Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
Shiloe sighed, rolling his shoulders and heading for Helga’s room. He only had this one evening for the conversation he had planned to take place. After he went to bed for the night, the body was Harry’s again for at least a few days.
He headed into the Saferoom. “Lucius?” He called out, poking his head in. Lucius was sitting in the armchair near the fire, reading. “Yes, Shiloe?” He conjured a bookmark and closed the book, setting it on the floor beside him. Shiloe conjured an extra armchair and sat. “I… Severus is still not really speaking to me, and he’s ignoring Harry more than usual, as well, but my point is that… I’m probably going to need to Feed from you soon. I know we aren’t really comfortable with each other, an-“ Lucius held up a hand. “Part of the blame for our distance rests with me. I’m not sure exactly what capacity you want me in, and it makes me a bit standoffish, I’m afraid.” He explained. “What kind of relationship do you want from me?” Shiloe flushed. “Well… Obviously, it needs to be sexual. I enjoy chaste affections, too, but that’s not a requirement. Feedings will likely need to be no less than once a month, and-” Lucius chuckled. “You misunderstand me. I know that you want me as a lover, and I know VERY WELL what that entails. What I want to know is,” He folded his hands and leaned forward intently, “For how long do you want me? I have a tendency to become rather attached to people, and I do not give them up again easily. So will I have to lose you in a few years’ time, or can I leave my heart unguarded? I need to know for certain before I can be at ease with you.” “I want you for as long as you’ll stay with me.” Shiloe replied easily. “Of course I’m never going to push you away! What kind of arsehole do you think I am?! Besides, you may be one of my mates for life one day.” He added. Lucius smiled. “That is what I most wanted to know. Do you choose them? Your mates?” He clarified. Shiloe snorted. “I wish. No, they will be the ones that are the best suited to my lifestyle, my magic and my temperament, as well as Harry’s, but they will also be the anchors I am closest to emotionally, even if that closeness is something I have never noticed. I will be mated forever with the ones that have given themselves to me the most, and can live peaceably with my Host and his lover, should he or she not be an anchor.” “I see.” Lucius smiled and stood, walking over to Shiloe’s chair and kneeling before Shiloe. “Then I am happy to say that I will be more than willing to stay with you for a lifetime. If you will have me.” He added with a teasing smirk. Shiloe leaned down to Lucius and kissed the blond, moaning when Lucius quickly took over, devouring his mouth and coaxing his own tongue into an intricate dance, gliding over teeth and gums and stealing the teen’s breath completely. Lucius broke the kiss and chuckled, looking over Shiloe’s bruised, swollen lips and glazed eyes. “You look lovely.” He said softly, then he became thoughtful, and returned to his chair. “Shiloe, I would like to ask you for something; a small favor.” Shiloe nodded. “Go ahead.” “I want another child. I would like you to sire a child upon me.” He finished, looking into his own lap. “Narcissa refused to ruin her figure further, and would not give me any children save Draco, the heir I needed. I have always wanted more, though you are still too young to carry.” Shiloe was looking at him in shock. “I thought you said it was a SMALL favor!” He exclaimed.“Babies ARE small.” Lucius replied evenly, raising his eyes to meet Shiloe’s. Shiloe sighed. “That’s not only my decision to make. I’d need to talk to Harry.” He said softly.“You don’t. Not really.” Lucius said in the same hushed tone. “I will carry the child, I will support the child financially, I will house the child with myself at one of my properties as soon as I am able to leave here, and I will allow you full parental rights whilst asking nothing from Harry himself. The body you share is not involved any further than giving me what I need to create new life. I will gladly do all the rest myself until your schooling is finished. It is not necessary to tell him until then. Please.” He lowered his Occlumency shields, and Shiloe gasped at the depth of longing Lucius held for a second child, tears pricking his eyes. “He needs to know, at least, just in case the child looks like him.” Shiloe explained. Lucius sighed. “The Malfoy Family is deeply involved in the French Wizarding Government, and I could easily obtain papers stating that the child is mine by a mistress that refused to keep it. I need not be seen whilst I am carrying. I can stay behind wards that will keep the secret safe.” He was really, truly pleading now, thinking of anything he could to keep this opportunity from slipping away. Shiloe frowned. “Why do you want a child so badly now? Why can’t it wait?” He asked. “I don’t want to be too old to enjoy seeing my child grow up, and to be able to take an