Shades of Grey | By : SpeedyTomato Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 104035 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 21 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter nor do I make any money off this dance in the realm of strangeness and smut |
Chapter 42
Beta'd by the amazing Tenchi. You're the best, woman, and thank you!
With help from Lynn who works with me when it comes to flow, continuity and other issues.
Just a reminder of what's on my profile; reviews complaining or whinging about the lack 'o sex in stories will get deleted. If you want a smut-filled romp, you need to find another story to read.
Rereading the paper Lupin had delivered that morning with the bombshell article in it, while running his fingers through the sleeping Harry's hair, Lucius was smirking hugely. Perfect. Utterly prefect! He knew what was in it, of course, but he couldn't help but read it again as everything they had planned for had gone perfectly. They had not only every bit and bob in there about so much, but the complete genealogy of the Dark Lord himself. This, more than anything, was bound to set things on fire. In fact, he was sure it was going to set off such a massive bomb in their world that he was glad the three of them were out and somewhere safe. He doubted that there would end up many places anyone that was Magical could hide. Unless, of course, you were from a family like his that had homes that weren't known. That was about the only out you were going to have. Black should do fine as his abode was as equally fortified. Everyone else? They better start protecting themselves.
Lowering the paper and taking a sip of his drink, he looked down at Harry. As normal anymore, the man was sleeping after mucking about. That was fine and he didn't mind, despite the fact that Harry doing this was bound to set off more dreams. As it brought him pleasure and Harry seemed content to sleep like this, even seemed comfortable doing so as it was now habit, he would let it continue, dreams be damned.
Continuing to run his fingers through Harry's hair, he sighed softly, smiling just the tiniest of bits. This was good and he enjoyed it. Relaxing, he didn't flinch when he felt Nagini slither on him and drape over his shoulders. Harry didn't even move, though he mumbled something in his sleep, as Kaliya slithered up and relaxed, stretching across his sun-baked back. “All is well?” he asked the snakes. As they had been off in the wooded areas around the house, he assumed they had been hunting.
“We are quite fine,” Kaliya assured him, finding a comfortable place to lounge on Harry's bare back. Giving a contented hissy sigh, he said, “This is ever so nice. I do believe I'll miss it when the weather turns cooler.”
Smirking slightly, Lucius said, petting Nagini's head, “I believe we all will, Kaliya. It's quite comfortable and the summers are far too short. We can keep the area around the pool a steady temperature all year long so everyone can continue to partake in swimming, but we can't keep it at this temperature.”
“Which is a shame,” Nagini told him softly, finding a comfortable position over his shoulders.
Head resting on Harry's back, Kaliya looked at the paper Lucius was holding. Of course, he knew what was in it as they had read the article to him, but he had a multitude of questions on the topics discussed in it. “Harry's godfather—he will be safe, will he not? With what you said will come from the article? The same with his friend?” he finally asked.
“Black and Lupin will be fine,” Lucius soothed, reaching out to stroke the snake's head before going back to running his fingers through Harry's hair. “They are sly and cunning enough to keep themselves safe. That I assure you.”
“One can't help but worry,” Kaliya admitted, giving a contented hissy sigh at the feeling of the head rub. “This does appear like it will end up a tricky mess.”
“It will,” Lucius admitted, looking up as Severus made his way in their direction. “We expect everything to explode over what we put in place. Never fear, they'll be fine. The home they stay in is as protected as this one. As they made it through the last war when so many didn't, they know how to watch out for themselves.”
“I don't suppose I pondered it that way,” Kaliya admitted after saying hello to Severus as he took a seat.
After being filled in on what the topic was, Severus snorted then smirked, folding his arms over his chest as he leaned back in his chair, crossing his ankles. “Those two will fare fine. Black was an Auror. He knows just what to do to protect himself. Lupin is no slouch in that department either. If it becomes really bad, they'll get in touch and can come stay here for a time. I don't expect that to happen, though. Grimmauld Place is very protected.”
“Tom's going to be mad,” Nagini said quietly, tongue flicking as she eyed the paper. “Very mad.”
“Oh yes,” Lucius admitted with a nod. “It's not our issue to deal with. Quite honestly, the Ministry should do its job and tend to this, not fumble, wring its hands and placate the masses, something I'm sure is coming. I don't foresee it doing more than fumbling, like happened in the last war. They have plenty of precedence to know how bad it can get to work from. If they don't start implementing safety measures now, they are going to end up in bad shape and all but hand it over.”
