The Mimicker | By : TalisRuadair Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 54121 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 16 |
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter Series (1997-2007) and any characters and original locations within the books belong to JK Rowling. I do not make any form of profit or I'd quit my day job. |
Chapter Four – Narcissa’s Secret
Two too many days had passed since her fake husband and supposed son had left her alone in the manor. The young man who left with them had promised to speak with his godfather to have her marriage annulled. She may have lied to him about her virginity; however, she was honest when she stated that she and Lucius never consummated their marriage. How could they? Lucius monster of a father had removed that possibility long before the two were wed. Oh and what a monster that man was. She didn’t want to think about what life was like when she first moved into the manor, but the even the deepest buried memories hat to surface sometime.
It had been their wedding night when Abraxas shoved that horrible male fertility potion down Lucius’ throat and mated him as if he were nothing but a dog. Narcissa had been forced to watch in her white gown as her new husband pleaded with Abraxas to stop. The man had done nothing to prepare him before entry, and the copious amount of come was mixed with Lucius’ own blood. The scene didn’t bode well for the rest of her marriage, and somewhere deep within her, she knew that something needed to be done about the beast before her. It was announced a week later that Narcissa was with child, as Abraxas would never tell the truth about his submissive son.
One thing the man hadn’t expected when he had chosen a Black daughter for a bride was the fact that Narcissa was a Black. She’d been raised with knowledge of both poisons and Dark Arts, and she was soon utilizing the vast library at the manor. She knew she needed to do something about the monster that had control before her life lay in ruins.
Everything came to a head the day that Draco was born. Apparently, the beast didn’t like the sickly way that Draco looked. Something about him being nothing but a weak submissive who wouldn’t even live long enough to attend Hogwarts. However, his comments didn’t stop Lucius for caring for his son. The red rimmed eyes she saw were remnants from the tears that Lucius shed for his son. It wasn’t long before Severus was called to the manor to assist with Draco’s condition. Her husband was determined to have his son live.
That night when she slept in her bed, she awoke to an uninvited visitor. She’d smelt the fire whiskey on the man’s breath and knew that whatever was to follow did not bode well for her. She reached for her wand but he’d already summoned it to him. “I should’ve known my useless son couldn’t carry anything but a useless son. We need another child darling, but we must keep my son’s inferior genetics out of it. You shall carry my dominate son. I know the strength that runs through the Black veins and now I really do regret marrying that Delacour bitch.”
Narcissa hit and kicked the man as he came closer, but with a quick flick of his wrist had her tied to the bed, “Now, now. Surely you knew what you were getting yourself into when you married my son. He could never satisfy your needs, so that delight falls to me.”
She shook her head no as she felt anger boil though her so strong that she was sure she’d died from the flames running through her veins. This man thought he could take something from her that only belonged to her mate? He would die. She would make sure he died a horrible grizzly death and then she’d find her mate. She knew he was still alive no matter what the family thought. She would’ve sensed it the moment he’d died if he really had. Her mate was crafty and surely faked his own death to get away from her horrible aunt. The aunt that decided that she should be the next Lady Malfoy, she pulled against the ropes as she let out a high pitched screech that couldn’t have come from her throat.
It didn’t stop him from entering her and with a few quick thrusts release within her. Her chest burned and her mind gave away to something primitive. It wasn’t until she woke the next morning and found the claw-like marks that appeared all over the passed out man’s chest. She quickly checked for his pulse and sighed when she realized he was still alive. She levitated him into one of the bedrooms for the sick. It had all of the proper safety protocols that would prevent the man from leaving the room. She smirked as she left knowing that man would regret the day he ever decided to violate a Black.
She hummed to herself as she walked back to the library, “Now, what horrible disease does a demon like you deserve to suffer?”
She looked through book after book before she found the debilitating symptoms of Dragon Pox. Sure they had created a vaccine for it, but it wouldn’t take much for her to brew a resistant strand. She could even make sure it only attacks Abraxas’ magical signature. Now she just needed to find what other poisons she could add to his food. She smirked knowing he would be dead within the month and to everyone else, it would look like natural causes. She could then control her husband, as a submissive like him would need someone to hold everything together. He wouldn’t mind if she disappeared from the manor and she could spend time with her mate. She knew she’d search for him the moment that Abraxas kicked the bucket, and she hoped he kicked it really hard.
