The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
The dangers of pulling out too soon
Severus stood up, offering his hand to assist Hermione do the same. He'd told their visitors that they would join them in his office, and Professor McGonagall and Lucius Malfoy wasted no time in leaving. However, Draco remained, and all of a sudden Hermione found herself being hugged tight, as the younger blond wizard launched himself at her.
"I am so happy for you," he enthused, squeezing tighter, "and you, Uncle Sev."
"Drakey, I can't breathe," Hermione gasped, slapping him on the back to try and get him to loosen his grasp.
"Oh, sorry." Draco released her quickly, moving his hands to his friend's shoulders and kissing her forehead. "I'm just so excited for you. I can't believe that, only this afternoon, you were telling me how much you fancied him, and now you're snogging each other."
Severus' questioning expression fell upon his godson, but remained silent. It wasn't what Draco had just said that surprised him, but the way he'd said it. He'd been concerned about him since the war, but decided that was a conversation for another day.
"Oh, and, Uncle Sev, as you're in a good mood, may I ask you something?"
"Later," Snape barked, walking towards his bedroom, but his manner softened when Hermione threw him a warning glare.
Looking down at his frock coat, which was covered in dust following his trip across various surfaces earlier, Severus took a deep breath before turning back to Draco "Why don't you come for tea tomorrow afternoon?"
The blond wizard smiled. "That would be great."
"I thought I was coming for tea tomorrow afternoon," Hermione pouted as Severus continued into his bedroom. She could see him remove his coat and place it on the bed before he bent down to pick something up from the floor, muttered 'Reparo' and placed the object into the top drawer of his bedside table.
She became quite distracted as she realised that, with any luck, she would become quite familiar with that bedroom and bed. She also thought to herself, Nice arse, and images of her grabbing hold of said arse as he buried himself deep inside her flitted into her mind. However, her reverie was broken by two simultaneous occurrences.
The first came in the form of a deep chuckle in her mind. Patience, my love, you'll get your hands on it soon enough, and the second came from Draco, who stood next to her, nudging her arm as his eyes followed Hermione's gaze.
"Not bad for thirty-eight is he?" Draco teased.
Both interruptions caused Hermione to blush.
Having put on a frock coat identical to the one he'd just removed, Severus came out of the bedroom, and responded to her initial comment. "You may still come to afternoon tea," he informed her, adjusting his cuffs, "but I would have thought that you would be rearranging your new rooms here."
"Will I indeed?" Hermione blustered before realising what he'd said. "Hang on. What rooms?"
"Your new rooms," Severus reiterated. "I've decided that you are to have your own rooms in the castle so that I may join you more discreetly. We'll discuss it over dinner." A small smile graced the corner of his mouth as he watched Hermione's face register her surprise, as well as the most delightful blush he had ever seen.
Regaining her composure, and feigning an overly-shocked tone, she teased, "Headmaster, really?"
"Problem?" He asked, raising a questioning eyebrow.
"No, not at all," she whispered seductively. He felt the heat flash across his cheeks, but turned away before either Hermione or Draco noticed.
Having told Draco to go up to his office, the new couple were once again alone. They simply stood looking at each other for a moment, trying to come to terms with everything that had just occurred.
Severus held out his hand to Hermione, who promptly accepted it and closed the gap between them. He looked down, completely fascinated by how small her hands were compared to his own. Slowly becoming used to the sensation of her touch, he began tracing circles over her wrists with his thumbs, and was delighted when he saw her bottom lip being drawn between her teeth in anticipation of what might happen next.
He looked deep into her eyes and smiled, something he'd never really thought himself to be capable of doing, before gently pulling her to him, and tentatively captured her lips. Despite its tenderness, the kiss smouldered with the same underlying passion as their previous kisses on the floor. And Hermione was grateful for that passion as it confirmed that what had happened earlier was more than a one-off.
