In Need of a Little Comfort | By : Monddame Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 45139 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Harry Potter franchinse; I never have and I never will. Furthermore, I am not making any money whatsoever from this submission...even though it would be nice...but that's illegal...but still... |
It’s good to know that if I can somehow figure out how to manufacture charmed chocolates I’ve got a built-in clientele right here! I promise I’ll send you all a box if I ever figure it out!
For the second morning in a row, Hermione did not wake up in her own bed. The thought excited and frightened her; so much for head ruling heart. Still, she had to admit that being held tightly to Malfoy’s firm chest and surrounded by his intoxicating smell wasn’t a bad situation to wake up to. She sighed at the thought ‘I could get used to this.’ No, bad Hermione. She sighed again as her bladder made itself known, not relishing the idea of getting out of the warm bed, knowing she wouldn’t get back in once she did so. She inched out from under Malfoy’s arm and was almost free when his grip tightened, pulling her back against his chest.
“Where are you going?” His voice was thick with sleep, and she almost couldn’t hear it muffled as it was by her hair where he’d buried his face.
“Bathroom.” He groaned, refusing for a moment to let her go.
“Come back?”
“I have to get ready.” She bit her lip, hoping he wouldn’t press her.
“Hermione, it’s Saturday.” She squeezed her eyes shut, his use of her name ripping at her heart. She could almost let herself believe he meant it, despite his sleepy state. Almost.
“Malfoy!” She whined, eliciting another groan when her wiggling hips brushed against his morning erection.
She scrambled away from him when he released her, sliding to the edge of the bed. Her feet made contact with the cold floor, and a second later so did her knees. He smirked at her for a moment, obviously taking delight in having fucked her until she couldn’t walk properly. That is until she wearily pulled herself back onto the bed, a shaky hand pressed to her forehead.
“Hermione? Are you okay?” He was concerned; how sweet.
He pressed a warm hand to her clammy forehead and the other to her cheek. He felt the glands along her neck and took her pulse. She peeped one eye open to see wild alarm written on his face. He was worried about her? Maybe he was just worried that she might throw up on his bed.
“What’s wrong? Can you tell me what hurts? Should I bring you to Pomfrey?”
“No! No, I’m fine. Just dizzy and a little shaky; nothing hurts, except my stomach a little. I’ll be fine.” He gave her an incredulous look, understanding dawning on his face.
“When was the last time you ate, Granger?” So, back to Granger. He sounded a little mad. She thought for a minute. When was the last time she’d eaten?
“Um…I had some toast for breakfast yesterday. And then…then I guess…dinner on Wednesday? Unless you count the chocolates.” Her voice got very small as his expression clouded over. He was definitely angry.
“So you’re telling me that all you’ve had to eat in the past two days is some toast and a few chocolates?”
“Um…yes?” She wasn’t quite sure why he was angry, but she hoped it wouldn’t be too painful when he killed her, which he was ready to do judging by the look on his face.
Much more gently than she expected, he pulled her back up to the pillows, tucking the blankets around her before he rolled off the bed and began pulling clothes out of drawers. When he’d donned some boxers, trousers and a shirt, he knelt on the bed next to her, kissing her forehead.
“Stay here.” It wasn’t a request. “I’m going to go get you some food.”
He climbed back off the bed and gave her one last half exasperated, half amused look before closing the door quietly behind him. What…was that? Hermione was so very confused. Was Draco Malfoy…taking care of her? She was tempted to check under the bed for the portal into this new dimension she was in if the very thought didn’t send her head reeling. But she really did still need to go to the bathroom. Surely she could make it on her own in the time it would take him to go down to the kitchen and come back?
