The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96906 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Leo jumped up onto the bed just as Severus left the room, and began pawing at Hermione's duvet covered leg as if encouraging her to get up.
"Did daddy put you up to this?" Hermione groused as she flung the duvet back, covering Leo in the process, and swung her legs out of bed before grabbing fresh underwear from the drawer and going into the bathroom.
She looked at herself in the mirror, rolled her eyes, and exhaled slowly whilst shaking her head at the reflection showing frizzy, tangled hair and a face suffering from a severe case of stubble rash from all the kissing they'd just done. It wasn't normally as bad as this but then Severus, even at weekends, always shaved first thing in the morning. He'd even get up, get shaved and come back to bed because, by his own admittance, he hated not being clean shaven. In fact, she was surprised he hadn't shaved before he went to call Pius.
She quickly washed her face and opened the bathroom cabinet to look for a soothing balm before she began the dreaded task of tackling her unruly curls. She hoped as she summoned her comb and smoothing products that she could make it look presentable without too much fuss.
Ten minutes later, having given her hair up as a poor job, Hermione left the bathroom with her hair tied back at the nape of her neck and decided that after she dressed, she would return Neville Longbottom's call.
Hermione hated calling Neville at his grandmother's because Augusta Longbottom made Eleanor Prince look like a blanket-knitting old dear. She just hoped Neville would answer the call, and thankfully he did.
"Hermione, are you alright?" asked Neville urgently. "How's Severus? It's just I spoke to Harry this morning, and he said—"
"That boy should learn to butt out," Hermione groused light-heartedly before adding, "we're both fine, thanks."
"Are you sure?" Neville pressed cautiously. "I mean we all know how unreasonable Severus can be when he's pissed off and—"
"I can be just as bad," Hermione interjected as she thought about earlier that day.
Neville snorted. "I don't see how, but I suppose there are some similarities, and I guess when you become Professor Snape you'll have a reputation to uphold."
"Oh, shut up! I might keep my maiden name," Hermione stated haughtily.
"Yeah, like he'd let you do that," Neville retorted.
"Actually we have talked about it," Hermione informed him, "and he doesn't mind one way or the other, but I will change my name because Severus doesn't have anyone else, and I think by taking his name it will mean more to him than he lets on."
Neville was quiet for a moment. "I never thought about it like that. You know, I still can't believe that I'm talking about Severus Snape as if he's a normal man."
Hermione giggled lightly. "I can assure you he's definitely a man."
"Yeah, Adrian seems to think so, too," Neville teased.
"And you?" Hermione asked eagerly.
Before the war, a question like that would have had Neville bumbling from embarrassment, but instead he laughed heartily, and, after taking a moment to compose himself, he declared, "I may be gay, but I'm not in the habit of fancying my ex-Boggart. He's not my type, anyway."
"OOOO you have a type!" Hermione sing-songed. "And what, pray tell, is your type?"
"Actually, I'm not really sure," Neville confessed. "If I said Adrian, would you want to puke?" he asked sheepishly.
"Oh no, that's really sweet," his curly-haired friend declared. "So, have you shown him your sword handling skills yet?"
Hermione loved hearing Neville laugh. He'd always been such an awkward boy, and despite still giving in to bouts of nerves on occasion, he was much more laid back and confident than he'd ever been.
"Maybe," Neville teased before adding, "actually, I told Grandmother today that I was gay."
Hermione was completely taken aback at Neville's admission. Somehow she thought he would have waited a little while longer before telling her.
"Shit! How did that go?"
"Well, it was unpleasant to start with but then it went surprisingly well. Adrian stayed over last night. I thought after everything that happened it was for the best," Neville began, but was suddenly interrupted by Hermione.
"Oh gods what must he think of us all after last night?" She asked with an air of embarrassment.
"Well, he said he was shit scared and incredibly turned on. I think he's a bit strange," Neville mused with a deep chuckle. "But anyway, Grandmother wanted to know why he slept in my room and not the guest room. So I thought, why not tell her now? I'm moving to Hogwarts tomorrow, and if she doesn't like it, what can she do about it?"
"Fair point," Hermione conceded.
"Anyway," Neville continued, "I introduced Adrian to her and after a round of "What do you do? What do your parents do? Which is your family line?" Grandmother realised Adrian's a Muggle."
"But your grandmother isn't a Pureblood snob, is she?" Hermione enquired.
"All Purebloods are snobs, 'Mione," Neville chortled playfully, "But she was no lover of Voldemort. She did, however, want me to marry a nice, influential Pureblood or Half-Blood witch who could help continue the noble line of Longbottom. That was why she never truly took to Luna, and now all I get is how Lord and Lady Malfoy must be so disappointed that Lord Black—she does like using a good hereditary title—is seeing Luna now. After all, as Grandmother says, "Who exactly are the Lovegoods, anyway?"
Hermione couldn't help but to laugh at Neville's impression of his grandmother. "So am I some title grabbing Muggle-born who's ensnared Lord Snape?"
"Oh no, mate! You are a heroine of the Age, but the jury, as far as Grandmother is concerned, is out on Severus. She had a rant about him this morning whilst she was reading the Prophet. Kept going on about etiquette and that he's not Lord Snape but Lord Prince, and if she said it once she said it five times, "He might have been on our side in the end, but I can tell you a thing or two about him and his school friends. The things my darling Frank used to tell me..."
"Oh dear!" Hermione snorted.
Neville return the snort with one of his own. "Oh don't worry, she didn't like Sirius or James, either. But anyway, Grandmother composed herself enough to declare that she had hoped for better for me! Adrian then stood his ground and said that from what he's seen and heard of our magical world, he would have hoped for better for me, too."
Hermione gasped loudly. "No! What did she say?"
"I was ready to jump in, but he was brilliant. He just said that although our society is far from ideal, he could survive better here than I could survive in the Muggle world, and he'd never ask me to leave my heritage."
"Bloody hell!" Hermione exclaimed.
"She sat and stared at him for a while...the silence was horrible 'Mione...and then she asked him if he knew anything about Wisteria because hers was looking rather unwell."
Hermione looked incredulous. "That was it?"
"That was it," Neville reiterated, "And for the next two hours I stood around like a spare part because Grandmother and her new gay best friend were walking around the garden, discussing landscaping, Wisteria and Winter planting."
"Why couldn't she ask you about that? You're a Herbologist..."
"But I'm not a Muggle 'Herbologist' who knows all about Muggle plants."
"Oh...well at least they get on," Hermione countered positively. "Imagine what it would be like if they didn't."
