Dynasty Obligations | By : Daydreamer Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 8004 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not make any money from this story, I do not own Harry Potter and the characters, they are all J K's, I simply just borrow the characters, and put them in my own story. |
Chapter 3 – You mean nothing to me.
“So it is arranged, the week after the graduation ceremony is the day that the marriage will take place between Mr Malfoy and Miss Prince.” Dumbledore concluded looking at the six people that occupied his office, his twinkling blue eyes rested on the two teens who were engaged in some sort of stand-off, Hermione’s eyes glittered darkly as her repressed anger flared once again.
“That is correct, Albus.” Severus responded watching over the statuesque frame of his daughter, he may not know a lot about the girl but he knew the tell-tale signs of her anger, he was actively trying to cut this meeting short in the hope to get their company to safety before she erupted, like he knew she would. It was unfortunate that the headmaster continued to engage in conversation with Lucius and thus he was unable to prepare them for the outburst. Severus found it interesting however to notice that Draco seemed to be in tune with the warning glint in Hermione’s eye and rather perceptively picked up on Severus’s need to remove them from her presence, he watched as Draco immediately made his way to the back of the office, seeking solace away from his future wife’s wrath. Severus stifled a chuckle in the knowledge that his daughter’s future husband had not only been on the receiving end of her wand but also her fists, Severus had taken quite a lot of joy, more than he should have, watching her give him a black eye back in their third year.
Suddenly Lucius Malfoy stood up and began to make his polite goodbyes, following the example of his son and sensing some rising tension within the room, he kissed Laura on the cheek, shook hands with Dumbledore, Richard Granger and Snape before he stopped in front of Hermione.
“Miss Prince, I look forward to welcoming you to the family. You are by far a very worthy match for my son.” He said before picking up her hand and kissing her knuckles delicately.
Hermione’s upper lip curled in distaste, before she stood abruptly from the chair she was curled up in. His comment it seemed was the final straw.
“How dare you, how dare you all. I am Hermione Granger, you will refer to me as Miss Granger, I am not a Prince, I may very well be one by blood but I am a Granger by name, Richard Granger is my father, I have his name.” She said defensively standing next to Richard, the sandy haired man embraced his little girl.
“Shhh, Poppet it’s okay.” He said resolutely placing a kiss on her head.
Hermione pulled back instantly to look at the man she called her father.
“How can you say that, dad? I have your name, I have no desire to be Hermione Prince, I am a Granger, you are my father. I will not take his name, he has no rights to call me his daughter and claim me as his own!” she said stomping her foot.
Severus backed against the high shelves of books and trinkets that lined the walls of the headmaster’s office, one of his pale calloused hands rose to pinch the bridge of his nose, as he sighed exasperatedly, he had hoped that this meeting would go much more smoothly than it seemed to be playing out. He should have known better considering the girl in question, but just this once he had really hoped that she would be subdued, of course her temper was yet another thing she had inherited from him, her hot headedness made sense now, he had been the same when he was her age, it was only joining Voldemort that taught himself control, it was possibly the only positive thing to come out of that experience. Unfortunately his own patience was wearing thin, regardless of Hermione being his daughter he still found her to grate on his nerves and he was becoming increasingly irritated with her, He had tried hard to explain things to her, no matter how many questions she had asked, he had given her the details she required, not questioning her, he knew that she was in an awful position, but now she just seemed to be disrespectful towards him, he was her father, and she needed to accept that, and he wasn’t going to stand by and take it.
“Hermione, Baby. You have to understand, you will always be my daughter, always. I will always love you, and there will always be a place for you. However it breaks my heart to tell you that you aren’t legally a Granger.” Richard said, choking on his words, he watched as Hermione’s large eyes gazed up at his, her eyes glassy from unshed tears.
“What do you mean legally, I am Hermione Granger, am I not?” she said adamantly, it was clear to everyone in the room watching her as her emotions fought with the logic, as if she were trying to decipher the meaning of life.
Richard and Laura looked to one another before Richard embrace Hermione once again, his head rested in her hair as he sobbed the words to her, knowing that it was only hurting her further, and he really didn’t want to hurt his little girl.
“Hermione, you are a Prince in blood and Name, you are registered both in the wizarding and Muggle word as Hermione Eleanor Prince. As much as I wanted to legalise you as my daughter I could not. We raised you to think you were a Granger because it was another safety precaution. But the terms of the vow, legally bound you to claim and fulfil your dynastic obligations, when you were of age.”
