"
After Hermione and Severus had told Lucius about Ron's performance in the foyer, and the blond wizard had stowed his wand away, Lucius considered the situation. "I just can't fathom his reaction. I would like to think it's a sign of immaturity but..." he looked at Severus with a wicked grin, "even when Lily left you, you just turned into a miserable bastard for a few years and developed a guilt complex. But you never threatened James...well, not over Lily...and you certainly weren't threatening towards her."
"Indeed," Severus sneered at his old friend, who was smirking far too much for his liking. "And I certainly don't like the look of that strumpet he's brought with him."
Lucius chuckled lightly. "Oh, I can see she has a couple of charming points."
"Trust you to notice," Hermione laughed. "I bet they're not real."
Lucius smirked. "I could always go and..."
But Lucius never finished that sentence as Bill Weasley called after Hermione and approached with his wife. "Hey! You look amazing," the eldest of the Weasley progeny told her.
"Your dress and your hair are beautiful," Fleur said before adding. "I 'ad to buy a new one as I am getting fat."
"You're pregnant and you said your dress felt uncomfortable. For the last time you're not fat," Bill chided her softly as he put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head.
Lucius looked at his glass of Champagne and said, "You may be fighting a losing battle with that argument, William. Narcissa always said the same when she was having Draco." He then looked at Fleur and said, "It's hard to convince our ladies that when they are pregnant they are even more beautiful to us."
Fleur blushed and looked up at Lucius through her eyelashes. He gave her an almost imperceptible smile, but it was enough for Severus to do a double take when he saw it. But the smile didn't linger, and Severus was left to ponder.
"Well I think you look amazing," Hermione told the blonde witch. "How are you feeling now?"
Fleur sighed. "A little better but I am just so tired all the time. I may have to find somewhere for a nap soon," she giggled and blew away an errant strand of hair which was tickling her nose.
One thing Lucius Malfoy never did was put his hand in his pocket, but tonight Severus observed Lucius do just that, and he could sense that his friend was battling with himself over something.
"Well I'm sure Dad will be able to help you find somewhere," Bill chuckled as he brushed the strand of hair that was bothering his wife behind her ear.
"My old office was always good for falling asleep in," Lucius suddenly blurted out, which caused Severus' eyebrow to shoot up.
"I think they may have changed the wards on your old office," Severus interjected as he tried to pull Lucius out of his impression of a lovestruck teenager. Of course, it was often forgotten that Fleur was part Veela and as Hermione and Fleur chatted, Bill, Severus and Lucius held a tentatively civil conversation. Even Severus found himself being drawn to Fleur's every word. But at least he had the advantage of Hermione digging her nails into the back of his hand when she noticed him being drawn in, but Lucius had no such distraction to stop him from drifting under her spell.
But then it struck Severus. Is she...?
Severus shook himself mentally to clear the thought, but it was enough for Hermione to ask in his head are you alright?
Of course, he said defensively.
Don't fib, Hermione chuckled softly.
The reassurance of her laughter allowed him to let his guard down. I'm not sure...I just had a strange thought, that's all.
About what?
Severus just smirked and whispered, Later, as he heard Blaise Zabini greet him.
Hermione noticed Ginny was not with him, and scouting the room quickly she saw her talking to Neville and Adrian.
"Good evening, Mr Zabini. And what can I do for you?" Severus drawled.
Blaise swallowed hard. "I was wondering if I could have a word with you, Sir," and then he looked at Hermione. "In private."
"Of course, lead the way," Severus said, gesturing to his Senior Head Boy.
Hermione smiled as Severus squeezed her arm gently before walking away.
He smirked as he heard her voice in his head. Would this be an inappropriate time to say you have a nice arse, Headmaster?
Absolutely...say it again!
As Hermione turned back to the conversation with Bill, Fleur and Lucius, she suddenly felt a warm glow of satisfaction at the respect Blaise had shown Severus. She felt so proud of everything Severus had done, and she vowed there and then that she would ensure he would continue receiving all the respect he deserved.
Meanwhile, the object of her pride was now in the foyer with a nervous looking Blaise Zabini.
The young Slytherin cleared his throat. "Sir, I wanted to apologise to you for any inappropriate comments regarding Miss Granger that you heard on Tuesday. Had I known that she is your..."
"You apology is accepted," Severus interrupted, and added with a customary glare and quirk of an eyebrow, "but despite my relationship with Professor Granger, your comments would have been rather unbecoming regardless of whom they were aimed."
Hanging his head, Blaise again apologised before saying, "And of course, Sir, I would like to say that I will be available should you need any assistance dealing with Weasley's insolence."
Severus looked at him with an air of perplexity.
"What I mean is, Sir, we can't have people like him disrespecting one of our own," Blaise stated. "Professor Malfoy and Ginny have told me how serious your relationship is, which makes Hermione an honorary Slytherin. Therefore..."
