No one Comes When You cry | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10479 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Sky, the houses in the wall and the plot. Oh, and the wand is mine too. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
No One Comes When You Cry
Thanks go to my marvellous beta; pittwitch, who as usual rights my wrongs and teaches me foreign words like spelling and grammar. Lol.
Was gonna be really cruel and torment you all by making you wait for this chapter, but then I thought NO. I’ve got the best readers and the best reviewers, so why do that? So thanks to all of you and please keep up with the reviews, they mean everything to me. ccino
Chapter 39 She Will Die at Home
Severus stood. “I’m taking her home.”
“What? You … you can’t.” The consultant told him.
“Do not endeavour to tell me what I can and cannot do. You have already stated that there is nothing else you can do. Well I am taking her home. She will dot die here. Now get out of my fucking way.”
“You can’t do this Mr. Snape. It’s totally unorthodox.”
“I do not give a fuck what it is. Now get out of my fucking way or I shall break your fucking neck. Do I make myself clear?” Severus’ voice was lowered to the dangerously deep timbre reserved for his most hated enemies just before he hit them with the avada.
Albus and Minerva heard the ruckus from the corridor and stepped into the room.
“Is there a problem?” Albus asked calmly.
“No problem, Albus, I am taking my wife home. End of story.”
The doctor tried explaining to the Headmaster that it just wasn’t done.
“Is there a rule that says one is not allowed to die at home doctor?”
“No Sir, but he can’t just take her like this. There are procedures to follow.”
“Too bad. Severus, take your wife. I shall drop the wards from here.”
“No need Albus, I am not taking her to Hogwarts.”
Before Albus could ask where he was going to take her, Severus tenderly lifted his wife into his arms and apparated. Severus and Sky appeared outside Hogwarts gates. Instead of going through them, he shouted for Shannon. The old elf appeared immediately.
“Shannon, I have to get her into the wall, please, help me.”
Shannon said nothing, merely nodded her head and led the way to the overlap. The door opened and she let him step through, closing it behind her. Severus took her into the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed.
“There we are my love. We are home.”
Meanwhile Shannon was busy. Severus did not notice as a large frame appeared in the bedroom, nor did he notice the three figures standing in the frame.
“Come with me Snape, and bring her wand.”
“What? No, I am not leaving her.”
“Do as you are told you fool, we do not have much time if you want her to live.”
He looked at the elf, his eyes narrowed, his lips in a straight line. “Do not jest with me Shannon. I cannot …”
“Oh just come. Salazar is waiting for you downstairs.”
Looking once more at his wife, he bent down and kissed her lips softly.
“I will not be long. Please, hang on for me.” He whispered as he picked up her wand and reluctantly followed Shannon.
The door to Sky’s potion room was open and he followed the steps down.
“Bloody hell I thought you were never going to arrive.” Sal groused. “Now snap out of it man. You have work to do.”
“Can we save her Salazar?”
“We can if you do exactly as I say, now go get a cauldron, pewter, seven inch.”
Meanwhile Shannon was in the store cupboard collecting the ingredients Severus would need. Once she collected everything, she disappeared, only to re-appear two minutes later with two phials of red liquid, one large and one small. She placed them carefully on the workbench next to the other ingredients.
“Blood? I take it this is my wife’s.” Severus indicated the smaller of the two phials. Who’s is the other?”
“The Re'em‘s.”
He looked to Sal for instruction. Blood magic was not something Severus knew how to do.
“Put the Re'em blood into the cauldron and boil it rapidly, then use Sky’s wand to cool it quickly.”
“Her wand will not work for me.”
“It will in this instance, now get on with it man, we do not have time to argue.”
Severus snapped his mouth shut and did as instructed.
“Now the Asclepias syriaca, no more than a quarter ounce, and slowly, a steady run of it.”
“Done, now what?”
“Stir it steadily, no, use Sky’s wand, not yours. Two revolutions clockwise and stop.”
Severus dropped his own wand on the counter top and picked up the wand of bloods, half expecting something to happen. When it didn’t, he stirred the blood and Asclepias twice. The contents were thick and difficult to stir. When he was done, he looked at Sal again.
“A piece of your own flesh, Severus. Take it from your left forearm, the Dark Mark, it will make it stronger.”
Severus did not hesitate. Rolling up his sleeve, he picked the knife up, put it to the mark and began to cut as Sal explained the reason for taking the flesh from that particular area.
“Your flesh Severus because emotionally and spiritually, you are closer to her then anyone else. The mark because of who gave it to you. Tom Riddle left a part of himself in every mark he gave. Some part of Tom Riddle’s essence remains in that mark Severus, and whether any of us like it or not, he is her natural father. As evil as he is, he will save her life.
Severus took in everything Sal told him, concentrating on the man’s voice as he sliced viciously, but neatly through his own arm. Finally he held the bloody piece of marred flesh in his fingers.
“Now what?”
“Drop it in my boy, and allow some of your own blood to drip in before you heal yourself.
“It is done, now what?”
