There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
See first chapter for disclaimers/warnings/summaries.
NOTE: 'bold' text indicates "Spanish" for certain characters. There is a breakdown of the circle ranks in the A/N.
RECAP: When Ilsa receives a call from one of her guardmates at Nevarah, the entire gang is about to be transported to Nevarah-Blaise, Hermione, Severus, Terius, Harry, Charlie, Theo and Shadow. They arrive as the great city is under attack and Harry subconsciously accesses both his mate's power to protect them as they wait for admission by the gate guards.
When he did wake, it wasn't to the half-sleep he'd been in all that time.
Harry woke to find himself lying on the ground, curled up to a blanketed body. Someone had transfigured his clothes into pajamas. Or lent him a pair. They smelled vaguely of Theo. And the person beside him. A careful sniff told him that the figure beside him was Hermione and not either one of his mates. A deeper whiff told him that his mates were nowhere around him, but that they were within calling distance.
He pouted and then scowled when the action registered. That had come out of from nowhere. He sighed and carefully untangled himself from the blanket and pillow propped up around him.
His eyes adjusted to the lack of light and he could make out her prone form laid out on a makeshift bed and carefully tucked beneath warm covers, her breathing faint and even. A conscious stab of pain registered as he watched her, silently, thinking. There were so many recent things that didn't make any sense at all and he didn't know where to start to find the answers that he desperately wanted.
He'd had enough of this secret society business, it was time to cash in for a lifetime membership. They owed him.
Harry yawned and took another, careful look at his new surroundings. His Dragel self was sleepy and content, a good hint that he was in a safe place, even if his mates were not right around him. That they were able to leave him on his own spoke of the security of this place—Terius' probably, Harry mused. He seemed to be in a sitting room, he could make out a wide bay window, taking up nearly an entire wall and soft, light curtains that allowed in a pale glow of night light. Moonlight? Harry wondered. He didn't know if Nevarah was even in the same realm as the sun and moon with all the hush and fuss it had taken to get there.
He made a mental note to ask Theo. One hand crept up to his neck and began to toy with the slender, corded necklace there. He smiled, faintly and then looked down at the faintly gleaming ring. He'd have to get a scale from Charlie and trade one of his own, not to mention that he'd need to find out how to cut another slash into the lovely ring.
Window. His mind gently reminded him and Harry looked away from the ring, still fondling the scale as he took in the rest of the room. There were three comfortable couches and plenty of space around and between them. It was built with Dragels in mind, the ceiling was tall and the furniture was definitely reinforced. A sitting room for sure, Harry decided, when he could make out some coffee table-ish pieces pushed to the side to clear the center, where Hermione now lay.
Harry frowned at that. He would've thought that surely Terius could spare a guest room or two and if he had, then surely there would've been someone to insist on a room for Hermione if he couldn't speak in her stead. Terius was a councilman, surely that afforded him some bit of luxury. Harry snorted, thinking of Draco, while he'd been holding his opinion of the blond in a relative sort of respect, he couldn't deny that the blond seemed to gravitate towards things of considerable worth, namely, a rich potions Master and now, a councilman.
Taking another whiff of the room, Harry parceled out the scents to who they belonged to and how they seemed to fit. They were scented to Terius and Draco, with a few hints of Severus now and again, as well as a new scent he couldn't quite place. He drew a deeper breath and worked at separating the scents he could actively dismiss until he narrowed it down to a sharper tang that mingled with Draco's.
The baby?
No. Harry shook his head. No, it was too distinct, too individual. It was someone else. Who? Another mate? Harry slowly shook his head again, pushing that thought away for later, he didn't want to consider that just yet. The scent didn't carry undertones of Severus or Terius, so it was highly unlikely anyway. He did recall the blond's admission of being pregnant and he wondered how far along and what would happen. At some point or another, he would likely find himself in a similar state.
He frowned, thinking. Children. Good. Family. Good. Current timing. Bad. He sighed again. The future could hold promise, but for now he shook the thought from his head. He'd deal with that when it came to, though he made a mental note to speak to Draco first. Somehow, the thought of asking Theo about pregnancies and possible prevention spells seemed a little too…embarrassing. At least Draco might know, seeing as he was a sub as well. The book hadn't mentioned anything of the sort and Harry was beginning to wonder if it had been an old edition, at any rate, he had quite a few things he wanted to add to those enchanted pages. He could clearly remember sitting in the Snape quarters and remembering Terius' admission that some things were only passed down to certain types.
