Pansy's Volcano | By : Bluemidget57 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 206858 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Fluff alert. My apologies; I don’t know what came over me! Must have been the Christmas Spirit. Evil Spirit.
Thirty Seven
The week which followed was a very difficult one for Hermione; in the space of forty-eight hours her life had undergone not one but two enormous and unpredicted changes. She was now in the unheard of position of having gained a - what exactly could she call Draco - boyfriend? Lover? Definitely a something; after all once might be called an accident, even twice could be explained away as a mistake, but after the third time, it became dangerously close to being a habit one should really tell one’s friends about.
Thus, Hermione was currently keeping two major secrets from her closest friends - the existence of her new love-life, and the identity of the man in question.
By the time Thursday evening rolled around and Draco had the rescheduled Quidditch practice which he had agreed to with Nick Bartlett, Hermione had spent another three nights in his bed, and her own room had only been used for obtaining a clean uniform in the mornings. Draco had watched amused from her door as she bounced on her bed a couple of times and shook the sheets around, which she informed him haughtily was to give the house elves the continuing impression that she had slept there the night before. He had then proceeded to join her and obligingly helped to make the rumpled bedding even more convincing.
They had both been late for breakfast, and Hermione was quite concerned at how easily they had fallen into this secret existence, where they continued to treat one another abrasively in public and yet spent hours and hours worshipping each other’s bodies behind locked doors. She hated the fact that she was keeping such an enormous secret from Ron and Harry, yet she reasoned that it (whatever it was) could never last, never survive the secrecy, the sneaking around, never overcome the simple fact of what she was and who he was expected to be. So why hurt the boys over something so obviously doomed to be short-lived?
However, this evening Hermione found that for the first time in her life, she wanted to go out to the Quidditch field and watch a practice session, and she was appalled at herself. She was actually restlessly pacing the floor in Gryffindor Tower, mentally trying to restrain herself from leaving. In the end she was only able to remain indoors by returning to her own rooms and then in to Draco’s and using her omnioculars to watch the training through his bedroom window.
She thought he might have realised she was doing this when he turned and looked directly at the window as if he knew she was there; maybe the fading evening sun had glinted off the lenses as she focused them or maybe it was just wishful thinking, but the sight was worth the effort. Merlin, he looked good on a broom; maybe not as fluid and natural as Harry, but the skill and precision he displayed showed his determination and dedication to continuously improve.
She hoped he was still wearing his uniform when he got back to the common room, because she really wanted to strip it off him one piece at a time. She blushed at her own thoughts…Merlin, when had she become so depraved? He truly was corrupting her; their appetite for each other seemed insatiable - after their quick joining on the sofa Monday night, he had refused flat out to consider her returning to her own room.
He picked her up and deposited her on his bed after they had finished the rest of their work, and told her she wasn’t going anywhere. Then he had proceeded to take her again, far more slowly and tormenting than he had earlier. And afterwards, Hermione had been so exhausted that she couldn’t have moved a muscle towards her own bed if she had tried.
Every night she had expected that their need for each other would diminish, or that the consummation would be less intense, but instead the sex just seemed to get better and better; now they could recognise each other’s sighs and gasps, their hands and mouths spoke a language entirely their own, and just last night they had climaxed together so intensely that Hermione had burst into tears unable to cope with the feelings that exploded throughout her body. Draco had simply held on tight to her with shaking arms and no need to question her sobs for he was teetering on the edge of an emotional collapse himself.
Hermione had avoided him for most of Thursday, afraid that she would give them away, for she felt as if every nerve end was raw and exposed. She had been sure that if she had so much as looked at him she would have dropped whatever she was doing and flown at him like a magnet to her true North. Now she just wished the interminable day was over and he could return to their rooms so she could touch him again, ground herself before she went crazy in her own skin.
She swung back to the window and checked through the omnioculars. At last! She could see that the team was making its way to the changing rooms. Draco was wrestling the bludgers back into the carved storage box; she wondered if he would take a shower before returning, or if like her, his skin was leaping with the need to touch again. She watched as he hoisted the box onto his shoulder and strode towards the broom store with it, before returning to pacing the floor.
She was startled only moments later when a heavy knocking came at the window she had just vacated, and turning she saw Draco hovering just outside on his broom. Her heart leapt into her throat as she raced to open the catch and he swooped into the room followed by a gust of cold wind. With an idle flick of his wrist he sent the broom to lean against the wall beside the door, and prowled towards a quivering Hermione.
