The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96906 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
A new dawn broke over Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but this dawn not only signalled the start of a new day but a new era: a new chapter was about to be added to Hogwarts: A History.
Professor Hermione Granger stretched gracefully as she woke only to realise that her bed was uncharacteristically cold. Her usual heat source―the headmaster―was missing from their bed, and she was about to contact him through their connection when she saw the note in Severus Snape's distinctive scrawl upon his pillow.
Tentatively she unfolded the parchment:
Couldn't sleep. Gone to the Astronomy Tower. If you wake in time, and your hangover is bearable (I restocked the Hangover potions, by the way), feel free to join me. Otherwise, I will see you at breakfast.
Hermione chuckled wearily. Cheeky bastard! she thought as she swung her legs out of bed and shakily stood up. She may have joined Harry, Draco and Neville for a drink last night at The Three Broomsticks, and she may have staggered into Severus' study in their chambers and drunkenly demanded that he put his tongue to good use―which he did as well as other appendages―but to suggest that she had a hangover was...quite right.
She splashed water on her face before fumbling for a vial of Hangover potion in the bathroom cabinet. A cursory glance in the mirror made her wish she hadn't bothered, and she quickly dressed in jeans, a heavy jumper and calf-length boots before heading to find her wizard.
On the way, Hermione wondered why Severus had chosen to go the Astronomy Tower instead of wandering the grounds as he usually did when he needed to clear his head. She knew he had a lot on his mind at the moment, and wondered how his discussion with Pius about her parents and using Ron as a spy had gone last night. She felt slightly guilty that she hadn't given him chance to talk about it.
If she was honest, the place of Dumbledore's demise made her feel a little uneasy, a feeling she knew Severus also shared. In fact, as far as she had been aware he avoided the place which was why it surprised her that he'd gone up there this morning. But she knew he never did anything without a reason, and before she knew it she was standing at the bottom of the tower, taking a deep breath before ascending.
She found Severus' form silhouetted against the glowing sky as he watched the rising sun glint off the lake.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he drawled without turning round as she approached.
Hermione didn't respond until she'd snaked her arms around him, shivering slightly in the cool dawn air. "It certainly is."
Severus swivelled his body to take Hermione into his arms and wrap his long wool coat around her. "Good morning," he purred softly before pressing a kiss to her lips.
"Good morning to you," she whispered against his mouth. "I missed you. I don't like waking up to a cold bed."
"My apologies," he told her sincerely. "Sleep seemed determined to elude me, so I came here to clear my head. And besides, you looked too peaceful to disturb."
"Why didn't you go for a walk?"
"Coming here seemed more appropriate," Severus stated plaintively as he rested his chin on the top of her head.
Hermione tightened her arms around him gently as she waited for him to continue.
"I haven't been up here since..." Severus' voice trailed off as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I was not afforded the opportunity to say goodbye to him, 'Mione. I couldn't go to his funeral, and I couldn't bring myself to come up here last year in case those two bastards accosted me and used it as another excuse to gloat and congratulate me on my great display of loyalty. I admit that I've avoided coming up here ever since."
Hermione chuckled softly. "So that's why you told Minerva and I to oversee the repairs up here, was it?" She then added more seriously, "But you talk to him every day. Surely you've said your goodbyes."
Severus exhaled forcefully. "It's not the same. The's not really him, and I was so angry with him at the time that the window of opportunity to say it was lost," he admitted before clearing his throat.
"I was never meant to be headmaster. The head of this school is meant to be appointed, not imposed. No one, including myself, wanted me to be here last year," he conceded quietly.
"But now, I do want this." His silky voice was resolute again and laced with an enthusiasm and passion that Hermione had come to admire whenever he spoke about Hogwarts. "I needed to stand here today―the very last place I saw him alive―so that I could say goodbye. So that I could―" Severus' voice faltered again, but he regained enough composure to whisper, "so that I could take over and assume my place."
Hermione's heart was thumping in her chest at his words. She let go of him only to wrap her arms around his neck and allowed her fingers to become entangled in his hair before telling him unfalteringly, "He would be so proud of you."
Severus huffed lightly at her assertion before Hermione went on to declare, "I'm proud of you."
He looked down and was rewarded with a look of such burning intensity and sincerity that his response was simple: he tenderly brushed his lips against Hermione's before his resolve broke, and his lips crashed against hers as he pulled her body even tighter to his, desperate to achieve as much contact as possible.
They didn't know how long they remained like that, but as Severus reluctantly pulled back, he vowed, "I promise that your faith in me will not go unfounded."
Hermione stood up on tiptoes and pressed a lingering kiss to the corner of his mouth. "I'll be with you every step of the way."
Severus swallowed hard. There was so much he wanted to say, but all he could do was hold her and bury his face in her unruly locks, knowing that Hermione would understand perfectly.
"Headmaster, could I have a word?" Harry called when he saw Severus and Hermione enter the corridor ahead of him.
They were all heading to the formal staff breakfast in the Great Hall where Severus would outline the schedule for the day. The couple stopped abruptly to allow the younger wizard to catch up before Hermione said that she would go on without them.
Severus cocked an eyebrow at her. "I know what this is about," she smirked before asking Harry, "how's your head, Mr Lightweight?"
"Just peachy," Harry groused.
Hermione giggled. "Oh, you poor baby," she teased before leaving the two wizards alone.
"Are we feeling a little worse for wear?" Severus enquired knowingly as he gestured that they should keep walking.
Harry felt a small wave of nausea hit him as went to reply. "What makes you say that?" he mumbled.
"As amusing as this is, Professor Potter, what was it you wished to discuss?" The headmaster snarked as he took a sideways glance at the ailing wizard.
Harry attempted to clear his throat without vomiting. "Draco and I had a thought last night..."
"Did it hurt?" Severus asked with mischievous concern.
"My apologies; I assumed you had a hangover, but obviously your brain is suffering the after effects of 'having a thought'," Severus drawled teasingly.
Harry glared at Severus and, ignoring his glib comment, began to regale the previous night's conversation at The Three Broomsticks. "I believe," he continued as confidently as his condition would allow, "that it's important, especially as we still face certain threats that the students are not only taught but trained in basic defensive spells and perhaps the older ones in offensive curses."
"Agreed," Severus stated approvingly.
"However, given the current DADA syllabus there's little time for them to practice, and if they could see the spells used in a more competitive environment, as Draco put it, the students might retain the information better. I mean, there's a reason Expelliarmus stuck in my mind."
Severus raised an eyebrow as he considered this. "Indeed. So you're suggesting a Duelling Club?"
"A cross between the DA and a Duelling Club, I suppose," Harry told him before adding quickly, "not that it would be Dumbledore's Army now, of course."
The current headmaster smirked as he watched Harry squirming slightly. "A more suitable title will need to be assigned."
Harry nervously pushed his glasses up his nose before continuing. "We don't want to alarm the students by putting too much emphasis on duelling in lessons either, but if we did it after classes we could teach spells, have competitions—"
Harry could tell Severus was seeing the merit in the suggestion and pressed on. "It wouldn't be compulsory, but as Draco said we could guarantee a core of Slytherins and Gryffindors would sign up straight away, and exhibition duels might encourage interest from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, too."
