There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58487 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
RECAP: Expecting a battle, Severus burst through the door and Terius is 'ported to his side, to fight. Thankfully, Terius' political connections allows him to recognize Ilsa as the Cheif's daughter from the Earth Clan and they are able to avoid a fight. Harry is finally able to reach Hermione's side, only to become extremely distressed upon seeing her near lifeless state. When Ilsa receives a call from one of her guardmates at Nevarah, the entire gang is about to be transported to Nevarah-Blaise, Hermione, Severus, Terius, Harry, Charlie, Theo and Shadow.
The entire floor turned into a shimmering blue pool of energy, slowly swallowing the occupants of the room as they sank into its shimmering depths. There were no ends seen from anywhere, just an endless blue expanse, with maybe a touch of black in the distance. The rich, cold, blueness enveloped them all, clearing after several long moments so that each individual could see their companions. It was like floating weightlessly through a water that was neither wet nor stifling, Harry discovered. He could breathe fine and movement was restricted—though he was pretty sure that had something to do with Theo's vise-like grip on his waist and Charlie's equally strong embrace 'round his shoulders.
Curiosity sparked through him and Harry took stock of his surroundings. They were all traveling in quite nicely, he could see. Everyone simply standing straight and holding on to whomever they'd selected before the portal had been activated. He was surprised to see dirt at his feet, as if there were an actual floor and when he turned questioning eyes to Theo, his alpha grinned.
"Temptrificus is a transportation spell," he explained, nudging Charlie as well to be sure the redhead was also paying attention. "It means to tempt time, literally, to bend time to allow us to travel through and by it. It is the most basic of transportation spells, but it's a bit like apparition lessons, you need to practice and you absolutely must concentrate. The almost suffix at the end, say Portgas or Ergen, are in respect to the guardians whose tunnels you are traveling through."
"Guardians?" Harry repeated. "They're alive?"
"Ah, no, they're quite dead actually." Theo said, thoughtfully. "I can't say I've actually ever been asked that before." He was quiet for a moment and then almost shrugged. "Never mind though, they're dead, but they retain a consciousness and a personality-"
"A spirit then?" Charlie concluded.
Aracle sniggered quietly beside them and Theo shot a glare in his direction. "Er, not quite that either. They're very, well, we call them Caspers. It's a place where they, if they wish to continue being useful, even after death, they can give their soul and their elemental gifts. As such, you have plain Caspers and elemental Caspers, there's no real difference, save for the elemental ones operate with elemental magic. We're traveling through Ergen right now. Ergen is the earth elemental Casper who maintains and oversees this tunnel. It's a he and he is friendly to earth element users only."
"But we're all here." Harry twisted around to be sure of it. He took note of Hermione in Severus' arms and Terius half wrapped around Severus, holding Blaise and Aracle standing between them and Theo, joining both groups through a hand on Theo's elbow and one on Blaise's. Ilsa floated several meters away, her eyes closed, head thrown back, her body completely frozen, it seemed.
"That would be because of Ilsa." Aracle interjected. "She's the daughter of the Earth Clan's Chief, adopted daughter, but that's a mere technicality. All elemental clans, those in either the royal family or the Chief's family, have an additional gift bestowed upon their bloodkin, in addition to their elemental and magic. Prince Rasper, for instance from the Earth's royal line, has an amazing raw power, like him, Ilsa can literally command the Earth element, even Ergen himself, should she need to and as such, she can use his portal freely, with no repercussions. He is aware of her power and strength and also respects something in her—a thing that is found when one trains and dedicates their entire self to their element." Aracle smiled at Harry when he said this. "The kind of dedication I think you'd give to your element, when it comes to light."
"What about Theo?" Harry looked to the taller brunette. "He's an earth element."
"But nowhere on that level." Theo blushed, handsomely. "I'm well over a ten, the average is between one and ten, but I'm about a twelve?"
"Fifteen." Aracle supplied. Theo looked away, modestly. "His last measurement by Ilsa was fifteen." Aracle clarified. "Five over the high end average of ten, she was walking on air for weeks afterwards. Actually smiled once or twice."
