Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Dear readers,
some of you were confused about what Ages said to the Eldest about selling a sub because of Severus behavior. I thought I made it clear that this wasn't what the Eldest saw as the solution of the problem. They wanted from Ages that he dominates Severus more and not sell Neville. Ages as the stupid, dick-thinking dominant he is, thought they wanted him to separate Severus from Neville. It was one more hint of how different doms think from subs. I really hope that over the next few chapters you really will understand the concept of this all. I'm sorry it wasn't clear. In the future chapters it will be more clearer, I hope. I also hope that even so you maybe be confused about some plot lines, you still like the story and will continue to read. I'm starting to get a bit scared you lose interest because of this confusion, but I really think you will understand the different of thinking and acting of doms and subs in this story better in the next few chapters.
Someone asked me about a pregnancy again. I think I already answered this, but I can do it again: No, I won't write about a pregnancy of any of the main characters. I'm not sure at the moment, but I think about making one person pregnant but that person is just a side-character.
Warnings: Mention of Dom-fuck
Characters: The Eldest, Hermione, Fenrir, Ages, Severus, Amaris, Morgan, Darius, Draco
Chapter 37 – The Council
“He should feel honored that the stupid pup chose him and not try to beg for his friends’ company during the full moon. He’s not worthy of her if he continues to act this way!”
It seemed Miller had given up arguing with Severus when the healer didn’t reply.
Hermione heard Severus step away from her bed and growled when Miller used the damn thermometer on her without warning.
“Behave!” Miller barked a bit sharply while he held her hip in place.
“When you are finished, bring her over here. We will let her rest with Toric. That will stop her from thinking too much until Fenrir can take her.”
Hermione sighed and snuggled against Toric as soon as she was placed in his bed. She inhaled deeply. Safe! The warmness was also very nice, and she nuzzled her face against Toric's shirt. The man chuckled and hugged her. “It's nice to see you too, pup.”
Hermione was in and out of consciousness for a long time, she guessed. She tried to fight them when they gave her new doses of the fog potion, as she referred to it, but she had no chance against them. When they finally let her wake up completely, she realized three days had passed after the full moon and she was done with her heat. As relieved as she was that she wasn't sticky between her legs any longer, she was still extremely angry with her mates.
When Severus had checked her over, she had bitten him.
All of her mates got the cold shoulder from her, and it satisfied her to no end that she could sense their discomfort. Not being able to take her for so long was agony to them.
“Stop being unreasonable, pup,” Fenrir growled angrily when she pushed him away again.
“Unreasonable? You drugged me!”
“For a good reason. We know what's best for you, and the Eldest gave their okay.”
“I don't give a damn shit what the Eldest said!”
Fenrir sighed and stood up from the bed. It seemed he had to endure another wanking round in the bathroom to get rid of his-hard on. Maybe he would Dom-fuck Amaris or Morgan. Yes, that would release his tension quite well.
Hermione heard the furniture crash upstairs and Morgan whimper.
“Oh, that arsehole,” she cursed and quickly dressed. Hermione scrambled up the stairs, but when she entered the room, Morgan had already been released, Fenrir gone.
Amaris was tending to Morgan and looked up at Hermione when the young woman’s presence registered with her.
“You need to stop refusing them, pup. It's unnatural for them to be refused by you, and for you to push them away.”
Hermione looked at Morgan with pity. “I'm sorry, but it’s the only way to show them they shouldn't treat me like they did.”
Morgan tried to smile, but it came out as more of a pained grimace.
“It was the only way they could deal with you at the time, pup. Do you think they enjoyed handling your condition that way? It was too dangerous to let you think too much while you were in your heat, as well as a very unstable mental condition,” Amaris explained.
“I wasn't emotionally unstable.”
“Of course you were, pup; even the Eldest said so. They are always very critical about letting us use things like potions or the rod on the subs. It was in your best interests, and your mates suffered through it as much as you did.”
