Mudbloods at Hogwarts | By : Gandalfs-Beard Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 290991 -:- Recommendations : 10 -:- Currently Reading : 17 |
Disclaimer: All rights to Harry Potter belong to Rowling and the relevant corporations--though I doubt they want anything to do with this one. I make no money from the publication of this work. |
A New Hope and Allies
Harriet suddenly woke, blinking in the muted light from the enchanted ceiling and the stained glass windows at the other end of the Hall. She reckoned it must be dawn, though it was hard to tell how early or late it was given the billowing grey clouds above, indicating the possibility of another rainy day. Bleary eyed, Harriet confirmed her supposition with a glance at the clock. It was just after six; it wouldn’t be too long before students and staff began arriving for breakfast at seven.
Breakfast! Harriet didn’t even want to think about that horrorshow just yet. She was sore all over and wanted to stretch and pee, but Hermione was still asleep in her lap and Harriet didn’t want to wake her. She reckoned Hermione could use all the sleep she could get. Harriet was used to disturbed sleep, what with the odd nightmares which had plagued her for as long as she could remember.
Indeed, Harriet was surprised that she had drifted off after Hermione had dozed off again, and she felt a bit better for a couple hours of sleep. It wasn’t until the hinges of the enormous oak doors of the Great Hall groaned as they swung open and the echoey sound of dozens of footsteps could be heard approaching that Hermione finally stirred.
“Wh...what?” Hermione sounded startled as she opened her eyes, looking briefly puzzled and shocked. Then she let out a little moan.
“You alright Hermione?” asked Harriet.
“Y...yes! ... as well as can be expected anyway, I suppose,” she sighed. “I was dreaming I was back home again, and it felt so real.”
Harriet instinctively gave Hermione a little kiss on her head again, her heart lurching and stomach churning, her eyes suddenly stinging. That was when she realised she could see with both eyes again as the cum which had glued her left eye shut had dried completely and flaked off. Harriet wondered how long that would last though, as she looked up at the crowd which was now entering the Great Hall.
Hermione slid her head and shoulders off Harriet’s lap and clumsily shifted into a sitting position, her back against the rear of the cage. Harriet stretched out her legs a bit, hiding the relief she felt from being able move her cramped muscles again, knowing she would do it all over again to make Hermione more comfortable.
They sighed as the throng in the Great Hall grew, both wishing now that Harriet had woken Hermione a bit sooner as their bladders were both full. Yesterday afternoon, there had only been a few dozen students in the Great Hall when they had peed; this morning they were mere moments away from hundreds - the entirety of the student body.
Everyone but the odd straggler was settled in their seats now, waiting as the last few minutes counted down to the arrival of breakfast on their platters. And as they had been the night before at dinner, Harriet and Hermione were the centre of attention, the topic of all the whispers and giggles as all eyes fell upon them.
Harriet and Hermione both shared a look of distress as the desperate urge to go grew stronger, knowing that they had little choice.
“You or me first?” Harriet sighed.
“It’s up to you, Harriet,” said Hermione. “You’ve been awake the longest. I can still hold it for a few minutes if I have to.”
“Right! Me first it is then.” Harriet grit her teeth as she pushed herself up the back of the cage with her feet, every muscle screaming after being frozen in position most of the night. She manoeuvred herself clumsily towards the bucket, nearly tripping over Hermione. Finally in position, Harriet crouched over the tin pail, scowling at Dumbledore who was observing her keenly along with everyone else; she hated that stupid twinkle in his eyes.
Hagrid lumbered over toward them, beaming, no doubt preparing to feed her again. Harriet did her best to ignore him as he stood beside the cage watching her every move.
Her pussy lips parted slightly and a steaming amber stream of liquid sprayed into the bucket. The burbling, splashing sound echoed throughout the Hall as the bucket grew fuller and fuller; Harriet found herself wondering when Hagrid or whoever was planning on emptying it.
It went on and on, and by the time the flow of urine slowed to a trickle, Harriet’s face felt like it would burst into flame; having hundreds of students watching her pee felt a hundred times worse than a few dozen students watching her pee. Claps and cheers filled the Hall when she finished and stood up, dripping from the soaked Burrowing Carrot leaves dangling between her legs.
