Within the Lies | By : Sylvia Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 49735 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 13 |
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter, nor do I make any money off of this. This is purely for entertainment purposes. Besides, if I did own it then it would have been a lot kinkier… just sayin’… |
Special thanks goes to my beta! Thank you so much bittsweetmis! *huggles*
' thoughts '
" talking "
~ telepathy ~
* parseltongue * (when I'm lazy and do not wish to play with the translator)
Within the Lies
Chapter Three: Poor Dursleys
“Boring.” Fred and George sighed as one while they walked down the streets of Diagon Alley with Harry in the middle and Snape following behind them, his seemingly ever present scowl firmly in place.
Harry chuckled, unable to help it. What a sight the four of them must be! Harry had been fine to go along with the twins, they were considered “adults” now after all. Heck, they even owned their own shop!
But, Dumbledore had insisted that an “official” member of the Order be present with them at all times and Snape had just happened to be the unlucky candidate to walk in just as Dumbledore was giving his ultimatum.
The trio knew this was the last thing the Potions Master would want to do in his spare time. Honestly, Harry was pretty sure the darker male would rather take a bath in acid than babysit him and the twins. Well, especially Fred and George…
Harry got the feeling that Snape was uncomfortable around the two pranksters and he secretly hoped that the older man didn’t see them as the Marauders all over again.
That would be bad.
Though the thought of seeing Snape in his underclothing was rather appealing…
‘What am I thinking?!’ Harry chastised his mind for veering off into some very questionable territory.
He was NOT his father, he refused to treat Snape the way his father had, and he… got the strange feeling that he wanted to get really close to the darker man. It was that blasted nagging feeling in the back of his mind again that made him want such strange things! He just knew it was!
‘Now to figure out what that little “voice” is and deal with it properly. ’ Harry thought happily, though his mirth came out in the form of a laugh loud enough for those around him to hear.
“What’s so funny, Harry?” Fred inquired as he got really up close and personal with Harry, as if the younger male were about to whisper a dirty little secret to him or something.
“Is it an idea for a prank?” George questioned as he, too, got really close to Harry.
Harry could feel the air around them tense, and knew it was because Snape had heard and was probably thinking the worst.
“No, not at all really. I was just…” Harry had to think of something and quick. “Well…” He blushed, completely embarrassed that he couldn’t seem to find something to say.
“Oh, I see! Naughty Harry,”
“Thinking such wicked thoughts in public.” The twins laughed and Harry glanced back to check on Snape.
What Harry saw nearly made him trip over his own two feet! There behind them, in the perfect vantage point to listen in on what they were saying but not overly close to make it obvious that he was eavesdropping, was a blushing Snape.
The twins had actually managed to make THE Potions Master Snape, bat of the dungeons and overall terror of Hogwarts, blush like a schoolgirl!
‘This is priceless!’ Harry exclaimed, mentally of course, as he made note to file this memory away in a pensive as soon as he was able.
“Have you no shame?” Snape growled at Fred and George, but the red heads just grinned at him.
“What’s there to be ashamed of?”
“He’s a growing boy!” George used the same defence that Harry had used on him earlier, but for a completely different reason.
“That’s no reason to voice it, especially in public.” Snape scowled, and in that moment something dawned on Harry.
The Potions Master was used to blending into the shadows. He was the type that melted into the crowd, who stayed hidden whenever he was able, and gathered information without people even realizing he was there. To be forced to walk down the streets of Diagon Alley with Harry Potter, of all people, had to be a nightmare for him! Whether Harry liked it or not, he was famous and stood out like a sore thumb. Wherever he went he drew attention, much to is dismay. Harry was the exact opposite of Snape and for the older man...well, spending time in public with the Boy Who Lived must be hell!
“Professor…” Harry started, unsure of whether Snape would snap at him or not.
“Yes, Potter?” Snape asked, though his tone clearly stated that what Harry had to say had better be worth his time.
“I need to stop by Gringotts, and it will more than likely take a while. So, if you have something you need to do, you can get us after you are finished.” And it was the truth, so the darker male wouldn't see it as Harry showing him some mercy and Snape, hopefully, wouldn't throw it back in his face.
“Unless of course,”
“You can’t stand to be apart from us.” The twins grinned and Snape returned it with a glare.
