Masculum Graviditate | By : ChibiAyane Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Voldemort Views: 62630 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 19 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its characters. This work of fiction is for fun only, not for profit. |
Here's the next chapter! Slight Harry/Seamus wanking, but this is where the story gets interesting!
Spells and potions.
+Chapter 4: Vision+
--Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, somewhere in Northern Scotland. Thursday 29 February 1996.--
It was late evening, Harry and Seamus Finnegan were on their way back to Gryffindor Tower after a shared detention. Dumbledore was long gone, their DA days were over, and Umbridge had free reign over Hogwarts. There were no paintings on the walls and Umbridge's voice was reciting the school rules on a continuous loop throughout the corridors even at night. Seamus and Harry had made up, Seamus confessing to Harry that he believed him when he said the Dark Lord was back.
Seamus' hand was scabbed over already, while Harry's bled freely. The scarring was so thick on Harry's hand that even if it were allowed to heal properly, he'd still have vivid scars on the back of his hand for the rest of his life - even with Madam Pomfrey's help. Seamus kept flicking his gaze toward Harry, as they walked side by side down the corridor. Suddenly, Seamus grabbed Harry by his unhurt hand and dragged him behind a tapestry and into a hidden passageway.
"Seamus, what-" Harry exclaimed, only to have Seamus' hand slap over his mouth. Harry was shoved up against the wall, with Seamus pressing against him.
"Ssh," Seamus hushed him, removing his hand and slamming his lips against Harry's.
Harry gasped, allowing Seamus access to his mouth. When Harry felt that tongue invade, he pressed right back into the kiss, as they both started fondling one another. He threw himself into the tryst, brought on by raging hormones. That's all this was, and they both knew it. Just two teenagers trying to get off. It might also have been a bit of defiance on their part, as Umbridge had made it clear that homosexual relationships were 'unnatural', or at least that was her excuse for removing the new male pregnancy potions from the curriculum. She'd even gone so far as to vanish the potions that the NEWT students had been working so hard on for over a month, giving them all zeros in their Potions grades for that time. That pissed Snape and the other professors off and dashed the hopes of many students of getting the NEWTs they needed for the careers they'd wanted to pursue.
Harry's fingers made quick work of Seamus' belt and the fastenings of his trousers. He stole his hand inside and grabbed hold of Seamus' rock hard member, while Seamus quickly released Harry from the confines of his own uniform trousers. They continued to kiss and stroke each other, trying their best to stay quiet. They kissed and bit and sucked at eachother's lips and tongues, their hands moving on their cocks faster and faster. Harry winced.
'There it is again! That headache!' he thought, mentally groaning in both annoyance and pain. Every time he was intimate with someone - kissing Luna, making out with Colin, fucking Malfoy (and wasn't that an interesting night?) - he'd get a terrible headache. Whenever he was with Fred and George, even just talking to them, he'd get a full blown migraine.
Harry pushed the pain aside and kept on stroking Seamus, his movements slicked by precum and blood from his own hand (much to his own disgust). Seamus bit his lip and moaned as he released into Harry's hand. Harry was almost to the finish line too, just a little bit more...
His head exploded with pain, making him scream and fall to the ground with his hands clutched to his head, scaring Seamus and attracting the attention of a professor who'd been walking by.
Seamus quickly made himself decent and bent to do the same for Harry, then started to fret over what to do for his whimpering and writhing classmate, when Professor Flitwick stepped into the passageway. Seeing Harry on the ground, bleeding from his hand and the scar on his forehead, Filius Flitwick disregarded the boys' disheveled state and conjured a stretcher and levitated Harry onto it.
"Come along, Mister Finnegan! We must get him to the Hospital Wing," he stated. "What happened?" he asked the teenager, as they rushed down the corridor, Harry levitating on the stretcher behind them.
"I don't know what happened! One minute he was fine - more than fine - and the next minute he was screaming!" Seamus said quickly. They both faltered and turned to look at Harry when he suddenly stopped moving and making noise.
"Quickly, now!" Flitwick squeaked and started running, absently sending a Patronus off to Professor McGonagall. 'That bleeding curse scar is very worrying!' the professor thought.
They arrived at the Hospital Wing not two minutes later, rushing through the doors, catching Madam Pomfrey's attention from her filing for the day. She bustled out of her office to see what the noise was, and noticing the bleeding student, instantly started barking orders and casting diagnostic spells. Seamus ran off back to Gryffindor Tower when the Madam ordered him out of the room. Professor Flitwick rushing off to wake Professor Snape, after telling Pomfrey EXACTLY how he'd found Mister Potter and Mister Finnegan and what Seamus had told him. Professor McGonagall rushed into the room, still in her teaching robes, just as Flitwick flitted through the door.
