To Be Normal | By : Anomalylady Category: Harry Potter AU/AR > Slash - Male/Male Views: 21330 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 10 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor it's charaters, nor I do make any money from this work. |
To Be Normal
Chapter 3
The sun had just set when Harry heard the loud popping sound, much like a car back firing. He poked his head up out of the bushes out of curiosity, still hidden under his cloak, and grinned widely when he spotted the bright magenta robes.Harry knew he wasn’t very knowledgeable in regards to Wizarding or Muggle fashion but even he knew that Dumbledore had an unusual sense of style. Not to mention he couldn’t think of anyone else who would dress like that to stroll around Little Whinging.
Without a second thought Harry tossed his cloak off, stuffed it into his back pocket and broke into a quick jog to catch up to his Headmaster before the man could reach the Dursleys’ home. It felt incredible to no longer have to think of that place as his home as well.
“Professor Dumbledore!” Harry called out, he tried not to shout too loudly but his trunk was rather heavy and awkward to drag around.
Harry sighed in relief and waved his free hand about in greeting.
“Harry? I hope you have not been waiting out here for me for too long, surely waiting inside your relatives’ home would have been safer?” Dumbledore asked as he approached Harry. His tone was just as soft and soothing as Harry remembered it and he was glad that despite the Headmaster’s knowledge of Harry’s difference, it didn’t appear as if he was going to treat him any differently.
“Sorry Professor but there was an… incident with my cousin… I couldn’t stay there. I-“ Harry suddenly clamed up. He’d done his best to burry that memory while he had waited the afternoon away baking in the sun but now it was doing its best crawl its way back.
Dumbledore’s blue eyes saddened as he took in his student’s appearance. It was clear that something rather unpleasant had occurred. The teen’s face had twisted into something akin to pain and his eyes had watered, Harry’s hands twisted at the hem of his jumper. That was when he caught the piece of torn fabric peaking from under the knit.
“Oh Harry. I am so sorry.” Dumbledore rested an aged hand gently on Harry’s shoulder. He had so much to make up for and he wasn’t sure it would ever be enough. “First we will go to Hogwarts, I would like you to see Madam Pomfrey. We can chat on the way up to the castle.” Dumbledore pulled out his wand and waved it over Harry’s trunk before it disappeared with a soft pop.
“Sir?” Harry questioned in confusion. He hadn’t really caught what the Headmaster had said as he’d been too busy trying to gain back control of his emotions.
“Hold on to my arm and take a deep breath. This may feel a bit strange but it will only be for a moment.” Dumbledore smiled down and extended his arm out.
Harry did as he was asked and no sooner had he finished drawing in a breath that the world nauseatingly shifted around. If Harry could have described it, he imaged this is what it would feel like to be pulled by his navel while being squished through a narrow tube, all the while having the world spin about you. It was an unsettling feeling at best and the moment they had stopped whatever it was the Headmaster had just done, Harry crumpled down on all fours heaving. His only saving grace was the fact that his stomach had already been empty.
“Sorry my boy, Apparating can be rather uncomfortable the first time.” Dumbledore apologized but Harry glared up at the older man. Uncomfortable, bloody horrible more like.
Harry struggled up, still feeling disoriented and weak kneed but his ire quickly dissipated at the sight of Hogwarts’ gates. He was home.
Dumbledore’s heart gladdened at the sight of Harry’s genuine smile. “Shall we Harry? Poppy is waiting and I dare say it would be better to keep that wait to a minimum.”
Harry shared a chuckle with the old wizard. “Of course Professor, that’d be for the best.” Keeping Hogwarts’ MediWitch waiting was never a good idea.
The gates opened smoothly at a wave of Dumbledore’s hand and both wizards started the long trek towards the castle.
“Harry, first I want to apologise.” Albus started solemnly.
“You see, when your aunt agreed to look after you she demanded that I stay away… I’m afraid she blames me for not being able to follow her little sister to Hogwarts.” Dumbledore paused at Harry’s choking noise.
“Sorry sir… I just… I… What’s this about?” Harry couldn’t deny that he was curious about this revelation into his aunt’s and mother’s past but he didn’t really want to talk about Petunia.
“I am saying that I am sorry for believing that your aunt had moved past childhood grudges and would take care of you as one of her own.”
“Oh.” Well… Harry wasn’t quite sure how to feel about this. Could he blame the Headmaster for his relatives’ rotten behavior? He wasn’t sure at the moment.