Sliding to the edge of the bed, she slowly sat up, breathing deeply when her head started spinning. Feet firmly on the floor, she wrapped her arm around the bedpost and stood shakily. No problem. She went to take a step, letting go of the bedpost and promptly collapsed, again. Not wanting to risk another assault on her poor knees, Hermione half crawled, half dragged herself into the bathroom and to the commode. Clambering all over the toilet was not her idea of good hygiene, but having Malfoy assist her was a much more sobering prospect. She heaved herself up onto the seat and sighed in relief. When she was finished, she shuffled on her knees over to the sink, pulling herself up and clinging to it while she washed her hands. Using the last of the strength in her legs, she splashed some water on her face and rubbed her finger over her teeth to dispel a bit of her morning breath before her trembling knees gave out and she was flat on the floor once more.
She lay there, collecting her strength for a moment before attempting the return trip when she heard the bedroom door open. Shite! She hadn’t closed the door to the bathroom! Oh well, he was already angry and it wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen her naked before now. His voice held a note of panic when he called out to her.
“Granger?” She sighed; there was no getting out of this.
“In here.” When he entered the bathroom he had that same amused exasperation on his face.
“I thought I told you to stay in bed.”
“I had to go to the bathroom.” Her voice was hardly more than a whisper.
Being found naked on the bathroom floor by Draco Malfoy because she was stupid enough to starve herself until she couldn’t walk when he looked so gorgeous, even having just woken up and thrown some clothes on had to be one of the most humiliating things to have ever happened to her. She fully expected him to make a snide remark about being where she belonged, at his feet, or some other such stupid shite, or at least berate her for disobeying his clear orders. So she was shocked when he chuckled and bent down to pick her up. He lifted her like she weighed no more than air and carried her back into his bedroom, holding her tight against his chest.
“And you couldn’t wait until I got back?” He kissed her lightly as he set her on the edge of the bed.
He rummaged around in one of his drawers until he pulled out an oversized t-shirt and helped her pull it over her head before settling her back against the pillows and covering her with the blankets again. He retrieved a covered tray from the bedside table and slid next to her, placing it across their laps.
“Bon appétit!”
There were golden slices of toast smeared with butter, crisp salty smelling bacon and big, fat, juicy sausages, a medley of fruits, a large plate of scrambled eggs, a carafe of steaming hot, black coffee and a small jug of chilled pumpkin juice. Her eyes watered nearly as much as her mouth at the sight.
“Come on, tuck in. You’re not leaving this bed until all this food is gone.” He smirked wickedly at her. “And maybe not even then.”
“Wha-… Malfoy!”
“Don’t worry pet, I’ll help you.”
Picking up a sausage with his fingers, he bit off a large chunk before kissing her again, smearing grease on her lips in the process. She couldn’t contain the little smile that spread across her face. Who would have guessed that big, bad Draco Malfoy could be such a sweetheart?
Indeed, between the two of them they finished all the food on the tray. And while he didn’t force feed her like Harry or Ron would have done had they known she’d gotten to this point, she could tell he was watching her out of the corner of his eye, making sure she was eating.
They lounged in comfortable silence for a few moments after he moved the empty tray to the beside table when they were finished. She squealed softly when he abruptly slid down onto the bed, taking her with him. His touches were arousing, but they were also…tender, affectionate; the light in his eyes soft as they traced the path his fingers were making on her skin. Her breath caught in her chest at how very earth shattering that look was to her. Instead of that frighteningly intense hunger of unsatisfied lust, it was more akin to a quiet longing, like wanting desperately to own a priceless artifact accompanied by the resignation that came with knowing you never could. That he was wearing such an expression while looking at her made her heart ache.
He made no attempt to remove his clothing, or the t-shirt she was wearing, or even to climb under the covers with her. He simply held her and kissed her, caressing her breasts and teasing her nipples through the shirt. Her surprise at his gentle attention kept her thoughts from actively interfering; they were a low hum in the back of her mind, promising to make themselves known sooner rather than later. But while they were content to hang back, she allowed herself to melt into his arms and drown in his lips. He really was a fantastic kisser.
After what seemed like hours, and yet felt as if were mere minutes he pulled away, smiling lightly at her. Rolling on to his back he grabbed his watch off the beside table and swore under his breath.
