The Dare | By : Tassanaburrfoot Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 83636 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 11 |
Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter. Don't own any of the characters. Am not making a profit. |
Later that morning at breakfast, Hermione buried her face in her hands. “God, Gin, what have I done?” she asked the ginger haired girl sitting beside her.
Ginny shrugged. “You’re still with him, right?” she asked. “He keeps looking over here, watching you.”Hermione glanced up and made eye contact with the blond boy. He gave her a smile and inclined his head towards her, though she could swear she read a bit of concern in his eyes. She turned her attention back to the younger girl. “Yes, we’re still together,” she said. “And thank God! I can’t imagine what I would do if he ended things.”“I’m surprised you don’t end things,” the Pureblood said. When Hermione glanced at her friend curiously, the girl elaborated, “Ron and Lavender were fighting this morning. Woke up the whole tower with their shouts. He broke up with her, calling her a useless slag who’s good for nothing but a quick shag.”Hermione frowned. “What an awful thing to say!” she muttered indignantly. “Lavender has her faults, sure, but…” She shook her head. “What makes you think I would end things with Draco?”Again, the younger witch lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “Well, Ron’s available now, isn’t he? It would be the perfect time…”“I’m not going to end my relationship with Draco just to be with that tosser,” Hermione hissed. “Ron had his chance. Six years of it. If he couldn’t buck up the courage and ask me out during all that time, then I want nothing to do with him.”“Good,” Ginny said as she bit into her pancakes. “Maybe now Ron will actually learn something, though I am a bit saddened that we won’t be sisters.”Hermione touched the Pureblood’s arm. “We’ll always be sisters, Gin. You’re one of my best friends and the only girl I can really talk to.”The younger girl beamed at the Muggle born and the girls finished their meals. “Oh! That reminds me,” Ginny said as she speared a sausage link and popped it into her mouth. “Harry finally asked me out.”The Muggle born giggled and gave her friend a wide smile right as the bespectacled boy joined them. “I’m so happy for you two!” she squealed. Then her face fell, “But, Gin. What about Blaise?”The ginger rolled her eyes. “I told you before that it was nothing,” she said as Harry began piling on his food. “Blaise is a good guy and a great friend, but really, we have so little in common, it never would have worked.”“He comes from one of those old wizarding families, anyway,” Harry said as he pushed his hair out of his eyes. The boy’s hair looked even messier this morning and Hermione started hopelessly at the mop on his head. “They’re all about getting married and popping out babies as fast as they can.”Ginny nodded. “As much as I would love to have children someday, it would be nice to have some adventures beforehand,” she said.Hermione’s eyes widened. “Draco comes from one of those families,” she pointed out, “and he’s never said anything…”“He’s also a politician’s son,” Ginny told her. “People like Draco and his family are all about their careers. Make it big, you know? You only have children to make a statement and to fulfil your duties.”“He gave me the impression, though, that his parents actually love him,” Hermione groused as she took a sip of her orange juice.“And I don’t doubt that,” Ginny commented. “Doesn’t mean they didn’t have a reason for having him.”Harry nodded. “As much as I hate that bastard, Ginny’s right. Draco will want to see you succeed in whatever career you choose, because it would only work to make him look good.”The Muggle born frowned as Ron joined them at the table. For a little while, he said nothing to them, just piled food on his plate and set himself up to start eating. “So, ‘Mione,” he said with a mouth full of food. “Wanna go to ‘ogsmeade togeder?”“Swallow your food before you start talking, Ronald,” the bushy haired girl scolded.He did, hitting his chest with his fist to push the rest of what was in his mouth down his throat. He tucked his chin in and let out a loud belch that had those around him looking at him in disgust, though Dean and Seamus laughed.“Dodged a bullet with this one,” Ginny muttered at Hermione as they shared a look of repulsion.The Muggle born shook her head though she found that she couldn’t disagree. “So how ‘bout it?” Ron asked after he straightened his throat. “You and me. It could be just like old times. Harry will be with Ginny… The Golden Trio back together again.”The raven haired boy shook his head. “Uh, uh. Don’t put me in the middle of this,” he said. “Whatever you and Hermione decide…”“There’s nothing to decide,” Hermione interrupted as she stared daggers at the ginger wizard. “I don’t know if it’s slipped your mind, Ronald, but Draco and I are dating now. He’ll be the one taking me to Hogsmeade.”Ron sighed. “Yeah, but he was just a cover,” he said arrogantly. “I’m a free man now so we can be together. You don’t have to be with that prat anymore.”