If she could have, Harriet would have remained in place and pressed herself against the bars to shield Hermione from view and prevent her from having to endure the same level of humiliation, but there just wasn’t enough room. It was difficult enough as it was to make way for Hermione without knocking over the pail.
The scrutiny of the audience somehow seemed even more intense when Hermione crouched over the bucket. The flood of pee gushing from the bushy haired girl’s vulva seemed endless, going on for nearly twice as long as Harriet. Hermione’s face was as red as a fire-engine when she finished and rose from her crouching position to thunderous applause and whoops of “encore, encore...”
“Oh, well done, you two!” Hagrid beamed, lavishing on the praise as if Harriet and Hermione were two obedient puppies successfully completing their toilet training - which Harriet was forced to concede to herself was kind of true, in a sick twisted way. After all, peeing while naked in front of hundreds of people was a task that she and Hermione had been forced to learn by their unfortunate situation.
“Righ’ then, time for breakfast,” said Hagrid cheerily as he opened the cage door. As they had the night before, the chains released Harriet and Hermione and they resignedly exited the cage on their hands and knees.
Suddenly the delicious smell of bacon wafted by Harriet’s nose, and she knew that the tables were now laden with all sorts of eggs, fried, scrambled, poached, and with buttery crumpets, toast and jam, not to mention the aforementioned bacon, and sausage and ham... all of her favourite breakfast foods. The injustice of it all hit her hard.
“Alrigh’ Harry,” Hagrid continued, “The Slytherins should get a chance ter feed yeh... It's on'y fair! Though I s’pose, if yeh’d like, I could feed yeh again,” he concluded, looking rather hopeful.
Harriet gulped, not keen on dealing with Hagrid’s monstrosity again any time soon.
“Er... I think I’ll take my chances with the Slytherins,” she said.
“Very well!” Hagrid sighed, looking disappointed. “If tha’s what yeh really want...”
“Yes... yes it is,” Harriet insisted. Hagrid nodded and turned to Hermione.
“Alrigh’ Hermione,” Hagrid began, his features brightening, “Looks like I’ll be feedin’ yeh instead...”
“WAIT ... what?” sputtered Harriet, her eyes bulging in horror, “No... you can’t. I’ve changed my mind! You can feed me Hagrid...”
“Too la’e now,” said Hagrid. “Yeh made yer choice Harry...”
“It’s alright Harriet...” Hermione gave Harriet a grateful but resigned look. “I’ll manage...”
“No! ... You don’t understand Hermione - it’s massive - it’s too big for you...”
“Well tha’s a bi’ presumptuous o’ yeh Harry,” Hagrid scolded. “Yeh had yer chance, an’ I’m sure Hermione’s more’n up ter it. She’s a big girl...”
“Please Harriet! I’ll be f...fine,” said Hermione unconvincingly. “I don’t want you to get into trouble.”
“Fine!” Harriet scowled, shooting Hagrid a furious look for tricking her into giving him a crack at Hermione. Angrily, Harriet crawled over to the Slytherin table where they were sniggering and jeering at her.
Draco beckoned gleefully.
“I knew you’d be back for more Potter,” he crowed victoriously as Harriet crawled under the table. “You just couldn’t get enough of me.”
Harriet peered bitterly at the two inch willy poking up through Malfoy’s fly.
“What? That thing?” she sniped. “Looks more like a broken pencil to me.”
Crabbe and Goyle guffawed. Draco glared at them and they quickly shut up.
“Oh yeah? I’ll show you, Potter!” snarled Malfoy. He glanced down the table at the fifth, sixth, and seventh year Slytherins. “OI! ... Any of you lot know the Engorgement Charm?”
Harriet heard some chuckles and an older boy’s voice saying, “I knew all that tosh about your massive tallywhacker was a load of rubbish, Malfoy! ... But alright, seeing as you asked so nicely. ... Engorgio!”
There was a loud thump on the table above Harriet’s head and an “OW!” She poked her head out from under the table and her eyes boggled with surprise. Draco’s head was now roughly five times larger, his forehead planted in his bowl of porridge as his scrawny neck was apparently too feeble to support it.