“I’ve got Quidditch practice this morning.” He sighed, his fingers trailing along her cheek. “I’d demand that you stay in bed all day, but I know you won’t. Will you at least promise to stay here until you’re sure you can make it to your room on your own?”
His eyes were begging her to agree and she had to blink very fast to keep ensure that no tears built up in her own eyes. How was he doing this to her?
“Promise.” He grinned at her and kissed her again.
“Will I see you later? Tonight?” He was suddenly subdued, dropping his gaze to his fingers playing with one of her curls.
“Maybe. I’ve got detention with Professor Snape tonight.” Git. Only Snape scheduled detentions on Saturdays.
“Oh. Okay.” He looked like he wanted to say more, but instead he gave her one final kiss before rolling off the bed.
He gathered his things whispering a quiet ‘bye’ on his way out the door. She assumed he was avoiding the awkwardness by going to the Slytherin locker rooms to get ready.
When she was sure he was gone, she rolled over and buried her face in the pillow, screaming her frustration into the downy depths. What was going on with that boy? There was no way he cared about her, that he was interested in her beyond sex. It defied all logic to think so. But how did she reconcile that which she considered iron-clad logic with what had just transpired?
She’d never heard of Malfoy acting like this with any of his other shags. Not that she was ever very invested in gossip; but if something like this had ever happened to one of those slags at the hand of the ‘Slytherin Sex God’ she was sure it wouldn’t have been a quiet announcement. The most she’d ever overheard was Parkinson bragging about him spending the night in her room once last year to Daphne Greengrass in the girls’ bathroom. From the skeptical questions from Daphne, Hermione had gotten the impression that Malfoy was simply under a great deal of stress and had mostly likely simply fallen asleep, comforted by the warmth of another body nearby. Knowing now about his ‘task’ it was understandable.
That was the hardest piece to fit into this troubling puzzle of a situation. Draco Malfoy was a Death Eater. Even if he was in school and not actively engaged, he was still in the service of the Dark Lord, and she could never forgive that; even if it wasn’t of his own free will. He was the one who had let the Death Eaters in to Hogwart’s the previous year; she knew that from what Harry had told her. And while he hadn’t killed Dumbledore in the end, he also hadn’t done anything when his crazy Aunt Bellatrix had pointed her wand at the dear old Headmaster. She knew he couldn’t have done anything against that psychotic bint anyway, she was far too wily; but she couldn’t subtract him from the event in her head. Thankfully, Professor Snape’s role as a double agent hadn’t been compromised due to his absence in the altercation, and no one else had gotten hurt either, except Bill Weasley. But Hermione didn’t fault him for that, because Harry had told her that Malfoy didn’t know Fenrir Greyback would be one of the Death Eaters coming through the Vanishing Cabinet. So the guilt for that occurrence could be laid all at that disgusting beast’s feet, in her opinion.
Still, what was a Death Eater doing with Mudblood Number One? She knew her friendship with Harry and being continually thrust into the spotlight as ‘the brightest witch of her age’ made her a target. So it certainly wasn’t safe, for either of them. If anyone caught them together…she shuddered to think what would happen. For her, it meant another avenue in which Voldemort could gain access to her: and she did not want to put Malfoy into the same position he had been in regarding Dumbledore. Nor did she want to die at his hand, of course. That is, if he could manage it.
But she also didn’t think that Voldemort would appreciate one of his followers having…relations with Harry Potter’s best friend. If someone somehow found out what they had done, she could always leave school (though it killed her to think that) and go under the protection of the Order. Her parents were already safely hidden away in Australia and no one else she knew would be in any further danger, other than herself. But Malfoy, he could stand to lose everything. His father was already in Azkaban, how long he would stay there was anyone’s guess since Voldemort was slowly gaining control over the Ministry, and it was only a matter of time now before it fell. But his mother? His childhood home? His inheritance? His standing in the Wizarding world? Everything he had ever known or held dear could be ripped away from him by Voldemort for one stupid adolescent fling. She was sure his cock hadn’t told him that when it had pointed him in her direction.
