The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Severus trawled methodically but quickly through Ron Weasley's mind, trying to find any information pertaining to the younger wizard, and the situation he found himself embroiled in.
He'd expected it to be a terrifying experience—intellectually speaking anyway—but the more information he gathered the more Severus felt himself becoming truly terrified. He looked back over Ron's conversations with Alexandra, who he had discovered was not as she seemed. And nor were Alexandra's friends. And even worse, Severus discovered a plot, which threatened not only himself but the woman he loved.
He pulled out of Ron's mind and staggered backwards, desperate to catch his breath.
"Harry, get the Pensieve," Lucius commanded, but Severus, still trying to get his bearings, put his hand up to stop Harry.
"How are you going to doctor his memories without it? Time is of the essence, Severus. Hermione is in danger," Lucius growled impatiently.
Severus swallowed hard and gasped out, "Don't you think I fucking know that? But there is no need for the Pensieve as I have erased all his memories of this encounter—"
"You've done what?" Lucius sneered at Severus incredulously. He could not believe that after all the planning and effort that everyone had put into organising this "talking to", Severus had just destroyed it all.
"After what I've just seen," Severus swallowed again, "I had to..."
"Severus, what was the point of all this if he can't fucking remember it!?" Lucius yelled at him.
"I will not be lectured by you when you are not in possession of the full facts," Severus growled angrily.
"For Merlin's sake you two...stop it!" Harry screamed, stepping in between the two older wizards.
Severus spun away and started to get changed before continuing. "Mr Weasley is going to become subject to a full Auror investigation. I know Pius will call me to be the Legilimens to interrogate him but if Weasley so much as mentions strange messages and not knowing where he got them from, it will all need to be investigated. And the way Kingsley's acting at the moment towards me, he could well overrule Pius and call for a foreign Legilimens because of my connection to Hermione."
"That didn't bother you before," Harry huffed, running his hands through his hair in frustration.
"It didn't, but that was before I saw what's in his fucking head," Severus spat back at him. "If I so much as left a slither of memory behind it could prove disastrous...for all of us. There is only so much Pius can do to protect us, and I am not going to lose Hermione because of this wanker. But more to the point, if I left anything incriminating behind; if he so much as mentions anything strange, it will alert Yaxley and his band of merry followers that I have more than likely been in his mind and saw everything. And right now the element of surprise is the best weapon we have."
Harry looked at Severus in disbelief. "What the fuck has Ron got to do with Yaxley?"
"So it is as we suspected?" Lucius asked pensively.
Severus leaned up against the wall and flicked his wrist to reignite all the lamps. Before continuing he took a deep breath, looked at the ceiling and exhaled forcefully.
Now that the room was illuminated again Harry quickly looked around as he waited for Severus to speak. The last time he was here had been on that fateful night in May when Severus nearly died, and noticed the area of the floor which was still darkened from Severus' blood.
"I went back as far as the end of the war," Severus started cautiously. "Honestly, going through his mind was like a hot knife through butter; even you can Occlude better than him," he told Harry with a wry laugh.
"However, that is besides the point. It all started when Hermione turned down his proposal."
"Which was an eminently sensible decision on 'Mione's part," Lucius smirked.
Harry chuckled mirthlessly. "I could never understand how he got so upset about that," he told the two wizards. "He asked her to marry him three weeks after he first kissed her. Actually he asked her to marry him the day you woke up from your coma, Severus. I only know that because I remember her coming back from St Mungo's, fuming because the Aurors preparing to move you to the safe house for your house arrest wouldn't let her talk to you. Ron hit the roof because he'd managed to get the night off from his trial week with the Chudley Cannons to come and see her and all she kept going on about was you. Then after dinner, he just got down on one knee and—"
"Harry, as enthralling as this story is, it is one that I already know," Severus snarked, arching his eyebrows knowingly. Hermione had already told him about what happened that night, and now he had just witnessed it from Ron's perspective.
"What concerns me," Severus continued, "was what happened afterwards. After storming off following her rejection, he met with some of his fellow trialists at the Leaky Cauldron. It appears to have been a prearranged meeting and once he told them what had happened with Hermione, his companions used this as an excuse to take him to Knockturn Alley so he could drown his sorrows at The One Eyed Witch..."
"Isn't The One Eyed Witch the pub rumoured to be an illegal brothel as well?" Harry enquired curiously.
"It is," Lucius confirmed. "Very popular with ministry officials and professional Quidditch players, obviously. You'd be surprised how many high profile figures enjoy casual drinking in a dive of a pub!"
Harry looked confused until Lucius elucidated. "Well unless they were caught in the act, who is to say they weren't simply enjoying a quiet pint of the watered down dregs they call beer at the establishment. If you wanted a regular, more discreet service of course you would go to the likes of Old Mary's place, but should you be caught coming out of there everyone knows you weren't in there just for a drink!"
"And also the pimps operating out of The One Eyed Witch can provide some of the nastiest whores you can imagine. Licensed brothels are quite 'straight' in their offerings by comparison," Severus informed the younger wizard.
Harry scoffed. "You seem to know a lot about it."
Severus cleared his throat and nodded sheepishly. "Voldemort always knew that one of the best ways to keep someone loyal was to give them what they couldn't get. Lucius and I often had the unhappy task of arranging such liaisons for some of our more depraved brothers and sisters," Severus told Harry matter-of-factly.
"It would appear Mr Weasley took it upon himself to declare rather loudly that his girlfriend had refused to marry him because she wanted to wait until things had settled down after the war and that every time he wanted to spend some time with her she was sneaking down to sit at my bedside. He was also being rather uncomplimentary about you, Harry, because you were also going to be part of my defence team.
"After this declaration he was bought a drink by a thickset wizard, who introduced himself as Yardley, and suggested to Ronald that he fuck away his troubles with a busty whore called Alexandra."
Lucius looked concerned. "Isn't that the bint he was with tonight? Something really bothered me about her. She might look like a tramp, but there's a brain there..."
"I'll get to that in a moment," Severus told him before continuing. "It seems he took rather a shine to this girl and kept returning. The pimp, Yardley, recently revealed to Ron that he is, in fact, Yaxley."
"So the Polyjuice has been flowing once again?" Lucius snorted.
