The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Severus looked up when he heard the door slam. It was then that a litany of expletives rang out from his lips, every single one of them directed at himself.
Hermione hadn't said anything after he told her to get out for the second time, and right now he just wanted to know how short a I need to be on my own moment could be before one went chasing after one's partner without losing face. Yes, on this occasion, Severus actually wanted to chase after her, but she needed to cry or do something equally as emotional first for he feared another unfortunate meeting with a wall.
He had toyed with using their connection to apologise, but he knew in this instance any apology delivered that way would not hold any weight. As convenient and often fun as it was to communicate in that way, Severus knew this would require more than a simple, I'm sorry...shag? to put things right.
Severus knew the moment the words spilled out of his mouth that he wasn't in any fit state to snap at her successfully. His shoulder was uncomfortable, he was tired, he'd taken all manner of potions, he'd woken up disoriented and the moment she walked into the room he knew he was in for a bollocking. And as much as he was expecting it, he just didn't have the strength to put up his defences to protect either her or himself from any emotional outbursts.
Well, actually it wasn't that he snapped at her that was the problem. He'd snapped at her before; she'd snapped at him. She'd stormed out of the room before, and they'd both wanted time on their own. And on every single occasion one of them would utter the words, I'm sorry, the other would say, It's alright, come here, and all would be well with the world – especially for at least a good half hour afterwards.
Yet this was different. She was hurt as well as angry, and unintentionally projecting her thoughts at him. And everything she was thinking about him, he had to agree with. The last thing he'd intended was for her to think that he didn't want her by throwing her out of their bedroom. Once again, his renowned ability to lash out verbally, despite his efforts to control it, had raised its ugly head.
He was feeling uneasy enough as it was and he was prepared to accept her anger, but she had asked him if she could trust him. That was when he knew he was in trouble. That was when he knew that in the next few moments if he said the wrong thing, their relationship could be over.
Then she challenged him to tell her everything even though Harry and George had so say told her everything about what had happened. Except they obviously hadn't, and he felt her reeling as he told her about why he'd lost control. He knew he shouldn't have let Weasley's words get to him, but in that moment he had verbalised Severus' deepest fear. He didn't expect Hermione to fall into his arms at that point, but he didn't expect her to ask him for his version of events when it was so obvious they weren't going to tie up.
It was a futile exercise in his opinion. And the shit just started falling out of his mouth as he started to cut his nose off to spite his face. Which, of course, in his case would take a while, but once he started he couldn't stop until it was too late. His defensive systems went from She's leaving me anyway so what's the point? through She's toying with me. She's questioning my loyalty, all the way up to Get out!
The trouble was Hermione had tried to play a very Slytherin game but with all the sentiment of a Gryffindor. It was a game his first year snakes might have tried, but somehow he'd expected better from her both in terms of her choice of game and the fact that she doubted him. She already knew everyone's motivations behind Weasley's talking to, so why did she need him to repeat them?
He knew he'd overreacted but as much as he could have ridden out an ear-bashing, Severus had been emotionally toyed with enough in his life, and something just snapped. But he knew deep down Hermione wasn't being conniving...naive, yes, but not conniving nor controlling. And he needed to apologise without grovelling. He just needed to get out of bed and throw on some clothes without causing more damage to his shoulder first.
Hermione ran down the staircase towards the library. She knew that was probably the first place anyone would look for her but she honestly could not care less. Severus had thrown her out of their bedroom, and needing comfort, she could think of no better place than their library.
If it is still our library, she thought to herself in a panic.
Once inside she found her way to the wing back chair which faced away from the door. She didn't want to be disturbed, and she knew that if anyone did look for her, at a quick glance, the room would appear to be empty. Only when she was safely ensconced did she finally let the tears flow uncontrollably as she tried to assimilate what had just happened.
It had been a difficult and tiring night. So much had happened and it was hard to take it all in. And then she found out that Severus, and everyone else she seemed to care for, had taken it upon themselves to sort Ronald out, only for it not to turn out quite the way they intended. Not that it was their fault; everyone knew Ron was a prat at times, but no one expected him to side with Death Eaters. And to learn that he cheated on her, whilst not necessarily a big surprise, had upset her more than she thought.
Yes, she was angry with Severus, but she was kicking herself now for upsetting him. Hermione knew that Harry and George had told her the truth, even if they hadn't quite told her everything. So the way she had acted towards Severus had been purely to make him squirm before telling him not to do it again. Naively she thought that he'd accept that and then she would be able to spend the day looking after him.
The reality was she that should have just walked in and talked to him as an adult rather than play a silly game with him, especially when he was tired and emotionally drained, not to mention the excruciating pain in his back and shoulder after taking a curse which had been meant for her.
You ungrateful fucking bitch, she finally thought to herself.
She wanted to go back upstairs, and if she had to incur his wrath then so be it, but she was drawn from her thoughts as the soft, rich voice of Lady Eleanor Prince commented, "It looks like the little lioness has been bitten by her pet snake. What has my grandson done, my dear?"
Hermione slowly looked up at the portrait, and was about to tell Severus' grandmother about what had just transpired when she suddenly remembered that the last time they had spoken they too had parted after harshly spoken words.
Hermione swallowed, and looking at her hands spoke quietly. "Eleanor, I'm sorry about the other day..."
"Hermione, I consider you family and all families have disagreements," Lady Eleanor stated calmly. "You care about my grandson and you were understandably upset. We often say things in the heat of the moment which under normal circumstances we might phrase slightly differently. And from what I can gather from the other portraits, things are particularly heated at the moment."
The young witch gave a wry smiled and nodded. "You could say that," she admitted thoughtfully.
Eleanor sighed. "So what has Severus done?"
Hermione sighed. "I suppose it's my own fault really, but I was so angry with him because..."
"Because he did exactly what he said he would do at the start of your relationship?" Eleanor ventured.
Hermione looked up at her, mouth agape as the portrait interrupted her.
"Oh don't look at me like that, young lady. You resemble a fish and it is most unbecoming. Do you honestly think I don't know what has been going on? The portraits at the ministry, Hogwarts, here and all the great wizarding houses—and I include the Burrow in that—haven't been this animated for months," Eleanor declared before adding, "There was a joke in there, Hermione, you may laugh if you so desire."
