Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
I’m not a native speaker of English. Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter! Dear readers, Again I was overwhelmed by your lovely reviews. You don't even have a clue how much your encourage me by leaving a review! Thank you so much. AgainAndAgain Characters: Hermione, Yorik, Calan, Severus Sexual interactions: Yorik/Hermione, Calan/Hermione Warnings: public sex, het, oral, anal
Chapter 4 – Still in the Lounge
Neville felt more and more aroused by Igor's talk. Yes, he could see that the dominants liked his body and that they all wanted to fuck him. Neville wanted to fuck them as well. He moaned and bucked with all his strength against the restraining arms and legs of Igor. The man chuckled behind him. “Yes, you can feel it. You know how much they desire your body. Now give them what they want to see. Come for them, and for me.”
The sex talk, and the wonderfully skilled hand on his cock, made Neville explode only a second later. This time, after only two waves of pleasure ripped through his cock, Neville came so hard the room started to spin just before his world went black.
“Yorik, can't we go somewhere else?” Hermione asked, not feeling comfortable seeing the serious looking man that was taking Neville. Severus was undressing an eager Draco, and Hermione felt like she was in the middle of a big orgy. Well, that is what it was. Some dominants gathered around to watch the show.
Yorik had placed Hermione on his lap so that she was facing away from him. His hands sneaked under her top and cupped both of her breasts. “No, we can't. Fenrir wants you to learn to have sex in public. Your wolf will like it.”
Hermione squirmed. “But I don't like it, Yorik.”
One hand sneaked out, and with a shove of his hip, she was tilted sideways. Yorik administered two swats to her bum. “You are still fighting your wolf, pup. We only have six days to stop this behavior. Now, behave and sit still or I will strip you naked like Neville.”
That comment made Hermione go still. “Are you sure that you’re already allowed to do something like this? I mean, you just left hospital.”
Yorik laughed. “Nice tactic, pup. Too bad it's not working. I'm hornier than ever after those days in the hospital with just my dreams of you to keep me company.”
Hermione could feel Yorik's cock jerk. His hands were busy on her nipples, and Hermione felt the fire burn in her chest and lower region. She was aware of the dominants around her. Some were standing close to her, but the majority didn't dare to look at her and Yorik. Hermione could sense it. There must be some kind of code, or maybe Yorik had forbidden them to watch. Still, she could feel them peep over at her from time to time when they hoped Yorik wasn't paying attention. The beta really wasn’t; he was full of lust and desire and only had eyes for Hermione. He was sucking on her neck and making her squirm, because her nipples had become unbearably hard from his attentions. Slowly, the world around her faded and only Yorik mattered.
She felt him lift her up a bit and pull her shorts and knickers down in one thrust. Before she could react, he had her pinned on his lap again. One hand still playing with her nipple and pulling her upper body against his chest, the other hand was placed without much foreplay between her legs.
“Spread your legs, pup!”
She would now expose her most private parts to the dominants around them. It would be even more embarrassing than it had been with Severus.
“Pup!” Yorik barked warningly.
A whimpering, ashamed Hermione spread her legs. She could hear a few dominants breathe in sharply and she heard rustling. Spreading her werewolf sense outward, she felt that they were aroused by seeing her. It seemed that Neville and Igor weren't very far into their play and all eyes were on her. Severus and Draco obviously were a show they had seen more often, so everyone wanted to see the newcomers perform.
“There is nothing to whimper over, pup. They all love looking at you. Soon, they will concentrate on Neville and Igor because they are allowed to interfere in that act more often than on ours. So just give them a little show until Neville is ready. I will tell them to piss off at that point. His finger slowly slid into her center without teasing her clit beforehand. It was a bit uncomfortable, and she would have preferred the foreplay, but she could feel that Yorik needed to show his power; being overly romantic and careful wouldn't serve that purpose just now. It wasn't <i>too</i> bad, and if it made him happy, she would bear it.
“That's my little pup. I'm so proud of you. Let's see if you are willing to make your beta even happier. Fuck yourself on my finger. I promise to make up for the lack of my performance at a later time.” He licked her neck.