"Exhibition duels?"
"Between members of staff. I'm sure we'd have a packed house if you—"
"I don't think that's such a good idea," Severus interjected.
"You've done it before, and well, we are sharing Defence Against the Dark Arts until Christmas," said Harry, trying to bring Severus round to the idea.
"True, but that was a farce, not a duel," Severus snorted.
"Well then, you could show us all how it's done," Harry stated matter-of-factly, trying to appeal to the headmaster's ego. "Draco said he'd pay good money to watch you take on Hermione just to see if you'd let her win."
"My godson is a juvenile little—"
"I'm a what?" Draco enquired, far too cheerily for Harry's liking as he sauntered out of another corridor.
Juvenile little prick," Severus stated emphatically.
"Many would disagree...Luna, especially, about the little prick bit at least," Draco informed them with a cheeky grin.
Severus huffed in exasperation. "You truly are your father's son, aren't you?"
"Unfortunately," Draco groused.
Severus looked at Draco appraisingly and realising something was wrong, curtly told his godson, "My office after breakfast," before adding, "and for your information, if I let Madam win, I'd never hear the end of it. In fact, whatever the outcome I'd never hear the end of it, so I hope you will understand that, as amusing as it would be for you, for my own sanity it would be advisable that I avoid duelling with Hermione. Plus, I would never forgive myself if I hurt her.
"However, overall this idea has merit. As this is extracurricular I'll have to liaise with the board to see if participants will require parental permission. After all, I do need to give the impression of being responsible."
Whilst the three wizards continued to discuss the idea on their way towards the Great Hall, the assembled staff were chattering away as they waited for them.
Hermione was talking to George, Neville,and Hagrid when Poppy and Minerva came bustling up to them.
"Hermione, I'll need to see Severus today," Poppy informed her. "I know he'll tell me to bugger off, so I'll need your support. I just cannot believe the recovery he's made."
Hermione laughed. "You'll be lucky. He's got too much on today. But I assure you he does have full mobility and strength in both his arm and shoulder now."
Poppy glared at her. "How can you be so sure?"
Hermione blushed profusely which everyone, but Poppy, seemed to pick up on. " me, he has," Hermione stated firmly as she recalled him taking her quite vigorously up against the wall in his study.
"Yes, but―"
"I don't think we need to pry any further, Poppy, dear," Minerva interrupted knowingly as Neville blushed on Hermione's behalf. Hagrid had found an interesting spot on the ceiling to look at, and George looked at her with a despicably knowing grin.
Poppy looked at everyone as realisation dawned. "Oh...Oh! Be that as may, I..." Her voice trailed off as the Great Hall's doors opened, and Severus, flanked by Harry and Draco, walked in.
"Will you get involved in the exhibition duels?" Draco asked his godfather hopefully.
Severus sighed."Well, I suppose it's only fitting that I do. You better get practicing, Mr Potter."
"Yes, you. Surely the vanquisher of the Dark Lord isn't scared by the prospect of duelling me," Severus teased in a hushed, conspiratorial tone.
"Well, yes! I mean once he became mortal he was just an arrogant bastard. You're just―"
"I advise you to choose your words carefully," Severus snarled light-heartedly.
"―A bastard," Harry muttered.
Severus' laugh caused everyone to turn towards them as they approached.
"As you're actually telling me something I already know, Mr Potter, I am prepared to let that go on this occasion," the headmaster mirthfully informed him.
Everyone took their seats except for Severus, who stood between Minerva and Hermione. Hermione then asked in his head, What was so funny?
Harry finally called me a bastard to my face, Severus chuckled before he addressed the assembled staff.
"I appreciate that we don't normally meet like this on the first day of term, but given the auspiciousness of the day, a number of high profile guests will be gracing us with their presence.
"Our illustrious Minister for Magic will be arriving this morning. Should any of you encounter him in your travels I expect you to bombard him with the usual platitudes. He will also be attending the Sorting Ceremony and Welcome Feast as will the Board of Governors and several senior ministry officials. There will be a reception at five thirty, and I expect all staff whom do not have specific duties, to attend."
The headmaster smirked at the exasperated grumble, but managed to silence them with a trademark glare as he drawled menacingly, "No exceptions."
Severus continued issuing instructions, together with times and attendees of meetings before outlining the changes to the usual routine of the Sorting Ceremony and Welcome Feast.
Hagrid, as always, was to deliver the first years to Minerva, but this year she would have to entertain them for a little longer as Severus, with the assistant professors in attendance, addressed the rest of the students before the Sorting Ceremony. He then advised that after the Sorting Ceremony and his customary words of welcome and warning, the Minister of Magic would give a short diatribe before the feast started.
"Any questions?"
Before anyone had chance to respond, Severus sat down and declared, "No? In that case: breakfast is served."
Draco sat in one of the armchairs in the headmaster's office, becoming increasingly agitated. Having asked his godfather if he knew why his father was in such a foul mood at the moment, he was surprised to be informed that one of the reasons was Lucius' discomfort at Luna's offer of oral sex.
"She was joking!" Draco erupted as he stood up and thumped his fist on the back of the chair.
"Was she?" Severus asked calmly. "Your father was also concerned by how unperturbed you seemed to be. However, given your reaction, Draco, I think you're actually as uneasy about this as Lucius. Now sit back down and drink your coffee."
Draco paused before he acquiesced, and retook his seat, drumming his fingers on the arm of the chair.
Severus looked intently at his godson before taking a sip of coffee. "What's wrong, Draco?"
The younger wizard took a moment to compose himself; his eyes fixed to the floor as he began to speak. "One of the very first things Luna and I discussed when we started seeing each other see, Luna is incredibly open minded―as am I―and she believes that sex can be used to make people feel better in all sorts of ways—"
"Her insight is miraculous," the dark-haired wizard snarked, but fell silent again as he could tell Draco was not impressed with the interruption.
"She believes," Draco continued, "that the energy you create during sex can heal people both physically and mentally."
Severus raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "And leave people feeling vulnerable, ashamed and...sick to the stomach," he added scathingly as he recalled some of his less enjoyable encounters.
Draco nodded in agreement, much to his godfather's surprise. "I agree it can, but with Luna...she has so much love in her, and she's so unselfish that...I mean, the first time I slept with her was in a threesome because she knew it was what Adrian and I both needed—"
"No, listen," the blond implored. "Because both of us are able to separate out the physical and emotional—"
"I have no doubt she can," Severus interrupted, "but my concern is not what Miss Lovegood can or cannot do, but rather whether you can truly separate the two."
"Well, can you?" Draco retorted.
Severus put his cup down. "Not anymore, and I believe that's also your problem. Am I correct?"
"Am I also correct in my assumption that all your previous relationships have been monogamous, and yet because Miss Lovegood tells you it's acceptable to 'share the love', you now find yourself in an open relationship?"
