Shades of Grey | By : SpeedyTomato Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 104035 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 21 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter nor do I make any money off this dance in the realm of strangeness and smut |
Chapter 37
Beta'd by the amazing Tenchi. You're the best, woman, and thank you!
With help from Lynn who works with me when it comes to flow, continuity and other issues
Just a reminder of what's on my profile; reviews complaining or whinging about the lack 'o sex in stories will get deleted. If you want a smut-filled romp, you need to find another story to read.
“I hate this feeling,” Harry muttered, reaching up to rub his eyes with a trembling hand. He had taken the other potion to relax him before they gave him the Draught of Living Death to get the Horcrux out. And this one, whatever it was called, was making him seriously wonky. It was like the effects of those pain killing draughts he had taken, but far more intense and powerful. He did not like the way this felt, at all. Not only that, it was leaving him feeling seriously uncoordinated. As it was, he was sitting on his bed between Sirius' legs, leaning back against him. Even then he could feel himself listing to one side, unable to help it. He was damned sure that the only reason he remained in an upright position was that Sirius was holding onto him.
Smirking at that, Severus looked at the small almost transparent window that hung above Harry that showed his vital signs, a spell he used so he didn't have to keep checking. He was keeping an eye on a couple of them as when they hit a certain range he was going to give Harry the Draught. “That's a good thing, Harry.”“Why is that,” Harry asked, voice starting to seriously slur from the effects. The way this felt—just, no! Bloody hell, it was like being out of control in some way, something he hated. And he was damned sure that if it grew worse he wouldn't be able to control what came out of his mouth or would answer questions he normally wouldn't if someone asked him, something he knew the four in the room wouldn't, thankfully.“It's highly addictive,” Severus explained, keeping an eye on the readings as some of them began to drop. That's what they needed. If he judged it right, in a half an hour the maximum effect would be in place and the Draught could be given, something that would put Harry under easily. “In fact, when it comes to potions addicts, this one is highly prized and much sought after because of what you're feeling. It's not easy to brew and expensive to buy, not to mention you must have the right credentials to get it.”Shaking his head, blinking rapidly, trying to hold off the fuzzy feeling that just kept growing, Harry asked, “Who would want to feel like this? I don't get it!”“Plenty, Harry,” Sirius told him, holding him close as Harry seemed to be leaning to the side more. Resting his head against his godson's, he gave him a squeeze. “It's something that makes you feel good, something they long for. Not only that, nothing bothers you when you take it. That they want, to help forget whatever they're dealing with for a time.”“Don't get that,” Harry said with a shake of his head. “This is—just bad. And I hate it. I can't see willingly doing this for a lark.”Smirking a bit at that, Lucius said, folding his arms over his chest and leaning against one of the bedposts at the foot of it, “That's good though. It means that you aren't apt to pursue such pleasures in your life.”“No thanks,” Harry slurred out, sighing heavily as he began to shiver. Shaking his head, not sure where that was coming from, he reached down and petted Kaliya, who was wrapped around him. “This is—I can't even describe how much I don't like it.”Seeing the shivering starting, something that was a side effect of the draught, Severus pulled a blanket up off the foot of the bed. “Kaliya, you may want to move if you don't want to get overheated.” Seeing the snake slither off Harry then drape over Black's shoulders so he could still be close to Harry, Severus covered the younger wizard up and cast a heating charm on the blanket. Harry's temperature was normal, of course, but the draught would make him feel cold and shiver from it.Tucking the blanket around his godson, Sirius looked up at the readings then asked, “How much longer?”