Making Amends (COMPLETE) | By : nikki13088 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Ginny Views: 11048 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters and do not make any money from it. |
A/N: Sorry if this chapter took a little longer to post. There is a lot of info in this chapter so pay attention, lol.
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Hope you all enjoy!
Ginny felt her hand in hers as they walked down the hall together; she could tell she was nervous from the clammy feeling against her skin. Lucius unlocked the door for them and Ginny gave him a quick thanks before she opened it and walked inside with Lizzie.
"I'm right outside if you need me," Lucius said before he closed the door behind them.
Ginny stood there with Lizzie in front of her; she saw Will's eyes locked with his daughters. He wasn't sure what to do or what to say to her, Ginny could see his struggle.
Her small voice reached his ears and he turned away from her for a moment as he desperately tried to control his emotions.
"Hey," was the only thing he was able to manage to get out.
She slowly walked over to him where he kneeled down to her level. He just looked at her small face; his heart broke to pieces to see the scars on her from his horrid actions.
"I-I'm sorry, Lizzie...I'm so sorry," he choked out as he hung his head in shame and broke down.
She flung her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, her own tears falling down her face. He scooped her up in his arms and buried his face in her hair and sobbed.
Ginny watched the way they latched onto each other, it was as if they were unaware of just how much they needed each other after all this time. Ginny's heart went out to Lizzie and she couldn't help but feel for Will, she didn't want to, but what happened to him and his family wasn't fair. The choices he made and the man he became because of that almost seemed unfair.
"Dad, please don't leave me again," she pleaded with him.
He couldn't even look at her; he just hung his head and cried.
"Dad, you don't have to cry anymore...we're together now." she said, cupping his face with her small hands.
He just shook his head. "No,'s not that simple," he said, trying to compose himself enough to comfort his daughter.
She just looked at him with teary eyes, a frown forming on her face. "Is it because of the things you've done?" she asked.
He looked into her eyes and let out this emotional sigh, "Yeah, baby...I'm afraid so."
"Please, Dad...I don't think I can do this alone...not anymore." she cried.
He grabbed her hands from his face and held them tightly and looked into her hazel eyes. "Hey, don't say that... You are so strong, so you remember our saying? Do you remember what I always use to tell you? You never know how strong you are..."
"Until being strong is the only choice you have," she choked out.
"That's right," he said with a smile before he grabbed her into another tight hug when she started crying again.
Those words hit Ginny hard and she quickly walked back out into the hall so abruptly that Lucius pulled his wand out thinking something was wrong. He looked at her tear-stained face and lowered his wand. She just looked at him and shook her head. She couldn't handle the amount of sadness and sorrow in that room any longer; the whole situation was fucked up. She covered her mouth with her hand to suppress her sobs.
Lucius just watched her; he had watched her go through a lot lately, especially being outside of the wards those few days together. He gently placed a hand on one of her shoulders as his way of comforting her.
"Thank you," she whispered.
"For what?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
"When we were out there together...for saving me, keeping me the tiniest bit sane enough to still find my way back," she cried.
He just gave her a sad look. "But I didn't save you...not from what I should have. I should never have left you alone," he said more to himself than to her.
She looked at him, she didn't even think about the fact that Lucius would blame himself for her violation.
"I was only gone for-"
"It wouldn't have mattered...there was nothing you would have been able to do...believe me," she said firmly, locking eyes with him.
He just gave a slight nod as she continued to cry; she suddenly walked away to try and get some control over her emotions.
He jolted up out of his sleep, his heart racing and his head pounding. He ripped the covers off of himself and ran to the bathroom and over to the toilet and threw up.
"Fuck," he breathed out, through his rapid breathing.
He was finding it hard to catch his breath; he tasted blood in his mouth and saw it running from his nose when he glanced in the mirror. He could feel the cut in his mouth from where he must have bitten down on his tongue and cheek during the nightmare.
He heard Ginny's voice through the door; he forgot for a moment they had been sleeping together the past few nights.
"Are you ok?" she asked.
He went to speak, but had trouble finding his voice."Y-Yeah, I'm good," he said.
Unconvinced by the sound of his voice she opened the door to check on him.