“I would gladly leave you two to dig your own grave, Weasleys, but Albus has designated otherwise.” The man really had that sneer down pat. “As for you, Mr. Potter,” He looked Harry in the eye before continuing, “I expect you to conduct yourself properly and not get into any undue trouble. I know you have a penchant for finding yourself knee deep before you even so much as blink.”
Harry nodded. “Of course, Professor.”
Harry knew Fred and George were upset, for his sake as much as their own, but Harry had this “knowing” feeling again. He knew that there was more to Snape than the man let on, and Harry found himself searching the other man’s face for…something…
And that’s when he saw it.
There was a light in Snape’s eyes that he’d never thought possible. It was the same glint Hermione got when she was trying to protect him, or the look Mrs. Weasley got when she was defending her young.
Had his Professor always looked at him that way and he was always too wary of the darker man to catch it? Or had something happened to the change the dark male’s disposition towards him that he was unaware of yet? Either way, Harry couldn’t help but want answers… even if said answers got him into trouble later.
“Harry, come on!”
“We’re here.”
Fred and George’s voices snapped Harry out of his thoughts and brought him back to what he’d been doing. The first thing on his very long list of things to do today was to stop in and talk to one of the Gringotts’ goblins, a Mr. Snipsickle. After that, he still had to do all of his school shopping, a bit of clothes shopping, and find himself a familiar.
Sadly, it would appear that grilling Snape for some answers would have to wait for another day. Either that, or Harry would have to “borrow” a Time Tuner and Harry had no intention of repeating the incident from his third year.
Time manipulation was not on his to do list. Never again.
Two pairs of hands latched onto him and were happily pulling him along towards the bank.
“Have fun, Professor,”
“Don’t miss us too much!” And with that the trio disappeared through the front door while Snape glared at the spot the twins had just been.
“Brats.” Snape shook his head and went on his way, happy that Potter had made the suggestion for the group to split up. There were a few items he needed to get, and to have the Boy Who Lived along would have probably gotten them all killed.
‘Perhaps I need to reevaluate my stance on Potter’s mental capacity. Seems he’s smarter than he lets on.’ With that last uncensored thought Snape quickly set his mental walls in place and made his way towards the “shadier” area of the streets to do what he did best…
“Can I help you?” The goblin at the front desk sneered down at Harry and the brunette couldn’t help but smile.
Ah, the goblins! Oh how he’d missed their friendly faces and playful banter…Yeah right! But that was besides the point. He had an appointment, of sorts, to keep.
“I’m here to see Snipsickle.” Harry responded.
“Do you have an appointment?” The goblin really wasn’t being much help at all.
“He said in his letter that an appointment isn’t necessary, and it would just be a waste of the secretaries’ time to try and pencil one in, as we were uncertain of when I’d be able to get here.” Harry explained and grimaced when he remembered what the letter had done when he’d finished reading it.
The goblin looked at him before cocking his head to the side in contemplation.
“Did the letter explode in your face afterwards?”
“Yeah, and there was glitter all over my room.” Harry grumbled. Petunia had nearly had a cow… well, bigger than the one she had already given birth to, when she’d seen the aftermath of the letter. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to clean up glitter, without using magic? There was still some months later.”
The goblin smirked. “With or without magic, there still would have been some a few months later. Hence why Snipsickle does it. He doesn’t get out much, and isn’t in a position where he can write letters often, so when he does… Well, let’s just say he likes for people to remember him.”
“Well, we’d say he has a brilliant strategy then,”
“Not many would easily forget someone who caused their room to explode with sparkles.”
The twins shared a look at that, and Harry knew their wheels were turning. They could have their glitter prank… As long as Harry didn’t have to clean it up. Whoever invented “glitter” should have rethought the name; “Little sparkles from hell” would have been more appropriate, especially when someone was on clean up duty.
“Quite right.” The goblin nodded, a full fledged smile now graced his features. “Follow me.” He stated after making sure another had taken his place at the podium.
The trio followed the goblin further into Gringotts, and Harry couldn’t help but look around and admire the place. He had to admit, he was quite impressed with the upper levels of the bank. It was all tastefully decorated; eccentric, perhaps, but not overly gaudy. It was far better than any of the Muggle banks he’d been in. Sure, he hadn’t been to many, but Gringotts beat any Muggle bank by leaps and bounds.
