Blindsided by Affection | By : bibliobibuli17 Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 41821 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I don't have any claim, monetary or otherwise, on anything HP related. Actually...I don't really have a claim on anything, period, except my dudefriend. That's sad. |
Draco was utterly enthralled with the porn playing out in front of him. Bloody hell! It was so hot. He had just about blown his load when Pansy had come all over Granger's chest. It had taken the will of the gods to make himself stop pulling on his dick. He didn't want to come quite yet...not when they so obviously weren't even close to being finished.
Draco was forced to resume his wanking, though, when Pansy began to lick her come off of Granger's chest, focusing on her nipples. Fuck. He watched as Granger arched up into Pansy, pressing and rubbing her pussy hard against Pansy's thigh, leaving a shiny trail on it, and couldn't help letting out another groan.
"You like grinding up against me, Granger? You like rubbing your juices all over me?" whispered Pansy huskily as she reached down and spread Granger's pussy wide before returning her leg to press firmly against it. "Fuck yourself on my leg, little slut of mine."
"Oh yes, gods, Pansy..."
Pansy had evidently read Granger quite well, because Draco had to admit she responded very well to the dirty language. That is, if her deep reverberating moans and gasps were any indication. He made sure to log that as he watched Granger grind frantically up into Pansy, her head thrown back as she panted harshly.
"How wet you are, Granger. Your pussy is sopping now, isn't it? Rub it fast, rub it hard...I want to feel your pussy sliding on me, I want to feel you humping me hard. I want you to ride my leg in desperation for more, for anything more. I can feel your pussy begging for it."
Granger took the direction to heart, her thrusts becoming increasingly erratic, sweat shining on her body and her face flushing a lovely rose. "Merlin, yes, please. Please give me more, I'm almost there, more..." she gasped out.
Pansy smirked in satisfaction. Who knew the Gryffindor Perfect Princess was so dirty and wanton? Pressing herself down into Granger, Pansy bent her head to suck on Granger's neck, licking along it from place to place. Granger sucked in a breath and reached down, grabbing onto Pansy's hips and digging her fingers in. Pansy took this as encouragement and bent her head to take a nipple into her mouth, allowing her teeth to snag across it as she caressed it with her tongue.
"Please, harder. Bite harder."
Pleased, Pansy did as requested and bit down, delighting in the jerking of Granger's hips. One of Granger's hands slid up from her hip to grip at Pansy's head, holding it tight to her breast. Pansy had no problems obliging this message, and switching nipples, bit the other between her teeth and used her tongue to flick it hard. Granger moaned loudly and moved her hips faster.
"Are you going to come, Granger? Are you going to come against me? Do it, you closet whore...come for me."
And with that, Granger's hips were spasming against Pansy's leg as she cried out in a low keen. Her orgasm lasted several moments, and Draco had to once again make himself refrain from coming. He was so close, so close. When he finally did come, it was going to be fucking incredible. Draco pulled his invisibility cloak out some to give himself more room as he eyed Pansy sliding down Granger's heaving torso, trailing kisses across Granger's skin as she went.
Once she was level with Granger's pussy, Pansy smiled coyly up at Granger. Teasingly, she took one finger and ran it very light along the light pink folds there. Granger, looking no where near finished, arched her hips up into Pansy's finger, trying to force firmer contact. Pansy smirked, purring, "Good girl, Granger. Very good girl. Perhaps you should be rewarded for following directions so precisely...but then, that's only to be expected from the smartest witch of the age, isn't it?"
And with that mocking comment, Pansy was slamming wet fingers into Granger's pussy. Pansy wasn't going to allow Granger any time to catch her breath, evidently. Fast and hard, all the way.
"Oh gods," was all Granger appeared to be able to groan out as her back arched sharply and her fingers dug into the bed.
Using a finger to rub his precum across the head of his cock, Draco then began to thrust hard into his hand, pretending his cock was Pansy's fingers. Fuck, how he wanted to pound deep and hard into Granger's cunt, stretch her tight little pussy with every slam. Feel his cock pulse against her walls and his balls contracting as he came deep into her pussy. Suddenly, Pansy stopped on an in-thrust, reaching with her other hand to pinch Granger's clit lightly as though to grab the girl's attention.