But Hermione didn't so desire, and said angrily as she brushed away her tears, "He lied to me..."
"Did he now?" The austere woman asked, not impressed by Hermione's accusation. "When exactly did he lie to you?"
"Well he...he...Pius asked him if he would join him in his office for a brandy. They all talked about going to Pius' office for a drink. He asked me if I minded...he..."
"And where exactly in all of that has he lied to you directly? Hermione I think if he is guilty of anything it is a lie of omission and..."
Hermione face contorted into another sob. "But I told him not to..."
"...get involved in any plan to avenge you over the scandalous things that boy was saying about you in the papers. Yes, yes, I know. My dear, you must remember that my grandson does talk to me, and when he doesn't I eavesdrop on his conversations with Albus and Phineas. I believe he was true to his word on that count. In fact, I believe he told you that any man who mistreats you would suffer at his hand. I understand the boy left marks upon you. Again, I believe Severus has upheld his word to you.
"I am also led to believe that he is up there now recovering from a curse which was aimed at you. And yet you question his loyalty? You dared to try and bring him to his knees just because you feel aggrieved. Is that any way to treat the man you are supposed to love?"
"I do love him!" Hermione yelled at the portrait in amongst her broken sobs. Eleanor's words stung, and no matter how much Hermione tried to justify what she had done, the fact remained that she knew she'd approached Severus in the entirely wrong way. She was so busy berating herself that she didn't hear the door click open.
Eleanor sneered at the young witch before her. "Then stop acting like a brat and—"
"Grandmother, please refrain from speaking to Hermione in such terms," Severus snarled as he entered the room.
"Ah, Severus, you look like death, dear," his grandmother greeted him amicably.
Severus glared at the portrait and without responding, held his hand out to Hermione and simply said, "Come on," before leading her out of the library and up the stairs.
Although they walked up to the bedroom holding hands, they walked there in silence. Even when Severus opened the door, his muttered, "After you" was almost inaudible.
She wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do, but Hermione sat down on the edge of her side of the bed. She was a little disappointed when Severus remained hovering by the door as if ready to make an early escape if necessary.
After a few moments of painful silence, Severus, although still looking at the floor, asked, "Would you like anything?"
Hermione gave him a watery smile, even though she knew he wouldn't see it, and spoke softly. "I would like you to come and sit next to me, please." As if to emphasise this, she patted the space next to her on the bed.
For one heart stopping moment she didn't think that he would, but then suddenly he was sat next her, close enough for their arms to be touching slightly.
Once again silence reigned, and Hermione began to feel anxious. Anyone who knew them as a couple commented on how close they were, and yet here they were unable to find the words to speak to one another. But although the silence may have been awkward as they both stared at the floor, at least they were in the same room. She just feared what would happen when one of them finally spoke.
Hermione looked down at her hands and started playing nervously with her nails. This continued for a few minutes, and she was now chewing the inside of her cheek, thinking about a way to break the ice, when a large hand suddenly covered hers and stilled her movements.
"Stop that! It's annoying," Severus admonished far more gently, given his words, than she was expecting.
Hermione's brain went into overdrive as she tried to think of a suitable response and in the end countered with, "Why? You do it all the time."
Severus snorted softly, much to Hermione's relief. "Yes, but when I do it I don't find it annoying," he snarked, his hand remaining over Hermione's, squeezing it gently.
Hermione smiled and took this simple gesture as a cue to manoeuvre her hand so that she could interlace her fingers with his.
"Well, I find it annoying," she told him sulkily, although Severus detected a hint of playfulness.
"You've never said. I might not have done it so often if I'd known it annoyed you," Severus told her with a shrug.
"Well now you know."
Severus smirked and inclined his head towards her slightly as he looked at their interlinked hands, and gently stroked his thumb along hers. "I might not do it so often in the future now that I know."
Hermione immediately clung to his words, hopeful that their meaning implied that there would be a future, and turned to face him urgently. "Sev, I..."
Severus turned too, but placed a finger over Hermione's lips to silence her. He couldn't help but notice that her shoulders slumped and her head lowered dejectedly. He knew an explanation was required immediately.
Severus cleared his throat as he slowly placed his finger under her chin, coaxing her to look at him. Once eye contact was established he cupped Hermione's cheek gently. "I believe that before you say something unnecessary, I need to say something which is entirely necessary."
He didn't speak again immediately, but the silence was no longer awkward; it was thoughtful, and Hermione could almost see Severus' mind whirring behind his eyes as he tried to find the right words. And she took comfort from that because, even with friends, Severus' eyes were generally cold, harsh, and unreadable still. But she knew that with her, his eyes could give Albus Dumbledore's a run for their sparkling money.
Finally he prepared to speak, and Hermione took a deep, hitching breath which she relaxed into as a small half smile graced Severus' lips. Her cheek suddenly felt cold as he removed his hand to take hold of her free one. He studied her hands thoughtfully, stroking his thumbs over her knuckles.
He inclined his head to one side, and the small smile slipped from his lips as he took on a more serious countenance.
"I apologise for lashing out at you earlier," he began. "I shouldn't have dismissed you like some errant schoolgirl, nor should I have raised my voice to you.
"You have every right to know what happened, and why we acted as we did, but I was hurt that you seemed to be testing me; looking for inconsistencies when you already knew they existed.
"I'm not proud of losing control nor am I proud of letting Weasley's words affect me. But to find out that he had said all those things about you in the papers with the knowledge that he had cheated on you, I and everyone else found that to be reprehensible. And then for him to voice my greatest fear..."
Severus stopped, and let his head fall back as he puffed out a breath, and closed his eyes. He looked at the ceiling for a moment, and then still holding her one hand, he brought the other up to stroke the top of her arm as he continued to speak, but in a far softer tone.
"Hermione, you know that I would do anything to protect and defend you. You may not always agree with my methods, although they are far more wholesome than they used to be, but he upset you. He manhandled you; I took care of the bruises for fuck's sake and if you thought I was going to stand idly by after that, you were very much mistaken. I told you right from the start that—"
"Your grandmother reminded me," Hermione informed him bashfully.