"I'm fine, go back to sleep," he said, spitting out a mouthful of blood and quickly rinsing it out.
She grabbed a rag from the towel bar and wet it before she pushed him to sit on the edge of the tub and started cleaning the blood from his face.
"You don't look fine, was it a nightmare?" she asked, her face covered in concern.
He didn't say anything; his eyes were stinging with emotion. Ginny could feel how hard and fast his heart was beating and she gently grabbed his clammy pale face in her hands.
"Hey, look at me...are you really ok?" she asked him.
He looked into her eyes and he slowly shook his head no. She placed a kiss on his forehead before she pulled him to her hoping his nerves would soon calm down.
"I'm sorry...I haven't had one in a long time...I don't know why all of sudden I'm having nightmares of her again," he said, more to himself.
Ginny just listened to his words. "She was the woman you loved, Draco...of course you're going to still have nightmares of her death...your mind has just been distracted for a while."
They were both quiet for a few moments.
She felt him pull back and turn his head away. "Is it ok for me to tell you that I miss her?"
Ginny just smiled at his question before she turned his face back to look at her. "Draco, you can tell me anything about Astoria...I would never be upset about something like that. All because you and I are together now doesn't mean you have to stop missing her...or loving her."
He looked into those beautiful honey brown eyes, she was so perfect, everything about her made him crazy, but in a good way. The way she smiled or laughed, the way she would throw her hair up into some ridiculous messy bun or even just the way she would brush it. Everything she did made him fall deeper and deeper in love with her. The way she looked at him made his heart smile.
Ginny felt a bit guilty for not realizing Draco was suffering in this way...she got the vibe from him that this had been happening the past few nights. Her focus was on other things for a while now and she felt horrible for not being there for Draco like he has been for her. She could see it in his face that there was more going on in his mind than he let on and he was doing a great job of hiding it.
"Let's get back to bed," he said. "I guess I'll brush my teeth first," he smirked.
She just gave him a sad smile before she nodded and walked back into the bedroom. She climbed into the bed and could still see him through a small opening in the doorway to the bathroom. She watched him rub his face in frustration before he splashed some water on it and brushed his teeth before joining her back in bed.
She shifted in her sleep at the sound of her name.
"Ginny, hey...wake up,"
Ginny cracked her eyes open to see Lizzie's face in front of her.
"Hey, sweetie, what's up? Are you ok?" she asked, sitting up.
She turned to the side of her to see Draco was already up and out of bed.
"He's not here," Lizzie said.
"Draco? Where is he?"
Lizzie shrugged, "He said something about running home."
"Home? To the Manor?" Ginny asked before she ripped the blankets off of herself and quickly threw some clothes on.
"What's wrong?" she asked, watching Ginny become frantic.
Ginny went to leave and stopped to turn back to Lizzie. "I'll be back in a bit, promise me you'll stay away from your dad's bedroom until I get back," she said firmly, looking at her.
Lizzie gave her a sad nod.
"Good, I'll be back."
Ginny quickly ran out the front doors and through the wards and wasted no time apparating to Malfoy Manor.
"DRACO!" She yelled out into the foyer.
After no answer, she ran up to his bedroom and walked inside. "Draco?"
She started to panic and ran back downstairs and into the dining room and then the kitchen. She had stopped when she heard a sound coming from down the hall. She quickly made her way over to it and stopped right outside of the music room. She heard the sound of a piano key when she poked her head into the doorway and saw Draco sitting at the piano. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw him and walked over.
"Draco? What are you doing-"
She stopped when she took in his appearance, he was staring down at the piano as he lazily pressed a key here and there as he became completely lost in his thoughts. He didn't even notice her presence, even after she called his name. His face was covered in emotion and his hair was a mess as well as his clothes being all disheveled.
She sat down on the bench beside him, he had dark circles under his eyes, it reminded her of the first time she had seen Draco that night at dinner. He looked a mess right now and her heart sank. She could tell he had been drinking pretty heavily, the smell of liquor on him was strong.
"You've been drinking? Without me?" she lightly joked, causing him to give a small silent laugh. "Draco, what's going on? Why did you come here? It's risky to come here." she said, her tone more serious.