Hermione lifted herself up and fucked herself on Yorik's finger. The first thrusts were a little dry but soon she produced her own lube. Again, it was too much in her opinion. She could feel it run down over Yorik's hand, and when she concentrated hard enough, she could hear it dripping.
“If you would only dare to look at them, pup, you would see how much pleasure you give them. You would see how much they wish they were allowed to capture your dripping nectar with their tongues.”
Yorik's words made her crazy and she moaned. She opened her eyes and saw at least six men staring at her, their hands in their trousers or openly wanking their cocks.
“Do you want to give someone pleasure?” Yorik asked and nibbled at her earlobe.
Hermione looked over the men. “Don't know.”
“Come on; let the wolf decide. Does she want someone to taste her?”
“I want you to fuck me,” Hermione said, frustrated, and rolled her hips to fuck herself deeper on his fingers, but he countered her moves.
Yorik chuckled. “Oh, I will pup; no worries there. I will fuck you hard, but I'm sure you want someone to taste you. Try to feel your wolf, and tell me if I'm correct.”
Hermione whimpered and nodded. She knew she wanted it, even though her human mind was so embarrassed by it.
Hermione looked over the guys again. In the foreground, a black haired guy without a shirt caught her interest. He was muscular and tanned. His arms sported tattoos. A dragon was draped over his chest, the green and yellow scales of it a great contrast to the suntanned skin of the man. He looked sexy, not cruel and serious like most of the others. His eyebrow had a piercing.
“The one with the piercing,” Hermione breathed. She was already close.
“Calan. You are the lucky guy today. She chose you,” Yorik said while he pulled his fingers out of Hermione.
She protested, but Yorik and the new guy, Calan, chuckled.
“Don’t worry, pup, I will do a much better job than if you did it yourself,” Calan said, grinning at her. “Thanks for choosing me; you won't regret it.”
Hermione liked the guy a lot. He seemed to be like Yorik; not too bossy, and very sexy. She couldn’t think any more because Yorik grabbed her under her knees and spread her wide for Calan, who had knelt down in front of her. Blood rushed to her face again. She had no opportunity to move in this position and was at Calan's and Yorik's mercy. Quickly, Calan was on her. His tongue danced over her clit and entrance and Hermione thought her heart would stop beating. The sensation was too much. She wriggled to get away, but with no success.
“Relax, pup,” Yorik said from behind her.
“Can't. I'm... Merlin... I'm...”
Calan stuck his tongue as far into her as possible and made it dance around. That was too much and Hermione came. She felt herself squirt liquid all over Calan's mouth but the man didn't let go. He sucked and gulped as if it was the best thing he ever had tasted. Hermione could even hear him moan over her own moans. The first orgasm had just subsided when she felt the pressure rising again, moving towards another crescendo.
“Oh Merlin,” Hermione moaned. She heard snickers, but she couldn't concentrate on anything but Yorik sucking on her neck and Calan still pleasuring her, his tongue so delicious inside of her. How long was that tongue of his anyway?
A finger pushed in beside the tongue but was quickly removed again. Hermione groaned in frustration. She wanted it back, but it was placed at her back entrance and she stiffened. Yorik took advantage of that moment to bite down on her neck and she relaxed. The finger worked itself into her. It was slick with her own juices, and soon her natural lube was making her rear entrance even slicker and Calan added another finger. Hermione wriggled and moaned in discomfort. Yorik had just bitten her for the first shove in, and Hermione wished he was still biting her.
“Shh, pup,” Yorik soothed.
Calan let his tongue flicker over Hermione’s clit and distracted her from the burning in her back entrance. More lube was produced, and Calan was able to move his finger easily in and out of Hermione. He started to tease her. He only pleasured her pussy lightly and concentrated on her rear. For werewolves, it meant pure dominance and power to fuck a female sub or a dominant of each gender in the arse. Many werewolves always played with the back entrance even though they took the sub at the front entrance. Many never took their finger out during the act or shoved a finger or two into it during orgasm.
“Do you want Calan inside of you, pup?” Yorik whispered in her ear. Calan went rigid. It seemed he hadn't dared to hope for that.
“I want you,” Hermione said, already exhausted.
“You will have me later and as often and long as you want. It can only help you in surviving if you experiment with others. I will be right here, pup. Listen to your wolf and tell me if you want him.”