“You were a ‘free man’ last year, too,” Hermione pointed out as she dabbed her lips with her napkin and dropped it over her empty plate. “And he’s not a prat. Draco’s my boyfriend now, so you’ll have to get used to it.”Grabbing her bag, she stood up and threw the bag over her shoulder and began making her way to the entrance. Ron followed her. “Hermione, he’s a Slytherin and a tosser to boot. He’s only going to hurt you in the end. Guys like him don’t marry girls like you.”She rounded on him and snarled, “And what sort of girl am I? You think I’m not good enough for him? He’s not like you, Ronald! You’ve broken my heart too many times now and I’m done with it. Go back to your girlfriend. She’s what you wanted, she’s the one you chose. So, be with her and leave me the bloody hell alone!”“I never said you weren’t good enough for him,” the ginger haired wizard argued. “In fact, I think you’re too good for him. He doesn’t deserve someone like you.”Draco was waiting for her at the entrance and she could see the anger in his eyes. She glared at Ron. “I’m too good for you!” she hissed. “You’re rude, selfish, inconsiderate, and egotistical. You have no manners and think everything should just be given to you. I waited six years for you to ask me out, Ronald. Six years! I’ve done everything for you. I even went so far as to wait for you and I kept telling myself that maybe one day you’d come around.” She had tears in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. Not in the Great Hall. Not in front of him. “We could have been great, but no. You were more interested in an easy shag with a blond bimbo that you were being with the frumpy nerd who actually liked you. Well guess what?! I’m with Draco now. He’s my boyfriend and he has treated me better in two days than you have in all the years I’ve known you.”That was when Draco chose to approach them, knowing he couldn’t keep standing there as she fought this battle. He took her book bag from her and tossed it over his shoulder. “Let’s get out of here, princess,” he said calmly, though his eyes were stormy with his rage. “You don’t need to get worked up over this git.”“You!” Ron shouted and he drew his wand. “You stay away from her!”“Mr. Weasley!” McGonagall’s voice was like a firecracker as it rang through the hall, echoing off the walls. She stormed towards them, her heels clicking harshly with each step as she approached the small group of 6th years and Ginny, who had gotten up as well to try to stop her brother. “Put your wand away,” the Transfiguration teacher insisted once she was upon them. “All of you come with me this instant. Mr. Malfoy, give those bags to Winkie and she’ll bring them where they need to go.”A small house elf, in fact one Hermione immediately recognized as Barty Crouch’s old elf, appeared and took the book bags from Draco. “Now, all five of you come with me,” the professor ordered as she walked past them.“All five?” Harry asked.“Yes, Mr. Potter,” the old witch said. “You and Miss Weasley will come as well.”Draco rolled his eyes as he followed the witch, taking Hermione’s hand in his. He saw the tears in her eyes and frowned. “Are you alright, princess?” he asked softly.“I’m fine,” she hissed. “Everything is fine.”He knew what those words really meant and took a deep breath. What he wanted to do was take Hermione back to the dormitory so she could let out the steam he knew she was holding onto. That and he wanted to hex the Weasel. The boy made his girl cry for the last time in Draco’s mind and now he was going to pay for what he’s done. Amid thoughts of emerald sheets and soft kisses, he began plotting his vengeance on the youngest Weasley male.Once everyone was in McGonagall’s office, the witch conjured up three additional chairs and waited for everyone to be seated. Draco sat next to his girlfriend, taking her hand into his and offering her what little comfort he could.“Now, will someone tell me what happened?” McGonagall asked as she sat down behind the desk.Immediately Ron started yelling, “He’s got her under some kind of love spell and she’s just letting him do whatever the bloody hell he wants!”“Shut your pie hole, Ron!” Ginny shouted. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. Draco’s been…”“He’s a bloody snake, Ginny!” he shouted back, pointing an accusing finger at Draco. “He’s charmed her into…”“Enough!” McGonagall barked. The ginger haired siblings both looked at McGonagall and sat back down. Taking a deep breath, the Transfiguration teacher took her glasses off her face and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Miss Granger,” she addressed the young Muggle born tiredly, “please tell me how this has escalated. Professor Snape and I gave you and Mr. Malfoy specific instructions…”The Muggle born nodded. “I know, Professor,” she confirmed. “And we’ve been doing the best we can to follow them. We’re not making any big scenes in front of everyone and no one has really approached us.” She glanced at Draco and he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “This morning Ginny and I were sharing in a bit of girl talk when Ronald approached me asking if he could take me to Hogsmeade.”Draco’s eyes darkened at this and he sneered at the redheaded wizard, but he kept his mouth shut as Hermione continued, “I informed him that Draco and I were together and that he would be going with me to the village. He didn’t like that answer and blew up at me. You see, professor, he had ended his relationship with Lavender this morning and I think he thought I would do the same once I found out he was no longer dating her.”Draco scoffed, but still didn’t say anything. McGonagall asked, “And do you intend on separating from Mr. Malfoy?”The older witch already knew the answer, but seeing it confirmed by the shake of Hermione’s head gave her a grim smile. “I see,” she said as she placed her glasses back on her face. “Then it seems that you have a set of choices before you, Mr. Weasley. You can either accept that Miss Granger has moved on, or not. However, you will not conduct such behaviour like that again. You are a Prefect and, as such, I expect the utmost discipline and respect from you. Furthermore, you are a war hero. This means that the younger students look up to you. They are impressionable and behaviour such as what you’ve displayed is inexcusable.”“Professor,” he complained, “there are rumours starting around school that Hermione’s been spending a lot of time in the dungeons and is even sharing a bed with this prat.”“You will not insult other students in my presence,” the older witch growled. “Now, I don’t know what rumours you’ve been hearing, Mr. Weasley, but Miss Granger and Mr. Malfoy have been acting responsibly and respectfully since they’ve started dating. You’ve approached me with allegations that Mr. Malfoy has given Miss Granger a love potion. Such allegations have been investigated and found false. She hasn’t been Imperioused nor is she under any sort of love spell.”“But, Professor…” he started to protest, but she held up a hand to stop him.“I won’t hear any more of it,” she told him. “This obsession ends here. Miss Granger has chosen Mr. Malfoy and that’s final. If she changes her mind at a later date, well, that’s between her and Mr. Malfoy. However, I won’t have any more scenes in the Great Hall, Gryffindor Tower, or anywhere else. If I catch another one, you will have your badge taken away and you’ll be stripped of your duties as a Prefect. Do I make myself clear, Mr. Weasley?”The redheaded boy scowled, but quietly nodded his acceptance. The woman gave a sharp dip of her head. “Now that that is taken care of,” she said. “Miss Granger, you and Mr. Malfoy have a Charms class to attend. I have informed Professor Flitwick that the two of you would be running a little late, and I think it best you keep him waiting no further.”Hermione quickly jumped from her seat. “Yes, of course. Thank you, Professor,” she said as she waited for Draco to stand and the two left the office.They walked down the hall, hand-in-hand, neither saying a word about what had just happened, though both were secretly relieved. As they rounded the corner, Draco pulled her into a deserted classroom and pushed her against the door, closing it. Her open mouthed protest was silenced as he crashed his lips upon hers. There was no stopping him as his tongue slipped into her mouth and his hand pulled her leg up to his waist.His covered cock pressed against her core and she broke their kiss, hitting her head against the door as she gasped in pain and shocked. Undeterred, he kissed along her jawline, pushing the collar of her shirt down so he could tease her neck. One hand was buried in his hair as another pushed anxiously at his shoulder.“Draco, Draco, please,” she whispered urgently.Growling, he pulled his head away from her neck. Panting, he rested his forehead on hers and closed his eyes. “I want you so badly right now, Granger,” he said huskily. “To be inside you…”“It hurts,” she said softly, tears in her eyes.All that had happened the night before, all that had happened this morning with Ronald broke her at the seams and she could no longer hold back the tears. Hiding her face into his chest, she sobbed, her entire body shaking from the force of them. He said nothing as he held her, knowing anything he said at this point had the potential to backfire on him. So, he let her cry.And she cried a lot. She could feel her entire world crumbling around her. All those years she had wasted on what she thought could have been. Years of consistent rejection and lack of