Hmm. Draco would probably turn out to be a very useful friendship, if he could stand to cultivate it. His Dragel-self had helped in dulling the less than stellar interactions between them, but the emotions associated with the memories still lingered as if they were nearly fresh. Harry shook himself all over. His thoughts had begun to turn rather dismal and morose all over again and he'd had enough of that!
He stood up and walked around Hermione's still form a few times before the slightly colder air registered and then he made his way back to the former cocoon of warmth and settled down on his pillow, scooting back to brace on one of the sofas. He sat in silent thought for a long while, before a spark of curiosity had him wondering where his mates were, along with their respective hosts.
A yawn escaped and Harry felt a somewhat playful urge building up inside of him. He didn't know where his mates were, but he had smelled them somewhere nearby. He had no interest in poking about in an unfamiliar environment, not when he still felt a faint urge to remain beside Hermione. Cocking his head to the side, he gave a light trill, letting the sound rattle in his throat and slip out through his mouth.
It echoed almost eerily in the empty sitting room.
The silence carried on.
He waited.
He was about to repeat the call when he heard a few muffled thumps and some rather hissed exclamations. Harry swallowed the almost-laugh welling in his throat and instead of repeating the call, made an inquisitive noise instead, listening intently.
A series of rumbles and growls came back in answer. Two of them distinctly closer than the others.
Harry tugged the blanket up to his chin and focused on what he figured was the doorway. A moment later, he could hear the whispers and the shuffling feet as his sleepy mates made their way towards him, threading their way around the furniture he'd seen pushed to the sides of the room as they grumbed to each other in a series of clicks and quiet grunts. He smiled into the darkness and reached up with both hands.
Theo grasped one and Charlie the other. Harry waited while they settled themselves around him and then felt a cushioning charm cast around them. Charlie, he reasoned, as a conjured blanket seemed to come from Theo's side. The shadows were adjusting and he could see their forms, Charlie's large, wings, tucked close behind him.
"Wings?" Harry inquired, softly. He gently traced a hand along the closest spine.
"Won't close yet." Charlie mumbled, settling carefully on his side and shifting until he could lie down comfortably.
"Couldn't one of them help?"
There was a grunt in answer.
"You're hardly awake." Harry whispered, unable to keep the mirth from his voice. There was a muted growl from Theo's side and he squeezed Harry's hand in answer and tugged him down from sitting, to lying on the newly cushioned and warmed floor. Harry chuckled. He pulled his hands free from his respective mates and then settled himself comfortably between them, snuggling into Theo as Charlie curled around them both from behind.
He wriggled after a few moments, his mind wide awake and no more settled than when he'd awakened before.
"Sleep Harry." Charlie slurred. He yawned into Harry's ear and snuck an arm around Harry's stomach to hold him closer—and to still his movements.
"Not tired." Harry protested. He gave another wiggle.
Theo growled, faintly.
Harry leaned forward and nuzzled his neck, mischievously.
A groan came from the young alpha and one hand reached up, sliding beneath Harry's pajama jacket and teasing faintly as it made its way to Harry's neck.
Neck. Harry blinked. Oh no. He was not going to fall for that again! He knew very well what that hand could do if it found the right spot. He turned to squirm free from that hand, when Charlie's grip 'round his middle, tightened. He felt warm breath ghosting over his face and then, Charlie bit his ear, gently, before kissing his cheek goodnight.
The distraction worked. Harry felt Theo's hand on the mark and the command to sleep filtered through before he could process anymore. He whined, though more from having his fun cut short than any real protest. Both of his mates purred softly in answer and shifted closer to sandwich him between them.
Several minutes later, he was deeply asleep.
Harry did wake on his own the next morning—and well before either of his mates did. Like he had before, he took stock of his surroundings and Hermione's condition. She was just as still and pale as he remembered, but still breathing. He was relieved for that and curious, when his heightened hearing could pick up the faintest sounds of humming from somewhere else in the house. He wriggled around a bit, until he could reach Theo's arm and nuzzled the mark there.
The heavy arm wrapped around his waist retracted almost at once.
Harry couldn't help the self-satisfied smirk as he twisted around to do the same to Charlie.