Theo snorted.
Harry snuck a glance at Ilsa, wondering if she was paying any attention at all to the conversation floating around them. "Does it always take this long?"
"Hm? Oh no." Theo shook his head. "It's just that this is a two-part transportation for a group of more than three who have never been to Nevarah before, I haven't been in a while, at least a few years, so to begin with, it's a long portal and secondly, it's going to have a changeover and a fullstop."
"What's the difference?" Charlie frowned. "It's complicated."
"Sort of, but so was apparition before you started, right?" Charlie gave a slow nod. "But practice made it better?" Charlie grinned. "Same here. I'd wager Aracle has us on a time slowing spell though," he snuck a glance at the Rheyo. "-Nevarah's a good distance from the Wizarding world, it's a nevermore realm, meaning that no point of it actually touches a physical ground in any other realm. It simply exists. Because of that, first trips take a lot of power out of you to get there. You both might feel a bit drained, if you fight it. Can we speed up now?"
Aracle's lips twitched. "I might have."
"Is that why Oretta hasn't moved?"
Aracle sighed. "I wanted to be sure we were all settled first."
Harry gave a sudden, smothered giggle and twitched in the shared embrace.
"Harry?" Theo started, suddenly and then looked down rather worriedly at his younger mate.
Harry squirmed a moment later and then stopped when he realized that the squirming was more from the thing inside his shirt. Tickling, scrabbling little scaled feet. "Sha-shadow!" Harry swallowed the entirely inappropriate giggle as a little scaled head poked out of his shirt. How and when the Nytura had gotten there, Harry didn't know, but he wasn't about to complain. He'd pretty much forgotten about the little thing.
As if sensing what he was thinking, Shadow stretched up to nip at his ear.
"Down, Shadow." Theo scolded, lightly. "This is a general portal tunnel, do you want to get sucked away?"
Shadow gave a squeak and disappeared back into the safety of Harry shirt. He swallowed another mouthful of giggles and turned away to see Charlie's amused blue eyes fixed on him. When Shadow settled down, Harry ventured to lean a little further out from his twin embrace from his mates. He wanted to see what Aracle was going to do.
At that moment, the Rheyo looked straight at him and muttered a few words beneath his breath and the blue began to blur, the dirt disappearing from beneath their feet. "Hold on tight." He warned. "Portgas!"
It was as if someone had pressed the play button.
Harry watched in fascination as time began to run naturally again and Ilsa seemed to have launched herself into the portal—and away from the general group. Her body twitched, jerked and stretched as it continued to morph and then, for a half-second, she curled in on herself, before stretching out. A powerful wave of magic rippled through the endless blueness and Harry stared as Ilsa morphed from humanesque woman to a compact, armor-plated Dragon, with strong, pointed wings and lethal-looking claws. A glowing golden band showed around each claw and her neck, as the form continued to grow larger until it was nearly four times the size of the Hungarian Horntail he remembered all too well.
That was amazing.
He was one of them.
He could do that.
Someday, maybe.
The sheer size suggested massive power and strength.
Harry felt the slightest touch of bitterness. If there were creatures like that on the light side, surely Voldemort wouldn't have gotten to the heights where he was now. Surely there would've been less lives lost, if at all. It would only take a few, strategically planned attacks and it would all be over. No needless deaths, no pointless heroics, no collateral damage. Angry tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, but he willed them away with a sudden, renewed strength.
So this was the strength that the Dark Lord knew not?
He'd master it.
He'd master every single fiber of it.
Then he'd take Voldemort to task for every single evil deed the bastard had committed.
For everyone. His parent's. Neville's parents. Missing pureblooded light wizard families. Padfoot.
Yeah. He'd definitely learn all that he could—as quickly as he could.
It felt like hours in what was scarcely a handful of seconds, Harry later mused. He found himself entranced by the realm of the place known as Nevarah.