"Obviously. It seems Miss Mortimer was busier than we initially thought," Severus stated, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Miss Mortimer? Alena Mortimer?" Harry asked incredulously. "What's she got to do with this apart from being quite good at Potions?"
Severus sighed deeply. "I do hope your student assessments will be slightly more illuminating than 'quite good', Mr Potter. Please forget that I mentioned her name. Failure to do so could prove costly."
Harry wished he knew what was going on, but there was clearly more to this than met the eye.
"After Weasley's constant complaining about me and you on occasion," Severus indicated to Lucius, "Yaxley, still disguised as Yardley, asked him why he had such a problem with me. It all boiled down to the fact that, in his opinion, I shouldn't even be breathing, let alone be defended by people he thought would know better, and then when I was exonerated and reinstated as Headmaster, Ronald saw that as the ultimate betrayal of the powers that be.
"Yaxley took this and began to brainwash Weasley. He told him that he could put him in touch with those who felt the same as he did and that together they would take action against me and anyone who supports me."
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend," Harry mumbled before adding, "So that's why he's been so awful to his family?"
"Indeed yes, and you are faring no better either, Harry," Severus snarked but then continued, "His animosity towards Hermione was, until this evening, purely a backlash of emotions, but it was suggested to him that by telling the world that Lucius Malfoy, known hater of all things Muggle, and his precious son were shagging and fighting over a Muggle-born, it would prove to be a somewhat humiliating experience for them."
"A slight miscalculation on Yaxley's part there because it would be an honour to shag and fight over Hermione," Lucius smirked, but the look on Severus' face reminded him that now was not the time to make such fatuous comments.
Severus continued. "But of course, we come to the crux of the plan. Alexandra, or should I say, Alecto Carrow, Polyjuiced as Alexandra, was meant to seduce me tonight."
Lucius burst out laughing. Severus glared at him, but Lucius qualified his mirth. "I'm sorry, but that's hilarious. He really doesn't know us very well, does he? The only blonde you've ever been with was Narcissa but you generally prefer brunettes or the occasional red-head. No offence, Potter."
Harry wasn't sure how to take Lucius' last comment especially as he was still mulling over what Severus had just said. "But Alecto Carrow and her brother are in Azkaban," he blurted out.
"Were," Severus stated calmly. "What I am about to tell you is to go no further. They escaped last week along with Rowle, Dolohov and MacNair. The Ministry has kept it under wraps."
Harry looked at Severus aghast. "Why would Kingsley cover it up?"
Severus sighed deeply. "Because he gave the order to remove the guards...he was Imperiused."
"Was he?" Harry asked incredulously, but Severus noted that by the tone of the Boy-Who-Didn't-Know-Everything, it was more of an incredulous, 'Really?' than an incredulous, 'How in the name of Merlin did someone manage to Imperius Kingsley Shacklebolt?'
Severus suddenly felt quite proud that Harry seemed to have finally learnt that taking things at face value in this world, especially when it came to politics and power, was not advised.
"The evidence suggests that this was the case," Severus stated. "But..."
"Evidence can be tampered with," Harry interrupted him as if finishing Severus' sentence.
"Indeed," was all Severus could say before continuing. "So the plan was for Alecto to find a way to get me into her bed and then I was to be taken away, tortured and disposed of for being the traitorous bastard that I am considered to be in their eyes.
"However, as soon as they saw me with Hermione, Alecto changed the plan. I'm not surprised because I can't imagine she would have been too happy at the thought of bedding me as she prefers eating pussy to sucking cock. And she decided that the best way to get to me is through Hermione."
"Then why aren't we up there now? Aren't we wasting time standing here talking about this? How can you be so fucking calm!" Harry asked belligerently.
"Panicking never solved anything, and I needed to ascertain and pass on all the facts before we go charging back and walking into something unexpected," Severus stated simply, almost amused by the Gryffindor's typical impatience.
Harry snorted. "But she's your girlfriend. Surely you just want to get—"
Something suddenly snapped in Severus and he cut Harry off. "The last time I passed on half-arsed information your parents fucking died, so you will excuse me for not making the same mistake when it comes to Hermione!"
Harry stood blinking at Severus as Lucius told the headmaster to calm down.
"He's not that calm," Lucius told Harry; his tone suggesting that it would be advisable not to push Severus any more.
Harry chewed the inside of his cheek. "Sorry," he mumbled, but Severus assured the young wizard he had nothing to be sorry about, and carried on answering Harry's first set of questions.
"From what I've seen, their reinforcements aren't arriving until eleven o'clock," Severus stated in a much calmer tone. "What I don't know is how the backup is arriving, or if there are a number of people in that room who are Imperiused and will be triggered at eleven o'clock. We still have an hour, and we will be out of here within half an hour."
"But before we go back I need to tell you both this in case something happens to me."
Harry huffed, but Severus continued. "If anything does happen to me, promise me, both of you, that you'll look after Hermione. And Lucius, handle all the legalities, so she doesn't have to."
Lucius looked at his oldest friend as if Severus had just ripped his insides out. The enormity of what was being asked was almost too much for him, and he stuttered, "But according to your statutes she needs to be your..."
"I changed The Prince statutes so that Hermione inherits everything as long as we have started the Declarations of Engagement...which we have. And I've set up all the paperwork with my Muggle solicitor, so she gets the just needs your signature as the other partner. See to it, Lucius," Severus implored him.
Lucius snorted, unsure of how to react. He didn't even want to contemplate what Severus was suggesting. But he nodded slowly and acquiesced. "If the unhappy task should fall to me, I will see it done, but I intend to be long dead before your wife inherits anything from you."
"I hope that is the case also," Severus chuckled mirthlessly as Lucius narrowed his eyes playfully before adding, "not that I wish to see you long dead, of course."
He then turned his attention to Harry. "You're her best friend. Please..."
"Don't talk like that. Remember the founders asked me to protect the both of you. I will be there for her, but I will not let anything happen to you, either," Harry stated adamantly.
Severus huffed and shook his head before giving Harry a wry smile . "Thank you, Harry. But now you need to take Ronald back."
Severus summoned the bottle of Old Ogden's that Harry had brought up to the shack earlier that day and opened it as Harry opened Ron's mouth.
"Such a waste of a good bottle," Severus groused, pouring a few measures down Ron's throat and robes before taking a swig out of the bottle himself. He then gave it to Harry, issuing him with orders.
