Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Warnings: None
Characters: Varies, no character pairings this chapter
Chapter 39 - Lance
Two days had passed, and Hermione hadn't seen the Shaman yet. She imagined him sitting in the guestroom covered in a gray cloud of whatever herbs he would burn. He certainly would wear odd clothes and maybe some feathers on his head. Would he even have a strange piercing? Maybe one through his nose?
Hermione sighed. She was very scared of her upcoming meeting with the Shaman, and the longer she had to wait, the more nervous she became. It seemed as if no one else was scared or worried, not even Severus or the people that had stood in the queue for the last two days. Since around two o'clock, the queue had come to an end.
“What is the guy eating? He didn't attend one meal and never left his room,” Hermione observed.
“Watching him, are we, pup?” Draco said teasingly while he tried for the fifth time to sneak his hand in Neville's shorts. Again, he was batted away.
“I'm not, but he has to eat something, doesn't he?”
“If you’re so worried, why don't you go and ask him?”
“Very funny,” Hermione retorted, glaring at him.
She had been so engrossed in their conversation that she didn't notice Ages coming over with an unknown man. Hermione thought she had seen all the members of the clan by now but with 132 members, you never knew. Ages often had guests from other clans and he had announced to her that they would have some people from other clans visiting in the next few weeks. This guy had to be one of them, as he didn't seem to be a Death Eater. Death Eaters did not look friendly, and Hermione was sure her scenting skills would have alerted her if he had been a Death Eater.
Neville quickly pulled Draco's hand, the one that had finally won the little battle, out of his shorts, blushing deeply.
“Pup, would you please show Lance here around? Introduce him to everyone you know and show him the whole house, except for the parts you aren't allowed to go, including outside,” Ages warned as Hermione screwed her face into a grimace. “I have no time and you obviously have.”
Ages looked exhausted and Hermione was glad to escape the groping scenario between Draco and Neville. She just wasn't in the mood for this, waiting and worrying while the Shaman was planning his meeting with her.
“What about the warrior wing?”
“You can show him anywhere you would be allowed with a dominant, so off with you. See that you are finished before supper.”
“Okay.” Hermione jumped up, not seeing Draco's smug face. She enjoyed the distraction. Showing this dominant around would keep her mind from the worry of meeting the Shaman.
“Okay, um yeah, maybe I should start with me. I'm Hermione.” Hearing Ages’ slight growl, she blushed. “Ehm, I'm... the pup.” That sounded so stupid, and Hermione screwed her face into another frown.
“It's nice to meet you, Hermione,” Lance said.
Hermione gave Lance a surprised glance and then an apologizing one to Ages. “Ehm, I think it’s better you call me pup. My mates and most everyone here call me that. It's just weird to call myself, ‘pup’.
“Quite understandable, pup. So who are your friends here?”
Hermione turned to Draco and Neville. It felt good to show the man around. She felt a bit special with being allowed to be the one to introduce the clan to him. “The blond one here is Draco. He is one of the supersubs of our clan, and over there is Neville. He is also a supersub.”
“Nice to meet you gentleman,” Lance said and his wink at Draco wasn't noticed by Hermione, due to her excitement and her planning of whom to introduce next.
“You already know our Head Alpha. Oh, I should have introduced him first, right?” She blushed. “Sorry.”
“There is no need to worry yourself over introducing members of your clan to me in any particular order, pup. I’m not bothered in the slightest”
“Maybe you wouldn’t be, but they might” Hermione muttered, hoping only Lance would hear it. He seemed to be a very nice and relaxed dominant.
“Tara is another supersub of the clan. Sev... the head beta says it is very uncommon for a clan to have so many supersubs, and that many clans are jealous of us because we have so many.”
“It's very uncommon to have a pup in the clan as well. I would guess the jealousy level has spiked to some degree after your arrival.”
Hermione turned and watched Lance. Why did he say that? Was he someone from another clan looking for a sub or mate? “Oh, are you here because of the newly turned woman? Do you want to take her with you to your clan?”
Lance looked puzzled. “Excuse me?”
Hermione blushed again. “Oh sorry, I just thought you were one of those guys from another clan who came over to look for a mate or a sub. We have a new... I'm babbling. Sorry. Let's go on”
“All right. Lead the way.” Lance grinned at her, but it wasn't an uncomfortable grin, not leering or arrogant.
“I'm sorry, but I don't know most of the wolves here. At this time of the day mostly submissives and their children are in the lounge. Only a few warriors, who have free for the afternoon, are here and I’ve already introduced you to them,” Hermione explained when she had introduced the six dominants in the room.
“No problem. Why don't you show me the rest of the house, and when you run into someone you can introduce to me to, you just do so.”