The Dragon tamer's grip loosened.
Victory! Harry cheered silently. He slid free from the comfortable cocoon between them and then skipped away a few steps to stretch. A satisfied groan left his lips as he felt his shoulders roll and his Dragel-self purr in contentment.
Twin sounds of interest came from the makeshift bed on the ground.
Harry hummed happily in answer.
Theo shifted, rolling over to fill the gap, as Charlie eased closer. A moment later, they were cuddled up, fast asleep.
With that image in mind, Harry took in the present surroundings in daylight. He was pleased to note that his guess of a sitting room was fairly accurate. To his surprise, there were a few muggle contraptions set-up, a large-screen TV and a sound system neatly stacked against one wall. They seemed to be plugged into a solid block of crystal set near the window, now glowing as daylight streamed through the window.
The curtains were a soft blue-grey and the entire room was set in a rather minimalistic style, with shades of blue, grey and muted tans, with the occasional line of black or white. A few plants occupied one corner, their greenery the perfect accent to the room. He could now see that a large throw rug covered most of the floor, while the rest of it was dark brown stone, sanded and polished. Hermione's makeshift bed consisted of a thick bedroll, a clean sheet, Hermione, another sheet and a thin blanket with a thicker duvet on top—with everything in grey with a white accented border. Nice and simple, Harry noted, pleased that they'd taken such care for his friend.
The humming grew louder and Harry visibly perked up as he set off to explore. He cocked his head to the side, listening to the humming and then started off in the direction where it had come from. Curiosity hovered close to the surface and he felt safe enough to be poking about on his own.
What he did discover, sent him into somewhat of a shock.
He found himself in the doorway of the kitchen, while breakfast was making itself to the hummed tune of a dark-haired, tanned beauty. Her hair stuck up in deliberate spikes, every which way, her earrings long and gold, with a perfect smear of red lipstick and comfortable sweats to make up her outfit. The surprise came from the tune she hummed as her hands moved in the air, as if she were drumming on invisible drums, while bacon turned itself in the pan and eggs cracked themselves into a bowl.
Harry stared. He really couldn't do much otherwise.
"!Hola! Buenos dias!" Dark eyes flickered to him and the bright red lips curved up into a smirk, followed by another string of Spanish, ending with. "Como estas?"
"Er," Harry blinked. That sounded somewhat familiar…
"No habla espanol?" The dark eyes grew wide. "Ma, ma…." She muttered a few more words then shook her head. "Ach Maria…ay, now? Can you understand me now?"
"Yes!" Harry nodded.
"You must be the one I didn't meet last night." She waved him into the kitchen and he noted that they were roughly about the same height. "Calida. May I?" She snapped her fingers and everything in the kitchen froze. Before Harry could answer that, she'd turned and half-smothered him in a hug that visibly squashed the air from his lungs. Her face was buried in his neck and she took a good whiff, before standing back and holding him at arm's length. There was another murmured string of Spanish, before she ducked her head and released him. "Sorry, I tend to do that. I can't help myself."
She made a face at the kitchen and things began to work again. "Er, I take it you've never met a Carrier before?" At Harry's careful shake, she grinned. "Oh goody, I'm your first. Well, no wait, that's a bad thing. I'm not a good first. I'm actually a very bad one." She nibbled on her lower lip. "That's okay, just pretend that you've never met one before when you meet another one. Oh good grief, that sounds so twisted." She snorted, then turned to the island in the center of the kitchen and promptly hiked herself up to sit on top, patting the space beside her. "Come on, it can hold us both. There's room."
And so Harry found himself sitting beside her, his mind whirling away. "You smell like Draco."
There was a snort of laughter. "I should hope so." She retorted, eyes sparkling merrily. "I'm carrying his child!"
Harry gaped. "What?"
"You really haven't met a Carrier before, have you?" She sighed. "I really am a horrible first impression, but I figured when you went all stiff a moment ago." She began to swing her feet, lightly thumping them on island's lower cupboard doors. "They said you were from the outside, in the muggle-world within the wizarding world." There was a brief spark of curiosity. "You'll have to tell me about it sometime, I think muggles are fascinating little creatures." She winked as she said this, then stage-whispered. "But Draco thinks they're horrible!"
"You're a Dragel, right?" Harry frowned. This was certainly the strangest one he'd met yet and possibly the friendliest one.
