There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58492 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
*Arielle is the name of the Saurdahn warrior who joined with the wizard and Dragon that resulted in the first Dragel. Her name is used much like Merlin's and of course, it is mostly used by Dragels, if at all.
RECAP: Professor Snape and Blaise have gone to the forbidden forest to investigate something that Blaise has mentioned. Previously, Hermione was woken by a black wolf-dog and carried deeper into the forest, where she spent the afternoon at the mercy of a hellhounds whims. Charlie and Harry have come out, after Ilsa has royally chewed out Theo for his carelessness in regards to the bigger picture. Harry now formally introduces Theo and Charlie to each other-as mates.
"Theo, Charlie." Harry said, expectantly. "Charlie, Theo." He gestured between the two of them and as instinct dictated and looked directly to Theo. "Alpha." He said, softly, then stepped aside to let his mates interact. He noted, with interest that the air between them wasn't as tense as he thought it would be. That was nice. He liked that.
"Charlie." Theo smiled, patient. "How are you feeling?"
"Fine." The dragon tamer allowed. "Except for the ah," he gestured to his clothed shoulder, unable to further articulate his issue with the bite in his shoulder that now throbbed fiercely as he stood before the one who had given it to him.
Theo brightened in understanding. "Ah. Right that. My apologies, if it weren't for the ritual, I would have waited." He began to undo the buttons on his dress shirt and took a step backwards. Charlie blinked. "Skin to skin contact." Theo murmured, softly. "And if I somehow manage to bloody this shirt, Ilsa will pitch another fit. I think she's done enough yelling for today. My ears cannot take any more." There was a grunt in the background, but the mated trio ignored it.
With slightly stiff movements, Charlie began to remove his shirt as well.
Harry moved forward to help, only to be stopped by a warning growl from Theo and a flash of those golden eyes. He froze appropriately and took the few steps back to his original position, watching in puzzlement.
Theo folded the shirt carefully and handed it over to Harry as he called his tattoos up to the surface. The intricate patterns wove through his skin and now, in the room's light, Harry could see that the lines were a colorful mixture of a rich brown to a pitch black.
Admiring green eyes feasted on the lovely details and they flickered to the movement of the dragon tamer baring his own upper torso as well.
Charlie's tanned skin came into view as he finally wriggled out of his shirt and handed it over to Harry in stride. His tattoos were already out and swirling, a lovely mix of black and burgundy. The bite on his left shoulder was red and still slightly swollen, though no longer bleeding sluggishly. Theo's golden eyes darkened a few shades as he stretched his jaw, his fangs creeping through his gums and visible in the way he held his mouth open a tad longer than necessary.
A faint sound of unease came from Charlie, but he stood his ground and watched as the smaller man called forth his Dragel attributes. He hadn't figured out how to summon or return his own, so while his claws had returned to hands and his wings to their tattooed forms, nearly everything else had remained. The scales, the cat-eyed pupils, the fangs and his somewhat neater ponytail, thanks to Harry's nimble fingers. As Theo continued to draw out his transformation, the unease grew until Charlie couldn't stop the low growl that sounded through his throat.
Theo's dark eyebrows arched upwards in a silent question. He was deliberately calling out his Dragel nature with respect to the ranking that he intended to hold in their circle. The display of power and grace would most certainly set Charlie on edge, but it would make the statement that Harry had denied him in insisting that they did not fight. Now, he stood tall, straightening, not the least bit affected that his head only came up to Charlie's shoulder. His golden-eyed gaze nailed the redhead right where he wanted him. When he ventured forward, Theo kept his movements slow and measured, giving Charlie plenty of time to react as he invaded his personal space. With careful movements, Theo reached up and slid one hand into that thick, red ponytail and tugged the hair tie loose.
Charlie's breathing had stilled to cautious, slow intakes and he swallowed as Theo's hand withdrew, the leather hairtie in hand. The red hair had taken on a slightly darker hue at the roots, the lightened tips still the usual shade of Weasley red. It was cut in feathery layers with several wavy wisps framing that tanned, freckled face, while others brushed the tops of his shoulders and the rest spilled down to mid-back level.
"It suits you." Theo murmured, flicking the tie to land in the armful of shirts that Harry held.
A quiet purr came from Harry's corner as he drank in the sight of both mates looking rather handsome in their respective rights and basked in the feeling that they were both his.
Golden eyes locked with blue, Theo drew one clawed hand up to his right wrist and slashed downwards, watching and gauging Charlie's reaction as blood welled from the cut.