He suddenly had this amused look on his face. "You know I was thinking earlier to myself...hmm, what color was Astoria's eyes again? Then I realized...I couldn't remember," he said as he let out a light laugh. "I actually fuckin forgot the color of my own fiance's eyes," he said to her in amusement, before he continued to laugh.
Ginny just gave him a sad look.
He stopped laughing suddenly and hung his head. "Then I tried to remember the sound of her laugh...or the way she smiled...or even just her scent..." he started laughing again. "I COULDN'T REMEMBER SHIT!" he laughed out loud.
Ginny felt tears sting her eyes as she watched Draco's meltdown, she never saw him like this before and it was rather heart wrenching to watch. She watched him start to press the keys of the piano randomly and started shaking his head at how he suddenly couldn't play it. He got up and stumbled a bit as he walked over to the other instruments in the room. He picked up one of the guitars and suddenly swung it hard at the piano making the guitar bash into pieces.
Ginny covered her head and face as pieces of debris flew past her and she quickly got up and backed away from the piano. He grabbed his wand and whipped it wildly around the room, making almost everything in it explode into pieces and fly all over the room. He grabbed the bench to the piano and slammed it against the floor a few times until he broke it in half. He grabbed one half and continuously banged it against the now destroyed piano.
Ginny backed herself up into a corner and was ducked down into a ball as Draco just unleashed all his anger out on the piano. She didn't dare try to calm him yet, he had to let this all out. Her heart broke at the way she watched him rip that piano apart, a memory of his and Astoria's that he had always held dear was now a pile of debris.
He whipped his wand again and Ginny heard the windows shatter and then she heard him let out this soul-crushing angry scream before he fell to his knees and started sobbing uncontrollably. Ginny's heart was racing, she uncovered her face and felt all the debris and glass pieces in her hair and on her clothes. She wasn't sure what to do or what to say, was he angry with her? Did he blame her for making him forget all those wonderful things he loved about Astoria so much? She wasn't sure, but the love she had for him made her run to his side and kneel down beside him. She sat on the floor and pulled his head into her lap and just stroked his hair as he cried.
She felt this overwhelming love for the man in her arms, it literally was hurting her heart to see him so distraught. The whole reason she was helping Draco with his case in the first place was to find Astoria's killer and now there was so much more that came of it. She knew he felt guilty for not thinking of her as often as he use to and now he was afraid she was fading from his memory. The possibility of that alone was heart aching to think about, to literally lose the memory of what someone you loved looked like or sounded like was quite sad.
After a while of them both sitting there in silence and Draco sobering up a bit, his attention went to the strands of Ginny's hair lying against his face as he lay in her lap. His eyes were fixated on the ginger strands as they tickled his cheek. He turned to look up at her and was met with those amber eyes staring down at him.
"I'm sorry," he whispered out.
She shook her head, "Don't be, you don't have to apologize for a damn thing...ok?" she said, looking down at him.
He nodded before he reached up and pulled her face down to his. He kissed her so softly, but it was still as intoxicating as always.
"We should head back," she suggested.
He gave a small nod before he let her help him back up to his feet.
Ginny was barely through the wards around the Zabini's when Harry ran out to her and Draco.
"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU GUYS?" he yelled at them, panic and worry in his voice.
"Harry, we're fine, I'm-"
"It was my fault," Draco said, cutting her off. "I was just...dealing with some shit at the Manor and Ginny came to find me...sorry," he said, locking eyes with Harry, he felt horrible for having him worry over Ginny like that.
Harry wanted to yell at them both some more, but he could tell it was deeper than what Draco was making it out to be so dismissed it and gave a firm a nod.
"Well, you guys got back just in time, we just got another letter and its from Narcissa again. I've called a meeting."
Draco and Ginny exchanged a quick look before they hurried inside behind Harry.
Ginny was walking into the dining room when she saw Lizzie at the end of the table taking a seat next to where Lucius and Will were sitting.
She made her way over and sat beside her. "Hey, Lizzie?"
"Ginny! You're back," she said with a smile before she gave her a hug.
Ginny noticed Will glance over to her at Lizzie's fondness for her.
"Listen, Lizzie, I know you want to sit in on the meeting, but I think it's best if you sit this one out...ok?" she said with a smile.