She had been correct in her assumptions as Abraxas was dead before Draco’s first month of life. It didn’t take much to have everything taken care of and all assets transferred to her husband’s name. No one questioned his death and Severus offered to live with them so that he could help take care of the sickly Draco. She remembered the first time her eyes met those innocent grey ones. Her heart swelled and something in her knew that he would be a creature like her. She smiled and ran a finger over his light platinum hair. “I may not be your mummy love, but I will protect you as if you were one of my own until your daddy’s mate makes an appearance. You will no longer need me when that day comes and I will finally be free to find someone of my own.”
It was two weeks later that she discovered her own prognosis, “That bastard had to be that fertile. I never wanted to carry a child from someone other than my mate. If he weren’t already dead, I’d rip his head off and feed it to a bloody dragon.”
She quickly ran to her bedroom and packed for her trip. It wouldn’t be long before she found her mate and hopefully he could make things better. As soon as her bags were packed, she closed her eyes and focused on the string that connected him to her. She pulled and soon stood before a stone cottage with a thatch roof. She looked around at the cobbled streets and got the feeling she was somewhere in the eastern part of the continent. She had no idea where exactly, but she did look around and see dragons in the surrounding mountains, “I should’ve known you’d run off to a dragon preserve, Reggie.”
She knocked on the door and gasped at the man who appeared before her. He looked so much different than the Reggie she’d grown up with. His long dark brown hair now fell in black cherry streams, his eyes glowed silver with a knowledge that remained unknown to her, and lastly his usually rounded ears came up in delicate elfin points. “You look so much different than I remember, Reggie.”
“I must’ve forgotten my glamour when I sensed your presence.” His eyes sparkled as he grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her inside, “My mate, what are you doing so far from your husband?”
She shook her white-blonde locks, “No, I never wanted him. I was forced into the marriage by your horrible mother. You were gone and I never consummated the marriage bond because he was made a eunuch by his own father.”
He started sniffing her with his delicate button nose, “Why do you smell with child if you never consummated your marriage?”
She felt sorrow well up within her and tears forming in her already cried out eyes, “I never wanted it. Abraxas forced me after Draco was born so weak. What did that bastard expect would happen when a child was born from such incestuous relations? Worry not about him, love. I put my Black ingenuity together and he is no longer of the living. Though, I wish I remembered how I almost flayed his skin from is bones that night.”
Regulus tipped his head back and let out a strong laugh, as the light reflected from his moonstone shimmering skin, “Darling Narcissa, did you not know of your own Veela inheritance? You must’ve turned into one hell of a harpy to not remember the damage you did to your rapist.” He gently kissed her temple before pulling her to his chest, “What are you going to do about the baby?”
“I can’t keep it. I fear I will not be able to give it the love it deserves. I will have to return one day to play my part as the perfect mother to poor Draco. I fear he may not make it past his first birthday. That boy was pooling blood after birth. I’m surprised that Severus was able to stop it with blood clotting potions. He’s the boy’s godfather you see. He’s been there since day one and I fear he will be an even larger part of our life as time continues on.”
Regulus lifted her into his arms and smiled beautifully showing perfect white teeth, “We can continue this conversation later, but if we want that child of yours to carry any of your mate’s genetics then we should go fulfill our bond. I can’t wait to have you lying between my sheets begging me to take you another time. I understand that you will need to leave our child with me, but know that I will love and raise that child as if you were able to live with us all the time.”
Tears fell from her eyes, “You promise.”
“Of course love.” He set her down on his large platform bed. It’s bedding was a black as midnight along with the curtains that framed the single window in the room. The walls were exposed stone and the floor seemed to be unfinished slate. However, he had several butter soft rabbit rugs around the bed. His long and tapered fingers worked each button on her blouse. Once he had access he started kissing her exposed chest and worked to free her taught nipples from the constraining cups of her bra.
Heat pooled in her belly as his fingers caused hot desire flood through whichever part of her body they touched. It soon became too much for her delicate sensibilities, “I can’t take anymore teasing. I need you in me now!”
Reggie chuckled, “I shall always fulfill the demands of my queen.” It was only moments later that his overly hard membered was pressed into her. Narcissa felt bliss when he started moving to his own beat. The experience before her felt so much better than she ever thought possible. A piece within her seemed to reach out to him and complete something that was missing from within for far too long. Everyone one of her nerves was in sensory overload when fireworks exploded from behind her eyes. It only took him a couple more thrusts before he was following her into perfection. She soon cuddled up to her mate in their bliss. She had felt at peace and fell into the most refreshing sleep she had had in her life. Her dreams were filled with those of twins, a girl and boy, blond and brunette.