"May I remind you, Mr Zabini, that as proud as I am of our house, we are striving to break down the walls of house delineation, and as Head Boy you have to be one of our leading lights in this quest," Severus said aloofly.
"Again my apologies, Headmaster. I withdraw my statement about my motivation being that Hermione is an honorary Slytherin. Instead, I would say that as the partner of the man I greatly admire..."
"Enough, Blaise! Gods I taught you well. No wonder Mrs Weasley is so impressed with you...well apart from the fact that you are not Harry," Severus told him with a wry smile.
Blaise chuckled lightly. "Well the offer is there, Sir."
The corner of Severus' mouth curled imperceptibly. "Thank you, Mr Zabini. Your support is duly noted and appreciated."
Severus was giving nothing away. Blaise was a true Slytherin, but there was no way he could allow another person in on the plan. Instead, he just said, "All I would ask is that you ensure Hermione is not left alone tonight with Ronald wandering around."
Blaise nodded in acknowledgment and smiled as Severus said, "Now, I believe we both have witches requiring our attention," and nodding curtly, Severus walked off to find Hermione.
As Severus rejoined the gathering, he heard Arthur calling him over so that he could introduce him to the new Head of International Magical Cooperation. As much as Severus despised the idea, he was well aware that, as Headmaster of Hogwarts, his company was going to be sought out. He just wished Hermione was by his side so that she could help smooth over his rough edges as she had done during their interview that morning. Reluctantly, he acknowledged Arthur and went over to speak with the two wizards.
Hermione had heard Arthur call for Severus and was amused when she heard him whisper in her head, Give it five minutes and come over, please.
OK, but why are you whispering? She enquired.
No idea, Severus admitted sheepishly. But would it be inappropriate to tell you that your arse looks spectacular from where I'm standing?
Absolutely not!
Hermione was talking to Fleur about her friend Isabelle and Severus' french estate, whilst Bill and Lucius were politely discussing curse breaking when Draco, Luna, Harry and Cho joined them.
Draco had been watching Ron whilst he and Luna had been talking to Harry and Cho, and he noted how often Ron looked at Hermione. He had to admit that Hermione was extremely difficult to ignore in that dress, but the way Weasley was staring at her disturbed him. He mentioned it to Harry, who just nodded and said they should stay close to Hermione.
Now, both Draco and Harry watched Ron surreptitiously, happier in the knowledge they were close enough to protect their friend, especially as Severus was being distracted by Arthur.
Luna looked at Fleur and smiled at the expectant witch. "Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?" she asked sweetly.
Fleur looked to Bill coyly before answering. "Bill would like a boy, but I would like a girl."
Lucius bit back the urge to blurt out that if he were ever given the chance, he too would like to have a little girl, and was most disconcerted when Luna said to Fleur, "Then you will not be disappointed," before almost immediately looking straight into his eyes.
Fleur's smile broadened as Bill suddenly realised that Luna had just told them that she knew they were expecting a girl. Bill smiled at his wife and put a protective hand over her stomach as he pressed a gentle kiss to her hair.
However, his smile was fleeting as Draco suddenly stiffened and muttered to Bill, "Your brother is heading this way."
Bill turned round and excused himself quietly so that he could intercept Ron. Lucius saw where Bill was heading and moved smoothly so he could more easily protect Hermione and Fleur should Weasley undertake any wand waving in their direction. Not that the two witches were incapable of defending themselves, but it was the gentlemanly thing to do. Draco and Harry continued to watch Ron like a hawk; all three wizards had their wands at their wrist.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Bill hissed as he grabbed his brother by the arm and pulled him to the side of the room.
"How could she...and with him?" Ron snorted as he swayed slightly from the force of Bill's hand around his arm and the alcohol he had consumed.
Bill huffed. "This has nothing to do with Severus and..."
"Severus, now is it? Next thing you know he'll be having dinner at Mum and Dad's," Ron chuckled mirthlessly.
Bill shook his head. "I believe the invitation has already been made, but the point is you've been like this for weeks, even before you found out about Severus; even before Hermione left you. You're drinking, you're snapping at everyone. The only time we know where you are is when you're playing in a match. We're bloody worried about you!"
"I can look after myself," Ron snapped as he shrugged from his brother's grip.
Bill sighed deeply. "I have no doubt that you can, but that's not the point, is it."
Ron snorted. "Look, I don't need anyone worrying about me. I've got my friends..."
"Yeah, and where exactly did you pick that tart up from?" Bill growled as he put his hand on his brother's arm.
Ron looked at Bill indignantly. "Alex is a friend..."
"To how many, though?" Bill retorted with disgust as he eyed the witch in question, who was now chatting to another wizard who seemed more than interested in her charms.
"Before you start on me, why don't you go and have a word with Wifey...she seems more than happy cosying up with her new Death Eater friends and sympathisers," Ron hissed as he jerked his head towards where Fleur was happily chatting.