Severus shook his head and chuckled. "I wish Albus would learn to keep his trap shut."
"I believe she eavesdrops."
"Why am I not surprised?" Severus snarked. But then he looked at Hermione again and cupped her cheek. "You asked me if you could trust me. Of course you can. I have never lied to you directly. I have, I will admit, omitted certain facts that I knew would cause you to worry, but if you have ever asked me directly about anything of importance, I have not, nor will I ever lie to you."
Hermione smiled ruefully. "As long as I ask the right question?"
Severus chuckled deeply and smiled. "You always were a quick learner."
"So did you finish off my secret stash of chocolate that I'd hidden away in the living room?" Hermione asked him, raising her eyebrows accusingly.
Severus exhaled slowly, bit his bottom lip, and giving her an incredulous sideways glance, told her, "You really didn't hide it very well, darling."
Hermione glared at him until he turned his head to look at her, trying desperately not to laugh. It was the slight twitch of his lips that caused them both to start laughing, and Severus pulled her into him, planting a desperate kiss into her hair.
"I'm so sorry, love," he mumbled, his voice thick with emotion as he planted more kisses onto the top of her head.
Hermione wrapped her arms around him, careful to avoid the fresh scarring on his back, but clung to him as she began to sob into his chest while mumbling her apologies. As best he could, Severus held her and rocked her gently as he tried to soothe her.
Finally she pulled back and Severus smoothed her hair, cupping her head in his hands. "I love you," he whispered against her lips, his voice cracking slightly.
"And I love you," Hermione told him as she took a faltering breath and brought her hand up to his stubbled cheek. She smiled softly as she scanned his face. He looked exhausted and paler than he'd looked since just before the end of the war.
"How are you feeling?" she asked before gently pressing her lips to his.
Severus sighed. "I'm tired. I know I've been asleep, but I feel like I haven't slept in a week. I remember now how awful pain potions used to make me feel."
"Poppy did pump you full of them last night," Hermione admitted as she squeezed his hand. "What about your back and shoulder?"
"They both feel tender," he sighed, "But my shoulder only hurts when I move too quickly. At least the tremor has stopped. Apart from that I'm fine. How are you?"
Hermione chuckled softly. "Strangely enough I've been better."
"You look tired. I think you should have a lie down," Severus suggested.
"I think you should, too. You look quite peaky," Hermione told him as she ran her fingers through his hair before standing up purposefully and holding her hand out to him. "You'll have to sleep on my side of the bed for a few days until your shoulder's better."
Severus arched a quizzical eyebrow.
"Well it'll be easier to cuddle that way," she declared, but giggled as Severus seemed to be taking his time to consider her suggestion carefully.
"Your suggestion has merit. I will allow it," he conceded with a smirk.
Hermione just turned him and rolled her eyes. "Get your arse back into bed, Mister."
Severus was all too happy to acquiesce.
Leo sat at the bottom of the bed, watching his two charges carefully. The only movement from the young cat was his ears twitching whenever Hermione or Severus moved slightly in their sleep.
The couple had fallen asleep quickly after a short interlude of soft, languid kissing and mumbled apologies. Three hours later, Hermione woke up with Severus' hand still gently resting on her hip as it had been when sleep claimed them both. And they would probably have remained like that had Hermione not woken up with a desperate need for the loo.
She was aware of being watched but knew it couldn't be Severus as he was snoring lightly. She turned her head to the bottom of the bed and chuckled softly as she saw their guard cat and whispered, "Hello."
The tenacious feline took this as his cue to walk to greet his witch appropriately which entailed licking and nuzzling her hand before presenting her with a bird's eye view of his backside.
"That's charming," Hermione huffed as she gently removed Severus' hand from her hip and slipped out of bed.
As she sat on the loo, Hermione covered her face with her hands, rubbing her temples as she tried to think. It suddenly dawned on her that Minerva and Poppy might still be there, and she felt it would be rude not to find out. Slipping on her bathrobe, which was hanging on the back of the bathroom door, she went to find out, but not before noticing that Leo was now occupying the space in the bed she had vacated, and was snuggled up to Severus' chest.
Hermione ran downstairs and was greeted in the foyer by Mrs Hopkins who was just coming out of the drawing room.
"Good afternoon, my lady. How is His Lordship faring?"
Hermione was still not sure she would ever get used to this bowing and scraping. When Severus first told her how he hated having a title she thought he was mad. Now she understood how he felt.
But for now she just smiled sweetly and told the older woman, "He's asleep again, but he's feeling a little better. Are Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey still here?"
"They left a couple of hours ago," Mrs Hopkins informed her. "Madam Pomfrey did check on His Lordship before she left. She said you were both sleeping and would return at five o'clock to see what progress he has made. And a number of owls have arrived for yourself and His Lordship. I have left the post in the drawing room, but I can go and get it for you..."
"Thank you, but I can get it," Hermione interrupted gently.
The housekeeper nodded deferentially before adding, "There have also been a number of Floo calls. Professor McGonagall told me to direct any press to her. The Senior Undersecretary to the Minister called to enquire as to His Lordship's condition. A Mr Neville Longbottom called for you to see how you and His Lordship were and said he was at his grandmother's if you wished to call him back. Lord Malfoy called and said that Lord Black and a Miss Lovegood will be accompanying him this evening. They will be arriving around eight o'clock. Lady Malfoy also called. She will pop over for morning coffee tomorrow before you go house hunting, and Mr Thicknesse has asked that His Lordship calls him at his earliest convenience."
Again Hermione found herself thanking Mrs Hopkins for the information, and she was about to say that she would go and get the post and go back upstairs when she was asked, "My lady, would you like me to get you anything to eat? You look awfully pale."
"No, I'm alright, thank you," Hermione responded with a watery smile. "I will wait until Severus wakes up. I'll just get the post and take it upstairs with me," she said, not quite sure whether she should say goodbye or just walk away. But Mrs Hopkins took the decision away from her.
"Very good, my lady. I have arranged for sandwiches and coffee to be prepared for the Aurors and with the greatest of respect, I will send an elf up with the same for the two of you."