“Now you add Sky’s blood, one drop, and one stir, one drop and one stir, always clockwise. Continue this way until the phial is empty. Once again, use the blood wand.”
Severus concentrated for the next forty minutes as he tediously stirred in the blood drop by drop. It felt to him as though he worked for hours, the thought of his wife lying in the bed, dying while he was down here wasting time he could be spending with her.
“This had better work Sal, or so help me …”
“Idiot boy.” Sal snarled. “Do you really think I would stoop to playing games with her life? She is like my own daughter. I want her to live as much as you do, now get on with it.”
Severus scowled but did not stop what he was doing. “It is done, next?”
“Take the cauldron and the blood wand into the bedroom. I’ll meet you in there.”
When Severus stepped into the bedroom, he found Shannon stood next to the bed, speaking incantations over his wife in a language he’d never heard before and could only assume was elfin. Sky was white, her lips were white, her finger and toes were white, a blue tinge at the edges of her mouth and fingers telling him she had lost too much blood and was not getting enough oxygen.
Sal was waiting for him. “Shannon is keeping her alive now Severus. You must work with her, if she stops, then Sky will perish. Put the cauldron down and dip the wand inside.
Rowena and Helga were sent into the living room frame. Neither could help the sobs that emitted from them and the last thing Severus, Sal or Shannon needed was distractions.
Godric stood by Sal’s side as Sal kept giving instruction to Severus, who in turn was now having difficulty holding his own emotions at bay. All he wanted to do was take a quick acting poison, lay down beside Sky, and die at her side, but if there was the vaguest of chances that they could save her, he would do everything within his power to do so.
Shannon drew back the sheet that covered Sky and she lay there naked.
It was the first time Severus had seen her wounds and he let out an anguished cry.
“There is no time for sentiment. Control yourself.”
Severus looked at the elf for a moment, but managed to get a grip on himself. But only just, as he waited for Sal to tell him what to do.
“Take the wand and coat it in the blood mix, place the tip on the stone at her throat and hold it there.”
The stone and wand tip had remained black since the accident and when Severus touched the tip of the wand against the stone they lightened slightly and turned black again.
“Again.” Sal growled. “Do it again. Keep doing it until the stone remains steady, with a faint glow.”
It took five attempts before the stone held its own and glowed softly.
“Now, quickly. More blood, draw a straight line from just below the stone down to her belly button.”
“Coat the wand again and make two lines from there, each ending at her toes. Make certain you coat the wand well. There must be no breaks as you mark her. Now another, around her abdomen. A perfect circle. No breaks.”
Severus followed each instruction, the sweat standing out on his brow, terrified of making a mistake. He ground his teeth with the effort of trying to contain the tremble in his hands.
“Now from the stone, across her shoulder, down her outer arm as far as her fingers. Same with the other side. Good. You are doing well boy.
From the stone again, round the outside of each breast and across her lower rib cage to where the rib ends. Repeat at the other side. That’s right.”
Sal too, even though he was a portrait was sweating profusely. Godric occasionally wiping his face for him with a cloth but remaining silent. Shannon kept up her incantations as Severus worked and Sal gave instructions.
“Now, take a small amount of the mixture into your mouth and swill it round. The allow it to fall into the open wound. Keep doing this until it is almost gone.”
Severus did this for the next ten minutes or so until about a tablespoon of the blood mix was left.
“Now drink half of what remains, and feed Sky the other half.” Sal told him.”
He drank it, licking the drips from his lips and trying not to heave, then using a spoon, he put the remainder into Sky’s mouth before turning to Sal, a pleading desperate look in his eyes.
“Now take off your clothes and straddle her.”
Severus looked at Sal as if he thought the man mad.
“Just do it.”
Severus undressed and, once naked he straddled his wife.
“Now cover her with your body and repeat after me. Fleo.”
‘Fleo’ (I weep)
“Do caritos.”
‘Do caritos’ (I give love)
“capio mors.”
‘capio mors’ (I take death)
“Do exisistent.”
‘Do exisistent’ (I give life)
“Now, sit up and hold the wand steady, touch it to each part of her wounds, inside first, then outside.”
Severus carefully pressed the wand into the gaping wound in his wife’s body. As he did, the stone gave a flash of pale orange, the wand doing likewise, making her whole body light up from the inside out.
Each time he touched a new part of her, the same thing happened until the wand and stone glowed continuously. Sky looked like a lightbulb as he worked, but eventually he finished and as he pressed the wand against the edges of the gaping hole it began to close. He watched as the ragged edges came together, knitted, and healed. There were dark red angry scars where the skin joined and Severus ran a finger tenderly over them.
“What now Sal?” He asked, his voice barely a whisper.
“Now we wait. Everything that can be done, is done. You have done well Severus, I am proud of you. Now get some sleep.”
“I do not wish to sleep, I want to be here when she wakes. She will waken won’t she?”
“We shall see, but you still need to rest. Blood magic is draining and you have given much of yourself, now you must allow yourself to recover.”
“I am fine Salazar, I told you I do not need to sleep. Perhaps later when she ..perhaps later.”