"What is going on, Poppy?" McGonagall asked, and she gasped when she noticed Harry's forehead. "Oh, my!"
"I'm not sure what's happening," Pomfrey told her. "Filius brought him here, told me he was with Mister Finnegan when he found him. Apparently, the two had been doing things of a... sexual nature, judging by their clothes. He heard Potter scream and rushed to him. Finnegan said he'd been fine until that moment, he just started screaming and fell to the floor holding his head. As far as what the diagnostics are saying, it's only registering the open wounds, nothing else. He's unconscious, Filius said he'd passed out while they were rushing here. That's all I know." She frowned and sighed in frustration. "I can't get the wounds to close up, either. They just keep bleeding!"
Five minutes later, Flitwick came back with Snape in tow. Professor Snape brought a few potions with him, Dreamless Sleep and one that dulls pain from dark spell damage. Pomfrey spelled the potions into Potter's stomach, wiped the blood from his forehead and where it had dripped down his face and up into his hair, and wrapped his hand in thick bandages that quickly started soaking through with blood. She then transfigured his clothes into pajamas, removed his glasses and tucked him into bed. She sighed helplessly. He was so deathly pale and his eyelids fluttered in his sleep as he dreamt, even with the potion that was supposed to suppress that. The four adults stood back and fidgeted, sneered, bounced in anxiety and frowned worriedly down at the unconscious teenager.
"What is going on here?" came a high, sickly sweet voice. They all turned to see Umbridge walking into the room and over to the bed which held Harry Potter.
"Oh, Dolores," McGonagall said, turning to scowl at the so-called Headmistress. "Mister Potter has simply found his way to the Hospital Wing again. He fell unconscious on his way back to the dormitories. I assume the bleeding coming from his hand is your doing."
"Watch yourself, Minerva," Umbridge tittered. "Don't forget whom you're speaking to. It was only another detention for his vicious lies. I assure you, that wouldn't have been enough to render him unconscious. So, what's really going on here?"
"'His vicious lies'?" McGonagall quoted through gritted teeth. "Tell me, Dolores, what do you see on Mister Potter's forehead?" Umbridge only glanced at Harry, smiled and turned back to McGonagall, unanswering. "It's a curse scar, the one the Dark Lord gave him when he was a baby. It's bleeding! Curse scars don't just bleed like that after so many years! You want proof the Dark Lord is back and Harry's not lying, look at his head!"
"He must have cut it open himself, looking for more attention," Umbridge replied simply. McGonagall bristled, her face turning red in rage.
"Curse scars can't be cut open," Snape answered before McGonagall could explode. "Not by any blade or any spell Potter might know. Curse scars are remnants of the curse that made them, the residual magic lying dormant. They can only be reopened when the magic of the curse that formed them has been disturbed. Surely, you, as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, should know that. The only way for it to happen, in this case, is for the one who cast the curse to awaken it himself. In other words, the Dark Lord has done something to disturb and awaken the magic in Potter's scar, either directly or indirectly. As Minerva told you," Snape explained, gesturing toward Harry's head. "Your proof that the Dark Lord has returned."
"Lies," Umbridge stated. "All lies. The Minister for Magic has decreed that the Dark Lord is dead and cannot return. If you continue to spread such lies I will have to have you all arrested and brought up on charges for treason and slander. Now, heal the little liar up and send him on his way. I will see to it that he is punished accordingly-"
"Enough!" McGonagall yelled, her hands clenching in fists. Her uncharacteristic shout causing all conscious parties in the room to startle and stare wide-eyed at the usually terse and tight-lipped professor. "That is enough! Dolores Umbridge, you cannot continue to punish the students for made up or unproven accusations! Especially not with Blood Quills or any other torturous manner that sick mind of yours has come up with!
"How dare you speak to me that way!" Umbridge said, but McGonagall shouted over here.
"Harry Potter is not lying! Believe it or not, he doesn't lie! I've never known him to lie about anything, other than telling his friends and teachers that he's 'fine' whenever he clearly isn't fine at all!" McGonagall said with a huff after the last part. "He's not an attention seeker! He HATES all the attention he gets, it's obvious to anyone who bothers to look!" At this, she pointedly glared at Snape - who only raised an eyebrow, then turned back to Umbridge. She opened her mouth to continue but Umbridge beat her to it.