Hermione remembered the cock Calan had been pumping slowly when she had looked at him. His jeans had only been slightly opened and she had seen red boxer shorts under it. His cock had been beautiful; darker than any cock she had ever seen. Hermione bit her bottom lip and moaned. “Yes, I want him.”
“You heard her, Calan.” Hermione could feel Yorik grin against the sensitive skin of her neck.
Calan leaned over to look into Hermione's eyes. His eyes were dark with lust and she could see his thankfulness in them. She could feel that he wanted to make her happy, but also that he wanted to dominate her. Both things worked with one other. Severus was the best example. He was the most dominant of her three mates, not that she would let Fenrir or Yorik know. She liked that they were different, and telling them that would only make them try to be more dominant to best Severus in that stupid who-is-the-most-dominant battle. As if the most dominant would be the best. Only those stupid dominants could think like that. It was a good thing Severus was too occupied with pounding Draco to read her mind, or at least, that was what Hermione thought.
Hermione was pulled from her thoughts when she felt Calan's cock get into position at her entrance. His fingers were still inside her and that confused Hermione a bit, but when the long thin cock was slowly entering her, she forgot the fingers and just enjoyed the sensation. Calan had green eyes and around his pupils were yellow rings which became thicker the further he entered her. Hermione was fascinated. Then Calan started to pump her hard and she moaned.
She long had forgotten the others around her. Yorik had said he would growl them away, but she hadn't heard him growl at all. She tried to sense the other wolves and finally she was able to block out the wonderful sensation in her lower region to sense the wolves around her. Her vision had long lost the ability to look further than Calan. That must be some submissive thing again. The first thing she sensed was Severus’ satisfaction and amusement. He was already finished with Draco and now was watching her. Damn, so maybe he had heard her thoughts a few minutes ago. His amusement became stronger and Hermione knew that he had heard her thoughts about him being the most dominant. She forced herself to ignore him.
Too soon the pleasure overwhelmed her again. Calan had changed his angle and was spearing her deeply now, pressing his finger in the direction of her second channel. The fingers wandered as if they were searching for something.
Hermione tried to sense Draco. He was asleep. Neville was still in ecstasy, and Hermione had to concentrate on the dominants to not get overwhelmed by Neville's feelings. The dominants around them all had stopped watching her. So Yorik <i>had</i> spoken with them. They were all concentrating on Neville, so Yorik hadn't needed to growl at them.
Even if Hermione would have wanted to sense more, she couldn't have, because it seemed that Calan finally had found what he was looking for and pressed his finger hard against the special spot in the rear entrance of her submissive body. Woman didn't have a prostate, she wanted to scream at him, but then his cock passed that position with an inward thrust and Hermione screamed and bucked, but was held in place by a chuckling Yorik. “About time, Calan. I thought you would never find it.”
“Stop talking or I will show you <i>your</i> sweet spot after I make her scream her release,” Calan said dangerously and growled.
A new wave of wetness flowed from Hermione's lower region at the sound of that growl. Why did growls turn her on so much? She didn't do anything other than moan and scream. She felt as if she was already too overstimulated as it was to be able to come again. Each time Calan's cock passed the place where his fingers pushed against the wall between her vagina and anus, she felt as if she were already having an orgasm. Calan sped up and the sensation was almost permanent. It turned into a burning and then she could feel that odd feeling shortly before she would go over the peak. It came and went off and on a few times until it finally remained and took her past the point of no return. Calan grunted when he felt her walls contract around him. He knew he would never be a real mate for her at the moment. He was too low in rank and too unimportant, but if he left a good impression, he could be one of her random dominants. The ones she chose just for entertainment or to make them happy would be because she liked them. He would be quite happy as one in that position.
With that thought in mind, he released his seed into her with a deep groan. She seemed to love deep-sounding noises; she had reacted well to them before. He was rewarded with her closing her arms around his neck and pulling him down to her mouth. She kissed him, and he happily kissed her back while his cock spurt shot after shot of seed into her pussy. When at last their orgasms had subsided, Hermione pulled back from him a little and grinned. He had made her happy, and in his mind, that was all that mattered.
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