Hermione shook her head. “That’s not possible, I’ve seen my birth certificate, several times in fact and it says I am a Granger, that you are my biological father, how can it be that it is not true?” she said looking to the other adults.
Her mother stepped forward, looking into her daughters dark eyes with remorse.
“Lucius didn’t bind your grandparents magic until after you were born, as soon as you were brought into this world and healthy, my mother, your nanna, she registered your birth. As soon as the paperwork was finished she spelled it to keep the illusion, much like the glamour you had on you to prevent you knowing your true heritage. The charm fell of this morning, your real birth certificate, states that you are Hermione Prince and that your father is Severus Snape.” She said quietly, as she handed a rolled up parchment to Hermione. Hermione unravelled the parchment which sure enough confirmed what her mother had said, Hermione quickly rolled it back up and placed in on Dumbledore’s desk.
“Why am I a Prince, You are Severus Snape are you not?” Hermione accused looking at Severus, Severus walked away from the bookcase to eye his daughter.
“You are more than aware of who I am, Hermione. I may not have known who you were up until a week ago, but I knew I was having a daughter. I had no desire at all to name my child after the scum of a father I had, if I had the option I would have taken my mother’s maiden name, circumstances however would not allow me that change. You’re mother and I decided that you should be a Prince; I myself am more a Prince that a Snape, as you well know from the book Potter found.” He said with a resentful stare. Hermione nodded sharply.
“So what now? Nothing’s the same, I have no idea who I am anymore!” she screeched, causing Lucius and Snape to cover their ears from the loud noise the young witch created.
Laura embraced her daughter quickly before Hermione pulled away from her.
“Hermione, you are the same girl you were when you came in this office, my clever, beautiful and intelligent little girl. This doesn’t change who you are, what you’ve done and what you have succeeded in. You are still you.” She said, the hurt obvious in her voice as to Hermione’s obvious dislike to being near her.
“Yeah, nothing’s changed at all! It’s not like I have to marry Draco bloody Malfoy. The Slytherin git who has relentlessly bullied me all these years” She said, watching as Draco visibly recoiled by the reminder.
“Wait ago there mum, a wizards oath, honestly! I can’t even back out of the bloody contract without killing you and Snape, I don’t care what the reason was, you have killed any chance of happiness that I could grasp after everything I’ve been through. You’ve destined me to be unhappy for the rest of my life, with someone who would rather see me dead than live happily ever after together.” Hermione’s face was smudged with mascara as it cascaded down her pale cheeks leaving a trail of watered down darkness.
The adults could only look on in shock, Laura knew it was true, she had traded her daughter’s happiness for her own safety in some sense, she would never forgive herself for putting her only child through this. Severus looked on at the scene in despair, he knew that the pairing would be bumpy, but he was hoping that in the end it would be positive, but as he observed the young witch lash out at those around her, his hope was quickly dwindling.
To everyone’s shock it was Draco who reached out to the witch during her emotional turmoil, no one could understand what had instigated him to close the proximity between the two of them, but in the blink of an eye he was beside her, his hand resting on her arm as she clutched at Richard for support, she looked down at the arm on her and sneered at the owner.
“Get your hands on me Malfoy. How dare you touch me, you have no right to lay a hand on me.” She said venomously, Draco instantly removed his hand as if his touch had burned her. He sighed deeply realising that the challenge he was so willing to participate in looked more to be an impossible mission, hopefully it would only make winning that much sweeter.
“Look Granger, Hermione. This is a lot for you to take in, maybe we should go back to our dorm, you need to think all of this over.” He said calmly, keeping eye contact with the witch, his witch.
Hermione laughed bitterly “Please Malfoy, you’re acting like you care, I know you don’t, so don’t even bother. You hate me just as much as I hate you, that’s how things stand between us, you know that just as well as I do.”
Draco shook his head vigorously, “You’re wrong Hermione. I’ve known all my life that I was betrothed to someone, its normal in a pure blood society, I never once questioned it. But if you want to know the truth, I was bloody scared.” Hermione sneered at that.
“I was, do you have any idea how worried I was that I would end up with some pathetic excuse for a witch, someone who could barely string a sentence together, let alone a conversation or spell. It scared the hell out of me. So understand this, when I saw you, as confused as I was, I was bloody relieved, you are by far the most powerful witch to ever have graced the halls of Hogwarts. I’m not going to say that we’re going to be best friends, but you have to accept that we WILL be spending the rest of our lives together, that is unless you can live with yourself knowing you killed both your mother and father.” He said, his grey eyes staring intently into Hermione’s dark brown ones.