Draco shrugged as he tried to avoid the black orbs that were burning into him. "I suppose."
The surly wizard could no longer hide his scepticism. "There is no suppose about it. Either you are, or you are not. Forgive me, Draco, but you seem to be trying to convince yourself―and convince yourself poorly―that you're comfortable with the situation."
Draco looked up at his godfather with a pained expression and nodded as Severus accurately summarised the situation. He wanted to be with Luna, but he wanted to let her be herself and not confine the free spirit that he appreciated so much in her. But that didn't mean he had to like the idea of an open relationship.
"I'm not saying this kind of relationship doesn't work," Severus continued, "but I must advise caution on your part. You may have grown up in a household where both your parents took lovers, but—"
"But we wouldn't take lovers...well, not like my parents. They both knew the other had lovers, but they didn't talk about it or say it was alright. But we'd discuss it before and well...well it would be like when Mother decided she wanted a threesome with you and Father."
"Please don't bring that up as justification," Severus snarled. "The situation was completely different; we were drunk, and off our faces for a start."
The older wizard sighed and leant forward resting his elbows on his knees. "Draco, I'm not trying to belittle you. I just don't want to see you get hurt."
Draco inclined his head and closed his eyes as he huffed out a breath. "Alright, I want her all to myself," he admitted frustratedly. "She's so sweet and loving, and she has no inhibitions. Having said that, you don't want to cross her either. It's just a little overwhelming at times and when she talks about sex and how it can help people―heal people―and should be's like it—"
"Makes perfect sense until you actually realise what it entails?" his godfather offered.
"Yes," Draco acknowledged. "It's like with Father. She knows he's unhappy for whatever reason and she wants to make him feel better. So, she has no problem offering him a blow job. Not that it was an outright offer, so I don't know why he's so upset—"
"It's not my place to elucidate," Severus informed him.
"But you know why?"
"I do," Severus admitted shifting awkwardly in his chair. "Talk to him. You might find he appreciates it more than he would admit. But we digress. What else concerns you?"
Severus gave Draco time to verbalise his worries.
"I'm scared that if I hem her in she'll leave me," he confessed quietly before whispering almost desperately, "I don't want her to leave me."
"From what I know of Miss Lovegood, I do not think she would leave you. But are you really prepared to let her sleep around just to keep her?"
"She doesn't want to sleep around, though," Draco snarled.
Severus looked at him incredulously. "Alright, perhaps share herself would be more appropriate. Either way, you have agreed to an open relationship which you are not happy about. One thing I've learnt from being with Hermione is that neither of us holds all the cards. But it seems that, with the arrangement you have with Miss Lovegood—"
"Her name is Luna, and this is not an arrangement!" the blond wizard angrily railed.
Severus smirked as he observed his godson's impassioned reaction, and although he wanted to choose his next words carefully, he realised provocation would be more effective. "I fear I must contradict you. Whilst you feel uncomfortable; whilst you feel that...Luna...holds the balance of power, you do not have a relationship."
"I don't want to lose her!" Draco yelled before slumping back into the chair, and with a softened tone said, "She understands me. Does that make sense?"
Severus snorted softly, and nodded; a small half smile graced his lips. Before Hermione, he never thought he would find anyone who would understand him...or at least be bothered to try.
"I suggest you inform...Luna...of your concerns," Severus advised as he picked up his coffee, "and if she thinks as much of you as you do of her then I am sure you can reach a compromise. But whatever you do, tell her to stay away from Lucius. She might think she can help, but once you talk to him you will understand why she can't."
Draco considered his godfather's words before asking, "Luna's offer isn't the only thing bugging Father, is it?
Severus suddenly found his cup to be incredibly interesting. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean."
"Yes, you do," Draco countered. "Father's got a woman, hasn't he? Hermione suspects—"
"He does not."
Severus' response came as a surprise, but Draco quickly suggested, "Oh, so have they split up?
The younger wizard looked frustrated. "So he fancies someone?"
"Such a vulgar term," Severus snarked as he tried to put an end to the line of questioning.
Draco threw him an incredulous look. "So you've never told 'Mione that you fancy her?"
"I don't believe that exact expression has passed my lips. I find actions speak louder than words," Severus told him with a knowing smirk.
Draco cringed. "Oh for the love of Merlin! I need to gouge out my mind's eye or at least filter your arse out of the way."
Severus was about to come back with a witty retort when he became aware of the staircase moving up to his office. The subsequent knock on the door heralded the early arrival of the Deputy Headmistress.
"Sorry to interrupt, Headmaster, Professor Malfoy, but I thought you'd appreciate an earlier audience to give you more time to prepare for your next appointment," Minerva blustered as she walked into Severus' office.
Draco couldn't help but snicker as Minerva called him by his new title.
"Something wrong, Mr Malfoy?" she asked disdainfully.
"That's better," the blond wizard chuckled. "The Professor Malfoy thing will take a bit of getting used to."
"You'd better get used to it, and fast, young man,"Professor McGonagall told him knowingly.
Draco nodded before purposefully stating, "Well I suppose I better go and get my final orders from Septima."
"She mentioned that she's very impressed with you, Draco," Minerva told him curtly but with a hint of warmth in her voice.
"I actually want to make a go of this," Draco admitted, "and besides," he added with a chuckle, "I can't let Hermione's lessons in How to colour code your notes with all those sticky Muggle stationery things go to waste."
Severus smirked as he recalled hearing Hermione's exasperated huffing from the study as she helped Draco sort through his teaching notes.
"It would be a source of earache for me if you did," Severus conceded before looking from his godson to the door, his raised eyebrows indicating that Draco should use it.
As Draco left, Minerva sat down opposite Severus, whose mood had suddenly become incredibly sullen. Upon carefully observing the headmaster, she realised that his faced was etched with worry. And after twenty-seven years of knowing him she knew that when in this kind of mood, direct questioning would cause him to become monosyllabic or worse shut down. Deciding to break the ice, she poured her coffee before topping up Severus' cup.
"You know, I haven't seen Kingsley to talk to for a couple of months. It'll be nice to see him again," she began casually.
Without thinking, Severus mumbled, "If you say so."
Minerva looked appraisingly at the dark-haired wizard. "What's wrong, dear? Surely you're not worried about today, are you?"
"I'm not relishing the prospect."
His deputy sighed and in an effort to chivvy him along, said, "But after all your hard work—"
Interrupting her, Severus groused, "I didn't do—" he stiffly gestured, splaying his fingers as he flicked his wrist dramatically "—all of this on my own."
Minerva pursed her lips. "I know, but this is your vision, and everyone's so supportive—"
"Not everyone," Severus interjected as he stood up and walked over to his desk. He turned round and leant against it, arms folded across his chest.
"Who doesn't support you?" Minerva enquired as she perched on the edge of her seat.
Severus looked down at his boots and narrowed his eyes. "Your friend, Kingsley, for example."
"Don't be ridiculous," Minerva blustered. "The last time I spoke to him he was fully supportive of your proposals and was looking forward to presenting them to the Wizengamot."