She had stayed with him until the following year in January, when her children were born. She had been in labor for an undetermined amount of time, but she really wanted the pain to end. She pushed with all of her might and heard a perfect scream. Reggie placed the baby on her chest when she felt another overwhelming need to push. Reggie’s father Alexander gasped, “Oh my, what a beautiful Veela. I wasn’t expecting to have such a beauty for a granddaughter.”
Regulus admonished him, “Come on, with our elf ancestry and Narcissa’s Veela heritage, you had to know that at least one of our children would be Veela.”
Alexander coughed, “Yes, well your son is definitely a shadow elf like his father. You have twins that are polar opposites of one another. One girl and one boy, one dark and one light, I think you’ll have a handful when it’s time for them to go to school.”
Regulus crossed his arms and glared at him, “I guess that our son will just have to go to Durmstrang and we’ll send our princes to Beauxbatons so she can be close to other Veela’s her age.”
Narcissa looked down at the two little miracle babies and was happy to see her beloved mate within both of them and none of her rapist, “Now, I don’t want you to go planning their future from the first day they’re born. They are two little individuals and they’ll need the freedom to bloom. Now we just need to figure out whom to name as their godparents.”
Regulus smiled, “I would love if you’d allow me to make Vidor Clovis Baum, a longtime family friend, our son’s godfather. I’d love to make my brother Sirius our daughter’s godfather, but we wouldn’t be able to notify him of it. I’m not sure how he’d react when he discovered that I faked my own death. Also, I have no idea how to contact him. We need to keep their existence secret, so perhaps we can do the ceremony without his knowledge.”
Narcissa nodded, “I would like to make my mother’s youngest sister Apolline Delacour our daughter’s godmother, since she’s half-Veela. I would like to think of someone appropriate for our son. I know, my sister Andromeda was disowned when she married a muggleborn. I would like her to be our son’s godmother.”
“It’s settled then. I’m sure that we could get her to travel here for the ceremony. Perhaps we could also get Sirius here and obliviate him after the ceremony. Andromeda’s able to keep a secret, right?”
Narcissa smiled, “She’s a mind healer, what do you think?”
“You could probably use a consultation from her after everything you’ve been through. I guess we should see if we could get her, Teddy, and their daughter to stay with us for a bit. You know that you’ll have to return to England soon. I’ll invite them all right away. I don’t need to tell Sirius why he’s being summoned to a dragon preserve. Perhaps I can even use his Auror status against him.”
The ceremony had ended with Sirius being obliviated and sent on his way. Andromeda stated along with her family and promised to keep the children’s existence a secret before they all returned to England a month later. Narcissa was delighted to meet Vidor, but found him to be quite odd. He apparently was much older than her and had seen many horrors in his life. He had short pixie like reddish brown hair and a rounded face with high cheekbones and a tiny little nose. So, basically everything about him screamed fairy, which made sense when he pulled out his large wings. She couldn’t help but notice the protective look he had on his face when he held her little Aquila Dominicus Gamp in his arms. At the same time there was great sadness in his golden eyes.
She smiled when she remembered the happiness she saw in Andromeda’s eyes when she held little Venus Zinnia Gamp. She really was both a proud aunt as well as godmother though Apolline had stolen the little girl from her. Andromeda was just as happy to hold little Aquila, for whom she was the proud godmother. Narcissa missed both of her children when she returned to Malfoy Manor, but she had the promise of both Apolline and Andromeda that they would visit her children regularly. Also, Regulus had promised to send plenty of photos by owl. It was shortly after Draco’s first birthday that Narcissa made her annual shopping trip where she used that as an excuse to spend time with her mate and children in Romania. Once Draco went off to school, Narcissa would spend the fall and spring terms with Regulus. She would still make trips in the summer so she could see her children, but she always had to spend winter break at home with her “son” Draco. She had a reprieve in his second year, as Draco had decided to stay at Hogwarts.
She even had to fight Lucius about sending Draco to Hogwarts because she really didn’t want the little brat to meet her perfect son at Durmstrang. Her daughter was doing wonderfully in her first year at Beauxbatons where her godmother’s eldest daughter Fleur took her under her wing. She enjoyed hearing her daughter speak fluent French and then switch to perfect English. Narcissa never had to worry about her daughter having a horribly thick French accent. Narcissa was also happy after the return of the Dark Lord that her children were protected at schools far away from Wizarding Britain. Her son had been taken under Viktor Krum’s wing and he was training to become his replacement seeker for their house team. The young man really took after his father.