Breaking the kiss, Severus pressed his forehead to hers, and let his thoughts enter her mind. I still require answers regarding this bond, but it doesn't change the fact that I know that I want to be with you. Even if this bond is enhancing my feelings―and I'm not saying that it is―it does not make them any less real. I hope you are aware of how much I want you.
Hermione reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer to him; her body moulding perfectly against his as if she'd been made for him.
She responded quietly. I know. I want you too.
He smiled against her lips, wanting nothing more than to collapse onto the sofa, slowly and extensively exploring her body, but he needed to know something before they took that next step. He had to be selfish for a moment; he had to protect his heart. Severus' voice was gravelly as he broke the kiss, and kissed along her jawline. "How are your Occlumency skills?"
"Quite good―I'm self-taught―but I've never come up against anyone as powerful as you before," she admitted with a gasp as he trailed kisses down her neck, and she arched into him craving more than just his lips on her skin.
"How reassuring, but can you block me out of your mind?" Severus drawled cheekily.
Realising what Severus had meant, Hermione went to playfully slap him, but his lightning reflexes caught her wrist easily.
Lifting her hand, Severus gently kissed the palm. "You are a little minx, aren't you?"
Hermione's eyes whipped up to meet his, and although his face was impassive, there was a playfulness in those black orbs that she'd never seen before; that she'd never imagined seeing. He was teasing her, and just as that fact sank in, he began to nuzzle her neck. She could feel his hot breath against her skin, and she shivered; a soft moan caught in her throat.
"But, rest assured," Severus continued in his deepest, most seductive voice, "you will be coming against someone as powerful as me over and over again until you are begging me to stop," before planting a soft, lingering kiss behind her ear.
Putting her hand on his chest, Hermione pulled back slightly light-headed as her mind tried to reconcile what was actually happening with the sensations that she was feeling. Her breath hitched as her fingertip brushed over one of his many wool-covered buttons, and swallowed hard as she felt her finger rise and a with his every breath. With the realisation that this was real, her warm eyes met his dark, but not-so-cold eyes, once more. She beamed up at him before coyly biting her bottom lip. "I can't wait."
Severus almost lost control of his emotions as her smile threatened to melt away the mask he was struggling to hide behind, but taking a deep breath and clearing his throat, he managed to compose himself.
"We will talk about this later, my love," he stated, trailing the back of his finger along her cheek. "However, getting back to Occlumency," he added seriously, "with your permission, I would like to see into your mind; in particular anything pertaining to your feelings for me. I believe our recently expressed feelings are genuine, but as there are undoubtedly other forces at work, for both our sakes, I need to ensure that all of this is more than just the bond. I promise not to stray whilst in your mind, but you know I am an incredibly powerful Legilimens, so you will need to concentrate and use your Occlumency to protect anything that you don't want to share with me."
Hermione looked at him pensively, but could understand why he needed to see her thoughts. For Severus, this was a tried and tested method of obtaining information in a world where there was little trust. She could have taken his request personally, and refused him on the basis that if he didn't learn to trust her now then they had no basis for a relationship, she knew that, at the moment, this was probably the only way he would be satisfied with the answers. And besides, she knew in her heart of hearts that her feelings for him were genuine, so she had no qualms about letting Severus do this. She nodded her understanding and assent.
Continuing to stroke her cheek, a small smile graced the corner of his lips before his face became devoid of emotion. He told her to concentrate her mind, and then intoned, "Legilimens."
Hermione felt a rush of dizziness as Severus entered her mind. When he communicated with her through whatever bond they seemed to have, there were no extra sensations other than hearing him speak or a vague sense of his emotions. They couldn't look at each other's memories or see each other's thoughts, unless they projected them unwittingly, as she seemed to have done earlier when she was thinking about his backside.
When he'd told her to concentrate, she'd quickly constructed a corridor in her mind with various doors leading off it just as the book she'd read on Occlumency had suggested. She'd practised with Harry, and she'd found it quite easy to control what he saw by opening and closing doors at will.
