Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Both Sides.
CH 40 Draco and Blaize are punished. Like for like
Four times a day for the next seven days, Severus forced a reluctant Lou to flex her leg, bending it into positions she was convinced no normal leg should be able to manage. Each day the sessions lasted longer than the previous days. Starting out with ten minutes and ending with an hour at a time.
On the seventh day, it was time for her to stand. Severus passed her the cane and stood close as Lou got slowly to her feet. After several attempts, during which the leg buckled and she fell back on the bed, he held onto her, holding her as she tried to take a step.
After two days of failed attempts and two very frayed tempers, Poppy managed to get hold of a muggle leg brace and, thanks to Professor Flitwick’s expertise with charms, it was adapted and Lou was able to stand and bend her leg in any direction it was supposed to bend.
She hated the contraption, but not as much as she hated not being able to walk, so she wore it without complaint and hoped it would not be a permanent fixture. It came off at bedtime, and was fitted back on in a morning.
Draco and Blaize had heard the same rumour as everyone else, that Lou had taken a nasty tumble and was away in some private hospital for treatment. They were quite happy to continue with their lives, believing that no one knew of their assault on Lou.
Stacy, Robyn, Bernie, Anna and Nichole, constantly pestered their head of house as to news of Lou.
“How was she doing?” “Was she okay?” “When was she coming back?” “Could they write to her?”
Severus became so annoyed with them he told them to write a letter and he would see it was delivered.
Lou was delighted when she began receiving five letters a day, all personally delivered by the Potions Master himself.
After several days, the letters became shorter as her friends ran out of things to say, but they didn’t stop and for that, Lou was grateful.
Each day she wrote back to them, telling them about her gruelling therapy, how mean her therapist was and how he made her do the most awful and painful things, never letting up and barking orders at her like a sergeant major.
Normally Validus would deliver her letter during morning mail, but one day he was off flying with Hedwig and Lou asked Severus if he would mind giving it to one of the school owls.
What she didn’t realise was that he was incurably nosey and would read the missive before sending it off.
She had no idea why he was so unpleasant with her for the next few days, or why he suddenly upped her therapy sessions from one hour at a time to two hours.
Still after two weeks, she could walk a little without his help and was eager to get back to her lessons.
Severus told her that she would first need to ‘return from the private hospital she was staying at,’ then spend several weeks in the school infirmary before being allowed back in the Slytherin accommodations.
Lou wasn’t too keen on the thought of being put in the infirmary, but Severus assured her that it would only be Madam Pomfry in there, plus any students who happened to be ill or injured at the time, also that her friends would most likely be allowed to visit her while she was in there, and no, she could not take Validus to the infirmary with her.
On the day she was supposedly due to arrive from the unknown private hospital, Severus sat with her in his private sitting room and performed Legillimens.
She was given no warning and tried to block him, but she’d not been practicing closing her mind since she hurt her leg and he entered her mind easily.
He watched as she left his office after her first Occlumancy lesson and entered the common room. He saw her wiping her eyes and Draco and Blaize approaching her. Then she was standing looking confused and in pain inside the storage cupboard, however it was not an expert Obliviate and he saw flashes of blonde and dark hair, Lou being held down as a body rutted on top of her. All the images were one second flashes, but it was enough for Severus to discover the details of the attack.
Lou was in a state of shock when he withdrew from her mind, but he expected it and had a calming draught ready for her.
Once she’d taken it, he told her what really happened that day.
“It was mine, mine to give. They had no right to take that from me.” She sobbed quietly against his shoulder. Why did they do it? They had no right, why did they do it?” She asked him over and over.
He didn’t know what to tell her, but he did say that they were marked for punishment, and that it would be severe. He also told her to say nothing to anyone of what happened, at least not for the moment. She could speak to him about it whenever she felt the need, also Poppy or Albus, but no one else. He would have liked to tell her Hermione too, but Lou wasn’t aware that Hermione knew of her past, or the rape so he said nothing.
Draco Malfoy and Blaize Zabini were absent from Hogwarts for three weeks. Voldemort had them brought before him, and in front of their parents, they were repeatedly raped by no fewer than twenty Deatheaters.
After each assault, they were scourgified, ensuring that each time they were entered, there was no lubrication to make it easier on them.