noticing. She felt so stupid, especially when there was a boy all along who would have relished in her love if she would have given it. She knew Draco cared for her. She had heard it in his continuous apology last night. Felt it in the way he had held her and comforted her. She even felt it now as he began whispered soft, soothing words, rubbing her back in his effort to calm her.He cupped her jaw and tilted her head back. “I’m sorry, love,” he whispered, wiping her tears with his thumb. “I didn’t think…”She shook her head and bowed it again. “It’s not your fault,” she breathed. “I just… We were friends. Best friends and I thought I loved him. I…” She shook her head again and slipped away from him, moving further into the room. “I actually thought he and I would get married someday,” she huffed. “And now… I don’t know what I ever saw in him.”She turned to the blond, who leaned against the door casually, watching her as she spoke. She couldn’t read his expression or attribute it to anything she may have thought he was thinking. Her shoulders sagged as her eyes fell to the floor. “I shouldn’t be telling you these things,” she mumbled. “I’m sure you don’t care to hear them.”He pushed himself off the door and approached her, rubbing her arms. “Look, Granger,” he said. When she didn’t look up he touched her chin and tilted it upward, forcing her to look at him. “I’m not going to pretend to know everything that has happened between you and those two dunderheads. Merlin knows I couldn’t give a rat’s arse about either one of them. However, I do know that they both mean a lot to you.” He cupped her jaw. “I know you loved Weasley, and if not love, then you at least liked him. I’m not foolish enough to think that you’ve always been mine, or even that you’re mine now. The three of you… You have a history together. One that became even greater when Potter defeated the Dark Lord.”“You’re not angry with me?” she asked, and he could see the plea in her eyes.He frowned. “Why the bloody hell would I be angry with you?” he retorted as he let one hand drop to her waist while the other continued to cup her jaw. “Last night you gave me the greatest gift a girl could ever give a bloke,” he said as he looked into her golden orbs. Of course, technically he had just taken it, but he wasn’t about to bring that miniscule fact up. “On top of that, I just endured watching you get your heart broken again because of that idiotic pauper. I would be a self-righteous arrogant git if I were to be angry with you right now.”She gave a soft giggle, remembering the times when she and her friends had called him just those things. “We really should get to class,” she said absently as she played with his tie. “Flitwick is expecting us.”He cocked a brow. “I’m sure he is,” he agreed, “but I’ve no doubt he’ll excuse us. Especially when he learns of how devastated you are about what happened in the Great Hall and the subsequent issues in McGonagall’s office.”She glanced up at him. “I’m not devastated,” she argued, though there was no anger in her voice.He bent down and captured her lips in a soft kiss. “I think you are,” he whispered, his hot breath tickling her bottom lip.She closed her eyes and leaned in against him. “I’m not,” she mumbled in denial, but her voice was so soft, it could scarcely be heard.Draco snickered as he picked her up and placed her on one of the old desks. He pushed his body between her legs, lifting them up and wrapping them around his waist before pushing his fingers under her knickers to play with her clit.
She moaned and ground out, “I feel so sore.”He kissed her jawline and began working on his belt and trousers. “I know just the thing to help you with the soreness,” he whispered as he swept her knickers aside and rubbed his cock along her folds.She cried out as she threw her head back, propping herself up on her elbows. The sound made him smirk, but also reminded him to place a silencing charm on the room. Reaching into his robes, he pulled his wand out and wordlessly cast the correct spells. Once he was finished, he stowed his wand back into the pocket of his robes and continued to rub the head of his cock against her.He closed his eyes and shuddered. Leaning forward, he breathed into her ear, “So hot and wet for me, my princess.”She bit her bottom lip as he pressed against her entrance. Her brows furrowed and she braced herself for the pain that would come with him entering her. But as he did so, she felt no pain, just the fullness of his cock. She gasped once he fully seated himself deep inside her and he groaned. They stayed like that for a few seconds, just breathing. “So good,” he whispered and then he moved.Her eyes flew open as she felt him. This was nothing like what she had experienced the previous night. “Oh, God,” she muttered as her arms wrapped around his neck.She couldn’t see his face because it was buried in her hair, so she didn’t see the look on