Using the same method, she focussed her mind and opened various doors for Severus, but nothing could have prepared her for what would happen when he entered her mind. He seemed to be a memory magnet, ripping them from the open doors with such force that she was having difficulty keeping her other memories behind closed doors.
Severus had to admit that he was quite impressed by how well she was organising her mind, but he could feel that she was tiring as the closed doors began to rattle.
Hermione's concentration began to slip, and, with that, panic set in as she continued to struggle to keep the closed doors shut. And then it happened: the memory of Ron asking her to marry him slipped out of one such door. However, before he reached the part of the memory where Hermione had turned Ronald down, Severus pulled out of her mind and moved away from her.
"I'm sorry," he murmured, looking shaken for a moment before he turned away from her. He didn't want her to see the pain in his eyes; he didn't want her to see his weakness. A cold, claustrophobic feeling engulfed him as he thought to himself, I knew this was too good to be true.
His heart was thumping in his chest, and it was taking all his control to stop it from shattering into tiny pieces. But with true stoicism he took a deep breath, regained his usual calm, snarky demeanour, and drawled, "It would perhaps have been kinder of you if you'd had the courtesy to inform me of your engagement. I must say, you managed to keep that quiet. I'm surprised Molly hadn't taken out a full page spread in the Prophet―"
Hermione tried to respond, but he held his hand up to silence her, pinning her with an imperious glare.
"―We will work tirelessly to find the source and meaning of this bond so that you can be released from it―from me―as soon as possible. It is obvious that you have indeed been influenced by this bond, and I apologise for my inappropriate actions and words, Miss Granger. Please forgive me, and feel free to remove yourself from my rooms at your earliest convenience."
With that Severus walked out of his rooms, slamming the door behind him as he headed up to his office to throw those assembled there out so he could be―as he always was―alone.
Hermione slumped onto the sofa completely dumbstruck, her eyes fixed on the door Severus had just left through. She couldn't comprehend how one moment he was kissing her, and the next he couldn't look her in the eye; let alone be in the same room as her.
She wanted to chase after him, but somehow she found couldn't move. It wasn't a spell; she was just too shocked to co-ordinate her limbs. However, her voice had now decided to make a reappearance, and she screamed at the door, "You fucking idiot, Severus!"
She called out to him using the bond; her emotions cracking as she did so. How dare you walk away from me? pulled out too soon. I am not engaged, you pompous tosser. I...I love you.
I do not wish to mess with another wizard's witch; even if―like Weasley―they are completely ineffectual and do not deserve you. I've done that once too often in my life, and I don't intend to do it again, Severus snapped back at her.
This riled Hermione even more. Now you listen to me, Severus Snape, she cautioned, ask Draco about the current status of my non-existent relationship with Ronald Weasley. Go on! And, when you find out the truth, you better grovel. I'm yours, you prat!
All of a sudden, Hermione noticed her orb rise out of her body, enveloping her in a warm comforting glow. Full of frustration, she spoke to the orb. "Why doesn't he believe me. It's as if he doesn't want to believe me. He said I was his; he said he was mine, so why was he so quick to pull away? Was he just looking for a way out of this?"
It was then that her tears began to flow.
Severus had decided to walk to his office rather than Apparate to try and calm down. He couldn't believe how stupid he'd been. They'd made all sorts of promises to each other, and yet she belonged to another wizard. He knew wanting her was a lousy idea. Hermione, or this bond, had caught him when he was weak, but he vowed that he'd never be caught out like that again. That rather implies the possibility of another time, he grumbled to himself. Chance would be a fine thing!
Then he'd heard Hermione in his head, and, as he replayed her words, he felt sick. She said that she wanted him, she said that she loved him, and, despite all of his defensiveness, he desperately wanted to believe her. But he knew better than anyone else that you can want someone and be with someone else.
But what if he had pulled out too soon? Why would she have wanted him to see some other lucky bastard asking her to marry him? But that was all you saw, wasn't it? You didn't see her say yes, you old fool.