His petty name-calling was nothing in comparison to that. Really, it hadn’t been that bad. Professor Snape was often just as cruel. And she hadn’t heard Malfoy even mutter the ‘M’ word under his breath in quite a long time. The past between them was just that, the past. And she would not allow a silly grudge against him to cloud her judgment; just like she would not allow him to ruin his life to shag her, even if she thought it wasn’t a very happy life to begin with. This thing with Malfoy absolutely had to stop.
A rogue tear tracked down her cheek as she crawled out of his bed and stumbled through the bathroom into her own. It hurt even more after the side of him he’d shown her this morning. And despite his confidence otherwise, she spent the day in her bed, curled around a pillow as the occasional silent tear slipped down her face.
Draco hadn’t flown so well in a long time, maybe ever. He was so blissfully happy he felt he might explode, and it showed on the pitch as he caught the Snitch again and again. He couldn’t remember ever feeling like this before. Sure he’d had to use another chocolate to do it, but Hermione Granger had once again wrapped her gorgeous legs around him and led him to the land of ecstasy.
He’d never enjoyed sex with anyone so much. Maybe it was the sly calculating of the Slytherin girls or that distracting need to be the best in the Ravenclaws that had him holding himself back (he honestly couldn’t remember having slept with a Hufflepuff). But with his little Gryffindor kitten it was all fire and passion. Merlin’s rosy cheeks, she was brilliant.
Or maybe it was the fact that he saw her as more than just a quick shag. He’d nearly had a panic attack when she’d collapsed that morning. Silly girl. The more she allowed him to be near here, the more he wanted to be near her, and not just to lose himself in that sweet little pussy of hers either. His fantasies were stretching beyond where he could take her and how to include things he’d never thought about before, like cuddling and kissing and…maybe even talking. It was bizarre, but he liked it. He liked thinking about doing those things with her.
He’d been dreaming about her since their third year. She’d hit him, right smack in the face. And damn it, it had hurt. But her face in that moment, oh Sweet Nimue, her face had been radiant. Flushed with anger, her eyes flashing at him, her unruly hair flying about her, he hadn’t recognized it at the moment, of course – he was far too angry – but, Merlin, it had turned him on. He’d had the first ‘night-time emission’ in his life dreaming about her face looking like that for a different reason. Naturally, he’d been disgusted at himself initially, but as his opinion of her improved, so had the quality and frequency of his dreams. They became less about anger and domination and more about a mutual passion between them. As they say, there’s a thin line between love and hate, and if their verbal sparring had been any indication, he and Granger had great chemistry. In fact, he’d dreamed about her so often, it was sometimes hard to remember that they were supposed to be adversaries.
It had occurred to him early on, maybe even after the first dream of her, that he should not want Granger in any capacity, much less sexually. But he was an only child, and a Malfoy at that, and used to getting want he wanted. So it never occurred to him, even at present, that since he knew he shouldn’t want her he logically shouldn’t pursue her, either. It did occur to him, however, that she had a very real right to refuse him. And the fact that she hadn’t, so far at least, left him breathless.
He still couldn’t believe his good fortune that he’d finally gotten a chance to make fantasy into reality. He had been so sure she was going to hex him until he no longer resembled a wizard when she had woken in his bed the first time. And when she hadn’t it was like a miracle. But this morning topped even that. He didn’t understand it; not that he needed to. Simply kissing a girl had never felt so good before.
He wanted to see what other things could be better when done with her. He’d have to start small; she was likely to be a little skittish if last night was any indication and he didn’t want to scare her off or continually rely on the chocolates for more than added excitement. Studying…not very exciting, but a safe zone for her; maybe studying with her was a good place to start.
“So who is she, then?” He was rudely interrupted from his scheming by Blaise’s voice.