Hermione seemed to be battling within herself, Malfoy had managed to pay her a compliment, and yet he was still an arse, how could he manage that? The worst thing was that she knew he was right, and she hated it, when a Malfoy was right it meant something. Still it didn’t help her to reason with her anger, she knew that if she didn’t fulfil the marriage obligation then both her mother and Snape would die, but as it stood part of her really wanted to say no, teach them a lesson for selling her happiness, after all it was the consequence of their decision to impose the stupid wizards oath, not hers.
The bitterness of the situation was that they had exchanged it for her safety, a safety she never received, all throughout the war she had been at the centre of the fighting, she couldn’t understand how they had put so many measures in to protect her from the evil of their world, only to catapult her to the very centre of danger, she accepted responsibility for her actions in regards to befriending Harry, but in her head she couldn’t fathom the logic. If all these measures had been put in place to protect her from You-Know-Who, then how come they had made her into something he wished to rid their world off, it didn’t make sense?
Draco knew he had gotten to her, it had been his intention, it was why he had said it, it was true the sooner she got her head around the fact that they were to be married the easier it would be, putting up a fight wouldn’t do anyone any good.
“Fine!” Hermione screamed exasperatedly at Draco, who smirked in response.
Dumbledore rose from his chair and addressed the two teens.
“Miss Prince, I apologise for the pressure you have had implemented in you, but as it stands this has been the plan all along. It is unfortunate that you begin your birthday is such a complicated way, and I understand that all this information could have a detrimental effect on your wellbeing, for that I am excusing you from your classes for the day. I wish for you to think about this situation and rest.” He said softly to Hermione.
“Mister Malfoy, you are also excused from classes; I believe it may be in both of your interests to converse, get to know it other, so to speak.” He said, inclining his head at Draco. Draco simply nodded.
When the rest of the room stood, it was indicated that the meeting was adjourned
Snape watched on as Hermione embraced Richard, she cried out in anguish as she reluctantly separated from the man she trusted and loved. Laura embraced her daughter quickly but Snape knew that the embrace was highly strained, the revelation obviously causing a divide that he hoped time would mend. It came as no surprise that Hermione didn’t step near him, he hadn’t expected for a miracle but he was pleasantly surprised that she inclined her head at him, which he returned, before he watch her and Draco leave the headmasters office.
He was distinctly aware of the remaining occupant’s eyes on him; he shifted uncomfortably as he looked to Dumbledore whose face portrayed a serious expression.
“What now, Albus?” He asked earnestly.
Dumbledore proceeded to shuffled some parchments on his desk, his elderly wrinkled hands picking up Hermione’s discarded birth certificate, he looked over the information and smiled softly, before handing it to Snape, who took it reluctantly.
“I believe we wait, it is going to be a long journey, but I believe they will reach a most pleasing conclusion.” He said with a genuine smile that reached his eyes. Snape nodded in response, he trusted Dumbledore, he was right, they would just have to wait patiently to see what developed.
Lucius stood studying the rest of the room, he could see the emotional strain between Laura and her husband, he could also see Snape’s contemplatively, as it stood he had his own things to think about, the most prominent being his family, particularly Draco. Despite what Dumbledore had said, he knew that the next few weeks’ even months were going to be hard on his son, and he was going to do everything in his power to help him. He remembered fondly his own developing relationship with Narcissa and he only hoped that Draco could be happy just like he was now.
“I believe I will take my leave now” he stated nodding his head at his company, before he walked to the Hearth, he picked up a hand full of sparkling emerald green floo powder, before he stepped into the flames that flickered around his dragon hide boot clad feet.
“Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire, England.” He shouted before he disappeared, engulfed by the flames.
The room fell into a silence, each person unable to form their thoughts into words. Finally Laura broke the silence; her hand was encased in Richards, which she squeezed every now and then reassuringly.
“What do I do now? She doesn’t want to be near me, I’ve betrayed her, hurt her. She’ll never understand that I did it for her best interest, but it was all for nothing, her entire life has been a lie, she’ll never forgive me for that.” She said in nothing more than a whisper.
Dumbledore thought for a moment, “Laura, I believe that Hermione is a very wise young lady, she has the most amazing ability to forgive people, however you must give her time, this is not something she will forget easily, but in time it will lessen. You understand that your daughter is just has hot headed as Severus, she needs space to calm down. My concern however turn to your future plans.” He said eyeing Laura.
