The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Perfect to me
As Hermione woke, she became immediately aware of Severus' body pressed up against her back. She'd finally managed to fall asleep despite his unexpected trip to Malfoy Manor. She didn't know what time he'd returned, but one thing was for sure, he was in a deep sleep because there was no insistent hardness pressing against her bottom and thankfully no snoring.
Their bed felt like a protected haven, and she relished the closeness of their bodies. She loved how they would wake up in the morning with his arm lying across her belly and his legs tangled with hers, but usually when he was more conscious the comfort of this position was compromised by a hardness poking into her which begged to be relieved. But this morning she revelled in the delicious, soft warmth of his flaccid manhood against her backside. It just felt deliciously natural―not that his usual morning erection didn't―but to feel him so completely relaxed and comfortable was really quite special.
She was so absorbed in this wonderful feeling that it was only when Leo jumped onto the bed that she bothered to check the clock.
"Oh shit!" Hermione said out loud before she disentangled herself and turned to face her dark-haired man. "Sev," she whispered urgently as she swept his curtain of hair behind his ear. "It's seven-fifteen. We need to get up, or we'll be late for breakfast."
She was greeted by a grunt, but nothing else.
"Severus, please, we need to get up," she said more insistently, shaking him by the shoulder.
"For fuck's sake," Severus growled sleepily. Since the two of them had begun to share a bed he'd finally managed to shake off his internal clock's insistence to wake at five-forty-five, and Hermione couldn't help but giggle as she observed him trying to be intimidating whilst looking as if he'd been dragged through a hedge backwards.
"Come on, grumpy face, we need to get up or else we'll late for breakfast," she urged.
Severus cracked open an eye and looked at his wild-haired witch. "Grumpy face? What sort of insult is that?"
"A cute one," Hermione teased as she quickly pecked his cheek.
She went to roll out of bed, but found her progress impeded by a strong arm being wrapped around her torso, before being pulled back towards Severus' body. She smirked as he growled playfully.
"A cute one? I'll show you how un-fucking-cute I am."
"Headmaster, what do you think you're doing?" Hermione asked with feigned shock as his other hand cupped her breast, while he nuzzled behind her ear.
"What do you think?"
"We need to get to breakfast, Sev," Hermione moaned as he lightly pinched her nipple before manoeuvring her so that she was on her back with him hovering over her.
"No, we don't, although I am quite hungry and I know exactly what I want to eat," he purred whilst kissed down her neck before gently running his tongue over her delicate collarbone.
"Severus, stop it," Hermione groaned. She tried to battle her sense of duty with her need for Severus, but due to the hard presence poking into her thigh, he was winning.
"I don't believe I shall. I was remiss in not showing my appreciation of you last night, and last year I set the precedent...I was never at breakfast," Severus muttered, kissing down over Hermione's chest before cupping one breast as his lips sought out the other rapidly pebbling nipple.
"And besides," he continued in between long, curling strokes of his tongue, as well as teasing scrapes of his teeth over her taut bud, "I really don't think we should be discussing our fears for the Ministry in front of the school."
Hermione keened softly. "You...should be...there," she stuttered as Severus continued to lavish his attentions on her. "It's the...first day."
"I promise I will be at dinner tonight," he whispered against her soft flesh before his tongue flicked back and forth over her hardened peak. "Which," he continued after sucking and releasing it with an audible pop, "is infinitely better than last year when I didn't attend any meals."
He began to blow gently over her wet nipple when Hermione moaned breathlessly, "Why?"
Severus hoped she would let the question go unanswered, but when she repeated herself, he stopped his ministrations with a frustrated sigh before flopping back down onto his pillows.
Hermione rolled onto her side and propped herself up on her elbow to brush his hair out of his eyes.
"If you must know, I felt nauseous most of the time, and whenever I did eat I had...retention issues," Severus admitted awkwardly as he ran his fingers through his hair before putting his hand behind his head. "I lived on pain, vitamin and sleeping potions, coffee, firewhisky, Missy's mystery soup and toasted ham, cheese and pickle sandwiches―which are excellent by the way―crisps, and chocolate biscuits."
"That wasn't very healthy," Hermione said automatically without really thinking.
"Oh really?" Severus groused sardonically. "I wondered why I felt so shit. I put it down to constantly living in fear of a psychopath who loved to use me for Cruciatuspractice, having two fucked up deputies who were intent on killing my students, as well as trying to find ways to stab me in the back, and worrying that you three would end up dead. But thank you for enlightening me."
Severus instantly regretted his words as Hermione suddenly moved away from him and swung her legs out of bed.
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry." Reaching for her arm, Severus stopped her from leaving, and felt a pang of relief as he halted her escape. But his heart soon sank as he saw her furtively wiping her eyes. Sitting up, he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Come here. That was...uncalled for. I didn't mean to upset you."
Hermione remained at the edge of the bed. "It wasn't exactly a walk in the park for me last year, either," she sniffled as the bed dipped, before feeling the comforting caress of his lips against her shoulder.
"I know," Severus whispered as he scooped her hair away from her neck before brushing his lips over the exposed skin. "Don't think I am unaware that you still have issues eating sometimes or of the amount of weight you lost. I know things are improving, but I was still quite shocked by how badly affected you were."
Hermione snorted softly. "You were shocked? When I first saw you in St Mungo's, I couldn't believe it was you. You were like a skeleton. Those robes of yours certainly hide a lot."
Severus moved closer to her. "I've managed to put it all back on again...and more," he admitted coyly as he continued to nip at her neck and ear, before adding, "although I think I'm putting on too much now thanks to the amount of chocolate a certain witch keeps forcing me to eat."
"I don't force you to eat it. Somehow it seems to find its way into your mouth and usually by your own hand," she teased as she turned her head to kiss him.
"Sounds like chocolate has the same attraction to my mouth as my—"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence," Hermione warned playfully.
"Or what?" Severus purred seductively as he pulled her on top of him so that her back was against his chest, and allowed his hand to travel down to cup her sex.
Hermione could feel the hard length of his erection pressed against her, and placing her feet flat on the bed she instinctively ground down on him. She felt the growl, which formed deep in his chest, vibrate against her as his middle finger slid between her rapidly moistening folds, and sank into her heated channel. She forgot what she wanted to say, but managed to stutter out, "Or I'll...I'll...oh fuck it," and whimpered as his finger slipped back through her softness and sought out her tight bundle of nerves.
Severus' voice dripped over her as he whispered in her ear, "Oh, I intend to."
