Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190439 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Warnings: None
Characters: Varies, a little Igor/Hermione
Chapter 40 – Nervousness
The moment they reached the spa Hermione felt better already. Lance had distracted her with some unassuming questions about her plans to go outside.
“This is the spa.” Hermione looked at the big clock in the hall. “It's safe to go in. It's Goran's hour to check everything out. He tests everything and ensures it’s working properly.” She stepped into the spa and waved Lance to follow her. “It's lovely isn't it?” she asked, smiling as she whirled around.
“Yes, it is,” Lance said, smiling at her antics.
Hermione noticed Goran at the adult pool. “Hey, Goran.” She waved, and he waved back, but then began busying himself with the console again. “That's Goran. He’s a very private guy, but awesome and very intelligent. I hope Fe... my alpha will let me work with Goran one day.”
“Working? Isn't that a bit unusual for a pup?”
Hermione said, “Like I said, I'm a bit different. I really would like to work, but until now I hardly had time and I haven’t been allowed to. Darius said that I most certainly will be allowed to work later, but he said he was doubting I would be allowed to work with Goran. That's unfair. I don't want to work in the kitchen or whatever those dominants deem...” She blushed. “Sorry, I sometimes can't control my mouth. Please don't tell anyone.”
“The freedom of expression is for subs as well, pup. Don't worry.”
Hermione relaxed, relieved.
“That's the second floor where Ages’ and Roland's pack quarters are. Over there lives Roland’s pack and this here is the hall of Ages’ pack. Mostly mated couples are living here." She smiled while she showed him the hall and was a bit reluctant to show him Roland's. “There isn't much I can show you there. I don't think the head alpha wanted me to show you private quarters or his quarters.”
Lance grinned again. “No, I don't think so.”
“Then we should go down to the warrior wing,” Hermione said, excited and almost jumped down the steps. “Darius,” she screamed excitedly when she stepped into the warrior lounge.
The man looked surprised, but closed his strong arms around Hermione when she hugged him. “Amaris got me clothes. Now I can go outside.”
“With your alpha and not alone, pup,” Darius said seriously.
Hermione rolled her eyes. “I know, I'm not stupid.” She bumped his chest and then turned to Lance. “This is the warrior lounge. That door over there leads outside, but I guess you already know that. The two guys who are watching that I won't run outside are Torsen and Marc. This here is Darius and over there are Nick and Igor.” Her face lit up when she looked at the Russian guy.
“Igor? Is he one of your mates?” Lance asked curiously.
“No. Why do you ask?” Hermione was puzzled.
“I don't know. You just looked so happy to see him.”
“No, I couldn't convince our pup yet. She has decided not to accept any more mates right now because she doesn’t want to get bossed around more than she already does. Aren't I right, pup?” Igor asked teasingly while he stepped close to her to kiss her.
“That's not funny, Igor. You know that I like you.” Hermione felt uncomfortable, especially because her pheromones were playing havoc while Igor kissed and touched her.
“Igor,” Hermione said warningly and out of breath.
“Sorry, pup, but I just can't resist you,” Igor apologized and stepped away from her. “So whom shall I call so you can introduce them to... Lance.”
“Oh, so the head alpha told you.”
“Yes, he told me.” Igor grinned. “So who shall I get.”
“Hmm,” Hermione said and thought for some time. Then she told him all the names.
“It would have been easier if you had told me those I shouldn't bring,” Igor said chuckling but vanished into the hall to the rooms of the warriors.
“Sit down, sir,” Darius offered to Lance.
“Lance will do all right, Darius.” Lance sat down at the couch and watched Hermione approach Darius again.
“Can you believe it. Outdoor clothes. I can see the lake in human form and the forest and... oh it will be wonderful,” she whispered.
“Pup, how often do we have to tell you that you don't need to whisper, even Igor could hear you down the hall if he concentrates enough.”
Hermione groaned. “That is really a very annoying ability, you know. Especially that we subs don’t have it. That's unfair.”
“I would prefer not to have debates of principles with you right now.”
“Why not, Darius? I would like to know what the pup thinks about the differences between dominants and submissives,” Lance said.
That again was a sentence Hermione couldn't interpret. Why did Lance want to know this and why did it seem that he knew Darius. Again fear overcame her. “He isn't here to buy me, is he?”