In the distance a wavy image began to clear and form itself, until Harry could make out a massively constructed city with buildings upon buildings and greenery, with waterspouts from some of the upper levels spilling on down and flowing off into the nothingness. Iceburg. He thought, dazedly. The upright portion of the city was almost the same size as the massive earthen underbelly. A floating city at its best, with the water spilling down to nowhere and a cast of thick, white clouds floating hover it in idyllic fashion. If he couldn't see the earthy bottom and the cloudy cap at the top, he might have guessed it was some sort of floating future space-station.
"Welcome to Nevarah." Theo murmured, kissing Harry's cheek and giving Charlie's arm a squeeze. "Isn't it beautiful?"
"It floats?" Charlie said, skeptically. "I don't see any…Dragels."
"You'll see them." Theo chuckled. "Oh believe me, you'll see them. You'll be surprised. There's no need to worry about size here. They're massive." His grip on Harry tightened. "Hold on while the portals change."
"Portgas!" Aracle's voice rang out strongly and the blueness suddenly lightened considerably to a rather cerulean hue and the endless blueness suddenly tightened in on them like a tube, channeling towards a large white-grey stone wall. It spat them out on a sidewalk about three feet across, circling around the tall, stone walls, with occasional hollows for the black gate. Theo landed somewhat unsteadily and Charlie held both him and Harry up, with a faint look of concern.
The sudden wisps of black clinging to the walls and hovering in the air began to slink towards them, taking forms and shapes of distorted figures and creatures. A chill began to seep into the air and a few rattles announced approaching dementors.
A loud roar overhead, showed Ilsa streaking through the sky and towards the far end of the city, where the sounds of growls, hisses and shrieks could be heard.
"Get down and into the gates!" Aracle shouted, herding them forward. "It sounds bad."
"Talk to the guard, I'll cast them around!" Terius shouted, pushing out his wings as Severus did the same. He gave a nod to Blaise and the young Italian threw out his own wings, a dark purple and grey scale and web scheme. "You can cast lightening?"
"Sort of. Bursts of light at least." Blaise grimaced, rolling his shoulders. "Painful bursts of light. Mamma and I have been working on that."
"Perhaps you can seek some additional training once we are settled." Terius' suggested. His blue-grey eyes flared white with magical energy and he shouted a spell that threw out a circle of compressed air around the entire group, pushing away the few wispy shadows that had begun to creep near.
Severus' had taken on a slightly grey-hued tint to his dark eyes and wind whipped around him and Hermione as he created a protective shield while casting a near silent Patronus at the leering dementors. The silvery white doe leapt gracefully in a circle as Blaise's violet eyes burned bright and sudden loud pops accompanied a dozen bright bursts of crackling light, fanning out to form the protective circle for their group.
Aracle stood at the gate, speaking to a guard from behind the massive, wrought-iron gates. The conversation took place in angry heated whispers.
Theo's golden eyes flared brightly and he released Harry and Charlie, muttering beneath his breath to ripple the ground. The sidewalk shook and cracked, a few paces away.
"Theo don't." Harry grabbed his arm, seeing the cracking sidewalk. That couldn't possibly be good, but it appeared in their current state that Theo's element wasn't quite as useful as the others. He winced into the sharp, cutting gusts of wind and felt inside himself for the two little warm spots he'd come to figure out as the access lines to his mates. Theo's was simmering and straining against its bonds and Charlie's was worried, frustrated and concerned. "Charlie!" Harry reached back, blindly, relieved when he caught hold of the dragon tamer's arm. He suddenly wanted both of them close.
Emerald eyes took in the sudden chaos and the swirling powers, both magical and elemental. They zeroed in on the wisps of black and grey shadow and Harry felt his temper tick, trip and snap. He didn't realize when his grip on Theo and Charlie tightened to unnatural proportions as a sudden blaze of fire flared to life in a broad semi-circle, with flames leaping up to form a protective barrier around their little group. The ground rippled and smoothed, allowing the flames to run freely.
"…ry, Harry, Harry!" Theo and Charlie's voices came through the angry flare before Harry blinked and let himself be dragged through the newly opened gates. He sat, panting, on the ground as the giant gates groaned in their closing, aware of Theo talking to him and Charlie holding him close.