Severus was sat on the sofa, poring over correspondence and nursing a cup of coffee when Hermione walked into the living room. He'd already ordered a breakfast of toast, croissant, orange juice and coffee for them both, but Hermione couldn't resist stealing a piece of buttered, marmalade toast from Severus' plate before flopping down crossed-legged on the sofa to face him.
"I did order enough for both of us," Severus groused without looking at her.
"I know, but this was just begging to be eaten," she told him cheekily as she took a bite.
"That seems to be a common theme around here," Severus smirked giving her a sideways glance.
"Behave! We've already played this morning. So, what time did you get home this morning?" Hermione asked as she reached for her juice.
"Around three," Severus told her before taking a sip of coffee.
Hermione looked concerned. "No wonder you look so tired. Was the trip worth it?"
He nodded and put his coffee down before picking up a bit of toast. "We need to find the incantation Vincere Sanguinis et Corporis," he told her nonchalantly. "Interestingly, this form of Polyjuice specifies the use of fresh blood rather than any other human matter. Which makes sense considering blood magic is known for its power and longevity. That, of course, narrows our field of research—"
Hermione began to chew her bottom lip. "How would they get some of Kingsley's blood?"
"Do you really wish to begin speculating? It wouldn't have been obtained by happy accident. And if we are dealing with this form of Polyjuice then Shacklebolt is unlikely to be residing comfortably at home," Severus drawled.
"Well, we've got to—"
Severus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "—think Hermione. What we've got to do is think. We've got to find the incantation, identify the magical trace, and then we've got to work out a way of getting close enough to detect said trace—"
"Blood magic can be detected through the skin," Hermione interjected confidently.
"Indeed it can," Severus drawled, "but let's not get ahead of ourselves. We need to find the incantation and examine its properties. Pius advised that he will be monitoring Shacklebolt's movements more closely so that he can work out a way for us to discreetly detect the trace."
"Was Pius there, then?"
Severus nodded. "He was staying over with Narcissa."
"He seems to stay over a lot. Doesn't Lucius mind?" Hermione had to admit that she was worried about Lucius, especially with the seemingly hopeless Fleur situation and his volatile relationship with Draco.
"I don't think he cares," Severus sighed. "In fact, he just barged into her bedroom and told him to get his arse downstairs. Oh, and I believe Pius was rather touched by you throwing yourself at him to thank him for his help with your parents."
"I didn't throw myself at him. I just gave him a hug," Hermione told him defensively.
Severus snorted. "I don't think Pius has had many women throw themselves at him or 'just give him hugs'. You are quite possibly the third after Alice and Narcissa."
Hermione took a sip of her coffee, and prepared to take another bite of toast. "What was his wife like?"
"I didn't really know her. Having said that I've only really known Pius for a couple of years. Lucius knows him much better from his Ministry days. All I know about his wife was that she was a Ravenclaw in the year below me, and Pius absolutely adored her. It very nearly destroyed him when she was killed."
"That's so sad," Hermione whispered mournfully.
"I can appreciate how he must have felt, but at least we've both been afforded a second chance to be truly happy," Severus told her bashfully. But before Hermione could respond with something equally soppy, he reverted back to the original discussion. "There are a number of texts here and at both Snape and Malfoy Manor which touch on blood magic, so—"
"Where shall I start?" Hermione enthused.
"Nowhere on your own," Severus stated emphatically.
"No!" he barked before adding more softly, "you are not adept enough in the Dark Arts to counter all that may seek out and corrupt your magic. I won't allow you to endanger yourself."
"Oh alright!" Hermione groused before taking another bite of toast.
Severus looked at her and arched an eyebrow. "I mean it," he warned.
Hermione covered her mouth as she had her mouth full of toast and ground out, "I said alright."
They sat in tense silence for a few moments before Hermione said tentatively, "Luna certainly knows how to handle Draco, doesn't she?"
"She was quite inspired. I find my opinion of their relationship somewhat restored," Severus admitted thinking back to the events of late last night and earlier that morning.
Professor Malfoy's chambers: Several hours earlier
As Hermione left to retrieve Luna, Draco resumed hurling accusations and insults at his father. Severus had considered using more diplomatic methods of calming his friend and godson down, and had just thought how well Lucius was keeping his temper in check when he noticed the older man's wand arm twitching. Not wanting the first case of filicide on school grounds for five hundred years to happen on his watch, the headmaster knew he had to revert to his own tried and tested methods of diplomacy, and with a flick of both wrists, the room filled with blue light as both Malfoys were frozen in their tracks.
Both men glared at the dark-haired wizard with matching cold, steely grey eyes, but the timely Immobilus had cooled their anger sufficiently for Severus to release them. Lucius was about to speak, but his friend simply held up his hand to stop him by performing the first hand movement of a Langlock.
"Will you two please sit down?" Severus growled. "May I suggest that you try to resolve your issues with each other once and for all? And if you can't do it for yourselves then do it for my sanity because I refuse to continue playing referee to your bickering."
Draco snorted and muttered, "Well, if he had been a better—"
"I advise you not to finish that sentence, Draco," Severus snarled as he sat back down on the sofa. "I agree that your father is far from perfect, but be fucking grateful that you didn't have the father that I did."
Lucius wasn't quite sure if that was a backhanded compliment or an insult, but decided to choose the former. He remained rooted to the spot as Severus leant forward, his elbows resting on his knees, and asked Draco, once again, who had requested his assistance in viewing the Luciferan Grimoire.
Draco sighed. He ran his fingers through his short blond hair and disclosed that it was his aunt.
"Are you sure Voldemort sanctioned this?" Severus asked cautiously. "He made no mention of a task to show your worthiness before taking the mark. His anger at Lucius alone made you worthy even if it was just to humiliate the family."
"Auntie Bella thought it was brilliant that Voldemort hadn't confided in you," Draco explained with a slight smirk.
Severus gave his godson a wry smile, and chuckled to himself at Bellatrix's desperation to prove herself again to the Dark Lord. It was obviously a ruse, but he didn't want to make Draco feel any worse than he already was.
Unfortunately, Lucius didn't feel the need to be so sensitive. "Did you not think that she was trying to drive a wedge between you and Severus and usurp Severus' position?" Lucius growled angrily.
"Well, let's see. I was fucking scared. I didn't know what to think. Auntie Bella may have been a crazy bitch, but at least she was there for me," Draco hissed back.
"And where was your fucking mother!?" Lucius yelled at him.