"But..." Lizzie wanted to argue, she turned to look at her father who nodded for her to leave.
She gave a hard sigh before she slipped off the chair and left the room.
Ginny's eyes fell on Will once more, her expression turned angry. He met her gaze for a moment before he looked down at his bound hands. She quickly got up and took a seat further down the table next to Draco.
"Alright everyone, this letter came a little while ago... it's from came with this," he said, holding up a vial of memories.
Conversation erupted around the table about what those memories could possibly be of. Ginny glanced at Will, who looked just as curious as everyone else.
Harry opened the letter and read it aloud. "I have no time to explain, Joe gave me these memories... look at them...Will isn't who you think he is," Harry finished the letter before looking down the table at Will. "Anything you want to confess now, Will?" he asked, a slight sneer on his face.
Will just shook his head in confusion. "I don't understand what that letter means," he said.
"It means you're still a sneaky son of a bitch who's trying to get one over on us," Ron said angrily.
"I've told you everything I know," Will said.
"No, you probably only told us what you wanted us to know...that's let's see what else you're hiding," Harry said as he opened the vial.
This giant cloud of smoke surrounded them all and whipped around the room wildly. Ginny felt her hair blowing around her face as the cloud finally settled and the memory came into view.
It was night time and there was this cute little house in the background. Will was quickly making his way over to the house, he looked hurt and his face had a few cuts and bruises on it. He went to walk up the driveway to the house when someone, who was waiting for him ran to his side.
"William, you made it...where's Jessica?" Joe asked.
Will was silent, he just shook his head as he became emotional. "They killed her," he choked out.
Joe's expression turned angry, the hatred in his eyes was unnerving. "We need to go back and-"
"GO BACK? Are you mad?" Will shouted, he was angry at his brother's careless plan.
"The whole reason we went after these Death Eaters was to get some justice for our parents...and now for Jessica. You don't care about their deaths? You don't care that-"
"I DO CARE! But I want to be with my wife and kids right now, Joseph." Will said as he went to continue walking.
Joe grabbed him roughly back by the arm. "Will, hear me out...don't walk in there, come help me seek justice for our family. You need to think about what's really important here...they will be here when you get back, let them think you're still captured so your focus could be on helping us."
Will ripped his arm from his brother's grasp and shoved him backward. "Do you hear yourself? Think about what's important? This is my family and THEY are what is really important right now."
"And me? Johnathan? Ethan? Thomas? What about us? What about Jessica or-"
"GO HOME JOSEPH!" Will yelled. "Go home before you do something stupid," he said, walking once more up the driveway.
"William, wait, don't," Joe argued, grabbing him again until Will finally turned and shoved him even harder making him fall back onto the grass.
"WILL! IS THAT YOU!" came a woman's voice from the front door suddenly.
Will looked at Joe once more, "Go home, Joe, we can talk tomorrow...I'm sorry," Will said as he ran up to the front door where he scooped Elaina up in his arms.
Joe just had this deadly glare on his face as he watched his brother reunite with his family. His blood was boiling at his decision to not help him go after the Death Eaters that killed their sister and parents.
"No...I'm," he whispered out as he grabbed his wand and pointed it at him. "Imperio."
Joe just got up from the ground and started making his way towards the house, as he approached it, he could hear Elaina screaming. His lips formed into an evil smile as he walked through the front door. He heard a child crying down the hall and another one scream, followed by a loud crash and the sound of some glass breaking. Joe watched a five year old Lizzie running towards him, her face soaked with tears.
"Uncle Joe, what's wrong with daddy?" she cried, latching onto him for protection and practically crawling up his body as she feared her father's approach.
"Go hide in there, I'll take care of it, sweetie," he said, nodding to a closet down a side hall.
She nodded and quickly ran into the small space and closed the door. Joe went to go take a step when he felt someone gently grab his ankle.
He squatted down in front of Elaina's bloody body, she was an inch from death.
"Pl...please help," she pleaded through her trembling voice, blood dripping from her mouth.
Joe just gave her this sadistic smile. "Now why would I do that?" He said with a small laugh before he grabbed the knife sticking out of her and slit her throat with it.