Bill huffed. "Your friends are over there..."
"Friends? Don't make me laugh," Ron sneered. "They've all proved how traitorous they are. Two of them are shagging Death Eaters, I never liked Cho anyway, and Harry is so far up Snape's arse that he may as well be shagging him."
"For fuck's sake, grow up," Bill sneered. "How can you call Hermione and Harry traitors? What is wrong with you? And both Malfoy's have been cleared, and Severus, as you well know, was a double agent but he was on our side. We'll never truly know what he went through...Hermione said his nightmares are..."
"Oh my heart bleeds," Ron snorted.
"It fucking well should!" his older brother told him angrily before his voice softened. "Look, Lucius isn't my favourite person, but Draco's alright and Severus...well, he's a snarky git still, but I would recommend you spend some time with him. You never know, you might learn something."
"Yeah, like what it's like to fuck..."
"Ron, shut up," Bill growled incredulously. "You are not the first person to be dumped, and you will not be the last so get over it."
"But she was meant to marry me. I thought she would marry me," Ron said insistently.
"Yeah, and when I was your age, I always thought I was going to marry Helena Davis, but she decided to marry a Muggle and now has three kids," Bill told him knowingly. "But you see I moved on, and that is exactly what you need to do. But, please, you can do far better than that," he said, looking towards Alexandra, whom he noticed was still talking intently to the same wizard as before.
'Thanks for the brotherly advice," Ron mocked. "But you can shove it up your arse," he growled as he barged past his oldest brother and staggered out of the room.
All Bill could do was watch him walk away with a sense of sadness and foreboding. He shook his head as he walked back towards his wife. As he looked at her, Bill noted how comfortable she seemed with the older of the two blond wizards she was talking to and cursed his younger brother for even making him notice.
Fleur greeted Bill with a kiss on the cheek as he rejoined the group, which had now been joined by George and Angelina. He noted that his mother was talking to Ginny and Blaise, but Hermione was no longer with them. Luna, after seeing Ron take off, had decided to go and see if he was alright.
"Where's Mrs Snape?" Bill asked cheekily.
Lucius laughed and informed him that she had gone to rescue Mr Snape from the clutches of the many bureaucrats who were clamouring to speak with him.
Bill chuckled lightly. "I'm not sure why Dad is leading him round like a prize bull, but..."
Lucius held his hand up to silence the younger wizard. "I have an idea, but now is not the time to discuss it," before adding, "Now if you will excuse me, I must take my leave. I need to rescue the Head of Magical Law Enforcement from my ex-wife."
He excused himself with the rest of the group before taking Fleur's hand and saying, "It has been a pleasure, Mrs Weasley."
"Likewise, my lord," Fleur replied, and then most onlookers would have seen Lord Malfoy being his usual gallant self, kissing the back of her hand. But the more observant ones, and there weren't any there at the time, would have seen and heard Lucius whisper, "My lady," before looking up into her eyes.
He moved away quickly, determined not to look back.
Fucking hell, I'm really not cut out for this being pleasant lark, Severus grumbled in Hermione's head as they leant up against the wall at the back of the room by the main doors. Arthur had introduced them to various Wizengamot members, and they had just finished talking to the last of the Ministry's Heads of Department, who were keen to fill their intern programmes with the brightest and best from Hogwarts, and were eager to hear of Severus' plans for the future of the school.
You're doing fine, love, and at least you know that everyone you've spoken to support your plans. It's certainly one in the eye for the naysayers! Hermione reassured him.
Severus snorted. I suppose. Interesting how the Wizengamot members we've spoken to had no objections to anything I wanted to do, and most of the objections came from Shacklebolt himself, don't you think? I'm beginning to think Arthur's right.
About what?
It's turning into Dumbledore versus Fudge all over again, Severus told her with a heavy sigh. Fudge was always on tenterhooks that Albus would run against him for Minister, and Shacklebolt is still technically only acting Minister for Magic.
But you don't want to be Minister.
And I would hope I've made that perfectly clear. The politics surrounding Hogwarts is bad enough, but if I were Minister I couldn't put up with all the arse licking, he thought to her as he took a sip of Champagne.
I suppose it would depend on who was doing it, Hermione thought to him teasingly.
Severus had to concentrate hard to swallow the contents of his mouth before he spat it everywhere in an undignified fashion. He looked down at his witch with a wicked gleam in his eyes.
"Behave! How much have you had to drink?"He asked in a hushed but playful voice as he wrapped his arm around her waist and leant down to nuzzle her playfully.
Hermione bit her bottom lip seductively and whispered against his ear, "Enough to know exactly what I want to do with you later."
"You naughty girl," Severus purred sexily. "Are you going to tell me what's going on in that filthy mind of yours?"
Hermione looked up at him and smirked. "Well..."
