The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Thursday morning arrived to find the headmaster sitting at his desk, draining yet another cup of coffee whilst finalising preparations for the Beauxbatons trip later that day.
Although Severus was downing coffee as if it were going out of fashion, it was more through habit than the need to keep himself awake. When he was a spy, sleep was something that Severus never took for granted. He often had been called upon at unholy hours or would find himself in situations where sleep was not an option. For years, his sleeping patterns had been controlled by potions and alternated regularly between Wideye potion and caffeine, sleeping draughts and Dreamless Sleep.
But since the end of the war, apart from his nightmares, Severus could finally sleep. He'd weaned himself off the potions and since sharing a bed with Hermione, he had fewer nightmares and was sleeping better than ever.
So, the thought of sleeping alone–or worse, on the sofa–rather disquieted him. But thankfully he'd managed to avoid either situation, which was a miracle considering what had occurred the day before.
The Day Before
Pius had called Severus just after lunch to inform him that Ronald Weasley was about to be transferred from St. Mungo's to the Ministry holding cells for interrogation. Severus' presence was required that afternoon to perform Legilimency on the youngest Weasley boy, before reporting his findings under Veritaserum.
"Oh for fuck's sake," Severus groused as the call ended. He then contacted Hermione.
Sweetheart, I have to go to the Ministry. Weas...Ronald is being transferred to the Ministry for interrogation.
He's alright then?
Evidently. I have no idea how long I'll be, but hopefully I'll be home before you go to the Burrow.
I should hope so as I'm not going until after dinner. Anyway, here come my third years. I'll speak to you when you get back. Love you.
And I, you.
Unfortunately, the next time he spoke to Hermione, it was less than cordial.
Ever since the students returned to school, Severus had become increasingly disquieted by the constant hushed whispers and speculation regarding his relationship with Hermione. Even the gossip columns were full of false reports of their engagement, their marriage, and the conception of the Prince heir.
He could ignore the papers. The papers and his fire were already well acquainted, but what he couldn't ignore were the eyes of sniggering, hormonal, teenage girls who looked between him and Hermione―or just at him―during meals or in the corridors, and the whispered analysis of their every interaction.
Upon his return from the Ministry, Severus found himself walking wearily towards the dungeons in search of a friendly face, when he heard a group of fourth year Hufflepuff witches discussing his and Hermione's absence from breakfast that morning.
The reason was quite simple. Severus had woken up to Hermione gently nuzzling his balls, and a round of rather gentle morning sex ensued. As far as he was concerned, their lovemaking was sacrosanct, so when he heard speculation over whether they'd had sex, how they'd had sex, and was Severus hung like a Hippogriff―the overwhelming conclusion being yes―the red mist descended.
Minutes later, the young witches stood trembling as the headmaster laid into them verbally. Typical Hufflepuffs, he'd sneered to himself. Severus concluded his rant with a flourish as the Hufflepuff point counter sank into the negative, and Filch had his first victims of the year.
Severus' mood had not abated by the time he'd descended the stairs towards the Potions classroom, and it was made worse as Professor Slughorn came towards him.
"Ah, Headmaster, your young lady taught a flawless O.W.L.S lesson today. Perfect demonstration of the Invigoration Draught, and all successfully brewed. Well, apart from young Wiggins, but, as I always say, there's always one."
"I wish everyone would stop referring to her as 'my young lady'," Severus blurted out. Fuck! That came out wrong.
What he'd meant to say was that Hermione was her own person and an extremely capable witch. Of course, she was his, but she wasn't a possession. She was his by the grace of some deity or madness on Hermione's part. But her abilities had nothing to do with him, and as such he didn't want people treating her as if he had some kind of influence on her talents.
Unfortunately, he'd had to take industrial strength Veritaserum in order to provide a verifiable account of Ron Weasley's Legilimency interrogation, and the faint trace which remained in his system was making his tongue a little looser than usual. What made it worse was that the classroom door was open and his clipped remark was overhead.
Hermione was in a foul mood as she cleared up the desks–not a pleasant task, she'd concluded–when she heard Severus' comment. She, too, had heard the whispers of speculation, and her nerves had been frayed by her Fourth Year Group B. She also couldn't help but wonder what had occurred at Ron's interrogation because not only could she feel that Severus was stressed, but his orb had been testament, too.
"Are you alright?" Hermione asked as the door slammed shut, and Severus walked to the front of the classroom.
"No," he grumbled, leaning up against her desk.
"What happened?"
"After Weasley's initial objections to my presence the Legilimency went quite smoothly. It was just tiring. I'm so used to just dipping in and out these days that sustained occlusion is more taxing now that I don't meditate and practice Occlumency every day."