He stood up and saw Will walking back from down the hall, his body covered in the blood of his family. His mind only set on killing the ones he loved. "Lizzie...where are you?" he asked in a playful tone, a knife firmly held in his hand.
"She's in there...the closet," Joe said, pointing to the one he told her to hide in.
The memory started fading with just the sound of Lizzie's screams as Will broke down the closet door. The memory went to a scene with Will and Joe talking; Will looked like hell, his face was pale and his eyes were sunken in.
"How's Lizzie?"
"She's going to pull through," Will whispered, unable to look at his brother. "You were right...that night, I never should have gone inside. I should've known they would be a target," he said as a tear slid down his face.
"Now are you ready to start listening to me? Now, are you ready to seek some vengeance?" Joe asked, placing a hand on WIll's shoulder in his fake attempt to comfort him.
Will just nodded.
"Let's start with those Death Eaters that made you kill your family," Joe said.
The memory faded again, this time Joe was with his brother Johnathan.
"I've finally mastered this Imperius curse...I can literally just be standing near you or be in another city and still control someone's mind." Joe said, excitement in his voice.
"How much longer are you going to do this to William and Thomas? How much longer are we going to go around seeking out and killing Death Eaters?" Johnathan asked.
"Oh Johnathan, do I have to Imperius you too?"
"You wouldn't dare?"
"I guess you'll never know...I can make you think whatever I want, say what I want you to say and do whatever I choose for you to do...don't tempt me," he warned.
Again, the memory changed, this time Joe and Will were in a dark alleyway.
"Joe, it's been three years now, how much longer are we going to hunt down Ex-Death Eaters?"
"Ex? THERE IS NO EX- DEATH EATER, WILLIAM...once a Death Eater, always a Death Eater."
"But this Draco Malfoy guy we're waiting for...I thought they were pardoned-"
"I want justice...but I don't want to kill anybody," Will said.
There was a young woman laughing down one of the alleys. Joe had a twisted smile etched on his face. "Speaking of our dear Draco Malfoy, it's showtime. Let me show you how it's," Joe said as he nodded to the other men he had with him.
Will watched him walk down the alleyway towards Draco and Astoria. He heard Astoria's screams echo throughout the night sky as he slid to the ground and listened to the brutal scene taking place.
At this point in the memories, Ginny turned to Draco, his face was full of anger, as tears fell. She felt her own tears continue to flow since she had seen the first memory appear. She turned back to the next memory that appeared before her.
"So this is your office? Not bad...have you had a chance to collect anything else on the Malfoys? They have that damn ward there anything about that in his file?" Joe asked.
"You're still on that? How much more do you want Joseph? You're becoming a killer, just like the people you're hunting down." Will said.
"At least one of us cares enough to get some kind of vengeance."
Will just sat down, ignoring his brother's comment. "Mr. Potter has asked me to help him with a specific case," he said suddenly.
Joe looked at him curiously, "What case would that be?"
"Draco Malfoy's...about Astoria Greengrass' murder."
Joe just started laughing, "This is perfect, you, of course, agreed, yes?"
"No, I haven't given him an answer yet."
"Are you fuckin mad? Of course you need to work on it with him, this way any leads he finds you can shift and then collect any other additional information about the Malfoys."
Will gave a long sigh. "Joe, I'm done with this, I just want to try and move on with my life...can't you try and get past all of this?"
"Fuck, Will, I swear you surprise me every day with the shit that comes out of your mouth. Are you that much a coward that you can't-"
"I'm not a coward," he said, turning angry.
"Really? Then prove it, accept the case."
The scene changed to the night of Ginny's attack, she wasn't prepared to relive the experience over again.
"Where the fuck is this little bitch?" Joe asked angrily pacing up and down the side alley.
He looked up to see Will walking up to him finally.
"Hey, what's going on, you asked me to meet you here?" Will asked.
"Where the hell have you been? I asked you to get your arse here almost an hour ago."
"I was just finishing some work up. Why are we all here? You're not planning another attack are you?"
"I am, and this a special case. I think I want you to do it this time." Joe said with an evil grin.
"NO! I told you already, I want to help, but I don't want to kill anyone...and I won't...I'm not a you." Will said, his tone angry.