"Drag him out of Pius' office. There is an alcove just down the corridor on the right hand side. Put him in there so that it looks as if he passed out. His head will be spinning anyway from everything that's happened tonight. When you revive him, act as if you've just found him and remember the cover story regarding Miss Lovegood.
"Keep an eye on him; stay close to him but should he be approached by the Carrows or anyone else that you do not recognise; do not interfere but instead find Pius, Draco, George, and Blaise and tell them of the situation. Remember at eleven o'clock, their reinforcements are due to appear. Pius must inform his Aurors to look for anything suspicious. Do you understand?" Severus asked him urgently, placing two hands on Harry's shoulders.
Harry nodded, and Lucius hauled Ron's slumped body up from the chair and passed him to the green-eyed wizard.
"I'll see you back there then," Harry groaned, trying to adjust Ron's deadweight in his arms.
Severus handed Harry his Portkey and with a wry smile, drawled, "Good luck, Mr Potter."
As Harry and Ron disappeared, Lucius and Severus began working rapidly to remove any evidence that they had been in the shack so they could hurry back to the Ministry.
"What did you mean when you told Draco you were going to talk to me, and Hermione would know what it would be about?" Lucius asked Severus distractedly.
Severus smirked but knew this was a sensitive subject and tried not to sound too judgemental. "You and Fleur."
"How did you...?"
"You were acting like a school boy around her, and Hermione and Angelina heard something suspicious in one of the corridors. Hermione investigated and overheard the two of you," Severus stated simply.
"Oh fuck!"
Severus put the final set of robes in the middle of the room and told his friend pensively, "I know it cannot be helped, but for Merlin's sake, be careful. Bill is a good man and this will ruin him. But please tell me that baby isn't yours..."
"No, it isn't mine. I wish to Circe it was, but no. Fleur didn't tell me that she was pregnant when we consummated our bond. I only found out when you mentioned her pregnancy last week."
"I don't know how you are going to cope with this, Lucy," Severus whispered sympathetically.
Lucius swallowed hard, trying to fight back his emotions. "Neither do I," he mumbled. "Neither do I."
With all the robes in place, the two former Death Eaters looked at them for a moment. "Draco should be here, really," Severus muttered, pointing his wand at the pile of black cloth, with the masks placed on top.
"Perhaps, but the fact that he knows it has been done will be enough for him," Lucius replied, also pointing his wand at the offending pile.
Both wizards intoned Incendio, and at the same time set light to the symbols of their past; watching as the fabric burnt to nothing and the masks melting into an even more grotesque form before evaporating away.
Lucius looked at Severus and with a flick of his wand restored the dark wizard's hair to its usual raven black before telling him to leave whilst he cleaned everything up.
Severus activated his Portkey and vanished back to the Ministry, leaving Lucius to look around the room and think about how much this place affected his oldest friend. He considered how the room was very nearly Severus' death bed and he felt a surge of anger rising inside him.
Lucius rarely did anything rash; he was by his very nature a cold and calculating man. But when it came to those he loved, he sometimes suffered from a serious lapse of judgement, and he felt one coming on now. He was about to activate his Portkey, but decided to Apparate elsewhere first.
Standing outside the Shrieking Shack, Lucius took a moment to consider its dilapidated appearance. He raised his wand and threw a couple of well-aimedIncendios at it. Watching the fire as it took hold of the building, he smiled ruefully as he knew that the place would never try to take Severus away from him ever again. He just had to get back to Ministry to ensure that no other bastard succeeded where the shack had failed. And fingering the Portkey in his pocket, he disappeared before any locals could come and investigate the cause of the blaze.
10.25pm Outside Pius Thicknesse's Office.
"Fucking hell, Luna, you've turned into Harry!" Ron exclaimed loudly as Harry brought him round, just outside Pius' office as planned.
Harry rolled his eyes. "You think I look like Luna? Gee, thanks," he groused.
"I was talking to Luna, wasn't I? Where am I?" Ron asked confusedly, looking at the nearly empty bottle of firewhiskey. "Bloody hell, my head hurts."
Harry crouched down and put his hand on Ron's shoulder. "Somehow you managed to find your way up here. You're pissed, mate, and you were out cold when I found you."
"Makes sense," Ron mumbled, trying to get to his feet, and Harry put a supporting arm around him.
"You were talking to Luna after you stormed out of the ceremony," Harry groaned as Ron stumbled, and he stopped him from falling.
"She got fed up with your ranting and left you to it, but when you didn't come back, we got worried, so I went looking for you," Harry told him as they began to walk slowly back through the corridors of the Ministry towards the main reception.
Ron gave an infantile snort. "Oh yeah...the ceremony," he chuckled mirthlessly, staggering away from Harry.
Harry grabbed his friend by the arm and pulled him round roughly. "Do you realise how much you've upset your Mum and Dad by storming off like that...your whole family for that matter?"
"Screw them and screw you!" Ron snapped, brushing Harry's hand away. "Why don't you all go to—" Ron was about to carry on when Alexandra, or as Harry now knew, the Polyjuiced Alecto Carrow, called to him.
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you," Alecto exclaimed, walking up to Ron, flanked by her Polyjuiced brother, Amycus.
"Yeah, she's been really worried," Amycus stated tersely.
Harry stepped in. "Sorry, it was my fault. I wanted a word with him...haven't seen him for a while. You know how it is?"
"Well he promised me a dance. You promised me a lot more than a dance...didn't you, big boy? I hope you're not too drunk, wizard," the blonde witch purred.
Ron's eyes were heavy, but he managed to give the witch a toothy grin. "I'm never too drunk," he said, stumbling a little into Harry.
"Well come on, then, and show me some moves," Alecto giggled mischievously, grabbing his hand as she went to lead him away. Unaware that Harry knew who she was, she looked up at her brother and told him lasciviously, "And you're next!"
Harry cringed as an unwelcome image of Ron engaging in a threesome with these two sprung into his mind. He wanted to step in and hex the pair of them, but Severus' words rang in his head. He would stay close and keep an eye on Ron because, despite everything, Harry didn't want to see Ron involved with people like this. If there was a way to interfere without anyone getting hurt, Harry was determined to find it.