“Pup, really,” Darius said and rolled his eyes. “How often do we have to tell you that we won't sell you?” Seeing her still scared expression, he added, “No he is not here to buy you or anyone else.”
“But why—”
“Ah there they are,” Darius interrupted her and seemed to be relieved to have the end of the conversation finish quickly. Hermione looked over at the men who pealed into the room. Immediately her hormones were in an uproar again. They just looked so juicy. She licked her lips and several of the men had to adjust themselves.
“Pup, try to get control of your thoughts and your pheromones,” Darius scolded her and stepped close to her again.
Lance stood up and went over to Hermione as well.
Amongst the men were Radic, Calan, Thalien (the splinter), and several others Hermione had had contact with, but some were missing. “What about the rest?” she asked Igor.
“On duty or otherwise occupied, pup,” Igor said, his quick look at Lance was not noticed by Hermione.
“Oh. That's sad. I would have liked to introduce you to Toric and Janto. And you also haven't seen some other very important wolves like Miller and Neil. Oh damn, I forgot to show you the medical room. You haven't even have met Severus, yet.” She looked sad. “And Ages certainly wanted me to introduce Roland.” The shocked hisses Hermione interpreted as their shock of her still odd relationship to Roland. Only when Darius growled something that sound very similar to 'head beta' and 'head alpha' in her ear, she realized that she again had called them by their first names.
“That's useless, Darius. I think I have seen and heard enough,” Lance said to the old warrior. Looking at Hermione his features softened, and he smiled. "Thank you very much for the tour, pup. I will see you later.” With that he swept out of the lounge.
“What was that about?” Hermione asked, puzzled.
“Igor, take over for me and bring her up to the lounge again,” Darius said, not answering her question.
After a short snogging session to distract Hermione, Igor led her upstairs. On their way they met Fenrir. “I will take over now. Get Calan, Alan, Small Nick, Radgar, Karl and Thalien and get them to the conference room. Tell Darius he has to switch his shift with someone and is needed in the conference room as well. You have ten minutes.”
Hermione had never heard Fenrir use such a commanding tone. Igor nodded quickly and almost ran downstairs. How could he remember all the names so quickly? Hermione wasn't sure if she could remember them all. “What—”
“No time to talk, pup. You need to stay with Neil and his mate. Behave.”
“Behave? What does that mean? What could I do to not behave? Merlin, Fenrir, what's going on and stop pulling at my arm!”
“Then go on yourself.” Fenrir growled warningly.
“Why do I have to stay with Neil?”
“Because anyone of importance is speaking with the Shaman now and I want you safe and sound. Your meeting with the Shaman will be soon, and I will come and get you for it.”
Hermione was scared. She had known the time with Lance had been too good to be true. Now reality got a hold of her again.
“Stop worrying. I can smell your fear. There is nothing wrong.”
“Yeah? Then why are you behaving like this?” Hermione muttered while they stepped into Neil and Clara's quarters.
“I'm like I am because the stupid Shaman wants to see almost all important dominants at once and so the balance is a bit uneven in the halls. It has nothing to do with your meeting with him. It can only help you to get rid of those memory flashes. You want to get rid of them, don't you?”
“Of course,” Hermione said, blushing when she realized they stood in the middle of Neil and Clara's living room and the two owners were standing just a few feet away watching Fenrir's display of over-protectiveness.
“Make sure she doesn't leave your quarters. I will come and get her for her meeting with the Shaman.” Without a backwards glance at Hermione he left.
“Come on, pup. Let's have a cup of tea,” Clara said in a friendly manner and guided her over to the couch. “He will calm down. You know those alpha's sometimes get too possessive.”
“Clara,” Neil said reprovingly, but Hermione smiled. It felt good to have someone on her side. She seldom had contact with the submissive mates, and thought maybe she should change that.
“If Fenrir is so worried about the imbalance shouldn't Neville and Draco be here as well?”
“They are at the conference, pup.”
“They are?”
“Yes,” Neil said a bit insecurely. They finally knew Hermione well enough to know that something like this could ignite one of her famous temper tantrums.
As if to prove it, Hermione jumped up. “Why are they allowed there and I'm not?”