He pinched the bridge his nose and exhaled forcefully. "The information he provided will prove useful to a point. He certainly didn't kill Alexandra Carson because he was...otherwise engaged. Pius has sent Aurors to corroborate his alibi in case it was a manipulated memory, but I could find no tell-tale signs, so I believe he's innocent of murder.
"As for the rest, he's only guilty of voicing his disillusionment with his friends and the outcome of the trials to the wrong person. There is evidence of coercion regarding the events of Friday night, but he was still complicit in discussing potential plans to bring about my downfall. Interestingly, he opposed any plan that involved any physical harm to my person, or anyone else's. He vehemently opposed Yaxley's offer to have you dealt with when you broke up with him."
Severus had to admit that although the smear campaign had not been pleasant, he was grateful that Weasley had at least a modicum of decency to preserve Hermione's life.
"He is being transferred to Azkaban as we speak. It is regrettable, but necessary to maintain appearances. Both Shacklebolt and Yaxley expect him to go there, but Pius has decided we should wait two weeks before trying to recruit him. He's also decided not to inform Shacklebolt of the plan until his true identity can be established. Anyway, I'm meeting Arthur for a drink whilst you're out tonight so that I can unofficially apprise him of the situation."
Hermione was still trying to get her head around the revelation of Yaxley's offer to Ron. She whispered, "That's nice," before blurting out, "so why are you still in a bad mood, and why am I no longer your young lady?"
"Well, if you will eavesdrop you're likely to overhear something out of context," Severus sneered, pushing himself away from the desk.
He began to pace in front of his witch. "I've just given four Hufflepuffs detention and a one hundred point deduction for speculating about our sex life."
"That's a bit harsh. I daresay it all seems pretty romantic―"
"Well if speculating about whether I took you roughly from behind with my hippogriff-sized cock is quite romantic then remind me to reacquaint myself with the dictionary definition of the word," he snarked, raking his long fingers through his hair. "What gives them the fucking right to discuss what I consider so precious, not to mention private, in the middle of the corridor?"
Hermione sighed deeply. She knew there was little hope of placating Severus whilst he was in this mood.
"As much as we would prefer them not to discuss us, it is expected," Hermione stated calmly. "We're in a public relationship, and―"
"Well I wish I wasn't," he snapped back at her.
Hermione gasped. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Just that. I wish I wasn't, so from now on our relationship remains completely behind closed doors. We can't sit next to each other at meals, or be seen together unless it is unavoidable," Severus informed her coldly.
"What?" Hermione asked incredulously.
Severus continued, but with more anger in his voice, "I can't stand the scrutiny."
"You know if we sit apart the scrutiny will be worse. They'll speculate that we've had a row...that we've split up."
"Well, that's preferable to how did I fuck you last―"
"Is it? Is it really?" Hermione railed at him.
Hermione felt as if he'd slapped her across the face. "Just be careful what you wish for," she snarled.
"What do you mean?"
"What is it you always say? Oh yes, 'Whatever problems we have, we'll face them together,' and yet you can't face a group of little girls."
"Perhaps you're looking for excuses. Am I tarnishing your oh so bright reputation? Are you trying to let me down gently?"
"Oh for fuck's sake, that's not―"
"No, you listen to me Severus Snape. If I have to hide our relationship again; if you can't be proud of us...well you know what? Go to dinner on your own and then see what you think is better."
Severus' voice softened as she turned her back on him. He started to move towards her. "Hermione, I―"
"NO! Just leave me alone."
She closed her eyes, battling her tears, but didn't cry until she felt the rush of air as Severus brushed past her, and heard the door slam.
When Hermione didn't arrive for dinner, Severus tried to contact her, but to no avail. She was ignoring him. He picked at his food as hushed whispers and nudged elbows pervaded his consciousness. It was when he noticed Ginny's absence from Blaise's side that he wondered if she'd already left for the Burrow.
Damn her! Damn all fucking women. They ask you to leave them alone, so you do, and then they fuck off when you're about to crawl over broken glass to apologise, he thought angrily, stabbing at a piece of broccoli.
It was this action that drew the attention of the two youngest professors, and like a contagious disease, the speculation bug seemed to have infected them, as well.
Harry was the first to succumb. "Oi! Nev, why's he trying to break the plate?"
Neville leant in to the bespectacled wizard and whispered, "Well, Hermione's not here. I bet they've had a row."
They didn't noticed the tall, black figure stand up from his seat, but they heard his words as Severus leaned down between them and growled, "It's bad enough the students are speculating without you two gossiping like fish wives."
Harry whipped his head around to protest, but only caught a glimpse of billowing robes as Severus strode hurriedly through the teacher's entrance. Raising his eyebrows, he muttered, "I think it's best if we leave them to it."
