There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
RECAP: Having survived the blood purification ritual, Charlie and Harry complete their mating in a guest bedroom within the Snapes' quarters. Professor Snape and Blaise have gone to the forbidden forest to investigate something that Blaise has mentioned. Previously, Hermione was woken by a black wolf-dog and carried deeper into the forest, where she spent the afternoon at the mercy of a hellhounds whims. Theo, Ilsa and Aracle are left to themselves while Charlie and Harry are otherwise occupied.
"Ward the room you idiot child!" Ilsa scolded, nudging him down the hallway to where the door had closed. "Silence, privacy and healing." She recited, waiting.
Theo calmly moved forward and with his clawed hands began to trace shapes in the air, a thick, glowing line of golden magic coming about before they faded into the woodwork. He then held out his hand and murmured an accio, until his wand thwapped into his hand. From there, he waved it about, casting the necessary charms and wards to reinforce the Dragel magic he'd used.
He then straightened, took one look at his mentor and quickly backtracked to the sitting room to wait. There, he winced, seeing Aracle doubled over, with a hand to his stomach and a grimace on his face. "Ilsa-" He started and the words died in his throat as he caught sight of the absolutely furious look on her face.
"Not a word." She snapped. "Aracle, ward the room for several hours at least, they'll need the time." She ordered her mate, his specialty was time-bending spells and she meant to make use of it. Now, she whirled on Theo who had taken a seat on an armchair near the fire. She'd barely managed to hold onto her temper. Her golden eyes flickered to a dark hazel hue. "Mortalia perileus." She hissed. "Do you know what those words mean?"
Theo swallowed.
"Ilsa, give the boy a break, he is old enough and well within his-" Aracle tried.
"Aracle, quit your moaning and go cast that spell." The words were thrown over her shoulder, her arms crossed over her chest. "I didn't hit you that hard and believe me, I wanted to—and keep your mouth out of this. It has nothing to do with you!"
"Should I be grateful, love?" He quipped, but eased himself up and shuffled down towards the guest room door, his magic crackling around him like a bubble of white-hot light at his fingertips. He moved with the faintest of winces visible on his face. He was more than used to this by now and he'd rather his lovely Gheyo take her temper out on him than on any of those young men. "Try not to chew him up too badly then." He suggested.
Theo threw a glare over his shoulder at the Rhyeo, to which, the man shrugged and disappeared further down the hallway out of sight.
Ilsa drew in a short, pointless breath. "Well?" She demanded. "Do you or don't you?"
Theo bowed his head. "Mortalia perileus." He recited in a classroom voice. "A spell crafted to exchange the life of the caster in exchange for the intended."
"And what is the intention?"
"If invoked, the caster then forfeits their life to that of the intended, with no recourse, no return and no protest."
"What is the main reason to avoid using it?"
"There is no countercurse."
"And by no countercurse, what is meant?"
"There is no…other choice. Not even an expert spellcaster can undo the bindings enough for the caster to say goodbye. It is instant death."
"Good boy." Ilsa praised. "Perhaps some of what I've said has actually lodged somewhere in the lump on your shoulders that ought to house a fully functioning brain! What is the primary base of the Brindus bonds?"
Pained golden eyes locked onto hard, hazel orbs.
"Answer me, Theodore!" Her voice was sharp and cutting.
"Mortalia perileus." He whispered, wincing even as he voiced the words. They were words he'd been taught to fear and respect since the day he'd come into his earthen element.
"And what have I told you about using it?"
"That I was never under any circumstances to invoke it until I was in extreme mortal peril."
"And were you in extreme mortal peril?"
"I see. Is there anything you would like to tell me?"
"May I have a minute?"
"A minute?" She repeated, incredulously. "Now?"
"Yes, please. Shadow's getting a bit agitated, I just want to make sure that he's alright."
"Yes. There." Theo tilted his head to the hearth where a soft, lavender bubble of energy had been whirling and spinning about the little Nytura. It had been in a healing trance since they'd returned and taken up residence on the hearth near the fire, soaking up the warmth.
"You have a Nytura." It was said as a statement, not a question.
"It's Charlie's actually."
"The redhead."
"And Charlie gave it to…?"
"The brunet."
The woman snorted in a rather unladlylike fashion. "Wonderful. This just gets better and better, doesn't it?"