Hermione was still angry, and she didn't want Amaris’ words to affect her. She turned and left the quarters. She held her breath for a moment, fearing they would come running after her and tell her she wasn't allowed to roam the halls alone, but they didn't.
“Hermione,” Draco called for her when she passed the lounge. “Finally.”
Hermione looked at him grumpily. “It wasn't my fault they drugged me.”
Draco ignored her petulant exclamation completely. “Oh, it was so good! It felt like being in heaven. I can't wait for the next full moon to come!”
He danced happily around her, and she couldn't help feeling better already.
She didn't want the good feelings to get the upper hand. “I hope the next full moon never comes.”
Draco stopped his dancing, surprise written all over his face at her utterance.
A deep voice behind Hermione made them all jump. “The clan council wants to speak with you, pup.” It was Igor, who looked quite serious as he gestured her to follow him.
Hermione stepped nervously into the room Igor led her to and was surprised at how full it was. She had never been allowed in this room before. A long, oval table filled almost the entire room, and around it sat all of the Eldest, Ages, Severus, Fenrir, Roland, Darius, and a few other high ranking wolves. Hermione gulped. Was she in trouble?
“Sit down, pup,” Ignatius said and gestured for her to sit on a chair at one of the heads of the table, directly opposite him.
“I'm sorry,” Hermione muttered quickly, thinking it couldn't hurt to apologize for whatever perceived ill she was there for. Then a thought struck her. They were talking about selling a sub earlier while she was in Ages' quarters. What if she was the sub they had been referring to? Would they have really spoken about her in such a callous manner, right where she had been able to hear the conversation?
She was paralyzed by this thought and found she couldn't move at all.
“Pup?” Ignatius asked, worried, turning to Severus for his valuation as a healer.
“She is alright physically and mentally,” Severus stated, not sounding very convinced, even to his own ears. He eyed Hermione closely and fought the urge to go to her.
“Don't sell me,” Hermione whispered. “I'm sorry.”
Ignatius rolled his eyes. “Sometimes your stupidity surprises me. Now sit down. Nobody is selling you, nor one of your little sub friends.”
Hermione released her breath with extreme relief, swaying slightly. The fear had made her so pent up with anxiety she nearly fell over from the giddy release.
Severus was up in an instant, Fenrir rising at the same time. While Fenrir held her upright, Severus waved his wand over her.
“Do we have to postpone the meeting?” Ignatius asked.
“No, she is just…… I have no idea what ails her,” Severus admitted with a frown, scowling at the lack of diagnosis.
“What? Are you stupid?” Fenrir barked angrily.
“Stop this, Alpha Fenrir!” Ignatius thundered.
Then he addressed Severus, “Can you at least say if she is able to attend the meeting?”
“She should be. It seems she had some kind of panic attack and her wolf is unbalanced due to not being satisfied for three days.”
“Which is not my fault,” Hermione hissed as Severus and Fenrir stepped back a few feet for fear of being bitten.
Ignatius snorted. “It's so reassuring to see the second and third in command over this clan afraid of a sub. It's a wonder this clan still exists. Now sit down, pup.”
Fenrir and Severus both growled lightly over the insult Ignatius had thrown at them, also taking their seats as well.
Hermione was sitting a bit alone, which made her aware that she was just a guest here, or was she on trial of some sort?
“Am I in trouble?”
“No, you are here so we can explain the changes that have been happening over the last few days, and the reasons why we had to drug you.”
For some reason, Hermione's heart beat even faster than it already had done, and she held her breath. What was so bad that they had felt the need to drug her?
“First, we made some new observations and conclusions during the last moon. We will secure the forest boundary from now on during the following moons. Our members with magical background will place boundaries on the area in which you will change, and you will tell them who will have the ability to pass those boundaries. The boundary will recognize the magical signatures of your chosen. You can exclude anyone with the exception of your mates. Your mates are not allowed to take guard duty during the full moon, but that was clear before. I am just stating this for your benefit and understanding.”
Hermione was totally confused, but didn't dare interrupt the Eldest.