They never discovered who their assailants were as the Deatheaters were all were masked and the boys were blindfolded.
All they knew was why they were to be punished this way, and that should they ever try and harm the Nilsen girl again, they would be begging for death. Not that they weren’t already after the second or third assault on there tight, virgin little arses.
Voldemort performed Legillimancy on both boys before deciding on their punishment. When he discovered how they’d terrorised her since her arrival, then stuck her to the mattress, he was incensed.
Malfoy, he decided, would have double the punishment, seeing as how he’d raped the girl twice. Zabini would have an additional flogging because of the trauma he caused her already injured leg.
Only their mothers sobbed for them, but even they were unable to help their sons.
The boys fathers, as punishment for not keeping a tight enough control over the boys, were forced to rape their own sons brutally, face to face and in full view of the Dark Lord, so he could ensure they did not take it easy on their own flesh and blood.
Draco and Blaize were not allowed the mercy of passing out, if either of them did, they would be renervated instantly.
Afterwards, they were left to bleed in a huddle for two days before Voldemort was satisfied and their parents were allowed to take them home and heal them.
On their return to Hogwarts, neither boy would speak of what went on during their absence, nor would they reveal where they’d been. Instead, both were quiet and withdrawn, leaving many students bewildered as to the new attitude of the ex-Head boy and his friend.
Lou had been in the infirmary for a week when her friends told her of the mysterious disappearance of Draco and Blaize. She didn’t care, she never wanted to see either of them again for as long as she lived.
Lou worked hard with Madam Pomfry, determined to leave the infirmary now that her assailants were gone and she was allowed to leave after a total of two and a half weeks, rather than the suggested three.
Kreatcher arrived on Saturday morning to take her downstairs after breakfast and deposited her in her own room in Slytherin.
Her friends were waiting for her, along with several other Slytherin students who all welcomed her back.
It was not what she expected and was overjoyed at her reception.
It was also another Hogsmead weekend and Professor Snape entered the common room, handed her a piece of parchment, and left.
When Lou opened it and discovered it was a signed permission slip for her to visit Hogsmead she could hardly breath for excitement.
He friends agreed to wait while she got her warm cape and a purse before they set off down the corridor. Lou asked for one more minute while she spoke to Professor Snape.
“Enter.” Severus shouted when a knock sounded at his door. He was surprised when Lou limped into the office, closed and warded the door and added a silencing spell.
He said nothing as she made her way round his desk, flung her arms around his neck and told him thank you. She then planted a kiss on his cheek and hobbled from the room without looking back.
Severus sat in his chair stunned for several minutes, his fingers touching the place where her lips touched his cheek.
Suddenly realising what she’d done, he scowled and stood up, leaving the office and heading for the main entrance.
He was just in time to see her struggling down the steps that led to the grounds and casually made his way towards Mr Filch, the school caretaker, who had the unpleasant task of signing all of the students in and out of the school.
“She looks decidedly happy does she not Severus.”
“She does Headmaster, though I wonder if she will make it to Hogsmead.”
“Did you explain to her why she is now allowed to go to Hogsmead?”
“I did not, she will think to ask eventually. I find I am in need of supplies for my potions stores, Miss Granger was rather liberal with her distribution of ingredients during her short tenure in my classroom. I shall also endeavour to keep my eye on Miss Black while I am there, I am sure you will feel better knowing that she is being observed from time to time.”
“Most definitely Severus, thank you.” The Headmaster told him, his eyes twinkling merrily.
When Severus reached the gates of Hogwarts, he could see Lou hobbling along with her friends, who were going purposefully slow so she could keep up. Her gait was most peculiar, he thought, probably the brace had a lot to do with that, but along with her cane, it was the only thing that enabled her to use her leg at the moment so it could not be helped.
He followed at a distance and noticed she was flagging seriously behind after twenty minutes. As he approached, he heard her nagging her friends to go on ahead, she would catch them up later. They all refused but he could see they were impatient to be off.
“Is there a problem here?” He asked smoothly, stopping when he reached them.
“No Sir.” Stacy told him. “Lou’s just needs a bit of a rest then we’ll be on our way again.”
“I told them to go on, but they wont listen.” Lou told him.