Hermione chuckled lightly. She knew better than to argue.
Hermione couldn't quite believe the amount of post that had arrived, and as she entered their bedroom she placed the correspondence on her bedside table before noticing a quite adorable sight. Leo was lying on his side, looking at a sleeping Severus with his paw on his hand.
She slipped back into bed and whispered to the cat, " Are you going to move so that I can cuddle Daddy?"
Leo seemed to scowl at her, but the real scowl came from Severus. "I suggest that if you want a cuddle you refrain from referring to me as 'daddy' in relation to your cat," he grumbled.
"Our cat," Hermione corrected before sweeping Severus' hair behind his ear. "I didn't know you were awake."
"Evidently," Severus smirked before whispering to Leo, "Bugger off so I can give your mummy a cuddle."
"I don't think that's all you want to give me," Hermione giggled as she noticed how tented the duvet was.
"Oh Gods, I hope that didn't happen when Minerva was here," he groaned, running a hand over his face.
Hermione tried not to giggle, but found herself doing so nonetheless.
"It's not funny!" But even Severus couldn't help chuckling deeply through his mortification as he pulled Hermione to him.
"Anyway what are we going to do about this?" she asked him as she traced her fingers over his duvet-covered cock.
Severus planted a kiss into the top of Hermione's curls. "Nothing. Well not until I've had some coffee and a shower. I feel as if I've been in a sauna."
"You're not sweating now, but you're still quite hot," Hermione said as she pressed her hand to his forehead.
"Stop fussing," Severus groused, but then suddenly jerked his head away from her touch as if he'd been burnt. "I don't know about me being hot, but your hand is."
Hermione felt her hand. "No, it's not, silly" she chided playfully as she put her hand back on his forehead again. "Your temperature is coming down, though."
"I suppose your hand doesn't feel that hot," Severus told her nonchalantly, but was a little confused because he was sure her hand was a lot hotter before.
Hermione chuckled lightly as she shook her head. "Well, Mrs Hopkins is sending up some sandwiches and coffee so that just leaves you to have a shower," she told him playfully as she gently poked her finger into his chest.
Severus grabbed hold of her finger and pulled her arm over him. "I don't suppose there's any chance that you'll join me for this shower?" he asked, moving his hand to her hip.
"Just a shower?"
Severus sighed. "Alas, yes. I don't think my shoulder will allow for any sexual acrobatics for a few days," he replied ruefully.
"It's probably just as well," Hermione mused.
Severus' brow furrowed, and Hermione noticed his perplexed expression and knew exactly what he was thinking. "I just meant that it's probably just as well that we don't try any sexual acrobatics for a few days. That doesn't mean I don't want to play," she told him, biting her bottom lip and looking at him longingly.
Severus gave her a watery smile and planted a quick kiss on her nose. "Coffee, shower, and then we'll see what happens after that, shall we?"
"Sounds like a plan," Hermione whispered as she gently pressed her lips to his before raising her hand to entangle her fingers in his hair.
She felt Severus move to deepen their kiss when there was a loud pop, and he looked in the direction of where Missy had appeared with coffee and sandwiches. The house-elf placed the tray on the bedside table and disappeared without saying a word. She had become used to seeing Severus and Hermione in bed or kissing or having sex, and realised it was best to arrive and leave as quickly as and as quietly as possible.
"I guess the coffee is here," Hermione giggled after Missy disappeared.
Severus rolled his eyes and went to pour the coffee but as he moved pain shot through his shoulder. "Oh, for fuck's sake!"
Hermione scrambled across the bed to help and said softly, "It's alright, love. I'll do it," and put her hand on his injured shoulder to stop him from trying to overexert it.
"Your hand's hot again." Severus winced as he tried to move away from her touch.
"Your shoulder's hot, not my hand. Now will you stop grumbling when people are trying to help you, Sev?" Hermione admonished, but her slight annoyance with him descended into laughter as he rolled onto his back, and with his uninjured arm grabbed hold of her and pulled her onto him.
He tentatively wrapped both arms around her and kissing her forehead, whispered, "I'm sorry. I'm just...well I'm used to dealing with things like this on my own."
Hermione sighed as he said this. She knew their relationship had been a big adjustment for Severus but she'd hoped he was getting used to it by now. But the events of this morning had shaken her, and she was left feeling a little vulnerable and exposed.
"But you're not on your own anymore," she whispered frustratedly into his chest.
Severus closed his eyes, a sick feeling settling in his stomach as he felt the insecurity in Hermione voice. Only he would be able to put this right.
"I know," he whispered as he tangled his fingers in Hermione's hair and pushed her head back slightly. "Look at me," he asked softly, and once their eyes connected Hermione felt him inside her mind.
I thought I was getting better at this relationship lark, Severus admitted as he flopped down into one the armchairs in Hermione's mind.
I think we both thought we were, Hermione admitted as she sat down opposite him.
Severus sighed and instead of holding his hand out to her as he normally would, he stood and knelt down in front of her, taking her hands gently in his. I'm sorry. I know I must be a frustrating old fool...
Stop calling yourself old, Hermione interrupted.
Severus smirked and reached up to cup her cheek. I know I must be a frustrating fool, but I do love you. I love you more than anything, I love being with you, and I would do anything for you. And I know you love me and I know you care about me...
That's a slight understatement, Hermione interjected with a snort.
I know, sweetheart, Severus told her gently. It's just hard to put into words how I feel about you, and it's also hard for me to accept sometimes that someone cares so much about me when no one has ever really cared for me in the past. But I am trying.
Hermione shuffled forward in her chair and moved her head so that she could capture his lips. I forget what you've been through sometimes, and I know you don't find this easy at times but I know you're trying, Sev. I'm sorry too.
No. Don't be, darling, Severus implored and then whispered, I think we need to reconnect and get back to the way we were before the events of last evening.
Hermione giggled softly. That's a very grown up thing to say.
Severus feigned a look of concern. It was rather, and I said it before I've had any caffeine, he chuckled deeply before adding, I have no idea where that came from, but it feels right.