‘Were you watching us?’ he asked hoarsely, and she nodded speechlessly. ‘I thought so, I could feel you, feel your eyes on me like fire,’ he muttered.
Hermione shivered; she had never seen him close up in his uniform before. That afternoon under the Quidditch stands before Slytherin beat Gryffindor hardly counted. It had been too dark, and she had been too shocked and deep in denial to appreciate the sight then, but Merlin, she was getting the full effect of it tonight! She felt tingles start between her legs and her nipples pebbled into aching points against her sweater. Draco didn’t miss a second of her arousal, and he was in such perfect synch with her that he knew instantly the reason for her lust. He stopped a foot away from her, watching as her eyes greedily took in the sight of him in his uniform, the leather shin and arm guards. He immediately revised his plans for seducing her, reaching out with one leather-gloved hand and running his index finger over the pointed tip of one breast. He was rewarded by the way she sucked her breath in and her eyes fell shut.
He allowed his hand to slide from the heaving curve of her breast down her arm until he caught her hand in his and tugged gently; she opened dazed eyes and looked at him questioningly. ‘Let’s have a bath,’ he suggested hoarsely, and she nodded breathlessly. Somehow that seemed an even better idea than jumping on him and ravaging him. More - intimate? He didn’t take his eyes off hers as they walked hand in hand into the bathroom, not until he had to turn and fill the bath, and Hermione simply stood where he had left her shivering with some new emotion she didn’t dare to analyse. Something had definitely just shifted between them, and she wasn’t sure if she dared to wonder what it was.
Finally he was happy with the temperature and the choice of bath oils and he turned back to her, his hands reaching for the clasp on his green cloak. This brought Hermione out of her introspection, as she remembered her fantasy of stripping him out of his uniform. ‘No!’ She said quickly. ‘Let me do that.’
His hands dropped away immediately, and she gave him a sultry glance from under her lashes which made his breathing hitch unevenly. She moved up in front of him and painfully slowly undid the serpent hook at the front of his cloak, pushing it off his shoulders to fall unheeded at their feet. She rested her face briefly against the damp green wool of his thick sweater. He smelled of fresh air and Draco; it was wonderful. Next went the thick leather arm guards; she unbuckled them slowly and carefully, dropping them to the tiled floor next to the cloak. He bent briefly to allow her to pull the sweater and the cotton shirt beneath it over his head.
When she dropped onto her knees before him, all the blood in his body rushed south. Logically he knew she had only done so to enable her to unbuckle the shin pads, but his penis didn’t know that. His head (both of them) swam with the image of his little lioness on her knees for a totally different reason. She had never offered that to him yet, despite his obvious enthusiasm for her own taste, and he didn’t intend to rush her until she was ready. He tried to remind his eager cock that she was still very inexperienced, but it didn’t have much effect on the randy little sod, and he knew that she had to be aware of how aroused he was with her face - Oh, God, her mouth - so close to his crotch. But she appeared to be ignoring his rampant erection, methodically unbuckling the leather pads, and then rising gracefully to her feet before allowing her hands to stray to his waistband and zipper. He gasped when her knuckles brushed over his swollen cock as she eased the corduroy pants open, and sighed in relief as her hot little fingers slipped inside and released him into the steamy air of the bathroom. She pushed the trousers down and he kicked them out of the way with his boots and socks, until he was standing before her naked and aroused.
‘Don’t you think you’re a little overdressed for a bath?’ he asked hoarsely. It was very difficult to maintain a clear head when she was staring at his naked body like that.
‘Hmmm?’ she asked dreamily, as if coming out of a trance. ‘Oh!’ she blushed suddenly, adorably confused at being caught staring, and Draco decided that he simply had to return the favour. He stepped up close to her and eased her sweatshirt up over her head - dark maroon with the Gryffindor crest embroidered on the front of it. The only good thing about it was that she had nothing on underneath but a skimpy purple satin bra. Draco growled at the sight, and went for her jeans, running his fingers around her navel piercing first. He had found this to be one of the most erogenous zones on her whole body, and he grinned to himself as she began trembling under his touch. Her jeans soon joined the pile of discarded clothing on the tiled floor, and she was left standing before him in only her matching underwear.
Draco ran a finger along the elasticated top of her knickers. ‘I like this, Granger,’ he muttered, ‘Is it some kind of Muggle thing?’ He traced the line of the elastic and spun her slowly around on the spot so that he could see where the thin line of fabric disappeared between the soft globes of her gorgeous behind. ‘Very kinky, I wouldn’t have ever thought it of you, Granger.’
