No one Comes When You cry | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10479 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Sky, the houses in the wall and the plot. Oh, and the wand is mine too. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
No One Comes When You Cry
Many thanks to pittwitch for her never ending patience with me, as she unerringly corrects the multitude of errors that are mine.
Chapter Show Your Mark
Lucius Malfoy arrived at Hogwarts on the pretence of congratulating the Snapes on their handfast. When he and the Headmaster discovered they were nowhere to be found, he decided to wait, knowing Severus would not stay away long. Once at the dinner table, he mentioned to the Headmaster, none too quietly, how amazing it was that such a lovely young lady could be sired from a monster like Voldemort. And how generous it was of the staff and pupils to accept her even knowing who she really was. Those students sitting nearest the head table heard clearly and word soon spread. The staff too were gossiping openly, shocked at the news.
Severus and Sky walked along the back of the table and Severus held out her seat, intending to seat himself between her and Malfoy.
“Severus, would you mind if I sit next Mr. Malfoy? I have a few questions I want to ask him.”
If Severus was surprised, he did not show it. Instead, he pulled out his own seat for her and sat down, wondering what she intended to do. She had an odd expression on her face, not one he would wish bestowed on himself.
“Mrs. Snape, how nice to meet you again. May I offer my congratulations to you both.”
“Thank you, Mr Malfoy.” She told him then turned to Albus. “Albus would you mind if I make an announcement? There seems to be a lot of talk about me at the moment.”
Albus’ eyes twinkled mischievously as Severus looked at her appalled. ’She wanted to make an announcement? Sky, who is terrified when there are more then three people in the room with her wants to make an announcement.’ He narrowed his eyes when the Headmaster stood and ordered silence.
“Mrs. Snape, the floor is yours.”
Even Lucius looked a bit surprised. He wondered what she was going to say.
Her hands were shaking and her legs were trembling as she stood but Sky was determined to do this. She was sick of sitting back and taking everything thrown at her without ever retaliating. At first, her voice came out in a quiet squeak but when Malfoy snickered smugly beside her, she glared at him. Severus put his hand around hers and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“You all know by now who my father is: Tom Riddle, Voldemort, the Dark Lord. Mr. Malfoy here made certain of that. Just because Voldemort is my father does not mean that I’m like him. I’m not in the habit of killing and torturing innocent people on a whim. Maybe Mr. Malfoy thought he was doing you all a favour when he let you know my parentage. Or maybe he did it because Voldemort told him to do so the last time the two of them met. It’s quite possible seeing as how Mr. Malfoy is a Deatheater and meets with Voldemort on a regular basis. You have more to fear from Mr. Malfoy than you do from me.”
“How dare you?” Roared Malfoy, jumping to his feet and looking at her with his steely gaze.
Severus and Albus also rose to their feet, ready to protect Sky should Malfoy attempt anything.
“I am a well-respected member of the wizarding community and you dare to accuse me of being a Deatheater. You will pay for this I assure you.”
“Then prove it Mr. Malfoy. Here in front of everyone. You were happy to try and make me look bad. Show your left arm so we can all see what a good man you are.”
“I will do no such thing. How dare you. I need prove nothing to you or anyone.” He moved to walk away but Sky was mad, very mad.
“Mr. Malfoy, stop where you are.” She told him, her wand pointing straight at him. A soft eerie grey glow came from her wand and stone and drifted around Malfoy.
Everyone was quiet and could do nothing but watch. Unable to help himself, Malfoy stopped.
“Turn around and face everyone Mr Malfoy.”
Lucius was seething but he could not stop himself from doing what she said. “You do know it is illegal to use imperius on a person, Mrs. Snape.” He hissed at her.
“Yes, that’s why I’m not using it. Remove your jacket, Mr. Malfoy and roll up your left sleeve.”
“NO!” He shouted but did as she said. His face becoming whiter by the second.
“Now hold your left arm in the air so everyone can see the mark on your arm, Mr. Malfoy.”