“With Fudge at the reins, I expect the Ministry to fall at some point,” Severus snorted, shaking his head. “He may not last if other papers come out with the same facts or run with what was given, but it'll be a case of too little, too late probably.”
“Very true,” Lucius agreed. “They need a strong Minister that's equipped to handle a war-like situation. I don't see that getting in place fast enough to undo the damage Fudge has done. In fact, it's my feeling that even if one comes in now, within the next couple of months, it's probably too late.”
“That very well could be,” Severus admitted with a sigh. “Both the Ministry and Albus have played too much for anything to help them. With the anger that is bound to come from what was revealed, all out war is looming. I'm sure the Dark Lord is already preparing for that. Once he starts, nothing will stop him.”
“All we can do is wait for that and ride it out,” Lucius admitted with a soft sigh and shake of his head. “And hope that someone can do something so it doesn't last long. I shan't hold my breath on that, though.”
“Me either,” Severus admitted softly. Shaking his head, he reached down and gave the sleeping Harry a pat on the leg then began talking to Lucius about how they were going to go about the Animagus lessons. It was one thing to teach something you knew, but another to fumble in learning it yourself, so he wanted to prepare as much as he could.
Over his long life, Voldemort had been mad. Plenty mad. When it came to his attention that Wormtail had betrayed him in a way that most wouldn't even think about, he had been outraged. When Nagini went missing, he had been irate. Dumbledore foiling so many of his plans had caused fits of temper. However, he couldn't remember ever being this angry over anything in his entire life. One quick glance at the paper that morning had him Crucio'ing the nearest low-level Death Eater to the point that he was a gibbering idiot. He had thrown plenty of that particular Unforgivable around after that. The more times he read that article, the more his rage grew.
Once he could at least think straight, he sent a couple of the least incompetent Death Eaters he had after the reporter that had written the article. No, it wouldn't stop the spread of what was in there, but he wanted revenge. What he planned for that bitch was worse than what Bella had done to the Longbottoms. She would pay, dearly, and be begging for death by the time he was done with her. After that, he began planning.
The breakout of his most loyal followers was something he planned to move up and undertake as fast as he could manage. In fact, he was planning to take on the fortified prison within days. The Dementors were already aware of what he was plotting. He had finally negotiated with them and they were, once again, on his side. The Ministry didn't know it yet, so they had the upper hand. Yes, this would succeed then the rest of his plans would start.
The outrage over that article made him realize that the way to go about countering it was not in the press and debunking what was there, but all out war. He would make the unwashed populace forget what was printed because they feared for their lives. Though he didn't think he was ready to take on the whole of the Muggle world yet, he could start and strike fear into them. That he planned to do as well. It was his plan that everyone was going to pay for this outrage, he didn't care if they were involved or not. It was one thing to go after the Ministry and expose their ineptitude, though that didn't help his plans in the least, but a whole other to expose something he worked long and hard to forget. Let alone put doubts into plenty of minds about what he could do. No, it would stop and their world would once more tremble in fear over what he could do. That he vowed.
Sweeping back to his chambers, he ground his teeth. People would start dying very quickly. He already had a running list of those that were the biggest threats. Those he would tend to, fast. Even if he had to do it himself. In fact, there were a few on there he thought it best to do that with. They were formidable and it was best that their last dying vision be of him. While those in Azkaban were good, they would need time to get back to where they were in the past war because of their long confinement. So, that left it to the only person in the world he could truly trust; himself. And he would tend to it, quickly.
From what he could figure, Fudge would be out quickly. Probably in a matter of weeks. Which meant he had to get rid of plenty of wizards that would be in line for that job who could cause him problems. Scrimgeour and Bones were on the top of the list there. Those were two he had to handle himself. And he would, quickly. Then he had to work his way through the Wizengamot. There were people there he thought he could turn or Imperious. That he had to think on. He needed some in place so it didn't look too off. It was just a matter of figuring out which ones were susceptible, something he could manage.
Slamming the door to his suite of rooms, he began to pace back and forth. Oh yes, it was time. In the words of some of those filthy Muggles that had tortured him when he was young, it was time to rain fire and brimstone down on their world once again. Armageddon was at hand and he was the vengeful god that would guide it. Though the paper said he was back, it was time for the unwashed masses to learn that first hand.