Hermione whimpered as his hands squeezed her bum. ‘It was a birthday present,’ she managed, and squeaked suddenly as his hands tightened painfully.
‘Who buys you birthday presents like this?’ he growled possessively, pinching until she squirmed.
‘My - my friend Julia -’ Hermione gasped. ‘She - she worked at Victoria’s Secret during the school holidays!’ The horrible rushing in Draco’s ears quieted at this and he dusted apologetics kisses over the red marks on her behind until she was squirming for quite another reason.
‘What’s the point of this thing? It hardly seems to be worth wearing anything so small?’ he asked. ‘And what is Victoria’s secret? That she can’t afford a whole pair of knickers?’
Hermione giggled; she had forgotten how very traditional the older wizarding families were. ‘It’s called a thong, or a g-string,’ she whispered, ‘The idea is so that you don’t get an ugly line in your trousers showing where your knickers are. And Victoria’s Secret is a store which sells women’s underwear.’
Draco’s eyes lit with interest at this information. This was something that Professor DiBona didn’t cover in Muggle Studies. He moved so that his erection was rubbing against the purple satin of the thong thing, but all too soon the rest of her clothes fell discarded to the floor, and he was lifting her over into the hot sandalwood scented water before joining her there.
He couldn’t help letting out an appreciative groan as he lowered his own body into the water in front of her, letting the heat soak away any remaining chill from the long and strenuous training session. He drifted backwards in the water until he was leaning against the pillow of her breasts, with his head resting on her left shoulder. He gave a small tug on her wrists until her arms looped forwards around his neck, and her fingers began to play absently with the light dusting of sandy blond hair on his chest. He had no idea it could feel so good just relaxing in a bath of hot water in the arms of his witch. His erection hadn’t diminished at all; in fact a glance at the swollen red length of his cock bobbing just under the surface of the water showed him that he was harder than ever, but it felt so damn wonderful just floating here with Hermione that the urgency to take care of it had simply receded for the moment.
He sighed and allowed his eyes to close in contentment, and so was taken by surprise when he felt Hermione’s hand close around his cock and begin stroking him as he had taught her over the past few nights. He moaned encouragingly and thrust up into her hand, and she enthusiastically renewed her efforts until he realised that she had no intentions of stopping in time.
‘Granger, no - No! Inside you!’ he moaned out disjointedly, trying to push her hands away, but she merely giggled into his damp hair and held him tighter, moving faster as she slipped her other hand downwards to caress his heavy balls, rolling them and tickling them until he couldn’t deny it a second longer and his hips jerked up out of the bath water, moaning her name over and over as he came onto her fingers. When he could finally muster up the energy to turn and look at her, he found her wearing a contented smile, and although he tried to chastise her for disregarding his request, he found it truly difficult to remain upset with her when she looked so bloody, fucking gorgeous naked in his bath with him.
She stroked her fingers through his hair as he scolded her, and bent to kiss the end of his nose. ‘Draco,’ she cooed. ‘I know you’ll give me the same a dozen times tonight. This was something I wanted to do for you, and I got just as much pleasure from it as you did. Now let me massage your shoulders before we get out of here. I thought I saw you get hit by a bludger out there tonight…..’
She pushed his head away from her again and began to rub his shoulders and the nape of his neck expertly, so that all he could do was moan in pleasure. They finally managed to use the soap and it was probably an hour later before they left the water and he carried her once again into his bedroom, where he proceeded to pay her back for using her hands on him by caressing her and bringing her to the very brink of climax time and time again without letting her fall over the edge, until just shy of midnight when he finally allowed her the relief of orgasm.
They fell asleep curled around one another, and this time even Draco was too exhausted to waken her in the middle of the night for another turn.
Saturday dawned bright but cool, which seemed to be a good omen for the traveling plans of the 7th years in the evening. It looked like the girl’s formal robes would not be under attack from rain, snow or mud, and the lower years were all casting envious glances at their elders over breakfast in the Great Hall as they read last minute facts about their study topics, and speculated one last time on where they would be seated.
Draco and Hermione returned to their study shortly after lunch to prepare their own outfits for the night. Hermione had still not mentioned the colour of her robes to him; she wanted to surprise him when they arrived - to that end she had even enchanted small silver dragons with ruby eyes out of her Halloween black cat earrings, and was planning to wear them as a message for him, which she hoped would be too subtle for anyone else to spot. She was fairly confident the dark green robes wouldn’t excite comment, especially as she had let Lavender and Parvati think the choice theirs. Everyone knew where the gossip in Hogwarts originated, and with those two on her side, she should be fairly safe from malicious comment.