“I stayed away thinking it would be best for you and I am afraid I was very much mistaken… I am sorry Harry for not seeing this sooner.” The old wizard seemed to age drastically before Harry’s eyes. “Given what your aunt revealed to me last night and today’s incident with your cousin, it would remiss of me to let you remain under her care. I have arranged for you to remain at the Burrow for the remainder of the summer. Today was spent putting various wards around the Weasley home.”
“Professor… About, about what Petunia told you, about me I mean. Did you tell anyone?” This was it, Harry thought nervously.
“Harry, first let me begin by saying that there is nothing wrong with you.” Dumbledore stopped walking and turned to face Harry, smiling gently down at him. “Of course, your condition is not common but it certainly is not unheard of. You have nothing to be ashamed of Harry, in fact, in Wizarding society it is seen as sort of blessing.”
“Uh?” Harry stared up at Dumbledore in disbelief, a blessing, was the man mad?
Albus continued his leisurely pace, the castle looming high above them as they approached. “Yes Harry, a blessing. It is believed that people like you are blessed with an understanding of both genders that others struggle all their lives to gain. It is also believed that hermaphroditic magical beings possess a much greater magical potential.”
“Herma what?” Harry struggled with this new knowledge and unfamiliar term. Would it really be that easy? Had he been twisting himself with fear all these years for no reason?
“Hermaphrodite, Harry. That is what you are. Though, some people prefer the term intersex according to Poppy.” Dumbledore supplied, happy to see some of the fear and tension leave his pupil. “Now there are varying types of individuals like yourself Harry and that is what Madam Pomfrey will be determining this evening before I deliver you to the Burrow.”
Harry groaned. Yes, he was glad that his condition was deemed acceptable but the idea of being poked and prodded was less than desirable.
“Now Harry, I know you have had a trying day but I promise it is for the best to ensure your health and future development. Also to answer your earlier question, I did warn Mr. and Mrs. Weasley of your status and they have assured me that they will let you choose when you wish to speak with them and your friends about your status. Fear not Harry, you will not have to reveal anything you do not wish to before you are ready to do so.” Albus tried to assuage Harry’s fears as best he could.
“Thank you, sir.” Harry sighed in relief. Yes, he would have preferred no one knew but it least for now those who did know wouldn’t shun him. In fact, they were helping him come to terms with his “status” –as the Headmaster had tactfully called it, it sounded much better than any other term Harry had previous attributed to his physical difference.
The rest of the trip up the grounds was spent in amiable silence, Harry’s nerve were still a bit shot by the time they reached the large doors of the castle but stepping into the entrance hall acted like a balm on Harry’s soul. This was his home despite all the crazy things that seemed to happen to him every year, he couldn’t think of any other place he’d rather be. Well, aside from the Burrow of course.
As they neared the infirmary Dumbledore came to a stop and turned to Harry, “Harry, I want you to remember that Madam Pomfrey will not reveal anything you two discuss to anyone else, not even myself, without your permission so it would serve you best to be honest with her. I will wait in the corridor until you are ready to proceed to the Burrow.” His piece said, Albus gently nudged Harry towards the door before conjuring a large comfortable armchair for himself in the middle of the hallway.
Harry couldn’t help but chuckle at the Headmaster, there was always something so at ease and whimsical about the elderly wizard that it always managed to bring a smile to his lips. He turned towards the entrance to the infirmary. Merlin, he’d been here so often that it almost was as familiar to him as his dormitory.
“Ah, Mr. Potter! Well, I can’t say I’m all that surprised to see you though I had hoped it could have waited until the start of term at the very least.”
“Evening Madam Pomfrey.” Harry greeted, ignoring her obvious jib at him. He made his way to his regular bed. It was a rather depressing thought that he’d managed to land himself here often enough that he had a preferred cot. Honestly, he was surprised Madam Pomfrey hadn’t put his name on it.
“Well now, let’s see just what we’re dealing with now shall we.” Madam Pomfrey dove right in, it was one of the traits Harry had always admired about the witch; there were no pleasantries with her. “I will say I’m disappointed you didn’t tell me about your status sooner Mr. Potter. It’s a miracle none of your previous treatments were hindered because of it.”
Well, now Harry knew things would be alright. Being scolded by the school nurse was a sure sign he’d be treated normally with her.
“I’m sorry.” He apologized quietly. Thinking about it now, it was a bit scary to consider what sort of complication his silence could have caused.
“Well no harm done I suppose… And the Headmaster did explain that you weren’t truly aware of what this could mean for you.” Poppy’s stern expression eased a bit and she continued her diagnosis.