"That is enough, Minerva! Continue and I will call the Aurors and have you removed and banished from the premises!" Umbridge breathed, pursing her lips.
"Oh, you will, will you?" Minerva McGonagall said with a predatory smirk, advancing toward Umbridge and towering over her. "You might be Headmistress on a piece of paper at the Ministry, but the school itself has not accepted you to that position. You have no power to banish anyone from the premises, but I, Minerva Isobel McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, do hereby expel you, Dolores Jane Umbridge, from your post as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and banish your person from this castle and it's surrounding grounds and forests, forevermore!"
"You can't do tha-" Umbridge started to say, her face a mask of outrage.
"SO MOTE IT BE!" McGonagall bellowed.
The Olde Magick of the castle wards hummed as they wrapped around Umbridge and yanked her off her feet and sent her soaring out of the Hospital Wing and through the castle, screaming and waving her wand to try and stop her momentum. Obviously the castle magic wasn't bothering to watch for obstacles, judging by all the crashing sounds. Umbridge's screaming and the thick heady magic of the school was attracting the attention of all the professors and prefects who were doing their rounds and causing the other students to spill from their common rooms to find out what was going on. They laughed and watched as Dolores Umbridge flew past them and was thrown out of the castle doors, where she landed on her face in the mud, then was dragged the rest of the way across the grounds, her hands scrabbling for purchase as she was pulled by her ankles by an invisible force and tossed out of the gates onto the wet and muddy High Streete of Hogsmeade.
"Wicked," Ron said from the doorway to the Hospital Wing. He and Hermione had rushed there, after Seamus had gotten back to the common room and started telling everyone who was awake what had happened to Harry (of course, leaving out the part about them wanking eachother).
McGonagall humphed, her nostrils flared in anger. "Good riddance!" She turned her gaze to Ron and Hermione, who tensed in apprehension but relaxed when her face melted into a soft smile. "Miss Granger, Mister Weasley, I assume you're here to see Mister Potter?"
"Yes, Professor," Hermione answered, walking into the room with Ron and going over to Harry's bed. "Seamus came running into the common room and told us what happened. We came here right away," she said, sitting on the edge of Harry's bed and brushing his hair away from his bleeding scar. "Curious," she muttered, her brow furrowed in worry and fascination. "How is he?"
Madam Pomfrey shook herself from her stupor at McGonagall's actions and answered. "I'm not sure. There's never been another case like Harry Potter's, most curse scars are just that, scars. There seems to be more to Mister Potter's than just scar tissue and dormant magic. Now, we won't know anything until he wakes up," she said, as she started shooing Ron and Hermione out of the room. "He's been given potions, so he'll be sleeping for some time. You'd best just go back to your dormitories, and you can see him in the morning." With that, she closed the door in their faces before either of them could argue.
Once the door was closed, Flitwick spoke up. "Minerva, Umbridge could be back with Aurors any minute. She might not be able to enter the grounds, but that won't stop anyone else from the Ministry coming in and taking you away."
"Yes," Snape said. "It might be prudent of you to join the Headmaster in hiding at Headquarters for the time being."
"Don't worry about the students or the school," Flitwick cut McGonagall off before she could start arguing. "We'll look after everything in your absense. Besides, I don't think you'll be hiding long... Somehow, I think something big is going to happen very soon," he ended with a wary glance at Harry. All the teachers took a moment to watch the sleeping teen. Pomfrey tutted and moved forward to wipe away the fresh blood dripping from Harry's forehead.
"Well," Madam Pomfrey started, as she stood up straight. "We can't do anything until he wakes up. Let's let him rest." She quickly shooed the other teachers out of the room, before going back to her office. Snape and Flitwick followed McGonagall to her chambers to help her gather her things and escort her to one of the known underground passageways out of the castle.
It didn't take long for the Aurors to show up with a warrant for Minerva McGonagall's arrest. They were forced to leave empty-handed an hour later after searching the castle, waking all the students, and finding nothing.
Harry slept well into the night, it was just after two o'clock in the morning on the first of March, when he woke up groggily. He was sweaty and shaking, his head still bleeding and showing no sign of stopping. He sat up, his mind racing with what he hoped was just a nightmare, but he had to be sure. "Sirius," he muttered, wiping the blood from his head and reaching for his glasses and his wand. He climbed out of bed on shaky legs and somehow managed to make it out of the Hospital Wing without alerting Madam Pomfrey. He stumbled through the corridors and down the stairs, constantly having to wipe blood from his forehead before it could drip into his eyes. He made it to Gryffindor Tower without running into anyone and woke up the portrait of the Fat Lady, then clambered through the portrait hole. He was surprised to find the common room wasn't empty. Ron and Hermione were still awake, as though they were waiting for him - as were Fred, George and Ginny.