“Most certainly because you are the topic, pup. Now sit down again and drink your tea.” Neil normally didn't behave very dominant, but it seemed the tense mood was influencing him as well.
“What would happen if I went out in the halls now?”
“First, and I can guarantee it, you would be very, very sorry and you would have problems sitting down for weeks. IS this understood?”
Hermione rolled her eyes. “I didn't plan to make a run for it. I would prefer to barricade that door until the stupid Shaman goes away.”
“Why are you so against the Shaman, pup?” Clara asked, surprised. “He is here to help you.”
Hermione opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She couldn't explain her fear of the Shaman. Yes, she hoped he could get rid of her memory flashes but she also feared he would make everything worse by telling Fenrir and the others things about what he would find out. She feared they would realize that she was even more a freak than they knew already and that in the end her mates would push her away.
“Pup?” Clara asked, worried and stepped close to Hermione, who hadn't realized that she was crying until Clara wiped her tears off her face. When the woman hugged her, she just rested her head against her shoulder and sobbed. “There is really no reason to be afraid of the Shaman. He just wants to help you.”
“I'm scared. I can't do anything about it,” Hermione mumbled in Clara's shoulder.
“He has helped so many. Especially subs. He is very good.”
Hermione sat beside Clara on the couch, crying in her shoulder, until Fenrir came to get her.
“What's going on?” Fenrir asked when he saw the tear-stained face of his mate.
“Let's talk outside for a moment, Alpha Fenrir,” Neil said and guided the reluctant Fenrir outside.
Fenrir had given up getting her to the conference room the normal way. After a few steps he had scooped her up and carried her. Meanwhile Hermione was shaking from fear. The ugly grimace of an old man with feathers on his head appeared in front of her mind and she squeezed her eyes together and pressed her face against Fenrir's broad shoulder. “Please don't bring me there.”
“Don't be stupid, pup. You are overreacting. There is nothing to cry over.” Sometimes he didn't understand her. Why was she so emotional about it? It was just a Shaman and he was here to heal her from those memory problems.
“Don't ask me why, but I found her like this and Neil said she was working herself in a depression because of this meeting,” Fenrir explained while he sat her on a chair in the conference room.
Hermione didn't dare open her eyes. She knew where she was, and she could smell that there were still almost half of the dominants in the room. The air was thick with testosterone and that made Hermione even more scared.
“Darius take a seat beside her and anyone else except of her mates needs to leave the room. You know the times I scheduled for you to come here. Wait outside until I call you in.” A voice opposite Hermione had spoken, and it was familiar. Hermione tried to remember why the voice seemed to be so familiar but her level of fear was making it difficult.
Darius took Hermione's hand, and she squeezed it tightly. “Do you want to make me an invalid? I need my hand.” Darius teased her in hope to relieve her of her panic.
Hermione made a sound between a sob and a laugh and lessened her grip.
“Much better. Why don't you open your eyes and tell us why you are in such a mood?”
Hermione shook her head vehemently and new panic overcame her.
“Let me speak to her.” Draco's voice made Hermione more aware of her surroundings again, and she tried to smell where he stood. She could still hear people leaving the room.
It seemed the Shaman, who must be the owner of the strangely familiar voice opposite of Hermione, had given Draco permission to talk to her because her free hand was taken in his. “It's all right, Hermione. He’s really nice. I told you so. Why are you so scared? He’s here to help you.”
“You can't what?”
“Oh come on, pup. If anyone can talk like hell than it’s you. Why not with the Shaman?”
Hermione shook her head and tried to pull her hand out of Draco's. He didn't understand her.
“Stop this.” Draco grabbed her hand tightly so she couldn't get rid of him. “What could happen if you tried? Or do you want to keep those memory flashes? They’re not healthy.”
“Of course I don't want to keep them. Are you stupid?” Back was the Hermione Draco knew from the last two months she’d been with them. He grinned at her because she had opened her eyes in her anger.
She scowled at his grin and then dared to look around. In front of her sat Lance, looking thoughtfully at Hermione. Confused, Hermione looked around for the Shaman until she finally understood. “You?”
Damn, I knew I could not fool you. So many of you knew it from the beginning. :( But that shows you are really reading, doesn't it? :D
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