Looking around the table at the pale faces, seeing plenty that were just confused, Albus said, quietly, knowing it was the first question that would come, “Yes, the article is true. We know some bits, obviously, but the name and history of Tom is true as well. I do understand this was a juicy story and a reporter would want to run with it, but it's helped nothing.”
“How bad do you think this will get?” Minerva asked, looking at the slightly pale Headmaster.
“I think what we've all been planning for is finally nigh,” Albus said firmly, looking around. “Tonight we need to shift tracks and start preparing for a war that I'm sure has already begun. Tom may have laid low until now, working behind the scenes, but I'm certain that what was revealed has angered him to the point that what we were hoping to head off is now coming.”
“Oh Merlin,” a pale Arthur said, shaking his head.
“We need to prepare,” Moody said forcefully. “All of us. And start beefing up areas to protect ourselves. We don't have much time for that, but we'd better start. As all of us knew coming in, Order members are a target for him. Now will be the greatest threat.”
“And we need to prepare the children, especially those of known Order members. Once they are in the castle for the term, they'll be safe. Until then, we need to protect them,” Albus said firmly, looking around. “I don't know what will come with the Ministry, but we need something in place in the school to teach them to defend themselves. And not Dolores. No, it's time they learn what they have to know.” Albus said forcefully, looking around. “We have only about a week and half before term starts to do this. So, first and foremost, I want all of you to fortify your home's the best you can and protect yourselves. For those we know have problems with warding staying up and whatnot, we'll send teams to work with such matters. Start learning to go places in groups. Use the trouble signals we've set up. All those measures we've talked about for so long we knew we would need now need to come into play. This is for your own safety.”
“We'll start setting up teams of us to work with those areas,” Remus said, looking around after seeing Albus nod. “I'm going to say we start with the Burrow then press on from there. As Ron and Hermione are so close to Harry, not to mention Molly and Arthur's relationship there, I'm betting that'll be a target. Those wards might not stay strengthened for long periods, but we need to keep applying them. The homes of family members not in the Order itself need to be done as well.”
“Yes, we'll go with that,” Albus said firmly. “We all know who is best with warding and will start using you to do what we can to protect ourselves. That comes before anything else. Once that's tended to, we'll use Grimmauld Place as a central hub for many areas. Information will come through here. Sirius and Remus will then pass it to me once the term starts. We'll also use this as a safehouse if people appear they are in danger. Until we can find somewhere else that’s safe. Anything else we can think of we'll put in place as we can.”
“What can we expect from the Ministry? Or doesn't anyone know?” Minerva asked, looking around. Already, she was sliding into the mode she had been in during the last war and preparing for the worst, but firm in doing her part.
“We don't know,” Albus admitted with a sigh. “What Kingsley, Tonks and Alastor have been able to get or tell is that everything in that article, aside from Peter having taken Harry, is being backed up by Peter himself.” Stopping there, he gestured for Kingsley to continue with that bit.
“He's singing like the loudest bird out there,” Kingsley told everyone. “And he's giving up facts, under a truth spell, that back up everything Albus has told Fudge all along and more. There is no doubt that he's been in the presence of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in the last year. While I can't get into all he's said, as it's bound by the official secrets act, he's confirming what we need other than where it comes to Harry. He's cut a deal to take being Kissed off the table. That and for protection from the followers of the other side. So, he's singing. He knows if he lies that he's going to meet a Dementor, quickly. How Fudge is reacting to this I don't know, but there's little denying it. Even Rufus and Amelia believe it and are already scrambling to deal with it. This article pushed them to work faster.”
“What's the status on Sirius?” Arthur asked, still pale over the ramifications of what was said so far. He didn't like it or that he was faced with having his children deal with the nightmare that was on the horizon, but he would. It was the right thing to do, after all.
“Kingsley and I, both, saw the pardon papers Amelia drew up,” Tonks said, looking around. “They are filled out, including the clause for reparations, and are now on Fudge's desk. When he signs them, or if he does, isn't something we know.”
“I'm sure he will, soon,” Albus said, pleased with that. “I would guess tomorrow. Let me see what I can find out. The only part I can see is he may do it quietly so it doesn't leak out. However, as this article makes it clear Sirius is innocent, and giving evidence for that, he may do it publicly. I still have some contacts in the Ministry willing to listen, including a couple on the Wizengamot. Let me see what I can push for.”