10.35pm Main reception room, Ministry of Magic
Whilst Severus, Lucius, Draco, Harry, and George were being entertained in Pius' office...well at least that's where everyone believed them to be...Hermione had been having a fabulous time talking to her friends and was delighted when so many strangers wished her and Severus well and showed a genuine interest in his ideas for Hogwarts. She felt like she was canvassing for votes. She was asked to danced by a number of prominent Ministry officials, who told her that Severus was a very lucky man, and was almost relieved when the familiar faces of Oliver Wood and the former Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain, and Fleur's date at the Yule Ball, Roger Davies, asked her to dance.
Although, she had to admit, she was quite grateful that Severus was not there to witness her dancing with those two, otherwise he would have only teased her again about her ability to attract Quidditch players.
She was currently being whisked around the room by Draco who was trying to find out what Severus was discussing with his father.
"Uncle said that you would know what they were talking about," Draco stated distractedly, twirling Hermione around.
Hermione giggled as they came together again. "Well they could be talking about anything, then."
"No, he said they were talking about what you suspected earlier," Draco whispered in her ear.
Hermione suddenly realised what Draco was on about.
She thought to Severus, You're teasing Lucius about his mystery woman, aren't you?
I am, he replied, knowing full well that it wasn't quite what he was doing.
But Hermione wasn't stupid, and just from that response she knew something was wrong. Is everything alright?
Yes, of course.
Hurry back. I've danced with so many people, but I really want to dance with you.
I'm on my way, sweetheart, he told her before adding,I love you.
I love you, too. Are you sure everything's alright?
Yes. Now concentrate or else you'll step on the poor bastard's toes!
It's Draco.
Oh, well, step on them as much as you like then.
Hermione looked at Draco and smirked. "Yes, I did suspect that your father is wearing women's underwear again?" She teased trying hard to contain her laughter.
Draco laughed heartily. "That's common knowledge. No, I think he's got a lady friend and you know who it is."
Hermione smiled sweetly and told Draco, "I only suspect and until I know for definite, it wouldn't be fair to say."
"But she is here?" he asked, whispering in her ear.
"Draco, if there is anything you should know, Lucius will tell you," Hermione told him playfully.
Draco narrowed his eyes and looked at his friend suspiciously. "I just want him to be happy."
"That's what we all want, Draco," she told him sincerely before a rather tipsy Arthur presented himself before the couple.
The Weasley patriarch extended his hand to Hermione and politely requested to cut in, which Draco was only too pleased to acquiesce.
"Oh look, Harry's just come back," Draco informed her as he saw Harry striding purposefully towards Pius.
"Is Ron with him?" Arthur asked. George had told his father Harry was talking to his wayward son.
Draco shook his head. Arthur sighed deeply just as Hermione playfully whispered in his ear, "Come on, Arthur, teach me how to dance properly."
"Well I can't dance properly, but I can show you how to make an arse of yourself. Come on," he said jovially as they span off into the middle of the room.
Draco, on the other hand, walked towards an extremely concerned looking Pius and Harry, who were now being joined by George and Blaise.
10.35pm Fourth floor corridor, Ministry of Magic.
Severus ran almost silently out of Pius' office and up towards the main connecting corridor that led to the stairs. It was at times like this that all his years as a master spy served him well. He stopped as he reached the end of the passage before he strode authoritatively into the main connecting corridor in case someone was there.
In his head he was screaming at himself to run all the way to the main reception hall. It would take him fifteen minutes to walk there as Pius had taken the decision to deactivate the lifts for the event to prevent too many unwanted, wandering guests. But he knew that with Polyjuice being very much the weapon of choice at the moment, no one he might come across on the way to Hermione could be trusted. And running or looking worried would only draw attention to himself and alert those who were involved in the plot that he knew something was wrong.
He had just reached the top of the stairs without incident and was about to descend when he saw Kingsley Shacklebolt and two of his Auror guards walking up the steps towards him.
Oh, what a coincidence, Severus thought to himself. He kept walking down the stairs as if he was not fazed by Shacklebolt's appearance.
He was hoping he could get away with a quick acknowledgement and be able to continue on his way, but the Minister for Magic called, "Ah, Headmaster, I was wondering where you'd got to. Could I have a word with you?"
Severus discretely looked at the clock at the top of the stairs and saw that he had twenty minutes before Yaxley's reinforcements arrived. He knew he couldn't ignore Kingsley now but he had to get away from him as quickly as possible.
Without stopping, Severus stated politely, "Of course, Minister, but can we chat on the move as I need to get back to Hermione. I have neglected her for far too long this evening and I believe I promised her a dance. And you know what she can be like when she sets her heart on something."
"Indeed I do, Severus, indeed I do," Shacklebolt chuckled heartily as he turned to follow Severus down the stairs. "She is an incredibly tenacious witch and it appears she has set her heart on you."
"Thankfully yes," Severus acknowledged graciously, still desperate to get to Hermione. "If what you need to discuss with me isn't urgent, then why not come up to Hogwarts on Monday morning? I'll also be able to give you a guided tour of the restoration work before the students arrive."
"Surely you will be busy with preparations, Headmaster. I wouldn't want to inconvenience you," Kingsley replied as smoothly as possible whilst struggling to keep up with Severus' brisk pace.
How quickly you've become out of shape, Minister, Severus chuckled to himself, although he did slow his canter slightly so as not to raise too much suspicion.
If he hadn't been in such a hurry, Severus may have felt more pride at completing the preparations for the new school year in good time, but at the moment he honestly didn't give a shit.
"Everything is in hand, Minister," Severus drawled smoothly. "We have all worked incredibly hard to ensure the school is fully functional for the students' arrival. So shall we say eleven o'clock?"
"That would be acceptable. I was also wondering if you and Hermione would join me for dinner soon," Kingsley replied.
Severus knew he was stalling. What he couldn't quite determine was whether Shacklebolt was doing it deliberately or not. Regardless of Kingsley's motivations, though, Severus continued on his way with the Minister for Magic and his Aurors trailing in his wake.
"Thank you," Severus stated again with the utmost politeness. "We would be honoured, but I will need to check Hermione's availability because as you are aware not only is she starting her new job on Monday, she will be studying for her N.E.W.T.S and starting her apprenticeship the following week. Our time in the evenings and weekends will become quite limited, I'm afraid."