Charlie took a careful breath, but it was still too deep that the scent of blood immediately filled his nostrils and spiked his body's natural response. He felt a whine building in the back of his throat and struggled to tamp it down. He would not give in this easily! He would not! His body quivered faintly, understanding the natural instinct that he had yet to personally decipher.
Theo silently offered the bleeding wrist.
Charlie twitched, his eyes riveted to the crimson liquid, his lips parting as he reached for that arm. Trembling fingers closed over it, feeling the soft warmth from another body and he bent his head towards the cut.
Theo drew closer, allowing Charlie to move his arm. He spoke, his voice dark and seductive. "Do you yield?"
The question registered as Charlie had nearly brought the bleeding wrist to his mouth. A possessive flare of jealousy rippled through him, along with a healthy dose of anger. He'd almost fallen for that trick! A snarl, unbidden, burst from his lips as he straightened, yanking Theo's arm with intent to throw the smaller figure off balance. For a moment, they struggled.
Charlie tried to grab Theo's arms and pin him back, so he could set his teeth on the dragel's neck and thus claim alpha rites within their mated circle. Theo used his smaller figure to dodge most of the movements and his earth element to hold his own against the battle of strength. Charlie hissed and snapped. Theo growled and snarled. Teeth found flesh and blood was flowing.
Harry's content expression immediately morphed to one of panic and horror. "Wait!" He protested. "You said you wouldn't fight and-"
Both Dragels turned on him with identical snarls of displeasure and disapproval.
Harry stumbled backwards in shock as it seemed all human-like awareness had left them. For a moment, he stared, disbelieving, before his temper sparked and he started forward, determinedly, only to be yanked backwards with a strong arm around his neck.
There was a polite smile pasted on her face.
"Now then, little one. Let's leave the big boys to sort it out, don't you think? It's very dangerous to get in the middle of that." Her golden eyes flicked to Aracle. "Make sure they don't destroy the furniture. I don't know who lives here, but if their taste in necessities is to be admired, then I don't think they'd appreciate it if there were claw and bite marks all over the place." Her lips half-quirked as if she were liable to smile when she tracked Theo backing Charlie towards the settee as the redhead's hair burst into a swarm of flame. "On second thought, ward the whole place for fire while you're at it. Scorch marks wouldn't be any less of an issue."
"Where are you-" Aracle called after her as she began to exit the room, half-dragging Harry with her.
"Kitchen." She returned. "Wards, Aracle!"
He scoffed in answer, but a moment later, a tingle of protective magic effectively covered the entire living quarters.
Ilsa slowed her step enough for Harry to awkwardly follow her with the position of her arm around his neck. She immediately released him once they stepped through the doorway and backed him into the kitchen counter, her golden eyes snapping. "Did you swear him not to fight?" She demanded.
Harry glared at her, rubbing his neck with one hand. His Dragel-self bristled quite visibly at the fact that she'd dare to manhandle him, but it also held him in check at the aura emanating from the female Dragel. There was something about her that was not to be crossed. "That's none of your-"
"Never do that again!" She matched his glare with one of her own. "If you did, I won't forgive you for it. They'll fight, they have to, but they won't kill each other. It's necessary." She turned away with a snort. "The only way to peaceably resolve a new addition is if they yield when asked, even though you're a sub, interfering with a dominance fight is a dangerous and foolhardly thing to do. When you're involved, they can kill each other over you, because you'll become a physical bargaining chip between them."
Harry stared at her in growing horror. That was downright horrifying. He swallowed hard. He hadn't known that and the encyclopedia surely hadn't mentioned any of it, save to say that he had all rights to choose his mates without seeking approval from any of his previous ones, alpha included. If he encountered resistance, then he was allowed to insist on the new prospective's inclusion.
"Theo asked. Your Charlie should've accepted, unless it seems he has a particular attachment to you from before his inheritance." The words were said meaningfully, gauging.
Harry half-shrugged. He didn't trust her enough to tell her what he knew. It wasn't her business anyway. His fingers twitched and curled, he was itching to return to the room, to see Theo and to be near both of his mates.
The short stocky woman took a step backwards and eyed him from head to toe. "I am going to tell you something and you are going to listen." There was a no-nonsense edge to her voice and the golden eyes narrowed. "Theo will never tell you until he comes to terms with things first, and personally, I do not believe that it is the proper course of action. Whenever he chooses to tell you of his own accord, he will. You will pretend to know nothing of that, until he does."