“Oops! Sorry about that Malfoy,” the older boy sniggered. “I thought that was your knob.”
“Piss off Mallory!” Draco snapped, flipping him the bird. “Just wait till I tell my father about this!”
“Ooooo!” An older girl tittered mockingly, “You’d better watch out Mallory. Malfoy’s going to tattle to his daddy...”
There were more hoots of laughter from the Upper Year end of the Slytherin table. Harriet couldn’t help herself and grinned for the first time since Snape had turned her life upside down yesterday morning. The measure of justice was small, but it gave her some hope - not to mention that Draco was too out of sorts to be making any demands of Harriet now.
But the moment of joy passed quickly and the grin slid from Harriet’s face when Crabbe unzipped himself and leered at her.
“Try me on for size Potter,” Crabbe said thickly, “I don’t need no Engorgy spell-thingy to give you a feedin’ ...”
Harriet sighed and popped her head back under the table, crawling between the dimwit’s legs. She grudgingly conceded that the oaf’s willy was a respectable six inches at full length., which she supposed wasn’t too surprising as Crabbe and Goyle were both over-large for their age and looked remarkably how she imagined eleven year old trolls would look. At least it would be easier to deal with than the beast between Hagrid’s legs.
Harriet felt another flush of guilt and wondered how Hermione was getting on...
Tears streamed down Hermione’s cheeks. She almost wished she’d taken up Harriet on her chivalrous offer to sacrifice herself for Hermione. Harriet had been absolutely right! Hermione wasn’t a whole lot smaller than Harriet in terms of height, but Hermione’s frame and build was a fair bit slighter, and Hagrid was having even more difficulty fitting his gigantic cock in her mouth.
Hermione’s jaw was stretched as wide as it could go and it ached from the strain as Hagrid struggled to force the bell end of his penis past her uvula and tonsils. Despite the lubrication provided by Hermione’s overproduction of saliva, it was currently lodged between the roof of her mouth and her tongue near the back of her palate and Hagrid was actually grunting from exertion.
For all of his effort though, Hagrid was being very careful not to damage Hermione, knowing that Harry would be very upset with him if he did. He glanced back at the headmaster sitting at the staff table at the other end of the Hall and raised his eyebrows.
Fortunately Dumbledore appeared to have understood Hagrid’s nonverbal plea for an assist. His eyes twinkling, Dumbledore waved his wand. Hermione felt her jaw miraculously stretching wider than she had thought possible without any pain at all, but her eyes still nearly popped out of her head when Hagrid’s penis suddenly plunged into her throat with a rush once the resistance had been eliminated.
Hermione’s tight esophagus still clung to his cock like a sleeve but the wetness eased his passage further and soon Hagrid was fucking Hermione’s throat with abandon as she gargled and moaned. She did her best to endure as her face was repeatedly slammed into Hagrid’s crotch, knowing the throat-rape would eventually come to an end.
After what seemed like forever Hagrid finally reached boiling point and exploded, deluging Hermione’s throat with his hot spunk. He pumped what seemed like gallons into her stomach before retreating and flooding Hermione’s mouth with his semen. Hermione gulped down as much as she could but she had long since reached capacity and long sticky strands drooled from her nostrils and mouth, spattering on the marble floor.
Hagrid took pity on Hermione and quickly pulled out, reckoning she’d had more than enough, but as there was really nowhere else for the sperm still erupting from his cock to go, he inundated her face and matted brown locks with the last few loads. He didn’t bother with making Hermione clean the floor and led the gasping and sputtering, blinded girl back to the cage, leaving a sticky trail as she continued to drool.
“Sorry ‘bout tha’ Hermione,” he mumbled, sounding genuinely apologetic as he shackled Hermione, whose trembling frame was wracked with sobs. “I shoulda figured yeh could’na take that much. I reckon I oughter’ve let Harry take it like she wan’ed to.”
Still crying, Hermione didn’t respond; Hagrid’s contrition notwithstanding, did he really expect her to accept his apology? Fortunately, he seemed to understand and lumbered away. Moments later he returned with Harriet in tow, who had only milked about ten Slytherins before Hagrid had fetched her.