Severus snorted. "Oh, really? Was this after he opposed my reinstatement, or before he opposed my proposals at the Wizengamot?"
"I beg your pardon? I know he had reservations about your re-appointment―we all did―but it was more of a personal concern for you than your suitability for the job. And as for opposing the Enforce..."
A sneer developed on Severus' face. "And when, pray tell, was the last time you spoke to him?"
Minerva considered the question. "I suppose it was two months ago. We didn't manage to catch up on Friday."
"Some friend," Severus scoffed.
The older witch stood up and walked over to Severus, firmly placing her hand on his upper arm. "Would you mind telling me what is going on between you two?"
Severus exhaled forcefully and shook his head slowly. "I honestly don't know. But his decision making has been suspect of late. We're not sure..."
"We're not sure?"
"Pius, Arthur Weasley—"
"So now you're interested?" Severus hissed.
Minerva glared at him. "I've always been interested, but when someone like Arthur Weasley believes something's amiss then we all need to sit up and take notice. Not that your opinion isn't equally as important," she added swiftly, "but there are still those who erroneously believe that it would be to your advantage to discredit Kingsley, and others who might believe that the spy in you has made you a little paranoid...understandably so, I might add."
"Oh, that explains it. I must be paranoid!" Severus exclaimed sardonically. "He only opposed my appointment and my proposals. He's constantly undermining Pius. He even opposed Arthur's appointment as Head of the new Spell Detection and Reversal—"
"On what grounds?"
"Because seemingly Arthur doesn't command enough respected," Severus sighed.
Minerva gasped before her expression hardened. "That's codswallop!"
"Indeed," Severus snorted. "Nothing like being stabbed in the back, is there? But thankfully Pius stood his ground." Running his fingers through his hair, the headmaster continued. "Perhaps Shacklebolt is simply trying to ensure his permanent appointment by discrediting his perceived opposition. You know, he even asked Hermione if I'd acted inappropriately towards her before the war."
"Well, you weren't particularly pleasant towards her sometimes," Minerva admonished him.
"Please don't remind me. No, he meant had I—"
Minerva rolled her eyes. "Yes, thank you. I get the picture."
"And when Hermione left the minister in no doubt that the only inappropriateness was in his line of questioning, he then asked Mr Potter the same thing...about Hermione and I, obviously."
The reality and seriousness of the situation began to dawn on the deputy headmistress as the headmaster continued, "On Friday night he even went so far as to ask if he had my loyalty."
"I presume you said something suitably non-committal," Minerva smirked.
"How dare you?!" Severus exclaimed before a small, mischievous glance and twitch of his eyebrow confirmed Minerva's assumption.
"But I've never laid claim to wanting a political career," Severus grumbled, "so why he believes me to be a threat is beyond me. It's possible that Bill Weasley's arrest was an attempt to discredit Arthur."
"Oh, so that's what Lucius meant when Pius told us of William's arrest," Minerva commented. "You know, I've never seen Lucius act so vociferously on another's behalf, but I suppose he was in a prime position to see that William acted innocently. But does Arthur have ambitions to be Minister?"
Severus simply shrugged without passing comment. He suspected that it wasn't so much Arthur who harboured the ambition to be Minister for Magic, but rather other ministers who harboured it for him. After all, Arthur may have introduced Severus to all the department heads, but that was because they asked Arthur to introduce him. It was telling that Kingsley wasn't asked to do it.
But Minerva knew other thoughts plagued Severus' mind. "What else?"
Severus sighed deeply. "Two people have spoken out against me in public, and both have behaved in an uncharacteristic manner."
"You're referring to Ronald as well?"
Severus nodded. "Mr Weasley's dislike of me wouldn't be enough to warrant his behaviour ordinarily. And we know he has, to some extent, been brainwashed as well asImperiused. But what The Prophet glazed over were the details of the breakout at Azkaban. There was no wand fight. They walked out. An Imperiused Shacklebolt gave the order. But―and maybe a little knowledge is a dangerous thing―one of the Dark Lord's favoured ploys to foil the authorities was to seek a volunteer to carry out a task. When the willing participant stepped forward, Yaxley, or whoever, would place them under the Imperius."
"For what purpose?"
"Because it kept them out of Azkaban. The fact they volunteered was irrelevant because the Auror office was so slack they never checked beyond discovering the use of theImperius. They were coerced; that was all they were bothered about."
"Do you realise what you're implying?"
"Yes," Severus stated emphatically, "and I hope to be proved wrong. But tell me, bearing in mind what we've all just been through, what Minister would oppose simple methods of ensuring that this school is not used as a breeding ground for the next dark threat?"
"Perhaps he just feels you're being paranoid. Hogwarts is, after all, only a school," Minerva offered, playing devil's advocate.
"Yes, it is just a school," Severus drawled, "but it's the very school where Voldemort himself began honing his skills and gathering his followers. It's where I was groomed to become one of his youngest and most influential Death Eaters. Lily could see it. What if Lily felt that she could have spoken to someone about her concerns about me?
"A talking to by the Auror Office might have led me to have second thoughts. I might have revealed the cosy chats that Abraxas used to have with me. And if that bastard had been taken away, Lucius would have left the cause sooner as well.
"Between Shacklebolt and Moody all we ever heard was constant vigilance, and yet the moment I want to put that into practice, I hit a brick wall. The question, I ask, is why?"
The uncomfortable truth dawned on Minerva, and she whispered as if lost in her own thoughts, "Because someone knows that children are easier to manipulate and groom."
Severus was about to acknowledge her when the Head of Gryffindor raised her hand to stop him. "You're right! I find it hard enough to accept Ronald's behaviour, but this doesn't sound like the Kingsley Shacklebolt I know. Bearing in mind the amount of Polyjuice being used on Friday, how do we know we are dealing with him?"
"Therein lies the million Galleon question," Severus snarked before looking at his boots again. "Pius believes they have discounted the use of Polyjuice, but something is bothering me— I just wish I knew what it was. The best case scenario is that the power has gone to Kingsley's head, and he's paranoid. I'd prefer not to think about the worst case scenario."
"But you have," Minerva pointed out.
"Of course I have," Severus huffed. "But we need more intelligence before anything can be done." He sighed before looking up at Albus Dumbledore's empty portrait frame. "Where's Albus?"
"Ah," his deputy said as she also turned to look at the empty frame. "He informed me yesterday that today is about you, and the future of this school. I believe he's off annoying other portraits around the castle."
A watery smile graced Minerva's lips as she watched Severus assimilate her words. Deep down she worried about the fact that he was taking another huge weight upon his shoulders, but was reassured that this time Hermione, and more people than he probably realised, would be there to support him. "Anyway," she continued brightly, "everything is arranged, my dear. The only thing left to decide is which podium you wish to you use."
Severus was so absorbed in his thoughts that he only caught the tail end of Minerva's words, and gave her a questioning look.
"Do you want to use the owl podium or the plain one you used last year?" Minerva pressed.