“Okay.” Hermione smiled about how straightforward Lance was. He was so easy to talk with, not so complicated like most of the dominants around.
First, Hermione went to the right side where they emerged from the lounge. After that part of the big hall was the dining room, the guest room of the Shaman, the toy room and many more rooms Hermione could show Lance.
“Ehm, yes, that is the toy room. Do you really want to see it?” Hermione asked uncertainly. She felt uncomfortable going in there with a stranger, even though Lance was very nice.
“I would really like to see it. Would it be a problem for you to show it to me?”
Lance was around 40 or 45, and Hermione couldn't stop imagining him with Tara or Draco in this room. He looked well built, but for some odd reason Hermione felt like being with Darius while she was around Lance.
“Still with me, pup?” Lance asked, stepping closer to Hermione.
Surprised, Hermione stepped backwards quickly, but Lance immediately lifted his hands in an open gesture of truce to show her he meant no harm. “No reason to panic, pup. If you feel uncomfortable showing me the room, I certainly can find someone else to show it to me later.”
Hermione bit her bottom lip. “No, the head alpha asked me to show you every room I am allowed in; I think I should show you this one as well. I... You won't try to do anything to me in there, will you?”
Lance smiled at her, and Hermione immediately got this warm fluffy feeling of safety that had dominated her emotions the majority of the time she’d been with Lance, thus far.
“Do you think your head alpha would have told you to show me around, if he feared I would try to seduce you? I can assure you, I will keep my hands to myself. I would just like to see the room from the inside.”
Hermione peeked into the room. She didn't know if Tara was inside, and sometimes there were even some dominants with their mates; other times young warriors used the toy room by themselves. As luck would have it, the room was unoccupied. She sighed with relief and gestured for Lance to follow her.
“This is the toy room. Draco loves it.” Hermione screwed up her face again, and Lance chuckled.
“So I take it you don't like it?”
Hermione shrugged her shoulders. “It depends on who is with me, but I prefer not to be in here at all, I would say. There are too many scary things in here, and I'm sure I don't even know half of the things this room is capable of. There are some odd buttons around here that let things appear.” Hermione had wanted to try this for a long time, so she let her fingers roam over the place she remembered the buttons where hidden behind the tapestry. Contrary to the button consoles in the spa, the buttons in the toy room all were hidden.
Hermione groaned, frustrated. “I can't find the stupid buttons, but you can believe me, Goran- that's our technical expert- has made up some very crazy inventions for this room.”
“Inventions your friend Draco and the Tara girl like but you don't.”
“Yes, mostly. Sometimes it can be fun in here and...” She blushed very hard this time.
“A penny for your thoughts.”
“Better not,” Hermione said, not daring to look at the laughing Lance.
“I can imagine the end of this sentence, pup.”
“You can't,” Hermione replied, shocked, hoping Lance was just teasing her.
“Of course I can.” He grinned at her. “Want to hear it?”
Hermione bit her bottom lip, but her curiosity won out over the embarrassment and she nodded.
“You like to watch others in here, pup.”
Hermione's mouth dropped open. How could he know? Before she could recover from her shock and deny it, Lance had gone over to the wall with the canes and whips. “Did they use them on you?”
Again, Hermione was overcome by fear and her eyes quickly darted to the door. The look did not go amiss by Lance and he immediately pulled his hands up in the defenseless position again. “Don't be so jumpy, pup. It was just a question.”
“Why did you want to know?”
Lance tilted his head. “I just wondered because you seem so against this room. I thought that maybe you had had some bad experiences.”
Hermione shook her head. “They never force me to do something against my will.”
“Then why are you so afraid, if you have it fully under control?”
Hermione had no idea why she felt like answering this question; especially telling a total stranger, and feeling even more odd that she felt better after telling him so much. “I often want to pleasure them, and that sometimes overwhelms my fear or my ability to protest. They can make my mind get very foggy during... you know.”
“For a submissive, you have a lot of problems speaking about sex.”
Hermione’s face fell. He had hit upon one of her weak spots. She still felt so insecure sometimes and often like a prostitute. She really tried to see it like Darius had told her to. To switch it around and see the Dominants as her harem to play with when she liked, but sometimes it was hard, especially when she lost control of herself completely while being with one of them.
“Why such a long face? I just stated the obvious, didn't I?”
Hermione sighed sadly and nodded. “I bet Fen... my alpha hopes the Shaman who is staying here for a week or so will get it out of my head.”
“Get what out of your head?”
“This insecurity and that I'm sacred of so many things and... that I behave in an odd manner so often.”
“It would be boring if all subs behaved the same way, wouldn't it?”