Harriet gasped at Hermione’s state. Hermione was utterly drenched, coated with Hagrid’s seed from the top of her head to her shoulders and breasts, quaking and sobbing. Harriet glowered at Hagrid and started to yell at him.
“Bloody Hell!” she shouted, “What’d you do to her...?”
“Now ‘old yer horses, Harry... Calm down!” Hagrid held up a hand to quell Harriet’s fury. “Look, I’m sorry alrigh’ ... I shoulda let yeh milk me! It won’ happen again - okay?”
Harriet quietly fumed. Like Hermione, she wasn’t about to forgive Hagrid for not having the sense to know better.
“I know I did wrong, Harry,” Hagrid continued, still looking very ashamed of himself, “Tha’s why I fetched yeh before yeh’d finished breakfast. The bes’ I can do ter make it up ter the both o’ yeh fer righ’ now is t’let yeh clean up Hermione - you’ll have ter lick it off her o’ course, bu’ that way yeh’ll still be able ter finish yer brekky.
“And I’ll still have ter shackle yeh, mind you, but I’ll loosen both o’ yer chains so yeh can both move a bi’ better an’ lie down properly, okay?”
Harriet’s features softened slightly, and after a moment, she nodded curtly. That was the best she could give Hagrid and it was far more than he deserved. Hagrid turned his head slightly, his eyes flickering to the staff-table, then, to Harriet’s surprise, he leaned in and whispered as he fiddled with the chains dangling from the roof of the cage.
“Harry, I dunno how much I c’n get away with, what with Dumbledore an’ the others keepin’ an eye on things, but I’ll try ter make things a bi’ better fer you both whenever I can, okay?”
Harriet nodded again, bewildered and surprised; she opened her mouth, trying to think of something to say.
“You don’ have ter say anything,” Hagrid muttered as he reddened. “I know I don’ deserve yer forgiveness.” Then he shut the cage and strode away without looking back, and without returning to the staff table he clomped out of the Great Hall.
Harriet wasn’t quite sure what to do. For some reason the collar wasn’t automatically forcing her to lick Hermione clean - perhaps it hadn’t interpreted Hagrid’s instructions as a command. Maybe it had somehow sensed Hagrid’s regret and interpreted the direction as a suggestion. But Harriet caught Dumbledore’s eye, and decided it was best to act as if nothing were amiss.
Harriet leaned closer to Hermione - who had settled down a bit, crying softly now - and began by licking her forehead. As vile and disgusting as licking semen from someone else’s face was, it was at least better than licking it up off the floor. And in any case, for reasons she couldn’t entirely fathom, Harriet just knew she would do anything to make Hermione feel better, even if it was something as horrible as this.
With that thought in her mind, it didn’t seem so bad washing Hermione with her tongue after all. Harriet’s tongue darted out again and again, swabbing Hermione’s forehead clean, swallowing gob after gob of Hagrid’s semen. It was a bit awkward without the use of her hands, but she managed it.
Hermione had quieted altogether by the time Harriet reached her eyebrows; her trembling had stopped. Harriet gently licked Hermione’s delicate eyelids, taking great care with her lashes, getting every last drop - which didn’t taste so bad somehow, mingled with Hermione’s tears. When Harriet reached her cheeks, Hermione’s eyelids fluttered open.
There was something much deeper than gratitude in Hermione’s eyes and Harriet felt her stomach do a little flip which had nothing to do with nausea. Harriet continued slowly and methodically, her tongue almost caressing Hermione’s cheeks. Harriet suddenly noticed Hermione’s breath quickening, almost ragged, her mouth slightly gapped. She halted briefly to ask if Hermione was alright; Hermione answered before she even asked.
“Th...that feels very nice Harriet,” murmured Hermione, her brown eyes pleading. “P...p...please, if... if it’s alright...” Hermione trailed off, her cheeks flushing, embarrassed to ask Harriet to continue what must surely be a revolting task - especially considering that they were being watched intently by hundreds of students.
“Of course it’s alright Hermione,” Harriet said softly; then she went back to work.