He was almost ready to pass out with the effort of trying to resist her command but he held his arm high. Everyone in the Great Hall saw his Dark Mark.
“Thank you.” She told him. “Now sit down. I’m sure the Headmaster will know what to do next.”
Albus was busy tying a letter addressed to the Ministry to the leg of Severus’ owl, Spartan. He was the fastest owl in the school and it would not be long before the aurors arrived.
Malfoy was dressed and sitting in his seat fuming. The chatter in the hall was loud and Lucius could not do a thing about it. But he would make her pay.
“Perhaps then you would have your husband do the same Mrs. Snape, for he too bears the Dark Mark does he not?”
“That is up to my husband, he is not the one who tried to dirty my name Mr. Malfoy. As to having the mark, I can’t say I noticed one on him.”
“Then prove it. Go on, make him prove it.”
Severus and Albus were both alarmed now. Ministry aurors were on the way and Malfoy was not going to go down alone.
Sky turned to Severus. “Will you show him Severus? Will you prove that you don’t have the mark? “Celo.” (I hide) She winked at him when she spoke and he looked at her speculatively.
“Have you done something?” He whispered.
She nodded almost imperceptively.
“Very well, I am willing.” He said aloud. ‘Dear Gods let it not be there.’ He prayed.
Removing his jacket, he rolled his left sleeve up and his arm was bare; no sign of the mark visible. He knew it was still there because he could feel it, but he could not see it and his arm was smooth to the touch. Inwardly he was stunned, had he needed to speak right then, he would have found it most difficult, however, he stood and raised his arm for all to see. Malfoy roared in frustration at the injustice inflicted on him, insisting it was a disillusionment charm or make up as several aurors walked in the doors.
Once Malfoy was bound, Sky released her own hold on him.
But he was still insisting that Severus bore the mark and insisted the aurors check his arm for spells. Severus allowed them to examine his arm and perform an array of detection charms on him in front of the whole school but they found nothing and placed a silencing charm on Malfoy to shut him up before taking him away.
Albus immediately called for food, hoping to distract the students by feeding them. The whole school was shaken by what just happened and a good dinner was not going to stop them from talking about it.
Draco Malfoy had been unable to do anything about his father’s arrest. But he sat now, glaring at the woman responsible for his father’s loss of freedom. He did not want to marry her, but he would not let her get away with this.
Severus looked awestruck at his wife as she tucked into her dinner, putting away vast amounts as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. His own stomach was in knots and hungry as he was, he did not think he would be able to swallow anything.
“You not hungry?” She asked him between bites.
“Yes. No. Yes. I mean …”
She laughed. “What’s up with you. You’re not usually at a loss for words. He’s gone Severus. Let somebody else deal with him. You’ll be hungry later if you don’t eat now.”
He narrowed his eyes and shoved a forkful of mashed potato in his mouth as he watched her constantly from the corner of his eyes.
“Do you know what an amazing woman you are? I cannot believe what you just did.” He whispered.
She blushed. “They’re all gonna hate me now Severus. There’s nothing I can do about it but I’ll be bug …I don’t see why Malfoy should get away scott free. I’m fed up of not sticking up for myself. Sal told me lots of times that I should. Well from now that’s what I’m gonna do.”
Severus paled. After the example she just made of Malfoy, he better watch his own step. When dinner was over Sky and Severus stood to leave.
“I would like a word with you both this evening.” Albus told them as they stood.
“Very well Albus. Can you give us half an hour?”
“Half and hour will be fine Severus, oh and Sky.”
She turned to look at the Headmaster. She’d been expecting him to tell her off sooner than this.
“Well done my dear. Well done.” He winked at her and went back to his meal.
Sky stared at his back with her mouth open until Severus placed his hand on the small of her back and ushered her along.
“He is right you know.”
“What?” She asked.