Hermione looked up at Lance and his friendly face made her smile a bit. “Yes, maybe, but I think they just wish that I wasn’t so freakish. I'm really odd, even the Eldest say so.”
Lance watched Hermione for a while and then said, “Freakish is a very harsh word, especially to use on yourself, pup.” It was the first time Lance had been so serious, and Hermione looked down again.
“Maybe I should show you the rest of the house now.” Hermione quickly stepped out of the room and breathed deeply in and out a few times. Her mind was clearer, and her mood more light once again.
When they passed one of the guestrooms, Hermione said, “This is the guestroom the Shaman is staying in.” She spoke in a very soft voice so the Shaman couldn’t hear what they were saying, if he were right inside the room. “You should have seen the queue in front of his room for the last few days. It was amazing. The poor man must have been starved, getting no break and not showing up at meals.”
Lance smiled. “I'm sure he has gotten something to eat. Your head alpha would let no guest starve.”
“You are probably right,” Hermione answered and quickly guided him further down the hall.
When Hermione emerged from the dining room after she had shown Lance around in there, Morgan came running to her eagerly. “You won't guess what Amaris has for you, pup.” He was smiling at her as if he, himself had gotten an awesome gift. The smile vanished, morphing into a nervous expression when Lance emerged from behind Morgan.
Hermione blamed it on Morgan's insecurity around dominants. “It's okay, Morgan. That's Lance. The head alpha asked me to show him around and introduce him to those I know.” When Morgan still stared open-mouthed at Lance, Hermione petted his arm. “He’s okay, Morgan.”
She turned to Lance. “This is Morgan. He’s a member of my pack.” She said it with so much pride and love that Morgan relaxed a bit.
“Ah, it's good to see you around your own pack, pup.”
Lance looked at Morgan. “Don't let my presence hold you up from telling the pup whatever you wanted to. She seems to be eager to hear it.”
“Yes, Morgan. What does Amaris have for me?” Hermione asked, excited.
Morgan needed three attempts to get his stuttering under control. “Ehm... it can wait for later, pup.”
“What? No!” Hermione exclaimed, disappointed. She pouted and gave him a pleading look.
Morgan threw a nervous glance over to Lance. “Yeah, ehm... she... she has some outdoor clothes for you.”
“Outdoor clothes? Oh yes, yes, yes!” Hermione started to dance around Morgan and gave him a peck on his cheek. Her joy made his worry vanish, and he couldn't stop himself from feeling lighter as he smiled. “I need to see them.”
Suddenly, Hermione remembered Lance. “Oh, sorry.” She was torn between running to her quarters to see the clothes that would give her more freedom, and fulfilling the duty Ages had given her.
“You could show me your quarters, and while we are there you can have a look at those clothes,” Lance offered.
Hermione wasn't sure if Fenrir would like if she brought a stranger in their quarters, but Ages had told her to show him everything. “Ehm, is Fenrir home, Morgan?”
“No, and Yorik isn't there, either. It is just me and Amaris, but I don't know…. Pup?”
Morgan glanced over at Lance with undisguised fright and worry.
“But the head alpha told me to show Lance everywhere where I'm allowed. I have to introduce Amaris to him.” Oh she was wicked; she knew it, but Merlin, she wanted to see the clothes! “We will be quick and they don't even have to know.”
That last statement made Morgan pale, and he gawked unabashedly in Lance’s direction as if anticipating a severe response.
“Oh, come on, Morgan. He’s nice; he won't give us away.” Hermione pulled Morgan with her and looked behind to make sure Lance was following. The man wore an odd grin on his face, yet again, it didn't seem negative.
When they entered their quarters, Hermione couldn't stop herself and ran over to Amaris and the clothes on the coffee table. “Oh they’re great, Amaris!”
Hermione threw herself at the woman and missed the surprised look on Amaris’ face when she spotted Lance, who had moved to stand just inside the door.
Hermione chattered on excitedly, oblivious to Amaris’ reaction. “Does Fenrir know about the clothes? Will he be able take me out for a stroll?”
“I... I don't know, pup.”
It was odd for Amaris to stutter, so Hermione loosened the hug and looked at her. Seeing where her eyes were glued, Hermione waved her hand casually and said, “Oh, the head alpha asked me to show Lance around. He said I should introduce him to everyone I know, and show him any place I'm allowed in. So it's right to bring him here, isn't it?”
Amaris looked nervous. “I'm not sure if our alpha would see it like that, but if the head alpha has—”
Amaris was unable to complete her sentiment, for the door was opened again and Yorik stepped through. Lance remained very still, and Yorik didn't see him. Fenrir often had scolded him for letting his guard down in their quarters, but Yorik saw no reason for sniffing the air whenever he stepped inside their pack’s domain.
