Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Chapter 41 – The Shaman
“Yes, me. I'm sorry I had to trick you, but I needed to gauge your true reactions to your pack members and the different parts of the house you showed me.”
“I don't understand.” Hermione felt her heart rate decrease now that she knew there was no old, scary man here and that she already knew the Shaman.
“As you already noticed, there have been a lot of people at my door over the past two days. They all have had worries about different things, most of them concerning you. Some were worried you were having negative thoughts concerning some of the people here, or that some parts of the house creep you out. Some ask about your odd behavior toward them; for example, your choice of mates or random mates and so on. I just needed to get a clean, uninfluenced first view of things. Letting you know who I was would have led to you not being honest with me and trying to do and say what you think would be the right thing to do. It's normal behavior for a submissive, and I often have to use this trick. So can you forgive me?” He smiled at her like he had done so often during their tour and again she felt that feeling of warmness and safety.
“I thought you were an old man, like our Eldest.”
“I am, I just don't look like it,” Lance said mysteriously.
“What does that mean? You don't look old. Can you change your appearance?”
“Already trying to ask me questions before answering some of mine?” Lance chuckled. “You never did try to sniff me out, pup. Maybe you should do.”
Hermione felt much more confident, and Darius must have felt it because he released her hand and went to stand up. He didn't get far before Hermione tensed and Lance made him stop by raising his hands. “Please stay, Darius.”
Darius nodded and sat down again but didn't take Hermione's hand this time. Nevertheless, Hermione's heart calmed.
“Try to sniff me out, pup,” Lance instructed when he felt her attention revert back to him.
“I always have problems smelling others. Some say that's why I choose such low ranks as my mates.”
“I'm not interested in what others think, I would like you to try and tell me what you smell or scent.”
Hermione sighed and tried, but all she could smell was Draco beside her. His worry was almost offensive to her nose and was overriding anything else. “I can only smell Draco at the moment. I'm often overwhelmed by the feelings of others when I try to scent them. It's hard to concentrate on something else, especially if the extreme mood comes from Draco or Neville.”
“Would it be okay if Draco left the room? Your mates and Darius will stay, of course.”
Hermione nodded and cut Draco a look that apologized, but her friend looked relieved. After he gave her a peck on her cheek Draco almost ran outside.
“Try again. Lean over me a bit; I promise I won't move.”
“I'm not afraid of you,” Hermione said and then leaned over to scent him. Disappointed, she gave up after some time. “I can't.”
“Did you smell anything?”
“Something odd, like daffodil. Maybe it’s the scent of your clan. I’ve never smelled something like that on someone.”
“That's because I'm no werewolf.” Lance stated this as if this was the most normal thing, to be surrounded by dangerous werewolves when he was not one, himself.
“You’re not?” Hermione asked, afraid for his life suddenly.
Lance laughed. “No, but you don't have to be afraid that I will be hurt. I’ve worked for this clan for many years, pup. I even knew your head alpha when he was a little toddler.”
Ages as a toddler was something Hermione couldn't imagine. “But you’re so young.”
“I'm 234.”
Hermione's jaw dropped open. “What are you?” She blushed, realizing that this had sounded a bit rude. “Sorry.”
Lance chuckled. “No worries. I'm a wood elf but I have a lot of other creature lines in my blood. That's what's made me a Shaman.”
“A wood elf? I don't know much about them.” Already Hermione was culling her memory of books she’d read in the library, perusing them for anything she had read about wood elves. She made a mental note to read up on them further.
“I'm sure we can change that during my stay here, but I would like to start our sessions today, so we have to delay talking about my species for later in the week, if that is okay with you.”
“Ehm... what do you mean with sessions? Will you have a look in my mind to get rid of those memory flashes?”
“We will work on those memories when we know each other better and when we have solved a few of the other problems your clan members seem to see and have. Therefore, we will have meetings with several people for the next few days. I want to see how you react around them and sometimes I even have to ask you to be a bit more intimate with them to see if there is a problem or not.”