"Now, listen to me Granger. When you come this time, I want you to come in a very specific way for me, understand?"
When Granger said nothing, probably waiting for more information, Pansy pinched her clit a little harder. Granger yelped and glared down at Pansy. Pansy chuckled in a very self-satisfied way before demanding, "I asked, Granger, if you understood."
"Yes. Now what is so bloody pertinent?"
Pansy shook her head.
"No need for that expansive vocabulary of yours here, Granger. Just your moans will do," Pansy mocked once again. Granger just rolled her eyes and gave Pansy a 'get on with it' look before looking pointedly to Pansy's fingers still buried in her pussy.
With a knowing smirk, Pansy finally went on. "It's very important that you follow these directions exactly, Granger. Pretend it's a practical exam, if you must. When you feel yourself begin to come this time, I want you to relax your pussy muscles and push down and out with them."
Granger looked confused as she asked, "Isn't that a little contradictory? Relax them, yet push out?"
Draco rolled his eyes. This was about to get more technical than he was going to like, he knew, and he looked down at his erect cock exasperatedly.
"No. Once you've experienced what I'm planning, you'll be able to understand exactly what I'm saying and how it works," Pansy replied as she shook her head. "When a woman orgasms, her pussy generally tenses, the muscles contracting as she clenches and spasms. Relaxing the muscles means she won't contract nearly so much. Pushing down and out with those same muscles doesn't contract them per se, at least not in the same sense. This relaxation of the muscles is what allows female ejaculation to occur."
Hearing this, Hermione acquired an eager gleam in her tawny eyes. She had been wondering about this, after all...and the orgasms she'd seen Pansy have looked incredible.
"The muscles must be relaxed as much as possible. You won't be able to prevent some contraction, but that's allowable. You can tense them up until orgasm, but once you feel the orgasm begin to rise you must relax them. Now, I'm sure you've noticed that there's levels to your orgasm - a rise, which is your climb to the pinnacle; the pinnacle itself, which is generally the part that causes your brain to stop for several moments; and then the fall, which is where the orgasm gradually tapers off. Yes?"
Granger nodded, obviously fascinated - so much so, she even seemed to have forgotten the fingers buried to the hilt within her. Draco took no pride in the fact that he'd been right.
"Good. Once you feel yourself reach that pinnacle, once you feel it begin, that's when you have to press down and out with those muscles you were relaxing. This will use your stomach muscles as well; the stronger your stomach muscles, the more power behind it. There's a way to strengthen your pussy muscles as well, and make them tighter, but we'll pass that by for the moment."
Granger actually looked slightly disappointed. Merlin help them. Draco could only hope that, once Granger's intellectual side was satisfied, she'd return to satisfying her physical side.
"These actions all result in female ejaculation. The relaxation of the muscles allows it to occur and the pushing forces the fluid out. Don't be worried about it being piss." Granger looked startled, as though the thought hadn't even crossed her mind, and Pansy gave her a wry smile. "I won't be surprised if your first few attempts at this yield no results, and I won't be surprised if your first several attempts involve piss. I've mastered it to the point that I can female ejaculate, only female ejaculate, with a full bladder. It's all a matter of experience, and learning the feel of it all along with controlling the muscles. But I have to say, I would only find it a turn on if you were to piss on me."
Granger looked startled, sputtering, " I...what? You can't really mean that!"
"You have no idea what I do or don't mean, Granger, and I'll thank you to keep your thoughts on my kinks to yourself. Unless you find it to be a kink of your own, of course," Pansy drawled, giving Granger a knowing look from beneath her lashes. Not giving Granger the chance to respond - which was just as well, she still seemed slightly bewildered - Pansy continued, "Try not to think about it too much, it'll just make it that much more difficult. I will be very impressed if you achieve an ejaculation, even a small one, on your first attempt. There's only one other thing required for this, which I'll be glad to provide for you..."
Granger, enthralled once again, looked curious.
"...and that's a good hard fucking."
With that, Pansy resumed pounding Granger's pussy with her fingers, no doubt angling her thrusts as Draco did when he fucked her. Granger collapsed back against the bed, keening and thrusting her hips upward against Pansy's hand. Draco sighed in relief and grasped his cock tightly in his hand, pulling hard on it as he watched Pansy fuck Granger. By the gods, finally.