He gently rested his forehead against hers for a moment before speaking again. I never want anything to come between us, Hermione.
Neither do I, Hermione agreed as she kissed him again, but more desperately this time before asking teasingly, Still want that coffee or do you fancy having that shower now?
A stasis charm has already been cast, Severus whispered against Hermione's lips before he kissed her hungrily, and as Hermione felt him slip out of her mind, she heard that the shower in the en-suite was running already.
Hermione stood underneath the water falling from the bathroom ceiling, waiting for Severus. The shower in their bathroom, both here and at Hogwarts, was rather clever. When there was only one of them, it provided a stream of water large enough for a single person, but when they shared the shower, the cascade of water increased in size to accommodate them both.
This was how she knew Severus had finally joined her even before she felt the slight chill of his colder body and his arms encompassing her from behind. She leaned into him, closing her eyes as she revelled in the feel of him holding her. Her lips parted slightly as he kissed her temple and rested one arm across her breasts whilst the other hand splayed over her belly, his thumb gently stroking against her skin.
Severus just held her, letting the water soothe his shoulder as his lips remained against Hermione's temple, relishing the feel of his witch in his arms. All he wanted to do was hold her because even though he'd held her exactly like this so many times before, he realised that, on this occasion, he was lucky to be doing so.
Whether he felt he was justified in being annoyed with Hermione earlier, he had still upset her, and he was inwardly berating himself, unaware that he was projecting his thoughts to her until she whispered in his mind, "Stop it, Sev! Just let it go otherwise we can't move forward."
"I'm sorry," he mumbled, wrapping his arms tighter around her as he trailed soft kisses down to her ear. His tongue traced around the delicate shell before deftly nibbling her earlobe; the feel of his hot breath against her ear made Hermione draw in a deep, shuddering breath.
Hermione tilted her head to expose her neck to him, and Severus accepted this offering, nuzzling her whilst his lips continued caressing her wet skin. He then turned Hermione's head up towards him and claimed her mouth in a possessive, hungry kiss. Bringing his hand up to her neck, he allowed his fingertips to lightly explore its delicate curve while his tongue languorously delved into her mouth.
As their tongues battled sensuously, Severus groaned into Hermione's mouth as his cock made its presence known. It wasn't unwelcome as such, but he wanted this to be about reconnecting with his witch, not just about sex. Make up sex for them was often frantic and over far too quickly and that was the last thing he wanted. They both knew where this would end up, even if it couldn't happen in the shower, but he wanted to take his time to worship her; to remind her that she was, and always would be, no matter what Gryffindorish rubbish she threw at him, the most important and beautiful person in his life.
Feeling Severus stir behind her, Hermione instinctively started to reach back to touch his hardening length, but he couldn't let her break his resolve so easily. Turning her around quickly and capturing her lips with a bruising kiss, Severus pressed himself up against Hermione and enveloped her in his arms so she couldn't touch him.
With one arm pressed firmly across her lower back, Severus allowed his other hand to slip into Hermione's wet hair, cradling the back of her head as his tongue once again battled hers. As she moaned softly into Severus' mouth, Hermione draped her arm around his neck, her fingers weaving their way into his soaking hair. She smiled against his lips when she made him groan by simply raking her nails over his scalp. Her other hand was slowly traversing his back, tracing his scars before she pulled herself teasingly against him, causing him to claim her bottom lip between his teeth. Severus allowed his arm to slip down Hermione's spine, in aims of cupping and massaging the smooth, soft rounded globe of flesh that was her left buttock.
Hermione pulled her head back, and Severus reluctantly released her now plump lip which allowed her to brush her tongue lightly over the scar on his neck. This elicited an even louder groan from him as his head lolled back to give her more access. She took advantage and laved and suckled this most tender of spots, humming appreciatively against his skin and sending more shivers down his spine.
His grip on her loosened as she chipped away at his honourable intention of not allowing himself too much pleasure at this stage. And yet as Hermione's buttocks suddenly clenched, he knew he wasn't the only one who was aroused, and he was certainly leaving her in no doubt of his own arousal.
Still unable to reach his cock, Hermione frustratedly settled for drawing her still perfectly manicured nails down Severus' back until she reached his arse and grabbing both buttocks firmly, made sure her nails dug into the firm flesh whilst she continued her ministrations on his scar.
Severus moved the hand that was supporting her head and allowed it to glide down Hermione's drenched hair which was now channelling water down her back. Grabbing hold of it at the nape of her neck, he twisted it around his hand and suddenly pulled her head back. Hermione opened her mouth as she gasped in surprise, and Severus took full advantage as he plunged his tongue into her hot mouth before nibbling down over her chin and throat before passionately attacking the sensitive juncture of her neck and shoulder.
Hermione mewled in frustration. The tightening coil in her needed the feel of Severus' body, but he moved away from her slightly as his mouth trailed to her collarbone. The frustration melted away into soft moans as he, still with a firm grasp of Hermione's hair, cupped her breast with his free hand. Slowly but firmly he massaged her delicious flesh, occasionally pushing his hand up just underneath her hardened nipple and gently rolling it between his thumb and the rest of his hand. Once again, her bottom lip was subjected to the exquisite torture of his teeth tugging on it before being suckled soothingly between his lips.
Hermione's moans were becoming more desperate as he lowered his head further, and her nipples began to receive the same torturous treatment as her bottom lip. Severus' mouth latched on to her taut bud; biting, suckling and laving it unhurriedly, savouring the feel, taste, and sounds of her. His hums of appreciation drove Hermione's fingers into his hair; encouraging him with her words, moans and whimpers.
Once her nipple was peaked to Severus' satisfaction, he released it from his mouth with an audible pop and moved on to the other whilst still twisting and pulling on the nipple he had just left. Hermione's hand was pulling his head towards her, restricting his ability to attend to this nipple in the same way as the other, but Hermione didn't care.
Severus cupped both Hermione's breasts and alternated his attention between each one greedily. Her moans were becoming louder and more demanding. But no matter how many times she told him that she wanted his cock, Severus wouldn't relent until he was finished with her.