“We’ll stop at my office first, Mr. Potter. You three can make yourself comfortable while I get a few things.” The goblin commented as he opened a door and led the trio into an office that appeared way too big for such small creatures.
Books were crammed into every shelf available, which was a lot considering that three of the walls were nothing more than giant bookcases. The room was done up in warm shades of red, and gold, and wonderfully complimented the lightly stained oak. The room practically glowed.
‘No, it IS glowing.’ Harry thought, shocked to realize that this was the second place today he’d been where he’d noticed the phenomenon. He was sure if he walked up to the walls, that he’d be able to see little runes as well. ‘Focus!’ He still seemed to be having trouble doing that lately.
Harry forced himself to take in his surroundings once more, ignoring the way it glowed for now, and was pleasantly surprised. A desk set dead centre in the room and, conveniently, had three chairs placed in front of it. Harry had to wonder at the quantity, but they did look like they were super comfy quality.
“It’s as if he knew,”
“That we’d be with you.” George finished, a slight tone of awe evident in his voice.
“That’s because I did.” The goblin commented as he walked over to the desk and picked up what appeared to be an issue of the Daily Prophet. “I was somewhat surprised to see Harry Potter walking into Gringotts today, especially after the article I read this morning.” He stated as he handed Harry the paper. “Glad you’re safe, Mr. Potter.”
“Wait, if you’re surprised then… how are you sure I’m me?” Harry was slightly confused.
Sure, it was nice that they trusted him and all, but what if he’d been someone else who used Polyjuice or something of the sort? How would they know?
“I merely asked if your letter had exploded, I never mentioned the glitter. And you’re the only one that I’ve done that particular trick to.”
“So you’re,” Fred led the conversation once more.
“Mr. Snipsickle?”
“Why were you greeting us out front,”
“If you never get out much?”
“I never said I don’t get out of my office. Just… Gringotts as a whole, really.” The goblin, Snipsickle, shrugged.
“You said that you make your letters memorable. If I’m the only one you’ve dusted with glitter, how…”
“I said you’re the only one I’ve played THAT particular trick on. I have several different ways to make my letters something people wont soon forget.” Snipsickle smirked. “Now, I believe you should read that.” He pointed at the paper he’d handed Harry. “I have to get something real quick, so make yourselves comfortable.”
As Snipsickle was about to walk out the door, he turned to look back over his shoulder at the twins.
“And don’t pull anything funny. As much as I enjoy a good joke, things are about to get very serious.” And with that he was out the door.
“I wonder what he meant by that…” Harry wondered aloud.
“Dunno.” Fred and George shrugged in unison and Harry shook his head, before taking a seat and focusing on the paper in his hands.
“What the…” Harry gasped and his eyes widened, almost comically, when he saw the picture plastered dead center in the middle of the front page. It was a picture of his house.
‘Or what used to be…’ He thought while studying the photo, as if it would change under his intense gaze.
It didn’t change. It was still the home of the Dursleys, and the picture still showed said house entombed in ice.
Harry found his eyes drawn to the article below, as if it would hold the answers to the questions suddenly assaulting his mind.
“Unknown Assailants, House Frozen Solid!
The Ministry of Magic was alerted, shortly after midnight, that an extreme amount of power had been unleashed upon an unsuspecting home. The seemingly Muggle residence, one Number 4 Privet Drive, had been completely entombed in ice!
Now dear readers, I know you don’t find that terribly news worthy. Nor did I, in fact, until it was brought to my attention that said residence was the summer home of none other than the Boy Who Lived!
Reports show that all inhabitants, Harry’s Muggle relatives, were completely encased in ice along with their home; there was no saving the poor souls, but Harry Potter was nowhere to be found!
Was this a plot set up by You-Know-Who and his Death Eaters? Was our dear Harry stolen away in the dead of night? Had he been forced to witness the tragedy of losing his loved ones once more?
My heart goes out for the poor boy, and I pray that he is returned safely to us. In the meantime Me, Myself, and I will use every bit of our journalistic talent to get to the bottom of this, dear readers. Though I may be risking my life, I will report on this as soon as I am able. Stay tuned!
Rita Skeeter.”
Harry had to reread the article a few times before it finally sank in. His relatives were dead, he was alive, and he remembered NOTHING of last night.
“What in the world happened?” Harry wondered aloud, too absorbed in his thoughts to notice he'd said anything.