Neville just nodded in acknowledgement before returning his attention back to his plate.
Severus' annoyance that Hermione had left without saying goodbye was suddenly replaced by panic as he went to use the loo, and he noticed an absence of clutter on their bathroom shelf. His head whipped around to look in the shower―and quickly whipped back again as his aim had been compromised―and saw her shampoo and conditioner were also gone.
"Fuck!" he roared, rushing back into the bedroom with the knowledge that Hermione intended to stay away all night.
Leo hissed as Severus walked too close to him and his food bowl.
"Where's Mummy?" Severus found himself asking the young feline, only for the white ball of fluff to raise his tail and flash his puckered hole at the wizard.
"Point taken," Severus grumbled.
He flopped down onto the bed and with his hand covering his eyes, exhaled forcefully. He had been staring at the ceiling for a few minutes when his morosity was suddenly shattered by the cheerful voice of Arthur Weasley calling through the Floo. Severus forced himself to get up and strode into the living room.
"Arthur, I―"
"I think we'll go to The Knut and Sickle in Ottery St. Catchpole...excellent range of ales...I'll meet you there in twenty minutes," the older wizard beamed.
"Yes, she's here, and she's fine. Just needs to get a few things off her chest. And I think you do, too. So, hurry up man." And with that he was gone.
The Knut and Sickle was a quaint looking pub with a thatched roof, whitewashed walls, heavy oak door, and blown-glass windows. It certainly wouldn't have looked out of place in any Muggle village in rural Devon. The inside was just as typical with exposed beams, old oak flooring and tables, cloth-covered chairs, and the quintessential log fire.
The pub, which had been bustling with witches and wizards discussing everything from their dinner to the Ministry, suddenly fell silent as Severus, dressed in black jeans, jumper and tight leather biker jacket, walked in. The young barman–an ex student whom Severus knew wouldn't amount to anything– called Royston Fisher, looked nervously at the raven-haired wizard for a moment before managing to choke out, "What brings you here, Headmaster?"
Severus was about to respond when Arthur called out from beside the fire, "Severus, old chap, over here. I took the liberty―" he called cheerily, holding up a pint of a deep amber liquid. The younger wizard gratefully accepted the alcoholic offering and sat down wearily in the tartan-covered wing back chair.
He was about to take a sip of his drink when Arthur held up and gazed lovingly at his own pint. "This one is called Abbotsham Basher. It's a bit on the strong side but lovely nonetheless. Now, do you mind telling me why Hermione was crying her eyes out earlier?"
Severus put his pint down on the table between them, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "I must have still been under the Veritaserum. I never take the antidote because it's usually out of my system quickly. I―"
"That's what I thought, and that's what I told her," Arthur announced smugly. "I know they have to give you twice the dosage because of your immunity, and you were just verbalising worries, which normally would never pass your lips."
The headmaster hung his head, his hair curtaining his face, but not as much as he would like now that he'd cut his hair. "We've always been concerned about the public nature of our relationship. I basically told her that we should limit contact with each other to our chambers, unless it can't be avoided. You know I'm a private man and the fact that my...our private life is being discussed by all and sundry, and not just our private life, but the most private part of it is―"
"Something you'll have to get used to," Arthur pointed out softly. "Do you really think you can conduct a healthy relationship completely behind closed doors?
Severus shook his head.
"I'm glad you recognise that you can't. Severus, everyone's sex life is up for speculation," the older wizard continued. "It's human nature; everyone's interested even if they tell you they're not."
"To be honest, when you've been involved in some of the things I have, nothing is left to the imagination," Severus admitted. "Apart from ribbing Lucius, I have no interest in what people get up to behind closed doors."
"Be that as it may, you are one of the―if not the―most powerful wizard in the country. You are heralded as the Dark Saviour and the youngest Headmaster of Hogwarts. Oh, and your girlfriend is Hermione Granger. You are news, and you have to accept that fact. And you seem to be forgetting―and I forgot it once, and I'm often reminded of the time that I did―you are soul mates. You can walk away, but you'll never be complete without her."
The usually composed wizard swallowed hard and, with a slight crack in his voice, whispered, "I know."
"Look, I can see how being headmaster and having your students voicing their more salacious views in public about your relationship must be difficult, but you can discipline them for that. But you can't stop them from discussing it in common rooms and dorms."
"I suppose I'll have to deploy the Heads of House to spread the word that it's disrespectful to discuss any relationship in those terms," Severus murmured, picking up his drink. He sat back and took a sip, finding Arthur's choice of beer to be rather pleasant.
"That's the spirit," said Arthur genially. "And also think of the example your relationship is setting in our brave new world. You are a half-blood and head of one of the noble lines in a happy relationship with a Muggleborn. What a perfect role model."