"Oreima, please." There was the faintest hint of a plea in his nearly whispering voice as Theo locked gazes with his mentor.
She perked a brow, avoiding a verbal answer as she changed the subject. "You know what it means when a Nytura is gifted?"
"I do. I was glad for it."
"Were you?"
"I wondered why he hadn't done anything to Harry, because there was surely enough…time, for that sort of thing and he never so much as laid a finger on him."
"Admirable control."
"He couldn't, Ilsa."
"You're right. Which reminds me, if you can't tell me the name, then please, at least ease my nonexistent conscience by telling me that there are no other children in that house."
"There are no other children in that house." Theo parroted, obediently. But there was no humor in his voice.
She smacked him lightly on the head, her lips giving the faintest twitch of something that could've been a smile. "Shut your smart mouth, you-"
"I know. I love you too." He closed the gap between them and hugged her—hard.
She smiled into his neck. "So now that we're squared away on the fact that you're terrified I'm going to land you in some sort of trouble. I mean it, I know what you did to make me do this—marking him before your submissive did? That is going to give you a bit of a headache, I hope you know that." She frowned. "And I am worried, there are others, aren't there? Another year or so and this one—this Charlie could not have happened. Even at this stage the hours are precious, he could've died, and if I wasn't an earth element, for sure he would've."
"I know." He drew in a cautious breath. "I don't know about the others and I don't want to assume." His grip on her tightened. "I knew you wouldn't let him die."
"Smart boy."
"Not really."
She almost laughed. "I think this is part where I bleed your ears out with a scolding that blistered from here to Erchwan."
"Do you have to? I rather think you already did."
"I was merely warming up." She thumped him on the head with a closed fist.
"That was a warm-up?"
"Of course not." She said, sarcastically. "Why would I ever need to lecture my perfect, powerful and adorable little apprentice?"
His head bowed, the faintest hint of a shadow crossing his face. "You're really angry, aren't you?"
"Angry?" Her hands morphed to claws. "No, Theodore, I am absolutely furious. Because I thought I had told you to never given that password out. Never. On pain of your own death, as that is what it binds you to me through! Do you care so little for you own life?"
"There were extenuating circumstances and if my death was to be the-"
"For which I have given you mine. Why did you not share that instead? I would not have held it against you."
"Wouldn't you?" He asked, steadily. "As if I could've borne the thought of losing you!"
Hazel eyes flickered black.
"Are you done?" Theo ventured, when his mentor had dared to take a breath. Her face was paler than he remembered it and from the angry clench of her claws, he knew she was still furious. Her earth element was simply grounding her enough at the moment that she didn't feel particularly inclined to literally rip his head off.
"NO! I'm not. How could you possibly think that I'd survive afterward? If you think my fading would've ruined you, then take a look at the other side of the coin. This is not a one-way rode. I chose you as my anchor, because I thought it was responsibility you were worthy of. I chose you because I thought you understood the importance of such a position. The entire clan resides on this, Theo—more lives than yourself or mine involved! If Charlie hadn't been there, if he hadn't been a willing body, those bonds would've killed you, then Harry—for invoking them through your name—and then, what else do you think would've happened? There is no happy ending there. Nothing good could've happened. Sheer dumb luck, granted you all life this time."
His face fell. He'd managed to weather the scolding rather well, considering. But there was that one detail he had overlooked. She had given him her summons with explicit instructions to use them at any time for any reason whatsoever. He'd been there when she'd taken his oath and bound them together as master and apprentice, mentor and mentee. He'd watched with every emotion under the sun when she had stepped forward and summoned three elemental guardians to guide and nurture him. He'd been there when she'd sworn them to protect him until death, with the very bindings she'd invented—Brindus. He was there when she had made him her anchor, when she had linked her life to his and thus in turn used him to anchor her, so that her own element would protect the clan she'd been adopted into. To protect, not to destroy, for she surely had the power to do so.
He'd been thinking in the afterglow, seeing and knowing what Harry was and would be to him, but perhaps he hadn't been clear enough when he'd handed the words over so easily. He should have asked her first, should have remembered that his dying would kill her and thus destroy a cornerstone of one of the elemental clans. He certainly would not have been left alive afterward, they would've sent someone to kill him.