Packing was hampered by another intense snogging session that quickly got out of hand, but as Draco groaned breathlessly as he took her hard and fast against her bedroom wall, they wouldn’t be able to lay a hand on each other tonight, so it really was in the interests of good sense that they get it out of their systems before they arrived at the Hotel.
As they collapsed panting and sweaty on the rug in front of the fireplace, Hermione finally remembered that neither of them had recently looked at their own invitations for a subject. She leapt up in an academic panic despite Draco’s trying to hold her still and rummaged into her book bag, still semi-naked, until she found the now rather crumpled parchment.
‘Draco, don’t just lie there - go and find yours!’ she cried shrilly. ‘Oh my God, I can’t believe we forgot to check this! We’re supposed to be setting an example for the whole school, and we’re just laying here shagging like rabbits -’
Draco uncurled himself from the hearth rug and stretched sinuously, making Hermione forget what she was trying to scold him for, and replied huffily, ‘Well, you might have been shagging, Granger - but I was making love to my gorgeous girlfriend, which I happen to think is a damn sight more important than swotting up on some outlandish subject I will never again need to know anything about, to satisfy the whim of a deranged old wizard!’
‘Don’t talk about Dumbledore like that -’ Hermione began outraged, when the import of his other words finally sank in, and she gasped softly, ‘Oh! Draco -’
But he simply overran her words. ‘So - what does it say then?’ he queried sarcastically.
Hermione shook her head trying to dispel the millions of questions clamoring to be asked and unfolded her invitation. She frowned. ‘There’s nothing!’ she exclaimed shocked. ‘The dinner is tonight and there’s still nothing on there!’
This actually made Draco more interested than anything else she had said about the study topic so far, and he strode still naked, into his room to collect his own invitation out of his bedside table. He unfolded it as he was walking back to Hermione and frowned to realise that his also remained blank. ‘Now that is odd.’ He said as he reached her side and took her invitation to compare it with his own.
‘Very,’ Hermione agreed as she leant over to watch as he held both parchments up side by side to compare them. Her gasp was echoed almost simultaneously by his own, for as soon as both invitations brushed together at the edges, words began to form along the bottom of each in a flowing purple script. It began on Draco’s invitation, Romeo an continuing on Hermione’s without pause d Juliet….
Draco was thinking furiously as the words appeared. His analytical mind flew back immediately to the previous Saturday night when he had been soaking in the bath and That Song had come on the Muggle request show complete with Dumbledore’s curious dedication. Coincidence? He didn’t think so - Hermione’s panicked scream finally brought his attention back to the witch beside him.
The Head Girl seemed to be hyperventilating. ‘Oh, God. He knows! He knows what we’re doing. He must do - what else could this mean. Oh my God - do you think he’ll expel us? Do you think he’ll take away our badges? That’s what Snape told you would happen if you got caught. Oh, no! That’s why Godric won’t talk to me any more! He’s been sulking all week - he must know I lost my position! Oh, no! He’s probably going to announce it tonight - in front of the Governors and everyone from the Ministry -’
‘Granger! Snap out of it!’ Draco said forcefully. ‘I don’t think he knows. I don’t think that’s what this means at all -’
‘You don’t?’ Hermione interrupted hopefully, but her pleasure didn’t last long. ‘No - it’s too coincidental. Why else would we have been given a subject like that! And jointly on both our invitations which only appeared when they touched. And Godric -’
‘Oh, forget about Godric, will you,’ Draco sighed. ‘He’s not talking to you because he can’t. I put a binding spell on him, and all the other portraits in these rooms. I didn’t want them running off to snitch to Dumbledore every time I wiped my arse in here. How do you think the old man gets all his information anyway? There’s spying eyes on every wall in this building. Gryffindor’s just sulking.’ He ignored an outraged grunt from Hermione, and continued. ‘I think the cunning old coot doesn’t know anything but he’s trying to tell us that if something were to happen, he would approve. Not that I care one way or another if he approves or not,’ he hastened to add.
‘Do you really think so?’ Hermione asked doubtfully, tapping one foot on the floor and chewing on one of her nails.