"Shock." Someone said from above him. "Carry him. I'm guessing he's never used your element before?" Ah, that had to be Terius. Or maybe Severus. Harry wasn't sure. He simply stared, watching as people rushed back and forward. Not people, Dragels. He corrected, absently. Chaos. Pure and simple chaos…in ordered form. No wait, that wasn't right either. There were Dragels running about, Dragels of all ages, color and size, while others walked in ordered, double-file, along lighted pathways.
An emergency plan.
That was lovely.
Harry felt the strength drain out of him and his head lolled to the side to rest on Charlie's convenient shoulder. He didn't even see the blackness that rushed to claim him.
In that lovely blackness, snippets and snatches floated around him and drifted through his ears, swirling around in his crowded head.
Harry felt himself being carried and moved, vaguely aware of an earlier memory replaying from when they'd been in the Snapes' quarters. Charlie's woodsy, citrus scent soothed him as he caught occasional snatches of foreign scents and sounds he couldn't place. A constant stream of calmness poured into him through the mated connection he shared, the majority of it from Theo, feeding patiently through their bond and probably through Charlie's as well, Harry thought dazedly.
"Something's wrong here." Ilsa shifted, restlessly, having taken up pacing the length of the room once more.
Harry watched her make the circuit a slight inkling of worry beginning to filter through his mind as he looked from Hermione's prone form to the agitated Dragel. Something had set her off to start pacing again, but as far as he could figure, it hadn't been anything obvious. His mind insisted that the logical connection would be inside information. Ilsa knew something that the others didn't and it had immediately set her on the prowl. At least, prowling was more what he was inclined to call her rather oddly murderous method of pacing. Harry looked from her to Aracle, a silent plea in his gaze. He didn't dare try to voice the chaotic thoughts and questions jumbling through his head, but he'd always been told he had his mother's expressive eyes.
Please, please, please…ask her… Harry silently pleaded. The day had already been more exhausting physically, emotionally and now, mentally as well. He wanted somewhere quiet and frozen in time, so he could sort through his thoughts on his own—thank you very much. A place where he could draw his own conclusions and deal with the consequences of his own choices. There were a thousand and one things filtering through his poor brain and he wanted to remedy that!
Aracle met his gaze squarely for a moment and then gave a faint tilt of his head. "Ilsa, love, would you mind-"
"Shut up, Aracle." But the words were said almost if from habit and by reflex. The short Gheyo was literally vibrating with repressed magic. "How is she?" Ilsa whirled on her heel once more and continued down the warpath. Her golden eyes never once strayed towards the settee bearing said patient and said helpers.
"She hasn't been touched." Severus said, after they'd managed to wrestle Hermione from betwixt Charlie and Harry, they'd placed her on the settee. He now stood over her, running the basic healing spells and scans that he knew from training for his Potions Mastery. "But she bears a branding seal, I cannot place it."
"A seal?" Ilsa paused in her pacing, a new look coming over her face. She threw a curious glance towards the settee where the Potions Master dealt with his new patient with precise, impersonal hands. "What kind of seal?"
The interest was there, with a hint of fear, Harry noted. He wondered what it was that had spooked her.
They'd placed Hermione on the settee to be looked over and now Terius rummaged for potions in the corner cabinet at his alpha's request. "Hard to say." Severus said, at last. He'd raised the girl's jumper and blouse, just enough to show the imprinted brand on the skin of her stomach. The edges were ridged and wont to scar, it seemed. It was a complicated brand, a labyrinth with a rose in the center and a rope to border the perfect circle. "It's not a royal seal, the border's like rope, not chain or braid."
"A crested seal?" Terius moved over, a handful of vials extended to Severus, who took two of them immediately and uncorked the first, pouring the liquid onto the scarred flesh and watching as the pale blue color filled in every groove. "No. It's familiar, but I can't place it. I always hated history." He turned away with a disgruntled look on his face.
"History?" Ilsa gave a snort. "What kind of history?"