"Hermione, Severus, there you are!" the booming voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt carried across the room.
Severus growled in frustration and said through gritted teeth as he stood up straight, "Tell me later," before squeezing her gently and allowing his impenetrable mask to slip back into place.
"Kingsley, how are you?" Hermione greeted the Minister of Magic sweetly as he approached them.
"My, you look wonderful in that dress," Shacklebolt said smoothly.
"Thank you. We spent ages trying to find it, but this was your favourite, wasn't it, darling?" Hermione asked Severus as she squeezed his hand.
Severus smirked. "And yours. I wouldn't have bought it for you if you didn't like it as well."
Just then Severus noticed Harry beckoning him over. He looked at the younger wizard with a quizzical furrowing of his brow. Once again, Harry beckoned for him to come over but more urgently this time. Severus nodded.
"If you would excuse me, it appears that Mr Potter requires my presence," Severus drawled courteously.
"Perhaps we can catch up later?" Kingsley asked hopefully.
Severus nodded curtly and said, "I'm sure we will," before warning Hermione in her head to be on her guard.
"This better be good, Potter," Severus groused as he looked back at Hermione protectively.
"Well I don't know if it is good. I've just been cornered by Kingsley myself, but all he went on about was you and Hermione. He wanted to know how serious your relationship is," Harry told him in an urgent, hushed tone.
Severus looked at Harry with great concern. "And what did you say?"
"Well, only that you're very committed to each other. But he wanted to know what I thought of your plans for the school and how long you'd been seeing each other," Harry informed him.
Severus considered this. "I see," he stated stoically.
"Between you and me, I think he was trying to see if..."
"I know perfectly well what he was trying to see," Severus snapped before adding in a calmer tone, "My apologies, Harry. Thank you for informing me."
Harry chuckled lightly as he looked over at Hermione. "By the looks of things, Hermione's holding her own over there."
Severus started chewing the inside of his cheek as he observed her. The corner of his lips curled slightly as Hermione indignantly put her hands on her hips. It looked like she was ensuring the Minister of Magic was left in no uncertain terms of her opinion.
"It would appear so," he responded eventually before asking, "Where is Miss Chang?"
Harry looked around the room. "She's over there with Neville and Adrian."
Severus nodded and in a silky smooth voice whispered, "And how are we getting on with said Miss Chang?"
Harry shrugged and said pensively, "Alright, I think. I know I won't get over Ginny easily, but I've always liked Cho, and when we were together it wasn't the easiest of times for either of us. She was getting over Cedric; that bitch of a friend of hers screwed us over and I was..."
" a testosterone-fuelled phase, if I remember rightly," Severus interrupted him before adding as he looked at the bemused expression on Harry's face. "Would you rather me say you were a hormonal little shit that made my life even more of a headache than usual?"
Harry looked embarrassed. "Umm, well no. Anyway, I took her out to lunch today and we had a really nice time."
"And do you see a future in the relationship?" Severus asked cautiously.
The younger wizard looked at Severus and smirked. "It's alright, you don't have to give me the talk, you know."
Severus looked at him incredulously before laughing heartily. "Thank Merlin for that," he chuckled as he suddenly imagined Lily's reaction if he had been the one to give Harry the talk.
"Arthur sat Ron and I down years ago!" Harry smirked.
"But you didn't answer my question," Severus declared, quirking an eyebrow in amusement.
Harry looked over at Cho and gave a watery smile. "I don't know. I'm not rushing things, I know that much."
"Very sensible. But of course, as headmaster I must tell you that as a professor..."
Harry nodded to acknowledge what Severus was about to say. "Not on school grounds?"
"If you wouldn't mind," Severus insisted. "The same will apply to Draco and Luna, but if the girls can get permission from their parents to leave the grounds overnight and it doesn't clash with your duties...all I would ask is that you are discreet."
"I understand...Headmaster. Oh look, here comes your missus and she's pissed off," Harry chuckled.
Looking up, the young professor smirked as he saw Severus' enquiring expression as Hermione strode towards them and spat, "Who the hell does he think he is?"
Whilst Severus was trying to calm Hermione down, Luna was still trying to calm Ron Weasley down in the foyer of the Ministry.
"I'm not saying it wasn't a shock to find that Hermione is happy with the Headmaster, but..."
"I could have made her happy," Ron groused as he continued to pace angrily.
Luna looked at him and shook her head slowly. "As her friend, yes, but you cannot offer her what Severus can."
"Oh, so I'm not powerful enough or rich enough? Is becoming Lady Snape more appealing than becoming Mrs Weasley?" Ron spat at her.
"Don't be silly. If you concentrated on your career and became an International player, money would be no issue for you either, but Hermione isn't interested in his money," Luna told him as she called a waiter over to them.
"Would you like a drink, Ron?" she asked sweetly.
Ron nodded. "Yeah, but I'm sick of Champagne," he said before asking the waiter, "Have you got anything proper to drink?"