“One of your mates had been injured during the last moon, and you should make it clear he is not to act foolishly if he chooses to cross the boundary in future. Nevertheless, you will not seek out the ones who injured Toric. It's not your place to do so.”
She was not allowed to tell off or seek revenge on those who had hurt Toric, yet she was supposed to tell him and the other dominants what to do during the next full moon? The instructions didn’t make much sense to her. They seemed to contradict each other.
“I don't think he will listen to me.”
“He will. Just threaten to do to him what you did to your other mates during the last few hours if he disobeys.”
Hermione's mouth was hanging open, and she could feel the palpable anger coming from her mates within the room.
“We mainly drugged you because your mind still isn't used to the changing, and you are emotionally unsteady during the days after the changing. The clan was unbalanced as well following this moon. So many had taken the mind-retaining potion, and with the various changes and unaccustomed reactions from our wolves, including the resulting confusion afterward, we thought it would be better for you to not be aware of everything until your mind was strong enough and we had the situation fully under control.”
“I don't understand.”
Ignatius groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I'm not even halfway through, pup.”
Hermione gulped. It frightened her a bit that Ignatius continued to explain concepts to her that made no sense whatsoever, knowing the Eldest and dominants would expect her to obey without question.
“You understand the rules for the next moon? The separated areas?”
“I understand the basics but not the concept of it,” Hermione said cautiously.
“You don't have to. So—”
“No 'buts', pup. Separated areas, and you will decide who is allowed to come into yours. Exclamation mark.”
Hermione groaned.
Oh, how she hated those words. She growled.
“Last warning!”
Hermione let her head hang with shame.
“We also drugged you so you wouldn’t worry about the two issues that bothered you prior to the full moon.” Ignatius eyed her closely to see if she remembered.
Hermione still didn't feel completely like her old self, and she racked her brain for what they were talking about when Castor's beaten face came in her mind. “Castor,” she breathed, scared about what they would tell her now.
Hermione stared at Ignatius, who had spoken the word as if it was unimportant. For Hermione, it meant the world. She hadn't even realized that he had survived, and didn't understand her reaction, but it made her so happy her heart hurt and tears were running down her face.
“So our decision to drug you was the correct one,” Ignatius stated dryly, seeing her tears. “He managed to come out of deathly peril yesterday. We couldn't have told you earlier.”
Hermione tried to breathe calmly and glanced over to Fenrir. She wanted to crawl on his lap and make up with him.
“Can you still concentrate?” Ignatius asked.
Hermione nodded, turning her attention back to the Eldest.
“The newly turned...” He paused momentarily to allow Hermione’s focus to catch up with him. When her wide-open eyes met his, he continued, “They died, all except for the old one, but she is in bad shape.”
Hermione’s heart hurt again, but this time out of sadness. “But...” She swallowed against the lump in her throat.
“It couldn't be helped. We are surprised that one survived. It's not good to be turned so close before the moon and her mind could be damaged without possibility of being repaired.”
“Can I see her?”
“No, she is not your concern at the moment. You are not ready to take care of her. You are too young and still need to get yourself under control and take care of yourself.”
Hermione lowered her head. She knew it was useless to argue with them. The woman would be sold if she made it, and Hermione knew it would be better to not get attached to her. Still, she felt as if she should.
“I would like to know what you felt concerning our head beta during the moon and afterward.”
Hermione looked up sharply at the odd question. “What? I don't understand.”
When she didn't receive a reply and only the returned curiosity of each face around her, she gave the query more thought. She gazed at Severus, his dark orbs revealing nothing as he returned her look impassively. Hermione was trying to remember the time under the moon.
“I really don't understand. I hardly saw him. He was protecting the edge of the clearing with Fenrir and later... well, I was a bit distracted.” She blushed, but Ignatius ignored it and nobody else made a teasing remark about it either.
“You were aggressive with him when you woke.”
“What? No!” She remembered leaning into his touch when he had felt her forehead.
“You bit him, pup.” Ignatius prompted.