Chocolate-colored eyes gave a dramatic roll. "Well of course, hon." She drawled, as much as her accent would allow. "How else could I be a Carrier? Which, by the way, if you don't know, in cases like Draco—an all male harem, so to speak—obviously, he doesn't have all the right equipment for a babe, so that's where I pop in." She patted her stomach, gently and with her smoothing fingers, Harry could now see a slightly formed bump, as she stretched the sweatshirt over it. "A Carrier, carries the child for the sub." She shrugged. "Pretty straightforward. We only have whatever we want to carry and we give birth." She shrugged again. "In my case, Draco will still eat for two, but the energy will be shared with me and in turn, given to the little one." She smiled at her stomach "By whatever we want to carry, I mean that if I don't want any of the symptoms, say, the morning sickness, swollen ankles, mood swings and all that joy, I simply reflect them back to Draco and he'll have to handle it. The only thing I'll ever have to do is pretty much stay close by, stay out of the way, attend my healer check-ups and then pop it out when the day arrives."
There was a moment of silence.
She dissolved into laughter, holding her sides, shaking. "Oh Arielle, the look on your face—that was hilarious!" She snickered some more, then grinned. "Which is why I say in all honesty that I am the worst first impression for a Carrier. I promise you they are nowhere near as insane as I might seem and they all respectable, mature and experienced women. That's all true, by the way though. Except in Draco's case, we're sharing the sensations and whatnot, since this is his first one and he doesn't have a clue what to expect—and he's really quite horrible at looking out for himself." She sighed. "Then again, I have had to deal with more difficult subs, so I can't complain." She slid off the island. "You want anything specific for breakfast?"
"Not really." Harry shook his head. "Do you need any help?"
"Hmm? Oh no. I'm managing." She snuck a sideways glance at him. "My name is Calida, you can use it you know."
"Calida." Harry repeated, connecting the dots to the first words she'd asked. "What did you say, at first?"
Another smile came his way. "I said good morning! Then I asked how you were doing and if you slept well and if you were hungry." She paused. "And then I asked if you spoke Spanish." She held out a hand. "You can have it, if you want. I'm not picky. Though I can't promise anything for your accent. Draco's is horrible."
Harry looked from the hand to her, his brow furrowed.
She waved it, impatiently, one hand already directing the breakfast that was still cooking itself. "Never shared before?" She asked, turning back to him. At his answer, she frowned. "What kind of alpha do you have? He ought to have melded with you already!" She huffed. "Here, give me your hand. What I'm doing is sharing everything I know of the Spanish language with you, so that when I speak, you'll know what I'm saying and you'll know the words to say to answer, but you won't necessarily be able to speak it as I do. You'd have to practice, but it'd keep you in the loop." She wiggled her fingers. "It doesn't hurt. You'll feel a bit of a mental push, but if you don't fight it and you really want what I'm sharing…"
Harry tentatively splayed his fingers and extended his hand to hers.
Calida gently touched her pointer and index fingers to his own and then withdrew. "Well, did it work?"
His awed expression spoke for him. "Yes. It does. Thank you."
"Lovely. Now you're in the loop." She winked and her head snapped around in time to direct the bacon to a serving platter and the eggs into the frying pan, as batter began to mix itself out of the way on the corner of the countertop beside the muggle stove appliance. "On second thought, I'll take your help on the kitchen bits. It's been a while since I've had to cook for more than myself. I don't suppose you know what they eat?" She began to fill a plate from what was already cooked and set it aside. "I can't eat like everyone else," she nodded to her stomach. "There's very little that actually agrees with me when I'm carrying and as I've inherited Draco's picky tastes, that little bit has become even smaller."
"Bacon is good." Harry thought for a moment. He did remember sharing breakfast in the Snapes' quarters and while he didn't recall what exactly Draco had eaten, he did know some of what had been presented for the meal. "I can fry the rest."
"Whoa, hold up there—magic." She caught his shoulder as he started for the stove.
"Isn't too much magic bad for the baby?"
"What? No. The more, the better. It can feed off of it." She blinked. "Wait, don't tell me you actually know how to do it without…well, you're certainly a strange one." She looked him over from head to toe. "Impressive. I didn't know there were folks like you that still existed. You're a rare kind."