After being told the choices, Ron asked for a double Old Ogden's and was surprised when Luna requested the same.
"Where did you meet your...friend? She hardly seems your type," Luna asked Ron as she took a sip of her drink.
Ron looked at the floor and shrugged. "Around. I have quite a following, you know?"
Luna looked at him with a dreamy expression. "Of course you do. The fact you notice that you do means you're not right for Hermione."
For some reason, Ron found this highly amusing. "So everyone keeps telling me."
"Well everyone can't be wrong," Luna told him knowingly. "And besides, Neville and I weren't right for each other. We loved each other, but we realised more as friends than anything else and well, Neville isn't quite as flexible as Draco on certain things."
"Turned Neville gay, did you?" Ron snarked, his voice muffled by the glass he was about to take a swig from.
Luna giggled. "No, but I helped him realise where his happiness lay."
"Good at that, are you?" Ron asked as he inexplicably brushed a strand of hair away from Luna's cheek.
"Very," Luna chirped as she poured the rest of her drink into Ron's glass.
Ron smirked and leaning closer to the blonde witch, whispered, "How would your Death Eater boyfriend feel if he knew you were trying to get me drunk, missy?"
"Well my boyfriend was never what you would call a Death Eater and we have quite an open relationship so he won't mind at all, but I'm quite hungry now and in the mood for drinking something else," Luna whispered back seductively.
"Now that sounds interesting," Ron purred as he stared at Luna's chest. "Anything I can..."
But he was interrupted by the Wizard of Ceremonies, Proust, who had begun his sweep of the lobby and adjacent corridors for all those who were about to be honoured so they could be ushered back into the main reception room ready for the ceremony.
Ron was about to continue speaking, but Luna beat him to it. "We'll continue this after the ceremony. I'll be waiting for you here."
Ron looked at Luna in disbelief, but as she walked away and he saw Draco greet her, a smug grin appeared. There are more than one ways to skin a Death Eater, he thought to himself.
"There you are," Draco enthused as he leant in to plant a soft kiss on Luna's cheek after she stood next to him.
Luna wrapped her arm around him and returned the sign of affection before whispering, "I'm meeting him again just after the end of the ceremony."
Draco nodded and offering Luna his arm, they went to find Narcissa and Pius who were talking to Harry and Cho.
"May I say, Miss Lovegood, that you look lovely this evening?" Pius asked as he took her hand and kissed it.
"You may. But you look tired, Mr Thicknesse. I expect the arrangements for this evening have been most time consuming. Perhaps you should leave your Aurors in charge for a while and take a small break after the ceremony," Luna told him airily.
Pius smirked. He knew what she was alluding to. "Actually, I was thinking of seeing if Severus and Lucius could be tempted by a glass or two of something more refined in my office rather than the rubbish they are serving this evening. Draco, Harry, would you care to join us?"
The two younger wizards gave their assent after checking with Cho and Luna to see if that would be alright. Pius smiled as he saw that, quite fortuitously, Hermione and Severus were talking to George and Angelina. He quickly absented himself so that he could extend his invitation to Severus and George personally.
"Where's Lucy?" Pius asked Severus as he and George consented to joining the taller wizard in his office after the honours ceremony.
Severus shrugged, but Hermione giggled and said, "I'm not sure, but he's probably found himself a waitress to harass."
"I did see him chatting to Dad a few minutes ago," George mumbled as he motioned to Bill, who was talking to an old school mate, to come over and join them. "But Dad's over there with Mum now," he said before asking his brother "Where's wifey?"
"She went to the loo. All she seems to do these days," Bill said as he looked towards the large double doors, waiting for Fleur to come back. "She's been a while though. Perhaps I should..."
"If the queue is anything like it was when I went she'll be a while. It was horrendous," Angelina informed everyone absentmindedly.
"Oh gods, was it?" Hermione asked in a panic. "Do you think I'll have time to go before the ceremony starts?"
Severus was trying hard not to laugh as Hermione started to chew the inside of her mouth in consternation. The question 'Do you think I'll have time to go before...?' he realised was becoming quite a fixture before they went anywhere. It was quite endearing, he thought as he slipped his arm around her waist and kissed her temple.
"Doesn't matter, love. We're not needed for the start of the ceremony anyway, so you have plenty of time," he told her smirking.
Taking a deep breath she huffed determinedly, "Right. OK then. Well, I'll just...I'll see you in a minute."
Just as she was about to head off towards the toilets, Angelina said, "Hang on, I'll come with you. This Champagne is going right through me."
"There's a good reason never to buy you Champagne again," George teased as she pecked him on the cheek before muttering something in his ear, which Hermione was sure sounded like 'No Champagne. No sex.'
"In that case I shall buy enough for you to bathe in, my love," George declared loudly after the girls had walked a few yards away.