"The kind where you memorize every honorable family coat of arms since the beginning of time to now." Terius retorted. "I don't suppose you'd care to have a look?"
Ilsa closed the gap and hovered over Severus' shoulder to see the brand. There was a sharp intake of breath and after a moment, she withdrew and took up her pacing once more. "I'm surprised you can't place it, Councilman. Then again, your branch of the council doesn't handle the inter-creature affairs."
"If you would be so kind…?" Terius gestured towards the still distraught Harry now being supported by Theo and Charlie, with the addition of a worried Blaise looking on and Aracle frowning in the corner.
"It's a hellhound's seal." Ilsa said, quietly, very quietly.
Harry could've sworn her voice had trembled. He didn't blame her. A cold chill had crept into his bones at the thought of Hermione and a shadow-darkened hound from the depths of hell. He hoped that Terius could help. He hoped that Terius could explain and most of all, he'd found himself growing weary of the accumulating questions and the sudden lack of answers. So the Dragels were a secret society, fine! So there were a thousand and one little ettiqutte rules he didn't know by heart—fine! But would they all quit dithering about it and actually give him a chance? How about explaining for one? How about some answers!
Starting with Hermione for one, that would definitely be appreciated. That and his missing mentor, everyone made it sound like such a big deal and Harry couldn't deny he was quickly becoming rather fed up with the whole thing. So he didn't have a mentor, so what? His life was screwed up. It had always been screwed up. What was one more twisted screw in the cover of his coffin? He'd once thought he'd be lucky to live to sixteen and beyond, but this new inheritance had renewed a tiny spark of hope within. A touch of mad power never hurt—in the right hands. Things were looking up, as far as living to see the next few years. The touch of raw power and possessiveness he'd felt just now, that was just from Theo and Charlie alone.
It had felt bloody wonderful.
A possessiveness like that, he'd never felt nor known before. The wild, raw magic that had rippled through him was a thousand times more addicting than the rush he'd felt when he'd activated Theo's password—and infinitely less painful. There'd been no pain at all involved in this. He'd simply felt the need to react, to protect his mates, to make sure that no one would take them from him and he'd reacted in the only way that he could. His fingers itched to simply punch the man—or woman—when he could finally lay eyes on them. In his opinion, they'd rightly deserve it and perhaps a little more. He'd always been on his own, it wasn't really that big a deal. Even more so, even when he'd come to Hogwarts, there'd been Ron and Hermione and he'd felt them slipping away from them. He'd figured it would happen.
His life had never been in the lucky lanes.
Memories and feelings washed over him in soft waves. Ron. Ginny. Hermione.
He shivered, suddenly, violently, remembering her lifeless body and the unnatural pallor in her face. Even when she'd been petrified she hadn't looked so…dead.
Oh Hermione…you're the only friend I've ever had…what did you do?
The argument continued one and Seamus found himself gripping the shamrock medallion a little harder than necessary. He was aware of his boyfriend's unease beside him, but didn't say anything beyond that. His own worries weighed rather heavily on his young shoulders, the longer the argument wore on between husband and wife.
It worried him to think of the Weasleys in such a light, as he had thought them to be a fairly decent family, in spite of their financial state and as a half-blood, he surely wasn't about to argue on any of that. What was really bothering him was the current conversation taking place before his eyes and ears. The interaction between Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley, didn't quite settle right. From what he could gather, creature blood lurked in their lines—though as his mother had told him, every wizard or witch bloodline had some form of creature blood in it at one time or another—and it didn't agree with them.
He hadn't seen any changes in Mrs. Weasley, but he'd certainly seen those hard, eyes of blue ice from the Weasley Patriarch, along with the ball of ice he'd screamed and the small black feathers sprouting rapidly along his face. Torvak. Hunter-kind. They'd learned something of them in Care of Magical Creatures and his mother had teased him about it, a few times, at night. Warning him to behave and not set anything on fire, lest the blackbird hunters come to steal him away in the night.
Dean's grip on his shoulder tightened and Seamus dragged himself forward from his thoughts to focus on the present situation. It seemed like Mr. Weasley was about to take the children.