Draco sighed, ‘Yes, I do,’ he muttered. ‘I know what I’m doing with secrecy spells, trust me on that one. I promise you there’s no way anyone could know what we do alone in here unless they’re standing over there under an invisibility cloak -’ he caught Hermione’s quick furtive glance around the room and hissed. ‘Great Merlin, don’t tell me - Potter’s got one of those, too?’ Hermione grimaced apologetically, and he sighed. ‘That just figures - explains a lot, too!’
‘Draco -’ Hermione began hesitantly. ‘How did this happen?’ He seemed confused and she tried elucidate. ‘You - me, this. How did it happen? How could it happen, when it’s us, who we are? I don’t understand, and now you think Dumbledore’s meddling in it, as well!’
Draco came over and took her into his arms again; she may not understand why this had happened, but she had absolutely no doubts at this very moment that there was nowhere else in the whole world she would rather be than right here. She relaxed into his bare chest with a sigh and kissed his shoulder. ‘I don’t know either,’ he confessed. ‘One day I was just quietly going about my business and all of a sudden something happened which forced me to picture you in a - sexual way, and as soon as it happened, it was as if I could see every little detail of you. I hadn’t realised I knew your face so well, your mannerisms, your behaviour. You. I was forced to think hard about our past, and now that my mind was open to it, there were dozens of little occasions during which something of this nature could have started. Remember that time in 3rd year when you smacked me?’ she nodded against his chest, ‘Well, I’m sure you don’t know that I didn’t retaliate in any way because I’d gotten such a fucking stiffy from it that all I could do was bugger off to the boy’s bathrooms and bring myself off before the next class! It was the first time I ever had to do that in school, and I liked to put it down to the whole violence thing,’ he grimaced. ‘You know - jr Death Eater mentality. My father always told me that I would get such a thrill out of the wildness, and I thought I was getting in practice for that. I was only thirteen; then he got me a rather special present for my next birthday, and after that I couldn’t let myself wonder if the rather spectacular mess I made of the wall and my trousers wasn’t prompted by something else entirely….I know I had myself utterly and totally convinced that I couldn’t stand the sight of you and I wouldn’t allow for there to be any other possibility until that day, and after that it was too late. Six years of denial all scrambling to burst out all over the place. Didn’t stand a chance really. You?’
Hermione was disappointed that he couldn’t express it any better than she. ‘I don’t understand it either,’ she sighed, ‘But you’re right - it just hit me suddenly one day. I had said - something - about you to someone, and all of a sudden I didn’t like the way I felt afterwards; guilty you know, and that became awareness and then nerves, and soon it was the only thing I could think about, and then after Halloween everything started falling apart, until last weekend. But that’s what worries me - you and I - it shouldn’t feel this way.’
Draco was considering her words, wondering if it could be possible that she had come to see him on the very same day that he had fallen in lust with her - she had definitely been talking about him to someone on that day. The idea that such a thing could have hit them both simultaneously seemed like an omen, but he couldn’t decide if it was a good or bad one, and all of a sudden Hermione’s alarm clock began screeching loudly. ‘Time for the carriages, time for the carriages,’ and she gasped quickly wrenching herself away to finish packing.
They had decided to take the first ride into the village as they had to liaise with Mr Pringle before the start of the dinner; Hermione was going to change in the girl’s room at the Felton Arms, and Draco in the boy’s. They still hadn’t informed Pringle of the slight change in seating, and anticipated more of his signature ranting and arm waving when they did, so they had particularly decided to be early in case calming and soothing were required.
When they had made this decision, neither had anticipated finding it necessary to spend the early afternoon discovering new ways of making the other scream, although given their sad inability to keep their hands off each other, it was maybe a thought which should have occurred. Nevertheless, they were now scrambling to make the first coaches with some very tantalizing possibilities hanging between them.
It was going to be an interesting evening.
I would just like to take this opportunity to indulge in shameless pimping. Progress on this story has slowed down due to my being invited to write a Christmas Draco/Hermione story for Raffy, who moderates the Sleeping with the Enemy Yahoo group (the only other place Pansy’s Volcano is currently archived).
No one has ever asked me to write a story for them before, and I was so flattered. So of course, I had to do it!! It is a gift for Raffy based on a plot bunny she sent me, so she will be receiving it first, but I plan to upload it here and at the SwtE group in their guest files on Christmas morning (EST) so look out for that before the next installment of Pansy, (If anyone is interested, of course!)
Once again, thanks to everyone who has reviewed. I promise they will actually arrive at the Social evening next chapter!!
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