Hermione and Angelina were laughing as they walked out of the large doors into the main lobby and were about to head towards the toilets, when a sudden movement in one of the adjoining corridors caught Angelina's eye before she heard what sounded like a door closing softly.
She stopped suddenly and pulled Hermione back as her eyes scanned the hallway for any more sign of movement.
"Did you see that?" Angelina whispered.
Hermione shook her head, but then with a slight jerk she motioned to her friend that they should investigate.
They walked stealthily along the hallway and Hermione pressed her ear up against the door to hear what sounded like the end of a kiss.
"I just need to make sure you're alright," a familiar voice implored.
A light lilting voice replied reassuringly. "I am fine. My husband is looking after me well. I just feel faint sometimes."
"I'm sure he is looking after you, but if you need anything..."
Hermione heard a deep regretful sigh from the woman. "What I need I can't have."
The wizard sounded resigned to disappointment and said gently, "I know, but I will always be here..."
Angelina nudged Hermione and mouthed, "Who is it?"
Hermione shrugged and mouthed back, "No one we know," before moving away from the door and walking back the way they came.
Sev, she thought to her partner carefully.
Hermione tried not to show any emotion that would cause Angelina to question her. Is Lucius' soulmate here tonight?
Severus paused before giving an answer. Yes.
I thought so.
Argenius Proust looked on proudly as the Honours ceremony unfolded before him. So far it had been extremely uneventful. The Order of Merlin's third and second class had been distributed, and they were now in the middle of the emotionally charged posthumous honours.
Everyone was amazed by the strength Andromeda Tonks showed as she accepted honours for her husband, daughter and son-in-law. She had all the grace and dignity of Narcissa, but there was something undeniably rebellious about her. And yet tonight she stoically thanked everyone for their support, not only for her, but also for little Teddy. It was only when she walked into the arms of her younger sister after she left the stage that she finally broke down.
Arthur Weasley struggled to accept the honour on Fred's behalf. George found comfort in the arms of Angelina, Ginny and Bill as his father spoke of Fred's many exploits, but no one could fail to notice that it was hard for Arthur to mention Fred without mentioning George at the same time. After Arthur left the stage, he walked over to George and handed his twin's honour to him before pulling his son in for a hug.
Ron Weasley gave a disgruntled huff as he observed the scene and felt more distant from his family than ever. But his disaffection developed further when the headmaster came forward to read the roll of students who fell during the Battle of Hogwarts and accepted the honours that were bestowed upon them. As Severus read the list of names and how they fell, Ron narrowed his eyes and projected his hate towards the man that had stolen his witch.
Minerva McGonagall then came to the stage to accept the honour on behalf of the former headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. As she described the life and achievements of the man, Ron once again felt his anger rising as his former Head of House mentioned how Hogwarts was now in the hands of another great wizard. What she failed to mention, Ron grumbled to himself, was that this great wizard had actually killed Dumbledore. Yes, he had been exonerated, but as far as Ron was concerned he was still a murderer, and he was a murderer who was fucking his witch.
Ron couldn't get away from the man. Everywhere he turned people were talking about Severus Snape or even worse, Severus Snape and Hermione Granger. It was as if Snape was taunting him. But he resolved that one way or another he would make sure Snape paid for everything that he had done. And then all he had to do was win Hermione back.
With the difficult task of the posthumous awards behind them, Proust quickly checked that the four recipients of the Order of Merlin, First Class were ready.
Ron stood away from Harry, Hermione and Severus, glaring at them as they conversed easily together.
"I'm getting mine first, aren't I?" Ron asked Proust abruptly.
The elderly wizard confirmed this was the case and was shocked when Ron groused, "Well there's a surprise. First one on, first one they'll forget. Story of my life, really."
"Ron, there's no need to be like that," Harry chided. "You're just as..."
"Fuck off," Ron spat back before turning to walk onto the stage as Kingsley Shacklebolt called each of their names.
Because there were only four recipients of the First Class honour, they were called up onto stage together. Hermione stayed close to Severus and hoped Ron wouldn't say anything stupid during his acceptance speech. But her fear was unfounded, because after Ron was introduced as the wizard who supported Harry Potter throughout the years and aided in the destruction of Voldemort's Horcruxes, all Ron did was accept the honour, storm off the stage, and walk out of the room without so much as a 'thank you'. Alexandra had tried to stop him from walking out, but he just shoved her aside and continued on his way.
Ron's behaviour shocked many at the ceremony, but it was Molly, Arthur and the rest of the assembled Weasley's who stood aghast at what just transpired. Hermione could see Ginny, Fleur and Angelina holding Blaise, Bill and George back from going to give Ron a piece of their mind, but it was Molly who attracted her attention most. The Weasley matriarch had sobbed quietly as her dead son was honoured and had struggled to regain her composure since then. But now she crumpled against Arthur as Ron's latest escapade provided incontrovertible evidence that her son was not who she thought he was.