His brow furrowed together in a silent question. She sighed. "You know, I'm not a mind reader, if you'd just ask what's on your mind, I wouldn't mind answering." She thwapped him lightly on the shoulder and turned around to direct the mixing bowl, ladle and a griddle over to the stove. "Every individual in a circle has a specific function. The Sub often holds spillover energy in addition to their own powers and whatnot, to burn it off, they handle more duties than other members. Namely, you take care of the cooking, the cleaning and the general banishing, in addition to hosting and whatnot."
Harry's eyes narrowed. "Why?"
"There's no house elves here, darling." Calida moved around him and continued with her work. "And it's a safe and healthy way to burn off the magic. It does build up quite a bit you know."
"Terius had house elves in-"
"If we did our magic outside of boundaries like Nevarah, everyone would know we still existed." She wrinkled her nose. "Imagine what a media nightmare that would be. House elves are happy to help when we're"
"This just became better and better." Harry said, darkly. In addition to the pile of etiquette he'd yet to know of, there additional things he was required to know-things that reminded him of ugly memories from a little house in Whinging Surrey on number 4 Privet Drive. He stifled a shudder. This wouldn't be the same, he tried to convince himself. Even if he had to cook and clean, he'd handle it. So far, Theo hadn't seemed to expect any of that from him and Charlie, well, Harry was fairly certain the redhead wouldn't push or press him to do anything. Having lived on his own as well, Harry was certain the redhead knew a few household spells.
"...ry. Harry!" She snapped her fingers in front of his face and jumped back when he scowled at her. "You needn't look so put out about it." Calida nudged him gently out of the way as she continued her cooking-preparations. "It makes sense. The Alphas often handle all the political, financial and social maneuvering and believe me, that's very necessary. Betas are like alpha understudies, they learn to stand in, just in case. Pareya, well, they usually learn some fighting in addition to specific protection spells and defenses attuned to their element, a Gheyo simply fights and they are often directed by the Alpha in the whole handling the political and social bit, so they have offensive spells and intensive fight training, in betweens, well, a Healer is a healer, a Carrier is a Carrier—we can help with some things, like the cooking, as we're originally subs ourselves, who didn't really care to get into the circle thing." She shrugged. "In my case, I just…I was never able to." She drew a deep breath. "But anyhow, if there's a Royal, well so help me, they're like an Alpha and a Pareya rolled into one and if they ever lift a finger—well, I've never heard of it. The pickiest as they come too, that lot." She snorted. "If it's an Advisor, well, they can choose what branch of magical study they prefer, but it'll largely depend on their element and inheritance. If you have a Seer or a companion added as well, the same to them, with the Seer being more of a companion, in that they'll practically be your shadow." She grinned. "Have I sufficiently confused you for the morning?"
"Just about." Harry smiled, thinly. "So the subs are pretty much-"
"Awesome." Calida grinned. "I can practically see it your head. No, they're not like little housewives and all that, they have power, they have attitude and believe me, just because they know a few more spells—after all, you know those in addition to your own elemental or inheritance training—it is very impressive to give a scolding, while you're simultaneously dusting down the flat, doing the laundry, cooking dinner and casting Casper wards." She giggled. "I last carried for Terius' sister, the big one, I forget her name. I'd remember if I saw her face. A lovely baby girl." She smiled. "The woman has a temper, goodness me. There were some wonderful moments there." She snickered.
"Here, take this." She extended her hand again. "It's nothing if you don't know them or use them. There's some places that actually do, but the house elves, well, there are elves in Nevarah and they don't like that their own kind is in a magically bonded servitude. We have free elves working, but—well, why bother when you can simply cast a few spells. It honestly doesn't take much at all. A little practice and if you're keyed to your home, then you can do it with a snap of your fingers. Besides," and here she shrugged yet again. "A circle's function is all for the sake of the sub, everything that's done, it's for the sub, even when children come along. Taking care of the things that matter—such as knowing which mate eats what, when, keeping their favorite spaces cleared, scenting their clothes as their washed, well, it's a way of thanks, sort of. If you want to teach them the spells as well, there's nothing against it, just that most of them never learn—simply because they don't have to."
Harry stared at her and then at her hand for another long moment and then he went ahead and accepted the transfer. It was a rush of spells, the theory, the history and the practical use, that came rushing through their connected fingertips and slotted away in a corner of his brain.
