Mystery Date with a Masked Man | By : lilbitbord Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 14096 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended. |
The week was flying by for Hermione and Luna, neither had time to worry about Friday night until Friday morning. Hermione was busy at work, making more progress in a week then she had in a year. They were close to finding the connection between werewolves and Animagus. Severus was very impressed, well, as impressed, as he would show, on the progress that she was making.
Luna was very proud of Hermione and Remus for their progress. She could not believe how close Hermione was to a breakthrough. When Friday came around Hermione was ready to start formulating a potion to start testing. Both Remus and Hermione were excited.
“I want to have all the notes ready, so on Monday morning we can start formulation the potion,” Hermione said, as she was scribbling down more notes on a parchment.
“I'll have everything ready,” Remus said.
“What would I do with out you?” Hermione asked.
“Isn't tonight the big date,” Remus said with a smile as he started to gather up the notes on Hermione's desk.
“Yes is it.” Hermione looked at her watch. “Luna is meeting me at home in an hour to get ready, and then we wait for our transportation to arrive.”
“Are you nervous, or excited?” Remus smiled.
“A bit of both. I don't know who he is. I have no idea what to expect. I just hope he isn't someone that I hate. I hate to think what would happen if he turned out to be Gregory Goyle, although he would have had to use a lot of glamour charms.”
Remus laughed, “I don't think there enough glamour charms for him to fool you. You two have fun tonight,” he said with a sly smile as they both headed out the door.
“Oh I plan on it,” Hermione said as she headed to one of the Floo exits.
“Don't do anything I would do!” Remus called out after her.
Hermione winked at him before she Flooed home.
Remus shook his head. “They are going to have fun tonight.”
First thing Hermione did after she got home, was take a relaxing bath, filled with scented oils and moisturizers to make her skin silky smooth. She was still wrapped in a towel trying to tame her hair when Luna Apparated in.
“Hermione, are you almost ready?” Luna called out from the living room.
“Once I tame the bird’s nest that is my hair,” Hermione called out from the bathroom.
“We don't have that kind of time,” Luna laughed as she stepped into the bathroom. “Here let me see if I can help.”
Luna took the comb from Hermione and worked her own magic and pulled, twisted, and pinned Hermione’s hair into a messy up-do twist. Little ringlets framing her face.
“How do you do that?” Hermione asked, when she looked in the mirror at Luna's work.
“It's a gift. Now let’s see you in that gorgeous green dress,” Luna said with a sexy smile.
“Where is your dress?” Hermione said as she looked at Luna's sweater and jeans.
“I didn't want it to get dirty before I finish putting on my makeup,” Luna smiled, as she pulled out a small makeup bad from her handbag.
Luna's idea of makeup was a bit of blush, a little eye shadow, and lip-gloss. Hermione never thought Luna needed any makeup. Hermione also liked the more natural look. When they were finished in the bathroom, they put of their dresses.
“I'm so glad we bought these dresses. We look hot in them,” Luna said as she looked at herself in the mirror.
“We do, don't we,” Hermione said as she added a jewelled dragon hair stick to her up-do.
“Oh, that's pretty,” Luna said.
“Thanks. Where did you get that necklace? It looks old,” she asked Luna.
“It is. It was my mothers. My dad found it a few months ago and gave it to me,” Luna said as she touched the diamond and sapphire raven pendent.
As they slipped on their shoes, there was a knock at Hermione's door.
“I think our ride is here,” Luna said as Hermione opened the door.
There was a uniformed person waiting next to a limousine. “He got us a limo?” Hermiones mouth opened in awe.
“I never rode in a limo before, or even a car for that matter,” Luna whispered.
“Our date must be a Muggleborn,” Hermione whispered.
“Let’s go,” Luna said excitedly.
The driver opened the door for them and Luna and Hermione stepped in. Inside there was two dozen red roses and a bottle of champagne.
“It seems our date wants us tipsy,” Hermione said suspiciously.
“Or relaxed,” Luna said as she popped the cork.
By the time the limo stopped, half the bottle was empty and Luna and Hermione were giggling uncontrollably.
The door opened and Hermione and Luna got out, they were standing outside a small cottage surrounded by woods.
Hermione stopped laughing when she looked around. “We are in the middle of nowhere.”
Luna looked around, “I thought we were going to a restaurant?” she said to the driver.
“This was the address I was given,” the driver said, getting back in the limo.
“I'm getting a bad feeling about this,” Hermione said nervously.
“Hermione, relax a bit, the contact won't let anything bad happen, to us or him, not to mention we are skilled witches with our wands,” Luna whispered.
The door to the cottage opened and their date stepped out. “Welcome, ladies to our date.”
“Why is he still wearing his mask?” Hermione said in shock.
Their date was wearing a black leather mask, he was wearing similar leather trousers as at the party. He was also wearing a white dress shirt. He had black hair and Hermione could see he had clear blue eyes.
Hermione and Luna approached their date. “Why are you still wearing your mask?” Hermione asked.
“Who are you?” Luna asked curiously.
He smiled. “For now, you can call me Romeo.”