active role in the child’s life.” He explained. He bit his lip, and then added, softly, “And I want it to be while I am still healthy enough to teach them to fly and play Quidditch, like I was able to teach Draco.” His voice was soft and sad.Shiloe stiffened. “What do you mean? Are you sick?” He asked. Lucius shook his head, that sad smile still in place. “Not exactly, though I will not be able to fly much after another decade or so. My bones are slowly thinning, due to a curse placed on the males of my family about three generations ago. I’m afraid this happens to all men in my family, and it will be no different with Draco. I will have to be careful not to take unnecessary risks once they weaken much further.” “Have you tried to find a way to break the curse?” Shiloe asked tightly. Lucius chuckled. “It can only be lifted by blood family of the caster, and I’m afraid those that are in the position to help would likely be… Most unwilling.” He admitted. Shiloe sighed. “I see.” He said, realizing who he must mean. “Maybe Molly could lift it?” “She would not be able to. She is a Prewett by blood. One of Arthur’s ancestors cast the curse. It would have to be him or one of his children to remove it.” “I see.” Shiloe rubbed his temples. “That’s highly improbable. Perhaps someday Draco and Ron could be on good enough terms, but you and Arthur, I highly doubt. Even with me to bridge the gap, I don’t know that he would agree to help you.” “This has little to do with my request.” Lucius gently reminded him. Shiloe groaned. “I NEED to discuss it with Harry first. You KNOW that.” He said flatly. The sigh he got in response nearly made him smile. “Yes, I know. I wish he didn’t need to know. How much do you plan to tell him? He isn’t ready for all of it.” Lucius pointed out.Shiloe stood, shaking his head as he began to pace nervously. “No, he’s not. I can’t tell him who you are. What he needs to know is that there will be a child, and that we will be the Sire.” He sighed, whirling on his heel to face Lucius, finished with his pacing. “I can give you this, I’m sure. Harry is not one to be heartless, after all. Just grant me enough time to gain his approval first, because you understand why I cannot oppose my Host in this matter.” Lucius gritted his teeth against the possibility of bitter disappointment, but inclined his head. “I know. I dislike it.” He added. Shiloe shrugged. “That’s fine, it’s your right to dislike it, so long as you do not try to oppose it. He needs to know, before we can make any plans. You know that if I could give you this without Harry knowing, I would, in a heartbeat. I KNOW that you’d make sure my child wanted for nothing, and I will gladly give you a child the second Harry gives me the go-ahead.” Lucius nodded. “Thank you for that.” He said softly, his voice tight and words clipped.“Do you think, in time, you will be able to forgive me for denying you?” Shiloe asked in a soft voice, shifting in place where he stood. Lucius sighed and walked over to the raven-haired Shiloe, wrapping his arms around him. “Oh, Shiloe, I already have. I understand the reasons behind your decision, loathe as I am to admit it.” He added ruefully. “I cannot fault you for a wise move, required or not. A few months will make little difference, in the end.” Shiloe smiled. “Thank you. I need to get to bed now. Harry needs some sleep.” Lucius inclined his head and kissed Shiloe gently, then released him. “Go to bed. I will see you later.” He said. *****Harry, Ron and Hermione stopped talking as they spotted a huge crowd of people blocking the way to the entrance hall. Ron stood on tiptoe to read the notice posted there.“Triwizard Tournament. The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving at 6 o’clock on Friday the 30th of October. Lessons will end half an hour early. Students will return their bags and books to their dormitories and assemble in front of the castle to greet our guests before the Welcoming Feast.”“Only a week away!” said Ernie Macmillan of Hufflepuff, emerging from the crowd, his eyes gleaming. “I wonder if Cedric knows? Think I’ll go and tell him...”“Cedric?” said Ron blankly as Ernie hurried off.“Diggory,” said Harry. “He must be entering the tournament.”Shiloe kept his emotions to himself with great difficulty, knowing that Cedric likely hadn’t told anyone of his change of heart, so Macmillan was just being thoughtful. He really DIDN’T need to rip the boy’s throat out for helping endanger his anchor. Really, he didn’t. *****When they went down to breakfast on the morning of the thirtieth of October, they found that the Great Hall had been decorated overnight. Enormous silk banners hung from the walls, each of them representing a Hogwarts House: red with a gold lion for Gryffindor, blue with a bronze eagle for Ravenclaw, yellow with a black badger for Hufflepuff, and green with a silver serpent for Slytherin. Behind the teachers’ table, the largest banner of all bore the Hogwarts coat of arms: lion, eagle, badger, and snake united around a large letter H.