Severus considered this and admitted sheepishly, "You're quite correct."
"I know I am," the red-haired wizard chuckled into his pint. "Now, tell me what happened with my son today, and then we'll go and see your witch."
Molly sat on the front porch of the Burrow, speaking calmly to the young witch next to her who was currently holding a Bluebell Flame in the palm of her hand.
"That's better. Remember, if your hand feels hotter or cooler you can adjust the cooling charm, but try and keep the flame steady as well. Can you feel the magic flowing through you?"
"Yes," Hermione whispered, but as she spoke the flame began to flicker.
"Focus on the flame again to bring it under control," Molly directed her gently.
"Ow!" Hermione yelped, immediately extinguishing the flame.
Molly rolled her eyes.
Hermione sheepishly looked at the older witch as Molly took her hand and began to apply the paste. "Sorry, I lost control of the cooling charm again. As soon as I do something slightly different I keep thinking about Sev and..."
"We've been over this," Molly sighed, putting her arm around Hermione's shoulders. "You've had a row, that's all, and deep down you know he didn't mean it the way you've taken it. If he thinks walking away from his soulmate is easy...oh he's in for a shock! Arthur and I split up for two days once―"
"What happened?"
"We spent the next two days in bed, and if he wasn't crying or begging for forgiveness, we were having sex," Molly chuckled, squeezing Hermione's shoulder reassuringly. "Now, let's do your breathing exercise again. Close your eyes, and picture a flame in your mind. As you breathe in, expand your diaphragm and watch the flame grow; as you breathe out, watch the flame getting smaller until it is almost extinguished before you take your next breath. Repeat that ten times and then try to control the cooling charm and Bluebell Flame again."
As Hermione exhaled for the tenth time, she found herself controlling both spells perfectly.
Molly smiled and watched the young witch with pride before her attention was drawn to the wards rippling.
"Did you two have a nice drink?" she asked, turning to greet her husband.
Arthur nodded. "I've managed to convert Severus to Abbotsham Basher," he added cheerfully.
Suddenly the flame in Hermione's hand flared six feet into the air, and again she yelled as the cooling charm failed and singed her skin.
Severus immediately summoned the burn paste, as Arthur held out a hand to Molly and asked, "Where's Ginny? I think we should go and see how she is, don't you? Help yourself to tea, you two."
Molly looked a little confused at first, but once Arthur's intention was grasped, she blurted out, "Oh yes, and there are biscuits in the tin."
With that, the older couple walked hurriedly into the house.
"Give me your hand," Severus requested quietly as Hermione felt tears forming from the pain.
"What are you doing here?" she asked, pressing the heel of her palm to her eye.
"Healing you at the moment," he told her curtly.
Silence reigned as the paste began to work, and Hermione sat waiting for him to speak again, as she wasn't going to say anything until he apologised.
"You left without telling me. Considering recent events―and the fact that our relationship has likely labelled you a target―even if you cannot bring yourself to talk to me, please tell someone where you are going next time," Severus grumbled as he smoothed one final layer of paste onto Hermione's hand.
"Well thank you for your concern, but as you can see I'm fine, so you can put your conscience back in its box," Hermione sneered, instantly regretting the words as soon as she uttered them. She expected some kind of retort, but Severus merely dropped her hand, walking away from her and into the house without saying another word.
Hermione thumped her head back against the wall and sighed into the rapidly cooling evening air. She knew her comment had hurt him. She could feel him trying to control his anger, but she would rather he shouted at her than close himself off. Not that she thought she was entirely to blame for the situation, but he'd been worried about her, and she'd thrown it back in his face. She had to at least apologise for that.
She walked into the house and found him making tea.
"Would you like one?" Severus asked with his back to her as traces of steam began to rise from the kettle's spout.
"Yes, please. Look, Sev, I'm sorry. That was an awful thing to say," said Hermione, leaning against the kitchen table.
"It was, but I've heard worse," he grumbled whilst pouring some warm water into the teapot before putting the kettle back onto the flame.
"I didn't...I just wanted to―"
"I know what you wanted to do," Severus snarled, emptying the warm water from the teapot into the sink. He opened the tea caddy and added two level teaspoons of tea into the now warmed pot. "I'm sure I would have missed you at dinner more if I had known where you were," he continued, "but I was more concerned about your safety than anything else. The only saving grace was that I didn't see your orb, so I knew you couldn't have been in that much danger."
"I just didn't think―"
Severus snorted before adding boiling water to the teapot, putting on the lid and leaving it to brew. "For someone so intelligent, you do seem to say I didn't think rather a lot."