"I know," Neville conceded with a deep sigh. "Sorry; I'm a bit fed up. Term starts on Monday and I'd hoped to spend as much time with Adrian as possible. And not with Grandmother involved. She's even invited him for Sunday lunch tomorrow, which of course he accepted, and I wanted us to go on a picnic together."
"Oh, Nev. Have you spoken to Severus about when you can see Adrian?"
"I'm meeting with him on Tuesday morning. He said Adrian's welcome at the castle, but his research is time consuming as well, so it would be good if I could schedule something."
"You'll work something out," Hermione told him comfortingly.
Neville huffed lightly. "I hope so. If he'll have me, I can see this know?"
Hermione smiled and said reassuringly, "I know that feeling very well."
Hermione was still giggling to herself as she walked downstairs following her call to Neville. As she approached the drawing room she heard voices coming from it, and realised that Severus must have invited Pius over.
She was about to open the door when she heard Severus ask, "So you're sure no charges will be brought against Hermione? Because so help me I'll..."
Hermione stood stock still the door, panic washing over her, listening as Pius interrupted her obviously concerned partner.
"Positive. The Weasleys don't want to press charges, Shacklebolt admires her too much to allow it, and as a prisoner, Weasley has lost the right to press charges," Pius responded. "But I am worried that, your relationship aside, her display of power will make her a target in her own right. "
Severus sighed deeply. "So am I," he admitted before adding, "Molly has offered to help her magical control, and I think we can get away with saying her outburst was due to her upset at my injury."
Pius nodded. "That's the story I'm circulating, but we need to consider the safety of those closest to Hermione who may not be able to protect themselves. I know you had plans, Severus, but given the information I received yesterday and the current threat, I think it prudent to act quickly. My contact believes there may be a way to circumvent official diplomatic channels to speed repatriation..."
Pius stopped speaking as Hermione suddenly decided to make her presence known.
"Not interrupting, am I?" she asked innocently. "You're not plotting anything you don't want me to know about?"
Pius looked sheepish. Severus had forewarned him that Hermione knew of events at the Shrieking Shack, and the older wizard was waiting for Hermione to bite his head off, but instead she just sat down and smiled. It was a disconcerting smile, but his expected verbal mauling was not forthcoming.
Severus knew perfectly well that Hermione had overheard them, especially when she asked in his head, What was all that about?
I'll tell you later, he replied before saying out loud, "Of course not. We were just discussing how ludicrous it was that Bill should have been arrested for killing that Carrow bitch."
"Has he been released yet?" Hermione asked urgently.
Pius nodded to confirm that Bill was once again a free man.
"Ignatius' argument was threefold: he said it was unconscionable for an upstanding member of society to be vilified for bringing down someone whom is known to be depraved; that he only used Sectumsempra as a response to it being fired at him rather than with malicious intent, and that Sectumsempra is not an anatomically specific curse. Therefore, it was not Bill's fault that she moved and got slashed across the throat."
"And I only ever intended it to be used to maim, not kill," Severus told them sulkily as he began to play with his nails. He felt Hermione's mirthful gaze on him, and hesitantly moved one hand onto the arm of the chair.
Hermione heard him gruffly say in her head I only stopped because I was bored...not just because it annoys you.
Her simple Yes dear, whatever you say, had Severus's eyes flashing with amusement, but he distracted himself by stating, "I'd have thought he would have been in more trouble over using an unregistered spell."
"It's not unregistered," Pius told him.
"Of course it is!" Severus snapped. "I would know if I registered my own..."
Pius laughed. "According to the Register of Spells it was registered on June 1st 1997 by one A.P.W.B Dumbledore on behalf of its creator, one S.T Snape."
"The interfering old bastard," the black haired wizard groused.
Hermione looked pensive. "Wasn't that around the time Harry hit Draco with it?"
Severus nodded before an inquisitive Hermione asked, "Why did Dumbledore register it on your behalf? Why didn't you do it?"
Severus opened his mouth to respond, but Pius was already speaking before he could get a single word out.
"The law surrounding unregistered spells is shaky at best," Pius stated. "Technically the creation of any spell does not require registration unless it is intended to be used or is used, in the public domain. So, for example, my mother created a spell for chopping potatoes so that her chips were exactly how she wanted them. No harm in that, and to this day I still make decent chips. But because I use it, technically it should be registered. Although no one is going to lock me up for using an unregistered potato chopping spell.
"So by the same token, Severus didn't need to register Sectumsempra just because it was created. Only when it moves into the public domain does this requirement have to be met. After all, there is a vast difference between a basic domestic spell and something that vicious—"
"But you used it against James Potter. Shouldn't it have been registered then?" Hermione interrupted as her eyes fell on Severus.
"I used it non-verbally...and well...I wasn't always that accurate back then," Severus groused as a slight blush adorned his cheeks.
Hermione raised her eyebrows at his admission and got a resounding Fuck off in her head.
Pius tried not to pay too much attention to the obvious mind teasing that was going on between the couple and continued. "And Severus has just raised one of the reasons why this law is frankly a pile of shit. How can we keep a register of spells which can't be heard? Oh, we could use Prior Incantato, but what if it is cast wandlessly? In some respects, the law allows powerful witches and wizards, who are adept at wandless and non-verbal magic, to piss all over us.
"So when Harry threw it at Draco, Dumbledore, fully aware of the trouble he would have been in with the Ministry for using an unregistered spell..."
Severus noticed Hermione's look of confusion. "Incidents such as that have to be reported," he explained before nodding apologetically to Pius for interrupting him.
"He never reported anything that happened to you when you were at school," Hermione pouted in annoyance.
Severus exhaled forcefully. "Sweetheart, you should know by now that Albus' modus operandi was to protect his human investments, and although the five of us hated each other, he felt we were worth investing in at the time. And if he reported just one of our spats he would not only have had to admit to the usage of unregistered spells, but he would have risked exposing three underage, unregistered animagi, a werewolf and...well I don't know what my worth was, but..."
"I think he just wanted to protect you," Hermione told him softly.
A small smile graced Severus' lips and he whispered in Hermione's head Thank you, love, before continuing. "I recall that, at the time, Albus asked me to confirm the spell, and said he was preparing the paperwork, but I didn't get to see it until a couple of days later. All it said was that Harry had used a duelling spell as confirmed by yours truly."
"It would appear that, in the meantime," Pius went on, "Dumbledore registered the spell and filed the incident report a few days later. On the spell registration submission, it said that the headmaster had approved the teaching of Sectumsempra to advanced Defence Against the Dark Arts students."