It was then that he noticed that his orb following him. "And if you think you're going to cause me any harm again, you can forget it," he scoffed indignantly.
As he reached the gargoyle, which stood guard outside his office, he recalled that last thing she had yelled at him. With his wand drawn, he stormed into his office―almost knocking the door off its hinges―and ignoring everyone else, grabbed Draco by the throat, and pushed him against a bookcase. Pressing his wand into his godson's cheek, he growled, "What do you know about Granger and Weasley? Talk."
After yelling at Severus, Hermione was still in his chambers sobbing. She was busy reprimanding herself for crying so hard over a man that she'd been with for so little time, when she heard a strangely comforting female voice calling her name.
"Hermione, please come in here, and I'll tell you why Severus is acting like this."
Looking around the living room for any sign of the voice's source, Hermione tried not to sound too perplexed when she asked, "Where are you?"
"In his bedroom," the voice replied.
"Oh! Can you come out here please?" Hermione somehow felt uncomfortable about entering Severus' bedroom without his permission.
"I'm afraid that I am confined to this room. Please, Hermione. I need to explain," the voice implored.
Hermione wiped her eyes before narrowing them determinedly. After finding Severus unconscious on the floor, she had to admit that she was somewhat uneasy about following the instructions of an unseen entity. However, answers were needed. Summoning her Gryffindor courage, she stood slowly, straightened her jumper, and, holding her head high, walked into his bedroom.
In Hermione's imaginings of Severus Snape's bedroom―which had been minimal prior to a few weeks ago―never had the word cosy sprung to mind. But here she stood, examining the room where the dark wizard took his rest, and couldn't help but be impressed by its cosy, yet masculine feel. The heavy, dark wood furniture looked solid and expensive, and everything else in the room, from the chairs, rugs and artwork was understated, but tasteful. But it was the bed, with its dark grey bedspread and crisp white sheets, that really caught her attention.
Despite his recent stupidity―which she had to admit was somewhat understandable―the curly-haired witch could still envision Severus and herself in the throes of passion on this bed. Walking over to it, she trailed her fingers over the frock coat that Severus had removed earlier, hoping that would still become reality. However, she was snapped out of her reverie when a faint glow from the top drawer of Severus' bedside table appeared. Hermione's brow furrowed as the unknown voice told her to open it.
Hermione was curious by nature, but not nosy per se, and although she may have entered her Potions professor's personal stores without permission with ne'er a second thought, his bedside drawer―well any man's bedside drawer― was a different proposition altogether. Experiencing a sudden pang of conscience, her hand stilled just short of the handle when the voice spoke again.
"I know this seems strange, Hermione, but it will make much more sense if you can see me," the young witch was informed reassuringly, but insistently.
"Why don't you just show yourself?" Hermione asked, curious to know why the entity was so desperate to be seen, and was being so reticent to show itself.
The soothing voice floated on the air. "Because I am tethered to an image. I need you to see me, Hermione."
"He's going to kill me," the young witch muttered to herself.
"No, he won't," the voice giggled softly. "He is a far more reasonable than people give him credit for."
Taking a deep breath, Hermione's hand edged towards the drawer handle once again when she realised that she had yet to check for wards. It was a necessary precaution when the man you were dealing with was the consummate Slytherin, but detecting nothing, she carefully opened the drawer to reveal an ordinary looking picture frame face down on top of all sorts of miscellaneous items that only men seem to be able to collect. Typical man, she thought to herself with a giggle.
She picked up the frame and cautiously turned it over. She was taken aback at seeing a sixteen year old Severus laughing with a red-headed witch in his arms.
Hermione smiled to herself. He looks so happy, and he was quite cute back then in a strange sort of way. He's certainly grown into his nose.
And then Hermione saw it. Teenage Severus looked so happy in this picture because he was in love. She could see it in the way he looked at the witch in his arms; the witch she knew to be Harry's mother. She realised that she'd seen witnessed Severus looking like that before―the last time only minutes ago―and he'd been looking directly at her.