"That will undoubtedly be hard on your relationship," Kingsley stated with an air of concern.
Severus snorted. "We have discussed it and we'll be fine. Thank you for your concern."
Severus finally reached the bottom of the stairs and was about to enter the main foyer of the Ministry. He stopped when he noticed a number of Aurors walking purposefully towards all entry points to the building. Almost breathing a sigh of relief, he knew their presence meant that Harry had been able to contact Pius.
"I don't want her getting hurt, Severus," Shacklebolt blurted out.
Severus stopped walking before turning to glare at the Minister.
He responded tersely, "Believe me, I have no intention of hurting her, and I hope no one else has that intention or else they will have me to deal with."
"As loyal and protective as always, I see, Severus," Kingsley mused with a wry a smile. "Are you as loyal to everyone, though?"
Severus arched an eyebrow at the question. "It rather depends on who seeks my loyalty," he drawled non-committally.
Shacklebolt looked at Severus with a dour expression. "I do."
"My loyalty, Minister, will always be given to those who truly deserve it," Severus declared dispassionately whilst inclining his head respectfully. But it was all too easily forgotten that for years Severus had, too often, given Voldemort the answers that he wanted to hear rather than the truth. So who Severus was being respectful to, and who truly deserved his loyalty, was for Severus and Severus alone to know.
He noticed Shacklebolt visibly relax upon hearing his words, and allowed himself to feel a little smug.
"I am pleased to hear it," the minister stated appreciatively.
Severus again respectfully nodded before taking out his pocket watch, and made an elaborate show of checking the time. It was ten minutes to eleven o'clock and it would take him another five minutes to reach the main reception room, but at least he would get there with time to spare.
"So I will see you on Monday at eleven o'clock, Minister. Now, if you will excuse me, I really must get back to my witch," he said before nodding curtly and briskly walking away.
10.45pm Main Reception Room, The Ministry of Magic
Hermione couldn't stop laughing. Dancing with a tipsy Arthur Weasley had certainly been an experience, and one that she would never forget. She'd looked pleadingly at Bill, Neville, and Adrian to rescue her, but they just stood there chuckling, pretending to be oblivious to her plight.
Arthur escorted Hermione back to Harry, Draco, George and Blaise, before leaving them to join Molly, Ginny and Angelina.
"Professor Granger, I would be very happy if you would do me the honour of dancing with me," Blaise stated politely with a curt bow of his head.
He's such a Slytherin, Hermione thought to herself
"Been reading your mother's Muggle romantic novels again?" Draco teased his friend.
Blaise scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Just because I was brought up properly..."
Hermione giggled and told Blaise she would be delighted. She took his hand as Blaise led her onto the dance floor whilst Draco and Harry made loud kissing noises, which earned them an affectionate 'Fuck off'from Hermione as they walked away.
She had to admit that she actually didn't know much about Blaise, having never really spoken to him at school. He was Draco's intelligent, brooding, good looking friend, unlike his two guard dogs, Crabbe and Goyle. But she found him to be quite witty and charming as well as an incredibly good dancer.
They were discussing how remarkably relaxed Draco seemed around Luna when Blaise suddenly pulled Hermione to him in a protective gesture and stopped dancing.
"What do you want, Weasley?" Blaise growled, manoeuvring Hermione slightly behind him.
Draco and Harry, who were now talking to Cho and Luna, suddenly went silent as they looked over and saw Blaise protecting Hermione from Ron. With their wands at the ready, they walked cautiously towards the unfolding scene, arriving just as Ron ignored Blaise and spoke to Hermione.
"Will you dance with me, 'Mione?" Ron asked her quietly.
"I cannot allow that to happen," Blaise told him firmly.
Ron snorted. "You can't allow that? Who the fuck do you think you are, you Slytherin piece of shit?"
Blaise stiffened, and Hermione noticed his wand appear at his wrist. ""Blaise, it's alright," she told him calmly before turning to face Ron.
"You've been drinking, Ron. Just back off, please," Hermione told him sternly.
"Everything alright?" Draco asked nonchalantly as he arrived next to Blaise. He realised someone was also stood to his left and turned to see Bill Weasley. Luna had informed Ginny, her father, and Bill of the situation, and a quick glance over his shoulder saw Arthur and Bill approaching them cautiously.
"Butt out, Malfoy," Ron snarled before asking Hermione again for a dance.
Pius quickly summoned the two senior Aurors in the room to him, and Narcissa, who had arrived back from taking Andromeda home, walked towards her son when she noticed his wand was drawn.
Hermione shook her head. "I'm sorry, Ron, but I don't think that's such a good idea."
"Look, your boyfriend isn't here. What's the harm for old time's sake? Please Hermione, please dance with me," Ron pleaded, which quirked Hermione's attention. She was used to Ron's whining, but he rarely pleaded. He would get angry before he reached that level.
"Turn you down, did she?" Ron's female companion chimed in from over his shoulder as she walked up to him. Her grin seemed to be unnaturally twisted, Hermione noticed.
"No! No, she just needs persuading," Ron told her defensively.
Hermione snorted but was starting to become extremely concerned by Ron's behaviour. "I need to be persuaded, do I? What on earth do you think would persuade me to dance with you?"
Ron's eyes were now full of fear as he asked her to dance again before adding, "I know I've been an arse. I know you're with him and that you're happy, and I'm pleased for you, but please, just one dance?"
Harry was watching Alecto like a hawk, and his stomach turned as her Alexandra facade let out an almost deranged cackle.
"We said she wouldn't dance with you," she said snidely, and then looked back towards the wizard that everyone had seen her talking to earlier. Harry, of course, knew this to be Amycus Carrow. "She won't dance with him," she told her brother with a derision fuelled voice.
The other wizard snorted. "Well, if we can't do this the easy way..."
Suddenly Ron looked dazed and drew his wand slowly. Hermione was fairly certain the wizard, who had just joined Ron and his companion, had just Imperiused him. Whatever it was, Hermione's own wand flew into her hand.
"Ronald Weasley, lower your wand," his father calmly ordered him.
"Dance with me, 'Mione," Ron insistently asked again. Hermione could tell he was struggling against the curse as Draco, Harry, Blaise, Bill and Neville trained their wands on the Polyjuiced Alecto and Amycus.