"Me, a monster? I'm not the one who sliced and diced my wife and kids-"
Will punched him hard in the face. "Fuck you, Joe."
Joe just wiped his mouth and smirked at his brother. "Well, finally, some come here."
Feeling bad that he just punched his brother, he walked over to him.
"After Thomas was killed, I've been keeping a close eye on our precious Malfoys. Potter has been working with him too, and passing off some info and quite frankly, I'm tired of him poking his nose around. So I'm going to go meet Malfoy and his dear friend Blaise on the other side of town here and while I'm taking care of that...I want you to take care of her." he said.
"Who?" WIll asked, looking ahead at the crowd of people down the street Joe was pointing to.
"The redhead."
"That's Ginny Weasley, she's with Harry...What exactly does she have to do with any of this?"
"We need to teach Potter a lesson, I want you to kill her."
"WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK JOE?" he asked, a look of shock on his face as he backed away from his brother.
"Oh, please William, it's time you get your hands dirty."
"Screw're've gone too far now. She's pregnant! And more importantly, she's innocent!"
"So what, she has to go, now, here," Joe said, placing a knife in his brothers pocket and a black mask in his hand. "Get to it."
"I'm done with this whole thing, I really wanted justice for my family and for our parents and Jessica...but this isn't justice...not the justice I want," Will said, turning away and leaving.
Joe just watched him walk towards Ginny, it looked like he was going to warn her of his brother's plan, but before Will could reach her Joe got into his head and he walked down a side alley instead. Will placed the mask on his face and pulled out his knife and soon the attack on Ginny had played out.
Ginny's body shook with emotion as she watched the scene unfold, she finally managed to turn her gaze to Will down the table, his face was covered in tears, but his eyes were filled with shock and disbelief. Her heart sank at the sight of him, she could feel the sorrow and guilt he had just by looking at him. She turned her attention back to the next memory of Will in his apartment, Joe was sitting on a chair in the kitchen watching him.
"Calm down, William, you did what had to be done," Joe said with a shrug.
Will peeled the blood-soaked shirt off himself and barely made it to the sink when he threw up. His body was shaking from head to toe as he thought back to what he had just done to Ginny and her baby.
"What happened to me? Why couldn't I stop myself? Why would I say those things?" He cried.
"Perhaps maybe you're more evil than you thought?" Joe suggested, an evil smirk crossing his face as he continued to keep his use of the Imperius curse on him a secret.
He just watched Will become an emotional mess.
"Looks like you're in too deep now, William...time to get back to the plan."
Again the scene changed to Joe inside of Will's office at the Ministry.
"So, I just got back from seeing Johnathan after the attack at Hogsmeade," Joe said, looking at his brother with anger.
Will shrugged, "Ok, what about it?"
Joe grabbed him roughly by the collar of his shirt. "And Ginny Weasley...she's alive, all this time I thought she was dead and she's been coming around the Ministry for how long now? And you failed to mention this to me?" he asked, giving him a piercing stare.
"I didn't want you to hurt her, but she has no memory of what happened to her...they were removed." he quickly said, hoping it would get his brothers mind off of her.
"Interesting, she's also been hanging out with Draco Malfoy...this could be more interesting than I thought."
Once more the memory changed and this time Will and Joe were in Kingsley's office.
"Johnathan is dead, your pal Draco killed him, do you even care?" Joe spat.
"Of course I care."
"Really, because you're constantly defending the whole lot of them. You know what Will, I want you to go pay of dear, Ginny Weasley a visit," he said, as he dove into Will's mind and twisted it to his liking. "Her and Lucius are at this location right now at some abandoned house," he said handing Will a piece of paper. "When you get there...I want you to break her."
"What do you mean?"
"You'll know when you get there," Joe said with a wide grin.
The memory showed Will in that abandoned house as he watched Ginny throw herself onto the old couch and tended to her leg. The memory faded just as Will grabbed her from the couch and dragged her across the house into a different room.
The cloud around them all soon disappeared and there was not one sound that filled the room. Everyone's eyes were on Will at this point, he didn't speak, he just had his still bounded hands over his mouth as he watched in disbelief. His face drenched in tears and his body trembling with emotion.
"Let's continue this later, everyone." Harry choked out through his own emotions.