Theo drew in a shaky breath. There was truly nothing he could say to that. "I'm sorry, Oretta." The thought of losing her was almost as bad as losing Harry and now, even Charlie, something that surely would've happened if Charlie had not been there. "I am. But I...I care for him. I meant it in all seriousness that I-are you still angry?"
"Nay, child. Only furious enough that I could still kill you with my own hand." She looked away and rolled her head to the side. "Just." She said, simply. "I would take no satisfaction from it."
"So as long as it were your hands, it would be a pleasure." Pain shone freely in his golden eyes. "He had no magic! I didn't think! I-I remembered things and it was, he was right there and we…I-I couldn't have thought that…I meant to tell you." His hands morphed to claws and he clenched them tight drawing blood. "I meant to tell you. Please, I could not have left him undefended and I could not be there for him at that moment. If I did not file the legal claims to-"
This time, she snatched him into a hug and squeezed hard. He made a soft grunt, expelling air as she squeezed him hard enough to break. He let her, not daring to move or breathe for the greater part of their silence. This was the measure of their relationship.
She finally slackened her grip and blew a soft breath over his head, scenting him as her mentored student-apprentice. He tentatively relaxed, knowing the gesture for what it was. He bent down to nuzzle her neck in apology. She rumbled softly in her throat in answer to his pleading whine as he bared his throat to her fangs. She scraped them lightly over the vulnerable throat and then pressed a chaste kiss to the quiver.
Theo breathed a choked sigh of relief. He was forgiven. He could see it even as her dark eyes lightened to a lovely, lightened shade of gold. He'd scared her. He hadn't meant to, but he had. He'd try his best not to do it again. "Thank you." He murmured, unwilling to let her go just yet.
She grunted in answer and they stood like that for a long moment. "I will be changing your bindings." She said, at last. He made a sound of protest, but she caught his ear with one sharp claw and pricked it, lightly. "They will be changed. You said, Harry had no magic?"
"None. No mentor either." Theo squeezed his eyes shut. His own change had been wretched enough that to think of Harry, with his selfless sort of nature enduring something that terrifying alone, it made him shudder. "I didn't want to leave him, but I had to. They—that man, Dumbledore, the one I've told you about?"
"He was already filing injunctions and filing warrants for things that—Harry doesn't know. I couldn't tell him. I-I'm scared, Oretta."
The grip tightened again. "You did what you had to. What I've taught you to do." She soothed. "What happened to this missing mentor?"
"Harry said they never showed."
"Airelle help us all." The woman muttered, she finally withdrew and held him at arms' length. "You didn't tell him what it would do, did you do?"
Theo glared at her. They'd covered that already, he was sure.
"Did you?" She prompted. "Did it ever cross your mind to tell him? Or were you just going to let it all go?"
He huffed and looked away. Harry deserved to know things, yes, but so help him, Theo wasn't about to throw unnecessary burdens on already weighted shoulders.
"He deserves to know." Ilsa said, softly.
"He absolutely does not!" Theo snapped. "It's my decision and he's my submissive." His golden eyes flashed a few tints darker as he glared at her.
Ilsa immediately held up her hands, stepping back. "Fine, fine. Far be it from me to interfere in your mated circle, save to say that I will be changing your bindings within this very hour. I cannot wait until you are home for it."
Theo blanched. "They're fine. Really, they are. I won't touch them, I swear! I can even feel them right now as if-"
"They are not and I will not leave it be. I know you are—sorry—for what has happened, but I cannot take that chance again."
"Do not argue on this, Theo. This is not a punishment of sorts. You know the answer as much as I do. If you cannot anchor me, I need to seek another, besides, you are mated now and I did tell you that I would change it when you were. I only wish I could've done it before something like this had happened. It would be entirely selfish and unfair of me to bind you to my life. You deserve better."
"I don't care if you're selfish."
"Now who's being selfish?" She countered. "Besides, if I don't change it, you'll probably give it to the redheaded blockhead as well."
"Could you not insult my mates?"
"Absolutely not. I hate fire types." But the words were said with a smirk and a hint of fondness in her tone as she cast a glance down to the hallway where Aracle had yet to return.
"Merlin help us." Theo muttered.
"Such a good little wizard." She teased.
"Fine. Arielle, then." He grumbled.
Ilsa snorted. "He'll need a mentor. That makes two."