Hermione sat down on Severus' bed, staring at the picture in her hands, when she became aware of a glow beside her.
"Do you know who I am?" The ethereal being enquired.
Hermione nodded. Her eyes still fixed on the moving image before her. "You're Lily Evans. You're Harry's mum."
"Ah, my Harry. You've been a brilliant friend to him. I understand from Sev that he has a girlfriend," the vision said almost maternally.
"Yes, her name's Ginny. You'd like her. Red hair!" Hermione giggled at her rather asinine comment, but somehow it seemed appropriate.
The unearthly version of Lily chuckled softly. "Harry, of course, is part of my future, but all I'm concerned about is my present. And my present is Severus as he was in this picture."
Hermione considered what Lily's form had said. "But if your present is in my Severus' past, how is that relevant?"
"I'm glad you refer to Severus as 'my Severus'. You see, all he's ever wanted is to be loved and be accepted. But, due to his childhood and family life, he finds it difficult to handle someone getting close to him―emotionally, at least. As close as we were―as much as I loved him―he always needed what I couldn't give him; he always needed more reassurance. And he's always had a habit of lashing out. You already know he has a temper, and sometimes does and says stupid things to protect himself.
"You see, Severus can can tolerate physical pain better than most, but the slightest emotional upset cripples him. Of course, he would dispute this. And yet today, he's tried to deny himself a chance of happiness on two separate occasions in case he may get hurt. The bond you share had to intervene―"
Hermione gasped. "So that was the bond? We suspected as much, but―"
"―And he's tried to deny himself just now," the glowing form interjected, "but now it is up to you to teach him a lesson.
"Hermione, the reason this picture is so important is simply because, at the time, Sev and I were happy, but just after this picture was taken, everything changed. I expect you know what happened. He found himself caught between his so-called Slytherin friends, who could offer him a place to belong, and myself, who could love him, but not his growing allegiances. In the end, I lost.
"And having made poor choices in his youth, he still feels the need to atone for them, as well as everything else he had to do in the service of his two masters. Deep down, Severus doesn't believe that he deserves you or his accolades as a war hero. He has given of himself selflessly for so many years, and he will continue to do so until you teach him that he is permitted to be selfish on occasion; that he is worth something to someone, and that it's alright for him to have something that he wants. He needs the reassurance that he won't be hurt; being an honourable man, he needs to know that your honour―and his, for that matter―is not called into question because he wishes to pursue you."
"How do you know all of this?" Hermione asked sceptically.
"Severus is, and always has been, one of life's great mutterers. What you both must realise is that you have been brought together, and your bond is incredibly important for the greater good."
Hermione had listened carefully, and everything she had been told, she either knew already or she would have dealt with as their relationship progressed, but there was only one question she wanted the answer to. "Are our feelings for each other real or not?"
"Of course they're real, and you both know it."
Running her fingers through her hair, Hermione was still bewildered by what she was hearing. "But what do you mean by the bond has brought us together? When did it start, and what is it?"
"That is something you must discover together."
"You make it sound like a prophecy," Hermione grumbled.
"The bond's objective is one of great good, but it needs the two of you. Be his. Love him. Be his everything," Lily told her, trying to touch the young witch's hand, but her ethereal form would not allow it.
"I want to be," Hermione admitted quietly, "but if he won't let me, how can I be?"
She felt tears filling her eyes once again at the thought that she may have lost Severus before she'd even had him.
"Remember what I said. He needs to know he is worth something. Make him realise this. Give him everything of you, and he will give you everything, and more, of him. Take control of his destiny because what is good for Severus will be for the good of everyone in the end," Lily said smiling at her.
"That makes me sound like his wife," Hermione giggled half-heartedly.
"Precisely. Now go to him," Lily told her softly as her form dissipated into a soft glow once again.
"Lily, please don't go. I have so many questions," Hermione sniffed, but her words disappeared into the air just as the glow did.
"What the hell is wrong with you, Severus?" Lucius snarled, prising his best friend away from his son.