It took people a few moments to get up and leave the dining room, even Lucius had been staring at Will in shock before he snapped out of it and left Will alone. Nobody knew what to do or what to say so they left the room and left Will to comprehend everything he just saw. Ginny felt Draco tug on her wrist to pull her from the room, but she couldn't move...everything was different. Will was innocent, he was actually a pretty decent guy and he tried to defend them even against Joe. He even intended to warn Ginny about her attack before he was put under the Imperius curse.
A part of her wanted to comfort him, but the other part still saw the man who raped her, the man who killed her father and her child. She heard Draco whisper her name out as he gave her arm a light yank before she started walking out of the room. She turned back to look at Will once more before she walked into the hallway. Her legs were shaking and she leaned against the wall for a moment.
She suddenly heard Will's breakdown echo throughout the other room and down the hall she was in. She just stood there looking at Draco and Harry standing in front of her before she felt her body slide to the floor and she started crying. She couldn't help the emotional pain of the entire situation, reliving those moments, seeing Will's was more than she could was more than anyone could take.
"Where's Ginny? Why can't she tuck me in?" Lizzie asked.
"She isn't feeling well," Draco said, waiting for her to get into the bed.
"What's wrong with her?"
"I don't know, now get in the bed," he said impatiently.
"Is she not feeling well as in sick? Or like depressed?" Lizzie went on to ask.
"Just get in the damn bed," he snapped.
"Wow, so comforting, now I could really fall asleep knowing I was tucked in by a lovely guy such as yourself. I take it you're not familiar with this sort of thing," she said, crawling into the bed and laying down as she propped her head up on her hand and looked at him.
"Not really, kid," he said, taking a seat on the bed, he was lost in the memories he had watched earlier.
"Kid?" She rolled her eyes and laid back. "Draco?"
"Hmm?" he answered, looking out into space as she tucked herself in.
"Are you and Ginny married?"
He looked at her, "No, why?"
She shrugged, "I was just curious, you think you will marry her? Can I come to the wedding?"
"Go to sleep," he said, getting up from the bed.
"I saw them you know," she said suddenly.
"Saw what?"
"The memories...I saw them," she said in a small voice.
He walked back over to her and sat on the edge of the bed facing her.
"Lizzie, why would you watch those? Ginny told you to stay away."
"I wanted to see what happened...I wanted to see how my dad ended up doing such horrible things..." she trailed off. "What's going to happen now? Are you guys going to kill my father?"
"What? No...nobody is going to kill your dad," he said, his voice became more comforting when he saw her start to tear up.
"But you were going to...when you thought he knowingly did those things?"
He looked at her small tear-stained face. "Honestly, I don't think we would have even then."
"Draco...why would my Uncle do that? Why would he want to hurt" she cried.
He got up and sat beside her, pulling her into his arms to hug her as she started crying.
"Lizzie..." he trailed off, not sure of what to say. "I don't know." was all he could manage to get out.
Ginny made her nightly stroll down to the kitchen after she had trouble sleeping, she saw Ethan was already up.
"Tea?" he asked her.
"No, thanks, I just need some water," she said, filling a glass up and taking a few sips.
They were both silent, they knew what the other was thinking about.
"Have you spoken to him yet?" Ginny asked.
Ethan let out a long sigh. "No, I didn't know what to say, I thought maybe he might need some time," he explained.
Ginny just nodded.
"Ethan...what Joe did..." she trailed off, her anger rising.
"I didn't think my brother had such darkness in him...I can't believe the things he's done...and William and Lizzie, the loss they are facing because of him. I don't know what to say to him Ginny, what do you say to someone who has lost everything, who has done unthinkable things?" Ethan just shook his head in disbelief before he excused himself and went upstairs.
Ginny made her way back upstairs and stopped by Lizzie's bedroom to check on her. She peeked her head in and saw Draco had fallen asleep beside her. A smile formed on her face as she quietly closed the door and her gaze went to the last door all the way down the hall to Will's room. She thought about the memory Lizzie shared with her of her and her father sleeping in her bed and having one of their many talks. Ginny felt this overwhelming sadness for Will and Lizzie and she once again found herself outside of Will's room.