"Release Ron, now!" Harry snarled at Amycus.
"Oh look, it's The-Boy-Who-Commits-Murder-And-Gets-Away-With-It!" Alecto spat at him.
Harry looked around the room and saw three other wizards moving towards Alecto and Amycus.
"And you three can stay where you are!" Harry yelled at who he supposed to be Dolohov, Rowle, and MacNair.
He was then aware of Molly, Ginny, Luna, Cho, Angelina, and Fleur standing to his right, brandishing their wands at the three new arrivals.
Bill noticed it too and immediately chastised his wife for putting herself in the firing line when he suddenly found himself disarmed by a Polyjuiced MacNair.
Sev, where the fuck are you!? Hermione screamed in his head.
10.55pm Main foyer, The Ministry of Magic
As Severus heard Hermione's voice in his head, a wand fight suddenly erupted in the Foyer just as he neared the main doors to the reception room. They're fucking early! he growled to himself.
He had deflected several curses, and was about to finger the warning button that Pius had give him to lower the Anti-Apparition wards, when one of the walls was blasted apart. Severus just managed to avoid the falling masonry. More spells were cast his way and he found himself battling against two wizards that he didn't recognise, both of whom he dispatched with relative ease. But he was acutely aware that this had taken up precious time in reaching Hermione, and he could feel that she was extremely panicked.
I'm on my way; just ran into a spot of bother, he thought to her as he looked at his pocket watch again...eleven o'clock... and began to run towards the main doors.
He's got his wand pointed at me and that bint is encouraging him! was Hermione's response.
Wasting no time, Severus felt in his pocket and pressed the button to alert Pius, and he felt the wards fall quickly. He was about to Disapparate when Lucius, who was deflecting spells as he ran towards Severus, called after him.
Severus' response was simple. "Protect who you need to!" he yelled, and with that he was gone. Lucius immediately focused and followed suit.
10.55pm Main Reception Room, The Ministry of Magic
Once the first spell had been cast, offensive and defensive spells erupted from the centre of the room, spreading out as individual Polyjuiced dark witches and wizards engaged many of those who had just been honoured for serving the Light.
Mass panic broke out as scared witches and wizards tried to escape to safety by heading towards the enormous double doors. But as the doors opened they were met by the sight of Aurors battling dark witches and wizards in the foyer, spells and debris flying freely.
Pius flew into action, ordering the Aurors in the reception room to force all bystanders against the walls before he cast Protego Totalum over the area to prevent any stray spells causing harm to an innocent party.
At a quick estimate, he reckoned there were thirty rogue wands in the room but was amazed by the immediate organisation of the group of witches and wizards that had become galvanised around Hermione and Severus' relationship as they worked to bring the threat down. Working in pairs, or in threes where possible, they tried to overpower the imposters with a barrage of spells until one could either Stupefy or bind the offender. Where more dangerous spells were being cast, the stakes were of course raised, and already one Polyjuiced wizard lay dead after Neville deflected an Avada away from Adrian, causing it to hit its caster.
Adrian had then been sent into the protective custody of Molly Weasley, who also stood guard over her pregnant daughter-in-law, deflecting spells like an angry tigress defending her cubs.
But Pius' attention was drawn to the centre of the room where Hermione, the woman everyone felt compelled to protect, stood facing down Ronald Weasley, who had his wand trained on her whilst his companion continued goading him into action. They seemed to be protected from the battle somehow, but not by way of a shield, he noted. It was as if the orders were to avoid them.
A sudden flash of blonde hair caught his eye, and he saw Narcissa and Luna take down one of his Aurors, who had begun to transform as his Polyjuice ran out. But a sudden explosion over them as the wall blew apart called him into action, and he hurriedly cast a shield charm to protect them from the debris. Before Pius knew it, he was stood in front of them single-handedly taking down the caster in one fell swish of his wand. He realised at that moment he had actually fallen for Narcissa, but declaring your undying love in the middle of a battle was never a good idea. Testament to that sentiment stood in the middle of the room.
Ron was struggling against the curse inflicted upon him; Pius recognised the signs well. It was only after the fourth casting that Yaxley and his thugs had managed to gain his compliance for Voldemort and he knew Ron was resisting quite admirably, especially as he let his wand arm drop. But suddenly he heard Ron's blonde companion scream maniacally at him, "Do it! Avenge yourself! Make them both pay!"
Ron hesitated at Alecto's words, it was one thing to shoot your mouth off and get angry, but this wasn't part of the agenda. And yet as the blonde witch intoned Imperio! he found himself compelled to raise his wand once more, pointing it directly at Hermione.
"You should have danced with me 'Mione," Ron told her, trying to sound resolute, but Hermione knew he was conflicted and was still struggling against the curse.
"Ron, you don't have to do this," she tried to reason with him. "You can fight the curse. Remember how you resisted the Horcrux? You can resist this!" she told him emphatically as he began to draw his arm back, ready to cast whatever spell he'd been ordered to throw at her.
Hermione screamed Expelliarmus! at Ron, but Amycus cast a shield charm over him to prevent him from being disarmed before Alecto fired an Expelliarmus back at Hermione. She managed to cast a shield charm herself but then suddenly all sensation seemed to slow down.
She heard Molly scream at Ron as he drew his wand back again, with the Carrows still urging him on. She saw a flash of white light, and what sounded like Sectumsempra! Frantic shouts rushed past her ears. Hermione was dimly aware of bodies being pushed and pulled, as the air vibrated and a blur of black appeared in front of her. A similar blur appeared to her right in front of Ginny, Molly, Fleur and Adrian, and that blur with its long blond hair, immediately forced them up against the wall and cast Protego Totalum over them.
But Hermione didn't notice this. She was too preoccupied by the events unfolding before her eyes.
As the blur of black materialised, she breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, "Sev?"
She expected him to smile or at least acknowledge her in some way, but all she saw was his breath hitch and his eyes widen before he sank to his knees in front of her.
When Hermione was a little girl, her parents would take her to the public swimming pool every Saturday morning. It had towering water slides in the shape of palm trees and pineapples; one even looked like a whale. She loved the rush and noise of travelling down the water chutes; the hiss of the water in the plastic covered slides thrilled her.