"The owl one," Severus drawled. "Burn the other."
"Very good, Headmaster," Minerva acknowledged as she squeezed his arm. "Don't worry about Kingsley. I'll let you know if I feel anything is amiss when I speak to him. Now, put everything else out of your mind, and just concentrate on today. The rest can wait."
The Head of the Board of Governors entered the Headmaster's office and flopped down into one of the armchairs. "My son has invited me for a drink in his chambers after he has concluded his duties this evening. What did you say to him?"
"What makes you think I said anything, Lucius?" Severus asked as he continued reading a very surprising parchment from Beauxbatons. "Would you object to the transfer of a student from Beauxbatons?"
"It's your school! And anyway, who cares what I think these days?" the blond wizard groused distractedly. "Is it too early for a brandy?"
"Yes," Severus drawled, "and besides, our illustrious leader will be here any minute. But after he's gone I'll undoubtedly need to join you. Do you want to know the identity of this student?"
"Not particularly."
Severus rolled his eyes. "Wallowing doesn't suit you, Lucius. And, for reasons known only to Merlin himself, I care, so shut up! Anyway, our new student is none other than Gabrielle Delacour."
Lucius slowly looked up at his dark-haired friend. "Why?"
"After recent events her parents wish to move to the UK to be near Fleur, and Gabrielle doesn't want to be in France on her own."
"She hasn't outgrown her clinginess, I see. Draco will be thrilled. Fleur said she often has to drop everything to attend to her sister," the older wizard advised as he stood up to stroke Obsidian. "She sent me an owl yesterday thanking me for helping her husband."
"It would have been suspicious if she had not," Severus commented as his quill scratched against the parchment on which he was penning his response to Madam Maxime.
"She doesn't have to rub it in though," Lucius groused petulantly just as the timepiece on Severus' desk chimed eleven o'clock. The fireplace flared with green light as the Minister for Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, followed by two Aurors, stepped into the office.
"Well, I am impressed, Headmaster," Shacklebolt told Severus as they walked the corridors of the Hogwarts. "How was all this achieved in such a short period of time?"
"Hard work and powerful magic," Severus told him as he touched one of the walls. "The castle just needed a nudge in the right direction."
"I understand you are encouraging students from all Houses to mingle, and they will be allowed into each other's common rooms. Things are certainly changing around here," Kingsley commented as Lucius gave Severus a sideways glance.
"Indeed. Curfew will now be at nine-thirty to allow students time to return to their own common rooms," Severus confirmed as he waited to see where the minister's comments were leading.
Shacklebolt chuckled. "Going soft on them, are you?"
"Not at all," Severus drawled calmly. "The punishment for being out after curfew will result in the student being immediately issued a detention and a twenty point deduction."
"What if they have a good reason to be out after curfew?"
The headmaster remained impassive. "Then they will have already received prior permission, and that will only be granted to those studying for extra credit for their O.W.L.S or N.E.W.T.S. However, even then with the additional thirty minutes grace it is unlikely that they will be working past curfew."
"At least your punishments seem fairer than they were last year," Shacklebolt quipped.
"In fairness," Lucius interjected to calm Severus before he unleashed a hex, "the headmaster was under direct instruction from the Dark Lord himself."
"And before that?"
Lucius was about to intercede again, but Severus threw him a sideways glance which made the blond wizard take a step backwards.
"Dumbledore approved all discipline and punishments. Unfortunately, I had to play a role which meant that my approved methods of discipline and punishment were far harsher than those of my colleagues."
"And you played your part so well didn't you, Severus?" the Minister sneered.
Severus refused to take the bait. "I can assure you that I will not permit any of my professors to use such methods. Now that my remit no longer includes having to save not only my backside, but that of the Boy-Who-Did-His-Best-To-Get-Killed—"
"And speak of the devil," Lucius interrupted almost cheerily as Harry and Neville rounded the corner with Minerva.
"Ah, Professor, are you taking two of your cubs out for a walk?" Shacklebolt asked jovially.
"Oh pish! Since when have you ever called me Professor, Kingsley? And these two have proven they're a bit big to be called cubs now."
"I suppose you're right, Minerva," Kingsley said, almost forcing himself to use the witch's given name.
"Have you toured the new greenhouses, Minister?" Neville suddenly asked, as if on cue.
"Not yet," Shacklebolt said dismissively. "I'm sure we will—"
"I'm sure Professor Longbottom would be more than happy to show you around," Minerva announced. "In fact, I will accompany you," she added as she gave Severus a knowing look. "And how fortunate, Professor Potter. You were just saying that you needed to speak with the headmaster."
Harry looked utterly bemused until Lucius threw him a look, and he realised he needed to play along. "Oh yes! Sorry, Headmaster, I forgot you were with the minister, but I do need to speak with you urgently about tomorrow's lesson plans."
"I think the minister is in capable hands with Professors McGonagall and Longbottom," Severus mused as he noted the twinkle in Minerva's eye. "And Lucius, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by the greenhouses."
"Ah, the greenhouses. Such happy memories," Lucius reminisced.
"Not for those who caught sight of your bare backside bouncing up and down," Minerva quipped as she turned on her heel, and said, "gentlemen, shall we?"
"What was all that about?" Harry asked once Minerva and her party of wizards were out of earshot.
Severus smirked. "Repeat this and I will deny it before hexing you for not keeping a confidence, but Minerva McGonagall is a remarkable witch."
"Gryffindor seems to breed them," Harry chuckled.
Severus' thoughts slipped to his own remarkable witch, and smirked. "I cannot disagree. Now, I presume that whole episode was a ruse, and you do not need to speak to me."
"I presume so, but actually I would like to talk to you," Harry admitted pensively.
"Go on."
Harry raked his fingers through his hair. "I'm not sure how to handle questions about how I killed him."
"Ah! Perhaps we've underestimated Minerva's perceptiveness. Coffee, Professor Potter?"
"Thank you, Headmaster."
Apart from a brief moment after lunch, Severus hadn't seen Hermione since breakfast, so he took full advantage of her early arrival in his office at five-thirty.
"How's your day been so far?" she asked as she walked over to his desk and brushed a strand of hair away from his eyes before kissing him gently on the mouth.
He huffed and gave her a wry smile. "Stressful! Oh, Minerva's coming over after she completes her duties this evening. She dragged Shacklebolt off this afternoon, and I think she may now share our concerns."
"Well at least you can stop worrying about being paranoid."
Severus gave her a wry smile. "I suppose so. Anyway, how's your day been?"
"Frustrating. I felt like hiding all the bezoars and slipping something nasty into Slughorn's tea," she giggled before adding, "I'd forgotten how bumbling he is. You ask him a question, and you get a story about every Tom, Dick and Harry―especially Harry―that he's ever taught. I don't need to be reminded that Harry did so much better than me in Potions in our sixth year. When will he ever get it into his head that it wasn't Harry's skills but your notes that got the results? Honestly, how did you learn anything from him over seven years? I mean, it was bad enough having him for one year but—"
"He is competent, Hermione," Severus interrupted, "but, as you know, I'm not someone who takes things at face value. I used his teaching as a springboard for my studies. I'll admit, though, that he's everything I despise in a potioneer. He's far too tied to his texts."