She put her ear up to the door to see if she could hear if he was awake or not. She gave a small knock before she popped her head in. The room was dark except for a dimly lit lamp that was on. She didn't see him at first, but her eyes finally found him in the corner of the room sitting on the floor.
"Will?" she called out to him.
He didn't answer her.
She walked over to him and stood there for a moment, his face had nothing but agony etched on it, his eyes were red and swollen. She felt her lip tremble as her emotions tried to surface, but she tried to pull herself together. She took a seat on the floor next to him and just sat there in silence for a while.
"I'm sorry, Will...I'm sorry about what happened to you," she said softly.
He turned to look at her, his eyes had so much pain in them, she felt the tears sting her eyes as she bit her lip to suppress her cries.
"I'm the one who should be apologizing...I can't begin to even try to comprehend everything I he made me do those Elaina. How do I even try to deal with this? I'm a monster-"
"No, you're not, Joe made you into a monster...Joe is the monster," she said with a firm tone, her emotional voice turning to one full of anger and hatred.
He just shook his head. "Stop...I can't even show my can you even speak to me right now?" he said, looking at her, his expression angry, but his face full of tears
She watched him look away, "Will-"
"Ginny... stop," he said, turning back to her. His eyes were filled with fresh tears which prompted hers to start falling. "Please get out...please stop trying to make it sound like everything is better now that I know it wasn't really me doing these things. They still happened and I'm the one who remembered doing there is NOTHING you can say right now that could possibly make one single thing just...please...leave me be," he pleaded with her before he turned away once more.
She just stared at him for a moment and gave a tearful nod before she got up and left his room.
He just sat there watching her for a moment, she could feel him staring. She looked up and looked directly at him. "Yes, Joseph?"
He leaned back in his chair and folded his hands and kept staring at her. "Tell me something you love your son?"
"My son? Draco? Why?" she asked, her eyebrow raised.
"I think maybe you remember more than you're letting on," he simply said.
She felt her heart start to race. "What gives you that impression?"
"You just haven't really acknowledged you have a son until I said something...and remembered his name, so...naturally you must have some of your normal mindset back."
"What are you implying-"
"What I would like for you to do is to prove to me that you are still working with me and not against me," he said looking at her.
Narcissa suddenly grabbed the knife from Joe's pocket, her hands were moving on their own. She held the knife to her own throat and pressed it hard against her skin.
Joe smiled at her. "Quite unsettling to see yourself doing something, but unable to stop it, right? I could make you slit your own throat right now. I can also make you aware that you're doing it or unaware. I can make you think what I want and say anything I want you to many different ways to control the mind...fascinating really."
Narcissa felt the knife move away from her neck and then down to her wrists.
"Maybe you went mad and took your own life? That sounds like it would fit," he said, making her pierce the skin on her arm with the knife.
She let out a hiss of pain and her hands involuntarily moved the blade to wherever he wanted it to go.
"I want to serve you and only you, even if that means killing my own son just to prove I'm loyal to you." she heard herself say it, but she didn't mean it.
The feeling of having Joe control her every word and every move with little to no effort was definitely unsettling. If he made it past the wards of the Zabini's he could potentially have them all turning on each other with how skilled he was with the use of the Imperius curse.
"That's a great idea Narcissa, I'm glad you thought of it," he said with an amused smile. "I think I might just need you to do that JUST so I really know for sure. See...I tried to tell Will all those years ago, kids just get in the's better to remove them from the picture this way we could focus on what really needs to be done."
Narcissa felt her blood boiling as he spoke to her and then she felt panic. She quickly tried to regain her composure. "That won't be an issue, but what about William?"
"What about him?"
"Once we are through the wards do you plan to use him again?"
"Will is as dead as the rest of them are once I get through, he was always so weak and always asking questions instead of just doing what he was told. He's done most of the grunt work...the rest I can handle." he stood up and walked over to her, a smirk forming on his face.
"Come Narcissa, let's go coffin shopping for your boy."
A/N: Ok, thoughts? There is probably only like two chapters left, possibly three...we will see. I really felt the scene with Draco's meltdown was important because with everything happening with Will and Ginny I didn't want us to forget what our dear Draco had lost in all of this and what really brought them together, make sense? Please review!
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