"Visiting you. Everything comes back to you being a fucking―"
"Draco, that's no way to speak to your father," a soft voice said from the doorway.
The younger blond wizard turned to the door and saw his girlfriend walk into his chambers with his curly-haired friend. "Luna, you don't—"
"—understand? It was horrible when I was separated from Daddy, and then he had to do things that he didn't want to do. He said they were so convincing, especially when they were threatening me. That didn't stop me from being annoyed with him when I was locked in the dungeons at your house. I just wanted my Daddy. But we all got used in one way or another, so we just have to accept that and move on," she told him reassuringly as she walked towards the sofa. "Why don't you come and sit down?"
That was a rather succinct summation, Severus mused in Hermione's mind.
I told you! She's as sharp as a tack even if she is a bit eccentric.
Lucius threw Severus an incredulous glare as the dark-haired wizard stood to sit in one of the arm chairs. "Sev, what is all this about?"
"All in good time. We just need to know who wanted to see the text for now," Severus informed his friend whilst watching his godson wander over to where Luna now sat.
As Draco slumped down onto the sofa, Luna turned to him, and in an almost cheery tone asked, "Why don't you tell us all what happened?"
Draco shifted uncomfortably before he cleared his throat. "Just after Father was sent to Azkaban, Auntie Bella came to me with Uncle Rod and Yaxley and―"
"Yaxley was there?" Lucius queried.
Draco could tell by the tone of Lucius voice that Yaxley's presence meant something, and as he nodded, he awaited some barbed comment from his father.
But Luna took her boyfriend's hand and addressed Lucius almost sweetly. "Wasn't Yaxley meant to be there?"
"Let us just say that, unfortunately, it makes sense that he was," Severus interjected.
"Well, that's good, then," Luna commented whimsically, squeezing Draco's hand.
Hermione moved to stand next to Lucius and whispered to him to sit down before taking his glass from his hand and walking to the drinks cabinet. "Would you like anything to drink, Luna?"
"Just a mint tea, please," the young witch replied distractedly, while looking between Draco and Lucius carefully to assess the situation.
Hermione decided to join Luna and summoned Winky to bring them some mint tea before she refilled Lucius' glass. She also poured Severus a large firewhisky even though he'd not asked for it, knowing he would need one.
"Carry on, Draco," Severus urged as he took a sip of his drink, and Hermione perched on the arm of his chair.
"Auntie Bella said that Voldemort was looking to put an imposter into a high level position within the Ministry, and Father had given him permission to access any of our Dark texts—"
"Did you?" Severus interrupted, looking at Lucius.
"Did I bollocks! And anyway, since when did he need permission to do anything?" Lucius groused angrily.
The surly wizard snorted at Lucius' response before he realised that Draco was looking at him almost pleadingly to reassure him that he hadn't been taken for a complete fool. Unfortunately, the headmaster could not offer that comfort, but somehow Luna was managing to keep him calm by tracing patterns on Draco's Dark Mark with her fingers.
Severus chose his words carefully. "It is quite possible that dear Bella anticipated the Dark Lord's desire to infiltrate the Ministry, and in order to regain favour after the failure at the Department of Mysteries—"
Severus paused. He placed his arm across Hermione's lap and gently squeezed her knee when he felt her tense. Although Hermione was perfectly aware of everything Severus had done during the war, she could not deny that it was sometimes hard to listen to Severus speak from his position as Voldemort's most trusted servant, no matter how erroneous that fact was. It was especially hard to hear him refer to the engagement at the Department of Mysteries as a failure for Voldemort when she had been so badly injured.
"—she thought she would offer up a solution."
He then looked at Lucius. "And I suppose your sister-in-law knew Abraxas had a copy of the Luciferan?" to which Lucius nodded.
Severus continued. "After the Ministry refused to surrender following that incident, and with the quick appointment of Scrimgeour once Fudge had been dismissed, Voldemort realised that despite effectively being at war, he couldn't go for an all out attack. Bella was frustrated at being excluded from strategy meetings because Voldemort found her constant simpering and blood lust quite distracting at a time when he had to tread carefully. All skirmishes had to serve a purpose, whereas she was prone to random acts of wanton violence. So Fenrir and Yaxley were effectively appointed as Madam Lestrange's babysitters to rein her in.
"Despite the Dark Lord having spies on the inside, the new minister quickly established powerful allies within the Ministry and the public at large. So, he decided that the best way to destabilise Scrimgeour was to destabilise the populace, and that was where you, and ultimately, I, came in."
"By killing Dumbledore," Draco stated dolefully.
"Precisely. Of course, shortly after that plan was made, Voldemort decided to target Pius as Scrimgeour's replacement, but the method to procure his co-operation was not determined until after the New Year. I have no doubt that the Dark Lord's study of the Luciferan texts over the years instilled in him the importance of mind control to win the cause, but he wouldn't have had to refer to it to cast an Imperius. Interestingly, whilst Bellatrix was still excluded from these discussions, Yaxley wasn't. In fact—"
Severus pondered this for a moment before asking, "Draco, who spent the most time in the vault?"
His godson shrugged. "Well, they were all in there, but you know how distracted Auntie Bella could get. Once she saw a few pretty things she—"
"We all know what she was like," Severus snarked before asking another question to determine the information he needed. "Did Yaxley read the text?"
"Can you remember which of the three books he looked at?" Hermione asked.
Draco was becoming flustered. "No. I hung back. I hate those kind of books. You never know what they're going to do to you," he admitted sheepishly as Luna muttered something about him being very wise.
"It doesn't matter," Severus blustered dismissively.
"But," Draco said hesitantly, "I do remember Rod muttering something about Barty Crouch Jr., and Yaxley saying that if Bella was right then it should be in this one and—"
"Push the memory forward," Severus ordered, suddenly moving to kneel before Draco so that their eyes were level. The younger wizard knew what was coming next, and flinched as he felt his godfather enter his mind.
It didn't take long for Severus to find what he was looking for, and as he pulled out of Draco's mind he was immediately on his feet. "Lucius, I need access to your vault."
"Fine," his friend shrugged distractedly. "What time will you—"
"Now!" Severus barked.
Draco looked at Severus in a panic. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, Draco," Luna told him soothingly, "because you've told Severus what he needed to know. You've done your part."
"It was the Contineri Corporis, wasn't it?" Hermione asked urgently whilst mentally telling Severus to calm down.
Severus sighed and put his arm around her whilst pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yes. I wish now I hadn't been so hung up on the Contineri Menti," he grumbled. He then pressed his lips to Hermione's forehead and muttered, "You go to bed and I'll—"
"No! I want to go with you."