"Sev, I―"
The sudden thump of his fist on the wooden worktop made Hermione jump. "Do you really think I don't want you; that I don't want us?" Severus asked angrily, but she could tell there was a slight rawness to his voice. "I didn't mean that at all. I'm angry that our relationship seems to be open to public debate and immature gossip. I can ignore what they say about me. I've had people making comments about me pretty much all my life, but when it comes to you or us; when it comes to that which I hold closest to my heart, I can't ignore it. Ordinarily I would have voiced those views more carefully, but―"
"Arthur said you probably still had Veritaserum in your system," Hermione told him softly. "I didn't think―"
"There you go again," Severus sighed. "It's no excuse for my behaviour though," he mumbled, summoning two mugs before adding a dash of milk to each. "But how could you think I don't want to be with you?"
He stirred the contents of the teapot, and replaced the lid again before reaching for the tea strainer. "We live together, we've just bought the cottage, I'm even letting you sort through all my junk, for fuck's sake. Hell, we're going through the Declarations of Engagement. Oh and not to mention the small insignificant fact that I love you. I'm not a trivial man, Hermione. These things mean something to me."
"I know," she whispered as he poured the tea through the strainer.
"So what was actually behind your outburst earlier? Because I wasn't the only one who overreacted," Severus asked as he gave Hermione's cup one final stir and handed it to her.
Hermione took her cup and walked back outside, leaving Severus with no choice but to follow her. She sat down and cupped the mug as if it would warm her whole body. She thought about casting a warming charm, but when Severus sat down next to her and tentatively placed his arm across the back of the bench, she realised his body heat was enough. Soon she found herself melting into his side, and his lips ghosted over her temple whilst his hand slowly rubbed her arm.
"What's wrong?"
"It's just..." Hermione took at deep breath, and Severus knew all of her worries were about to spill out. "Well, Ginny had a bet with Dean that I'd blush when asked if the reason we weren't at breakfast yesterday was because we'd been shagging. And that really pissed me off, but I don't know why because we always used to make silly bets. You couldn't avoid it when Fred and George were around. It used to be fun, but I guess we never bet on anything so personal."
Severus began respond, but Hermione stopped him. "Let me finish, please. I need to get this all out."
He slipped his hand down to her waist and pulled her closer. He knew that when Hermione was like this she had to unload her thoughts, and he owed her that opportunity, at least.
Hermione exhaled roughly before continuing. "The looks and whispers are eating at me, too. And it's not just in the Great Hall. It's everywhere! It's in the corridors; in the classrooms. Part of me thinks it will die down, but the girls seem so utterly fascinated by us, and we're not even being overly demonstrative. All I did last night was put my hand on your arm to get your attention, but it was enough for them to start whispering away. And the boys are as bad. They seem to think it's brilliant that you're 'knobbing me' as they seem fond of putting it, and would probably be congratulating you if they thought they could get away with it.
"And I was worried about what would happen at Ron's interview, and all the strain you were under. And I know you were stressed because I could feel it and your orb was having a little dance in the corner of the classroom. I'm relieved Ron wasn't more involved. He's still been a prat, and that doesn't excuse him, but I knew he wasn't a cold-blooded killer, and I'm jolly glad he just decided to bad mouth me now," she added with a nervous chuckle.
Severus tightened his hold on Hermione and swallowed hard. His life revolved around this witch and the thought that she could have been snatched away from him before their relationship had a chance to develop made him feel sick to his stomach.
Hermione squeezed his hand before admitting sheepishly, "And I suppose I was worried that you might see things that we'd done together. I mean, we hadn't had sex, didn't see anything, did you?"
Severus shook his head, and although Hermione wasn't convinced, she thought it best to move on.
"Then there were my fourth years this afternoon. I explained that we would be concentrating on antidotes this term, and asked if there were any questions. Then Cillian McLaggen asked if I'd turned his brother down because I was already seeing you."
"And your punishment for his insolence?" Severus enquired with an underlying growl.
"I took ten points," Hermione told him quietly, knowing that Severus probably didn't think that was enough, and she waited for him to tell her so. But to her surprise, all Severus did was nod his head. That didn't mean he'd lay the matter to rest, of course. She knew the headmaster would be looming behind McLaggen when he least expected it, and points would be docked for simply breathing.
"And there were other comments about remembering me at school, and being too young to be a professor, and―"
Hermione's voice began to crack as she wiped away a stray tear.
"―and when I heard you say that I wasn't your girl, and then you said what you was all too much. And don't you dare sit there and tell me I'm just had a bad day because―"
She stopped her diatribe as Severus removed the mug from her hands, placed it by his side, and encouraged her onto his lap. He remained silent, but held her tight against his chest, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"It's all going to change, isn't it?" Hermione sobbed.
"What is?"
"Us," she sniffed loudly, furiously wiping her eyes. "We can't be us anymore; we can't be like every other couple because everyone's going to talk about everything we do."