his face that mimicked the idea of the cat who had eaten the canary. He grunted with each thrust, knowing that the more he drove himself into her the more she would be his.No words could describe the pleasure Hermione was feeling as their bodies worked their way into becoming one. She didn’t know all the steps or all the parts and would have made a mental note to learn them if her brain wasn’t emptying itself and forcing her to focus on the pleasure he was giving her. Maybe she would think about it later, after everything was said and done. For right now, she tossed her head back and gave a loud moan. Their grunts were in sync as he moved inside of her, pounding into her as hard as he could.The soreness was still there, but at that moment, Hermione couldn’t care less. She just wanted to keep feeling the pleasure. “Yes, yes!” she egged on as he began to pick up speed. “Give me, give me, gimme…”He was hitting this spot that, every time he made contact, a jolt of pleasure coursed through her body. Her fists clenched his robes, but her legs were too weak to do much more than rest on his waist. Grabbing her waist, he gave a few more quick thrusts and groaned as he spilled his seed deep inside her womb. She followed him, arching her back and shouting as she felt ecstasy and saw white.She fell back onto the desk, exhausted. Draco just stood there, leaning above her, resting his hands on either side of her as he felt her body continue to milk him. One day, he knew, one day she would milk him and his seed would sprout inside of her, filling her with his child.It wasn’t just a dream, though he knew others would say so. No, the more time he spent with the girl, the more he realized that it was she who he would give his seed to. She would be the one to bear his children. She would carry his name.As their heartrates slowly, he gently pulled out of her, his cock flopping lifelessly in front of his trousers. He tucked himself in and straightened his clothes before turning his attention to his witch. “I think you’re right,” he said gruffly as he helped her fix her skirt and button her robes. “We probably should make an appearance in Charms.”She frowned at him as she slipped her shoes on. When had they come off? “It’s a bit late, don’t you think?” she asked as he tightened his tie.“Not really,” he said before he opened the door and peeked down the hall, looking to see if anyone was around.Seeing the coast was clear, he helped her off of the desk and, holding her hand, led her to the classroom. “Just let me do the talking, princess,” he told her. Holding up his hand to make a cup, he wordlessly conjured some powder into it. “Here,” he said, turning to her and blowing the powder into her face.The effect was immediate as she bent over and coughed. She sneezed and he handed her a handkerchief to wipe her face. With her face buried in the cloth, he led her into the classroom. Flitwick glanced up at the couple. “What took you so long?” the tiny man demanded. “Class started 30 minutes ago.”“I thought Professor McGonagall informed you we would be late?” the Slytherin asked as he held the girl close to him.“Be that as it may,” the Charms professor squeaked, “I shouldn’t’ve taken you more than five minutes to get from her office to here, so I ask again. What took you so long?”The rest of the class stared at the couple and Hermione buried her face in Draco’s chest. She wasn’t shy or upset or even embarrassed. No. If anything, her eyes were itching like crazy and it didn’t take her long at all for her to realize that Draco had blown itching powder into her face. She was a sobbing mess.“My apologies, professor,” the Slytherin said, giving a short bow. “Our time in Professor McGonagall’s office wasn’t pleasant and I’m afraid that the news we received upset Granger greatly. We had merely stopped by the girl’s lavatory so she could clean up a bit. But it seems…” He pried Hermione from his chest and looked down into her face, wiping the tears and dust from her cheek. “Are you alright, princess?” he asked softly.She gave him a hateful look and he had to stop himself from laughing. Instead, he gave her a look of utmost concern as he wiped her other cheek. “Do you need a few more minutes?” he asked.She sniffled and then closed her eyes. She shook her head. “No,” she told him, hiding her face against his chest again. “No,” she repeated in a whisper.Flitwick stared at the couple sympathetically. “Yes, well,” he said a bit embarrassed. “We’re studying Shielding Charms today, Mr. Malfoy. If the two of you can give me an essay come next Tuesday detailing such charms as well as produce some of your own, you are free to escort Miss Granger back to the lavatory and help sort her out.”Draco smiled gratefully at the miniature wizard. “Thank you, professor,” he said graciously. “I’ll make sure she is completely well and back on schedule come next week.”