Take the children.
All the children.
Seamus blinked. Well, there were certainly rights he had as a father, but from the heartfelt pleas coming from his wife, it left Seamus feeling more weighted and sick than anything. He thought back to the warm welcome the redheaded witch had given them all. How she'd taken them into their crowded home and easily fitted them into the family routine. How she'd cooked up a feast and made sure they were all well-fed and of general good cheer before ushering them off to bed.
He remembered her cinnamon-scented hug and warm, motherly smile that had meant a lot when he'd been missing his own Mam. That last thought made all the different as he gripped the shamrock medallion lightly and focused hard on her tear-stained face. She was crying now. Crying in earnest as her husband tried to pull Ginny from her grasp. Her sons looked on in something akin to shocked horror, as if they could not process what was happening and as if they didn't dare interfere.
Dean nudged him, gently.
Seamus gave a half-smile for his boyfriend's benefit and then squeezed the medallion hard. "May the mother's heart within your breast, reflect the truth, that you've been blest, may neighbors respect you, trouble neglect you, the angels protect you, and heaven accept you, wherever you go and whatever you do, may the luck of the Irish, be there with you!" He closed his eyes and kissed the medallion.
A gentle ripple of wind washed outward from the young Irish Wizard and when his eyes fluttered open, they were brilliantly green for several seconds, before fading to their usual, rich blue.
"Seam?" Dean turned him around and drew him close.
The weight on his shoulders—grew heavier.
"I'm not leaving, Mum!" Ginny protested, pulling free of her father's grasp to throw her arms around her mother. She caught Fred's glower, directed towards her stern father and George's worried gaze, directed to her. She closed her eyes and held on tight.
Warm, familiar arms locked tightly around her, and the scent of cinnamon filled her nose. "Mum, oh Mum!"
Agony shone in Arthur's icy blue eyes.
A/N: I meant to post this last night, but I've been busy packing, so here it is. Chapter 40! Yay, a happier chappy! And They're in Nevarah now-well, sorta kinda, but they're there. Harry's starting to pull himself together. Mwhaha. That whole bit with the fire was completely Harry, not Charlie. ^_^ I'm heading out to a wedding this week, so y'all prolly won't get an update for this fic until the weekend or so (*cough*after the reception *cough*), seeing as I have to give a nice speech and dance and all that...cheers! ~Scion
If you have questions, ask away. I'll answer what I can and read the replies below-you might find answers to your questions before you even ask. ^_^
Oh and for that little trick by Seamus, well, Luck of the Irish, wouldn't you say? ~_^
AHEM. Since everyone keeps asking about the Weasley Twins and this spoiler is already on ff...anticipation is half the fun right? I know it is for me, so just 'cause I'm feeling generous XD, there's a SPOILER ALERT BELOW, do not read it, if you don't wanna know. Scroll down until the asterisk's end at the "END SPOILER ALERT" notice. I'm posting it here, so the review replies won't be overloaded with repetition.
Fred and George
are going to be
DRAGELS! Specifically, Pareya. Remember how Terius has been fussing over Draco, scolding him, making sure he eats, kind of cuddling him at times? The Twins have been looking out for Harry, putting food on his plate and beginning to get rather protective of him when they start to notice his strange habits. Whew. Nice to get that secret out in the open. Now, tell me you saw that coming? *flumps over keyboard*
Green-- I tried to balance it out a bit, this is why Ginny stays with Molly here, don't worry, she'll still get her seals removed in time. Threesome is coming up soon, once they get to safety as Nevarah is half on lock down at the moment. ^_^
Phoenix5--A love to hate kind of fic? ^_^ I'm glad it amuses. My imagination works in the strangest ways. There's answers coming pretty soon now. I had a great time.
unneeded--Yep, for Dumbles, it is going to catch him in a way that will make him pay, but that is a while off for now. Ah, glad the Arthur/Molly bit came across alright. I did worry about writing the confrontation. Yes, the prophecy still binds Harry, but there's always more than one way to read/interpret a prophecy and he's going to discover that. ^_^
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