"Do we want to be like everyone else?" Severus asked, giving her a watery smile as he gently wiped away some of her tears.
"No, but they can sit near each other and be seen talking to each other. They can show small signs of affection. They're not hiding their relationship away―"
"No one is saying that we should―"
"You did!" Hermione snapped, sliding off his lap. She began pacing in front of him, massaging her temples roughly. "You said we couldn't do those things, and I don't want our relationship to be held behind closed doors for fear of some student seeing us holding hands as we walk down to Hogsmeade, or around the grounds early one morning in case the next we hear of it, our innocent show of affection has turned into you fucking me up against a tree."
Severus was about to interrupt her when she stopped pacing right in front of him and placed her finger over his lips. "Yes, I know you wouldn't mind fucking me up against a tree, but saying that right now won't be help."
Hermione flopped down onto the bench next to him and doubled over, entwining her fingers at the back of her head. The next words that passed her lips were some of the hardest she'd had to speak since she'd been with him. "You might not want to be part of a public relationship, but I don't want to be part of a relationship where I can't be myself with you all the time."
Severus went to stroke her back, but his hand stilled as he contemplated her words. Suddenly his heart was in his throat.
"What are you saying?"
"I don't know," Hermione whispered, but then in a stronger voice, said, "but I know that I don't want to lose you over stupid comments made by silly girls and crass boys."
It was then that his hand finally made contact with her shoulder. He pulled her upright and turned to face her, cupping the back of her head and tentatively slipping his other hand over her stomach before resting it on her hip. As his fingers tangled themselves in her hair, he leaned into her and told her softly, "Well that makes two of us," and as the words left his lips he brushed them gently against hers. "You are not going to lose me. I've told you before, I will resign before that happens.
"And I've told you I don't want you to resign, so what are we going to do?"
Severus cupped her cheek, gently stroking it with his thumb. "I believe I should retract my earlier missive. In my haste to ensure I protected what is most precious to me, I lost sight of the fact that protecting it is worth nought if I don't have you. So I ask that you remain by my side at meals, but perhaps it would be prudent if we attended breakfast occasionally, even if this morning was definitely worth missing breakfast."
Hermione chuckled softly and pressed her lips insistently to his. Severus pulled back and smiled, drawing her to his chest before continuing. "And as inappropriate as it would be for the headmaster and a professor to be too affectionate around the school, I also realise that it would be equally inappropriate for us to avoid each other.
"You know, when I was speaking with Arthur earlier he echoed something Albus said to me when we began to piece together the Founders Bond. He said it seemed as if the founders wanted us to heal rifts. I think he described us as the bravest of all Slytherins and the most cunning of all Gryffindors.
"In some respects, we should remember what a unique position we are in. A half-blood and Muggleborn blazing a trail through the wizarding world in an attempt to make it a better place for our children. Perhaps rather than trying to be like everyone else, we should make them want to be like us."
Hermione considered this. "I've never actually thought about it like that, but that doesn't solve the gossip issue does it. It only fuels it."
Severus pinched the bridge of his nose. "I believe I will ask the Heads of House to issue a warning about how unacceptable it is to disrespect anyone's relationship, let alone ours, by discussing things in public that which ought not to concern them. What they discuss In their dorms is up to them, but if they're overheard disrespectfully speculating about any relationship in public areas of the school, then they will be punished."
"I suppose that could work."
Severus became aware of movement by the open door. "And how did you leave things with Ginerva? For all Lucius' brashness, and as much as he may tease amongst our immediate circle of friends, he doesn't speculate outside of it. Now, I know how hard it is to admonish those whom you consider peers, let alone friends, but I hope you didn't let her bet go without reprimand."
"I told her I didn't appreciate it, and she's going to buy me a drink with the winnings."
"Good," he said, cupping her cheek again, his black eyes scanning her face hoping to see some sign that all was well between them once again. He was rewarded by a soft smile and sparkling eyes.
Much relieved, he whispered, "Now if you don't mind, I would very much like to get you home," before claiming her lips desperately, pouring everything he felt for her into that moment.
Severus knew Molly had been waiting to come out and see them for a while. He had to chuckle to himself, knowing that all she would have heard for the last few minutes were the sounds of their now languid kissing, and he could practically hear her pondering when would be the best time to interrupt them.
"Oh, my dears, I was just about to make some hot chocolate. Would you like some?" Molly asked overly cheerily to cover up her recent subterfuge and embarrassment at breaking up their kiss.
"No, thank you," Severus graciously declined, smirking at his witch. "We have imposed on your hospitality for too long this evening. We'd better be heading back."