“Again, Harry,”
“No one really knows.”
“You’re the only survivor,”
“So you’re the only witness.”
“And I know nothing.” Harry groaned and buried his face in his hands.
As if it was bad enough that he had questions that no one could answer, now the whole Wizarding World would have questions and they would be asking HIM.
“This can’t get any worse.”
“Never say that, it’s bad luck.” Snipsickle admonished as he walked back into the room, and Harry removed his face from his hands to see what the goblin was doing.
Snipsickle made his way toward his desk with what looked to be a small treasure chest tucked under his arm.
“Sorry, sir, but I can’t seem to see the silver lining.”
“You will.” Snipsickle smiled. “Besides, I believe things will get better here shortly.” He shrugged. “Not many in the Wizarding World truly care about what happens to a few Muggles, even if they were related to a Wizard.”
“That’s not very nice.” Harry frowned; even if it was true, it still wasn’t very nice.
“Well, if that isn’t enough to show you shouldn’t worry, then look who wrote the article. Not many have much faith in Skeeter, especially when it comes to you.” The goblin stated and Harry knew it was in reference to her slander last year.
Though Harry should have known that, if anything significant were to happen to him, it would be Rita Skeeter on the job. That woman was always up his arse, and not in a good way.
‘Too bad she hadn’t been staking out the house during the attack.’ Harry quickly shook his head, as if that could dislodge the thought. ‘What am I thinking?!’ His family had just been killed and here he was sad that there hadn’t been an additional casualty.
What was wrong with him?
“You okay, Harry?” George asked as he wrapped an arm around Harry’s shoulders, and somehow the gesture calmed the smaller male in a way nothing else could.
“How do you do that?” Harry sighed contently. His thoughts were no longer in such dark territory and for that he was extremely grateful.
Though Harry was curious as to how, no matter what, George always seemed to know when something was bugging him.
“Let’s just say,”
“It’s a talent of his.” Fred finished for his brother and shrugged.
‘They are hiding something.’ There was that “knowing” feeling again.
The twins were hiding something from Harry, and the brunette knew it. He didn’t know how he knew, he just did. And the worst part? He didn’t know WHY they were hiding something from him. But Harry would just have to trust them and let it go for now. This was neither the time, nor the place, to be revealing more than one needed to.
‘I’m sure they will tell me, given time…’ After all, the three of them were practically lovers now.
Yes, Harry would give them some time to accept their forming relationship and open up to him… Even if he hadn’t completely come to terms with said relationship himself.
“Poor Dursleys…”
A/N: Whoops, cliffie... And I'm a day late. Sorry about that, I really did mean to get this up later night, but I fell asleep while editing. It's been a crazy week.
Anyway, I have some really awesome news! I made a Forum post for all my review responses, and this also allows me to interact with everyone more! I can not only show my appreciation to my reviewers, but I can do polls, and chat, and all that good stuff! I'm quite excited about it, and I hope you might be too! You can find all my review responses, the votes so far, and chat here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/24399-review-responsesvotes-for-within-the-lies/page__mode__show
Another major bonus about the Forums is I can give "sneak peeks", as well as keep everyone up to date on when I should be updating again. Please don't let the Forum dissuade you from reviewing now, okay XD lol I still really LOVE hearing from you and promise to do my best to try and respond to every reviewer! I love to know what you think. how you react to the characters, and let me know what you'd like to see! This story isn't written in stone, so if there is a kink you like, or a pairing you'd like to mention/vote for, let me know! Though I can't promise it will be in the fic, I never know when something will influence the story XD lol
Also, anyone want to guess what kind of Creature Harry is? Even though there haven't been a great deal of hints, I'd like to know what you all are thinking! *^.^* I find it terribly exciting ~ That, and now is the time to guess because it will be revealed, if things go as planned, in the next chapter or two! So what do you think our little Harry is? XD lol Anyway, can't wait to see what you think *^.^*
Oh, and for those who were wondering... the twins are Creatures too. So if you'd like to guess what they are too, feel free to do so. Believe it or not, there are hints for both them and Harry... though some are so subtle they are practically nonexistent. Ah well... If someone guesses right, I'll give them a special mention in the chapter containing the answer! *^.^* That's about the only prize I can offer currently XD lol Later ~
~ Silver
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