Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
Harry groaned, opening his eyes. Hermione smiled from her seat next to the bed Madam Pomfrey had apparently put him in for the night. “Hey.” She said softly. “I brought you some toast. Thought you might be hungry, after last night.”
“Where’s Ron?” Harry asked, sliding his glasses on and sitting up. “I mean, if you’re here…” He looked at her questioningly, and Hermione flushed. “Well, I think he’s a bit jealous. He really DOES think you managed to get your name in yourself—I know you didn’t, the look on your face last night proved it—and he’s angry that you found a way and didn’t share it with him.” She finished. Harry frowned. “But I DIDN’T!” He shouted, then sighed. “Besides, if I had WANTED to, which I DON’T, Shiloe would never let me.” He finished in a whisper. Hermione patted his leg, urging him to eat some toast. “I know, and Ron will come around, I’m sure. He just needs some time.” Harry sighed, picking up some toast and chewing unhappily. Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey came out of the Mediwitch’s office, talking in hushed but intent voices. Madam Pomfrey huffed before leaving Dumbledore behind to stride briskly up to Harry. “Well, Mr. Potter, how are we feeling this morning? Not about to faint again, I hope?” She asked with a small smile.Harry flushed. “No, Ma’am.” He mumbled in embarrassment. Dumbledore reached the bed then. “Sir!” Harry turned pleading eyes on him. “I don’t HAVE to compete in the Tournament, right? I’m not old enough, there has to be a rule-““The age restriction was only implemented this year, my boy. I’m sorry, but the Goblet creates a magically binding contract the second your name comes out. Mr. Bagman and Crouch have made it clear that you MUST compete. There is no other option, I am afraid.” ‘Okay, let me take over, I’m going to kill him.’ Shiloe decided, speaking matter-of-factly. “NO!” Harry shouted, then flushed, realizing he had spoken aloud. “Sorry.” He mumbled, ducking his once-again-blushing face.Dumbledore sighed, laying a hand on his shoulder. “I’m very sorry, Harry. My hands are tied. I wish I could do something for you, but even I have no say over contracts like these. It can NOT be broken, and avoiding it would only bring harm to you.” Harry balled his hands into fists, mangling his toast beyond all recognition. “I understand.” He said angrily. With another sad sigh, the Headmaster left the Hospital Wing.Harry looked at Madam Pomfrey, banishing the toast and crumbs. “May I go?” She nodded, watching him anxiously. “Be careful. And don’t worry, Dearie. Whatever happens, I’m sure I can fix you up good as new, in the end.” Harry gave her a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes and left, Hermione at his side, walking with his shoulders hunched and steps heavy. Poppy allowed herself a small sigh. ‘The poor child never gets a break, does he?’ She wondered, busying herself with straightening the rumpled bed.*****“Not to MENTION, I don’t know HOW my name got in there!” Harry finished relaying his tale to Sirius, throwing his hands in the air. “And now I HAVE to compete.” He muttered bitterly. Sirius sighed. “Well, I can help you tra-“ He broke off at a knock on the door. Harry jumped up and flung the door open, hoping to see Ron. He frowned when he found someone he hadn’t ever been expecting to see in HIS—very well-hidden—doorway. “Can I come in?” Cedric Diggory asked, glancing around. “Er, yeah.” Harry mumbled, letting him in. “How do you know where my rooms are?” He asked after shutting the door. “I’m one of Shiloe’s anchors.” He admitted what Harry had suspected after last night, running a hand through his light brown hair, ruffling it rakishly. ‘And I’m going to kill him.’ Shiloe snarled. “Listen, I know you didn’t put your name in the Goblet. Shiloe wouldn’t let you, and he’s probably angry that I did.”‘Angry? I’m not ANGRY, I’m FURIOUS!’ Shiloe roared, making Harry wince. “You okay?” Cedric asked, seeing the motion. Harry shrugged. “Well, since Shiloe can’t scream at you right now, he’s screaming at ME.” He explained. Cedric grimaced. “Sorry about that. I just wanted to tell you, I’m not mad at you, not at all, and I’d like to help you, if I can. I know we’re not SUPPOSED to, but you’re the underdog here, and you aren’t even of age, so… Well, it’s the least I can do. I don’t want you OR Shiloe dead, and the Tournament IS dangerous, after all.” ‘Then WHY the bloody fuck did you ENTER it?!’ Shiloe screamed again, having totally lost his composure. Harry bit his lip. “Shiloe wants to know why you entered it, if it’s so dangerous.”Cedric flushed, ruffling his hair again. “Well, see, I kind of NEED the prize money. I want to become a Mediwizard, but I can’t go to the University I want on Da’s salary, and Mum’s a homemaker, so she doesn’t earn any income. I’d need to pay my own way, if I wanted to go. And I do.” He said earnestly. “If there was any other way to get this kind of money, I’d take it, but this is my best shot.” ‘I could fucking pay for it. Right, Harry? It’s just spare change, with the amount we’ve got.’ Shiloe chimed in.“Well, if you had told Shiloe, he would be happy to pay your way. We have enough, my parents left me a lot of money. I wouldn’t mind, you didn’t have to enter for that.” Harry said. “I don’t want to accept help, I want to pay for it all on my own, if I can. This would give me that chance.” Cedric said with a shy smile. Harry nodded. “I understand.” ‘I don’t.’ Shiloe sneered. ‘You just don’t like it.’ Harry countered. Cedric smiled brightly. “I’m glad. Anyway, I have to get back to my common room, they’re still partying, and the guest of honor really is supposed to be there, right?” He opened the door and waved. “See you around, Harry!” He called as he left. “Yeah, bye.” Harry returned dazedly. ‘Cedric Diggory?’ He asked Shiloe in mild disbelief.‘Has an amazing arse.’ Shiloe explained. Harry snorted, then laughed out loud, just a little bit happier than he had been.*****‘What are you thinking about?’ Shiloe’s voice asked from within Harry’s head as Harry sat in the armchair within Slytherin’s rooms, staring into the fire thoughtfully.“Sex.” Harry answered aloud, then flushed when he heard Shiloe’s answering snort. ‘How surprising.’ The elder deadpanned. ‘Specific thoughts on the subject being..?’ “How do I know if I’m gay or straight? Is there a way without… You know…” Harry waved his hands in front of him in a vague motion apparently meant to indicate sex. Shiloe chuckled. ‘There are, but I prefer the hands-on approach, myself.’ He purred. Harry rolled his eyes. “Well, I don’t even know WHO the anchors are, so it’s not like I can ask them, can I?!” He huffed.Shiloe was silent for a long moment. ‘I can tell you who they are. I don’t want to just yet, but you’ll need to know at some point, so now is as good a time as any, I suppose. This is harder on you than I thought it would be.’“Really?” Harry snapped. ‘Alright already! Shite, I’m telling you NOW, right?! This is going to be hard to hear, but there are still three I haven’t found yet. I can see the bonds, but not who they will connect to. And… At least one of them is bound to be a Dark Arts user, or at least someone who dabbles more than a bit in the Dark Arts. Shiloe need the energies such magic use creates, in order to fuel our wilder elemental abilities and our ability to shadow-walk.’ Shiloe explained.Harry frowned. “Shadow-walk?” He asked blankly. ‘I WILL be teaching you to tap into THAT power soon, once I have managed to unblock it. Shiloe need to access certain powers on our own, over time. The first time I use the ability, it will be spontaneous, like a child’s accidental magic. After I have the feeling of it, I can train the ability to cover more distance, and eventually both of us will be able to use it as an untraceable stand-in for Apparition. But, back to the anchors. You already know about Neville, Draco, Cedric and Sirius.’ Shiloe began.Harry nodded. “Yeah. Who are the others?” He asked curiously. Shiloe chuckled. ‘Blaise Zabini’s Werewolf is designated my mate. This is uncommon, but not unheard of. It simply means that I will be mate to another Werewolf as well, likely a Dominant that will become the Alpha to Blaise for times that I cannot be there to keep him safe.’ Harry swallowed. “There’s only one other Werewolf I know, and-“ ‘Don’t jump to any conclusions.’ Shiloe warned. ‘There are those that hide their afflictions masterfully, after all. But that’s neither here nor there, at the moment. There are two other anchors you haven’t yet been told of, both of them Dark. No matter how you feel about them, if they meant either of us harm, they would not, COULD not, be anchors. Magic makes the match, and magic is not wrong when it comes to true compatibility. That being said, Severus Snape is an anchor.’ Shiloe told Harry flatly. “WHAT?!” Harry screamed, jumping up in shock and beginning to pace. “Snape. Severus Snape. Really? Fantastic. Bloody FUCKING wonderful!” He shouted, kicking the bed and cursing as he grabbed his foot in pain. “FUCK!” Shiloe’s resounding sigh echoed in Harry’s head. ‘Are you done?’ Harry growled. “No!” He tried to kick the bed again, but his body was steadfastly refusing to budge. “Dammit, Shiloe, let me break something!”‘Not if you’re going to hurt yourself. There’s no need for that.’ Shiloe responded in slight amusement. “NO NEED?! There’s a PERFECT NEED!” Harry wailed. Shiloe sighed. ‘Well, thank MERLIN I didn’t tell you who the OTHER anchor is.’ Harry froze. “Who. The FUCK. Is in. The Saferoom?” He hissed. Shiloe’s voice was so soft Harry only made out a vague sound with no intelligible syllables contained within it. “I’m sorry, but WHO, now?” ‘Lucius Malfoy.’ Shiloe whispered. “No. Fuck that. He HAS to go.” Harry seethed. Shiloe growled. ‘He has nowhere safe to retreat to right now!’Harry sneered. “He’s a DEATH EATER!” Harry shouted. “One that almost got me KILLED second year! Multiple times!” Shiloe sighed. ‘What part of the whole “none of our anchors will harm you” speech did you fail to understand? Obviously, he’s not going to try that again, since that would invariably fall under the “harming” category.’ “You CAN’T expect me to be okay with this?” Harry hissed. ‘I DO expect you to give HIM, at the very least, a CHANCE.’ Shiloe said, his voice unsure. ‘For me, if for no other reason? He IS the one that wants a child, after all. He is not the man you think you know.’Harry growled and got up, heading to Helga’s room. “Then I suppose I’d better meet him for myself.” He decided.