But what she actually loved, happened when she hit the water. She could make herself sink to the bottom of the pool and sit there for a moment, listening to the distorted, almost ethereal sounds. For a moment, she lived comfortably in an alternative existence, which as a young Muggle-born witch she felt viscerally attracted to.
She never felt comfortable in her own skin the Muggle world, but at the bottom of the swimming pool, she felt alive. The rush of the water in the slides was replaced by the sound of her blood rushing in her head; accentuated by the slow, steady rhythm of her heart thumping in her ears. She loved listening to her heart. It was primal; it was elemental, even though, at the time, she had no idea what any of that meant.
And as her lover collapsed before her, for a moment she was back there, sat at the bottom of the swimming pool; noise muffled, peripheral movement hazy. Which is handy because I can wash this blood from my hands, she unconsciously thought to herself.Blood? Where the fuck has that...?
The world began to rush in almost as painfully as it did when she resurfaced, and she was faced by deafening noise and movements brought back into sharp relief.
"Severus!" Hermione screamed, sinking to her knees to stop him falling forward. She looked into his eyes, and could tell he couldn't focus because he was in so much pain. She lay his head on her shoulder and wrapped her arms around him, casting a shield charm around them both, begging him to stay with her; whispering I love you both in his ear and in his mind.
She felt the blood seeping rapidly through his clothes, and looked around frantically as she heard Harry shouting at Draco. Suddenly the blond-haired wizard was at her side, helping rip Severus' blood soaked coat, waistcoat and shirt away from his body so that he could access the slashes on his shoulder and back, just as his godfather had done for him when Harry threw the same curse at him in their sixth year.
Draco whispered in Severus' ear, and to Hermione's relief, he nodded slightly before his body slumped fully against her. As she struggled to hold him up, Draco began crooning the healing incantation as he ran his wand over the deep wounds, and the blood loss began to slow.
Pius and Poppy Pomfrey were now at their side, along with Blaise, Arthur and two Senior Aurors standing guard and deflecting stray spells.
The Head of Magical Law Enforcement could see the witch struggling to hold Severus up.
"Hermione, let will be easier for me to hold him," Pius suggested softly, kneeling down next to her. Reluctantly, she nodded and kissed Severus' forehead, reassuring him that she was not going anywhere before moving slowly to the side so that Pius could take over.
Poppy put her hand on Hermione's shoulder. "We need to get him to St Mungo's...he needs a number of potions to..."
"No!" Hermione snapped. "We're spending the weekend at Snape Manor!" she stated defiantly.
Poppy sighed deeply, "You're in shock, dear. Severus will—"
"Look, Draco's done a wonderful job," Hermione declared as Draco finished the incantation and began pouring Dittany onto Severus' healed wounds to try and reduce the scarring. "I've brewed all the potions he'll need, and they're sat in the Infirmary. You can get them, and give them to him at the manor."
"Dear, he would be better off—"
"No!" Hermione growled, and her eyes flashed to almost black.
Draco's head snapped up as he heard the power in Hermione's voice. He noticed her nostrils flaring and how her breathing was almost unnaturally slow. He knew if Poppy pushed Hermione any further she would find herself being thrown across the room.
"Madam Pomfrey, I think it best if we do as Hermione suggests," Draco told her knowingly.
"But...oh alright," Poppy conceded, observing the steel in Hermione's eyes which only softened when she looked back at Severus.
"You're going to be fine, love," Hermione told him whilst stroking his hair. "Draco's done a brilliant job, and we're going to take you home so Poppy and I can look after you."
She knew he was in agony when he tried to speak but couldn't get the words out; instead she heard him think to her,Thank you.
She kissed his forehead again and then looked up, noticing Minerva rushing over after wearing Rowle down enough to perform a binding spell, and put a warded shield charm over him so he could not escape or be rescued. Hermione also noticed that Ron was in a similar position to the fallen Death Eater.
Minerva looked over to where Hermione's gaze had fallen, and answered the question the young witch was going to ask even before she asked it. "There were times when I wanted to do that to the three of you, but I never thought I would ever have to do it in anger," her former professor sadly informed.
Hermione snorted as she looked at Ron, and felt her anger rising as her attention went back to her partner, who had been injured by her ex-boyfriend's hand. It didn't matter to her that she had been the intended target. Severus was hurt and someone...someone with ginger hair and blue eyes who answered to the name of Ronald Bilius Weasley...was going to pay.
But that could wait as she heard Poppy asking her, "Hermione, who can Apparate directly to the Manor?"
Minerva scoffed. "Surely we're taking him to St..."
"Hermione wants him to go to the Manor, don't you, sweetheart?" Pius told her, indicating to Minerva that she should look at Hermione carefully before he took a report from one of his Aurors on the battle going on in the foyer. Mysteriously the Minister had been removed from the building by his Auror guard, which had not been part of the contingency plan should this kind of event have occurred. Two thoughts crossed The Head of Magical Law Enforcement's mind; the Minister had been kidnapped or he knew this was going to happen. Either way, Pius' life was going to hell for weeks.
Minerva saw that Hermione was again totally absorbed in keeping Severus cognisant, and noted the look in her eyes. She'd seen it before when Hermione was being protective of him, and had been on the receiving end of one of her magical outbursts. The older witch nodded to Pius to indicate that she understood.
As the wand fight raged, Narcissa was the latest person to rush over to them. She had just pulled Luna out of the way of a Stinging hex, but she was caught by a piece of debris from the ensuing Bombardathat had been fired at the column they stood next to. She wasn't sure why they were attracting the falling masonry, but she'd caught, out of the corner of her eye, Draco using what looked like Dittany on Severus, and went to see if he had any left to treat her cut cheek.
She rushed over to the huddle in the middle of the room, and Draco immediately attended to his mother as she put her hand on Pius' shoulder and observed Severus carefully.
She looked at Poppy urgently. "We need to get him to—"
"—Snape Manor," Draco interjected. "That's what Hermione wants."
Narcissa glared at her son, but looking at Hermione, she could tell that the young witch was struggling to keep her emotions in check. But Narcissa also wanted the best care for her friend.
"Hermione, darling, we really need to—"
"NO!" Hermione screamed. "He hates it there, and I won't be able to look after him..." Her voice trailed off as the realisation of what was happening began to hit her.