"That's it Granger, ride my hand. Clench around me, suck me in. Be a good slut and whore yourself for me."
Draco groaned and felt his balls begin to draw up as he watched Granger sit up on her elbows and rhythmically fuck herself on Pansy's fingers. Her head was once again thrown back, her thick curls cascading down over her breasts and grazing her taut pink nipples, the majority of it puddling on the bed behind her. Pants and the occasional drawn-out moan escaped her parted lips. Pansy was on her knees before Granger's spread legs, bent over so her mouth could reach Granger's cunt for when she decided to suck and lick at it, which left Draco with a wonderful view of Pansy's voluptuous breasts and spread pussy.
'Fuck, this is hot,' Draco thought as he slid his hand harder and faster along his cock. He was going to come hard, he could feel it building deep in his balls. Moving diagonal to Pansy and her spread pussy, so that he could still see Granger getting fucked, he moved his cloak enough so that his cock hung out. Pansy's pussy was at the perfect level to blow his load all over.
Pansy could feel Draco close behind her, and was surprised he'd managed to last this long. Granger's moans were evolving into something deeper and raspier, and her grinding was getting harsher. It was obvious she was going to come again soon. The quickness of her orgasms wasn't too surprising to Pansy - after all, it was the first time the girl had experienced anything like this. With that thought in mind, Pansy decided it was time to return Granger's favor. Leaning over, she began to delicately lick at Granger's clit, swirling her tongue around it continuously as she roughly pounded the girl's g-spot with every thrust. Pansy knew that, if Granger managed to achieve this on her first try (which Pansy had to admit was very possible - Granger was an over-achiever), she'd been fucked hard enough to produce plenty of fluid for a good dousing. Pansy found herself actually hoping Miss Perfect would live up to her reputation for the first time in all the years she'd known of Granger.
When Pansy recognized Granger's impending orgasm, she moved her other hand up to take the place of her mouth, rubbing at Granger's clit. She then moved her mouth in front of where she thought Granger's come would squirt if she ejaculated. Pulling her fingers out only slightly so that there would be no pressure cutting off the ejaculation, she positioned herself and waited to hopefully swallow Granger's come, knowing she would feel Draco's on her pussy not long after.
So it was, with Pansy waiting and Draco watching, that Hermione came. She let out a long, loud cry as she clenched around Pansy's fingers, a small stream of liquid squirting out from her pussy to hit Pansy on the lips. Pansy moaned, bringing her mouth closer so that Hermione's come landed on her tongue.
Draco, eyes soaking in everything, felt his balls suddenly tighten almost painfully as his cock grew almost impossibly hard. Gasping, he watched Pansy swallow Granger's come, and felt an intense eruption begin in his balls and travel through his cock. Spurt after spurt of thick come shot out of his slit to land on Pansy's wet, spread pussy, his cock pulsing and his balls contracting with every one. He nearly collapsed with the intensity, black spots appearing in his vision as he unleashed his monster load on her cunt.
Once his orgasm was over, Draco dropped to his knees, vaguely admiring the sheer amount of dripping come all over Pansy's pussy. He barely heard Pansy as she inquired with amusement in her voice,
"So that's the way you like to fuck, Granger?"
Some time later, after Pansy and Hermione had cleaned up while Draco sat in the corner catching his breath, Hermione was getting dressed to leave. There had been an odd silence between the two girls while Hermione put herself back together - not quite awkward, but not completely comfortable either.
"So, Granger," came Pansy's voice. Hermione turned toward the bed, pulling on her blouse before looking inquiringly at Pansy.
"You never mentioned anything about Draco's involvement." It was more a statement, less a question. "If Draco had been here tonight, would you have minded?"
Thrown off slightly by the straightforward question, Hermione answered, "No..."
Glancing at Pansy every once in a while, Hermione finished dressing in silence. Finally, she was set to leave. She was amazed to see only an hour and a half had passed since she'd arrived, but very relieved that she had plenty of time to deactivate her charm. With a satisfied smile on her face, she turned toward Pansy, who was curled naked on the bed watching her get ready to return to Gryffindor tower. The smile faded some as Hermione considered exactly what to say.