Narcissa wanted to scream as the memories floated away and she stared at herself in the mirror. She missed her family and she wasn’t able to even sneak away to visit them when the manor was occupied by that horrible snake man. She was itching for that annulment and wondered why Black didn’t act quick enough. Her son’s unknowing godfather really needed to get his act together. Then as if by merely thinking it, an owl tapped on her window. She smiled as she opened the window and read the announcement that her marriage to Lucius had been annulled. It didn’t take much for the Magic within the marriage department to determine that the two married had never cemented their bond. It was based on magical signature and thus Abraxas’ actions did not seal the bond. She quickly called an elf to have all of her things packed and delivered to Regulus’ home. She smiled when it was time to spin on the spot. She appeared before that same familiar dark wood door. She barely knocked when the door was thrown open and her perfect mate stood before her. She smiled as he pulled her into a hug, “It’s over darling. You’re bother had my marriage annulled and we are finally free to legally bind out mateship. We will finally be a true family.”
Regulus’ silver eyes fixated on her, “What happened to Lucius?”
She smirked, “His mate finally found him. Harry Potter is some sort of unknown creature that needs more than one mate. He’s not only Lucius’ but also Draco’s. I’m not sure how many others are tied to him but Severus was already one of his mates and if I read the letter correctly, I believe our dear Sirius is another. You better hide your other bother. That boy is collecting mates like other’s collect Chocolate Frog cards.”
Regulus laughed, “Then I just really must keep him away from Alin.”
Narcissa shook her head no, “That’s not possible. I plan on inviting them to stay with us during the winter holidays. It’s time that we celebrate as a huge family. I’d like to invite the Delacours and Andromeda as well.”
Regulus sighed, “Does that mean I’ll have to deal with your father? You know that didn’t go over well when I first met him after your mother told you the truth. I mean how did we not see it sooner. The Blacks were never known for Veela heritage. Sure your mother had a half-Veela as a little sister, but that was because your grandfather remarried. It’s still surprising that your mother had an affair with Lucius’s mother’s brother. That makes the two of you cousins, so I guess Abraxas really did want to keep it in the family after all. Not only did he violate his own son, he also made him marry his cousin.”
“Oh hush you. Neither Abraxas nor Walburga knew that I wasn’t Cygnus Black’s daughter.”
“I know darling. The kids are out with Vidor and Alin watching Dragon Handler Weasley. I’ve missed you so much at its time that I rechristen my mate.” He lifted Narcissa into his arms and led her to his bedroom. “I will make sure you’re deliciously sore love that you will never contemplate leaving us again.”
Draco sat in the library with his godfather knowing that his world had tilted on its axis. He knew that his parents never loved one another, but he never realized his grandfather was his father. He knew that he was sickly and that he had many other health issues, but never realized why. How could any father do that to his son? He understood that things were bound to improve once the ritual took place over the next full moon. At the same time, he couldn’t determine how he really felt about having Hermione Granger as a blood adopted sister.
He looked over at Severus, “Do you really think this blood adoption is a good idea?”
The potion’s mater’s black eyes bored into him, “Are you really asking me that? Of course Draco, you’d rather continue with your blood clotting potion regimen instead of pollute your pureblood with that of a muggle. It doesn’t matter that Hermione is the brightest witch in your year. All you can see is the bull you were raised with. Do you still see a Mudblood, Draco?”
Draco’s grey eyes widened, “That’s not what I meant. I just really hoped that it wouldn’t cause me to get her hair. I mean it would be horrible if I had that curly mess. I know that there will be plenty of health benefits. You also know that I’ve always wanted as sister and at this point, I would accept the know-it-all. I still don’t know how I should feel knowing how my grandfather treated my father. Not that I remember Abraxas as he died shortly after I was born.”
Severus pulled him into a hug, “I understand that things are confusing for you right now love. Finding out that your father’s more female than male is probably one of them. Don’t worry though love, Harry will take good care of him. I’m sure he will be happy to give you more brothers and sisters. I know that Harry really wants to start having children soon. I’m happy I’ve been able to talk him into allowing me and Sirius to wait until the rest of you have graduated. I’m still not sure if I want to pass along my genes.”
“I’ll just be happy when that bastard’s contribution is overridden by Hermione’s. Do you know when she might be joining us with making those plans? I mean she’s already gathered all of this information regarding the ritual, but we still have so much to decide before the day comes. I think she plans on making sure that the ritual is modified so that she is adopting me as a sister and not a child. At the same time, I haven’t been feeling well recently.”