“The faster I get cleared, the more I can help,” Sirius told the old goat honestly. What he didn't add was the help he planned to give wasn't to Albus, but to the three hidden collaborators who were helping set this on fire.
“That we need, yes,” Albus nodded. “Badly. Let me see what I can manage. I'm not sure Cornelius will listen, but there are others that may at this juncture.” Changing topics, he said, “We need the safety for all of us done first. I'm also going to work on beefing up security at the castle and getting someone, somewhere, to take over DADA. It's late in the summer for that and Cornelius thinks he has one in place, but I have enough wiggle room in that decree that if I do find someone, I can get them in place. Let me see what I can do. Some may be more willing than they were with what is coming out. That can only help the younger set.”
After seeing nods, Albus pressed on. “Once we get all that in place later in the week, I'm going to start on two separate things we need to concentrate on. What I'll be doing is splitting the Order in half to work on two areas. One will be headed by Minerva. What she's going to take on is the hunt for Harry. I want everyone who has any contacts in the Ministry to see what they can get by way of information on that. I'm sure we all know the same bits, but we need to know for sure. The other I'm going to have Alastor lead. It's one that's different, but needed. I'll explain more at the first meeting.” Seeing nods, he said, “While Minerva will be in the school with me, she can easily lead the hunt as all of you can get information to her, without a problem. I plan to find better ways to get in touch with all of us as I'm sure the fire this will set off will have the Ministry scrambling to protect Hogwarts among other areas. We'll discuss all those matters when I set up the meetings.”
Waiting until she was sure that Albus wasn't planning to say more, Molly asked, quietly, looking around, “What about the Muggle-borns that can't protect themselves? Hermione is safe as she's with us, but there are plenty of others that need help as well. I know they don't have long until school starts, but we need to worry about that. Along with some of the children in the castle that are kids of known Death Eaters. If this sets on fire how we think it will, all our children need to stay wary of what might come.”
“That is a consideration we are looking at as well,” Albus told her with a firm nod. “I have a teachers meeting scheduled within the week. We're going to put in place everything we can think of, Molly. I'm just going to school that you warn yours and Hermione to stay wary of what might be traps. If they suspect anything, they are to come to Minerva or myself. Gryffindor, sadly, is the one house that probably has to stay on alert. They are like a beacon to the other side for various reasons. Minerva and I will work something out so they have fair warning to watch themselves. I'll quietly get with the other heads of houses to do the same.”
“Who are you going to get for Slytherin?” Remus asked, curious about that. “That's a tricky dance.”
“I believe I can persuade Horace Slughorn to come back. I know he's not the most popular of teachers with so many, but he's up to taking this on. And I can easily work with him to keep watch. I believe he's better than any other I could think to appoint. I'd rather get him in than let the Ministry appoint someone. If they don't back off, that would be Dolores and it would end in disaster. This is a far better option.”
Groaning, Sirius shook his head, “He was an arse. It's the better of a bad lot, though.”
“It is,” Albus admitted with a sad shake of his head. Pressing on, he changed topics, “We have plenty in place we need to tend to, however, we also need to stay wary. Tom is probably having a fit of rage unlike anything we've seen before. That makes him unpredictable. He's also lost several trusted followers. That won't help anything for any of us. Which means we need to keep an ear to the ground the best we can. All of us here have contacts we can get information from. That we need to start doing. Any foreshadowing of what he might be trying to organize or do will be most helpful. For now, we'll keep it among ourselves as none of us are sure what is coming with the Ministry. As that shuffles itself, we'll decide what to do. However, be on the lookout for several big explosions of some sort. And for some of the tactics from the last war. I'm sure that plenty in the Ministry are already taking measures to protect themselves.” Quietly, Albus then began to walk everyone through the standard protections they all should remember from the last war, though probably needed reminded of. Plus, there were others now that weren't around at that time and they needed informed of them as well. It was something they all needed to start doing again while they worked on what needed taken care of or looked at. He didn't want to lose any more people than he had to. The last war had cost them plenty, but they had learned from that, so he hoped this one wouldn't end up as catastrophic.
As the old goat droned on, Sirius muttered, trying to keep the grin from showing, making sure only Remus could hear him, “And comes the maelstrom*.” Finally, the war was here. Though it wouldn't be pretty, it was what they needed as that meant they could end it sooner.
*ancient quote, author unknown
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