"Well, Pansy...erm. I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to say now, but I do want to thank you. I've never experienced anything so...mindblowing."
"Oh 'Mione, love, don't worry about it. Please, don't. It was as much my pleasure as it was yours," Pansy reassured her with a naughty sparkle in her pale blue eyes. That look turned slightly hesitant at her own next words, the questioning tone showing her uncertainty, though Hermione didn't know her well enough to recognize it. "Perhaps next time we can see how hard you come around Draco's cock." Draco felt himself stir interestedly at the words.
Hermione threw Pansy a considering look, pondering that, for being a Slytherin, Pansy wasn't living up to the stereotype. She was being awfully blunt; not only was Pansy implying she'd like to meet again, but she was feeling out whether Hermione would be open to a threesome. "I'm not particularly opposed to that. Assuming he's interested."
With that statement and a quick smile, Hermione was gone.
Ok. I had all my review responses and formatting set up when I lost it all. This is the second time I'm formatting and everything else. I'm rather irritated -.-. But yeah, just to warn you, in case my response seems short or something. If any of you are interested in betaing this, please check out the link I posted at the top! It has all my wishes and contact information ( If you're interested, but can't see the link, let me know in a review with a way to contact you!! I hope you all thought this chapter was as hot as I do. ^^
Next chapter, Hermione's reaction/thoughts (second included). Draco & Pansy discuss a few things - and perhaps a bit more...
Narya & Hermione Snape: Both of you mentioned Hermione's self-imposed time limit. I myself can't see the sex they had lasting longer than an hour and a half, but feel free to contest that :p. I'm afraid the bdsm is a little way off, Hermione, but we're getting there. I'm so glad you're still reviewing, and welcome, Narya! ^^
angeles: Hey, thanks! I'm overjoyed to see new reviewers, it tells me I catch people's interest. Yay! I hope you liked where I went with my imagination here ;].
Clare1984: Brilliant?? Oh psh, you flatter me ^^. Thank you so much, for reading AND for reviewing. I'm glad you didn't find it unrealistic! As far as I've known, most people assume that acting like that would be unrealistic, but I know that I myself was more comfortable when I was doing rather than being done to. Rather unorthodox, but Pansy's a woman, too, so there's not much Hermione has to do different ;]. I hope you ended up thinking this was as hot as I did!
mem mem: Lol I have a rather naughty mind, more like it *wriggles eyebrows*. I'm SO HAPPY you think Pansy's involvement enhances the story. I really think so too. Hope you liked this chapter!
Zeelthor: Hey, thanks for the advice! Now that you mention it, I can see that I'm lacking that. I already had this chapter written, and I can say that with these two chapters, I wanted to kind of show the view of all of them - experimenting with third-person omniscient. Based on this review and one other, I didn't do too well. I won't be doing that again. ^^
WesleyY7: I LOVE your reviews, they're so detailed and interesting! I could profess my love for you now :p. I know, I originally planned on their encounter being much longer, but...I didn't want Hermione overwhelmed. I decided that a little taste would do it, to entice her to come back ;]. Hermione's assertiveness is rather unorthodox, but I don't find it completely unrealistic. I also find it to be a very refreshing change from a reader's POV - seems like the first time is generally portrayed to be gentle and slow and focused on just that one person. I decided to shake it up a bit *looks innocent*. And of COURSE I have no problem with you commenting on how I wrote these chapters! I got one other review commenting on how my experiment with third-person omniscient wasn't really satisfactory, so I won't be doing that again. I didn't do it too well. I'm not sure yet how I felt writing that way, either. I'm sure you noticed this chapter was just the same, and that's because it was already written. Plus, I didn't feel that I could change my form in the middle of a...erm...scene, like that. I won't be experimenting with it further, no worries. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter anyways?
Jenn: Very, very good to know ^^. I'm so glad you're enjoying it! And lol, I have no idea...they're so much fun. Tee hee.
just_sam: Yay, it's so good to get new reviews! I know, these groupings are so rare - part of the reason I'm so motivated to write this. I'm very happy this caught your attention - I hope it still has it! And I hope you found this chapter just as hot as the others ;].
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