A little electric charge surged between them both when Harriet’s mouth reached Hermione’s lips, their tongues briefly touching when Harriet’s darted into Hermione’s mouth to clean up any remnants that Hermione hadn’t had the stomach to finish.
Harriet ignored the catcalls and jeers as her tongue and lips trailed ever downwards, under Hermione’s chin, across her neck, her clavicle and shoulders, the gentle inward slope between her breasts, around the curve of those perfect little globes as they rose up and down, finally sucking clean Hermione’s hardened nipples.
Hearing Hermione’s little gasp and correctly interpreting it as pleasure, Harriet lingered, surrounding the pink peaks poking up from Hermione’s little hills with her lips and swirling her tongue around the aureolas, lavishing them with extra attention.
Once Hermione’s skin glistened cleanly, Harriet returned to Hermione’s head and began to suck Hermione’s matted curls.
“ d...don’t have to do that, Harriet,” Hermione muttered, for some reason feeling even more embarrassed about Harriet having to perform that task. “Th...that’s good enough for now - unless the stupid collar is making you do it of course!”
“I doing it because I want to,” Harriet whispered, “I want to make you feel better, Hermione if... if you’ll let me.”
Tears began leaking from the corner of Hermione’s eyes again; she still couldn’t quite figure out why Harriet was being so nice to her when they hadn’t even really been friends before twenty four hours ago - perhaps the shared trauma...
“Al...Alright then. Thank you Harriet!” Hermione sniffled. “’re really sweet...” she added, feeling a bit confused. It had been one thing to have a bit of a crush on Harry Potter, but now that she was Harriet... Hermione just hadn’t expected to have those sorts of feelings for a girl. Of course Harriet hadn’t really stopped being Harry, even though she was a girl now, so it wasn’t really different... was it?
Harriet continued, seemingly oblivious to Hermione’s jumble of feelings, but Hermione wasn’t so sure every time she got a look in those impossibly green eyes.
It took a lot longer to wash Hermione’s hair this way than Harriet had thought it would; by the time she had finished, breakfast was long over, and the Great Hall was practically empty. The clouds above in the Enchanted Ceiling had parted and rays of sunlight shone through the gaps. And as it was Saturday, it was likely that most of the students were either in their common rooms or outside taking advantage of the break in the rain.
Harriet and Hermione both clambered to their feet to stretch, feeling more grateful now that Hagrid had slackened the chains. Harriet stiffened and scowled when the only two figures left in the Great Hall trotted over towards them, probably looking to cop a feel. They wouldn’t be the first girls to have groped Harriet and Hermione, but Harriet hadn’t expected these two would, as most of the times they had caught his attention they were giggling about boys.
She sighed when Parvati and Lavender reached through the bars of the cage, and began fondling their breasts, oddly shooting surreptitious glances around the Hall as if they wanted to make sure they were well and truly alone. Harriet supposed they just didn’t want to be taken for a pair of... what was that Uncle Vernon had called those sorts of girls? ... Oh, right, hairy dykes!
But Lavender and Parvati were being surprisingly gentle - and was that sympathy in their nervously shifting eyes?
“I think we’re really alone now,” Lavender hissed in Parvati’s ear. “I don’t see those two Ravenclaws anymore.”
To both Harriet’s and Hermione’s surprise, Parvati and Lavender stopped groping them.
“I can’t believe they did this to you two,” said Parvati hoarsely, looking like she was about to cry. And judging from her puffy red eyes, she had already been crying.
“We think it’s utterly revolting,” said Lavender, looking like she was struggling to contain her anger. “Anyway, we... er... we saved some real food for you two from breakfast...”
“If you don’t feel too sick to eat that is,” Parvati hastily added as she reached into her robes for something wrapped in paper napkins. “It’s not much,” she said apologetically, unwrapping the napkins. “Just a couple of hardboiled eggs, and a few bits of bacon...”
“And I’ve got sausages and crumpets in my pockets,” said Lavender, peering at them hopefully.