Hermione realised she was now leaning against what should have been cold tiles, but Severus had cast a warming charm as he subtly walked her backwards. Normally he could have done what he was about to do in the middle of a room, but with his usual strength deserting him for the moment, and knowing it would be a struggle to keep Hermione relatively still, the wall's support was essential.
Severus sank to his knees before Hermione and looked up just as she drew her bottom lip between her teeth. She raked her fingers through his hair and pulled him towards. Slowly Severus parted her legs and reverently planted a kiss just above her belly button, moving just below and then onto her newly hairless mons. Severus didn't care one way or the other, but as his tongue and lips gently caressed her, Hermione gasped at the feel of the new sensation. Somehow, given her reaction, Severus felt this new feature might be here to stay.
With his mouth already occupied, his fingertips trailed up her inner thighs until they reached the apex. Slowly he parted her outer lips, ready to taste her. Hermione steadied herself against the wall as his finger traced along her already slippery folds before sliding into her wet channel. He took his time to lick and suckle her folds before finding her engorged, sensitive nub. As he alternated between sucking and flicking it with his tongue, his fingers pumped and twisted into her slowly but relentlessly. She was squirming against the wall as his ministrations increased in intensity, but he wasn't going to stop until his face was soaked by more than just the shower spray.
Hermione's vocality was increasing. She'd moved from soft moans and whimpers to spewing full blown profanities and Severus couldn't get enough of it. His fingers were pistoning into her, encouraging her over the edge. He knew he had Hermione right where he wanted her as he felt her thighs tremble and her fingers tighten into a death grip on his hair. But it was when Severus mumbled against her slick folds, "Come for me," that, with a piercing scream, Hermione broke apart.
As Severus lapped at Hermione, he felt the hand gripping onto his hair release, and she began to soothingly run her fingers through his wet locks. He allowed himself a small smile which only got bigger when Hermione said breathily, "Sev, I need you. Fuck me!"
Severus didn't say anything but simply nodded, turned off the shower and summoned large fluffy towels before wrapping Hermione up in one and drying her body almost reverently. She returned the favour, sorely tempted to guide him into her mouth. Severus guessed what she had in mind, and instead guided her to stand up before kissing her deeply and leading her back into their bedroom.
It was as they reached the bed that Hermione asked in a slight panic, "Will your shoulder be alright?" She hoped he would say yes but her expression seemed to convey that she was anticipating the worst.
Severus gave her a small smile. "Come here. It'll be fine," he whispered reassuringly as he moved to the middle of the bed, sitting cross-legged and waiting for Hermione to join him.
Hermione looked at him quizzically, slightly surprised by how Severus had positioned himself, but another disarming smile and word of reassurance soon had her crawling up onto the bed towards him.
His fingers began to tangle into her still damp hair as he pulled her into a gentle but passionate kiss, which promised so much more. As it deepened, with tongues rolling sensuously over the other, both swallowed the other's moans as Hermione's hand moved down towards Severus' re-hardening length.
With slow, languid twisting strokes, it took little effort for her to return Severus to his former state of arousal and she was becoming more desperate to pleasure him. But still he resisted and as her lips trailed over his jaw, down his neck and chest, moving towards his stomach, he guided her back up to his mouth before whispering silkily against her lips, "If you want my cock you need to sit on it."
Hermione growled frustratedly as she pulled back and looked at him hungrily, noticing the desire and passion flash in his eyes. "You know I want it," she told him breathlessly as she captured his lips greedily. "You know I want it," she reiterated breathlessly, trying to get her body closer to his.
"Stand up on the bed," Severus advised playfully, smirking as he noticed the confusion in Hermione's eyes. At first she was reluctant, but as Severus held her hands and assured her that he wouldn't let her fall, she dismissed her reservations and slowly stood up. Severus told her to put her feet either side of his hips, which positioned her sex within easy licking distance. He allowed himself a small, satisfied smile at Hermione's fortuitous stance and told her to steady herself against his shoulders before placing his hands on the back of her thighs. He jerked her hips towards his face, which elicited a small gasp from Hermione followed by another as he rewarded her with an unexpected long, flattened tongue swiping over her moistened slit.
He chuckled devilishly at her muttered, "Oh fuck," whilst he gently prised open her wet folds with his hardened tongue. With long, decadent licks, he teased her before concentrating on her tight bundle of nerves. He flicked and suckled it mercilessly until her thighs were glistening and her knees began to give way amongst a crescendo of moans and gasps.
Severus pulled his mouth away, and Hermione whimpered at the loss before she heard, through her giddy haze, his voice gently directing her to lower herself slowly onto him and wrap her legs around him. He hoped this would work as well as Adrian's birthday present to Hermione had suggested.
He'd wanted to surprise her with something new for both of them, and had taken the opportunity to do some uninterrupted research yesterday morning when Hermione was out. Not that this was the position he'd chosen. That was something altogether more athletic than this one. But his attention had also been drawn to a few less strenuous positions, like the one they were currently attempting. Now that he had a sex life he wasn't going to let the small matter of running a boarding school ruin it by knackering him to the point of being too tired to make love to his witch at night. The adage work smarter not harder - in his opinion, a thoroughly Slytherin sentiment - had always appealed to him, and now that he had a few more weapons in his arsenal, at least he knew he could keep things interesting.
He grasped the base of his cock as Hermione lowered herself precariously until she felt the tip gently nudging at her entrance. With a bit of manoeuvring, she gasped as she impaled herself on the velvety steel she so desperately needed inside her. Throwing her head back, Hermione groaned loudly as she slid down his thick shaft until she could go no further. This was unlike any other time that she'd been on top. She wasn't quite sure how this was going to work but trusted that Severus knew what he was doing and allowed herself to savour the incredible feeling of fullness she was now experiencing.
Hermione's moan wasn't the only sound that emanated from the couple as they were joined once again. Severus groaned as he felt her tight, wet sheath embrace him fully, and he too took a moment to close his eyes and relish the feel of her. He felt Hermione's body relax as she wrapped her legs around him, and took a hitching breath as she squeezed him with her inner walls. A small smile graced his lips as his jaw slackened, and he found himself acquiescing to Hermione's whispered command, "Look at me."