“A half an hour I think,” Severus told him, gazing at the readings himself. “When his heart rate slows more and blood pressure lowers to a certain level, something the spell will show in a flashing red color, we'll be ready. The calmer and more relaxed he is when we give him the Draught, the better it's going to take. That we want.” Looking at Black, he said, “Holding him upright for this might be the best way to do it. However, with how he's leaning now, laying him down may be required. If that happens, lay him on his side, facing us. Just something so we can easily get to the scar.”Grinning a little, persuading Harry's head back so it was resting on his shoulder, Sirius said, “Yeah, I don't think him remaining upright is going to happen. I think the only reason he is still somewhat vertical is because I'm holding him that way.”“That's fine,” Lucius told him softly with an amused snort. “Just as long as we can easily get to the scar we're fine.”“What can we expect from this, do you know?” Remus asked, looking between the two. He was seated in a chair at the end of the bed, a hand on Harry's ankle for reassurance.“Not much,” Severus said, looking at him. “It should go easily. However, I expect far more bleeding than we saw from Nagini because of the way the human head is and the vessels there. As I'm sure you know, head wounds bleed badly. It's not life threatening, of course, but it looks bad. We're prepared for that. And we have everything else set up, such as the ornament to put it in,” he told him, pointing to the small metal gargoyle that was on the nightstand by the bed. “After it's done, we want you and Black to stay put to keep an eye on Harry while Lucius and I go destroy it. I'm giving the smallest dose of the Draught of Living Death I can, but he'll still be out for a couple of hours from it. Maybe more because of this draught. That won't be anything to worry about. You know what to watch for when it comes to troublesome areas. It should go fine, though.”Feeling Harry lean more to the side, Sirius snorted, chuckling, “Time to lay you down, Harry. You're too heavy now for me to keep holding you upright.” Grabbing a pillow from the bed beside him, he shifted around slightly and put it on his thigh then helped his godson lay down, curled up, head resting on the pillow. Running his fingers through Harry's hair, he said, “You're fine.”“Whatever this is, I don't want to take it ever again,” Harry groused, curling up, pulling the blanket tighter around him as he shivered. Shutting his eyes, he sighed. “I just want to sleep.”“We need you to stay awake, Harry,” Severus told him softly. “I know it makes you feel tired, but aware is something required until we give you the Draught. Just talk to us to stay that way. It won't be long now before we can give it to you.”“Want something to drink?” Sirius asked, looking down at him as he continued to run his fingers through his hair. Harry couldn't eat anything until he came out of the Draught as it took better on an empty stomach, but he could have something to drink.“Some tea, hot,” Harry sighed, blinking rapidly, trying to focus, something all but impossible at the moment.“Hot tea it is,” Lucius said, summoning an elf to bring some just the way Harry liked it.Watching Harry's face, seeing his eyes drooping shut, though it was apparent that Harry was desperately trying to stay awake, Severus sighed. It was going to be a struggle to keep him awake. Quietly, he said, looking at Black, “Just talk to him and make sure he answers. It shouldn't be long now.”Nodding, Sirius focused on Harry and began to make conversation, talking about how he was going to start bringing him Quidditch magazines so he could get a feel for what teams were out there and what they were like. Then he began to ask him about other topics of interest so he could pick up magazines on that, something he thought might help hold off the boredom that was sure to come. With that, he also kept shifting Harry around to keep him from getting too comfortable and dozing off.Eying the readings as they fell more, Severus nodded. This was good. However, as they fell, he could feel his own blood pressure going up. This would be tricky and risky. They had done it before with Nagini, but this was Harry they were doing it to this time. That had him more apprehensive. So much could go wrong and cause death that he was on edge. However, he kept running the spell through his mind, watching a replay of the removal from Nagini as a way to ensure he had it right. It was the only thing he could do to practice, so he intended to keep it up. Eyes locked on the readings, he kept reassuring himself that all would go fine. It was just nerve-wracking as the time approached.
Coming back in after destroying the Horcrux, Severus sat down and looked at Harry, who was still sleeping. Eying the bandage over the scar and the small blooms of blood on it, he asked Lupin and Black, looking between the two, “All is well? Nothing off?”