"I know, but you're teaching tomorrow. Just go to bed. Please," he implored wearily.
"Well...just don't be late," Hermione blustered, much to Lucius' amusement.
The older blond wizard's attention then fell on his son. He walked towards him and gently squeezed Draco's shoulder. "Come over for dinner tomorrow night," he offered.
Draco accepted the invitation, and Lucius turned to Severus. "Headmaster, may I make a request?"
"You may," Severus drawled.
"I believe Miss Lovegood should remain here tonight with Draco."
Severus sighed deeply. "I'll allow it just this once. I will temporarily open the Floo between here and Miss Lovegood's room," the headmaster advised before turning his attention to Luna. "You must depart for breakfast from your own room, Luna. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, Headmaster," Luna confirmed airily.
Severus gave Luna a curt nod before he turned to Hermione and said in her mind, I shouldn't be long. I love you, as he gave her a quick peck on the lips. "Sleep well," he told her verbally before he turned on his heel and Flooed with Lucius to Malfoy Manor.
It was with the events of last night still on his mind that found a frustrated Severus walking into the new Founder's room, which was situated near the Great Hall. All the Founder's portraits had been moved there at their insistence. Unfortunately, for the headmaster, all the portraits were empty when he arrived.
He cleared his throat and drawled respectfully, "My Lady Ravenclaw."
A moment later, the graceful, unflustered image of Rowena Ravenclaw appeared in her frame and sat down imperiously before deigning to look at Severus.
"Ah, Headmaster, what brings you to see me?"
"My lady," Severus began assuredly, "I have come to seek your counsel regarding the wards. I find that I am unable to alter them in terms of those who can enter the castle grounds without prior arrangement."
"Ah, you refer to the Minister for Magic and the Head of the Board of Governors?" the Ravenclaw founder mused.
"More specifically the Minister," Severus stated.
The rich, West Country drawl of Godric Gryffindor was heard before he arrived in his portrait. "What is your reasoning, my boy?"
Severus bowed his head in greeting. "My lord, we find ourselves in an awkward position. We are unsure if the man currently occupying the position is an imposter. We may be dealing with a Polyjuice potion of extreme longevity, which may be able to fool the blood wards."
The Scottish witch huffed. "That is indeed a bold statement, Headmaster."
Severus inclined his head deferentially. "I appreciate that it may yet be an unfounded statement, but—"
"Your duty is to the safety of the students and staff of this school," Gryffindor interrupted.
Severus merely nodded as an unnerving chuckle was heard, and Salazar Slytherin slipped into his seat. "And to think the current minister is one of yours?" Slytherin mocked Gryffindor.
"Oh shut up, snake!" Gryffindor bit back.
Severus addressed Slytherin directly. "My lord, there is a strong possibility that we are, in fact, dealing with one of ours."
"Such sloppiness to have been potentially caught out," Slytherin groused.
Rowena Ravenclaw looked down her nose at Severus as he rolled his eyes at his House founder and smirked before informing him, "You are quite right that you cannot bar the Minister for Magic on your own. It is a safeguard to protect the school from tyrannical heads more than anything else. However, it is possible to change the wards, but you will need assistance from one that the castle will accept."
"Oh, I thought it was you, Headmaster," the cheery voice of Helga Hufflepuff chimed as she arrived in her portrait. "How's your lovely Hermione? You know she still hasn't come to see me."
"Can you blame her?" Slytherin muttered.
Severus smirked before he said, "I'm afraid, my lady, that Hermione has been rather busy of late."
The portly witch giggled. "Well, I would be busy if I had a man like—"
"Yes, yes, we don't need that image in our heads, thank you," Rowena blustered. "But speaking of Hermione, the castle would certainly allow her to assist. After all, when your souls bonded part of her strengthened the existing blood wards. However, I would suggest you change the wards in the comfort of your own chambers."
"My lady?"
"There will be much magical power passing between the two of you. It can be quite a moving experience. I'm sure you understand my meaning, Headmaster," the surly witch drawled.
"I do," Helga grinned lasciviously.
"Indeed," Severus scowled. "The incantation is the same as usual, I presume?"
Rowena nodded. "It is indeed, but it must be spoken by you both simultaneously. The key words are Ministraretis Magicae and Capite Tabula Quae Imperantium."
"Are you suggesting I exclude the Head of the Board as well?" Severus queried.
"Yes," Godric piped up.
Severus considered this. "It would make my move less suspicious. I am, after all, only implementing additional measures following the events of Friday evening."
"And you are not seeking to bar them from entering the school, but merely preventing them from entering without prior appointment," Gryffindor stated.
Severus huffed lightly. "I suppose my drinks cabinet will be depleted less often if Lucius can't just walk in at his leisure."
Gryffindor snorted. "Spoken like a true son of Slytherin."
"Actually I wish to speak to you on that score, Headmaster," Slytherin hissed. "How is our Muggle-born as you prefer them to be called?"
"I spoke with the boy last evening, and I believe he will be a great asset to our House. He is already settling in well. The hand of friendship has been extended to him on a number of fronts, and yet although he is quite affable, it is obvious that he is choosing his allies carefully. I also believe there is something quite devious about young Mr. Ashbourne," Severus advised.
Slytherin grinned as if some dastardly plan had fallen into place. "Excellent. Ensure you bring him before me soon, Severus."
"Indeed, my lord," Severus said graciously before thanking the portraits for their time and informing them that he had a meeting to attend.
"Oh, Severus," the plump figure of Helga Hufflepuff called as he was about to leave the room.
With an exasperated sigh, Severus turned to acknowledge the portrait of the Welsh witch. "My lady?"
"Please ask Hermione to come and see me."
"I will," the headmaster confirmed before bowing his head respectfully, and resumed his journey towards his office.
Harry had just finished writing the lesson notes up on the board, when he heard a knock at the door startled him. "Enter," he called out as he started to rearrange his desk again. A small cough caught his attention, and he looked up to see a familiar red-headed witch standing in the door way.
"Ginny...I mean, Miss Weasley. What are you doing here?" Harry asked urgently as she closed the door, but hovered at the back of the classroom.
"Sorry, Professor. I just wanted to wish you luck for your first lesson," Ginny told him quietly.
Harry didn't quite know what to say, but stated rather officiously the first thing that came into his head. "Aren't you going to be late for class?"
"Free period," Ginny whispered before adding despondently, "but I suppose I should get out of your hair."