“You do realise that you are barely one quarter of the way there. At this rate, you will need to turn back before you arrive.” Severus said.
Lou’s face dropped, disappointment written all over it. “Please you lot, go on, I’m tired anyway so I think I’ll head back now. I’ve had some fresh air and it’s enough for my first day. Go on, please.”
The girls still hesitated and Severus watched in wry amusement as they struggled with themselves to decide what they should do.
“No.” Bernie told her. “If your not going, then neither are we.” The others nodded and Severus was impressed at their camaraderie.
“Perhaps I can offer a solution.” He told them, smirking as six faces looked up at him hopefully.
“I shall apparate Miss Black to Hogsmead while the rest of you make your way on foot. When I return, I shall apparate Miss Black along side of me again. Does that suit everyone?”
“That’s brilliant Sir.” Nichole told him. “Thank you Sir.” They all said.
They told Lou they would meet her outside of Honeydukes and hurried on their way.
“Ready Miss Black?” He asked, holding out an arm.
“Thank you again Professor.” She told him softly. “How did you know?”
“Know what?”
“How much I really wanted to go?”
“Do you really need me to answer that question? Now take hold of my arm.”
Lou grabbed hold and was apparated to Hogsmead instantly. She didn’t feel at all queasy when they arrived, though she hung on to him for a moment while she got her balance. He led her to Honeydukes and told her to wait there until her friends arrived.
It wasn’t long before Hermione, Harry and Ron spied her and made their way over.
“When did you get out of the infirmary?”
“This morning. Professor Snape apparated me here because I was too slow. He said he’ll take me back the same way when he’s finished his business here, so I get to look around some. Isn’t that cool?”
“Yeah.” Harry laughed. “So, how are you? Is your leg any better?”
“It’s different, lets put it that way. I look a bit of a divvy when I walk, but at least I’m walking so I don’t care that much. I have to wear a brace too, that’s a bit uncomfortable, still, it‘s better than losing my leg.” She said, laughing.
The group stood chatting until Lou’s Slytherin friends showed up. The girls hung back, unsure of the reception they’d receive from the golden trio.
“Come here you lot, I want to introduce you all.” Lou told them.
She made the introductions, making sure to push Stacy forward a little more than was necessary when she introduced her to Harry, and the mixed group were soon heading to the Three broomsticks for Butterbeers.
Lou managed to make sure that Stacy was sitting next to Harry when they got inside and insisted on paying for the first round. She told them she wanted to celebrate her new found freedom and ordered a massive tray of cheesy chips with a second round of warm Butterbeers, which she also insisted on paying for. It was her celebration after all and she’d be offended if anyone refused her.
“You know, it feels really strange sitting with Slytherins and not feeling like I want to hex someone.” Ron said laughingly.
“Yeah, it’s strange for us too.” Nichole told them. “We’ve always thought you lot wanted to hex us to oblivion, but we never knew why.”
“Well I think it’s ridiculous, just because we’re in different houses doesn’t mean we have to fight each other. I don’t understand it all.” Lou told them.
An hour later, tables were pushed together as more Gryffindors and Slytherins joined them, all getting along as though it had always been the way.
This was the sight that met Severus when he entered the inn to have lunch.
“It’s been like that ever since they walked in.” madam Rosmerta told him as she placed a steaming cup of coffee in front of him. “Does the eyes good to see it, don’t you agree?”
“It is …novel, I must admit.” He replied.
“I’ve got a feeling it’s got something to do with that young girl with the limp. Who is she, never seen her in here before?”
“That, my dear Rosmerta, is Lady Louhi Melaina Nilsen-Black. Though if you address her as such, she is likely to hex you, so be warned. I am surprised no one has told you before now.”
“I did hear she’d turned up, but I never thought to see her in here. I didn’t even know she was a student. Blimey, I didn‘t even curtsey when I served her, what will she think of me?”
“Well now you know, and for Merlin’s sake, just treat her as a regular student, because while she resides at Hogwarts, that is what she is. I would like a bowl of your Hungarian Goulash please.”
As he ate, Severus noticed that Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were also drawn to the group. He was quite happy to leave them to it once he finished his meal.
After spending a couple of hours occupying himself in a rather seedier part of Hogsmead, Severus decided it was time to seek out Miss Black and return to Hogwarts.