Laura nodded her head, Hermione had after all always been of a fiery temperament, she was always so passionate; much like Severus was with Potions she mused, to herself. It was here she looked to her previous lover, the father of her child. She knew he had changed, the war had not been good to him, he looked much older than his years, he was only 38 and yet he looked worn, he was no longer the handsome young man she remembered, the young man she still held a candle for. How things had changed. She felt guilty knowing that he had fought the frontline, much like Hermione and yet she had sat back and watched as the horrors unfolded, unable to do anything.
“I don’t have any plans.” She said tearing her gaze from Severus as her brown eyes met his onyx ones.
Dumbledore nodded his head.
“I thought as much, my worry is Laura, that your magic has now returned, as will have your parents, do you intend to continue living in muggle London?” he asked sincerely.
Laura replied immediately, she didn’t even need to consider her answer, “Of course I will Albus, the past is exactly that, I have built a life for myself, with Richard, A life that I am incredibly happy with. I will continue to live with in London, with Richard, if he’ll have me that is.” She said turning her watery eyes to his, Richard smiled softly.
“Of course I do Laura, you’re my wife, and Hermione is still my daughter, nothing will change what you both mean to me. I love you.” He said placing a kiss on her cheek. Laura sniffled again. “I love you too, Richard.”
Severus rolled his eyes at the display, he still remembered a time when it was he who uttered those words to her, it was strange how time had changed everything he had ever known. He’d never had false hope that they would reconcile their relationship once he met his daughter, but he had never considered the option that Laura would find someone else. Somewhere deep down, if he admitted it, which he wouldn’t; it saddened him to watch the woman who mothered his only child love someone that wasn’t him.
He cleared his throat as he shook his head from the feeling of melancholy.
“I believe that the next part of all of our lives lay in the hands of our daughter.” With this he spoke to Laura and Richard.
“Richard, I would like to clarify that I understand that Hermione is your daughter as well as mine. I am not going to stop her from seeing you. You raised her in a way that I couldn’t, she has grown up to be a highly competent young woman, and I believe that I should offer my thanks for looking after our daughter.” He said outstretching his hand to the man, Richard shook his hand firmly, and nodded his head in acceptance.
“Thank you very much Severus. She is a good girl, who is complicated and passionate. However under all that bravado, she is still a lost little girl, who is scared. A lot has happened in her life, things that you will understand much more than us. It is my hope that we can work amicably with each other to ensure that she has the best possible future.” He said softly but sternly.
It was Severus who nodded in agreement this time, he understand Richard’s need to know that Hermione was safe, because it was a feeling that he himself was feeling. It was a feeling he hadn’t felt in 18 years, but he recognised it, and it worried him. He’d only known of Hermione’s true heritage in little over a week and he could feel the old sentiments raising their heads, but Richards was right, he was the only one out of the three parents Hermione now had, that truly understood the battle she had been through. He only hoped that this would help in them building some sort of relationship. With that he nodded his goodbyes and left the office.
Draco held the Portrait open for Hermione to step through, he could see that her frustration was peaking; he could see her already pale hands turn even paler, her knuckles rigid as she squeezed her fists into tights balls.
The walk from the headmaster’s office had been an interesting one to say the least, he could see as soon as they stepped out of the door that Hermione was lost in her own thoughts, so much so that she became completely oblivious to their whereabouts and where they were going, the simple task of walking proved too much for her, but Draco understood strangely enough that she was overwhelmed, in some sense he knew how she was feeling.
When he had manoeuvred them both down the narrow spiral staircase, he had taken her hand in his pulling her in the direction of their dorm room. He knew that it was risky trying to hold her hand, especially when she had made her feelings known back in the office, but right now he didn’t care all that much for the repercussions, he just wanted to get her somewhere safe. He was shocked when he had taken her hand and she hadn’t put up a fight, he also surprised that he was actually holding her hand. Draco hand never been interested in a girl enough to show sentiments such as holding hands, he usually got down to the overwhelming desire of hedonistic pleasure. But somehow he was content with the knowledge that he hadn’t been denied this small intimate gesture. It didn’t escape his notice that her hand fit perfectly with his, he knew he had reasonably large hands, hers were tiny by comparison, and yet, her hand was a snug fit.