“Right. Now, carry on,” Flitwick said before turning back to the class.Draco led the Muggle born witch back out into the hall, but did not allow himself to smirk until the door was shut behind them. As they walked away from the class, Draco took his wand out and poured some water over another handkerchief he had conjured. He handed her the wet cloth. “Here, this should help clean that stuff off.”She took the cloth and hit him on the shoulder. “Malfoy, you jerk!” she hissed. “I can’t believe you just did that!”He frowned. “Don’t sound so surprised,” he scoffed. “Why on earth would I choose to sit in some stuffy old classroom when I could be cosying up with you next to the fire?”“What if I wanted to go to class?” she pointed out. “And we still have Prefect duties to attend to tonight.”“Or we could always just let your friend, Weasley, go with Zabini. I’m sure that’ll make them both happy,” he suggested.“Ginny is dating Harry now,” Hermione said with a frown. “And we shouldn’t shirk our duties. We’ll be Heads next year, but not if we get lazy about it.”“I have a head,” he said with a smirk. “It could certainly use some attention, too.”She popped him on the arm. “Pervert,” she hissed as he laughed and slid his arm around her waist. She tried to pull away, but he just tightened his grip. “We need to be serious, Draco,” she scolded. “If McGonagall or one of the other professors catch us failing in our duties, they’ll take them away.”He rolled his eyes. “Purity,” he said and, as the portal to the Slytherin Common Room opened, he pushed her inside. “Don’t get your knickers all in a twist, Granger,” he growled as he released her and began walking to his room. He waved a lazy hand in the air and said haughtily, “We’re the best students Hogwarts has ever had. They’re not going to just give away those badges…”His voice died out as he disappeared up the stairs. She didn’t follow him, but stared at the path, tapping her foot impatiently. “Insufferable man!” she hissed and a pair of girls laughed.Hermione stopped and stared at the two girls sitting on a couch. She recognized the older one, a petite blond Pureblood she knew as Daphne Greengrass. The other one must have been her sister.“You should consider yourself lucky, Granger,” Daphne taunted.The younger girl nodded her head. “Oh, yes, very lucky,” she agreed. “You’ve lasted what? Three days with the Malfoy heir?”Daphne ran her tongue over her teeth. “Yes. Three days. Tell me, Granger, what was it like sucking his cock?”“Ooo!” the other girl squealed as she sat up. “Did it taste good? Malfoy semen is very valuable, you know. If he knocks you up…”“Hush, Astoria,” the older Pureblood hissed. “Granger’s not stupid enough to shag him without protection.”“Stupid enough?” the girl repeated, tilting her head curiously. “No, no, sister! Carrying the next Malfoy heir would be an honour!”Daphne rolled her eyes. “An honour that would never be bestowed upon one such as Granger,” she argued. “Tasting his cum is all she’ll ever be good enough for.”The younger witch smiled happily. “Oh yes, this is true,” she said as she glanced at Hermione. “Don’t think you’ve heard this yet, Granger, but my father and his father are arranging for the two of us to marry once I’m out of Hogwarts, so please, enjoy my husband while you can, cause once I’ve graduated, he’ll shag me.”The girls continued to giggle. Shaken and appalled, the Muggle born slipped out of the Common Room towards the boys’ dormitories where Draco was taking an awfully long time. She saw the door cracked and was about to run in when she heard him talking to someone. She paused when she heard her name.“So, how long are you planning to shag Granger, Draco?” a boy Hermione recognized as Nott asked.She heard a bed creak and imagined one of the boys had sat down. “Who said I had any intention of stopping?” came her boyfriend’s voice.She heard a growl that came from another boy. “Come off it, Malfoy,” Zabini snapped. “What’re plannin’ to do? Marry the bitch?”“She’s not a bitch,” Draco snarled and Hermione gave a soft smile, silently applauding him.“You shag the slags, you don’t marry them!” Nott said.“She’s not a slag, either,” Draco pointed out. “It’s still too soon in our relationship…”“You’ve only been together for three days!”“Technically it’s only been two and a half,” came a gruff voice Hermione recognized as Crabbe’s.“Oh, yeah. I’ve been meaning to thank you for that, Crabbe,” Draco said and Hermione heard another creaking as someone else sat down on a bed. “I didn’t know how I was going to get Granger to notice me. Flowers and empty notes don’t work on a girl like that.”“No, but you stick your dick down her throat and she comes begging for more!” Zabini said and the boys started laughing, only Hermione didn’t hear Draco join in the laughter.“It’s a process,” Draco stated. “I wasn’t expecting that to happen Sunday night, though I’m grateful it did. Now I just have to make sure I keep her interest and keep that rat Weasley away from her.”