Harry frowned, his hands taking to fists beside him. He didn't like where this conversation was going. He started forward, only to realize that he couldn't move. She'd wordlessly and wandlessly cast something to stick him to the wall and immobilize all movment.
"Never use his password again." It was said stiffly and sharply, with a power behind it that promised pain. Lots of pain. "Access his powers however else you like, drain him dry if you must, but never breathe those words again. I don't care that he's given them to you or-"
"That's none of your business!" Harry said, hotly. "And I don't have to listen to you! Theo is my-!"
"My apprentice." She cut in smoothly and offered a thin smile. The expression seemed almost eerie on her carved features. "I have been informed of your lack of a mentor and so I excuse you in this. There was no way you could know, especially if you were not raised with any knowledge of our kind." Her body quivered, as if with suppressed emotion. "Before you ever dare summon him that way, call me first."
Harry opened his mouth and then shut it. He didn't know what to say to that. He hadn't been expecting it. The fight began to drain out of him even as she continued to speak as if she hadn't said a single thing out of the ordinary.
"The words are Erchwan Orbis Brindus." Those golden eyes drilled into him. "Before you ever call him, call me. I will come." The weight in her words, promised that it was the spoken truth. "Whatever you need, whenever you need it, be it for a fight, mortal peril-" and that was said with a snort "-or any other distress requiring such interventions, call me. I will always come. Always."
Harry stared. He couldn't believe it. His face most likely said as much.
She turned away with a half-laugh. "His password exchanges his life for your own." She said, quietly. "We earth types tend to use more sacrificial magic than the other elements. If you hadn't called forth an inheritance from Charlie, the guardians you summoned when you spoke, surely would have killed you. As it was, they split the effects in two. Your Charlie is still suffering from them—I doubt he'll get his wings to fade in any time soon." Her brows furrowed. "And from the way you've been twitching all evening, I'd wager you're still on pins and needles from it, aren't you?"
The emerald eyed Gryffindor pressed his lips together, tightly. His face was pale and somewhat drawn as her words sunk in and were duly processed.
"You do not have to answer me, but I would suggest mentioning it to Theo. A little blood would help with the pain and probably some sugar." She frowned. "Don't hold it against him. He doesn't mean anything by it and he can't help it sometimes, it's in his nature. Most alphas do have some sort of absolute action included in their passwords. His just happens to be preservation of his beloved, even at the cost of himself." She rubbed her hands together briskly and perched them in fists at the side of her hips, surveying the kitchen with a practiced eye. "Now then, those two idiots of yours are going to be rolling about there for a few minutes longer and they'll probably need something to eat when they finish. Ever made pudding before?"
"W-what?" Harry found his voice from sheer shock.
Ilsa rolled her eyes with exaggerated patience. "Pudding." She repeated, slowly. "You know, that sweet you eat in a bowl, with a spoon? Sits nice in your stomach. Doesn't take very long to make. Comes in every flavor imaginable?"
"I-wha-?" Harry shook his head.
"Butterscotch pudding." Ilsa winked, her mood lightening as if she'd flipped a switch. "It's Theodore's favorite."
Harry licked his lips, uncertain. "You're telling me this, why?"
"Because sex can't always get you what you want." She said, matter-of-factly. "And Theo can be stubborn, it's in our nature. But if you can't get in his pants, you can certainly get in his stomach. Never hurts to have a bit of leverage."
Harry sputtered unintelligibly for a few minutes and a slight pinked hue dusted his cheeks. But the words had worked their own magic on him and he had relaxed—albeit very slightly—but he'd relaxed just the same. His gaze flickered to the doorway and then to Ilsa who was waving her hand and waiting as pots and ingredients leapt to her fingertips.
"Stop that." Her back was turned to him. "They need to do that as they're your first two, this fight is more important than any others. It'll probably be longer because you've asked them not to fight and they'll both try not to, even though instinct is demanding it. Or, as it sounds, they'll probably wrestle, instead of throwing punches."
He eyed her, warily. "Why?"
"Because wrestling isn't fighting." She snorted. "Once your alpha has rightfully won his position, the beta will always defend it for him when it comes to new additions, meaning, that your next mate will be less likely to challenge Theo, knowing that Charlie will side with him."
"You sound so sure." Harry couldn't keep the tone from his voice. He didn't think it was fair to Charlie.