Hermione looked scared again, thinking about Karl or Roland. Fenrir had told Igor to get Karl, and Roland was here most certainly as well.
“It won't be too intimate but I have to ask you to let them touch you or kiss you so I can see how your aura and scent changes during the interaction. Being in close contact with a person makes it impossible for your human mind to overpower your wolf.”
“That's one of the things that confuses me, and is often mentioned by others as well. One moment my human mind or wolf mind is being referred to, and in the next I’m being told that I am one with my wolf. When I'm one with my wolf, how can you talk about my human mind and the wolf mind as two different things? Even the eldest have displayed worry when I try to fight my wolf, and they’ve said I would have died if I had stayed separated from my wolf any longer than I did the time....” Hermione looked around to see in the faces of her mates if Lance knew about her near death when she had fought her wolf down the day she had had her row with Fenrir.
“I know about your separation from your wolf soon after your first changing. To answer your question, you are one with your wolf now. When I speak about your human mind, your wolf is involved as well, but the wolf reacts as a result of feeling and instinct, as is its nature. That's why I speak of your human mind as it is influenced by your thoughts. When you are in skin contact with another, your wolf overpowers your human mind. You still have influence over your feelings, but you can't overpower them without fighting your wolf down. All in all, your human mind can trick me and will try to influence me.”
When he saw Hermione opening her mouth to protest, he quickly added, “It is normal, pup. Your wolf can't trick me; she sees no need to. I'm unimportant to her, as she is unimportant in general to me. She just helps me to control your human mind and your ability to influence me or trying to say and act like you think I want you to. As I already said, that is a totally normal behavior for submissives, nothing to be sorry or embarrassed about.”
Hermione bit her bottom lip. Slowly, it was making sense to her, but she still was a bit scared. “What if I don't want some people to touch me?”
“Then I have to accept it, but I still would like you to at least try it. Maybe we could solve some problems if we try speaking about issues with the person and/or drawing a very clear line for both sides so there is a clear understanding between both parties without hurt feelings or misconceptions. I'm not here to make you behave submissively to whoever approaches you, nor am I here to change you. If there are problems in a clan it is always the fault of the dominants and not the subs. They know it, and I'm here to help them change whatever is the cause of those problems, which in most cases is their own behavior. I'm here to see if the worries your clan members have are warranted, if they need to be spoken about or otherwise solved or if I can just stop them worrying by telling them this is a normal behavior. In order to do this I need to see your reaction and need to talk with you about some things. We have time. I will stay as long as I am needed. I will set a schedule but you can always tell me if you get tired or need a break because it becomes too overwhelming.”
Hermione nodded.
“Another problem will be that I can't let one of your mates be with us in the room. I know that this will make you feel uncomfortable, but we will hold our sessions in my living room which is next door to this room. The door over there leads to it. I agreed with your mates and the Eldest that it would be for the best if at least one of your mates remains in this conference room while we are in the living room. You would know you are safe. The door will be closed but not locked and your mates could come in whenever you felt the urge to call for them. Do you think this could work?”
Hermione nodded again. “Ehm... when exactly will you try to get rid of my memory problems?”
“After we have solved some of the other so-called problems. The mood in the clan is tense, and not only because of you. Even though you may deny it, you are affected by it greatly. The more problems we can solve, the safer you will feel and the more relaxed you will become. I need you relaxed, and I need you to feel safe before we even begin trying to see why you are having those memory flashes, and before trying to find a solution for it together.”
“I see.” Hermione sighed. “I just hoped you could go in my head and get rid of them.”
“No, it's not that easy, pup. Still, I'm very positive that we will be able to get rid of them.”
“Will you tell me what the others are worried about or will you just do some testing, leaving me in the dark?”
“I will mostly talk openly with you about it, but sometimes I will not, to ensure someone’s privacy, or if I'm overly concerned it will influence you negatively.”
Hermione liked that Lance was so honest, and she had the feeling he wasn't looking down on her or pushing her around. She sighed and nodded again. “So we will start right now?”