“We're good, Severus,” Remus told him, hand on the sleeping Harry's leg. With what Harry was given, the young man wouldn't feel it, of course, but he wanted to anyway, just so, somehow, Harry knew he was there.“Has the bleeding slowed?” Severus asked, looking between the two. The bleeding that came from the removal was far more than Nagini's. It wasn't worrying, of course, as he expected it, it was just there and he wanted to make damned certain it was slowing. If not, blood replenishers needed given.“We're good there,” Sirius told him, holding onto Harry still. “We changed the bandage once and that's all. When we did, it was just oozing slightly, nothing more than that. So, it's nothing to worry about.”“Good,” Severus nodded with a relieved sigh. Thankfully, the removal process had gone just as Nagini's had with no complication other than the expected heavier bleeding. In fact, it had only taken a couple of minutes, something that pleased all of them. And Harry didn't seem to be affected at all. There wasn't even a drop in his vitals as they did it. The only thing they had to check now, when he woke that was, was to ensure there were no issues with his cognitive functions from it. They doubted that, of course, as Nagini had none and her brain function was far more primitive than Harry's, but they needed to make damned sure of it. “I'll have some headache potions waiting for him when he wakes. That will probably be an issue because of where it was lodged, but I think we're in the clear.”“Good,” Sirius told him with a sigh of relief. “Did you get it destroyed?”“Yes,” Severus assured him firmly with a nod. “Quite easily as well. Lucius is just storing the ornament that we used in case we need it later.” Sitting down, he ran the spell for basic vital signs, more to assure himself that everything was fine than anything else. When it showed they were normal, he was relieved. Now they just had to wait for Harry to wake. “I don't think anything was affected. We should be in the clear. He probably won't feel the best, of course, but I don't foresee a problem.” Looking between the two, he asked, “You're staying the night?”“Sirius is,” Remus told him. “I'm going back to Grimmauld Place in case something big happens. I'll come up with some excuse if it does and contact you. We thought this best.”“Very wise,” Severus agreed with a nod. “He'll probably sleep off and on for most of the night then into tomorrow from this. However, I would feel better with someone with him all the time.”“Trust me, I'm sticking to him like there's a charm on both of us,” Sirius chuckled. Sobering up, he asked, “Any idea what the other Horcruxes are or where they might be? I think that's something we need to worry about if we want this mess to end. Albus isn't going to let it until Harry faces that maniac. So, we need to plan around this.”Looking at the sleeping Harry, hand over his mouth, Severus thought that over then shook his head. “I don't know. I really don't. Honestly, I don't even know where we would start to look or have any clue what they might be. That—whatever Albus knows on the topic, beyond what you saw in that memory, he never mentioned. And I didn't even get any hints. I'm in agreement that we need to know something on this. All we’re doing will be for naught if we don’t figure it out, because Albus will be content to let this war drag on until Harry shows back up.” With a sigh, after thinking about it for a couple more moments, he added, “And I don't know how either of you would go about pressing him to reveal it either. To do that would mean you would have to give up the fact that you know something. That would seem odd. Just—give me a few days to see what I can manage or Lucius and I can put our heads together to come up with something. I don't know.”Having been listening in, draped over the sleeping Harry, Kaliya thought it over then said, “Severus? If I may? A suggestion?” Seeing the man nod, the snake pressed on, “Have Lucius and I talk to Nagini. She may know something. That I'm not certain of, of course, but there may be hints you can use.”Translating that for Black and Lupin, Severus sat up straighter then gave a firm nod. “We'll do that. Excellent suggestion! Let's see what she can give us then go from there. If she has anything, the two of you may want to start hunting to see what you can find.”“We will,” Remus told him firmly. “I don't think either side would even consider Sirius and I doing such a thing.”“Exactly,” Severus told him pointedly. “Let's see what we can get and press on. Lucius and I will give all the technical support we can for this.”“We'll take it, no problem,” Sirius told him firmly. “Because Remus and I, both, want to set this ablaze as fast as we can. The faster we do that, the quicker the nightmare is going to end.”“I wholeheartedly agree,” Severus told him. “We'll see what we can come up with and press on from there.”
Just as dark was falling, Lucius came into Harry's room to check on the young man. Seeing Black still seated on the bed, with Harry partially sprawled across his lap, sleeping once more, he conjured a chair and sat down by the bed. Reaching out to stroke Harry's head, he asked, “Everything is going fine I presume? No issues you can detect?”