“What do you think, are Fred and George going to try and enter the Tournament?” Harry asked under his breath to Ron.Ron snorted into his eggs. “I bet they will.” He agreed. “It sounds like exactly the kind of thing they’d do.” Harry grinned. “What if one of them really got picked?” “Mum would have a fit.” Ron chuckled. “They’d be grounded until they were Dumbledore’s age!” He exclaimed in glee at the thought.*****Harry sighed, leaning forward and resting his head on the library book he was trying to read on Runework and the theory behind Runescripts. “This is so dry.” He complained softly to himself. ‘Of course it is. It’s a textbook.’ Shiloe replied with amusement. ‘It’s not supposed to be some exciting adventure novel.’ “Maybe if it was a bit MORE interesting, I’d be able to learn something from it. I hate Runes.” He said with another sigh.“That’s too bad.” A feminine voice from behind Harry said. Harry turned and found the same blonde girl from before standing next to the bookshelf a few feet away. “I’m sorry?” “Runework is really very useful, after all. It’s the only sure-fire defense against both Wrackspurts AND Nargles.” She explained, walking over to the seat in front of Harry’s and sitting down. “Wait, who and what?” Harry asked, thoroughly bewildered. The girl smiled. “I’m not surprised you haven’t heard of them. Most people haven’t. But if you study Runes, you won’t have to worry about them. That would be a good thing, since you have Shiloe’s safety to worry about, too.” She said, her voice dropping so that they would not be overheard. Harry frowned when Shiloe’s low growling sounded in his head. ‘How the hell does she know about me?!’ He asked.“How can you be sure that I have a Shiloe?” Harry asked calmly. “I hear things, and the castle likes to talk. Not many can hear the voices in the stones now, and they get so lonely. It’s a family gift I got from my mother, and so I listen, and I learn things.” She said simply. “Plus, your aura shows two very slightly different magical signatures.” She finished brightly.Shiloe sighed. ‘Well, yeah, that would do it.’ He told Harry wryly.Harry smiled. “Oh. Alright. So, Runes will help me keep us safer?” He asked.“Oh, yes!” The girl answered, nodding with a huge smile. “And if you need more help, I can help teach you.” She said.Harry groaned. “But I’m already getting help from Hermione and… The other,” He tapped his head, “But I’m still picking it up too slowly. I’m bringing Hermione down, and I have to go to class with her and Ma- Draco tomorrow, and he’s going to sigh and roll his eyes at me and tell me to ‘put that quill down before you hurt yourself, Potter.’” Harry sneered. “I did NOT sound like that.” Harry turned and groaned, seeing the form of Draco Malfoy leaning against the bookshelves now, watching them in bemusement. “What are YOU doing here?” Harry asked.Draco shrugged and sat down. “I’m a student here. You?” “You know what I meant.” Harry growled. “We don’t like each other.” “Maybe I’d like to change that, if you’ll let me.” Draco said, leaning back in the chair. “I’m not the same as I was in first year, Potter. Too much has changed.” Harry sighed. “Well, honestly, I don’t know. Maybe we can be friends, but I don’t think it’s going to be that easy.”“I’m sure it won’t be easy at all.” Draco smirked. “But then again, that’s half the fun. Now, what has this book taught you?” Draco asked, pulling the book toward him. He recoiled in disgust. “Dear Merlin, this piece of trash isn’t going to help you at all!” He closed the book and dug in his bag.Harry made a lunge for the book, but Draco placed it under the table on his lap before Harry could reach it.“I was reading that!” Harry protested. Draco snorted. “You NEED to be reading… This!” He shoved a small book into Harry’s hands. Harry looked at it. “This is a children’s book.” He said tonelessly. “And a very informative one, trust me.” Draco said confidently. “That’s how I learned the Runes. Try it.” He suggested. “It’s a little funny, and it will teach you the Runes in a way that you might find easier to remember. I certainly did.” “Well, I guess I haven’t got much to lose.” Harry decided, accepting the book.Draco got up. “You can return that whenever you’ve gotten the basic Runes memorized, but try not to take too long, we could use your help with the project.” He said. “Oh, and try not to pick up a quill until you can write a Runescript without turning a healing script into a lust script, yeah?” He finished with a smirk and a little wave, walking off.Harry flushed. “I hate him.” He muttered.The girl looked at the book. “Oh, that’s the story I was going to tell you. How nice of him to lend us a copy! Come to the astronomy tower with me, we can read it there, it’s always quiet this time of day. I’m Luna, by the way. Luna Lovegood.” She said, taking Harry’s hand and leading him away as he grabbed his bag and hurriedly put the other books back on their way out.
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