"Bloody hell!" Hermione exclaimed before a sudden thought struck her. "Why didn't Narcissa kick up a fuss?"
Severus shrugged and puffed out his breath as he pensively ran his finger over the arm of the chair. "When it happened Narcissa was away visiting Lucius, so she didn't find out until a few days later. I told her it was all in hand...I suppose the fact that the Unbreakable Vow was in place reassured her, and as we've just found out the spell would have been registered by then."
Hermione considered this for a moment. "I'm quite glad I didn't know about all these machinations when I was a student."
"Believe me, you don't know the half of it," Severus told her disconsolately.
Looking on with concern at Severus' sudden melancholy Hermione suddenly asked, "Do you have any plans for this evening, Pius?"
"No, actually," he admitted. "Andromeda and her grandson are visiting Narcissa at the manor, and I didn't wish to intrude."
"Well, stay for dinner," Hermione offered, looking to Severus to check she hadn't spoken out of turn. "Lucius, Draco and Luna are coming over later, as well. It'll be fun."
"It'll be something," Severus groused as he craned his neck to hear Mrs Hopkins talking to someone. "I believe that is Poppy. I must love you and leave you, sweetheart," he told Hermione before turning to Pius and smirking. "I'll just leave you, if you don't mind."
Pius laughed. "You can show me round, Hermione. Narcissa is quite excited about helping you renovate this place."
"She just wants to stick her nose in," Severus snarked before adding, "Still, as long as she doesn't take over, her help will be invaluable in saving us a few headaches."
Dinner with Pius had been quite pleasant with conversation remaining on a completely social level rather than descending into the mire of politics and recent events. They had adjourned to the drawing room for drinks as they waited for Lucius, Draco, and Luna to arrive. Sure enough at eight o'clock sharp, Lucius announced his arrival as loudly as usual.
"Good evening, my darlings and Severus," Lucius declared genially as he strode into the drawing room and straight over to the drinks cabinet.
Hermione had geared herself up to tease the new arrivals about their part in Ron's comeuppance, but was surprised to see that Lucius had arrived on his own.
"No entourage?" Severus enquired curiously.
Lucius downed his glass of brandy. "Touchy subject," was all he offered for now.
From her position curled up on one of the leather sofas with Severus, Hermione could see that, despite Lucius' outward joviality, he was annoyed about something. Even Pius, who seemed firmly ensconced in one of the armchairs, raised his eyebrows at Lucius' comment.
Hermione looked up at Severus to gauge his reaction, but noticed a hint of mischievousness flash across his face. "It's getting a bit cold in here. Lucius, can you sort out the fire, please?"
Severus' comment nearly caused Pius to choke on his brandy.
"Hallelujah, he's back!" Lucius exclaimed as he poured himself another brandy before summoning everyone else's glass and refilling it.
With his back still to the rest of the room as he attended to everyone's drinks, Lucius informed Severus, "I had procured you some grapes as I believe it is the accepted custom whenever someone is under the weather, but Luna and Teddy managed to eat them before we left. However you can take comfort in the fact that they both thought they were very nice."
Is Lucius alright? Hermione asked Severus in his head.
He's pissed off about something. I feel he is directing his ire at Miss Lovegood, but I suspect this has to do with Miss Delacour more than anything else, was his response.
Mrs Weasley, Hermione corrected him.
Severus huffed in her head. Yes, and therein lies the problem.
"Oh, and Hermione, according to my son's latest squeeze, Teddy said to say 'hello' to you," Lucius drawled, not quite believing that those words came out of his mouth.
Hermione laughed at the thought. "But he can't speak yet."
"According to Luna he can," Lucius told her, his expression once again full of incredulity. "Although I will concede that he seems an intelligent child. I think my great nephew likes me. Looks disconcertingly like his father, though."
"Teddy's a lovely kid," Hermione agreed before Severus could utter one of his usually scathing comments about Remus. "What colour was his hair today?"
"Blond...hence why he must like me," Lucius stated haughtily.
Hermione laughed. "In a house full of blonds he's going to have blond hair. But if it makes you feel better of course he likes you, dear."
Lucius narrowed his eyes and looked at his favourite curly haired witch with feigned annoyance before smirking into his glass and sitting down in the other armchair.
"Well I'm glad they enjoyed them," Severus drawled before asking Hermione, "Miss Lovegood is studying Arithmancy, Divination and Charms this year, is she not?"
Hermione swallowed her mouthful of brandy before stating cheerfully, "She sure is."
Severus was secretly pleased that he did not have any lessons with the blonde witch; something about her open perceptiveness disquieted him, but he wasn't sure why. Then he added, "Well, should I hear from Septima that Draco is doing her Arithmancy homework I will not be amused."
"Oh wait for this," Lucius implored them. "We had this very same discussion earlier. I reminded Draco that he had certain responsibilities now that he is to be a professor, and he just blurted out, "But Luna promised me a blow job every time I helped her."
"I told him that would be out of the question and enquired if a blow job was the going rate for doing someone's homework these days. Then I said if that were the case I would have to speak to the headmaster to see how one goes about offering one's services..."
"I'd have to castrate you first," Severus snarked. "In any case you'd be useless because you never did your own homework. Well, certainly not in Potions."
"And you were well compensated," Lucius stated knowingly.
Severus snorted. "Thankfully not in blow jobs."
"You only had to ask," Lucius chuckled into his glass as he took a sip of his drink.
"Oh, for Merlin's sake, Lucius," Pius groaned. "Anyway from what I've heard he would have been severely short changed, even if he was only thirteen at the time and didn't know any better."
"You, sir, are a bitch," Lucius huffed with a flick of his hair.
Trying not to laugh, Severus took the opportunity to plant a lingering kiss into Hermione's hair as her body shook from trying not to laugh out loud.
"And then," Lucius continued, "the little strumpet tells me that if Draco can't help her, she would be happy to accept my help and payment would remain the same."
The room fell into a stunned silence before Severus asked, "And what did Draco say to that?"
"He seemed utterly un-phased by it," Lucius told him, exhaling forcefully.
Lucius knew his moral compass had never worked properly, and he was never one to turn down a blow job so long as the mouth was willing, but he knew that if it had been Hermione rather than Luna who'd said that, he would have known she was joking. But with Luna, he and everyone else, realised that she never said anything she didn't mean. And although he didn't know Draco's new girlfriend very well, he knew that, like himself, she could easily discern between the physical and emotional aspects of sex.
