Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Both Sides.
CH 36 Friends stick together
He set her a practical while the others were being given a lecture on the OWL’s, followed by a quiz to discover just how much they had forgotten over the holidays, Lou was now on her own at one side of the classroom, brewing the Draught of Peace.
She was left to get on with it and was about to add the powdered moonstone when she felt the Professor standing behind her, looking over her shoulder. She stopped and put the moonstone on her desk before looking up at him.
“Sir?” She asked, wondering now if she was doing something wrong.
“Continue with your work Miss Black.” He demanded. “I did not tell you to stop.”
Lou turned back to her desk and added the moonstone carefully, trying not to let her hands shake. She felt nervous with him stood over her like this, but she knew she could brew this potion and focussed on it, trying to pretend he wasn’t there. In fact she focussed so hard she didn’t even realise he moved away until she heard his voice from the other side of the room.
She needed to wait ten minutes before adding the syrup of hellebore and checked the time so she would know when the ten minutes were up.
Lou was glad to sit down and rest her leg for a while, it ached a bit from standing for the last hour, so she slipped a pain potion from her pocket, made sure no one was looking her way and swallowed it.
She finally added the syrup of Hellebore, stirred the potion and turned off the flame under her cauldron before sitting down again. She’d finished the potion and was waiting for Professor Snape to come and look at it.
“Miss Black, if you have finished, might I suggest you bottle your potion and bring a sample up to my desk for examination, it will not bottle itself.”
She jumped and started doing as instructed, bottling every last drop and labelling them, before picking one up and depositing it on his desk.
“Clear your workstation and stay behind after class.” He told her without even looking up from the parchments he was scribbling on with red ink.
“Yes Sir.” Lou said and headed back to her desk. ‘Bugger, now what have I done?” She wondered as she used her wand to scourgify her cauldron, knife and desk before taking the rack of phials she’d filled and heading to the stores cupboard.
“MISS BLACK. What do you think you are doing?”
Lou almost toppled over her cane when the Potions Master shouted at her.
“Putting the potions in the store cupboard Sir.”
“You are very presumptuous Miss Black. Your potion has not yet been examined or tested, on what authority do you presume to believe it is of sufficient quality to join my own potions in storage?”
“None Sir, I’m sorry.” She told him, returning to her desk as quickly as she could. Her cheeks reddened as she felt several pairs of eyes on her, she spent the remainder of the lesson studying her desktop while listening to him lecture the class on how not to assume their work was of good standard unless proven by a qualified Potions Master.
This lecture earned her a lot of black looks from the Griffindors and a few ’thanks for nothing’ looks from her fellow Slytherins.
When class was over and the room emptied, Lou’s nerves got the better of her and she was wound up like a tight spring by the time he slammed the door on the last student.
She was about to stand up, but the Professor stood in front of her desk and waved a hand, indicating that she remain seated.
“I have been speaking with Madam Pomfry, she tells you had a little accident with your leg.”
“Yes Sir, but it’s not too bad, just a bit sore.”
“What kind of accident was it that would leave finger bruises in it’s wake?”
“I …I grabbed my leg when I bumped it, that must be what made the bruises. Sir.” She added.
“I do not believe you.” He told her simply.
Lou didn’t know what to say. She refused to tell him what really happened, as far as she was concerned it was sorted now and she and Malfoy were gonna leave each other alone. If Severus got involved it would stir everything up again and Malfoy would be after her.
“I bumped it.” She told him again. “It was an accident.”
“You are a very bad liar Miss Black. I was about to make a concession and suggest that you have Kreatcher take you to and from classes in future, to save you the obvious embarrassment you feel when Hagrid carries you, but if you cannot reveal a simple truth to me, I no longer feel the need to make that concession. Good day Miss Black, close the door on your way out.”
He turned his back on her and went to sit at his desk, picked up his quill and began marking the test papers from today’s class.
“What? But that’s not fair. Please Professor, don’t do this. The headmaster already told me I could ask Kreatcher to help me, I wanted to tell you myself so you wouldn’t think I was taking advantage. I wanted to ask you something and say thank you for the spell and now your being all horrible.”