“Er...” Harriet and Hermione looked at other, their eyes widening in surprise. “Okay - yeah, thanks,” said Harriet, turning back to Lavender and Parvati, smiling at them wanly. “But... er... do you mind... erm...” Harriet jangled the chain to which her handcuffs were shackled behind her head. Even though the chains had been loosened, the cuffs were still attached very closely to the end shackled to their collars,
“Oh, of course,” said Parvati, “Lavender, you keep an eye out.”
Lavender nodded and watched the entrance of the Hall like a hawk while Parvati held out the hard-boiled eggs. Harriet and Hermione gratefully ate from Parvati’s hands, and when the eggs were finished Parvati began poking bits of bacon into their mouths. Harriet looked positively blissful as she savoured the salty, smokey taste of bacon.
Lavender passed Parvati the sausages and crumpets, then returned her eyes to the entrance. Harriet and Hermione beamed at Parvati and Lavender when they had finished.
“Thanks loads...” said Harriet.
“You don’t know how much we appreciate this...” said Hermione.
“Whatever we can do for you, we will.” Lavender bit her lip, looking like she was trying to stop herself from crying now.
“We’ll find some bottles and try to save you some tea, or pumpkin juice, or whatever it is you like tomorrow,” Parvati said earnestly.
“Erm... Orange juice would be nice, if you can manage it,” said Harriet. “I’m not really that fond of pumpkin juice to tell you the truth. But don’t get yourselves into trouble...”
“Thank you both, really,” said Hermione. “Orange juice sounds good to me too.”
“Okay then.” Parvati nodded, smiling. “And... er... if there’s anything else we can do - anything at all - we’ll do our best to help you. Right, er... bye for now then.”
As Harriet watched Lavender and Parvati exit the Great Hall, she pondered Parvati’s meaningful tone.
“Hermione,” she murmured, “did you get the impression...?”
“...that they want to help us escape?” Hermione finished Harriet’s question for her. “Yes, I did too Harriet. But if we do want to try to make a break for it, we’ll have to come up with some sort of plan...”
Harriet could almost see the gears spinning and whirring in Hermione’s brain as she contemplated the possibilities.
“...We’ll need wands for one thing...” Hermione went on. “Perhaps we can steal them - or rather, maybe Lavender and Parvati can.”
“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing,” Harriet agreed.
“...but I think we’ll have to try and put up with being abused and raped as long as possible,” Hermione continued, “perhaps till nearly the end of the year...”
“What?” gasped Harriet. “Why?”
“Because we’re witches,” said Hermione primly. “If we want to escape and survive in the wizard world, we need to try and learn as much magic as possible Harriet...”
“Oh, of course,” Harriet conceded with a heavy sigh.
“...So we’ll just have to do our best to pay attention in classes and memorise as many spells as we can. And hopefully Lavender and Parvati can find some spell books from later years and we can memorise as much of them as we can too...”
“...especially the combat spells - like explosion curses or something,” Harriet agreed, feeling a sudden surge of hope. “The rest we can try and figure out later - like how to get these blasted compulsion collars off. ... Maybe... maybe I can convince Hagrid to try and help us too. I might be able to wear him down if I keep working on him - he looked like he actually did feel bad about what he’s been doing to us...”
Hermione grinned, and the sudden thought that she had never seen anything quite so beautiful flashed through Harriet’s mind. Hermione’s smile did something to her insides that she had never really felt before today - the few brief fluttery moments in her tummy earlier building up to this one. Maybe it was just because it was so nice to see some real happiness amidst all this horror.
Harriet was startled out of her reverie when Hermione suddenly leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. It took Harriet a moment, but she reckoned that she shouldn’t be surprised really. There had been something really nice earlier about licking Hermione’s lips and cleaning out her mouth that Harriet hadn’t really been able to comprehend at the time.
The contact had just felt really good, and in retrospect it was probably a bit like a kiss of the sort she had seen grownups do on the television; Harriet figured that Hermione had noticed that as well and was trying to recreate that moment. Harriet was also suddenly aware that Hermione’s naked front was pressed against hers, Hermione’s breasts and stiff little nipples rubbing and poking her own; she felt herself responding with a tingly rush through her body that made her quiver.
Hermione abruptly released Harriet’s lips and pulled back, blushing furiously.
“I’m sorry Harriet,” she squeaked.