"That's why you were always so hard on me, wasn't it?" Hermione asked as she slid onto Severus' lap.
As he wrapped his arms around her, he drawled silkily, "You have proven on more than one occasion that you are a natural, intelligent brewer. But you must remember keep in mind your very first Potions lesson—"
"You were horrid," Hermione groused before nuzzling his neck playfully.
Severus pulled away and feigned offence before nuzzling her neck in return. "I apologise only to you for that." His tone sent vibrations directly between Hermione's legs before he continued. "But I hope you were listening to what I said about Potions being an exact art and a subtle science. In other words, it's all about—"
"—The art and less about the science. It's all about the experiments and less about the books," Hermione whispered breathlessly as Severus brushed his lips against her ear.
"Indeed, and so that you remember this, I'll continue to be hard on you."
"Yes, Master," Hermione whispered before biting her bottom lip.
"Don't call me that," Severus grumbled as he suddenly pulled away. She may have been his apprentice, but that didn't mean he was comfortable with his partner calling him by that particular epithet.
Hermione pushed out her bottom lip, and asked kittenishly, "Awww, why not?"
"Because when you say it other connotations come to mind," he told her before kissing her nose.
"Why, are you going to tie me up in the dungeons, Master?" Hermione whispered seductively before grazing her teeth over his earlobe and kissing down his neck.
A deep, velvety chuckle rose from Severus' chest. "I wasn't necessarily thinking of the dungeons," he purred.
Hermione was now straddling Severus; her new teaching robes hid that her skirt was riding up her thighs, and his hands were cupping the soft globes of her backside.
"Oh! So are you going to tie me to the bed, then?" Hermione asked coquettishly as she played with the buttons on his frock coat.
Severus leaned forward and kissed her throat. "The thought has crossed my mind," he chuckled when Hermione gasped and threw her head back as Severus skilfully teased her.
They relished these few moments of togetherness before Severus pulled away reluctantly. Then pressing his forehead to hers, he groused, "I better get ready," before helping Hermione off his lap and stood to adjust his cravat and put on his teaching robes.
As Severus transformed into the imposing figure of the headmaster, he muttered, "What if they can't forgive me for last year?"
Hermione sighed frustratedly. "We've been over this," she said as she walked over to him, slipping her arms under his robes and around his waist. "All you can do is give them time, and once they see that things are different, they'll soon come round."
Severus lowered his head and brushed his lips against hers. "I love you," he whispered just as the wards vibrated to herald the arrival of Harry, Draco and Neville on the staircase.
Hermione smiled softly and gently stroked his cheek. "I love you, too."
Severus gave her one last chaste, lingering kiss before he pulled away and stoically took a step back.
The knock on the door was quickly followed by the three wizards entering Severus' office. Draco announced, "Well they're all piling into the Great Hall, Uncle. And Father said can you make it quick because he's getting chatted up by some old biddy from the Wizarding Examinations Authority."
"In that case," Severus said indifferently, "I'll take as long as I bloody well like. Shall we go?"
Severus glanced at Hermione and smirked, before leaving the four young professors in his wake.
The Great Hall was buzzing as the assembled second to eighth years sat at their House tables. Friends greeted each other, and amazement was expressed at the restoration of the school, but the main topic of discussion centred around the headmaster.
Many discussed the various articles written about Snape in the Daily Prophet, as well as his interview in Saturday's edition. Of course, the female populace could not ignore the fact that he was dating Hermione Granger, and his injury in the course of protecting his girlfriend on Friday night was now perceived as the most romantic gesture in the history of all things romantic in the eyes of the more impressionable witches.
Generally, the mood was conciliatory, but there were a few vocal students, who were not prepared to forgive Snape for his actions last year. But the dissenting voices were suddenly tempered when senior Head Boy, Blaise Zabini, stood up from his place at the head of the Slytherin table at six o'clock exactly and announced to the student body that they were about to be addressed by the headmaster before the Sorting Ceremony.
Whispers full of conjecture hissed up and down the tables only to be silenced as the heavy doors of the Great Hall groaned open, and the unmistakable sound of dragonhide boots on stone was heard as the headmaster and his entourage of Professors Potter and Malfoy, Granger and Longbottom, swept into the hall with a dramatic billowing of robes.
The headmaster's address went far better than he'd anticipated. He could sense that many students were still wary of him, but they were at least receptive to his vision for the school, and generally accepting of his apology. Of course, his calculated decision to have Hermione, Harry and Neville standing behind him undoubtedly helped, and Draco's presence seemed to fortify his Slytherins who he noted were incredibly withdrawn.
Severus had expected a few awkward moments, and was not disappointed when those students who had been particularly vocal earlier spoke out. He knew they had been on the end of the Carrows' wands, but he refused to be provoked. He simply asked them to arrange a time to come to his office together with their Head of House and they could air their grievances personally.
This calmness had a surprising and quite unexpected effect: he was being asked sensible questions. But what he wasn't prepared for were the tears from a third year Gryffindor, Amanda Everett, who'd asked him if it was true that he'd almost died. As soon as he said yes, he saw her eyes welling up, and fat tears rolled down her face. Hermione saw them too and was on the verge of going to comfort her when Severus told her mentally that he would deal with the young girl.
As Severus stepped down from the dais and walked slowly towards Amanda, who had tearily followed her original question with another, asking if dying hurt, Hermione felt quite apprehensive. As much as she loved him, she remembered all too well that Professor Snape wasn't known for his sympathetic tendencies, and hoped he wouldn't upset the girl further. But as she heard him speak quite reassuringly to the young Gryffindor, she released the breath she wasn't aware she was holding.
Unfortunately, for the rest of the assembled students, this show of the headmaster's slightly more gentle side was short lived after an emboldened sixth year Ravenclaw asked cheekily about his and Hermione's relationship. In fact, Severus left them in no doubt that Headmaster Snape may have a girlfriend, but he was still a snarky bastard whose temper could turn on a knut.
As much as Severus admired Albus Dumbledore, one thing he couldn't stand both as a pupil and a Professor was the former headmaster 's encouragement of certain eccentricities. He couldn't stand the school or Sorting Hat's song. The school song would only be heard under his headmastership if he had a new one commissioned, and the Sorting Hat had been asked not to sing this year. The penalty for disregarding this request, Severus warned, was that the hat would be packaged up by him personally and sent to the giants as a condom.
That said, even Severus had to admit there was something magical―in every sense of the word―about the Sorting Ceremony and Welcome Feast. As a first year, despite his disappointment at not being sorted with Lily, he could not fail to be impressed by the spectacle - less the singing, of course. And as headmaster, he was determined that each and every student would still be given the chance to experience that sense of wonder.