But somehow Lucius found himself to be quite disgusted by Luna's implied offer. Perhaps disgusted was a strong word. After all, given the another set of circumstances, Luna's mouth wrapped around his cock would be quite delightful, but he was certainly bothered by Draco's lack of reaction. After all, when Abraxas had made inappropriate advances towards Narcissa, Lucius had felt physically sick. And even though he wasn't the one making the inappropriate advances, the whole situation was too close for comfort and Lucius was determined to become as far removed from his father's legacy as possible.
"Oh come on, she was only joking," Hermione insisted somewhat unconvincingly as she noticed the shared look between Severus and Lucius. Hermione realised that, despite his bravado, this had actually upset the blond wizard.
Severus snorted. "You know damn well Luna does not joke. I just can't believe that Draco didn't even pass comment."
"I would have expected him to make light of the situation at least," Pius added as he drained his glass.
Hermione looked at the three wizards in total bewilderment and tried to be the voice of reason. "Look, they've not been together long, and well, you don't know Luna very well, Lucius, so you're bound to feel uncomfortable. And I don't think there's anything wrong with flirting." She swivelled round to look at Severus. "I flirt with Lucius and Pius all the time, but you don't get arsy."
"Well no, but only because I know you don't mean it," Severus remarked confidently to the point of being smug.
Hermione noted the smugness, and decided to tease him. "Don't I?"
Severus arched an incredulous eyebrow. "Not funny, but no, you don't. Do you?"
Hermione laughed, and admitted, "No, of course I don't mean it," to which Lucius and Pius both expressed their disappointment. She giggled at their pouting before continuing. "But maybe Draco knows she doesn't mean it."
"Doubtful," Lucius quipped.
Perhaps I'll have a word with her, Severus heard Hermione say in his head.
Severus squeezed her hand. I would appreciate that. I don't want Draco getting hurt. I honestly thought she would be good for him.
She is good for him. She may be more open-minded than most of us, but she would never hurt him, Hermione thought back.
Severus thought about this for a moment. I hope you're right.
"So Narcissa said you two are house hunting tomorrow," Pius stated, changing the subject completely.
Severus nodded before Hermione took over. "We're looking at a couple of cottages. It's really exciting. It'll be nice to have somewhere that is totally ours rather than somewhere of Sev's that I've moved into."
"Not that any of that matters," Severus told her as kissed the top of Hermione's head and pulled her closer to him.
Lucius smiled as he watched his once too guarded friend reassuringly hold Hermione close whilst absentmindedly twirling one of her curls around his finger. He knew that once Severus was back in the public eye, the King of Snark would be back to reign over all he surveyed, but it was refreshing to see that, after so many years of self denial and pain, he was so happy in private.
But then his thoughts turned to Fleur. The realisation that he would never be able to share moments like that with her hit him like a sledgehammer. His only consolation was that he knew Bill loved her and would look after her, even though his soul was telling him that she belonged at his side. Yet Lucius realised that if he were ever to be happy, he would need to find somewhere else to belong, and quickly before his heart and soul were further ripped apart.
It was almost two o'clock in the morning when Hermione crawled into bed after Pius and Lucius finally left. She hadn't realised how tired she was until her head sank into the pillows, but there was one question that had continued nagging at her long since she overheard Severus talking to Pius, and wouldn't let her settle.
"Sev, who was Pius referring to when he said 'those closest to Hermione who may not be able to protect themselves'?" Hermione asked as he came out of the bathroom wearing a pair of black sweat pant style pyjama bottoms.
Silently he slid into bed, pulling her into him until her back was against his chest. Severus then nuzzled her neck thoughtfully before whispering, "It's late. We'll talk about it tomorrow."
Hermione flipped over to glower at him, and he couldn't ignore her emphatic, "I want to talk about it now."
Severus sighed and propping himself up on his elbow, tucked a curl behind her ear. His finger trailed over her cheek as he tried to work out how best to start. Finally, after another deep breath, he told her calmly, "Pius has received intelligence regarding your parents."
Hermione gasped as absolute terror flashed across her face. She was suddenly kneeling up in front of him, tears welling as she grabbed at his arm. Panic laced her voice as she asked urgently, "What? What about them? What's happened to them? Sev, tell me they're..."
Severus mirrored her kneeling position before she could say another word. Pulling Hermione tightly to his body he pleaded, "Hermione, please, try and stay calm," as he cradled her head against his chest reassuringly. "Take a deep breath and listen carefully; I promise I'll tell you everything."
She tried to calm down; she tried to stop crying; she tried to take a deep breath, but her chest was too constricted, and Severus knew he had to quickly allay her fears.
Kissing the top of her head he whispered, "I suggest we adopt a more comfortable position before we carry on." Propped up against the headboard he invited Hermione to straddle his lap. It was easier to establish eye contact this way, something he knew would reassure her as she continued to fight her fears.
Once comfortable, Severus took Hermione's hands and kissed them gently. "Sweetheart, as of two days ago they are safe and well, and living in Melbourne under the guises you provided. They still know nothing of you, but they are safe."
Hermione stared into his obsidian eyes whilst hot tears rolled down her cheeks as she took in Severus' encouraging words. As relief washed over her, she crumpled against his chest. "Thank God," she breathed as she felt the warmth of Severus' arms engulfing her.
Suddenly she pulled back, eyeing him suspiciously, and Severus feared a repeat of that morning's accusations. However, in between sniffs, Hermione gently enquired, "Why does Pius have this information?"
Severus pulled her against his now tear soaked chest again and stated simply, "I asked Pius to look for them."
Hermione tried to pull back, but even though his left arm was still weakened, Severus managed to hold her close and pressed a soothing kiss into her hair before continuing.
"When you first mentioned the situation regarding your parents, I could tell you missed them dearly so I asked Pius if he had any contacts in the Australian Ministry. The plan was simple: Pius would make enquiries, and once your parents were located, Pius, Simeon Hutchinson, the Healer who treated Pius after the war, and myself would travel to Australia, try to restore their memories and bring them back to the UK."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Hermione asked feebly as if all her energy had been drained from her.
"Initially because we needed to find them, but once we completed our bond I began to feel how much you missed them myself and I knew how upset you would be if I raised your hopes, only for them to be dashed.
"Locating them was only the first step. There is a diplomatic mire to navigate, and there is no guarantee of successful memory restoration. Plus, and I hate to say this, even if we were successful your parents may decide not to return."
He felt a torrent of tears hit his chest, and was overwhelmed as Hermione's emotions leeched into his. As he took a moment to compose himself, Hermione whispered, "I had thought of that, too. That's why I was too scared to look for them."