"Wait...Gin, don't go," Harry found himself saying as he heard the door open. "How are things with you and Blaise?"
Ginny shrugged. "Alright. He's really nice to me. What about you and Cho?"
Harry sat down and admitted awkwardly, "Well, it's certainly better than last time."
Ginny swallowed hard and looked down at the floor. "Oh...good. I'm glad."
"Ginny, know you can come to me if you ever need anything, don't you?"
She looked up him slowly and smiled sweetly. "Same goes for you, Harry. Anyway, I better go, but like I said, good luck and I'll see you around."
"Yeah, thanks" Harry whispered before he suddenly blurted out, "You will be trying out for the Quidditch team, won't you?"
"Of course," Ginny scoffed playfully before her smile left her eyes. She turned and walked out of his classroom before heading off tearily to see the new Potions professor to wish her luck too. Meanwhile, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor sat staring at the door, and hardly seemed to blink when the headmaster walked in.
"I've just passed Ginevra. She seemed..." Severus' voice trailed off when he saw Harry looking just as distracted as Ginny. "When are you going to tell her?"
"Tell her what?" Harry asked, snapping out of his reverie and trying to pretend everything was alright.
"That you want her back."
"Who says I do?" Harry retorted before picking up his new wand and sent a Reducto at the training mannequin at the back of the classroom.
"Oh, no one," Severus smirked as he restored the mannequin wandlessly before contacting Hermione,who was heading down to the Potions classroom. Have you spoken to either Harry or Ginevra about their situation recently?
No, although Saturday morning may have been an eye opener for both of them. Why?
Harry's denying any interest in wanting her back yet is destroying things, and a teary Miss Weasley didn't even know I walked past her.
Oh well, they'll be back together by the time she leaves here.
Do we have to wait that long? Severus groused.
They danced around each other for years before finally getting together so I would say...yes!
Hermione stood at the back of the Potions classroom, deep in thought as she observed her heavy wooden desk―not that she actually thought she could claim it as her desk just yet. To her, this was still Severus' desk.
For five years, she viewed this desk with trepidation because whenever she approached it she knew that she would be judged. Although she had to admit for the last two years that Severus was the Potions professor, she hadn't minded approaching the desk quite so much as she vainly hoped that he would look at her, talk to her, make him acknowledge that her presence affected him just as much as his presence affected her.
Of course, the last part was purely the wishful and lustful thoughts of a girl on the verge of womanhood. But she was sure that on a couple of occasions after the Yule Ball where she did make eye contact with him that his expression softened. It wasn't much to go on, but these brief moments fuelled a number of night-time explorations of herself.
When Slughorn took over Potions in her sixth year, this was still Severus' desk in Hermione's eyes. Her detention fantasies, even when he was Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, had all been served over this desk, with Professor Snape's voice purring utter filth against her ear as he ploughed into her relentlessly.
The funny thing, she mused as she walked towards the desk, was that she had never expected that particular fantasy to come true, but after mentioning it to the headmaster that very morning just before he left their chambers, he pulled her to him and growled, "Detention, Miss Granger, on Monday next. Meet me in the Potions classroom at ten o'clock after curfew. Do not be late." She was sure her lips were still buzzing from their ensuing kiss.
Hermione trailed her fingers over the dark wood before her attention was drawn to two beautifully wrapped gifts which sat on an envelope addressed to her. The handwriting gave the identity of the sender away immediately. She wasn't sure what to open first, but opted for the boxes.
She started to unwrap the long, flat package and was amazed merely by the workmanship of the wooden box which was inlaid with silver metal, blue and milky white gemstones before she had even discovered its contents. Tentatively she opened the box and nestled within the sumptuous red velvet lining was a set of flawless glass stirring rods. She quickly divested the cube shaped package of its wrapping and found a similar wooden box with the same red lining, but it contained a set of six ornate crystal vials.
She hurriedly opened the envelope and found that the most precious of the items found on the desk was contained within the words before her.
I commissioned these on the day I agreed to offer you an apprenticeship as it is traditional for a Master to present their Apprentice with the tools of their trade upon their first day. Your new cauldrons are in our lab, by the way, but were a bugger to wrap and slightly obvious.
You often remind me that I do nothing without reason, and even in the commissioning of these gifts, this holds true. Perhaps I was more influenced by our bond than I realised―who knows―but the meanings and properties of the materials I chose hold a far greater significance than the purely academic meaning that I originally intended.
I will leave you, my know-it-all, to decipher the overall meaning and its relevance both academically and otherwise. All you need know is that everything is goblin-made, and I chose ash, silver, moonstone and sapphire.
But one thing you should know is that when I was asked about the required quality of craftsmanship, I knew they had to be perfect because, without realising it back then, you are, and always will be, perfect to me.
Hermione's mind began to whir as she pondered the meaning behind Severus' gifts. Lucius had gifted her a year's supply of fine inks by way of a good luck present, and taking a bottle of black out of her bag, she then proceeded to dip the quill Narcissa had given her for her birthday into it, noting down the properties and characteristics of each material.
Goblin-made glass – unbreakable, reliable.
Ash – promotion of intelligence, wisdom, curiosity, problem solving, communication, love and protection. Helps balance the mind and enhances the skills of the scholar or artist.
Silver – represents purity, promotes harmony and peace.
Sapphires – my birthstone, represents truth, mental clarity, trust, commitment, sincerity, insight, comfort, courage, strength, protection, balancing of moods, fostering constancy in love.
Moonstones – passion
As far as a gift to ones apprentice goes, much of the above seemed like platitudes, but as a gift to ones lover, it represented a passionate, constant, unbreakable love which provided comfort, sincerity, protection, strength, and courage as well as balance, harmony and peace. What made these gifts more remarkable was that they were created before their relationship began, and yet they represented their relationship in a nutshell. And with this knowledge, and whilst re-reading the last line of his note, she found herself desperately trying not to cry.
Hermione was broken from her reverie by a knock on the door, and looked up as Ginny popped her head round the door.
"I should be, but I got distracted," Hermione admitted, carefully placing one of her crystal vials back into the box.
"Are those from Severus?" Ginny asked curiously.
Hermione snorted softly. "Yeah," she confirmed as she glanced up to see a look of consternation on the red-head's face. "Are you alright?"
Ginny considered the question for a moment. "Umm, I've done something stupid."
"What was that?"
"I went to see Harry."
"I mean I really like Blaise, but—"
"He's not Harry?"
Ginny looked at the floor and nodded. "But he seems quite happy with Cho."