Severus whipped out his wand and started casting diagnostic charms. He just cast spell after spell while Draco sat still waiting for the verdict. His godfather looked at him, “There’s nothing physically wrong with you, but you’ve been under quite a bit of emotional trauma.” He pulled out the familiar lavender colored potion, “I want you to go to your room and drink that. I think you could use some more sleep. We will continue with the ritual research without you. I’m sure that Hermione and her mates will come down shortly.”
Draco just took the potion and nodded before leaving the library. Too much was on his mind the night before that prevented him from sleeping. He really hoped he’d feel better after a potion induced sleep. Part of him knew it wouldn’t change the person his grandfather was, but at least it would allow him to rest and refresh. He needed all of the strength he could get when it was time to perform the ritual. He wondered how his appearance would change. Would her bushy hair override his baby fine blonde hair? Part of him knew that his mate would never reject him no matter what changed in his appearance from the blood adoption. Would he loose some of the more pointed features that made him resemble a ferret?
Hermione sighed as she looked over at her two mates. She was sandwiched between the two twin redheads and part of her wondered how she was able to tell the difference between the two. She placed her hand on the chest of the one facing her and automatically knew it was the weaker twin Fred. Her hands moved up to his face, where she gently brushed over his features. Her mind remembered their hurried coupling in their desire to obtain balance. She wanted to take her time that morning though and she figured it was best to start with Fred, who was the submissive of the two.
She rolled him onto his back and quickly grabbed her wand to tie him to the bed before casting a quick sleeping spell on George. It was time to give each of them some quality time. A wicked idea came to mind, and she found herself calling a house elf, “Winky.”
The completely sober elf appeared before her, “How may I help you?”
“Do you think you could find me a couple of plugs that will allow me to torture my mates?”
The little elf in the pink dress nodded and popped out before popping back in with two silver plugs, “These are traditionally for Gemini twins. They assist the twins’ mate to ground them. They have all of the necessary cleaning charms along with a few setting that allow you to tease them into a frantic desire for release that they can only get from you.” In her other hand was a couple of figure eight ties, “I think that you might need these as well. They will be spelled to your signature. When they have these on it prevents them from even getting hard, which allows you to control when they can jump you or each other.”
Hermione smirked, “Thank you, Winky.” She took the plugs and restraints and put them on the nightstand. She lifted her lovely’s legs so she had access to his perfect little pucker. With a few cleaning, stretching, and lubrication charms, she was able to push the plug into his behind. She looked at the instructions with the plugs and smiled. She turned on the vibration feature and Fred yelped awake.
Hermione watched in excitement as his member grew into a delicious size. She straddled him and started grinding against it. She stared into his open blue eyes, “I’m going to give you plenty of pleasure my mate. Are you ready to feel me surrounding you love. Don’t you want my heat surrounding you?”
Fred just nodded as if he couldn’t believe what was happening. Hermione let out a moan as she fully sheathed the lovely manhood. She squatted and moved up and down on his rod fully concentrating on her own pleasure. She reached out and tweaked both of his light pink nipples before running her hands down his well-defined but very pale chest. “Love, we’re going to have you exercising every day. I want to see you and George with six packs. I think we can use one of the training rooms to practice sword fighting. I learned how to fence as a child and I’m sure I can teach you.”
She pulled all the way up to drop back down on it impaling herself letting out a moan. She repeated the process until she felt an explosion within. She felt her walls tighten around her and charmed the plug in her darling to move in and out of him until he screamed his own orgasm and filled her with warmth. “Did if forget to tell you that you’re going back to Hogwarts with me where you will complete your N.E.W.T.s?”
She climbed off of him as he groaned in response only to hear him whisper, “I doubt that Dumbledore will allow us to return.”
She looked over at him for a moment before tying George up and waking him up. She smirked at him as she cast the cleaning and lubrication charm, “I’m sure you’ve never had someone impale before, have you?”
George shook his head no as she stuck her finger in his rear, “I’ve always given Fred what he needed.”
“I have you now. I will give you so much pleasure you’ll be begging me to do it to you all the time.” She slipped in two fingers as she stretched him some more. She felt around for that one spot that would surely get a reaction from him. She smiled as he groaned in pleasure. Once she had his pucker lose enough to accept her plug, she pushed it into him. She charmed it to move out and apply pressure on his prostrate. “You will keep that in you from now on love. You’re mine and I get to determine when you release in pleasure. That is mean to help ground you. Now, I’m going to temporarily release you from your bonds and you’re going to fuck me so hard that I’m going to see stars.”