“Yes, I would prefer. I would like to start with your dominants and Draco.”
Hermione blushed at Draco's name. He being mentioned in conjunction with her mates made Hermione aware of her odd reactions toward him. Had the dominants wondered about it as well?
“What's on your mind?”
“Nothing,” Hermione replied quickly.
Lance raised an eyebrow.
“Please, I can't.”
“You can't what?”
Hermione sighed. “I can't tell you.”
“I can't help you if you don't tell me, and I would really like to know why you reacted so scared, out of the blue, about something I said. I just mentioned your mates... and... Draco.” He paused between the two words to scent her. “So whatever is in your mind right now is about Draco, right?”
“Can you read minds?” Hermione asked, worried. Nothing would be secret from him then.
“No, I can't. I just scent you, read your aura and am very good in reading body language. So what's the problem with Draco?”
“Can I tell you alone?”
“You know I will have to report about our progress and anything that could be a problem to the Eldest and your mates. So if something is troubling you that makes you react like you are right now, I have to tell your mates about it, nevertheless. So I have to warn you. We can go in my rooms now, but later it is possible that I have to tell your mates about the session.”
Hermione sighed. “They won't understand it and will make a big deal about it. Maybe they’ll make trouble and scar Draco or whatever. They often overreact.” Low growls came from everywhere around her. “See?”
Lance chuckled. “I have a big influence on them and the Eldest. My word and my opinion holds a lot of weight with them. I can make them stop overreacting and explain the situation to them in a way dominants understand it. Most of the problems in your clan at the moment are caused by the communication problems between you and the dominants. They don't understand your way of acting and thinking and you don't understand theirs.”
Hermione looked hopefully at Lance. He was right.
“So let’s try and tell me about your worries concerning Draco. You, gentleman, will try to hold back your growls, as you influence her with them. I know that is exactly what you are doing it for, but I don't want her to be influenced because I can't solve anything when she tries to satisfy you by lying or hiding something.”
Hermione gulped when Lance's attention was back on her. “I feel something for Draco I don’t understand.” She ducked her head and looked around for any reaction from her mates.
“Don't look at them, pup. Just talk to me.”
“I...” Hermione whispered and leaned over to Lance. “I feel attracted to him.”
“Okay and that worries you why?”
“He’s a submissive.”
Lance smiled. “He is a man.”
It was as if some doors were pushed open in Hermione's mind, and those new passages made it easier to think. “So... so it’s all right? But I don't feel this way toward Neville.”
“Then you don't find him as attractive as Draco. I have heard that during your heat you had some experiences with Neville as well.”
Hermione blushed and leaned back again. “I would like to not think about it. It was the most embarrassing time of my life. I couldn't even move anymore. If Severus hadn't—”
Again growls came from behind and beside her. She knew they were coming from Fenrir and Severus.
“Don't listen to them.”
“But I don't understand what I did wrong.”
“Nothing, I want you to talk with me exactly as the thoughts pop into your mind. You don't need to change anything. We will talk about the problem they have later.”
Hermione liked that Lance was saying 'the problem they have' and not 'the problem they have with her.'
“If your mate hadn't rescued you, you could have died. I'm sure that point has been made clear to you. It's very dangerous for submissives who feel attracted to each other to be close to another unwatched during their heat. I think you all have learned from it, and I bet you won't find yourself in such a situation again. Back to Draco; it is absolutely normal for you to feel attracted to him. We can start with him and discuss it together with him.”
“Please don't tell him. He’ll behave like a dominant then. He often tries to, and I don't like it.”
“Then you will tell him about it during our session. Things should be clear between you two. He is a very important person for you here in the clan. There shouldn't be any secrets between the two of you, especially nothing concerning your relationship.” Lance stood up and held his hand out for her to take.
Hermione looked at Fenrir with insecurity in her eyes, but he nodded at her. “We will be right here.”
“Okay,” Hermione said nervously as she followed Lance.
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