“I would have bitten Fenrir as well or Yorik or one of the others. They drugged me!” Hermione felt anger rise within her once more.
“Control yourself, pup.”
Oh, how she would like to kick Ignatius’ butt. “I would like to bite you as well,” she muttered, forgetting about the overly developed hearing senses of the wolves.
She could see some dominants grin.
“Just try it, pup. I haven’t been amused for a long time,” Ignatius said, almost bored.
“Sorry,” Hermione conceded, knowing she was behaving childishly, and that was the last thing she wanted to do in the presence of the Eldest. She wanted to impress them, to one day be part of their group, being able to boss the dominants around.
“I expect you to obey our order concerning the newly changed or we will need to punish you.”
The serious tone made Hermione duck her head.
“You are allowed to see Castor but only with a high ranking dominant. Your punishment has been lifted and you are allowed to move around in the house without supervision, but we still don't want you to go down to the warrior floor without a high ranking dominant, or try to meet with one of the young ones alone. Tara's accident hopefully taught you better than to try that.”
“Am I allowed outside now?”
“No, not before April. If you want to be outside, you have to ask one of your mates to take you on a stroll but you won't leave the house alone. If you disobey, the punishment the head alpha gave you last time will seem like nothing after I get through with you.”
Hermione swallowed heavily.
“We will most likely have company in the coming weeks. Some other clans will be visiting us, and Fenrir's master might send some... minions.”
Hermione had the feeling Ignatius wanted to vomit onto the table just by the way, and with how much disgust, he spat out the last word.
“You will avoid being close to them without one or preferably many of our clan. They should be no threat to you, but because of their origins, you never know. Their visit will most likely be short, as they enjoy our company about as much as we enjoy theirs.”
For the first time Hermione remembered Harry and Ron again and the pictures of the arena flooded her mind. Something inside her was close to snapping, and she felt the beast in her fighting against it. A loud snap made her look up and immediately almost all of the images were forgotten. The faces of Harry and Ron faded away while Hermione stared at Severus, who had snapped his fingers.
“What happened?” Dorothea asked, worried. It was a demanding question, not a soft request. “I asked you a question, Head Beta!” she said angrily when Severus didn't react and still stared at Hermione intensely.
“She is all right,” Severus replied, but it was obvious that he was lying.
“What the hell is going on?” Darius demanded as he jumped up.
“I'm okay. I... I just remembered something.”
You could have sliced the air with a knife.
“What do you mean you remembered something? What, exactly, did you remember?” Ignatius asked dangerously.
Hermione looked to Severus, who for the first time looked nervous, and she swore he shook his head slightly. There was not much time to think about his slight indication because Ages was up in a second and Severus was pinned down. “If she won’t speak, you will tell us! Last warning!”
Severus closed his eyes. “She was shutting her wolf out again. She remembered her changing and what happened shortly before that with her friends.”
“How much do you remember, Severus?”
Severus didn't answer and Ages pressed down hard over his neck.
The head beta’s face gave away nothing, even as his voice intoned, “Everything.”
If Hermione had thought the silence couldn't get any worse, she was wrong. She heard her blood roaring in her ears, and she could sense the fear and shock everyone was feeling as a result of Severus’ confession. Hermione didn't understand the reason, but she felt that it was something very, very bad.
“We need to call the Shaman,” Dorothea stated and stood up. “Keep a close eye on him until then, head alpha.”
She turned to Hermione. “And you will come to us if you feel like you did just now. You are not in trouble; we are just worried. You cannot afford to be fighting your wolf in order to regain your former human mind back. It would drive you insane.” Her voice was soft this time and she stroked over Hermione's hair affectionately.
“Severus?” Hermione asked, scared.
“Will be all right, pup. Don't worry. We will make sure of that.”
But she did worry, and would continue to do so. Severus was one of her mates, and dear to her. Still, she wondered what he had meant when he’d lied for her. So many questions, so few answers; she had no choice but to acquiesce to their wishes, for now.
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