"Two to find?"
"Something like that. So your Harry never had one at all then?"
"He knew nothing, Oretta." Theo said, patiently. He knew his mentor's repetition of the fact was due to her twisted way of thinking and he wondered just exactly what was going through her head. There was something there that she wasn't quite sharing just yet. "We first met on the Hogwarts Express, it was…different. He knew what I was, on a subconscious level, but didn't have a clue what to do about it and he was just so—unguarded. You could tell. It's harder now, but it was very—trust me. He didn't. You should've seen the reception he gave Terius. There was no one."
"That worries me." The short woman moved to take up a length of floor to comfortably begin pacing.
"Oretta?" Theo ventured, cautious. He was loathe to drop the respectful honorific.
"It worries me deeply. There have been mention of Fabrine in the works again and the Torvak are awakening."
"What? When?" Theo bristled at once, Fabrine was the term for the outcast creatures that fought Dragels at every opportune moment. Torvak were known as the gifted hunters with the Sky Raven's protection. Torvak were the Dragel's version of kidnappers, while Fabrine fit the description of a boogeyman. It had been years since there'd been mention of them.
"You haven't been to Nevarah in a long time, Theo." She turned on her heel and calmly walked back to the other end of her invisible point. "Things have been happening lately. The city borders are under constant attack from all manner of dark things. No one wanted to admit it was the Fabrine. There is tell of prophecy that the Night of a Thousand Years approaches—soon. It is an ill-omen for our generation, to be alive in this time." She sighed. "I am loathe to consider what it means on the grand scheme of things, but a missing mentor now? This is not good." She turned the corner again. "This there anything I ought to know him?"
"He is famous to the wizarding society."
"How famous?" She countered.
"Pledged to save their world."
"I am Slytherin."
"Hmm." She snorted. "From that dark madman? He'd need Merlin, Morgana and all the fates beside him to-"
"Please don't speak of him that way." Theo said, politely. The tone did not touch his eyes.
Hard golden orbs softened, faintly. "You care for him?"
"You doubted?"
"He flinches."
"Don't give me that pureblooded twaffle." Her own golden eyes flickering a few tints darker. She stopped pacing, her arms crossing over her cheset. "He flinches every time I so much as breathe and when your darling Charlie is going to pieces, he's ready to rip me to pieces over someone else's pain, that's not something that I can ignore when-"
"You do have that effect on most individual-"
"Wash your mouth out with sand!" She shot back. "Theo…Theodore."
"Ouch. No thank you." Theo shuddered. He sighed, quietly. "You have noticed?"
"So have you."
"I have." He admitted. "But nothing concrete. He doesn't hint or speak of it beyond a few occasional bouts of awkwardness."
"I had to bribe him to replace his wardrobe, everything was rather worn and oversized or undersized...he doesn't really eat much, even though I have taken to putting things on his plate. He's smaller than even an average submissive would be and...and I don't know what to do!" He threw up his hands. "He flinches sometimes, shies away at others and every so often I have the feeling that I've said the wrong thing, but I don't know why, because it sounds fine to me."
The expression of sorrow on his mentor's face had the young Slytherin moving forward for the hug that came readily. He didn't care that he was perhaps, being more clingy than necessary. There was no one there to judge, save for the one that wouldn't judge him.
"Oh Theo." She kissed the top of his head, her body twisting and morphing to a halfling form where she was no longer a head and shoulders shorter, but rather, tall enough to tuck his head beneath her chin. "Why on earth did you have to have such a sensitive heart beneath these carefully constructed walls?"
He gave a snorting laugh and she chuckled, softly.
"Death Eaters?" She repeated, with a scowl on her face. "Only one of them died?"
"Well, only one of them was torched…" Theo faltered. "I didn't stay too long to take a death toll. Dumbledore was there and Harry was out cold. Charlie was holding him, I don't know what really happened, I haven't had the chance to ask. I do think that for the torched body, Harry may have called on the element in regards to him, the body wasn't in a very…well, remember when I didn't know how to control the grains of sand? That day at the beach? The one when I created an abyss without knowing what I was doing?"
"Mmm. He did that? Impressive." Eyebrows arched upwards in admiration.
"Something like that. When I arrived, there were so many cracks in the ground, you'd think there'd been an earthquake."