His eyes opened slowly, and black met brown lustfully. The room was silent save for the sound of their breathing, which was slowing and deepening to the point of being synchronised. Neither moved, but it did nothing to diminish their arousal.
Eye contact was maintained for several minutes; both so lost in the depth of each other's eyes that neither noticed the way they were both biting their bottom lips in anticipation, or that Hermione had cradled the back of Severus' head with one hand and placed the other on his uninjured shoulder while his hands gravitated towards the swell of her buttocks.
Severus was the first to draw his eyes away, and they drifted down to her lips. As Hermione released her bottom lip, he watched the blood rush back to the spot she had been biting. Her lips were parted slightly, silently pleading for his. The rise and fall of their chests was a little quicker, and Severus was fascinated by the way Hermione licked her lips and dragged the bottom one into her between her teeth before releasing it in one fluid movement.
As if compelled to do so, Severus leaned in to kiss his witch tenderly. Hermione keened softly when his lips began ghosting over hers before he caught them in a lingering, almost chaste peck.
"I love you," he murmured against her mouth as his tongue gently sought to part her lips. Hermione's whispered reciprocation became a soft moan as she granted him entrance and his tender exploration of her mouth began.
They continued kissing languidly, eliciting breathless moans as their tongues stroked and rolled against each other. They were lost in each other's kisses and whispers; their murmured, often said declarations and promises uttered with renewed fervour.
Hermione's fingers gently caressed Severus' scalp as his fingertips skimmed up her sides until one arm pulled her to him so that her breasts were pressed flush against his chest, while his other hand became entangled in her drying, untamed curls. He pulled back from her lips, and slowly trailed soft kisses along her jaw before nuzzling and licking the shell of her ear, causing her breath to hitch before he captured her earlobe between his teeth. Hermione groaned loudly, her head rolling back and exposing her throat to him. Severus' groan followed shortly after as she ground her hips slowly onto him before massaging his cock with her inner walls.
With his fingers still buried in her hair, Severus gently supported Hermione's head as he licked up her creamy throat and grazed his teeth over her chin before Hermione moved her head so she could kiss him again. Their kisses were increasing in intensity as Hermione began to rock her hips eagerly. She cupped his face with splayed fingers, kissing him desperately as the coil between her stomach and core tightened even further.
Pulling away she cried out when Severus thrust up as much as he could into her already full channel and kissed the palm of her hand, which still rested on his face.
"Do that again," Hermione growled as she ground down on him again and began to trace his lips with her fingertips, pulling them away teasingly as Severus tried to capture them with his teeth.
Severus chuckled wickedly as he purred, "Do what again?" And thrust his hips upward again.
Hermione's gasped whimper was followed by a soft groan as Severus' fingertips lightly traced down her spine before resting atop the soft globes of her arse. She grazed and nibbled her way along his jaw as he began to knead and massage her buttocks. His breath hitched and he sucked his bottom lip in between his teeth as Hermione worked her mouth down his neck, licking and sucking his scar whilst her walls continued to grip him as she moved in his lap.
Both of them were now panting lightly, their skin blushing. Hermione could feel herself sinking towards a warm and delicious orgasm. The build-up was slow but intense, and every time she rolled her hips she felt all of him touching her in every spot she needed. He fitted into her perfectly, and her position allowed just enough friction between her clit and his pubic bone to tease her exquisitely.
Every movement felt like a baby step towards the brink, and as Severus thrust up into her again she groaned against his neck. In between gasps and faltering breaths she forced out, "This feels...amazing," before roughly pressing her lips to his. "I can't believe how full I feel. You just feel so big," she moaned into his mouth before their tongues rolled languidly around each other.
Although Severus couldn't fully appreciate her sensations he knew how snug he felt inside her, and when her walls caressed his length it sent shivers throughout him that made him want to push her onto her back and pound into her body. But at the same time the slow, intimate build-up was helping to achieve what Severus had hoped for. It was reconnecting them from the inside out. They had kissed and touched but nothing was rushed, and yet as Hermione uttered the words, You just feel so big, he felt the familiar stirring within him begin.
He allowed himself a small smirk as his ego was stroked, or rather squeezed, and looking at her through heavily lidded eyes, he whispered roughly, "Well, it's all yours."
Hermione giggled and wrapped her arms around him before she pulled back and kissed him chastely on the lips. He noticed there were tears forming in her eyes and a wave of panic hit him. He was just about to ask what was wrong, when she looked deep into his eyes and told him earnestly, "I love you," and shaking her head slightly, whispered, "I love you so fucking much that I never want to be with anyone else."
Severus swallowed. They'd said things like this to each other before, but this...the way she said it this time meant more than any other time. He wanted to say something profound and moving, but the words seemed unattainable. Instead, he gently stroked her cheek and covered her lips with his own. But that gentle kiss fanned the emotions that had been smouldering between them, and suddenly his fingers found their way into her hair once again and roughly pulled her head back as he attacked her mouth, biting and sucking on her lips before his tongue deeply plundered it.
He wanted all of her. He didn't know if he wanted to climb inside her or devour her. His lips continued their exploration of Hermione's mouth, face and neck whilst his free hand was now on her breast, massaging it firmly, her hardened nipple grazing against his palm.
Hermione's muffled moans were getting louder as Severus deftly rolled the erect nub between his fingers before his mouth nipped and laved down her throat, over her chest and captured her nipple between his teeth. The fire was also rapidly spreading throughout Hermione. No more baby steps; a sky rocket had arrived. She rolled her hips again as he sucked and flicked her peaked bud. Severus could feel himself beginning to lose his composure as Hermione growled, "I want to come."
He was suddenly kissing her again greedily; he couldn't get enough of her, but Hermione abruptly pulled back and they found themselves looking at each other hungrily. Once more her fingers began to trace the shape of his lips, tugging them slightly before he finally captured one digit in his mouth and suckled it almost decadently. Severus grabbed her wrist and extracted her finger from his mouth before pulling Hermione her to him and whispering silkily in her ear, "So, you want to come, do you?"
Hermione nodded. Her eyes were heavy with lust, and she leant back slightly, putting one hand on his knee to support herself as she rolled her hips again.