"You're welcome." She moved around him again and continued on with breakfast. "And I'll manage for now, you don't have to worry about it." She worked in silence for a few more minutes and then paused to look at him. "Some of your general ideas, from the muggle world and the wizarding world, well, we're happy on both sides, but we also have our side. It's complicated, twisted and very difficult to wrap your head around, but when you stop thinking of it, it will make sense." She sighed. "You see Harry, an alpha may make some important choices and is the rock for their circle, but if they were to do something the rest of the circle disagreed with, who would stand up to them?"
Harry thought for a moment. "The fighter? The Gheyo?"
"Oh no, that'd be a death sentence—for both of them."
"Probable, but no. They'd argue 'til time's end."
"Sub?" He said, at last.
"Two points for bravery." She agreed. "The Sub would, the one who also has the power to decide who is eating, who they are welcoming and just who is in favor. It doesn't make you any less of a person, man or woman." She waved a spoon over and took a careful sip of the gravy. "Blech. More salt." She waved another hand and set about righting it. "It does place a great deal more responsibility on your shoulders though." She gave a jerk of her head to the left. "Put the placemats on the table, would you? I know I gave you the spell for that…"
Harry almost smiled as he turned towards the indicated doorway. From her point of view, everything should be fine...he nearly laughed. He should have expected something like this, after all, since when was his life ever normal? That thought did bring a smile and Harry let the earlier funk go. It was fine. He could handle it. He'd managed pretty decently so far, hadn't he?
A smirk registered.
And Harry cracked his knuckles, feeling completely devious for a full minute.
A/N: Well, I survived the wedding, but my car broke down on the drive back. Oh joys. I've got to get it fixed and I've been home for all of a whopping five hours, no thanks to crazy tow-truck people and whatever. Anyhow, this is a bit of an interlude chapter, as we meet Calida, Bold is for when Calida is speaking Spanish, as I like the variety, but I am mostly annoyed when I see too many foreign phrases popping up in fanfiction, so I'm using this bold text trick instead.
Break-down of the ranking system in a mated Dragel Circle, in order of their ranks to each other. Every individual starts out as a Sub, but by the time they are of age, certain circumstances determine what they will be.
There can be more than one sub, (twin subs are rare, but exist) and in such situations, one sub is more dominant to the other and marked as either Lyte(Sub sub) or Dru(Sub dom), they mainly defer to the dominant one of the pair in certain situations where a vote or specific action is required, but there is no physical intimacy between them, as in most cases, twin subs result as twin siblings.
Alpha-Sub (on the same level, technically)
Beta-Royal (a Royal stands apart from the circle and has the same level of authority as a Beta, seeing as they are a functioning Royal(crown, power, people), but they do not use their authority within the circle unless necessary.)
Pareya. Most common top 2 positions Pareya Deracle (protects entire circle except for Sub. Will actively protect all in the face of danger, but is submissive to the Toracle). Pareya Toracle(Protects submissive and Deracle only. Will actively ignore other "mates" in the face of danger). There can be up to three heads or five hands total of Pareya, afterwards, the circle is no longer a mated circle, but a Pareyic Coven.
Gheyo- Additional Gheyo, fall under ranks of Ace, King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Joker, Squire. There can be an entire hierarchy within these ranks, the Gheyo ACE, answers to the alpha and keeps all others beneath their authority. More than 7 hands of Gheyo makes them a Military Circle
Companion (can be a mate with a special ability, whose sole function is to be a friend for the Sub without a specific role, such as Pareya would ensure the Sub eats, is protected, etc. Healer will look after health. Beta would play peacemaker between Alpha and Sub. The Companion is precisely that, a companion and does not necessarily need to have a intimate relationship with either the sub or the alpha to enter the circle and be accepted.
Carrier-can be included in the mateship or simply a temporary Dragel for the purpose of easing the stress of childbearing. The Carrier is often a sub with no inclination to become a Sub or form a circle, but with strong submissive tendencies towards family/children and an incomplete inclination to become Pareya.
If the circle is "overtaken" or merged into another circle, then the new rankings are as follows.
Rheyo (elected Beta by all, to help bridge between the old and new circles, sometimes it is the former alpha)
Beta (former Alpha or former Beta),
Eta-if former Alpha takes the title of Beta, then the Beta becomes "Eta" this is rarely used however, because most circles try to keep the chief rankings solid, to minimize upheaval.
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