Hermione had promised herself that she wouldn't cry during her acceptance speech. The only time she came close was when she paid tribute to Severus' work and sacrifices since becoming a spy. She told the assembled great and good of the wizarding world that apart from winning the war, the one thing she was most grateful for was that Severus was still alive. Hermione had to take a few fortifying deep breaths at this point before continuing as images of the night he almost died filled her mind. Even then she managed to keep the tears at bay, but she knew that it wouldn't take much now for her emotions to take over.
Keen observers would have noticed the normally impassive Severus shift uncomfortably before lowering his gaze to the floor when Hermione admitted this. If he had looked up, he would have seen Narcissa dig Lucius in the ribs, and Minerva smirking at the fact that Severus was on the verge of showing a hint of emotion.
But it was during Harry's speech that Hermione lost the battle with her tears. He paid tribute to Ron, even though deep down Harry didn't think he deserved it at the moment. But his tribute to Hermione was much more heartfelt, and he apologised for all the times he took her for granted whilst acknowledging that if it had not been for her exceptional skills as a person and a witch, he may never have lived long enough to have seen that fateful day in May, when he defeated Voldemort.
It was at this point a tear began to roll down Hermione's face, and she felt Severus gently tracing comforting patterns on her back. He passed her a handkerchief, and she blushed when the female populace of the gathering seemed to sigh softly.
But that single tear was the tear that broke the dam. Hermione's resolve broke altogether when Harry paid tribute to Severus. She could feel her bottom lip quivering as she tried to maintain control. But the tears began to flow freely when Harry turned to the headmaster and remarked, "I'm sure if Mum was here tonight, she'd probably beat you round the head for putting yourself in danger so many times to protect me."
Hermione felt Severus' body stiffen and when she looked up, she saw him swallow hard before starting to chew the inside of his cheek. She knew he was once again trying to bury his emotions, and as she slipped her hand into his, she felt him relax.
He looked down at her out of the corner of his eye as she hooked her arm around his before leaning into him, whilst dabbing her eyes frantically with the handkerchief he'd given her.
Oh gods, I must be ruining my makeup, Hermione thought to him.
She heard Severus chuckle softly in her head before he responded. It's fine, love.
Are you sure?
Severus huffed. Do you really think I would let you wander around with mascara running down your face?
Hermione giggled. Sorry!
You can make it up to me later, Severus drawled.
Harry surprised everyone by walking over to Shacklebolt, who was preparing to take Severus' Order of Merlin out of its box. Taking it from the Minister's hands, he walked back to where he was standing originally before continuing. "I think that it's only fitting that I present this to you Headmaster. I might have been a prize dunderhead and made your life a living hell, but I'm glad we're both alive to try and put all that behind us. You're dating my best friend for Merlin's sake, we'd better put it behind us.
"So, Severus Tobias Snape, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I hereby present you with The Order of Merlin, First Class."
And as Severus Snape, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, stepped forward to receive this honour from the one time bane of his life, he was, for a moment, speechless.
It was then Harry's turn to comfort Hermione as Severus began his acceptance speech. He honoured those who had fought and died openly for the cause. He apologised to those who had lost loved ones or suffered as a result of the actions he had to take to ensure Harry's survival and Voldemort's defeat. He also apologised for being the angry young man who stepped over the line into the dark when he was seventeen, but who then realised his mistake, and came back to the light only to live in a grey and shadowy world as a double agent.
He said how grateful he was that he no longer had to live in such a murky existence, and that he had been given the opportunity to make amends and live his life again.
He described his vision for Hogwarts as a school of tolerance and respect, where learning, not House loyalty or blood purity, was the priority. And just as Hermione thought that she was pulling herself together, Severus caused her tears to fall again as he said that he was confident his plans would be seen through, as he had an Insufferable Know-It-All to nag him and make his life that much more bearable.
Hermione knew that was tantamount to a public declaration of his love for her, and somehow the whole room also realised that was what the usually surly headmaster meant as well.
Yes, as Severus' speech ended, Argenius Proust was a happy man. Apart from Ron Weasley's disrespect, the ceremony had been a success. It was just a shame that his organisational triumph was not what this event would be remembered for.
With the end of the ceremony, the assembled throng began to fall back into their conversations and eagerly anticipate the start of the dancing.
Severus and Hermione managed to fight their way through the numerous well wishers to catch up with Lucius who was stood talking to his son. Narcissa had just left to escort her sister home, but she promised Pius she would return as soon as possible.
"I don't think we're worthy enough to speak to these two," Lucius teased as the couple greeted him and Draco.
Severus scowled before telling Lucius to shut up and then arched a questioning eyebrow, asking nonchalantly, "Are you coming to Thickie's office to steal his brandy, old man?"
Lucius nodded distractedly before asking Draco, "Where's that witch of yours?"