Her quiet admission descended into desperate sobbing as she choked out, "What if they hate me? Sometimes I wonder if they'd just be better off without me. They don't know I exist. Maybe they're happier without me. Maybe..."
"Don't say that," Severus implored as he rocked her gently in his arms. "You did what you thought was best to keep them safe, and I'd hope that after we've explained the circumstances which led you to that course of action that they would come to understand. They may be angry with you, but I cannot see how they'd ever be better off without you in their lives."
Severus couldn't stand her being this upset and as she continued to sob, he fought back his own emotions. Pressing his lips to Hermione's temple, he hoped that knew that he certainly wouldn't be better off without her in his life.
Hermione went almost limp against him as she mused, "So you were just going to disappear and not tell me what you were doing?"
She sniffed as she wrestled her arm free and wiped her eyes. Severus summoned the box of tissues that resided on Hermione's dressing table before he admitted sheepishly, "Pius' cover story was that the Australian Ministry had sought his assistance, and he required a Legilimens to accompany him."
"Another lie of omission," Hermione sighed despondently as she plucked a tissue from the box and wiped her face.
Severus thumped his head against the headboard in frustration. "Hermione, please, don't start. What would have occurred is now irrelevant anyway..."
"How so?" Hermione groused.
Severus gave an exasperated sigh. "Because I've no intention of going back on my word following our discussion this morning, and also because current circumstances have rather expedited matters."
Hermione gasped as it dawned on her what Severus meant. "Are they in danger?" she demanded.
"Potentially," Severus admitted pensively. "Our relationship and your display of power have made you, and by extension, your parents, a target for Yaxley and his followers. And unfortunately, due to Weasley, they know what happened to your parents."
"No!" Hermione yelled as more unbidden tears ran down her cheeks. "How could he?"
"He was drunk and Yaxley was Polyjuiced. He was, to all intents and purposes, merely griping about his girlfriend," Severus told her with a sigh as he kissed the top of her head. "But we have the advantage. If they decided to go after them, Australia's a big place and they need to start looking whereas we already know where they are."
Hermione gave Severus a watery smile but it belied her fears. "So what does Pius suggest?"
Severus took a deep breath and exhaled forcefully. "Only that we move quickly. His contact believes we can get round some of the diplomatic issues, but we need one more piece of information before we go."
"What's that?" Hermione pressed as she bit her bottom lip.
Severus inhaled sharply as he chewed the inside of his cheek. "We need to know exactly which Obliviate you used so that between Healer Hutchinson and myself we can attempt a reversal."
Hermione lowered her head and began to sob again. "I can't remember..."
"Sweetheart, I can look for you," Severus told her, cupping her face between his hands as he made her look at him. "But we're both tired; so will you let me look tomorrow?"
Hermione nodded and then whispered, "So how was the original plan meant to end?"
Severus huffed lightly. "Assuming all went well, I'd hoped that you'd have a rather special Christmas present."
Hermione pushed herself back from Severus' chest, looking at him in disbelief. But before he could decipher her feelings, his face and neck were being peppered with desperate kisses and tears. "You wonderful, infuriating, beautiful man," she exclaimed before kissing him roughly on the lips.
Floored by her sudden swing of emotions, Severus choked out, "I can lay claim to being one of those."
Hermione pulled back and ran her fingers through her hair before smiling at him lovingly. "You'd have done all that for me?"
"Yes," Severus stated simply which earned him another passionate kiss. But as his lips withdrew slowly from hers, he told her gently, "I only kept it from you in case anything went wrong, but should the issues I wanted to protect you from arise, I promise we'll deal with them together."
Autumn was well and truly making its presence felt as the weak sun filtered through the huge sash windows in Snape Manor's current master bedroom.
Severus had been awoken by Missy bringing the coffee he'd requested the night before, and she opened the heavy curtains to let the early morning light rush in. She also handed him yesterday's Daily Prophet, finally allowing him to peruse what had actually been reported about the events of Friday night.
Hermione's night had been restless, and eventually only found peace when Severus lay on his back and let her practically sleep on top of him as he held her securely in his arms. Thankfully she had shifted without waking when he needed to visit the bathroom and whilst there, decided to shave. After returning to the bedroom, he slid back into bed and was now sat up reading the paper whilst Hermione's head rested on his stomach, one arm and leg flung unceremoniously across his lower body. Her hair was once more a frizzy mane, and no matter how many times he tried to smooth it back it managed to splay itself across him again.
As he read through the articles and comment after comment by Kingsley Shacklebolt, Severus recalled Pius' misgivings, as well as his own, and Hermione and Harry's conversations with the Minister of Magic on Friday evening. Like Pius, he was concerned by Kingsley's actions, but whatever his motivations, his decision making was decidedly dubious at best.
"Good morning," Severus drawled as Hermione lifted her head groggily and looked at him through a mass of hair.
"Hi," was the only response she could manage but her genuine wide smile made Severus put down the paper and slide down the bed, pulling her into his arms to kiss her.
"You've had coffee, and you've shaved," Hermione mumbled as she pulled away from her first kiss of the new day.
Severus smirked and kissed her nose playfully. "Well, you were fast asleep, and you know I need caffeine before I can function properly."
"Oh, I don't know. You always seem to function extremely well before you've had caffeine as yesterday proved," Hermione teased as she ran her hand over the front of his pyjama bottoms, applying a gentle but firm pressure to his rapidly hardening cock.
Severus' sudden need for his witch overwhelmed him, and in one swift movement Hermione found herself covered by his body, her lips succumbing to his heated, desperate kisses. She wriggled underneath him, working her knickers down her legs before reaching down to undo the tie of his pyjama bottoms. She pushed them down over his backside hastily until his straining length was released.
Reaching between them, Severus pressed his forehead to hers. His fingers found their way to her sex, and gently spreading her folds his finger dipped into the wet heat of her silken channel before he purred deeply. "Care to test that theory?"
"Yes, please," Hermione replied enthusiastically before gasping as he replaced his finger with his cock and entered her swiftly. Severus claimed her mouth roughly, his tongue and cock plunging into her in unison as Hermione's body arched up against him. Her nails were making their presence felt on his back, and Severus was grateful that the only pain he was feeling following his recent injury was entirely pleasurable.
Severus groaned as Hermione's lips trailed over his chin and down his throat before grazing the sensitive scar on his neck with her teeth. She was rewarded by deeper thrusts and his quickened pace elicited more vocal encouragement from her as she pushed her head back into the pillow, allowing her body to arch up into him again. Pushing even deeper into her, Severus buried his face into her unruly curls just as there was a knock on the bedroom door.