“Who is who?”
“Whatever new bird has quite literally got you making loop-de-loops, that’s who.” Blaise smirked at him, pulling his sweat-soaked shirt over his head.
“I don’t-”
“C’mon Draco, don’t play dumb. We know you.” Theo had a similar smirk plastered on his face as he joined the conversation from his spot on the long bench that ran parallel to their lockers.
“I am not ‘playing dumb’.” He narrowed his eyes, not liking where this was going at all. “I simply have no idea what you are talking about.”
“Please Malfoy, don’t insult our intelligence. You’re only this happy when you’ve discovered some particularly juicy pussy. And judging by your flying out there today, I’d say it’s some very lovely pussy indeed.” Blaise’s smirk was joined by equally narrowed eyes. Sometimes Draco really wished his friends weren’t all Slytherins.
Sensing the blond wasn’t going to say anything; Blaise shrugged and turned back to Theo, surprising Draco a little.
“Did you hear Padma Patil was caught shagging that Thomas bloke from Gryffindor?”
“Dean Thomas? Really? I thought he was dating that Weasley girl.”
“Oh Theo, you ignorant slut, they broke it off ages ago. She’s supposedly with Potter now, isn’t she? Her dream come true, I hear.”
“Damn. I was certain Potter was dallying in a little ménage à trois with his two bosom buddies. They’re always together.”
“Potter and Weasley? I don’t think either of them is nearly adventurous enough for that type of thing. No, missionary with the lights off and the door locked would be more their style, I imagine.” The two boys shared a laugh while Draco tried to ignore them. The next turn in conversation, however, had him frozen in place. “Granger, however: I bet under that prim exterior is a veritable sex kitten just waiting to be drawn out.”
“One can only hope.” Theo’s smirk was absolutely dangerous at that point. “Do you think she’s a virgin?”
“Don’t mate. It’s too painful to think about. Can you imagine being the first to corrupt the sweet, innocent little Princess of Gryffindor?” Blaise groaned in mock frustration, still grinning at Theo. Draco was clenching his jaw so tightly he thought he might crack a tooth.
“I thought you said you wouldn’t fuck her?”
“Don’t be an idiot, Nott. Just because you’re stupid enough to get into it with Parkinson doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t have sense enough to keep our sexual ambitions to ourselves.”
“Ah, so you would fuck her then?”
“What heterosexual, post-pubescent man of Hogwart’s wouldn’t?” Blaise countered.
The predatory glimmer in Theo’s eyes was tingeing the borders of Draco’s vision red. But the two other boys continued their banter seemingly oblivious to the silently raging Seeker.
“I bet we could form a club or something. The ‘I want to fuck Hermione Granger’ club: I’m sure the blokes wouldn’t mine queuing up for her. Maybe she would even attend a meeting and we could have a ‘group session.’”
The two Slytherins began laughing, and Draco couldn’t take it anymore. Slamming his fist into his locker, he turned back to them, the promise of death in his eyes, not noticing the somewhat amused expression on their faces.
“Enough! You know, I’m starting to think Parkinson was right. You two are fucking disgusting.” Theo had his eyes firmly trained on the floor, clearly biting his lip, and Blaise had a hand covering the smirk still in evidence on his lips. “Don’t talk about Granger that way, you pervy wanks. She’s not some Slytherin slag you can play your sick games with.”
“Merlin’s flaming sac.” Theo was shaking his head at Draco, an amazed expression on his face.
“I knew it. You owe me five galleons, Theo.” Blaise smacked his fellow Chaser on the shoulder, laughing at the look on Draco’s face.
The truth of the situation dawned on Draco as his friends laughed at their own cunning and how easily he had fallen prey to it. His mind spun as he tried to figure out how to rectify the situation. But he soon came to the conclusion that it was rather hopeless. He hadn’t just staked a claim, he’d defended Granger’s honor, so to speak. And he had never done that before, not for any shag.