“That should be easy enough,” Nott said. “Especially after what I heard this morning in the Great Hall. Is it true he’ll lose his badge if he pesters you two anymore?”“It is…” Draco confirmed.“That’s not the best part,” Zabini laughed. “I heard the reason he dropped that other cunt was cause she got pregnant. They were barely dating a week and he knocked her up!”“Stupid git,” Draco growled. “You can’t leave a girl when she’s carrying your child.”“You can if you’re some nasty pauper like that Weasel,” Nott said.Hermione stepped away from the door slowly. Lavender, she thought and she ran back to the Common Room and out of Slytherin House.She had hated that Lavender had started dating Ron, but what she hated even more was the idea that the girl was alone. She ran through the halls and up Gryffindor Tower, shouting the password as she ran up the stairs. By the time she got to the top, the portrait had swung open and she was able to dash inside without pausing.A quick look about the room revealed that Lavender wasn’t present and so she hurried into the girls’ dormitories and to the room she shared with Lavender and Pavarti. The Indian girl was the first to spot her. “You might not want to be in here,” the girl warned, but Hermione ignored her.“Lav, I’m so…”Lavender pointed her wand at Hermione. “How dare you?!” she screamed with tears in her eyes. “Whoring yourself to Slytherins isn’t enough for you, is it? Think you can get away with stealing boyfriends from Gryffindor, too?”“Lavender, put the wand down,” the Muggle born said calmly, her hands held up in surrender.“You think you’re some kind of princess just because everyone adores you?” the girl snapped waving her wand angrily at Hermione. “You never wanted Ron! Year after year I watched you pretend to pine for him and whine about how he never would ask you out. Well, guess what?! He asked me! He chose me! So, you thought you’d whore yourself to some Slytherin to get his attention? Well, guess what! It worked! But you’re nothing but a Slytherin slag and that’s all you’ll ever be! How many cocks do you service in those dungeons? Think Malfoy’s going to marry you? You’re a worthless Mudblood! The fact that he let you suck his dick should be more than enough for you, slag!”Hermione had no idea how Lavender knew anything. She pushed the Pureblood’s wand hand out of the way and hugged her tightly. “I loved him!” Lavender cried. “He was mine! Mine!”The girl beat on Hermione’s back and shoulders, but the Muggle born did not let go. Just kept holding her tightly. The words the girl shouted cut like a knife through Hermione’s heart, but she wouldn’t let them get to her. Every punch, every pound pained the Muggle born, but she just held on. Finally, when the curses ran out and the punches grew weak, Lavender broke down and sobbed into Hermione’s shoulder.They stood like that for a while until the bushy haired girl felt the other start to calm down. Gently, Hermione lowered them onto Lavender’s bed and finally released the girl, helping her to lie down. The Muggle born pushed strands of hair out of Lavender’s face and saw tears continue to fall from the girl’s eyes, though she was much quieter.“What am I going to do?” Lavender whispered, though she looked at no one.Hermione had always been known for her brains, but in this, she felt she was at a loss. Finally, she latched on to an idea she had. “Go to Madam Pomphrey, she’ll…”“I’ve already been to Pomphrey,” Lavender interrupted. “She’s informed McGonagall who is sending a letter to my parents as we speak. They’re thinking of sending me home, but are willing to let me study and take my N.E.W.T.s. I just… I don’t want to lose him…”The girl’s voice died away as she fell asleep. Hermione sat by her side for a little longer before glancing up at Pavarti. “I’m sorry this has happened,” she said.The Indian girl shrugged. “I told her to go to Pomphrey when she told me her and Ron had sex the first time, but she didn’t want to listen,” she said as she sat down next to the Muggle born. “Kept telling me that he was pulling out before he… Well, you know.”Hermione nodded. “Take care of her?”As Pavarti inclined her head, the Muggle born left the room and headed back to the Common Room. She spotted Ron immediately and marched over to him, taking her wand out in the process. She pointed it at him. “Stand up,” she barked.Ron had been sitting with Harry and Ginny. All three of them looked up when Hermione stormed at them. Holding his hands up, Ron stood and backed away from the Muggle born. “What are you on about?” he demanded.“You! How could you do that to her, you insignificant, useless piece of hippogriff dung! How could you toss her away like a piece of rubbish? You knew she was pregnant!”Ron’s eyes widened as Harry and Ginny both jumped up. “What?!” the three of them said all at the same time.Hermione hesitated. “You didn’t know?” she asked suspiciously, her wand faltering slightly.The ginger haired boy paled as he sat back down on his chair. “Sh-she’s…” He looked up at Hermione. Seeing the ashen look on his face, she lowered her wand.