"and said you had been training him?"
"Yes. He's been really worried about his lack of magic."
"How long's it been missing?"
"Since the inheritance."
"Which was…?"
"Over the summer?"
"Mmm." She shook her head and began to pace. "There's been no notice of it, anything?"
"It's as if it didn't exist."
Ilsa gave another grunt. "Would you be staying at the guest house when you come or with friends?"
"Guest house, probably." Theo thought for a moment. "Unless there is another offer, I couldn't possibly intrude on anyone else at this time, it wouldn't be proper."
"Well, as soon as you are settled, make an appointment with the healer's division—for both of them. Use my name if they won't slot you in soon enough. It is the Second Feast of the Hunting Season and you know how things become once that starts." She sighed. "I've been on the border patrol for virtually my every waking moment. I won't be able to spare the time to see you straight away. Send a missive once you've arrived, I'll answer when I've the time to spare. In the meantime, I'll file the necessary things at the Office of Records in regards to Harry's mentor and I'll see what happened to Charlie's as well. He would've been assigned one, but if he didn't change on the expected birthday, they would've reassigned the mentor elsewhere. I'll have to check if there are any fire holders to spare, that will be the easy part. I am not sure about Harry. If he doesn't have an element, it isn't that easy to simply select someone, even if there are willing volunteers."
"Do you think he is one of the nameless?"
"It is possible, but what you said earlier, with his affinity with your element even with knowing so little of it. It suggests the earth element and…suppression."
Theo shot to his feet, anger immediately radiating from his being. "What?" He said, dangerously. He'd just survived Charlie's reality—barely—and now to think that Harry could be in a similar position and he hadn't even known, that riled him in a way he couldn't bear to handle.
"Calm yourself, love." Her golden eyed gaze flickered to him meaningfully and then away. "Missing magic—natural magic since the inheritance—suggests a seal or a powerful suppression spell. There is no reason for his magic to be missing, unless someone has locked it away." She scowled, darkly. "As to who would bind a child immediately before or after an inheritance of this kind, I would dearly love to have their head and possibly their heart as well." Her claws slashed viciously through the open air. "I will ask around, that is all I can do at present. Just keep a close eye on him. Never let him out of your sight."
"I don't plan to." Theo said, quietly. "…so unfair."
"Life is seldom fair to anyone, Theo."
"You have to change them now?" Theo squirmed, shifting uncomfortably as he stood in the runed circle carved on the sitting room floor.
"Hush." Ilsa murmured. "Aracle?"
"They won't feel a thing."
"Shadow?" She prompted.
The little Nytura gave a huff, but obediently flew from Theo's shoulder over to Aracle's, who now waited in the hallway, to cast a containment spell to hold the magic about to be used.
"Breathe, Theodore." Ilsa soothed.
He pressed his lips tightly together as the burn began to start. "What about chess?"
"When you're through." Aracle promised.
Theo hissed, wings flaring and coming to life as the ritual began.
"Breathe." Ilsa reminded.
Ilsa sighed and threw a scowl down the hallway. "They are taking their time."
"Leave them be." Aracle soothed, he had returned and taken up residence in one of the comfortable armchairs beside the fireplace. "Chess?" He gestured to a playing board he'd set up near the fireplace. Shadow was perched on his shoulder, little wings stretched out, a yawn on his adorable scaled face. "or Food?"
"Ah, there's house elves." Theo brightened. "They'll bring something."
"House elves?" She blinked at him.
"Yes, they'll bring-"
"Is there a kitchen?"
"Good. You play chess. I'll be in the kitchen."
"Chess, Theo."
Aracle smothered a laugh and Shadow made a happy chirring sound.
A bowl of fruit was dropped in his lap and Theo looked up in surprise. He'd been playing wizarding chess with Aracle and the food had been unexpected. He blinked up at her. She'd protested at the very thought and idea of a house elf preparing food, on the basis of not knowing where everything came from. She'd then trooped off to the kitchen and left the two of them alone. Apparently she'd found fruit and that was enough.
Ilsa calmly moved forward and sat on the handle of Aracle's armchair, sliding off to sit, conveniently in his lap. "Eat." She gave a jerk of her head towards Theo. "You look horrible and if you've spent time at Gringotts' then you need to be eating more than that."