Hermione huffed. "Since when has asking someone to a ball and taking them to lunch constituted being quite 'happy'? I mean, he saw her for two minutes last night, and they're going to Hogsmeade on Saturday. They're not exactly close. He's not slept with her, whereas I assume you and Blaise are at it like rabbits?"
"Well, yeah, know it just feels meaningless. I mean at least with Harry...well, there were times when it wasn't great, but at least it didn't feel meaningless."
Hermione arched her eyebrows as she watched Ginny fiddling with her sleeves. "So are you getting bored of Blaise already?"
"Well, not of the sex, but—"
"It's not enough?"
Ginny nodded. "And I know that if Harry can find himself I can have more with him―"
All Hermione wanted was for her friends to be happy, but she had to ask, "What will you do if, by the time Harry finds himself, he turns out to be someone you don't like?"
Ginny shrugged. She rested her elbow down on the desk, before cupping her face in her hand. "I suppose I'll have to move on."
Hermione contemplated the red-head's plight, but suddenly became aware of he time. "Look, I've got to get everything set up for my lesson. Why don't you come to the Burrow with me tomorrow night? I'm sure Minerva or Draco would sanction it."
"Yeah, alright. So who are you teaching first?" Ginny asked as she picked up Hermione's notes.
"Group A first years," Hermione replied. With a flick of her hand, the chalk began to write her notes on the board as she walked over to the store cupboard.
"What do you mean, Group A?"
"I suppose it doesn't affect N.E.W.T.S students, but... it's my fault, really," the curly-haired professor admitted sheepishly. "You know Sev wants all the Houses to work together better? Well, he was talking to Minerva about how even in lessons there were divisions, and I mentioned my one Muggle friend who went to the local grammar school―the one I'd have gone to if I hadn't come here―and they were placed into Houses, but all four Houses were mixed together for lessons. Anyway, they both loved idea, and Severus still does, but he's not the one who puts the timetables together."
Ginny snickered softly. "I bet McGonagall loved you."
"Err, no!"
The red-headed witch laughed, but her improved mood was suddenly shattered. "Oh, have you heard that Gabrielle Delacour is coming to Hogwarts?"
"Oh bollocks! That means I can't slag off my sister-in-law in peace."
It was Hermione's turn to laugh. "I thought you'd be pleased."
"Right, well I'm off before you make my day even more miserable," the younger witch pouted before cracking a big smile. "Seriously though, Professor, good luck. I know you'll be fine. I've already seen Nev, and now I'm off to see Draco."
"I think Draco will appreciate that. Him and Lucius were at each other's throats last night."
"Yeah, he wasn't at breakfast this morning, but you'd have known that if you'd been there. The general consensus was that you and Severus were shagging," Ginny told Hermione with a wink.
"The general consensus amongst whom?" Hermione asked urgently.
Ginny shrugged. "Everyone, and by the way you're blushing I'd say that is exactly what you were doing."
Professor Granger arched an eyebrow. "I'm not saying either way because knowing how much Fred and George have worn off on you, I expect there's a book running on it."
"There's no need to be so hurtful," Ginny groused lightheartedly. "Anyway, we weren't running a book. Dean and I just had a friendly sickle bet on whether you would blush when I brought it up. So, thanks, love."
Suddenly Hermione found herself saying, "Ginny, you're one of my best friends, and I know we talk about everything and anything, but that's between us. Please don't talk about my relationship with other students."
Ginny snorted. "Oh alright. I'll buy you a drink out of my winnings."
"See that you do," the curly-haired professor playfully admonished the red-head.
"My dear girl, I just wanted to wish you luck," Horace Slughorn bumbled upon entering the classroom just as Ginny left.
"Thank you, Horace," Hermione replied sweetly.
"Yes, there's no need to worry, my dear. First years are rather unassuming, and you could tell them anything and they'd believe you. I doubt any of my students remembered their first Potions lessons," Horace snorted nervously.
"That's a shame," Hermione pondered whilst packing her gifts and note away in her bag, "because I remember my first Potions lesson perfectly."
"Ah, so you were enamoured of him even then?"
"Merlin, no!" Hermione snorted. "I decided that I hated him. He ignored me and then called me a stupid girl, but despite being an arse, I can't deny that his lessons were memorable. And if my lessons can be as memorable as his then I'll be happy. Will you be staying?"
"Isn't the headmaster observing you as part of your apprenticeship?" Horace asked in the hope that he could persuade the young professor that his presence was not required, as the armchair in his chambers was almost begging him to have a quick snooze in it.
"He is, but I would have thought that as head of department, you would have wanted to satisfy yourself with the knowledge that I'm up to the job," Hermione suggested with a mischievous grin. She had no intention of letting him think that he was going to have it easy this year at her expense.
Slughorn went to speak when both of them heard the unmistakable footsteps of Severus Snape walking towards the classroom.
The elderly wizard looked flustered and quickly tried to think of a response. "Well―"
"Ah, good morning, Horace," Severus drawled smoothly as he strode into the classroom.
"Headmaster, how delightful to see you," Severus' former teacher blustered. "Young Professor Granger was just asking me if I would like to stay for her lesson, but―"
"Excellent idea," the dark-haired man interrupted before giving Hermione a subtle wink. "It would be reassuring I believe to see that the students you are not teaching this year have been left in capable hands."
And believe me, they are more than capable in a number of ways, Severus teased in Hermione's head.
Stop it! Don't you dare make comments like that when I'm teaching, Severus.
He indignantly arched an eyebrow at her, and Hermione knew the sharpness of her response had upset him a little, but his eyes softened and flashed towards Slughorn as he continued to think of a satisfactory retort to Severus' comment.
"Well, if Professor Granger does not mind―"
"Not at all. It would be an honour," Hermione stated demurely, which seemed to appeal to the older Potions master's ego.
"Oh well, in that case then, how can I refuse?" Slughorn acquiesced.
Severus smirked as he walked to the back of the classroom and sat down. "Well it's quite simple, Horace: you can't."
Hermione sat in her office, taking deep, fortifying breaths as she waited for her class to arrive. Her mind was whirring with her lesson plan and its back up plan, as well as myriad fears, which could easily be summarised under the heading: will I be crap?
Will you stop worrying? Severus purred in her head.
I'm not.
Well, can you stop projecting your non-worried thoughts at me, then? I can hardly hear myself think.
Sorry I―
Don't be sorry; be yourself. Don't try and be me, and certainly don't be Horace. You're going to be brilliant.