But as the staff, board members and ministry dignitaries began to filter into the Great Hall to take their seats, Severus realised that he may have failed on that score already as he looked down at his snakes. There was none of their usual ebullience or pomposity. They were almost huddled together, seeking solace in each other. Only Zabini, Parkinson, and Nott seemed to be full of Slytherin pride.
Severus narrowed his eyes as he considered what he could do to improve the situation when he heard Hermione ask, "Are you alright, Headmaster?"
She continued on to take her place at the teacher's table. After the bombardment of expletives in her head following the question about their relationship, she decided not to linger as she knew he would respond cerebrally.
The headmaster's attention was still fixed on his snakes but he thought to her, What are you doing after the feast?
I was going to have a quick word with Pius, have a bath, read my book, and then seduce you.
Severus smirked visibly. Would you mind if I attend the Slytherin house meeting? I'm rather concerned about them.
Of course not. I think they'll appreciate it if you show them some support.
Thank you, darling. And when Minerva leaves tonight I will take my time to impress upon you how much you are appreciated.
I look forward to it, Hermione responded as she sat down next to the headmaster's chair. She hadn't intended to sit next to Severus, but due to Minerva and Pomona's meddling she found herself between Filius and Severus. It seemed strange to be sitting there looking out across the sea of students when not so long ago she sat amongst them, and wondered if Severus felt the same when he first starting teaching.
She smiled as Lucius swept into the hall, trying to escape a couple of middle aged witches. Seeing Hermione, he quickly made his excuses and headed up to speak to her.
"Please save me from menopausal witches, 'Mione," he pleaded before informing her cordially, "by the way, to commemorate the start of your new career, Professor Granger, I have left something for you in Draco's rooms."
"Lucius, you shouldn't have," Hermione admonished, but blushed slightly at his thoughtful gesture.
"I know, but I just can't help being wonderful," Lucius teased before turning to look at Severus, who was still staring at the Slytherin table.
Severus turned to see his old friend walk away from Hermione, and arched an eyebrow inquisitively.
"You know, Headmaster," Lucius said as he approached, "if your lovely witch had been my Potions professor I don't think my stirring rod would have ever left my hand."
Severus chuckled. "Nothing changes, then."
"True," the older wizard smirked. "But tell me, why are the members of our illustrious House looking as if all Quidditch and Hogsmeade privileges have been suspended and they've been placed in detention with your good self for the entire year?"
"That is what I am hoping to find out later, but I should imagine they fear a backlash," Severus drawled as Pius walked in with the Minister for Magic and his Aurors.
With nearly all the staff and guests seated, the headmaster proffered his hand as the Minister stepped onto the dais, and escorted Shacklebolt to his seat. A cursory glance at Pius showed that once again, the Head of Magical Law Enforcement was unimpressed by something.
The Sorting Ceremony went surprisingly smoothly. The Sorting Hat heeded the headmaster's warnings, and was both jovial and suitably solemn. The only unprecedented occurrence was that a Muggleborn, Emile Ashbourne, was sorted into Slytherin, and surprisingly the house seemed strangely accepting of him. Although Severus thought to Hermione, They'll use this to their advantage. He won't want for offers of friendship and he looks like a devious little shit. He'll fit in well.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, the excited chatter as new House members were greeted died down as Professor McGonagall invited the headmaster to give his speech.
Severus kept it brief. He welcomed everyone, and whilst he spoke of the future, he also announced the commissioning of a memorial to honour Professor Dumbledore and those who fell last year. The new professors, including Draco, were introduced to rapturous applause. Although the excitement of George Weasley's announcement as flying instructor was tempered when the headmaster reminded the students that many Weasley's Wizard Wheezes' products were still banned.
With the remainder of the administrative announcements made, including the proverbial warning that the Forbidden Forest was so named for a reason, Severus steeled himself to graciously introduce the Minister for Magic. But his uneasiness as Kingsley Shacklebolt began to speak was only added to as Minerva leaned over to the headmaster and whispered, "We really need to talk."
"Well, that's interesting," Hermione said from her position on the sofa as Severus came back into the living room, having undone his frock coat and taken off his cravat after seeing Minerva out.
"It's not interesting, it's fucking worrying," Severus growled frustratedly as he slumped down onto the sofa next to her and ran his hand slowly down his face. "But at least Minerva recognises that there is something seriously wrong with Shacklebolt."
Hermione squeezed his thigh comfortingly. "Sev, your hunches are rarely wrong, but what I don't get is Pius said Kingsley was Imperiused when the Azkaban breakout happened, and they ruled out the use of Polyjuice."
Severus sighed and put his arm out, inviting Hermione to cuddle up to him. "He did, and you can still be Imperiused if you are Polyjuiced, remember? As I said to Minerva this morning, it was often Voldemort's pleasure to use the Imperius on willing volunteers to keep them out of Azkaban."
Hermione began playing distractedly with the buttons on his shirt. "From what I've read about advanced Polyjuice you've managed to extend it to its theoretical maximum. I've seen some journals mention rumours of a potion which lasts for over a year, but it's never been verified."
"That's it!" Severus exclaimed cautiously at first before sitting forward and turning to face Hermione. He suddenly took her face in his hands and kissed her hard. "That's fucking it, you clever girl. They're not rumours. The Aurors were primed to assume that standard or my extended potion was used, but when no transformation occurred it was dismissed. Why didn't I think of it? But this potion can't be brewed by standard means and requires the application of Dark magic. Neither Potions Monthly nor The Potioneer are about to acknowledge its existence, are they?"
"Have you ever brewed it?"
Severus shook his head. "No. I've used Dark magic in potions, but nothing like this. I do, however, know that the rumoured potion can be found in the Contineri Corporis, which is the second treatise of the Luciferan Grimoire."
"What, as in Lucifer?"
Severus arched an eyebrow at her. "As in the sorcerer Luciferan. Honestly, just because it involves Dark magic doesn't mean it's the work of the devil...although his name, I suppose, is rather unfortunate in that respect. No, Luciferan was a practitioner of Dark magic who was considered, by certain wizarding nobility, to be as influential as Machiavelli was to the Muggle elite. They even lived in Italy around the same time. I'm surprised, oh bookworm of mine, that you haven't heard of him," he teased, standing up and planting a kiss into her curls.
Hermione playfully stuck her tongue out at him and was rewarded with a deep chuckle as he walked to the fireplace. He rested his elbow on the mantlepiece, and deep in thought, began playing with his bottom lip.
"Anyway," Severus continued, almost as if he were delivering a lecture, "the three treatises are the Contineri Mente, Contineri Corporis and Contineri Animae. Roughly translated as—"
"—Control the mind, Control the body, and Control the soul," Hermione whispered.
Severus nodded. "Luciferan believed that to become an effective leader you had to control and manipulate the mind, body and soul of yourself, your followers and your enemies. Voldemort was a great admirer of his, but he never owned a copy of the Grimoire—"
"There were only five copies ever created," Severus informed Hermione as she stood up and walked towards him. "It is said that each copy was handwritten by Luciferan's apprentice, but after the fifth one was written they parted company in a less than amicable fashion. The apprentice was said to have placed viscous wards on each copy to prevent the text being read aloud or copied. I suppose the moral of the story is 'don't piss off your apprentice'."