He narrowed his eyes at her, removed his wand and warded the door, then added a silencing spell before speaking.
Lou, I am not being ‘horrible’ as you put it, I am merely trying to get to the bottom of what is potentially, a dangerous situation. I know who caused those bruises on your leg, just as I know what was going on last night when I entered the common room. What I do not understand is why you are lying to me about it.”
“Because I’m dealing with it myself. I can’t run to you every time something happens, people will soon notice if I do. Anyway, I think he’ll leave me alone now, we had …words this morning.”
“You had words? Do you honestly think that words will make the slightest difference to anything a Malfoy sets his mind on? Draco is under orders from his father to keep a close eye on you, even get close to you if possible, though he has already messed up badly on that score. His father is under orders from the Dark Lord himself, Lou you cannot afford to make an enemy of Draco Malfoy. Whatever he says to you or attempts to do to you, I need to know. I will deal with it discretely and do my utmost to protect you, but I can only do that if you are honest with me and hold nothing back. The last thing we want is for someone to make the connection with your injury and the hex sent by Goyle Senior at Spinners End that night. Now stand up to Draco by all means, I would expect nothing less from you, but keep me informed as to what happens between you. Understood?”
“Yes Sir. Can I still as Kreatcher to help me or …”
“Yes, yes. You can ask him.” He said, waiving his hand impatiently. “You mentioned something else you wished to discuss with me.”
“It’s about my new classes. Each one set me a test like you did, written then practical. It’s just that, if I do really well and get top marks all the time, aren’t they gonna get suspicious? And the other kids will think I’m showing off and I won’t have any friends. Can I get something wrong sometimes, or will you tell me off if I do?”
He turned away so she would not see the corners of his mouth twitch. “That would be acceptable, providing that it is only very occasionally, and never in potions, Defence or Transfigurations. Arithmancy also, I expect you to outshine everyone in that subject. Oh, and Transfigurations, if I do not hear by the end of the week from Professor McGonagall that a Slytherin has actually surpassed her Gryiffindor golden girl, I shall be down on you like an angry hippogriff. Other than that, use your discretion. The classes you have already been tested on, you have already shown that you are more than capable and must continue to excel in those subjects also. Was there anything else?”
“No Sir, just thank you for the Peeves spell.”
“Very well, you may go.” He raised his hand and released the wards on the door. “Incidentally, your potion was excellent, though do not expect me to ever repeat that in class, five points to Slytherin. Off you go.”
Lou left the classroom with a mix of feelings. She was pleased that she could ask Kreatcher for his help, and pleased that her potion was good. She was worried now that Malfoy might discover she was the one at Spinners End, also that he’d been told to keep an eye on her. She was relieved that Severus said it was okay to not do quite so well in some of her classes, but disappointed that she had to excel in most of them.
She headed back to the Slytherin common room, deciding she may as well make a start on her homework. Professor Flitwick was quick to dish out the homework this morning and she had a two foot essay to do for ancient runes. At least Professor Snape hadn’t given them any and she had two free periods the others didn’t have in which to get a head start.
She pinned a copy of her timetable to her bedroom wall so Kreatcher would know what classes she had and when. Kreatcher said he didn’t need the timetable but she left it there in case she ever lost the original.
She was almost finished with her runes essay when the other Slytherins started entering the common room. Classes were over for the day and soon the room was full of laughing, chattering and complaining students.
Stacy and the other girls soon made their way over to her and sat round the table with her.
“Oh, you’ve almost finished your runes homework, I’ve not even had a chance to think about mine yet.” Robyn complained.
“What did Snape want?” Bernie asked.
Just to discuss the result of my written test. Then I had to test my potion before it could be put away.”
“What did he have you make?” Anna wanted to know.
“The Draught of Peace. I’ve never made that one before.”
“Wow, and he said it was okay? He must have done if he told you to put it away. I hope I do okay when it comes time to make it.” Nichole told her.