She flicked her wand and George was on her. She was quickly flipped over and he pushed into her with a groan. He whispered, “I don’t know how long I can last with that pressure on my prostrate. I’ll try to make you see stars though love.”
Hermione closed her eyes as he moved within her hitting that delicious spot while his thumb blissfully worked her numb. She didn’t know how long she would last either. However, part of her knew that it would be sooner than she would like. She was correct when she felt the warmth rushing though her and him follow her over the abyss. He pulled out and collapsed next to her, “I think you’ve found an new way to torture us Hermione.”
She pulled her wand and soon he was tied back to the bed, “Oh I have even more ways than you know.” She quickly applied the restraint to both of them with another flick of her wand. “Now you won’t even get hard unless I allow it. The two of you will be returning with me to Hogwarts and you will complete your N.E.W.T.s to a satisfactory standard after retaking your O.W.L.s.”
The twins both groaned, “Ah you’re killing me, Hermione.”
She smirked at them, “I’m going to release you so that you both can wash me perfectly in the shower. I expect the two of you to work together and we’ll need to go to the library soon. The two of you have some studying to do and I have some more research. If you’re good, I’ll allow the two of you to have more release this evening, but you’ll be wearing those plugs from now on. I think at some point I’ll be ready for the both of you to be inside of me at once. Oh how delicious it would feel to have both of you filling me. I think that’s how we’ll need to conceive our child after I stop taking my contraception potion, which will not happen until after I am done with my schooling and have established my career. Now we just need to discuss when we’ll have our wedding ceremony. I turn 17 in September, so perhaps we could have a Halloween wedding.”
George looked at her for a moment, “I don’t think that our mother will like that. She’s expected you and Ron to end up together. Something about how you could bring prosperity to her baby. I don’t know about her, but sometimes I wonder if Ron and Ginny are her actual children. How could that be possible though? Unless dad doesn’t prefer the fairer sex.”
Hermione shrugged, “I don’t know, but Lucius and Narcissa recently had their marriage annulled because they never consummated it. It’s possible for the same to occur if your parents never consummated their marriage, but with that many children how would that not be possible?”
Fred popped up from bed with wide eyes, “Mum’s brothers were Gemini twins as well. What if dad was their grounding mate? It would make sense why Mum’s been trying to prevent us from finding ours.”
Her brows furrowed, “I thought that those two died in the last war at the hands of Death Eaters.”
George shrugged, “They could’ve faked their deaths.”
“I think we should go and ask Severus about that after we’re done getting ready for the day. I’m sure he’ll know a way to look for relatives. I think it might make sense if your father was a submissive because he could’ve been the one to carry you. I’m sure with the proper spells; Molly could’ve made everyone believe that she was the one who was pregnant.”
“Well, we have several different creatures that run on both sides of our family. Dad’s side tends to breed true Sirens, but I’m not really sure what runs on Mum’s side besides Gemini twins,” George admitted.
“Percy and Bill both show signs of being Sirens. Charley is something else entirely, but he always kept it hidden for some reason. Ron and Ginny have shown no signs of anything. Then again, neither Prewetts nor Weasleys have had daughters in many generations. Yet they both have had one girl in the last generation,” Fred climbed out of the bed.
Hermione looked at both of them, “How would that happen? Perhaps we need to get a sample of Molly and see if her genetics match either one of yours. I can’t help but wonder if she was the twins’ half-sister. Maybe Molly learned from her mother how to have a daughter.” She tapped her chin, “Perhaps they just had an affair with redheaded muggle men. Just think about how non-magical genes could influence a family with creature inheritance. Then again if your maternal grandmother didn’t have any then she wouldn’t have anything to mix with the muggle.”
“Wait a minute, how did that large-
“-beautiful brain-
“-come up with something as-
“-direct as she had an affair-
“-with a muggle?”
Hermione just shook her head at the twins’ antics, “It’s only a hypothesis. Now let’s go get ready so I may prove it right or wrong.”
“Too bad you think divination is pointless.”
“Because you’d make an excellent seer.”
A/N: I tried to give you some better interaction between Hermione and the twins. I’ve also tried to explain Narcissa’s reaction by jumping into her head. Though I must admit that some of this inspiration came from AR’s comments, and I hope I’m improving a bit. I really don’t want to have to rewrite what I wrote right now. I think I’m going to push on and then maybe do another major re-write or edit after I have completed it. Also, I changed my Fairy submissive’s name because I thought that Alin and Eugen were too close in names.
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