Harry remained transfixed as he studied all the different colours hovering around his body while the nurse waved her wand in intricate patterns above him. He couldn’t feel anything, not even a tingle and he felt all the better for it. The drawn out silence however was starting to make him nervous and he tried not to fidget.
“Well Potter, I’ve got some good news for you.” Poppy finally said as she pocketed her wand and began to scribble onto a piece of parchment.
“Really?” Harry asked suspiciously, this whole time he had been waiting for the other shoe to drop. Surely it couldn’t be all good news, there was always bad news, it was a universal rule!
“Yes, really.” The nurse summoned a chair and actually sat down next to Harry. “This will take some explaining.” She added sternly and the meaning was clear to Harry; she would explain once and he was expected to listen without interrupting.
“Intersex individuals present in varying degrees, sometimes it is only slight genetic differences like an extra chromosome and there are no real outward differences, most don’t even know about it. Other times it is any combination of both genders’ reproductive organs.
You, Potter have a very balanced blend; it doesn’t happen all that often actually.”
Ah, there was the bad news, even now he was still the odd one out.
“All you organs are functioning normally, so are your hormone levels. Now here is where it gets complicated. You have one testy and one ovary, you have a fully formed uterus and your penis is functional as well.”
Harry felt his face turn Weasley red… He did not want to have this type of conversation with Madam Pomfrey, he wasn’t sure if the fact that she was being so clinical about it all made it worse or better.
“Now, Potter, no need for embarrassment. You need to know these things as you’ve already started puberty – a bit late mind you but everyone develops differently- so you should be expecting quite a few changes during the incoming year as you’ll be going through a sort of mixed puberty from both sexes.
Your scans show you’ve already started to grow breast tissue but since your testosterone and estrogen levels balance each other out I doubt you’ll get much larger than what you’ve got now. You should also expect to start menstruating sometime soon. I’ll send a note to Mrs.Weasley so she can get you prepared.”
Harry’s face fell and his throat closed up. He felt like he would cry if this went on much longer.
“Don’t worry though, your cycles will most likely be very light and irregular, especially in the beginning. You shouldn’t expect to get very curvy either, your voice may still deepen but there’s no way to tell by how much. You’ll probably get a bit a facial hair as well but it’s unlikely you’ll ever be able to grow a full beard.”
Here Madam Pomfrey paused to go over her notes and Harry truly hoped this meant she was done.
“Harry, the next part is very important and I need you to be honest. Do you know yet if you like boys, girls or maybe both?”
Harry blinked a few times, what did that have to do with anything? He felt compelled to answer her however, “Boys…” It came out a little strangled and barely audible.
“Ah well. That’s just fine dear, nothing wrong with that.” Poppy tried to quell her patient’s discomfort. “Now, unlike some of my fellow staff members, I have no delusions about what you young folks do when you think no one will catch you.” The nurse added ruefully. “I need you to remember that Potter because all of your reproductive organs are fully functional you are capable of not only fathering a child but you can become a mother as well.”
How the hell had any of this been good news?!
“I expect you to use proper precautions should you choose to be intimate with someone.” She paused, looking pointedly at Harry.
“Oh ya… um of course.” Harry babbled slightly. There was no way he was having ‘the talk’ with the school nurse… That wasn’t just sad, it was humiliating. He knew enough from listening to his House mates, he didn’t feel he needed to expend on the topic right now.
“If that’s all for now Potter, you may go and I shall see you a few days after the beginning of term for you check-up.”
“Yes, you’ll need to see me every few month to monitor your development and make sure it’s on track.”
“Oh well… That’s ok I guess. Thank you.” Harry cringed, the last part had sounded more like a question, not thankful at all. He was, thankful that was but the whole explanation had been very overwhelming.
“You’re welcome dear, if you have any question just send me an owl.” Harry smiled at nurse, glad that she hadn’t taken offence to his hesitation.
“Actually Madam Pomfrey, I do have one question…” He paused half way out of the infirmary. The question had been weighing heavily on him most of his life but even more so now that he was fully aware of what he was.
“Ask your question Potter.”
“Am I a boy... or a girl?” Harry looked down at his feet, his trainers nervously rubbing on tiles. He heard the nurse sigh and jumped when he felt her hands on his shoulders.
“You are in the unique, and some might even say fortunate, position to be whatever it is you wish to be. It really is up to you. Magical beings like you can choose to present as masculine, feminine, both or neither. The choice is yours Harry.”
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