Her ears pricked up as she heard the students begin to file into the classroom, and had a small panic that she'd spelt Anna Davies name with just an I . But she calmed when Severus' reassuring voice came back into her head. I think they're ready for you, Professor. Not that you need it, but good luck, sweetheart. Oh, and you did spell her name correctly!
Hermione smirked before walking into the classroom to be greeted by twenty expectant and apprehensive faces.
After one final deep breath, Hermione's teaching career began.
"Good morning, and welcome to your first Potions class. Now, not so long ago I sat where you're sitting and wondered what this subject was all about. And I remember quite clearly what my Potions professor told us.
'You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death...'
"Now, you're probably just as confused by that as I was at the time," Hermione continued, despite Severus grumbling in her head, there's nothing confusing about that. "But as we begin our journey into the art of Potions, you will see how true and relevant those words are. So, can anyone tell me what we use potions for?"
And with that a sea of hands went into the air.
An hour later, as the chattering students packed away their books, Slughorn called out, "Excellent lesson, Miss Granger," and scurried away before the last student had even left the classroom. Severus, on the other hand, lingered, and once they were alone, he warded the door before walking up to Hermione and wrapping his arms around her.
"How did I do?" Hermione asked nervously.
Severus smirked. "Do you really need to ask?"
"I was very impressed," he whispered as he brushed his lips against her hair, and gave her a squeeze. "Although you did miss out my favourite line."
"Did I?"
"Yes; 'If you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach' means a great deal to me."
Hermione pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm just glad it went alright. Oh, and thank you for my presents, and―"
Severus cut her off by placing a finger to her lips. "I should be the one thanking you," he told her soberly, "but, alas, now is not the time for sentimentality.
"Hagrid is coming to Beauxbatons with us on Thursday, by the way. Seemingly Madam Maxime has decided that she would like to give things another chance now that the war is over."
"That's brilliant!" Hermione exclaimed cheerfully, before adding cautiously, "I hope he doesn't get his hopes up too much."
"He's a big boy―physically and figuratively―he can look after himself, but I wouldn't like to see him get hurt, either," Severus admitted. "I will need your assistance to adjust the wards tonight."
The curly-haired witch was surprised by this. "What the castle wards?"
"The very same."
Hermione looked puzzled. "But I thought you could adjust them yourself?"
"Ordinarily I can, but not on this occasion," Severus informed her with an air of frustration in his voice. "Now, may I walk with you to lunch, my lady?"
Hermione eyed her wizard carefully before standing up on tiptoe and planting a kiss on the corner of his mouth. "You're too kind."
Hermione and Neville had rounds that evening, and spent most of it discussing the plants the Herbology professor wanted to cultivate, as well as the fact that Severus had agreed that Adrian could stay at the castle on Fridays and weekends when they didn't have anything else planned.
As she walked into her and Severus' chambers, Hermione was immediately greeted by something she hadn't expected. The living room was completely dark aside from the fire, and no lights could be discerned from underneath the various doors which led off the main reception area. If it hadn't been for that fact that Severus' frock coat was flung over the arm of the sofa, she would have assumed that he was still in his office. Which would have surprised her as she knew that he'd planned on adjusting the school's protection wards tonight.
However, a faint scratching sound from the bedroom suddenly attracted her attention. She opened the door to see a faint light coming from under the door of their en suite which illuminated a white fur ball swiping and clawing at the door that stood in the way of him and attention.
Hermione smirked and scooped her cat up so she could fuss over him. "Is Daddy ignoring you?" she asked, pouting on her familiar's behalf. "Oh, my poor baby. I'll go and tell him off for you. Would you like Mummy to do that? And shall I get Winky to get you some din-dins?"
Leo looked at Hermione with utter disdain until din-dins was mentioned. He wriggled out of her arms and jumped up onto the sofa only to become miffed when his witch removed the mass of black fabric that he'd just decided would make a perfect nesting place for the evening.
Knocking on the bathroom door, she called out, "Sev, are you decent?" When no answer was forthcoming, she thought to him, Where are you?
In the bath.
Hermione looked confused until she opened the door and was nearly knocked backwards by the blare of rock music, which she shut off with a wave of her hand.
"Apologies; I utilised a silencing charm," he admitted sheepishly. "I finally got used to being able to blast out my music and suddenly realised that with the students back, it wouldn't do for them to think the great bat actually had pretty good taste in music."
Hermione laughed as she sat down on the floor at the edge of the bath. "You call that good taste?"
"Well, it's better than the insipid shit you listen to," Severus bit back playfully as Hermione flicked water at him. "Better?" he asked as he flicked his wand and Chopin filled the room.
"Much better," she agreed, leaning over to steal a kiss from him.
Severus ran a wet finger tentatively along Hermione's jaw line. "It would be much better if you were in here with me," he purred against her lips.
Just before she pressed her mouth to his, she sighed with feigned exasperation and whispered, "Oh, OK. If you insist."
But closing her eyes to enjoy the moment meant that she missed the mischievous sparkle in Severus' eyes. And by the time she heard the rumbling, Oh I do, in her head, she was already falling and screamed as she hit the steaming water fully-clothed. Her frantic splashing and writhing only earned Severus' deep laughter, which as much as she normally loved to hear it, was, at this juncture, rather annoying.
"You utter bastard!" she yelled as she thumped him on his chest, hating the way her clothes felt heavy and clung to her body.
Severus was still chuckling away to himself as he grabbed her wrists to stop her from performing any form of retaliatory magic, and before she knew it she was lying across his lap, his tongue insistently exploring her mouth.
"I would've preferred to have undressed first," Hermione grumbled against his lips, but soon all thoughts of wet clothes were forgotten as he manoeuvred her to straddle his lap. He then wrapped his arms around her and ran his hands sensually over her back.
"I know, but you hardly ever use magic to undress yourself, and you always take too long. I wanted you in here now, and besides, the idea rather amused me," he teased before suddenly realising she was now naked, with his cock stirring against the apex of her thighs.
"Well, it didn't amuse me, but the reason I don't like undressing by magic is because I love watching your eyes when I undress in front of you," she whispered against his ear before running her tongue over the delicate shell.
Severus groaned at the feel of hot breath and wet tongue, and pushed his head back against the edge of the bath as Hermione trailed kisses along his jaw and grazed her teeth over his chin. "I love the way your breathing changes as you undress me," she murmured, gently gyrating her hips over his now hardened member, causing her soft folds to rub along his shaft.
Nuzzling his neck she inhaled deeply, relishing in how the spicy mix of oils in the bath mingled with his natural scent.