“Albus. He is right. You did well with Malfoy. I have to admit I was very impressed. Even the fact that you stood to make an announcement at all was brave of you. And I would like to know how you did that other little trick of yours.” He told her quietly as they left the hall.
Sky did her best to ignore the stares and whispers as she went past the students but it wasn’t easy. Severus glared at everyone as usual but for once it did not shut them up.
Once they were in their rooms Severus led her to the sofa. “Would you mind if I performed the legilimency before we go see Albus? I am too curious to wait.”
She opened her mind to him, allowing him to wander at will. She couldn’t remember what she did under while still under the influence of the sleeping potion so Severus would have to search for it.
He went straight to where she was standing waiting for him at the wall and worked back from there, not willing to go too far he watched as she woke and fell out of bed, crawled to the mirror and brought up his image.
Ten minutes later, he pulled out.
“You have his wand.”
The Dark Lord’s, you summoned it through the mirror and it flew into your hand. I wondered why he stopped the cruciatus so soon and sent me away, not that I am complaining.”
“That’s two he’s lost to me now. He’s not gonna be very happy when he sees me Severus.”
“I doubt he knows what happened to it. You called his wand through a mirror and it came to you. I would not have believed it possible had I not just seen it with my own eyes.” He stood and went to retrieve the wand from the bedroom. “We’ll give this to Albus. He’ll be stunned when we tell him how you did this.”
“Break it first Severus. Then he can’t use it again if he ever gets hold of it again.”
He snapped the wand and passed her the pieces. “Here, you can give it to Albus. It is your prize after all.”
“Prize? It’s a wand that’s been used for some not very nice things Severus. Well it won’t be doing it any more.”
“I wish they’d stop looking at me like I’m about to hex them or something.”
She muttered to Severus as they walked through the main hall. Many of the students were milling about there and turned to watch as the couple made their way to the Headmaster’s office. Severus gave an evil smirk at her.
“I dare you.” He said.
“No Severus that’s mean.”
Sky ignored him and carried on until they were just past the students. Suddenly she whirled round and shouted at the top of her voice.
The students screamed and dived for cover as Severus doubled over with laughter and Sky ran to the gargoyle before clutching her sides.
“Really Severus. And you too Sky. You should be ashamed of yourselves.”
Minerva told them as she walked past. As soon as she was out of sight, they heard her laughing. The couple laughed all the way into Albus’ office and flopped onto the offered chairs, tears streaming down their cheeks.
“What on earth happened to make you two laugh like this?”
It took them ten minutes before Albus could understand what they were telling him, because every time they tried to speak one or the other would start laughing and set the other off again. Sky had never laughed so much in her life and it still left her feeling happy even when she calmed down. Eventually though questions needed to be answered. Albus leaned forward at his desk.
“Sky, I was going to ask why you changed the wording slightly when you took your oath yesterday. I assume you are hoping to convince Voldemort to change his ways. You need to understand that he will not.”
“Probably not, but I have to try. Maybe when he meets me and gets to know me he’ll feel different. He might even like me. I can’t just kill him without finding out first. No matter what he’s done.”
“I can appreciate what you are saying Sky but we are not talking about a normal wizard. He is deranged, obsessed with taking over the entire wizarding world. He will not hesitate to kill you once you have outgrown your usefulness to him. Is that not so Severus?”
“It is. But hopefully we can keep one step ahead of him now. Sky show Albus what you have.”
She put the broken wand on the desk.
“A broken wand. I don’t understand.”
“It is the Dark Lord’s, Albus. I was summoned yesterday. Sky had already reduced his first wand to ashes and he procured another. Perhaps several, we do not know. But she took this from him via a mirror when he was cursing me. I do not believe he has any idea what happened to it.”
“Really. How did you manage that?”
“Erm I …”
“A spell, Albus, not one I have heard of before but it worked and saved me from a great deal of pain. He is also expecting me to take her with me next week. He is ready to meet her.”