“Bastards.” He wasn’t quite sure how he felt about being exposed to his friends like this. Blaise stepped up to him and laid his large hand on Draco’s shoulder, smiling benignly at him.
“Come on, mate, you’ve had a thing for her since she hit you in third year. With you two being in such close quarters we knew it was only a matter of time before she fell for the infamous Malfoy charm.” Theo stood and placed a hand on his other shoulder.
“Plus, you have been staring at her a bit more that usual for the past few days.” Draco ran a hand through his hair nervously, worried about the implications of that statement.
“Fuck. Don’t-”
“No worries, mate. We won’t tell anyone.” Blaise assured him.
“If…” Theo’s eyes were twinkling dangerously again. “You give us some details.”
Draco rolled his eyes, a chagrined smile on his face, as he contemplated how little he could get away with telling them.
Merlin’s fuzzy jumper, that was easy!
She hadn’t really been with that many wizards; she didn’t even need all the fingers on one hand to count them. Apparently she attracted the loud-mouthed, broadcasting types. No matter, she still knew exactly how to coil a new one around her finger if she wanted to.
It was perfect. She’d caught him alone heading up to his common room from breakfast in the Great Hall. Pulling him into an alcove behind a large bust of some wizard or other, she’d kissed him a few times, making sure to press herself against him, before sliding her way down his body onto her knees in front of him. He hadn’t even had the presence of mind to voice a complete sentence as she’d pulled out his hardening cock and slid it into her mouth. With a light kiss pressed to his throat and a whispered ‘see you later’, she left him to tuck himself back in after he’d exploded into her mouth, leaving the feel of her saliva on his cock as a nice little reminder of what she’d done for him. Poor fool. He’d probably never gotten one of those before.
A/N: This chapter definitely drew from personal experience. My mom had the ‘if you don’t eat dinner you get it for breakfast’ rule when I was growing up. And if you didn’t eat it for breakfast, you got it for lunch, though I was the only child to learn that particular facet of the rule. I was a stubborn kid. Two days later, I was ready to cave, but my mom gave in first when I couldn’t walk myself downstairs to the dining room table. No wonder I never did what she told me after that. This is why I don’t think I want children: the karmic payback will be horrendous, I’m sure.
I hope this chapter clears up a few things; let me know if I’ve just confused you. Thanks to everyone who reads this, EVERYONE! And especially to those who review. I’m like a zombie, except, instead of living to eat brains, I live for feedback. Or…something like that. Yeah…
Thanks to: Niki, Margot Le Faye, pumkin, fuzzydraco, hippiechick192000, Lori, and Crittenz. Special thanks to margaritama, kazfeist, HarryGinny4eva, katiekrm, and Tj/pale one for their ‘perfect attendance’ reviews so far. Lovely. Also, thanks to…
Dreamweaver: Perceptive! Draco will find out more about Hermione’s ‘experience’ later.
pale one: Did I read that right? You registered just to keep an eye on this story? Woah, I am beyond flattered (even if it wasn’t the sole reason), and as such your review would make me blush (if I were capable of such a thing). Maybe you should consider wearing a hat? I’m sure it would make you look quite fetching.
DarQuing: Your review amuses me. It is full of back-handed compliments, and I’m not quite sure if you meant to praise my work or insult me. Either way, I thank you for your attention and hope that the following chapters are as suitably ‘non-cliché’ as you could wish them to be.
Sarah Whitman: You are so sweet. I’m not sure what you could do to help me (sleep for me? I find the task time consuming and unproductive, in general). But if I think of anything I’ll be sure to let you know! (Unless this is a subtle hint that you find my grammar and/or spelling lacking and want to beta for me, in which case…I’m open to discussion).
kay_dalle: I’m not aware of any e-mail alerts on this site, but my knowledge of its features is by no means extensive. I’ve gleaned that some authors do their own e-mail reminders; would it be beneficial for me to do that? I’ve never had a story that engendered such a possibility. Also, you are adorable.
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