“You most certainly don't plan to wear those,” Yorik blanched, shocked at seeing the clothes and disgust marring his normally handsome face.
“Of course I have to wear them. They’re for outside,” Hermione stated but let him suck at her shoulder while he embraced her from behind.
“I will never understand why you want to be outside all the time, but I can assure you when Fenrir sees those clothes, he won't let you go outside at all.”
“Why not?”
“Because that's how you should be clothed.” He lifted her short skirt and grabbed nonchalantly over her naked center. “Or even better, wear nothing.”
“Ehm... Yorik, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Amaris warned, lightly amused.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Yorik snapped at her, not stopping to fondle Hermione, who had become oddly tense, trying to push him away.
“We have a guest,” Amaris laughed, snorting in her attempt to stop it from coming out.
Yorik jumped away from Hermione and sniffed the air while looking around frantically. When his eyes met Lance, he growled.
Hermione quickly turned to him and tried to calm him down. “Yorik, please! The head alpha ordered me to show him around. He’s a guest, and I’m supposed to introduce the pack members to him that I know, and show him the places I'm allowed to be with a dominant. I had to show him our quarters, hadn't I?” God, she had the feeling she’d spoken that sentence a thousand times today.
Yorik tore his eyes away from Lance and looked at Hermione. “What are you babbling about?”
“It's like she said. The head alpha gave her the task of showing me around,” Lance said with a warning undertone Hermione couldn't interpret.
“He’s alright. He didn't try to touch me, Yorik,” Hermione soothed as if she were speaking to a small child.
“It's beta, pup,” Yorik pressed out between clenched teeth.
Hermione rolled her eyes. “Okay, big bad beta.”
Yorik almost looked panicked, and growled at her in warning.
“Why are you so tense? Please calm down, okay? Lance is very nice, and he hasn’t tried anything with me.”
“Tried anything?” Yorik's voice was two octaves higher than normal, and he looked at Hermione as if she were growing a second head.
“Maybe your beta needs some time to rest, pup. We could continue with our tour. What do you say?” Lance offered.
Hermione just wanted to agree when Yorik suddenly pushed her behind his back.
Yorik glared at Lance while he held the struggling pup behind him. “Does my alpha know about this?”
“Does your head alpha have to ask your alpha for permission?” Lance answered in challenge.
Oh, Hermione didn't like this turn of events and Lance’s tone. She struggled to get around Yorik so she was able to face him. “Yorik, please, it's all right. Fenrir doesn't have to know.”
“Merlin, stop this, pup!” he shouted, shaking her violently. “Remember your fucking place! You do not have secrets from your alpha.”
Hermione had never seen him like this. He was acting almost insane, as if her were desperate for her to understand a secret message he wasn’t able to speak aloud.
“Yorik, I think you’re taking this too seriously. You need to stop panicking. Why don’t you release the pup to Amaris and Morgan?” Lance intervened.
“Shut up. I'm not panicking!” Yorik still had a tight grip on Hermione, his fingers pressing so deeply into her shoulders they were bound to bruise.
A tear slipped down her cheek, unnoticed by the beta but not by the others witnessing the struggle.
The door banged open, all eyes on the alpha thundering into the space with absolute domination and authority. “Let her go, Yorik!”
Yorik blanched at the sudden intrusion of his alpha. Caught between the sudden realization of how roughly he was treating the pup and his insistence on protecting her from Lance, he struggled to gasp out an appropriate response, gesticulating wildly with one hand, the other still bruising the pup with its relentless grip. “But he is here and the pup…. she.. she...”
Yorik’s lungs were working for air so desperately that Hermione feared for his health.
“I know that he’s here. Now let her go.” Fenrir strode over to his beta and grabbed his neck.
“But... you don't understand.”
“I understand completely.” He had a death grip on Yorik's neck as the alpha shot Hermione an unreadable, but unrelenting look. “Go and show our guest around like the head alpha told you to.”
Hermione was scared. Yorik looked as if he didn't understand what in the world was going on, and she wanted to hug him.
“Pup,” Fenrir growled warningly.
“Don't hurt him. He just wanted to protect me.” Hermione lowered her head when Fenrir just glared at her. She went over to Lance, trying to hold in the tears that escaped her eyes.
Outside in the hall, Hermione tried to get control of herself. “I'm sorry. I... I didn't know this would happen. I...”
“Calm down, pup. Everything is all right. The reactions of your mates were totally understandable. Nobody is in trouble, and I'm sure your alpha isn't giving your beta any trouble either.”
Hermione looked up hopefully at Lance. The warm and friendly eyes of the man made her immediately feel safe again. “You think so?”
“I'm certain of it. Come on. Show me the rest of the house.”
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