"Ignore it," Severus growled as he continued stroking into her, kissing her again to silence the "Who's that?" that was on the tip of Hermione's tongue.
On the second knock, though, Hermione did pull away, and asked, "Do you think we should...?"
By the third knock—"One moment!"—Severus snarled before he stopped moving and rested his forehead against hers.
It was then that Hermione remembered. "Oh shit! Narcissa said she was coming over."
"Oh, for fuck's sake," Severus groaned as he rolled off Hermione and watched her scramble out of bed, throwing on an oversized jumper to answer the door.
"Mrs Hopkins! How are you?" Hermione greeted the housekeeper in an overly cheerily manner.
Now she knows we were definitely shagging, Severus groused in her head.
Shut up! Hermione responded.
Mrs Hopkins just gave Hermione a knowing smile. "Very well, my lady. Lady Malfoy has just Floo-called to say that she will be arriving in ten minutes. Shall I arrange coffee for two or three?"
"Make that tea for three, Mrs Hopkins," Severus interrupted as he arrived at the door wearing a black t-shirt whilst doing up the tie on his lounge pants. "Lady Malfoy suffers from terrible migraines if she drinks too much coffee," he informed her curtly.
"Right you are, your lordship. Will one of you be down to greet her or shall I direct her to the drawing room?" the housekeeper asked without trying to smirk at the couple.
"We were just getting ready, actually. We weren't expecting Narcissa to call ahead, and you caught us unawares," Severus drawled nonchalantly and did well to maintain his impassive demeanour as Hermione whispered in his head that was smooth.
He knew Mrs Hopkins had seen through this, but he wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of knowing that she was correct.
"Very good, my lord," she intoned with a slight nod of the head. "I will leave you to continue getting ready," and turned to walk down the stairs.
"Severus, darling, how are you?" Narcissa fussed as she walked into the drawing room before greeting the dark haired wizard with a kiss on both cheeks.
Severus gave her a half smile and drawled smoothly, " You know me. I've been worse."
"Indeed you have. Now where's Hermione?" the blonde witch asked urgently.
"She'll be here momentarily. We overslept," he admitted sheepishly as he gestured for her to take a seat.
Narcissa sat down and accepted the cup of tea Severus had just poured for her. "I'm glad she's not here yet. I just wanted to say that I approve. I thought Lucius was barking when he told me how he'd fallen in love with Hermione...platonically, of course. But the more I see of her, and especially after Friday night, the more I can see that she's good for you. I'm delighted you've finally found someone. Just don't bugger it up."
"Like I said, you know me," Severus muttered quietly.
Narcissa rolled her eyes. She knew exactly what Severus could be like. "Did you apologise?"
"Yes," Severus huffed petulantly.
Severus rolled his eyes at his interfering but well-meaning friend. "Narcissa, you appear to be confusing me with your estranged husband. I said it personally without the aid of notes or gifts."
"So you didn't give her anything?" Narcissa enquired incredulously, but Severus saw the spark of playfulness that he'd always admired in his friend over the years.
Severus' slight inclination of his head as he raised his eyebrows told Narcissa everything she needed to know. "Lucky girl," she smirked into her tea.
"Behave!" Severus cautioned light-heartedly before adding, "Pius seems to be up to his eyes in it at the moment."
Narcissa nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, thank you for feeding him last night. I feared he would squirrel himself away in his office all night. Shacklebolt seems determined to undermine him. Did Pius tell you he offered his resignation?"
"He did and frankly I am glad in a way that the Minister saw fit to reject it. We need Pius in an influential position at the Ministry," Severus stated as he took a sip of tea.
Narcissa put her cup and saucer down carefully before she spoke again. "Severus, when Pius informed us that Bill Weasley had been arrested, Lucius, as I am sure you know, stormed off to see Ignatius. I believe we both know the real reason why he did that but he also mentioned something about Arthur Weasley. Do you know what he might have been alluding to?"
Severus cleared his throat. "As long as Shacklebolt's tenure is temporary I believe he is seeing successors from all quarters. He even believes I will put myself forward."
Narcissa shook her head with a smirk. "Do you think he would be paranoid enough to tarnish the Weasley family's reputation when he was always so close to them?"
"I believe that power can make us do things we wouldn't normally consider," Severus drawled before the door opened and in walked Hermione.
Narcissa greeted the younger witch cordially. "Ah, Hermione, dear, come sit by me. I've brought magazines, colour charts, fabric and wallpaper sample books. Where shall we start?"
"Well I need a cup of tea first, but shall we start upstairs?" Hermione suggested enthusiastically.
Severus smirked at Hermione's bubbling excitement. "I shall take this as my cue to take my leave. I have a pile of correspondence to attend to."
And I need a wank since we were so rudely interrupted, he thought to Hermione which caused her to choke on her tea. Severus continued to look as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, but concern did flash across his face until he saw she was alright.
"Are you alright, my dear?" Narcissa asked urgently as Hermione tried to compose herself.
Hermione nodded and croaked, "Yes, just went down the wrong way," before telling Severus to bugger off in his head.
"I trust you will have some involvement in this project, Severus," Narcissa enquired.
"Of course. I'm paying for it," he told his friend as he kissed the top of Hermione's head before walking out of the drawing room, leaving the two witches to, what he was sure would be, their incessant chatter.
"Well we're here. Where's the fucking estate agent?" Severus groused as he prowled outside the first cottage they had decided to look at. It was the very definition of a remote cottage as it was surrounded by trees and only accessible by what could only be described as a barely passable one mile dirt track.
"He's got to drive up here, Sev, and it's been raining. I expect it's quite muddy going. Not everyone has the advantage of Apparition, love," Hermione reminded him.
"And how are we to explain our timely presence?" Severus asked, cocking an eyebrow at her.
Hermione glared at him. "I said a friend was dropping us off and picking us up."
Severus stood with his arms crossed, huffing impatiently before he realised Hermione was getting annoyed with him. "I suppose it will be easy to set a series of elaborate wards all around the perimeter, and I quite like the garden," he offered.
"Even if there isn't much of it?" Hermione asked.
"If we were to live here permanently I would need a much bigger garden and, well, a much bigger property, but as it will only ever be the two of us, for the weekend or the occasional week, it serves its purpose," Severus told her as he leant up against the wall surrounding the property.