He grimaced, but took up the bowl and began to eat, one eye on the chessboard. Ilsa ate quietly, feeding the occasional cube to Aracle as they waited for Charlie and Harry to be finished.
"What kind of spell did you cast?" Theo ventured at last.
Ilsa rolled her eyes. "As if he'd tell." She huffed. "You know he never does, but seeing as I had plenty of time to chew you out, I'd say that it's a nested one." Her nose wrinkled. "Show off." She elbowed him, lightly, in the stomach.
He nipped her fingers on the next offering of fruit in return.
A flicker of fondness sparked between them and then Ilsa turned away, her head cocked to the side. "Sounds like they're finished."
"You were listening?" Aracle poked her in the side, even as she leaned back to thunk her head against his own.
"Shut up."
Harry burst into the sitting room, brimming with renewed energy and with a singular goal on his mind. He spotted Theo sitting in an armchair by the fire and playing Chess with Aracle. It was a lovely domestic scene that he couldn't take the time the enjoy when his dragel-self came to the forefront. "Theo!" The name left his lips as he launched himself forward. He saw the golden eyes widen a fraction in surprise and then his dominant was up and out of his chair, catching and cradling him in strong, steady arms.
"Harry." Theo murmured into that messy mop of hair. He sniffed, carefully, checking the new scent rubbed on his submissive and drawing his own conclusions from it.
"M'sorry." Harry stretched up to nuzzle his neck in apology. His emerald eyes held firm resolve. "I'm sorry I used your password when I wasn't in danger." He said, clearly. "But I would do it again if I had to."
Theo's grip tightened on the slender body. "You would?"
"For Charlie, yes. I couldn't let him die, Theo. Just like I wouldn't have been able to let you die either."
The final piece of the puzzle clicked in and Theo bent to kiss the newly exposed throat. "Forgiven." He murmured. That made sense, far more sense than the ideas that had been floating through his panicked mind at first. He definitely couldn't hold that against Harry—not that he wanted to, anyway.
Harry sagged in his arms in relief. "You're not angry?" He hadn't expected such acceptance.
Theo hid a smile. "I would've been, if I you hadn't used it." He kissed the tip of Harry's nose. "Are you well?"
"Any soreness or-"
Harry's pale face blushed a furious and brilliant red. "Theo!" The name came out somewhat of a squeak.
Theo struggled to keep his face straight. "I am only asking, because I don't think that Charlie can carve blood runes as yet."
"He has a wand." Harry hissed, mortified.
"Well, naturally of course." Theo returned, smirking.
Harry flickered several more shades of red as he caught the implication in the words and immediately buried his face in Theo's neck with a low whine. His dominant mate finally gave into the laughter, but rubbed soothing lines up and down that slender back. After a few more whispered words between them, the private moment was broken when Harry pulled away and holding Theo's hand, pulled him over to Charlie.
A/N: Er and that is an evil place to end, but at the rate I've got the next chapter coming, it shouldn't be too long. Thank you all for the well-wishes. I am mostly recovering right now. Have a bit of a summer cold and allergies. Blech. Slept until 2pm today. Helps some. *dozing at keyboard* Anyway, wanted to get this chapter out today.
Aiden's Spell : "Atrum onezus socium!" == death magic spell meaning to mark as a "Consort/Companion of darkness"
Sera21--I've actually never heard of a golem or a slyph before. Had to wiki it. They sound really awesome. In all honesty, I didn't know they existed, otherwise, I really do like the idea of Harry having an earthen golem. It would be too much to change anything or add it to the story now. Thanks for your suggestions and comments--this is really the first fanfiction I've ever written that is more than a few chapters and for the Harry Potter universe. As for the Weasley Twins, they did notice, but there's a reason why they didn't do anything about it. I'm getting to that chapter soon. :)
unneeded--yes, all of the Weasley children have some sort of creature relation, because of the Dragel blood. Yes, Aiden is going to help Hermione with her gift once he's done pitching his little fit, (this was why Death ordered him to take care of her. She sensed the gift).
Tesgura--no, I'm not abandoning this fic, as ridiculous and complicated as it is. If I ever do think I won't be finishing it, I will post an ending summary and general epilogue, but I do plan to finish it unless some major RL issues arise. Glad you liked the chapter. Dumbles will put his foot in his mouth again--very shortly. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
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