“You didn’t know,” she repeated. She sighed as she took a seat. “Ron, how could you be so stupid? Why wouldn’t you use protection?”“I pulled out,” he said absently as he stared at the floor, though he didn’t really see it. “Every time…”“Just because you pull out doesn’t mean she can’t get pregnant,” Ginny stated as she and Harry returned to their seats. “All it takes is one time.”Harry looked at the bushy haired witch. “What is she going to do?” he asked.Hermione shook her head. “I don’t know. McGonagall contacted her parents so we’re waiting for what they are going to say,” she told him. “Jesus, Ronald, why would you do this? Do you know she can’t finish school now? They’re going to send her home and make her take her N.E.W.T.s outside of school. She won’t be able to graduate with us. Her name, her career, her future… Everything is ruined for her now, Ron. Even if…”She was interrupted when the portrait hole opened and Neville walked in. “Hermione, there’s…”Draco pushed past the Gryffindor and took long strides towards Hermione. Neville moved to protest as Harry, Ginny, and Ron all stood up. Other Gryffindors stood as well, but Draco ignored them all, his eyes focusing on the Muggle born.“Draco,” she started as he approached her. He didn’t let her continue as he wrapped his arms around her and covered her lips with his.She pushed at him, but did not offer much more resistance. When he finally broke the kiss it was to rest his forehead against hers. “I was so worried,” he whispered against her lips. He straightened up a bit and touched her cheek with the backs of his fingertips. “Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving? I went into the Common Room so we could study and Daphne said you had gone.”Hermione’s eyes narrowed at the mention of the girl’s name. She shoved at Draco, forcing him to take a step back. “I heard what you said!” she growled. “Is it true you’re betrothed to Astoria?”His eyes widened in surprise. “Gran…”“Is it true?!” she shouted. “I was told your father is currently in negotiations with her father so they could unite the families! That you were going to marry her!” She hit him in the chest. “And who is going around telling people about what happened Sunday night? Lavender didn’t just pick up that information out of thin air! Someone told her. Someone who sees me as nothing more than a Mudblood Slytherin slag!”When she tried to hit him again, he grabbed her wrist. “Stop hitting me,” he warned, his eyes glittering.“I’ve worked my arse off to show everyone, everyone, that I can be just as good as any Pureblood!” she shouted and she attempted to hit him again, but he grabbed that wrist as well. “Let go of me!” she screamed, the last word ending in a high pitch.“Calm down, princess,” Draco ordered as she struggled against him. He glared around the room, daring someone to try and intervene, but people were terrified when Hermione went off, so no one made a move. He turned his attention back to the Muggle born, who was still struggling. He could barely comprehend what she was saying because somewhere along the way she had slipped into French and her words became even more frenzied. “Granger!” he shouted and she stomped his foot. He grimaced against the pain, but did not let go of her. “Calm down,” he repeated, gritting his teeth. “Don’t make me do something you’re not going to like.”“I’m not afraid of you,” she snarled. “I beat your father, I can beat you!”He rolled his eyes and pressed his lips to her ear. What he whispered, she’ll never know because in that instant, everything went black.Author's Note: That escalated pretty fast... Thank you all again for the lovely reviews! Always so exciting to see what you have to say.
Severus1snape: Oh, Miss Granger is undoubtedly pissed, but I think she's more worried than anything. I don't know. Guess we shall see, eh?
lexitel: Oh, it's gonna get worse before it gets better, too! Just wait.
Mady: Thanks! Glad you approve! :)
Pinster: Like I said, it's gonna get worse, but so good. *Giggles*
Coranassa: Yeah, haven't decided how old Lucius will receive her yet. Suppose we'll see. And I agree with you. If Draco, in this story, would have tried to wait for her, she would've just kept putting it off.
LMazella: Thank you so much! Hope this chapter didn't disappoint.
Also, I should warn all of you, I'm already a quarter of the way through the next chapter and I'm telling you now, it's going to get a LOT darker. Wasn't planning it this way, but there you have it.Please don't forget to rate and review. Like I said, I do love your reviews! And thanks again to those who have! :)While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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