“Listen you lot, I’m sorry I got you all a lecture, you know, when I went to put the phials away.”
The others said they weren’t bothered. That he would have only found something else to lecture them on anyway.
“Hey, your wearing jewellery, were not allowed you know. If one of the Professors sees that ring you’ll be in for it Lou. You would do better to take it off and only wear it at weekends.” Nichole told her.
“I cant, it wont come of, I tried it on and it stuck. The Headmaster knows about it I think.”
“You should have seen your face when he shouted your name Lou, I thought you were going to mess yourself.” Bernie told her laughing all the while.
Lou laughed with her. “I almost did, he scared the living daylights out of me.
They were all laughing when Malfoy, Zabini and the others seventh years walked in.
Lou had her back to the door and didn’t see them enter, but she knew by the faces of her new friends that something was wrong. “What’s up?” She asked, frowning and half turning in her seat.
Her eyes met with the chest of Draco Malfoy, who was standing directly behind her and she had to crane her neck to look at his face.
That was when he noticed the collar on her neck. Quick as a flash he hooked a finger into it.
“What’s this for?” he asked.
Lou put her hand to his, trying to make him let go. “Get off, your hurting me.” She told him.
“Not until you tell me what it’s for,.” He said, tugging at the collar.
Lou had no choice but to turn and stand as he pulled hard. She followed him, stumbling to the fireplace and he only unhooked his finger as she was pushed back into a sofa.
“What do you think you’re doing? I thought we agreed to stay out of each others faces.” Lou told him as she tried to get up from the deep sofa.
Zabini was sitting beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder, preventing her from getting up. “No one told you to get up little doggy. A collar heh? Could be you like to be led around on a leash like the little bitch that you are, tell me, am I close?” He said close to her ear.
“No you’re not, now get lost and leave me alone.” She demanded, trying again to get up.
But Malfoy was on her other side now and the rest of the students were beginning to head for their dorms, not wanting to get involved with the seventh years.
“Leave her alone.” Piped a small voice.
Lou turned to see Stacy and the other girls standing nearby, all of them looking afraid, but willing to try and help her.
“Oh look, your friends think you don’t want to sit with us, unless you want them to get a taste of what you’re getting, you’d better tell them to leave.” Malfoy told her quietly.
Lou didn’t want to cause trouble for her new friends, it wouldn’t be right. As much as she desperately wanted them to get her away from the seventh years, she knew they wouldn’t be able to stand up to them.
“I’ll be fine, honest. You lot go and do your homework and I’ll see you later.”
The girls didn’t move and Crabbe and Goyle moved toward them. “You heard your friend, now sod off and mind your own business.” One of them said as they both looked threateningly at the girls.
“We’re not leaving without Lou. Let her go, or we’ll tell Professor Snape.” Anna told the thug.
Anna was the quietest of the group and Lou was surprised when she spoke up.
Then all the girls started raising their voices, yelling at the seventh years and causing so much noise that the older students were watching the door, worried that their head of house would come in to see what was going on.
“We’ll talk later.” Malfoy growled at her.
Lou struggled, but managed to stand and make her way over to her friends, her heart felt like it was about to jump out of her chest.
“Come on, my room.” She said, grabbing her things and heading for the corridor.
She placed her hand on the serpents coils, took down her wards and invited them in, quickly closing the door and warding it again.
Everyone let out a loud breath of relief.
“Bloody bullying pratts.” Robyn grumbled.
They all looked at her and burst out laughing. “Yeah, but they couldn’t stand up to us, we had them worried.” Stacy said bravely , though her voice trembled.
“I think it was all the noise that had them worried Stacy, not the thought we might beat them up.” Bernie told her. “This is a cool room Lou, I wish I had my own room. How come you got one?”
“Because she can’t climb the stairs to the dorms you numpty.” Anna said. “I’m jealous though, I wish I had my own room too, then I wouldn’t have to listen to Robyn snoring.”
“I do not snore.” The offended girl stated as she stroked Lou‘s owl. “What do you call him, he’s beautiful?”