"So we're not having children now?" Hermione asked teasingly as she stood between his legs and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Of course we are," Severus replied as he placed his hands on her hips. "But we're buying somewhere that is just for us for when we want to get away from it all...including any children we have."
He could feel her glare before he even looked down to witness it. "What?" he growled playfully.
Hermione pulled back and with her hands on her hips, declared. "We are not going to be the type of parents who have children only to dump them on other people."
"It's a rather moot point as we are not in that position yet, but I can assure you that isn't what I want either. But I don't think...if all goes well...that your parents or Molly and Arthur come into the category of other people. And you would be the first to offer if one of your friends wanted to spend some time together away from their brats."
"That's beside the point..."
"So if I said I wanted to take you away for your birthday..."
"Well..." she began to interrupt.
"Let me finish—after we've spent time as a family—you would say no, would you?" Severus asked as he pulled her into his embrace before purring in her ear, "I thought you might like to spend the whole weekend in bed, no interruptions, where you can scream the place down whilst I..."
But just as Hermione's body began to melt into him they were interrupted by two sharp blasts of a horn as the estate agent's car approached. They could not yet see it, but they straightened themselves up to avoid any embarrassing tell-tale signs.
"Do all Muggle estate agents live up to their reputation so easily?" Severus groused as the car came into view.
"What do you mean?"
"Annoying, brash, obnoxious. I bet he's wearing a pinstripe suit with an offensive coloured lining...I suggest bright pink," Severus told her contemplatively.
"I'll take you up on that bet. A blowjob says you're right, and if you're wrong you have to put your tongue to good use," Hermione told him coquettishly.
"I accept your terms," Severus lasciviously replied as he ran his hand discreetly over the curve of her arse.
As the car pulled up, the estate agent—who insisted that they call him Dave—climbed out of the driver's seat and Severus smirked as a freak gust of wind revealed a flash of pink lining in his immaculate pinstriped suit.
"You must be Miss Granger," Dave ventured cheerily in a mild West Country drawl.
On your knees, Miss Granger, Severus commanded seductively in her head.
"Yes, and this is my partner, Mr Snape," Hermione informed the man as she shook his offered hand.
The smile on the estate agent's face seemed to drop slightly as Hermione revealed their relationship.
Oh, look at the disappointment on his face, Severus teased her.
Don't flatter yourself, Hermione griped.
Not me. You!
Hermione snorted. I don't think so, somehow.
Oh, shut up, you insufferable woman.
Severus hung back as Dave enthusiastically showed them around the cottage. Something seemed off about the place, and he could tell that Hermione wasn't that impressed, so there was no need for his input.
"Dave, could we have a quick look around by ourselves?" Hermione asked sweetly.
No sooner had the estate agent said "Of course, I'll wait outside," Hermione had practically dragged Severus back up the stairs.
As soon as they heard the door close, Hermione turned to Severus and informed him, "This place has a ghost. A shy one but I could feel them in every room."
"I sensed it also," Severus confirmed.
"Do you want a ghost?"
"Not particularly," Severus told her. "But if you really like this place, which you obviously don't, then it wouldn't bother me."
"That obvious, huh?" Hermione asked sheepishly.
"I have the feeling we'll prefer the other cottage we're viewing," Severus whispered knowingly.
"What makes you say that?" Hermione enquired curiously.
"Sea view. Rugged location. Imagine making love when there is a storm raging outside," Severus drawled silkily.
"Put it like that and...let's get rid of Dave."
"My pleasure," Severus smirked as he spun round to walk back downstairs. Even in Muggle clothes he still managed to achieve an impressive level of theatrics. "Oh wait, did you mean literally or figuratively?" he called back as he descended the stairs with a deep chuckle.
After Dave had sped away, disappointed that he had not achieved a sale, the couple Apparated to the next property which stood near the edge of a small cliff, in a secluded bay that overlooked the Atlantic Ocean. A steep path led down to rocks and a small beach below which would be lovely in the summer.
Severus' first concern was about warding the place against the force of the wind and sea. "I'll need to speak to Pius," he muttered.
Hermione looked at him incredulously. "What the hell has Pius got to do with it?"
"Oh, I don't know," Severus scoffed sarcastically. "Perhaps being the Head of MLE might give him insight as to how they ward Azkaban against the elements."
"Poorly by the sounds of things," Hermione muttered under her breath, but she knew full well Severus had heard her.
"Most of the breakouts in recent years have been inside jobs," Severus retorted. "The only genuine breakout was Black," he admitted with difficulty.
"Are you really worried about all of this?" Hermione asked him gently as she stroked his arm.
Severus nodded, his face suddenly etched with concern. He sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose. "From the intelligence we have gathered so far, Yaxley is running this quite cleverly. He is not revealing himself until he knows he has reeled someone in and he obviously has a number of bases. Look how easily he dragged in Weasley..."
"Well he offered him a big-chested blonde. How could he resist?" Hermione spat out sardonically.
"Don't think about it, darling. The reason he couldn't resist is because he is a fool," Severus reassured her softly. "She was used as bait but what won him over were the words and promises Yaxley made. He told Ron quite a lot..." he trailed off as an idea struck him.
"What?" Hermione asked when she saw the expression change on Severus' face.
"Just a thought," he replied lightly while chewing the inside of his cheek.
A gust of wind blew Hermione's hair across her face. As she swept it aside, she chuckled softly. "Severus Snape, you never just a have a thought."
"Alright, I see something of myself in Ronald at the moment," Severus told her as he ran his fingers through his own hair.
"I don't," Hermione snorted contemptuously.
Severus walked to the fence which separated the garden from the edge of the cliff before he spoke again. Hermione imagined how impressive a sight it would have been if he'd been wearing his robes.
"I appreciate that it isn't quite the same, Hermione, but he has aligned himself with the wrong people and had been promised what he wanted most. Sound familiar?"
Hermione wasn't accepting that argument. "You were younger, and you hadn't just come through a war where you fought on the winning side."
"Does that matter?" Severus asked as he looked out across the sea.
"No, it doesn't. We may have had different motives, but the results are the same. Then I was offered a way out," Severus told her. He let the words hang in the air before Hermione came storming towards him.
"Oh no! I do hope you're not suggesting what I think you're suggesting," she cautioned as she grabbed hold of his arm and attempted to turn him to face her.
Severus resisted her attempt but did turn of his own volition. Hermione looked into eyes as she put her hand on his arm again. "You are, aren't you? You're being serious..."
"Ronald is not unintelligent when he applies himself. He could be useful," he explained. "We need someone on the inside."