Sky looked at him wide eyed. “He wants to see me? Well that’s good isn’t it? He might listen to me and …”
“No, Sky, he will not. The only reason I was not avada’d was because he believes I am persuading you to join him. He believes you will join his ranks and be one of his followers. There will be no favouritism, no special treatment because he sired you.”
“Sired me? You make me sound like an animal Severus.”
“That is how he will see you, another beast to do his bidding. It is his way. For the time being, you must do as he says. It is the only way we can hold on to our lives. He also wants you there without your wand and necklace.”
“Well he can get lost. Anyway I can’t leave them behind. The necklace won’t come off and you know the wand follows me everywhere.”
“That is what I told him.”
“What did he say when you did?”
“Crucio.” He told her.
“Oh, and we have to go when?”
Sunday next, he will want to inaugurate you.”
“What me?”
“You will most likely have to take the Dark Mark.”
“No, I’m not having one of those on me Severus. It’s horrible. It’ll hurt.”
“Correct, but if you wish to meet him and spy on him as you have stated then you do not have a choice.”
“There is another problem.” Albus told them. “As you know, the Ministry of Magic has been leading an investigation into the validity of your claim of being the last surviving Morrigan. As such, you are to attend a hearing at the Ministry in three weeks so you can prove your case.”
“Eh? But I didn’t claim to be anybody. Shannon told me who I am. How am I supposed to prove it? And why do they care anyway? It’s nothing to do with them.”
“Unfortunately it has. Seven years after you went missing, you were declared dead. As the last known descendant of the Morrigan’s, that meant your estate went into the Ministry coffers. Now that you are back, they will have to return that estate to you. That does not sit well with the Ministry.”
“What estate? What coffers?”
“When your mother and grandparents were murdered, the house and monies belonging to the Morrigan family should have been passed down to you, because you were believed dead, the Ministry seized them.”
“But how can they say I was dead when I wasn’t? Didn’t they look for me. They must have known I was somewhere when they didn’t find me.”
“There will have been an investigation at the time. But you have to understand that things are different in our world. A body can be transfigured into something else and disposed of easily. I am sure you know that from your lessons.”
“Yes but …”
“Hence the seven years grace. It allows the missing person time to return if in fact they are alive and able to do so. After that you are declared deceased.”
“But that’s not fair. Anyway I don’t care. I know who I am so why should I have to prove it to them?”
“To claim your inheritance of course, you are entitled to it. There will be a lot of personal effects that belonged to your mother and grandparents. Do you not wish to have them?”
“I don’t know.” She mumbled. “What good will it do now? It won’t bring them back.”
Severus took her hand and spoke. “No it will not. But it will give you something to remember them by. I know you want to remember them.”
She looked at him, her eyes wet with tears. ‘Yes, she wanted to remember them.’ More than anything she wanted that and Severus could see that in the depth of her midnight blues. “I can’t prove who I am Severus. I haven’t got a hope in hell of seeing anything that belonged to my mum.”
“Yes you have.” Albus told her softly. “We are fortunate to have a member of the Order who works in the records department at the Ministry. Even as we speak, she is going through the archives, trying to dig up something that will help your case. I cannot promise you anything, but if she finds what I hope she will, then we shall have the proof you require.”
“What proof?” Sky and Severus asked at the same time.
“A Morrigan history book, all pureblood families keep them. They record your ancestry, names, dates, lineage. Your family tree in other words. I have a feeling that the stone you have round your neck may also have a bearing in this case. There is also the fact that the wand of bloods has found its way to you. These are irrefutable proof in themselves. You may have to reveal that fact to them. Morrigan’s have been mentioned in wizarding history for centuries but if the Morrigan book is found the proof will be conclusive.”
“Let’s hope I live long enough to find out. If my …Voldemort isn’t pleased with me he might …you know.”
“He will not Sky. Not if you do as he says.”
“It depends what he wants me to do Severus.”
Review then. Malfoy Snr got his comeuppance.
Wonder what Draco will do.
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