Narcissa moved closer to put her arm around Hermione as Minerva muttered that she had an idea, and spoke to Poppy.
"This isn't your fault," she told the young witch soothingly as Hermione kissed Severus' hair again.
Hermione looked at her and smiled. "I know," she declared shakily, "It's Ron's."
Narcissa was taken aback by Hermione's answer. "Alright, but only you, Severus and Lucius can Apparate directly into the manor..."
"And the house-elves," Minerva announced as several popping sounds happened around them.
"Mistress McGonagall, how can Missy and we elves be ofs service?" Severus' chief house-elf asked before she yelped upon seeing Pius holding up Severus.
"Is Master...?"
"He's been badly injured," Narcissa told her as Missy wiped tears from her eyes.
Minerva spoke to Missy urgently. "Missy, take Madam Pomfrey to the Infirmary, and Apparate with her to the master bedroom at Snape Manor when she is ready."
"Yes, Mistress," Missy obeyed and took Poppy's hand, and with another pop they were gone.
Minerva issued instructions to all the other house-elves, who stood by waiting for the people they needed to accompany to the Manor, whilst firing the occasional crafty jinx or hex at an unsuspecting Death Eater.
"Where's your father?" Narcissa called to Draco, just as he was throwing a hex at MacNair, which caused him to bowl backwards into the path of Neville and Harry who stunned and bound the Death Eater.
"Last time I saw him, he was ripping into Amycus with Bill," Draco replied as he looked around frantically for Luna, who he saw with Cho, both of them taking down a Polyjuiced member of the Wizengamot. George and Angelina were duelling with Crabbe Snr; Blaise and Arthur were now working on Amycus, whilst his father and Bill were battling with Alecto.
In that moment, Draco witnessed Lucius push Bill out of the way as Alecto fired a Sectumsempra at him, which Bill, without thinking, returned. But Bill's eyes widened in horror as the curse hit the woman, who had now transformed back to her natural state across the throat.
There was a blood curdling cry, and all duelling seemed to cease for a moment as Amycus Carrow rushed over and looked down at the lifeless body of his sister. Spells began flying freely again as the Death Eater collapsed to his knees by her body, and Lucius took the chance to throw a binding spell at him, and was about to walk over and gloat when he heard his ex-wife shouting his name.
Lucius ran over. "How is he?" he asked urgently, bending down to whisper in Severus' ear, "I said you'd be alright, didn't I, you daft git, despite another admirable effort to get yourself killed."
Narcissa smirked. She heard what Lucius had said to Severus, and then informed him, "We're taking him to Snape Manor on Hermione's insistence..."
Lucius put his hand on Hermione's arm. "Are you sure, darling? It will be a rough night for all of us if we don't take him to..."
"When will you all fucking listen to me? We are going home!" she yelled.
Lucius nodded and kissed the top of her head. "Indeed we are," he reassured her before he spoke to Pius. "Right then, Thickie, give him here," before whispering in Pius' ear, "Make sure she Apparates with an elf. I can feel her magic pulsing from here, and if she loses control, she'll end up splinching herself."
Hermione gave Severus one last kiss, and promised she would join him soon before Lucius Disapparated them both to Snape Manor. Missy had just returned to say Poppy was there waiting for them, much to Hermione's relief.
The young witch stood up straight and put her wand away. Now that Severus was gone, she felt anger begin to rush fully through her veins.
Minerva called Winky over. "Winky, take your mistress to the—"
"Not yet," Hermione stated, her gaze falling on the bound figure of Ron Weasley several yards away from them.
She was suddenly at the bottom of her swimming pool again. She heard her blood, anger and magic coursing through her veins as she walked towards the prone wizard. All sound was muffled, and her heart was fast but steady. The only sound she was sure she heard clearly was when Draco exclaimed, "Oh fuck!" before he screamed, "Harry!" to get the bespectacled wizard's attention.
Despite how close Draco was to Hermione, much to his chagrin, he was not as close to her as Harry. Those two had shared too much, and no matter how much he wanted to have the same kind of relationship with her that Harry did, he knew Harry, and now Severus, were the only people capable of handling her in extreme cases of upset. All he knew for sure was that chocolate and slushy Muggle movies worked for more trivial or hormonal upsets, and this was neither.
Harry looked to Draco and then at Hermione as the blond wizard screamed her name and pointed at her. Harry nodded and walked towards his friend carefully.
Hermione stood in front of Ron and inclined her head to the side so she could look into his eyes as she wandlessly and non-verbally levitated him up to eye level. She gave him a wry smile as she spun him round with a gentle movement of her wrist until he was upright, but ten feet off the floor.
"'Mione, I'm sorry!" Ron shouted. He had been released from the Imperius curse by Amycus the moment he cast the spell which Severus protected Hermione from.
Suddenly the room, which was strewn with the bodies of bound and dead Death Eaters, seemed to be sat at the bottom of the metaphorical pool with Hermione as they watched the young witch in an almost terrifying display of non-verbal wandless magic. If anyone had asked Hermione what spells she was using, she wouldn't have been able to give a formal name. She just projected her thoughts, and each one happened.
"Are you really?" Hermione asked sardonically. "Oh the irony, Ronald!" She practically sang at him. "Did you think 'Let's hurt Hermione with one of Severus' spells. She'll really hate Severus for creating it. Did you think that I would beg you to take me back after you had shown me the error of my ways?!"
"'Mione," Harry said calmly as Hermione drew Ron close to her. "Don't do anything stupid," he hissed, edging towards her.
Hermione chuckled mirthlessly before telling her friend curtly, "I have no intention of doing anything stupid, Harry."
"I'm sorry," Ron pleaded. "L-look I know you're upset, but I didn't want to...I tried not to...I was..."
"—weak. Yes, I know," Hermione told him almost sweetly. "Nothing changes, does it, Ronald?"
Without moving, Hermione propelled Ron against the marble wall with such force that it cracked, knocking him unconscious. She was about to repeat the process, but Harry grabbed her round the waist and spun them both round away from Ron before growling in her ear, "You've hurt him now, but Severus needs you."
Harry called Winky over as Hermione's emotions overtook her and she collapsed into a heap on the floor. He wrapped her in his arms, as Winky stepped forward and took one of his and Hermione's hands in hers. With a loud pop, they were gone.
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