"Your son knows more than he is letting on about Granger and Weasley. I want to know what is going on between them!" Severus growled angrily.
Shocked by his godfather's change in attitude, Draco choked out, "So it's Granger, now, is it?"
"It was never anything else," Severus spat out, his voice catching in his throat, threatening to reveal his true feelings for Hermione.
Draco carded his fingers through his hair. "Don't lie, Uncle. You're in love with her, and she's in love with you."
"Severus, my dear boy, young Draco is right," Dumbledore stated. "Now, what has changed?"
The former headmaster had been observing the current incumbent of the position, and noticed the orb floating above him. Something stirred in the back of Dumbledore's mind. It can't be...
"But she's engaged!" Severus raged.
"No, she isn't!" Draco yelled back frustratedly. "The Weasel asked her to marry him, and she told him to ask her in a year's time because the time wasn't right. She wanted to see how they would cope after the war, but she knew it wasn't right, and she told me today that she never sees him, so she's ending it. She just hasn't had time to tell him. And do you know why she knew it wouldn't work between them? Because of you. It's not his name she calls out when she's bringing herself off."
A shocked Severus whipped his head round to look at Draco as he railed at him. And then her words about pulling out too soon hit him. She was his, and she'd told him so, and he'd been so convinced that it was too good to be true that he'd pulled out of her mind before the memory was complete.
He closed his eyes, squeezing them together as his emotional control cracked. Massaging his temples, Severus thought to himself, Oh fuck, what have I done?
"Severus, how did you ever come to think Miss Granger was engaged to Mister Weasley?" Dumbledore enquired.
"I needed to know whether our feelings are real or influenced by this bond, so I asked her if I could enter her mind," Severus told him, panic lacing his voice.
A joint 'tut' from Lucius and Minerva earned the pair one of Snape's trademark scowls as Dumbledore, concerned by how unnerved Severus seemed to be, continued with his questioning.
"And when did you pull out of her mind?"
"When I saw Weasley ask her to marry him," Severus muttered.
Albus watched the orb closely as it bounced across the ceiling. "And what did you see before then?"
Severus slumped into his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose before he said quietly, "It was all me; from the moment I saved them from Lupin through to the night she saved me. There were images of her reading to me at St Mungo's, my memories, my trial and then her recent thoughts."
Burying his face in his hands, he didn't notice the fireplace erupt with green flame, and just as he choked out, "Shit, I've fucked this up," an angry Hermione stepped out into his office, wand raised ready to hex Severus into next week, if necessary.
"Not yet you haven't, you prat!" she yelled at him. "Ron is nothing to me, and you are everything. But no, you're too far up your own arse to see that, aren't you, Severus, because no one in their right mind could ever love you, could they?"
Severus went to respond, but there was no way Hermione was going to let him.
"Do you actually think so little of yourself―or me for that matter―that you cling on to the first piece of misguided information to suit your self deprecation? Well, I won't have it, Severus. You do not make promises like you made to me back in your rooms, and then run away because you think there is a possibility of being hurt. And I know you feel guilty about a great many things, but how you feel about me should not be one of them," she screamed at him.
Hermione's eyes were blazing, and a noticeable glow surrounded her which seemed to enhance the wildness of her curls. Witnessing this had everyone in the room―apart from Severus who was completely entranced by his witch―giving each other bewildered looks. But those bewildered looks morphed into looks of amusement as Hermione walked determinedly towards the headmaster, backing him into the corner. After all, it wasn't every day that you saw a wild-haired woman forcing the formidable Severus Snape to retreat whilst taking a verbal bashing.
For once, Severus' words failed him, but Lucius noted with interest that his friend's wand remained up his sleeve, and he seemed willing to take Hermione's admonishment. On the numerous occasions that the blond wizard had attempted to say something similar to Severus, he'd either been treated to a creative use of expletives, threats to his genitalia or a painful, but relatively harmless, hex. And what Severus was capable of doing to those whom he disliked was not pleasant to think about. What he was capable of doing to those he hated was best not to be considered. So, for the raven-haired wizard to remain passive was nothing short of a miracle.