She snorted. "Don't you want him to win?"
The blush flared once more and Harry looked away. He did. Charlie was Charlie, but Theo…yes, he definitely wanted Theo to win.
"Ever cooked with magical appliances before?" Ilsa inquired, waving her left hand to have things poured into measuring cups.
Harry didn't bother to ask how she'd simply known where everything was and how to make it go about her bidding. He half-shrugged. "Not really."
"Ever cooked at all?" She prompted.
He shrugged.
"Men." There was a derisive snort. "Half of them couldn't lift a spoon to save their lives." She eyed him. "I should hope that you learn to."
Harry didn't answer.
They measured ingredients to the sound of muffled thumps, snarls, growls and hisses.
A few times, he'd wanted to break away and see what was happening.
Each time, Ilsa had circled around him and redirected his steps back to the stove with a single, pointed eyebrow. She'd explained, briefly, that the longer the fight dragged on, his presence in their immediate vicinity would prompt the fight to become more frenzied and brutal. That had been reason enough to stay put.
Sort of.
The curiosity was all but killing him. He didn't think he could stand it to know that they might be inflicting serious damage on each other on his behalf. Harry the wizard didn't like that at all, but Harry the Dragel was humming contentedly within. Harry scowled.
"Aracle's watching them, they'll be fine." She murmured, taking in his expression and interpreting it correctly. "Stop worrying so much. It isn't good for the heart. Stress can kill you know."
Harry snorted. He'd found the best thing to do was to stay quiet. That way, she didn't have anything to pick on. He did have to admit to himself, that she was a patient teacher as far as pudding went. He'd never had anyone explain the use of magical kitchen appliances before and while he'd had some opportunities to experiment and the like, the whole savior of the world and Moldy-Voldy being after his head had always cast a damper on any remotely normal side activities. Especially in terms of culinary experimentation.
He carefully measured under her watchful eye and worked to keep himself as indifferent and calm as he could, even when she hovered closer inside his personal space than he was comfortable with. At one point, he sidestepped towards the doorway and she moved to stop him, quicker than he'd thought she could. He jerked around, freezing, even as her hand flashed out.
He flinched, throwing up his arms, a reflex he'd never been able to fight.
A soft towel flumps harmlessly over his arm block from where Ilsa had snapped it with a flick of her wrist. It felt more like Crookshanks batting at his feet when he wanted to play.
Her golden eyes are unreadable. For a moment, he doesn't move and neither of them dared to speak. The silence stretches and the pot on the stove simmers. Harry bent his head, refusing to meet those eyes as she brushed past and her words were painfully soft.
"That is the hardest I will ever 'hit' you, youngling."
When the pudding is finished, Harry has to admit that the woman knows how to make a good dessert. She has also effectively distracted him at a time where it counts.
Ilsa spooned the entire pot between two medium-sized bowls. "Eat it all." She instructed, handing him a spoon. "The sugar helps almost as quickly as blood would. It can be converted to energy far quicker than a full meal."
When he's gathered the bowl in his hand, and snuck another mouthful for himself, Harry can't keep himself from stiffening when Ilsa causally gives him a one-armed hug in congratulations.
"Just remember to boil it twice." She said, seriously. With her own bowl in hand, she exited the kitchen.
It is a minute before Harry can follow her. He cannot stop thinking how such strong arms could ever be so gentle.
Harry stood with a bowl of pudding in hand, frozen at the scene that met his eyes.
Aracle stood near the fireplace, with Shadow perched on his shoulder, looking annoyed with his arms crossed over his chest. He opened his mouth to complain as Ilsa closed the gap between them and happily stuck a spoonful of pudding in his mouth. The expression on the Rheyo's face was comical and a moment later, he gave a moan of appreciation as the spoon was removed and Ilsa kissed his cheek in thanks.
But it isn't their interaction that has Harry riveted to the doorway.
Rather, it is a flushed and panting Charlie pinned to the floor, his lovely navy wings splayed out on the ground beneath him, quivering with the sensations he is currently experiencing as Theo lies partially draped across him, his fangs deeply embedded in the redhead's neck, and one pale hand down the front of Charlie's pants.
Subconsciously, Harry licks his lips, even as a low whine left his throat.
The sound caught Theo's ear at once and he paused long enough to disengage his fangs from Charlie's neck and lick the bite wounds closed, before he straightened to look for Harry. Golden eyes locked with green, as Theo smirked before that wayward hand gave a final stroke and squeeze, resulting in a gasp and a pleasurable shudder from his new beta.