“We're good,” Sirius told him with a firm nod, running his fingers through Harry's hair. “He's woken up several times. Each time we've done the tests Snape wanted and he's fine with everything. This is just he's tired, nothing more. We've even gotten him to eat a little before falling back to sleep.”Snorting at that, smirking, Lucius said, “I doubt that was hard, what with his appetite now.”Grinning, Sirius said, “It wasn't. He devoured whatever we gave him before he dozed back off.” Nodding to a covered plate by the bed, he said, “The elves brought that up for when he wakes next. His favorite; a cheeseburger with chips. He'll devour it in seconds.”“Good,” Lucius nodded, pleased that there didn't seem to be any complications from the removal. Changing topics, he said, “I looked at the mass of papers you brought with the evidence. It's what we need and I'm sure that we can set this whole situation ablaze with it.”“We want that,” Sirius told him firmly. “What do we need to do?”“Severus is going to send back some Polyjuice with you. I'm also going to write you up a basic script to follow. Use that as the person I'm going to send you to will know it's at my behest. As they'll know that, they'll also know that what I'm sending is factual. Hand it over to them and they'll run with it.”“Gotcha, we can do that,” Sirius told him with a grin.“Also, when you get more, forward it on to them. Before you leave, make sure you set up some way to do that. I'm sure they have something you can use such as a protected mailbox or something similar.”“Consider it done!” Sirius replied firmly. “Now, who are we dealing with?”“You've heard of her, I'm sure,” Lucius smirked. “It's Valorna Marquete Hedgeworth. She's the one that does the articles for one of the wire services.”“I have,” Sirius grinned, nodding. “Fudge and the Prophet hate her!”“They do,” Lucius said, smirking bigger. “I cultivated her as someone I could go to when I wanted something out there many times in the past. It'll work well for this. As I said, follow the script I give you and she'll know you're there at my behest then take it seriously. She may have plenty of questions, as would be expected. Feel free to answer. She's one that protects her sources viciously. Even though she'll know you're in disguise, she'll make sure you're protected. Give up whatever you think she can use. The more we get out there, the better we're going to be.”“Gotcha,” Sirius nodded firmly. “Remus and I'll get our hands on everything we can. Let's hope like hell this sets the Fiendfyre going and kicks off the nightmare that's simmering.”“I think it should,” Lucius told him honestly. “The pot has been stirred plenty already. Even the Prophet, Ministry and Fudge are all backtracking slightly. You have enough proof in what I saw to prove they are wrong and covering up. Along with that, you have all the proof she's going to need to prove the Dark Lord is back and following his insane plan. While the chunk with Harry, and who has him, is wrong, something we all know, it's the trail everyone is following. I would just suggest you give up nothing on that in the way of what you know. Just hand over the official papers and let her work with it from there. That way, when this is all over, it doesn't come back to bite any of us. As none of us are publicly saying this is what happened, we can't be accused of lying.”“Didn't think of it that way,” Sirius admitted, scratching his chin. “We won't. If she asks, we'll just say that it's something we won't talk about and press on. The rest—we'll give up what we know.”“That's the best way to do this,” Lucius told him with a firm nod.Looking down at the sleeping Harry, Sirius stroked his head, thinking over the conversation he had with his godson the night before. Sighing, he lifted his head and looked at Lucius then said, keeping his voice down, “Harry's going to come your direction to discuss a couple of personal things with you when he gets more comfortable with what he's dealing with. He talked about it with me, but I thought you were someone that could handle what he's dealing with better.”Not thinking there was anything off about that as he had a son the same age, Lucius nodded, “I'll do so without issue. May I ask what it's about so I have some inkling of what I'm working with?”“Let's just leave it at personal. I said I wouldn't talk about it and won't,” Sirius explained. Shrugging, he sighed, “It's just—I think you're the better person to take this on.”“I will, never fear,” Lucius assured him.“Just give it some time. He's still dealing with all he was hammered with and is leery of talking about it right now. He told me he would when he was more comfortable with it,” Sirius explained softly, looking down at his godson.“I assumed there would be some issues,” Lucius smirked, shaking his head. “There would be for anyone if they got what he did in a weeks' time. Perhaps I can go about it in a roundabout way by making it clear he can talk to me about anything. That may assist.”“It might,” Sirius agreed. “With you having a son the same age, he might take it better. I know he trusts the both of you, but I think you're the better one to handle this issue than Snape.”“Let me see what I can manage once we settle in a week or so. Shan't be a problem,” Lucius assured him. Reaching out and giving the sleeping lad's head a rub, he said, “I'm going down to find dinner. I'll ensure the elves send you up something. If there's a problem, give a yell.”“We'll be fine,” Sirius assured him. “Don't worry about it.” Seeing the man nod then leave, vanishing the chair before he did, Sirius leaned his head back and shut his eyes. Yeah, he was going to be taking a nap as well because he was bloody tired. There had been so much going on, not to mention worrying about this chunk, that he hadn't slept well in the last week. So, rest was needed.
A.N.- Congrats to Jenny C. who won the reporter naming contest on my FB account. Valorna Marquete Hedgeworth was her pick, so here she is!
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