"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed, jumping up from her seat and rushing to her deathly pale and weak best friend. "What are you doing here? You should still be in bed in the Hospital Wing! Look at you!"
"Can't," he murmured. "Sirius is in trouble."
"What do you mean?" Ginny asked after she and the others hurried over as well.
"I don't know," Harry shook his head, making a beeline for the stairs to the boys dormitory. "It might have just been a nightmare, but I need to be sure!" He rushed up the stairs, his friends close behind him. He didn't even bother trying to be quiet when he rushed into the fifth year dorm room and over to his trunk to pull out his invisibility cloak, the Marauders' Map and fresh clothes. He irritably wiped at his forehead again, as he started changing his clothes, mindless of the girls that had followed him into the room.
"What's all the noise?" Neville asked in a sleepy tone, all the bustle having woken him up, along with Dean and Seamus.
"Harry, shouldn't we tell a teacher or something?" Hermione asked helplessly.
"Why, so Umbridge will find out?" Harry scoffed.
"Oh, she won't find anything out, mate," Ron chimed in, smirking. "You missed it, Professor McGonagall went all scary and banished her from the school grounds. Sent her soaring through the castle out on her backside! It was brilliant!"
Harry stopped in the middle of changing his trousers. "That's handy."
"What's handy?" Hermione asked warily.
"I need to get to the Ministry of Magic," Harry said, finishing with changing his clothes, dressing in one of his new t-shirts and a pair of jeans that fit properly. He quickly tugged on a pair of trainers and threw on an outer robe.
"The Ministry?" Fred asked.
"I had a dream, a vision," Harry hurried to explain, wiping his forehead again. "I don't know if it's real, but I have to find out. I saw Sirius being tortured at the Ministry by Voldemort in the Department of Mysteries."
"Sirius Black?" Seamus asked quietly, his question going unanswered.
"Okay, but what's handy about Umbridge getting thrown out?" Ginny asked.
"The Floo in her office is the only one connected to the Floo Network," Harry said. "I can use it to get to the Ministry more quickly than if I try to fly there."
Hermione was shaking her head frantically. "Harry, no! You're in no shape to go to the Ministry and possibly have to fight in a battle! You can barely stand!" Her words sparking Seamus and Neville into motion, starting to get dressed.
"Harry, this is mental," Dean said from his bed. "You should go tell a teacher and let them take care of it."
"I can't do that!" Harry shouted, shoving his way through the throng of redheads. "If I go tell a teacher, they'll just try to stop me! I can't just sit here and do nothing while my godfather, the only family I have, is being tortured and possibly killed!"
"We're coming with you!" Fred and George stated, blocking Harry from leaving, pulling out their wands.
"There's nothing you can say that will change our minds, Harry," George said when Harry opened his mouth to argue.
"So, you'd better get used to the idea," Fred finished.
"I'm coming too," Ginny said, her wand in her hand.
"Not leaving without us!" Ron said. Hermione sighed in resignation.
"No, I don't want any of you to get hurt!" Harry tried to argue while scrubbing at his head with the sleeve of his robe.
"Well, we don't want you to get hurt, either!" Hermione said. Neville and Seamus had finished getting dressed and were nodding along, wands in hand.
Dean sighed at his friends and burrowed back under his blankets. "Don't come crying to me, when you all get your heads lopped off!"
"Thanks a lot, Dean!" Seamus snapped.
Harry's shoulders slumped and looked around at all his friends. He sighed and tossed the useless invisibility cloak onto his bed, because it couldn't cover all of them. "Fine, come on then." Fred and George led the way out of the room and the group quickly and quietly made their way out of Gryffindor Tower and skulked through the shadows, keeping their eyes on the Marauder's Map all the way to Umbridge's office. They were suprised to find Luna waiting outside the door to Umbridge's office.
"Luna?" Harry asked. "What are you doing here?"
"I knew you'd be coming here," Luna said in a dreamy voice with a smile on her face. "A Blibbering Humdinger came and told me that you're going on an adventure, and might need my help."
Harry smiled wryly, knowing Luna would follow him even if he told her not to. Luna's statement also set it in stone for him that she was indeed a Seer, who cleverly covered up her abilities with eccentricities. "Okay," he said resignedly. He unlocked the office door and rushed over to the fireplace.
Dean waited until he couldn't hear his friends anymore, before he threw on a robe and ran to find one of his professors.
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