Harry forced his feet to carry him forward, eyes roving hungrily over the scene that really shouldn't be arousing him as much as it is. He can see the claw and bite marks fading away as Theo paused to cast the healing runes on himself and Charlie's quivering form. On Charlie's left, the juncture between neck and shoulder, the once swollen bite mark is now replaced by the same circular tattoo that Harry bears. On the right, Charlie bears Harry's mark, a simpler design with calligraphy-styled detail in the shape of a five-fingered claw. His beta has been marked and claimed quite nicely, Harry is pleased to note. He sniffed the air, sensing only that there has been blood and Charlie's recent release. There is something missing there, but he doesn't quite know what it is yet.
Something hints that perhaps Aracle has handled damage control as Harry stared in fascination at one deep gash across Theo's back closes and heals before his eyes, showing smooth, unmarked skin once more. Theo tugs away the towel Ilsa had pushed in the crook of Harry's elbow and wipes his hand, before reaching for Harry and pulling him down, roughly to the floor.
The pudding is set somewhere—Harry has no idea where—because suddenly, Theo is kissing him and shredding his shirt and nothing else really quite matters. He moaned into the kiss, aware that Charlie lay between and beneath them as Theo aggressively plundered his mouth, his hands holding him in place, allowing no refusal or control. When Charlie whimpered, Theo's grip gentled and a moment later, they pull apart and he picks up the pudding bowl, which, incidentally, was perched on the redhead's stomach. He sits back on his heels and with a pat to that tanned stomach, allows Charlie to sit up. The young alpha watching proudly as it was now Charlie's turn to lay claim to Harry's perfect pink lips and that delectable mouth. A pleased trill sings from his throat as he turned his attention to the lovely dish in hand. A happy exclamation draws the attention of everyone, a moment later.
When Harry turned to look at Theo, the Slytherin beamed at him in pure adoration.
"T-theo?" Harry is nearly blinded by the brilliance of that lovely smile.
"Pudding!" Theo spooned another helping of ecstasy into his mouth. "I love you." He hummed, happily, eyes closed in sheer bliss. "Oh Merlin and Arielle, I do."
Harry blushed from the tips of his toes to the tops of his ears. In all the years, for all this time, no one has ever complimented him on anything he's ever cooked. Theo's unsuspecting words are an honest balm on a wound he didn't know existed.
At Charlie's inquisitive sound, the three of them are suddenly sitting half-tangled together, Harry on half-on Charlie's lap, and Theo tucked between them, shoulder to shoulder as the pudding is now shared amidst quiet whispers.
The happy moment was interrupted by a sudden hiss. Aracle's hold on Ilsa seems rather pointless as the warrior dragel bristles quit visibly, a low growl in her throat sending a warning to Theo, who has suddenly leapt to his feet and taken a protective stance before his two mates. Charlie's grip on Harry has now become iron and his wings stiffen and sweep forward to offer privacy and protection, even as Harry squirms.
All eyes turned to the main entrance of the Snapes' quarters.
Someone was out there.
A/N: And there you have it, Charlie and Theo are now officially Alpha and Beta and Harry is their adorable sub. :P Let me know what you think. I have the Weasley's coming up next chapter and Terius' return and of course, we're getting back to Severus and Dumbles, etc.
If you have questions, ask away. I'll answer what I can and read the replies below-you might find answers to your questions before you even ask. ^_^
uneeded--Well, this time around, it isn't Dumbles with the seal, but I doubt anyone will like the real person who caused it in the first place. :P (and it is a canon character). I'd have to post an ending summary, just 'cause I hate it when other folks write a really wonderful piece and then stop in the middle and leave it for years. Makes my head go crazy. Glad you're enjoying the progression of the mystery.
Jan--I figured I'd make up for it this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it!
Sera21--Thanks! I'm open to suggestions/comments and criticism, that's the whole point of writing fanfiction(at least for my English student self) and I really appreciate it when folks take the time to leave their honest thoughts and suggestions. Ooh, I know what you mean about characters not wanting to do what you tell them to. I chase them with a rubber spatula. Makes me feel better. ^_^ A Harry sandwich? Hmmm, that might be a good place to use a golem. *thinking* 'cause there will be a Theo, Charlie and Harry threesome at one point or another, though I will say that I love the idea of a possessive Snape charming golems for Harry--if you remember the name of the fic, I'd love to look it up.
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