He found her in Dervish & Banges, buying a variety of inks that changed colour as you wrote, several new quills and a dozen large rolls of parchment in various colours.
“I do hope you do not plan to use that disgusting assortment of ink and parchment in my class Miss Black. It would be an instant fail should you do so.”
“No Professor, I’ve got lots of the plain too. It’s just that this is all so new to me and I got a bit carried away. If I ever get someone I can write to, I’ll use it then. Are you wanting to go back now?”
“I am, pay for your purchases and we shall leave.”
Lou did as he said, told her friends she’d see them back at school and headed outside with the Professor.
No sooner had she taken his arm, than they were back outside the gates of Hogwarts.
“You know I’ve had the best time today, I really can’t thank you enough Professor.”
“You have thanked me proficiently, besides, I am not the one who signed your permission slip, it is the Headmaster you should be thanking.”
“I will, but I bet it was you who asked him to do it. Why was I allowed to go?”
He looked round to makes certain they were alone. “Because the Dark Lord is now championing your cause, and because he believes your injury to be different to what it actually is. I told him you have a bone injury that refuses to heal. End of discussion Miss Black.”
She looked up at him as he removed his arm from her grasp, then tried to keep up as he stalked across the school grounds.
She soon gave up, he seemed to reach the main doors in a matter of strides, while Lou had gone only a short distance as her foot dragged along the ground.
She grumbled quietly to her self when she discovered the steps were much harder to climb alone, than they were to get down with the aid of her friends. She decided it would be easier to sit on her bottom and push herself up, one painful step at a time.
It took a few minutes but she made it to the top then wondered how the hell she was going to get to her feet.
“Buggershitdamn.” She muttered just before a shadow fell over her.
“Indeed.” Drawled the Professors voice. “I was about to see if you required assistance on the steps, but clearly you have managed, and found time to sit and curse into the bargain.”
“What? No. I’m sorry. I was just frustrated because I couldn’t figure out how to get back on my feet.” She craned her neck to look at him. “I came up the steps on my bum and now I’m stuck. I‘m sorry I swore.” She added shame facedly.
“He reached down with one hand and smoothly pulled her to her feet. “Detention, after supper this evening, my office. Bring parchment, quill and ink.” He told her darkly, before turning and walking away.
Lou gulped and almost swore again. Instead she chewed her bottom lip, trying hard not to think any more swear words as she made her way down the dungeon corridor and into her common room. She went to her room, put what she would need into her bag and changed into a set of robes. The Professor preferred robes and he might go easier on her if she was wearing them, and moved back into the common room to wait for her friends.
‘Lines, I’ll probably have to write a hundred lines or something stupid like that.’ She thought. ‘How was I supposed to know he was standing behind me? He didn’t hang around once we were through the gates. Detention, it’s not fair, it’s the weekend, the first one I’ve had to myself in ages and he’s spoiling it.’ Lou sat brooding until her friends arrived.
“Hey Lou, you lucky thing. Getting apparated when we have to walk.” Stacy said
“I wasn’t that lucky. He left me at the gates and I had to come up the steps on my bum. When I couldn’t get up again I swore and guess who was standing behind me at the time?”
“Your joking, what did he say?” Asked Bernie
“Detention after supper. I think I have to write lines because he said to bring parchment and ink.”
“You poor thing, first day out of the infirmary too. We’ll wait up for you.” Anna told her.
“Make sure you eat slowly this evening and write fast in detention.” Nichole suggested.
At supper, Lou ate as slowly as she could, not once looking up to the head table.
Severus watched her covertly. He knew she was intentionally taking her time over the meal. Well too bad, once he finished his own meal, he would stop by the table and demand she follow him.
That was exactly what he did.
Lou jumped when a voice sounded behind her.
“Miss Black, you have had plenty of time in which to finish your repast, follow me.” He demanded, stalking down the aisle without waiting to see if she would follow. He already knew she would.
Five minutes later, Lou knocked on the Potion Masters office door. At the word ’Enter’ she went in and closed the door.
The first thing she noticed was a chair set it the middle of the room and hung back close to the door she’d entered.
He waved a hand and the door behind her was locked and warded.
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