As they wandered the halls, he knew they were receiving stares from the passing students, he knew that even though Hermione’s glamour had worn of she still had elements of the old Hermione Granger; he noticed these things whilst he had studied her face in Dumbledore’s office. Even so, she still looked like a different girl to the untrained eye, so as it looked, the students not only saw Draco Malfoy holding hands with a girl, something he never did, but he was also with an incredibly beautiful witch, that no one recognised.
He hadn’t missed the looks of jealousy and despair on the girls faces as they passed them, many of which he had slept with, the same witches he had denied the notion of a relationship with. He also acknowledged the look of lust and longing on the boys faces, which only caused Draco to pull Hermione flush against him, claiming her as his, warning them that Hermione Prince nee Granger was his and only his. Of course they didn’t know who she was just yet, but when they did he would tell them all.
When they were in the safety of their common room, Draco placed his hands on either side of her hips, pulling her towards him. He towered over her as he delved into the depths of her liquid chocolate eyes; it was as if her very soul could be seen in the dark shining orbs.
Hermione was roused from her thoughts by the closing of the portrait that hid their common room, she had been aware that she had only made it to the comfort of her sanctuary via Draco, who had taken it upon himself to direct her. She hadn’t even struggled or fought when he held her hand, relishing momentarily in the normality of the action, and yet there was nothing normal about it, or the person with whose hand she held. Suddenly Draco was holding her by the hips and looking at her, really looking at her. Not her body, or her face, no, he was staring intently into her eyes. She stared back into his stormy grey eyes, she knew she could get lost in them; they glittered in the firelight of the room. How in all the years had she never noticed how mesmerising they were? Oh yeah because he was an obnoxious shit! She thought to herself.
Suddenly she was aware of him leaning closer to her, it frightened her, the proximity between them was unnerving and she didn’t want it, it didn’t feel right, it was all too much. But before she had chance to do anything and pull away his lips were flush against her own.
She stilled unsure of what to do as he kissed her softly, her lips betrayed her as they began to move against his. Her actions only seemed to encourage him to deepen the kiss, as he began to kiss her harder.
Draco had no idea what had possessed him to lean in and kiss her, he wasn’t even sure that she was with it, maybe he was taking her catatonic state for granted, he wasn’t sure, but for some reason he was sure it was because he actually wanted to kiss her. He hadn’t expected her to respond, and for the most part she didn’t. But he was content and happy with the way her soft pink lips felt against his, and then there was movement, she was responding, slowly but surely she was responding to his gentle kisses, it only encourage him. He wanted her to feel his kisses, for her to know that he understood. A part of him hoped that this was a good sign of things to come, that this was an indication that he had won some of the battle. And then she was pushing him away, violently hitting his chest as her hands beat against his toned abdomen.
Their mouths broke from the kiss, her pink lips slightly puffy from the pressure his lips posed against hers. And then she was shouting
“What the fuck Malfoy! You had no right to do that, no right at all!” she said her index finger prodding at his chest, Draco exhaled deeply, he knew it had been too good to be true.
“Forgive me if I’m wrong Hermione, but you were kissing me back.” He said looking into her eyes that glittered dangerously once again.
“Don’t you ever do that again! Ever! You are nothing to me, that meant nothing. You hear me nothing! So don’t you dare get any delusional ideas that it did.” With that she turned around sharply and made her way to her room.
Draco sat down in one of the plush chairs in the common room sighing deeply as her heard the familiar noise of her bedroom door slamming shut.
Merlin help him, of all the people he was destined to be with it had to be Hermione Granger.
A/N: Chapter 4 yey, so what do you think? Do you like the directions it going in? I take all your points on board, it helps me write better, I always think about what you all review, so please keep them coming.
Hardygirl133: I know what you mean, in my head I have always imagined Hermione to be tanned, but for the purpose of this story I have only changed the colour of her hair, lightened her skin tone and darkened her eyes, that way it fits into the storyline. Otherwise that that Hermione is still the fiery girl we love.
LadyFreak: Hermione will be a little fire cracker, she’s not going to be messed around or be treat like a door mat, I don’t think the Dramione paring would work as well if she was. We will learn more about Lucius as the story develops.
Katiekrm: I must say I really value your reviews, the fact that the story hold something you can relate personally to, make me want to make sure it is handled in the right way. As it stands Hermione isn’t going to walk away from Richard Granger, which I hope you can understand why. But at the same time I need to show how things develop with her, Snape and Laura as well as Draco etc. I would be grateful if you could review and let me know what you think. If you think I’m writing it in a slightly realistic way. I don’t want it to be too *that would never happen* kind of thing.
As always much love to all my readers.
Love D xx
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