"Shall I start calling you Albus?" Hermione sneered.
Severus jerked his arm away from Hermione's hand as if he'd just been burnt. "That's not funny," he snarled.
"No, it's not...listen to yourself, Severus!"
"Don't let your personal feelings get in the way," Severus growled.
"I'm not. If I thought he was a good option..."
"You thought enough of him to consider him your friend. You thought enough of him to fight by his side. This has merit. Think of the—"
"Don't you dare say think of the greater good!" Hermione yelled.
"Well what do you suggest?" Severus threw back at her.
Hermione stood there trying to think of a response, and was vaguely aware that Severus was pulling her into his arms. Finally, after dismissing all her own thoughts, she asked, "Who would he answer to?"
"Pius most probably. Perhaps even Kingsley but I believe we should avoid that particular scenario," Severus told her as he kissed the top of her head. He knew this was a difficult subject, which was brought up at the completely wrong time.
"Not you?"
"No," Severus scoffed. "Why would I want to subject myself to his presence willingly? And besides, I'm the one he's after."
"But the best person to train a spy is a master of the art, and Pius and Kingsley will know that, and Voldemort was after Dumbledore and vice versa and yet you were there in the thick of it," Hermione told him with concern lacing her voice.
"Perhaps," Severus admitted softly. "Maybe I will have to rethink this slightly."
"You would willingly deal with Ron?"
"Willingly, no, but if it kept you and our world safe, I am not beyond making sacrifices," he told her as he played with her hair.
Hermione looked up at him. "Do you think Kingsley would agree?"
"I would question his judgement further if he didn't," Severus told her as he arched a knowing eyebrow.
Hermione nodded. "I can see problems."
"As can I," Severus conceded.
"And despite everything, you would offer Ron a chance to redeem himself?"
"As long as he doesn't upset you or his family, yes. We all deserve a chance for redemption, don't we?" Severus asked her as his fingers found their way through her hair to the back of her head.
Hermione looked into his eyes and could see something quite extraordinary. It was a compassion she had never seen before, and it compelled her to kiss him. But just as he leaned down to meet her seeking lips, he whispered, "Estate Agent alert."
Hermione growled in frustration as she composed herself. "Her name is Maggie. Try to be nice."
Maggie, as it turned out was a tall, very attractive brunette. Well, she's a vast improvement on Dave, Severus noted appraisingly.
Behave yourself, Hermione snarked.
Yes, dear, Severus smirked.
Severus looked through the cottage details as Hermione chattered to the estate agent as they entered each room. There were no ghosts; Hermione's hair was practically bouncing with excitement, and if this carried on, Severus' Muggle bank account would definitely be lighter by tomorrow morning.
But once he saw the kitchen with its large kitchen table, range cooker, and view across the sea, he was sold on the place.
Have you seen the kitchen? Severus asked.
Yeah; I love it!
He growled playfully. Get rid of her.
Do it!
He heard Hermione tell Maggie that they needed some time to look around the property themselves. Only too happy to oblige when Hermione whispered, "I think he really likes it," the estate agent left to let them look around. Except Severus only wanted to explore one room in the cottage and as Hermione strode into the kitchen, Severus pushed himself away from the table and walked towards her.
"I need to test something," he told her as he flicked his wrist and set rudimentary alarm wards towards the front door.
"What's that?" Hermione gasped as he picked her up and sat her on the kitchen table before pushing her skirt up her legs.
"Excellent idea to wear a skirt," he muttered against her neck as his fingers caressed her thighs.
"I didn't wear it so you could shag me on the kitchen table of the house we might buy," Hermione groused breathlessly.
"Only might buy? Don't you want it?"
"The cottage or this?
"Both...well, the cottage mainly. I know you want this," he whispered silkily as he teased her knickers to one side and ran his middle digit along the seam of her sex.
"I love the cottage," she told him as she popped the buttons on his jeans and pulled his semi hard cock from its confines.
"Do you want it, then?"
"Yes," she whispered desperately as she stroked him to full hardness and guided him to her entrance.
"And the cottage?"
"Yes...oh fuck yes," she cried out as Severus slid into her wet heat with a throaty groan.
There was nothing gentle about this union as Severus pulled her to the edge of the table and pounded into his witch with wild abandon. But as he spilled into her neither of them would have wanted it any other way. As Severus captured Hermione's lips in another scorching kiss, the wards suddenly vibrated, and he pulled away quickly to rebutton himself.
Hermione hopped off the table and looked in horror at the wet, sticky mess left behind. "Oh shit!" she said in a panic, but before either could cast a cleansing charm, the estate agent walked into the kitchen.
Without another thought, Severus leant on the table, his large hand covering the obvious wet patch.
Hermione was giggling nervously in his head, but Severus was impassive as ever as he informed Maggie that they intended to put in an offer for the property. The estate agent couldn't believe her luck when he told her they would pay the asking price, in cash, but on the condition that they received an immediate response from the vendor and that the kitchen table stayed because he found it to have a certain charm. The excited estate agent thrust out her hand toward Severus, and Hermione almost choked as he removed his hand from the table to shake the woman's hand.
With a furtive glance at the table Hermione realised that Severus had cast a cleansing charm whilst he was discussing their purchasing terms. Oh fuck, don't do that to me again, she groused in his head as she physically clutched her hand to her chest.
Give me some credit, darling, Severus drawled in response as he gave her a sideways glance.
Maggie had gone outside to call the vendor from her mobile phone, and Hermione turned to Severus and threw herself into his arms. "They are going to accept our offer, aren't they?"
"They would be rather foolish not to," Severus told her thoughtfully as he looked down to see her expression change from apprehension to excitement.
To have a happy witch in his arms was a prospect he'd thought was reserved for others, and only in his wildest dreams did he dare believe it could happen to him. But here they were on the verge of buying their own getaway cottage, and he was genuinely feeling excited even though he was doing his best to present his usual dispassionate demeanour. He wasn't fooling Hermione for one minute.
"So," she whispered flirtatiously, "It was the table that swung it for you, wasn't it?"
"Call it a fantasy of mine," he responded with a wicked grin as he rested his chin on the top of her head and held her close.
Hermione smirked against Severus' chest. "And what other fantasies do you have?"
"I believe I extolled the virtues of patience yesterday," he teased.
"You did."
Severus tilted her chin upwards. "Then I believe you will enjoy discovering what they are just as much as I will enjoy enlightening you," he purred before gently brushing his lips against hers.
Hermione hummed appreciatively. "Is that a promise?"
"It is."
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