He climbed off Sky and from the bed, put on his boxers and trousers then slipped into his shirt, not bothering to fasten it as he sat on the side of the bed and looked down at Sky. He took her hand in his and brought it to his lips, kissing it tenderly. He didn’t notice Shannon as she waved her gnarled little hand. He didn’t realise his eyelids were drooping, nor did he feel his body lift slightly, only to be laid down on the bed beside his wife.
Rowena and Helga came to watch over them as Sal and Godric went to get some well-earned rest. Shannon returned to her place in the Hogwarts kitchens, she would return if needed. Effy was waiting for her, wringing her hands as Shannon settled herself into her usual place.
“It is done Kali, now we wait.”
Effy’s ears stayed drooped as she looked at the elf matriarch. “Did it work? Is my mistress be going to live?”
“As I have told you Kali, we wait. When I know, you shall know. Now leave me.”
Effy slunk away to the dungeon quarters. She desperately wanted to go sit with her mistress. But unless she was called, she couldn’t, not in the wall. Instead, she wandered round the Snape rooms, smelling the smells Sky left behind, touching Sky’s clothes and other belongings as she waited.
It had been hard on Effy all those years since Sky was taken. She had loved the little miss dearly and delighted in her ways. Effy had been there when Sky said her first word, learned to sit up alone, learned to crawl, took her first step, fed herself for the first time.
When their bond had been broken, Effy was beside herself. She tried several times to kill herself without success. It was only later that she discovered it was the Shannon’s interference that prevented her from ending her life.
“You will be bound again when she returns. Do not desert her now, she will need you in the future.”
Shannon took Effy back to Hogwarts with her, keeping her close and having her work in the kitchens so she could keep an eye on her, until the time the little elf’s miss returned, for Shannon knew she would one day.
When Snape brought Sky back to Hogwarts, Effy knew instinctively that she was here. But the Shannon would not allow Effy to see her straight away, making the little elf wait until miss was ready to start remembering. When she was finally allowed to go see the miss with a message for the Snape, Effy wanted to throw her arms around Sky and hug her. But she was not allowed and only peered at her covertly, biding her time.
Now she felt she had failed her mistress again. If the miss died, the Shannon would not be able to stop Effy from taking her life this time.
When the Shannon came and took blood from the Re’em and left, Effy killed the beast. She silenced it, then killed it slowly, cutting it to pieces while it was still alive. She wanted it to suffer greatly, as her mistress suffered. It didn’t matter to Effy that it wasn’t the animal’s fault, that it only acted on instinct, as was its nature. Effy needed to see blood and used the Re’em as her outlet. She felt no remorse at what she did. She knew the Shannon was aware of what she was doing. But the Shannon would not stop her from doing this. Even when the beast was dead and she ripped it apart with her sharp teeth, she felt only a small bit of satisfaction, and that did not last long.
When Severus disappeared with Sky, Albus and Minerva were left to try and calm down the doctors and officials at St. Mungo’s. There were a multitude of documents to sign, explanations to be given. Aurors arrived demanding to know where Mrs. Snape had been taken. She was under investigation after all. Fortunately, Tonks and Kingsley were amongst the aurors sent and they managed to hold back a lot of awkward questions that would have otherwise arisen.
But the Ministry was demanding to know where she’d been taken and were threatening Severus Snape with arrest for kidnap. It did not matter how much Albus insisted that a man could not kidnap his own wife, and that he took her away to die in peace, the Ministry would not except it.
A search of Hogwarts was demanded and Albus had no choice but to concede to their wishes. He only hoped Severus had managed to get Sky into the wall before …well just before. He could not bring himself to think about her demise. Not after all she went through, finally finding some semblance of happiness with Severus for such a short time and having it torn from her so cruelly.
The students were sent to their dormitories to be questioned about what happened and to find out if any of them had seen the Professor return with his wife. More aurors searched the castle from top to bottom, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. The Minister for Magic sat in Dumbledore’s office, drinking tea and demanding the Headmaster reveal the whereabouts of the Snapes.
“If they are not here, Cornelius, how am I expected to know where they are?”
“Because you always know Albus. You’ve always known too damned much if you ask me.”
“But I am not asking you, Cornelius, nor am I able to tell you where they might be. All Severus told us was that he was taking her home. I assumed that he meant here. As you can see, he did not.”
“Well his house at Spinners End has been searched and he’s not there. That leave only one option as far as I am concerned.”
“Oh. And what might that be?”
“He’s taken her to ’You-know-who’.”
“I hardly think that is likely Cornelius. In fact, the very idea is absurd.”
“Why is it? He is her father is he not? Why is it so outlandish to think that is where they must be?”
“Because she is dying, man. Think about it. Why would a man take his dying wife to someone who already wants her dead. That is if she is not already. You have not changed Cornelius, and I doubt you ever will. Now, if you will excuse me I have students that as yet, have not had their supper.”
The Minister blustered at being ejected from the Headmaster’s office, but Albus had no intention of leaving him in here alone to snoop around.
“Good day to you Minister. I am sure that you can find your own way out, once you are certain that we are not hiding anyone that is.
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