"Oh, that's a shame," Molly said with false disappointment in her voice and a twinkle in her eyes. "It's lovely to see you two are getting along again. It never fails to amaze me how we can take the biggest of problems in our stride, but smaller ones seem to have us falling flat on our faces. Now, Severus, would it be alright if Ginny stayed here tonight? I believe we've opened up a vat of flobberworms by asking her about Blaise and about how Harry's getting on. Arthur will make sure she's back at school before he goes to work."
Severus nodded. "I believe I can trust you with the well being of your daughter for this evening."
"Jolly good. Now, Hermione, I'll see you next week, and remember to practice your meditation techniques," the redhead continued. "You just need to concentrate a bit more. Perhaps, you can help her with that, Severus?"
"Of course," he confirmed as he brushed Hermione's hair over her shoulder.
"Oh, and I hear you're getting a new pupil." Molly's tone was now conspiratorial. "Fleur says her family are moving over here, and Gabrielle will be attending Hogwarts."
"Yes, she starts on Monday. It should be...interesting," Severus confirmed.
Molly laughed, "I should say. She's a bit needy that one."
"So I have gathered," the headmaster smirked knowingly.
Once Severus and Hermione left the Burrow, they side-along Apparated directly into their chambers at Hogwarts. Hermione ignored any feelings of nausea as, almost instantaneously, her and Severus' tongues began battling for dominance. Fingers tangled into hair, and the two staggered towards the bedroom with desperate groans and gasps filling the air. There was nothing elegant about the way they attempted to undress one other. They fumbled with buttons and fastenings, their lips never parting for a moment, and soon a small trail of discarded clothes was left in their wake. Upon reaching the bed, Hermione was unceremoniously deposited in the centre of it, her jeans around her knees and dressed in her pink satin knickers
Severus knelt up in front of her, pulling his jumper over his head before swiftly removing her jeans. His own jeans, which were unbuttoned, rested at his hips as he hovered over Hermione before his hands and mouthful suddenly seemed to be all over her in a frenzy. She writhed and moaned as his hardened length was ground against the apex of her thighs, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, desperate to force his jeans down his legs.
He trailed kisses across her cheek, his teeth grazing and nibbling her earlobe, whilst his hand moved, slowly but firmly, up her thigh until his fingers dug into the soft flesh of her buttock. She responded in kind as his mouth began lavishing attention on her dusky pink nipples by clawing at his back until he growled lustfully around the taut nub between his lips.
But Severus was torn. He'd been fighting a thought which had risen whilst sitting on the porch at the Burrow. Even with his witch squirming in his arms, begging him to take her, the thought would not leave him. He tried to dismiss it by hooking his thumbs under her knickers and thinking about the delicious prize that would be his once he'd banished yet another pair of underwear to the 'destroyed in battle' pile, but he couldn't.
He suddenly stopped. Severus then pushed himself up and hung his head, biting the corner of his bottom lip.
Hermione roared in frustration. "Fucking hell! The one time I actually want you to rip them off...hey, what's wrong?" As she snapped out of her pleasure induced haze, she could tell that through the curtain of hair, Severus was battling with himself over something.
"Nothing...I―" He moved away from her and off the bed.
Hermione's brow furrowed as he walked out of the bedroom. She propped herself up on her elbows and blew a strand of hair away that was tickling her nose, looking incredulously at the door Severus had just disappeared through. She called after him, but when he didn't reply, she flopped down on the bed and cursed him profusely.
Meanwhile, Severus was in his private study dismantling the wards on the middle drawer of his desk whilst toeing off his boots – women had far easier footwear choices, he mused. He removed a velvet covered box which he'd intended to give to Hermione at Halloween. The date always left him feeling cold, and he wanted something good to finally happen on that day. He'd intended to go to Lily's grave in the morning, and then after the Halloween Feast present Hermione with the contents of the box in his hand.
But after kicking himself for almost ruining everything earlier, he needed to reassure Hermione of his commitment. His fear was that this was a knee-jerk reaction, but deep down he knew that he'd currently have his face buried between Hermione's thighs if he really thought that. And bearing in mind that he'd left her panting on their bed without explanation, it would be foolish to return either empty handed or without war wounds.
He walked back into the bedroom, narrowly missing the pillow which came hurtling towards him.
"Where the hell did you disappear to?!" Hermione yelled.
"I went to get something," Severus told her calmly, hiding the box behind his back.
Hermione eyed him suspiciously. "What's behind your back?"
"Something," he teased before walking towards her, grabbing her ankles and dragging her to the edge of the bed. Ignoring her screams, he spread her legs, knelt between them and pulled her up into a seated position in one fluid movement.