Draco shrugged. "Don't know. Last time I saw her was when she went after that ginger-haired tosser. Pius tried to stop her, but she ignored him. She has this annoying habit of seeing tortured souls and wanting to heal them."
Of course, Pius wasn't trying to stop Luna but had instead pressed the Portkey into her hand to get her and Ron to the Shrieking Shack.
"She's doing a marvellous job on you, sweetie," Hermione chimed as she wrapped her arms around Draco's waist.
Draco huffed before planting a rough kiss on top of Hermione's head. "I suppose she is. I'm certainly not complaining," he told his friend with a squeeze.
"I can't believe Ron just stormed off the stage like that," Hermione said, shaking her head.
Severus scoffed. "Did you really think he was going to start distributing the hearts and flowers?"
"Well, no, but he could have at least said thank you for being honoured. Molly looked devastated," Hermione said plaintively before smiling as Harry caught her eye.
Harry was standing with Cho, George, and Angelina, and indicated to his companions that they should go and talk to Hermione and Severus.
George still looked quite upset following the ceremony as Hermione greeted them.
"Did I see your girlfriend go after my good-for-nothing brother, Malfoy?" George asked as he looked around furtively.
Draco nodded before Severus said impatiently, "Gentlemen, this brandy won't drink itself, and George, you look like you need one," before adding to Hermione, "You don't mind, do you, darling?"
She shook her head and leaning up on tip toes, planted a soft kiss on his lips before telling him, "Make sure you're back down here to dance with me."
"I hate dancing," Severus groused as he planted a lingering kiss to her forehead. But before Hermione could say anything he whispered, "But l believe I promised I would dance with you, and dance with you I shall."
"Thank you," Hermione whispered before turning her attention to Lucius. "And you, my dear..."
"Yes, my angel?" Lucius responded as he pulled Hermione in for a hug.
"You promised me a dance, too," she teased before whispering, "You were nearly seen earlier. Try and stay away, but if you can't, just be bloody careful."
For a moment, Lucius was dumbstruck by Hermione's warning but then announced in his usual haughty tone, "And I promise you, I will...and I'll try to keep my hands to myself."
Hermione nodded at his double meaning and then giggled as Severus told Lucius to unhand his witch so they could go and hassle Thickie.
Severus kissed Hermione lightly on the lips, and she heard him say I love you in her head before he turned and almost knocked Luna over as she suddenly appeared next to him.
"Where's Ron?" George asked urgently as Ginny and Blaise joined them.
Luna sighed. "He needed to be on his own," she said with a wry smile as she looked over to see Alexandra frantically scanning the room for Ron. "But I think he just needs a good slap," she added liltingly.
Lucius snorted. "I believe there will be a few people queuing up to do just that after his recent performance."
Severus felt a strong sense of disquiet as he started to walk away from Hermione. Of course, he felt guilty because now the hour of Ron Weasley's reckoning was upon him, and suddenly Severus didn't want to deceive Hermione about where he was going. But there was something else bothering him that he couldn't quite put his finger on. He stopped suddenly and called Blaise to him.
"Mr Zabini, I will be away from Miss Granger for approximately an hour. Do not let her out of your sight, do you understand me?"
"Of course, Sir," Blaise responded with a curt nod of his head.
Lucius sensed his friend's anxiety and asked calmly, "Feeling guilty?"
Severus nodded.
Lucius continued. "She said the idiot could be taught a lesson. She practically gave Pius and I free reign to deal with him, and this is Harry's plan. His own fucking brother is with us on this, for fuck's sake. All she said was that you should not be involved. And we've planned this so that should anything go awry, you were simply observing."
"I know, but..."
"Stop it," Lucius growled as he stopped walking and turned to face Severus. He put his hand on his friend's shoulder and whispered, "You need to be on top form. We need Voldemort's right hand man once again. Just think of this as one last raid."
"Oh, I feel so much better now," Severus drawled sarcastically as the brushed past Lucius and continued on to Pius' office before he stopped suddenly. "Do you think if she discovered the truth she would...?"
"What, leave you?" Lucius interrupted.
Severus pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded.
"No," Lucius stated calmly. "Weasley's behaviour has gone far beyond just abusing Hermione in the press. He has manhandled her, he has shown disrespect for his parents and family and his performance tonight pissed more people off than I care to mention. This has moved past being a personal issue, and Hermione knows it. I think she would be more surprised if you weren't involved, but we won't push the issue. For the purposes of this exercise, you are merely observing."
"You better be right," Severus snarked as they walked into Pius' office to join Harry, George and Draco.
Pius was leaning up against his desk as he waited for them. Soon as Lucius and Severus entered, he handed them their Portkeys. Pius also handed Severus a button which would warn him in case of an emergency and the dark haired wizard needed the anti-apparition wards to be lowered.
"Just in case," Pius whispered.
Severus nodded, and with that he and his four companions were gone.
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