"And another thing," Hermione growled at him. "I am not in the habit of telling anyone I am theirs unless I actually mean it. So, you emotionally repressed fuckwit, I will say this very slowly so that there is no way you can misunderstand me. I. LOVE. YOU. Do you understand me?"
There was an distinct drawing in of breath from the others in the office at this last berating, and all eyes were on Severus as they eagerly awaited his reaction. All he did was exhale forcefully, and swallow hard before nodding slightly. Looking into Hermione's eyes he realised that she wasn't going anywhere, and the moment she saw that recognition in his eyes, she launched herself at the surly wizard, wrapping her limbs around him, causing him to topple backwards onto the floor where she proceeded to kiss him possessively.
Everyone else let out the collective breath that they'd been unaware they were holding.
Now straddling him, Hermione whispered against his lips, "I love you, you idiot," punctuating each word with desperate pecks against his lips.
Severus again found himself unable to respond, but Hermione wasn't giving up, and continued in her ministrations until finally she felt his arms wind round her waist and back. Both were oblivious to their audience―they only had eyes for each other―as the headmaster quickly flipped them over. Looking into her soft brown eyes, which were now swollen and sore from crying, the usually gruff wizard quietly and penitently asked her for forgiveness.
"Give me one good reason why I should forgive you?" Hermione asked resolutely.
Severus looked at her feeling thoroughly ashamed of himself whilst struggling to give her an answer. Cupping her cheek, and stroking his thumb across her soft skin, he told her softly, "I...I cannot think of one reason, let alone a good one. I am so undeserving of you."
"Well, that is where you are wrong, mister!" Hermione's voice was teasing, but there was underlying tone of steel. She pulled him down for another kiss before whispering against his cheek, "There are more than enough reasons, and if anyone is undeserving, it's me."
"'Mione stop it!" Draco implored, breaking the tension that the couple on the floor had created. "Why do you keep thinking that you're not good enough for anyone?"
Severus' brow furrowed as he pushed Hermione's wild mane away from her face, and reiterated his godson's question incredulously, "How can you believe yourself to be so undeserving, my love?"
Hermione didn't answer his question directly, but instead stated, "I could ask you the very same question," she responded, raising herself up to press a soft, but insistent, kiss to his lips.
At this point, the orbs seemed to dance around each other before re-entering the two bodies currently engaged in a deeper, more passionate kiss on the floor. They may have forgotten about the three other people in the headmaster's office, but they were the ones who witnessed the couple's bodies being encompassed in a warm glow.
Severus broke the kiss gasping for air; both were panting heavily, and Hermione gently ran her fingers through his silky, black hair before pointing out, "I've no idea what this bond is, but I get the feeling it's just a way to get us together."
"I know it's not controlling how I feel about you, nor is it controlling how you feel, I believe," he admitted sheepishly, which earned him a beaming smile from the witch in his arms, "but I agree, that for whatever reason―and I really want to know what that reason is―the bond seems determined to ensure that we do not separate."
Hermione shrugged. "I don't know, but Lily, or whatever that was in your bedroom, said it was for the greater good. That's what she told you too, wasn't it?"
Severus nodded, shocked that Hermione had spoken to whatever presence was claiming to be Lily, and that she'd been in his bedroom, but said nothing as his eyes took in her every detail of her face. However, a brusque throat clearance snapped him out of his reverie, and he realised that for the second time that day, they were canoodling on a floor with an audience.
Sitting up, Severus chuckled and pulled Hermione to him, cradling her head against his neck. I can see we will need a fair few rugs if we keep ending up on the floor like this, he thought to himself.
Especially by the fire, Hermione responded, absentmindedly running her finger along his neck. She noticed that Severus winced as she neared Nagini's wound, and moved so that she could pull his coat, shirt and cravat away from the sensitive, still angry looking flesh.