Hermione laughed. “No, sorry not happening, pick another name.”
Luna was laughing so hard. “You seem pretty sure of yourself.”
“Fine, how about Devon?” he said.
“Devon is a nice name, too bad it's not your real name,” Hermione said.
“Don't worry. I vow that no harm will come to you or Luna tonight. Come inside I have prepared a delicious meal for us.”
“We are not going out?” Hermione said confused.
“I can't keep a secret identity in public, now can I,” he said with a wink.
“True,” Luna said.
“Come,” Devon said as he held open the door for them.
The cottage was very small, there was a main room, which had a fireplace, with a roaring fire already going, and a large table set up, with seating for three. Hermione sniffed the air. “That smells good!”
“Thank you.”
“So, Devon, what is the plan for tonight?” Luna asked as she looked around the cottage.
“I figured we would start out with a romantic candle lit dinner,” he smiled as he gestured to the table. Which had fresh flowers all around and several candles already lit.
“It looks beautiful,” Hermione said as she and Luna took their seats.
“If you can cook as well as you set the table, this is going to be a delicious dinner,” Luna smiled.
“Why don't we start off with a little wine,” Devon said as he took a bottle of white that was chilling in an ice bucket at the end of the table.
“Still plying us with alcohol?” Hermione said, jokingly.
“Do you think that will lower our inhibition?” Luna smiled.
“No, of course not, that is what the love potion in the food is for,” Devon winked at them.
Luna started giggling, Hermione, for a moment, had a look of worry on her face before she also broke out into laughter.
“Now that we broken the ice, why don't I get dinner, and then I can find out more about you two,” Devon laughed.
“And us about you,” Hermione added.
“We'll see,” he said as he dashed off to the kitchen.
Hermione turned to Luna, “Do you have any idea who he is?”
Luna shook her head no. “Not a clue. You?”
“He seems a bit familiar, but I have no idea who he could be. Maybe we can get enough information out of him to piece it together.”
“Maybe,” Luna shrugged.
Devon came back with three plates full of food.
“Are you trying to fatten us up?” Luna laughed at the huge amount of food that was on her plate.
“Forgive me, I don't often cook for other people. I might have gone overboard,” Devon said as he sat down.
“That's okay, it gives us a variety to choose from. Just don't be offended if I leave some on the plate,” Hermione said, as she tasted the creamy chicken.
“Of course not,” he said silky.
“Where did you learn to cook?” Luna asked, trying to get some information out of him.
“Picked it up. I live alone, so, unless I get nothing but take away, I needed to learn to cook for myself.”
“So you live alone?”
“Didn't I just say that?” Devon said with wink.
“Who are you?” Luna asked.
“In due time. For now let’s enjoy our dinner,” Devon said.
The three enjoyed a delicious and fulfilling meal. They talked, Hermione talked about her project, Luna talked about her research into finding new species of animals. Every third or fourth sentence, Hermione and Luna would ask who he was. Every time he would say, “In due time.” Hermione was starting to wonder if she had made a mistake, she didn't like not knowing whom she was eating with.
Luna, on the other hand, found the entire experience fascinating. She was keeping a sharp ear and eye open to see if she could get a hint on which their mystery date was.
By the end of the meal, Devon had learned a lot about Hermione and Luna, but they did not know a lot about Devon. They knew he lived alone, he did go to Hogwarts, but they didn't know what years he was there. He did tell them that he did meet both of them at some point in their lives, but he would not do into detail about it.
“Why won't you tell us?” Hermione asked with a small whine to her voice.
“You too pride yourself in figuring out who attends the Malfoy's Halloween party. Yet you can't figure out who I am. Not living up to your reputation are you?”
Hermione and Luna looked at each other. “Is this some sort of game?” Luna questioned.
“Of course not. This is a date. An evening of good food and light conversation.”
“Is that all?” Luna asked.
“Maybe. That would be up to your two,” Devon said.
“What do you mean?” Hermione asked.
“We will get to that in a minute. For now, why don't we take the last of the wine and sit by the fire.” Devon grabbed the bottle and led them to the couch.
“Why won't you tell us about yourself?”
“That's a really pretty hair decoration.,” he said to Hermione. “And that is a gorgeous necklace,” he said to Luna.
“Why are you avoiding the question?”
“I'm not ready to answer, yet. I want to see if you two can figure it out.”
“So it is a game,” Hermione said.
“It is now. You two have intrigued me to change our plans for the evening,” Devon said thoughtfully.
“How so?” Luna asked.
“Well, I did plan on wining and dining you, but since you two seem so obsessed to know who I am, I've decided that you need to figure out it before anything else happens between us.”
“That is awfully presumptuous of you!” Hermione said.
“You just assume that we are going to want more of this date.” Luna finished.
Devon moved closer to Hermione and in one swift move, he picked her up and planted her on his lap. He grabbed her neck, pulled her close to him, and soundly kissed her. Hermione tried to pull away at first, but was soon drawn into the kiss. They broke apart when Luna gasped and whimpered at them. Devon then leaned over to Luna and gave her lips the same treatment. Hermione slid down and her head rested on Luna's lap.