"You better believe it, Mister," Hermione teased as she poked him in the chest and allowed her hand to linger as she resumed playing with the buttons of his shirt.
"Yes, but I don't think that you would be cruel enough to set curses which removed the tongue of someone who read aloud from it, or cut off the hand of someone trying to copy from it."
"That's barbaric!" Hermione exclaimed before chuckling lightly, "although, I'm sure Harry and Ron used to think most of their text books had curses like that on them which is why I ended up doing most of their homework."
She then managed to pop open the top few buttons of his shirt, and ran her finger down his bare chest as she purred, "And no, I wouldn't do that...your hands and tongue are far too precious."
Severus looked down at her, his black eyes flashing mischievously before lowering his head to hers and whispering silkily as his lips ghosted over hers, "Thank heaven for small mercies."
Hermione's giggle was muffled by his mouth as they kissed softly, but much to both of their chagrin they remembered that they were actually discussing something important.
After she composed herself, and Severus readjusted himself in the trouser department, Hermione asked, "So if Voldemort didn't have a copy, how did he ever get to see one?"
"It is rumoured that of the five, only three remain. One is unaccounted for, one is in the private collection of a Hungarian recluse, and the other was the pride and joy of Abraxas' collection."
"Abraxas? As in Malfoy!"
"Yes, Abraxas as in Malfoy," Severus sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"How can you be sure that Voldemort didn't have the missing one?"
"Because Abraxas used to boast about how the Dark Lord would pore over his copy, and then gloat about how Tom couldn't afford to buy it from him. It is rumoured that Septimus Malfoy bought that copy from an Italian collector back in the eighteenth century. He is purported to have paid 10,000 Galleons for it."
Hermione gasped. "Merlin! How much is it worth now?"
"Does it matter when we have bigger problems to consider? If this is indeed Luciferan Polyjuice we are dealing with we need to know who got hold of the text and applied the Dark magic."
Hermione backed away from Severus. "You're not suggesting Lucius has anything to do with it?"
"One should never underestimate Lucius, but—"
"No! He loves you too much. He'd never do that to you," Hermione stated emphatically as she rounded on him.
Severus' expression hardened before he cocked an eyebrow. "I'll ignore your turn of phrase, and before you accuse me of accusing Lucius of anything I was not the one who brought up his name. What I do know is that Abraxas would proudly show off the texts to anyone who was interested, and of course I wasn't the only person who was interested.
"But, as soon as Draco could read, Lucius insisted it was put into their dungeon vault because he felt it was too dangerous to have lying around. With Malfoy Manor overrun last year, and so many of the inner circle desperate to gain favour, and rub Luicus' nose in it, if Voldemort wanted the text there were more than enough volunteers who could have acquired it. And let's be honest, Lucius' sister-in-law always had a habit of touching that which was not hers."
"Do you think it's still there?" Hermione asked. "Because if it is then we can study the text and find a way to detect the magical trace," she offered hopefully.
A small smile graced Severus' lips at Hermione's unwavering enthusiasm before his realised that he had to put a dampener on proceedings. "If it's still there, then I agree it will be easy for us to formulate a method of detecting the trace.
"But the hard part will be determining what to do next. We only have a rough idea of who we're dealing with, Hermione. If that isn't Shacklebolt, who is it? Is it Yaxley? Is it someone else? And if that isn't Shacklebolt then what the fuck has happened to him?
"And if the text isn't where it should be, then we are well and truly screwed."
Severus' usually calm demeanour was slipping as the seriousness of the situation started to sink in. He began chewing the corner of his bottom lip as Hermione reached out to take his hand.
"Sev, we can help with the potion, but the rest of it is for Pius to deal with," she said as calmly as possible. "I'm sure he'll consult you; after all, no one is as skilled at Dark magic or potions as you. And being a spy, and a Death Eater, gives you unique insights which Pius can draw on, but you have this school to run. You don't need this weight on your shoulders, love."
Severus pulled Hermione to him and wrapped his arms around her. He rested his chin on top of her head and muttered, "I know, but—"
Hermione suddenly felt cold as Severus' warm body was now kneeling at the hearth to Floo call Draco's chambers.
"Draco, is the old man there?"
"Yeah, come on over," his godson called back.
Severus turned to Hermione, just as he was about to Disapparate. "You stay here."
"No! I'm coming too," she insisted as she grabbed hold of his arm.
"Insufferable woman," Severus grumbled as he rolled his eyes, pulled her to him, and they both disappeared with a pop.
"Shit, do you have to do that?" Draco grumbled as Severus and Hermione suddenly appeared in his living room.
"Yes, and just remember that I can do that at anytime, and interrupt anything," Severus smirked before he put his hand up to stop Lucius from uttering whatever inappropriate comment he was about to make from his armchair.
"This isn't a social call, unfortunately," Severus said curtly, as Draco, who was sat in the other armchair gestured towards the sofa. "Lucius, where's the Luciferan?"
Lucius certainly wasn't expecting to be asked that. His eyes widened as he blustered, "It's in our dungeon vault."
"Surely Gringotts would've been safer," Hermione piped up as Draco suddenly shifted awkwardly before sitting forward in his chair, concentrating on the drink in his hand.
"So, that wasn't you who just wandered into Bella's vault, then?" Lucius chuckled knowingly.
"No! There was no 'just wandering'. It was really difficult. We had to..." Her voice trailed off as she noticed Severus and Lucius looking at her in amusement. "Alright, I'll shut up," she offered sheepishly as she realised the futility of her argument.
"The wards on our vaults are blood and spousal," Lucius explained. "There's no way—"
"Can I get anyone a drink?" Draco interrupted as he stood suddenly and walked over to his drinks cabinet, which Hermione noticed was already incredibly well stocked.
Severus and Lucius both gave each other the same concerned sideways glance, whilst Hermione looked between the two older wizards and the younger one, whose hand she noted, was shaking slightly as he poured himself a rather large brandy.
Draco could feel all eyes falling on him, and snapped, "Look, it's still there, alright?!"
"What happened?" Lucius asked as he stood and put his hand on his son's shoulder.
"Well if you hadn't been thrown in fucking Azkaban you'd have fucking known," Draco railed back at his father as he shrugged off his hand.
"Draco, please—"
"No. You have no fucking idea how they made me feel; how they blamed you and told me I had to make things right for your fucking mistake. They said Voldemort wanted the books to help infiltrate the Ministry. They said if I helped it would show my worthiness to take the Mark, and he might not punish Mother."
Alarm bells rang in Severus mind. He'd not been aware of this plan, but seeing Draco's distress was in danger of reaching the same kind of level as it did when he broke down, he thought to Hermione, Fetch Miss Lovegood before approaching his godson carefully. "The Dark Lord did not make me aware of this. Who approached you, Draco?"
A/N 2: The beta said the cliffie was cruel...ooops!
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