Severus grinned wickedly before bringing her fingers back up to his mouth. He watched her panting and biting her bottom lip as he kissed each slender finger one by one before drawing them into his mouth and laving each of them until they were soaking wet. Then, as he surprised Hermione with a sharp thrust, her head fell back as a guttural moan rose from her throat. He sucked her middle finger back into his mouth, and smiled as he felt her arousal increasing. She was so wet now, and he released her finger with an audible pop before he told her lustfully, "I want you to play with yourself."
Without a word, Hermione's wet fingers found her sensitive bundle of nerves and she began to circle it slowly. Severus watched her face, utterly captivated by her pure wantonness. He put his right arm out behind him for support and moved his left hand onto Hermione's hip. She continued with her ministrations as he now had a better angle to thrust more easily into her.
Between the new position and her own hand, Hermione found herself hurtling towards the brink, and Severus knew he wouldn't be far behind, whether he achieved it in this position or by invoking the pushing-Hermione-onto-her-back option.
Just as Hermione felt herself about to crash over the edge, her blissful screams filled the room and Severus felt as if someone had just poured petrol over the fire that was burning inside him, hastening his release.
Hermione suddenly pushed herself upright and wrapped her arms around Severus' neck as he thrust up into her. Her repetitious "Oh fuck, I'm going to come!" was becoming more desperate, when she started to feel their magic crackling. Suddenly she cried out, "Sev, I'm...oh shit! Not...set any...stasis charms!"
"Too late!" Severus grunted before he cried out as his balls constricted. As Hermione's orgasm rippled down his length, he felt himself pumping deep inside her, whilst everything in the room descended into chaos as their magic erupted from within them. Hermione gasped, digging her fingers into his skin as his pulsing cock continued to do battle with her quivering walls.
Severus wrapped his arms around Hermione as she went limp against him, her head coming down onto his shoulder. He buried his face in her now frizzy curls, panting heavily as he tried to regain his composure.
They remained like that for several moments, eyes closed, just breathing each other in as they pressed gentle kisses to wherever was closest to their lips. Severus was still hard inside her and cracked an eye open when Hermione giggled before clenching around him.
A chuckle rose from deep within Severus' chest. "Wasn't that enough for you?"
"Yeah, but I can't get enough of you," Hermione whispered as her lips trailed up his neck.
Severus smirked as her lips brushed lightly against his. "Well, how remiss of me to leave you so unsatisfied."
"I didn't mean..."
"No, I insist you allow me to rectify the situation," Severus interjected before adding playfully, "Now hold tight."
Hermione screamed as Severus moved his body so that she suddenly found herself on her back with him still buried inside her. A pang of concern hit her. "Don't hurt your shoulder, love," she cautioned before noting a flash of mischievousness in Severus' eyes.
"Don't worry, I won't," he told her nonchalantly as he pulled out from her body.
"Oh!" Hermione pouted as she immediately missed the feeling of fullness inside her.
"Oh, sorry, did you think I was going to fuck you again?" he asked teasingly as he hovered over her body to nuzzle her neck. He could tell she was about to respond, and quickly placed a finger over her lips before purring in her ear, "There is more than one way to make Hermione come."
Severus moved before Hermione's brain had a chance to catch up, and she suddenly realised that she was now lying with her legs wide apart whilst his mouth was already ravenously attacking the folds of her sex, which were glistening with their joint release.
Hermione pushed herself up on her elbows to watch him devour her, but her head was soon thrown back, crying out his name as Severus' tongue plundered her hot, wet channel. Her core was on fire again, and she became so lost in the waves of pleasure washing over her, she didn't notice his fingers had replaced his tongue until she was aware that he was kissing her. Even then it took a moment to register that the taste of their combined essence was permeating her mouth, but once it had, something snapped in her, and she began bucking hard against his hand as he thrust and curled his two fingers into her. She crashed over the edge, his mouth suppressing her screams as she soaked his hand.
Severus held Hermione's trembling body close against his and only loosened his hold when he felt her completely relax. He rolled onto his back and took Hermione with him, guiding her head into the crook of his neck and planting soft kisses into her hair. He also took the opportunity to set the room to rights before Hermione had a fit at the mess they'd made.
They lay there almost motionless until Hermione giggled lightly, "So that was new," she said as she kissed his collarbone.
"What was? I've gone down on you before..."
"No, not that," she groused playfully, "That first position."
Hermione could feel the vibration of Severus' deep chuckle in her chest. "Well it's not that new, but I did notice the finer details of it when I was carrying out some research."
"Research?" she enquired coquettishly.
Severus shrugged. "I may have perused a certain birthday present of yours, although I will admit I was looking for something a little more exciting at the time. But that was nice, wasn't it?"
Hermione smiled and sighed contentedly as she pushed herself up and planted a soft kiss to his lips. "It was more than nice."
Severus' response was a simple, satiated "Mmm," followed by a gentle deepening of their kiss.
Hermione pulled back and looked at him inquisitively. "So what position did you originally have in mind?"
Severus smirked as he pushed her hair over her shoulder. "You'll have to wait and see."
Hermione pouted. "Tell me!"
"I'd rather show you," Severus teased as he pulled her down and planted a hard, lingering kiss on her lips. "But I can't, so you must be patient."
"I'm not very good at being patient," she huffed, tugging lightly on his bottom lip.
"They say patience is a virtue, my darling," Severus whispered against her ear as he gently stroked her back.
Hermione snorted playfully. "Is it?"
"Allegedly," Severus smirked.
They stayed in bed for lunch and talked a little more about the previous evening's events when Severus realised he had a few calls to make. Reluctantly he got up, and as he finished dressing, he told Hermione, who was still sprawled out in bed, "I'm just going to call Pius. What time is Poppy arriving?"
"Five o'clock," Hermione said as she stifled a yawn.
"Don't go back to sleep," Severus warned playfully as he opened the door.
Hermione looked at him sheepishly. "I won't."
Severus arched an eyebrow and looked at her as if to say, You better not.
Her response was to throw a well-aimed pillow at him, which he gracefully avoided as he slipped out of the door, and headed towards the drawing room.
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