“Validus. He’s my familiar.”
They all sat and chatted for the next hour, giggling, talking about schoolwork, boys, owls, boys, home and boys. Boys seemed to be the favourite topic amongst the girls, though Lou didn’t say much, never having had a boyfriend and home life wasn‘t something she knew much about either.
Bernie was seeing a sixth boy from Ravenclaw and Nichole, a seventh year Hufflepuff.
Lou was appalled at some of the things they’d allowed the boys to do, and even more shocked that the girls enjoyed it and what they did to the boys. She listened to everything they said and got to thinking that there was something wrong with her. Lou didn’t want to let a boy touch her like that, and she certainly didn’t want to …with her tongue. ‘Eeww!’ She thought.
Everyone’s stomachs started to rumble and they filed out of the room to head to the Great Hall for supper. The girls made sure to surround Lou in case Malfoy came looking for her, but he’d already left and the girls were allowed to go without any problems.
Lou waved at her Griffindor friends as they entered the hall, smiling broadly when they waved back and feeling glad that they didn’t give up on her because she was in Slytherin.
Partway through the meal, Malfoy received a letter. After reading it he scowled in Lou’s direction and she gnawed at her bottom lip, wondering if the letter was about her and what it said. She wasn’t looking forward to going back to the common room now.
Severus noticed the owl arrive, he noticed Malfoy’s scowl but kept his face stoic. He’d written to Lucius himself, pointing out that Draco was not behaving in a manner suited to the Dark Lords wishes, but instead was terrorising the girl.
Lucius was livid and wrote straight back to his son, demanding that he show more respect and follow orders. Otherwise there would be repercussions.
Draco wasn’t at all happy, but dare not go against the Dark Lords wishes. But having to be nice to the girl when she’d already annoyed the hell out of him did not sit well with Draco. He would have to build up to it slowly, if he suddenly changed his attitude and started being pleasant to her, she’d become suspicious and he’d get nowhere.
For the rest of the week he simply ignored her, pretending she didn’t exist.
Lou was nervous at first, thinking he was planning something and constantly looking over her shoulder. By the weekend she was more at ease, her friends stayed close to her as much as was possible, Kreatcher used his elf magic to get her to and from classes without too much attention, Malfoy didn’t hassle her any more and she was enjoying her classes. Except for History of Magic, like the others in her class, she found herself half dozing to the monotonous voice of Professor Binns. It was only the fact he was a ghost that made her wary enough to keep one eye on him at all times.
When she first entered his class and he drifted through the blackboard she’d frozen to the spot. But the other students didn’t seem to notice or care about the way he’d entered and she sat down at the back of the room, hoping he wouldn’t notice her.
Of course her did, and was quick to give her the customary quiz to discover what she knew.
The Professor was most impressed with her knowledge, even though she’d purposely answered some of the questions wrong and he set her a four foot essay on the rise and defeat of Grindlewald to be handed in next lesson.
Lou didn’t think it was fair, as none of the others were given any homework from Binns, but she couldn’t argue and put the assignment in her book bag.
She was up early Saturday morning, determined to get the history essay out of the way and have the rest of her weekend free.
She’d so far manage to keep up with her homework, finishing everything last night apart from this particular one.
Anna told her they were allowed to wear normal clothes on a weekend and Lou took full advantage of the fact. She’d donned a pair of dark green, low waisted clam diggers that nicely covered her bandage, and a cropped, black t shirt. It was long enough to cover her scars and the neck line was just high enough to reach the bottom of her collar. Everyone in Slytherin had seen it anyway so she saw no point in hiding it any more.
She sat at a table in the common room, working on the essay while waiting for her friends to get out of bed. It was only 6:30 and she was ready for her breakfast, she just didn’t want to go on her own.
When Malfoy sauntered in from the dorms corridor Lou stiffened, watching him from under her lashes and waiting for him to start picking on her.
Needless to say it was something of a shock for her when he simply yawned and threw himself into a chair opposite her.
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