As she tentatively planted soft kisses along the length of the scar, Severus felt a warm tingle along the length of the scar, and was surprised when Hermione whispered appraisingly, "It doesn't look so red now."
Dumbledore's twinkle was evident as he smiled down at the couple, who somehow seemed very much in love, and announced to the room, "I believe the last few hours have been quite stressful for everyone. Now, Minerva, I would recommend that you go about your duties, and Lucius, my boy, take Draco home. Perhaps we can discuss today's events tomorrow? Shall we say eleven o'clock? I know Severus does not have any meetings tomorrow. Is that still correct, Severus?"
Severus confirmed that was the case as he stood, holding his hand out to assist his witch to get up from the floor.
Everyone agreed this would be a prudent course of action, but Minerva muttered to Lucius, "I don't know about this. It all seems very wrong, but look at them. The only couple, I know, who can have rows like that, and still be happily married, are Arthur and Molly Weasley."
Lucius nodded. "I admit that in the past I have not had much time for the majority of the Weasleys, but I have often felt a pang of envy when it comes to Arthur and Molly's relationship. The only passion Narcissa and I ever shared was when choosing furniture or soft furnishings," Lucius mused regretfully. The blond-haired wizard had to admit that his pang of envy now extended to his oldest friend.
"'Mione, love, let me know if you need anything," Draco offered, walking towards his friend and pulling her into a hug. Glaring at Severus, he cautioned, "Look after her, Uncle, and give her some credit next time," before softening his tone, and asking, "Is it still OK if we have a chat tomorrow?"
"Of course," Severus acknowledged with a small smile threatening to appear on his lips.
As everyone left the headmaster's office, Dumbledore smiled as Severus pulled Hermione to him and began to absentmindedly played with Hermione's hair again, as he reiterated his apologies for his behaviour earlier.
"Love is such a wonderful gift," the former headmaster declared, which pulled the couple from their tender reverie. "It is always ta thrill when two people who are destined find each other."
Severus and Hermione looked at each other, puzzled by what the portrait meant, but turned back to look at the image of Dumbledore when he continued to speak.
"The dynamics of this bond appear to be different to my initial summation―which is fascinating. We will discuss this at length, but, for now, I believe you two should have something to eat, and spend some time together before you view your new rooms, Hermione."
The witch looked surprised that Dumbledore knew about the rooms that Severus had mentioned earlier, but had to giggle when the deceased professor added, "And I would very much like to know how you decide to decorate them, my dear."
Then addressing both of them, he advised, "After that, do as you will, but I suggest you proceed with caution. There is no need to feel that you must rush into anything just because of this bond."
Severus sneered at being told once again by Dumbledore how to conduct himself, but his need to tell the old codger to mind his own business was allayed when Hermione spoke.
"Professor, you don't have to worry. I want Severus and I to sit down and discuss this properly before we do anything like that. And besides, I've always wanted my first time to be special, and, once we know what we both want," Hermione said, blushing profusely, "then we can concentrate on that side of things."
Dumbledore sighed. Hermione had always been a witch who was wise beyond her years, but the gentle smile that had graced his lips whilst she was speaking, turned into a smirk when he saw Severus slowly beginning to realise what his witch had just said.
"I will now take my leave. You have much to discuss, I believe," Albus told them with a knowing grin.
The couple nodded at the portrait, but Severus was still trying to assimilate what Hermione had just said. Oh fuck, she's still a―
Hermione moved towards the fireplace, and taking a handful of Floo powder was about to throw it into the fire, when Severus called to her, "Hang on, your thoughts are positively debauched. How can you still be a―"
She stepped into the fire, but the last thing Severus saw of her before she disappeared, was a wicked smirk on her face, which spoke volumes to him.
Severus looked at Dumbledore, who was whistling to himself as he stood to move out of his portrait. "I'm completely fucked, aren't I?"
"You most certainly are, dear boy," Albus responded with a chuckle. "You most certainly are."
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