“Don’t be,” said Harriet, her voice slightly hoarse. “That was, er... really nice.”
“Yes, really!” Harriet smiled, her expression bemused. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Well, er, ... to be perfectly honest, this is all a bit confusing,” Hermione admitted ruefully, her words coming out in a rush. “I mean, I never really expected to be kissing anyone like that until I was much older... especially not a girl - and it seems really weird to be enjoying something while we’re being treated so horribly. And... and I keep thinking that it must be very confusing for you too right now...”
“Yeah, it is a bit,” Harriet sighed. “I mean - here I am - a girl now... and I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about that. And when I was a boy, I wasn’t even thinking about girls yet - not in... erm... that way anyway, but I was fairly certain I would some day.
“And now that I’m a girl... well, I’m supposed to like boys now, aren’t I? ... But I don’t! ... In fact I don’t really like any of them at all now - there’s a weird part of me that’s glad I’m not a guy anymore. Probably because all the ones I’ve met have turned out to be a load of arseholes...”
“I know what you mean,” Hermione muttered. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look at a boy that way again after this...”
Harriet gave Hermione a funny little half-smile. “You mean you’ve already looked at boys that way before?”
For some reason that made Hermione blush even more and bite her lip. “Erm... there was this one boy in particular I had a bit of a crush on...”
Harriet raised her eyebrows questioningly, still smiling, then she suddenly frowned. “I’m sorry - I shouldn’t be so nosey... It’s none of my business...”
“No, it’s okay. It’s just... the boy was you!” Hermione blurted out.
Harriet’s eyes nearly fell out of her head.
“Blimey! Really?” she gasped, a flood of warring feelings churning in her middle. On the one hand, her heart was doing giddy little flips, and on the other, she felt even worse for ignoring Hermione before, and for getting her into this mess.
Hermione nodded shyly. “I thought you seemed really nice. And now I’ve got to know you a bit - even under these dreadful circumstances - I like you even more! ... And I’m not sure if it’s just that you’re really sweet - which you are by the way - or because maybe I like girls too. That’s why this is ever so confusing for me... All I really know is that I like you loads, either way...”
Dumbledore sighed as he shared a brandy with the lanky, platinum blonde figure sitting across from him on the other side of his desk in his office. It was a bit early in the day for brandy, but then again, a libation always seemed to make these meetings with the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot go much smoother.
“Well, Lucius, I’m not sure what you expect me to do! ... Draco was set to rights by Madam Pomfrey nearly immediately, and the perpetrator was a member of Slytherin - the son of one of our closest associates I might add. Severus could of course dock points and give Mr Mallory a detention...”
“No, no! You’re quite right Albus,” Lucius Malfoy sighed as he nursed his brandy. “That would just annoy Reginald. And he is one of our most reliable allies in the Wizengamot - his support has helped keep the Grand Bargain stable for many years - there’s no need to upset the applecart. No doubt Draco brought it upon himself.”
“Indeed!” the headmaster chuckled, his eyes twinkling again as he raised his crystal brandy snifter. “Very well! To the Grand Bargain then?”
“To the Grand Bargain! May it keep the wizard world ever strong!” Chief Warlock Malfoy smiled wryly as he raised his own goblet of brandy to toast...
AN: Thanks to my latest round of reviewers.
@ Bodsquad: That's a very good idea - we'll just have to see how things play out... ;-)
@ David15: Well, there are some hints in this chapter. ;-)
@ Skepna: I'm glad you've enjoyed my other stories too. This one is quite different for me. Anyway, revenge is definitely in the works eventually.
@ BdwMedic: Lol! ... :D ... I hear you! I honestly never thought I'd write this sort of fic and post it online - there's enough depravity around as it is, both in fiction and life. But I'm at a bit of an impasse on YBID and DM until I resolve some plot and pacing issues and develop tighter outlines.
In the meantime, one of things a writer needs to do when they get a bit stuck is just write something completely different while the mind percolates. So I figured now was as good a time as any to respond to the challenges to write something depraved. In any case, I'm feeling some ideas for how to continue the other stories bubbling just under the surface, so hopefully I'll be updating those fics soon.
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