"I love the way you still bite your lip when you first touch me," Hermione mumbled breathlessly.
Now it was her turn to throw her head back as Severus' hands moved from her back to the side of her breasts, and as her back arched and exposed her breasts to him, his hands encompassed the soft creamy globes entirely. As he brushed his thumbs against her taut buds, she groaned, "And I love it when you do that."
"What else do you love?" Severus asked her, his voice caressing her as gently as his hands.
"This," Hermione breathed as she placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed herself up. Before long, the surface of the water was rising and falling as the curly-haired witch languidly slid up and down her wizard's length.
Hermione was sitting crossed-legged on the living room rug, wearing only a vest and a pair of cotton sleep shorts, as she knew she would be too warm if she wore anything else in front of the fire. She was reading through the paperwork that Severus' solicitor had sent through pertaining to their cottage.
"Is Leo alright?" Severus asked as he walked into the room.
Hermione nodded as she continued to read. "He's fine, I think. Why?"
Severus groaned softly as he sat down on the floor, mirroring Hermione's position, and her eyes flashed hungrily when she realised he was only wearing a pair of pyjama bottoms. "He just seems to be taking a long time to eat his dinner. I fed him when I―"
"You fed him?" Hermione asked, looking up from the parchment.
Severus nodded. "Well, as you keep reminding me that he's our cat I―"
Hermione laughed heartily. "Cheeky little bugger! I fed him when I came in because I couldn't see his bowl so―"
"Ah, that will be my fault," Severus admitted. "I told Missy to clear it away when he had finished. I'm getting pissed off tripping up over it. I presume you asked Winky to feed him?"
Hermione nodded and chuckled. "Well, thanks for feeding him. I―"
"No problem. Besides, you wouldn't come home and not feed my dog, would you?" Severus mused.
Hermione's brow furrowed whilst Severus tried to look innocent. "What dog?"
"Well, I know it's silly, but I've always wanted a dog," he admitted sheepishly. "My parents wouldn't let me have one and I could never have cared for an animal before now."
"What about Obs?"
"He's a bird, and he can hunt for himself. He never needed me," Severus told her quietly.
Hermione nearly melted as Severus' expression became that of an expectant child awaiting their parent's agreement. She was often reminded that he'd been denied much of what most young adults took for granted. At first, it seemed strange that he'd play his music far too loud, as well as almost getting excited about staying up until the small wee hours talking, or lying in bed until midday, or even ordering a pizza at midnight—even though getting Missy to make it wasn't quite the same. But this simple admission nearly broke her heart, and it took all of her self control not to blurt out, "Let's go and talk to Hagrid."
But she was reminded of the young couple who lived over the road from her parents. They moved in together, bought a dog, got married, had a baby, but then had to have the animal rehoused when it took a dislike to their child. And although there was no timetable for these momentous events to take place, Hermione didn't want that situation to occur.
"I'll do you a deal. You can get a dog after we've finished with having children," she said, watching his eyes for signs of disappointment.
Thankfully, and slightly surprisingly, there was no pouting from the dark-haired wizard, although he did sound a little disappointed. "I suppose that would be sensible. I remember Lucius had issues with his dog, Triton, when Draco started walking."
"Did they have him re-homed?" Hermione was quite shocked when Severus shook his head slowly, and decided to gloss over the fact that Lucius had obviously killed the animal by asking, "What kind of dog would you like?"
Severus smirked. "No idea, but it'll be a big one."
"I thought it might be," Hermione teased as she resumed reading the parchment. "So, the cottage will be ours next week according to this."
"Indeed. Just sign where necessary and I will send it to my solicitor tomorrow."
Hermione beamed. "Oh gods, this is so exciting. Can we go furniture shopping next Saturday?"
"Yes, you can damage my credit card next Saturday. We'll go to London and stay over at the flat," Severus told her dismissively.
"Have I told you lately that I love you?"
"Yes, and it is just as well, otherwise I would think your latest half-arsed declaration was aimed more at my credit limit than me," Severus teased before leaning forward to kiss her.
"So how do we go about this?" Hermione asked as Severus handed her another piece of parchment which detailed the required incantation to adjust the castle's protection.
"We have to join hands, make eye contact, and deliver the incantation simultaneously."
She read the words again.
Castellum ipsius tutores, isita magicis antiqua ambiente nostrum est suscipere nostram instantiam excludunt Ministraretis Magicae et capite Tabula Quae Imperantium transitu sine prioribus custodiarum licentia.
Hermione read the translation aloud.
As guardians of this castle, we beseech the ancient magics surrounding us to accept our request to exclude the Minister for Magic and the Head of the Board of Governors from crossing the wards without prior permission.
"Why are we excluding the blond one?"
Severus ran his fingers through his hair. "To alleviate suspicion. My first duty is to the safety of this school, and after everything that's happened, I've simply decided to exclude all but staff and students from crossing the wards without prior permission."
Hermione sighed. "Makes sense, but why couldn't Minerva help you with this? Is it because of this supposed prophecy that has yet to materialise?"
Severus bit his bottom lip. "Partly, but we've all seen how the castle responds to you, and since we soul bonded it accepts you as part of me."
She huffed angrily and dropped the piece of parchment onto her lap. "I just hate that this unknown prophecy is still hanging over our heads"
"Sweetheart, prophecy or not, it won't change how we feel about each other. It will just clarify the parts we are meant to play, and from what we know already, it would seem to involve some kind of protective role. Don't dwell on it," he told her before taking her hands and tracing soothing patterns on the underside of her wrist.
Hermione tried to take comfort from his words, but an air of righteous annoyance still surrounded her. "So, is there anything else I should know about before we do this?"
"Only that Rowena said the amount of magic flowing between us would possibly induce quite a moving experience," Severus told her knowingly.
Hermione chuckled. "Is that a polite way of saying we might end up having sex?"
"The things I have to do for this school," Severus sighed, trying to look put out, but his eyes couldn't hide the fact that he was getting turned on by the prospect.
"Well, if there is any potential shagging going on, I'm glad Minerva wasn't the one to help you." Hermione teased.
Severus grimaced. "Oh fucking hell, 'Mione! Let's get on with this so I can banish that image from my head."
And twenty minutes later, as elemental magic still coursed through their veins, and Hermione's walls constricted around him, Severus successfully managed to banish that unpleasant image as all rational thought emptied out of his mind.
A/N: Behold no time, the trouble a bit of Veritaserum can cause.
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