Hermione could smell Luna's arousal, she whimpered as she looked up at the two of them snogging. Devon broke the kiss, looked down at Hermione, and smiled. He ran his had down her leg and played with the hem of her dress. “So smooth,” he breathed has he began kissing Luna again.
Hermione wasn't sure if he was commenting on the dress or her leg. His hand snaked further up her leg. He brushed his finger over her lace knickers, lightly touching her clit. She jerked slightly at the contact.
Hermione squirmed as Devon kept brushing his finger over her clit.
Hermione saw his other hand brushing over Luna's breasts. She could see Luna's nipples hardened through the fabric of her dress. Hermione grabbed Luna's hand and squeezed it, she moved her hand down Luna's thigh caressing it, and Hermione turned her head slightly and breathed in Luna's arousal.
Devon smirked at the two. “I see you two are more then just friends. What an interesting development. He leaned down to Hermione, pinning her in Luna's lap. He kissed and licked her neck, his hand playing with her breasts. Luna ran her fingers through Hermione's hair.
Hermione's hand snaked a hand up Devon's shirt, running her fingernails over his hardened nipples. He hissed at the contact.
“Do you two want more,” he moaned.
“Yesss,” they both hissed at the same time.
“Then figure out who I am and you can have me,” he said as he broke off all contact and stood up.
Hermione gasped at the loss of contact.
“What!” Luna whined.
Hermione came back to her senses. “You want us to do what?”
“You two are very clever witches. I'm sure you can figure out who I am. I'll give you till next Friday, if you haven't figured it out by then, well...” Devon let the sentence trail, letting Hermione and Luna draw their own conclusion.
“Are you serious!” Hermione yelled.
He quirked his eyebrows at her. “Maybe. Now let me get your cloaks.”
Hermione and Luna stood up. “Is he really ending the date now?!” Luna gasped in surprise.
“I don't believe this!” Hermione said in shock.
“I had a lovely evening, but now I must retire,” he said, handing them their cloaks and handbags.
“But...” Hermione protested.
“Until we meet again,” he purred. He encircled his arms around both Hermione and Luna's waists and drew them close. He gave them each of them a small peck on the lips, before he opened the door and practically pushed them out and shut the door.
“Are you kidding me. He gets us all worked up, and then throws us out?” Luna yelled.
Hermione was about to hex the door off its hinges when a voice behind her spoke. “Ready to go home?” the driver asked them as he held the limo door open for them.”
“If we have to,” Hermione said angrily as she turned and stomped to the limo.
Hermione and Luna stepped into the limo. “So now what do we do?” Hermione said dejected.
“Oh, I think there is something we can do,” Luna said as she knelt down on the limo floor.
“What are you doing?” Hermione breathed as she looked at Luna.
Luna gave her a sultry smile as she lifted up Hermione's dress and knelt between her legs. She took a deep breath. “I love the way you smell.”
Luna wasted no time, she pushed Hermione's knickers aside and licked her and sucked on her clit. Hermione moaned and squirmed under the assault. Luna played with her mound, she slipped a finger inside Hermione and slowly pumped it in and out.
Hermione breathing became deeper and more erratic. She wasn't going to last long. Devon had taken care of a lot of the foreplay already, and with Luna's talented tongue, she knew that it wasn't going to take much. Hermione gripped Luna's hair pulling at it lightly. Luna moaned is ecstasy. Hermione came with a scream. She felt the limo jerk for a moment. She really should have remembered to cast a silencing spell.
Hermione was coming down from her orgasmic high when she felt the limo stop.
Luna whimpered as she smoothed Hermione's dress back down and cast a quick cleansing spell on the seat.
“Don't worry. I'm not done with you yet. We will continue it inside,” Hermione breathed as she collected herself before the limo door opened.
“Ladies.” the driver said as he opened the door. “I hope you had an exciting evening.”
“Why yes we did, thank you,” Hermione said in a dreamily voice.
“No, thank you,” he gave her a wink as climbed back in his limo and drove away.
“Oops did I forget to cast a silencing spell?” Luna smirked, as she waiting for Hermione to open the door.
Hermione practically pushed Luna through the door when she unlocked it. “You are in so much trouble.”
“Promise,” Luna smiled as she ran to the bedroom shedding her clothes as she went.
Hermione giggled as she started to pull off her clothes too.
Luna bounced on the bed. “I'm waiting for my punishment,” she giggled.
Hermione walked in, pointed her wand at the bed, and whispered a spell that bounded Luna's hands over her head. “You've been bad, teasing the poor driver with my moans.”
Luna smiled, “Yes, I have been bad, what are you going to do about it?”
Hermione smiled as she jumped on the bed and crawled her way up Luna's body. She devoured her lips, biting and sucking, she broke off and made her way down Luna's body licking and sucking along the way. She reached her clit and blew on it, causing Luna to jump at the sensation. “Ready for your punishment?” Hermione asked as she licked and sucked on Luna's clit.
Hermione was lucky she didn't have any close neighbours, or they might have called the authorities from all the screams of ecstasy they would have heard.
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