*****Lucius looked up as his door was flung open and Harry Potter was staring at him, enraged, wand pointing straight at his face. He sighed and laid his book aside. “Mr. Potter.” He said calmly, his voice belying his unease. “How did you get in here?” “I had help. Why do you want a child so badly? Why should I let you carry my first kid, anyway?” Harry pressed, eyes narrowed. Lucius gritted his teeth. “My reasons are personal.” “So is my sperm.” Harry countered. “So talk. I have time. If the reason is good enough, I MIGHT not change my mind on letting you get pregnant.” *****Shiloe huffed, banging on the door he was now locked behind. “Bloody temperamental Hosts!” He snapped. He heard a scraping coming from his closet and turned, pressing his back against the door as he stared across the room at the other door, fear gripping his heart in cold fingers. The sound came once more, then stopped, and Shiloe drew a deep breath. “I’ll never let you out.” Shiloe hissed at the ‘bedroom closet,’ the part of Harry’s mind that held something even he was not yet ready to face, something he had hidden from himself so long ago he didn’t even know what it was any longer. He knew only that it had no place in the mental landscape of an innocent, so he’d shut it away long ago. He crept closer, then balled his hands into fists. “Do you hear me?!” He shouted at the closet. “You’re staying in there!” He screamed and ran back to the other door, pressing against it as the thing within the closet responded with a loud ‘thud.’ Shiloe gasped and sat, wrapping his arms around his knees, waiting for Harry’s anger to cool so that he could finally escape whatever lurked in the closet. *****“Oh.” Harry sat in the armchair across from Lucius, staring at his hands. “Wow. I didn’t know.” He said softly, absorbing all that he had learned. “Clearly.” Lucius drawled. “It is not common knowledge. I doubt Arthur would have mentioned it, at any rate, after what happened when he told his wife. I do not care for my plight to become public.” “If we have a kid, would it be my heir, if it’s a boy? What last name would it have?” Harry asked, the thought finally dawning on him. Lucius shook his head. “No. If the first child born in this arrangement is the child of the Shiloe, the child carries the last name of the other parent, and the Host does not need to publicly claim it as theirs. They can help with raising it, if they choose, but they are not obligated to the child in any way. Shiloe would take over often enough to be there for the child when possible, but otherwise you could live your life with little to no contact with the child if you wish. And I would provide for the child’s future as needed, regardless of gender.” Lucius hesitated, then gathered himself and decided to press forward. “I apologize for my actions in the past. I will admit I bear the Dark Mark, but I will no longer serve him, when he returns. And I fear that the time of his return is fast approaching.” Harry sat up straight. “What do you know?” He asked. Shiloe was able to escape his room in the shock Harry felt, and he quickly assessed the situation, then listened as closely as Harry to Lucius’ words.“The Dark Lord’s supporters have been calling in favors left and right, ever since a ‘formerly dead’ Death Eater resurfaced and began stirring up trouble this summer.” Both Harry and Shiloe snarled in tandem. “Pettigrew.” Harry hissed. Lucius inclined his head. “Yes. I do not know much, but I know that this year could very well be your last.” He warned.Shiloe’s voice was grave. ‘The Tournament.’ He realized.“Yeah.” Harry sighed, rubbing his face. “Whoever entered my name must be working with him.” Lucius cleared his throat. “Severus wrote me a very interesting letter after your name came out of the Goblet. It seems he is… Worried for you. You, as well as Shiloe.” Harry sighed. “I have to admit, he DOES seem to save my life on a pretty regular basis. Although I’m not sure last year really counted, since Mione and I had to save HIS arse right back.” He finished with a grin. Lucius smirked. “I wonder if perhaps the anchor bond you two share is just magic’s way of ensuring that the balance is finally restored. After all, reciprocal Life Debts are very tricky things. There’s really no telling what will happen.” Harry flushed. “But it’s not ME that has to… Do things with HIM. Just Shiloe.” He protested. “But Severus will watch over you both more fiercely now, either way. In this new relationship, things are finally level again. You both need something from each other. You need the things he can teach you, both mental magics and dueling, to defeat the Dark Lord. He needs your trust, and he needs to be able to trust you, in return. We will need to be at your side when you face the Dark Lord. It will be our fight as much as yours. You and Shiloe will not stand alone against him again if we have our say.” Lucius stated firmly. “I can help you to prepare for the Tournament’s tasks by drilling you in whatever spells you think you should master. Severus will as well, but you will have to ask him yourself if you want his assistance.”Harry frowned. “Why couldn’t Shiloe ask for me?” Lucius hid a small smile behind his steepled fingers. “I’m afraid they are having a… Disagreement at the moment.” He said softly. “About what?” Harry asked with a frown. Shiloe’s dark chuckle echoed through his mind before Lucius coughed delicately. “You don’t want me to answer that.” Harry paled. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
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