Her eyes flashed in annoyance. She tried to work out what he was up to, but as he placed the flat, square shaped box in her hands, she immediately recognised the style of the box. Severus carefully lifted the lid to reveal a large square Asscher cut ruby pendant, set in platinum and surrounded by diamonds. Hermione's eyes widened, recognising the setting from the engagement ring in Lady Eleanor's portrait. "Is this what I think it is?"
Severus watched her face carefully as Hermione tentatively went to touch the pendant, but stopped short before her warm eyes sought his confirmation.
"Yes, this piece accompanies the second Declaration of Engagement, but it's the first piece that uses part of a large ruby acquired by my family Merlin knows how long ago. It's used in three pieces altogether. The next piece will remain a secret for now, but the third is—"
"The engagement ring?"
Severus nodded. "The ruby was called Il Cuore del Leone – The Lion's Heart – rather apt don't you think? The family jeweller told me that the pendant is made up of an eighteen carat ruby surrounded by three carats worth of diamonds, whatever that means."
Hermione ran her finger over the stone utterly captivated. "I don't know, but it's beautiful," she whispered breathlessly.
"As are you, and like you it also holds a stunning inner as well as outer beauty," he told her, stroking his thumb over her thigh. "Hold it up to the light."
Hermione gingerly picked up the chain and held the pendant up to the main light. Suddenly an intense sparkle emanated from the centre of the stone.
"No one knows why it does that," Severus informed her, watching her expression carefully. The only sparkle that interested him was the one in Hermione's eyes. "It's believed to be some kind of inclusion, but what it's made of remains a mystery."
"And what's my inner beauty?" Hermione asked coquettishly, gently placing the pendant back in the box.
"Well, as you're obviously fishing for compliments," Severus drawled playfully, running his hands up her thighs until they skimmed over her pink satin covered hips. He knelt up and placed a tender kiss on her forehead before muttering against her skin, "what I find most attractive, even though it often drives me to distraction, goes on in here.
"And what goes on in here," he told her, placing his hand over her heart, "always amazes me. Never doubt me, Hermione, when I say that I love you."
"I don't. I'm sorry about earlier," she whispered, kissing him desperately.
"Don't be," he muttered before clearing his throat, swallowing hard and wrapping his hands around hers. "Hermione Jean Granger, would you do me the honour of accepting this token of my esteem and affection for you, in the knowledge that it represents part of my heart? All I ask in return is that you replace the part that I give to you with part of your own."
"That went better than last time," Hermione giggled.
"Answer me, witch," Severus growled impatiently, but couldn't hide his amusement at the accuracy of her comment.
Hermione smiled softly, tucking his raven-coloured hair behind his ear before ghosting her lips over his cheek and whispering, "Yes."
They were suddenly wrapped up in each other's arms, and Severus choked out, "Thank you." He gently nuzzled her, inhaling the scent that made him feel safer than he ever had in his life. Then he claimed her lips hungrily as a litany of I love you's punctuated every break for breath.
Hermione gasped as her knickers abruptly vanished whilst Severus began trailing hot, wet kisses down her body. She whimpered in anticipation as he gently parted her legs and planted soft, reverential kisses to her inner thighs. He pressed a lingering kiss to her mons before his fingers gently spread her slick folds, allowing his tongue to access her nectar.
Hermione's breath hitched as Severus' attention turned to her sensitive nub whilst he slid, twisted and curled his middle and ring fingers into her silken channel. Grabbing his hair as pleasure radiated from her core she arched up, pressing herself against his face and wrapping her legs around his neck as her orgasm began to build. Severus gasped for air, but decided that if he were to suffocate between her thighs then compared to the other methods of death he had been presented with thus far, this was the best by far.
Hermione's fingers progressed from grasping fistfuls of hair to fistfuls of duvet as Severus played her body. She was aflame as each flick of her clit, each dip, each curling withdrawal of his skilled fingers caused a delicious tightening of the coiled spring in her core that only he could release. She cried out for him, begging him to release the tension, but as he continued his ministrations, in his mind, he didn't want her to come like this. They'd made another declaration a moment ago, and he'd be damned if she came apart without him spilling deep inside her―at least this time, anyway.
He managed to untangle himself from her, and with a deft flick of his wrist, a now naked Severus straddled her precariously on the edge of the bed before placing an arm under her body, pulling her to the middle. Her chest was heaving as their eyes burned into each other. She knew their minds were about to connect and suddenly she found herself standing naked in the library of her mind, and felt his strong arms encircle her.
He spun her round and whispered in her mind, You're so beautiful when you're on fire, as he entered her.
Hermione's only response was to arch up against him, and release a breathy groan. Severus' pace was steady, but each thrust was long and completed with a roll of his hips. Not once did his eyes leave hers.
"Oh fuck, I need to come!" she cried out as he pushed her to the brink.
He continued to purr in her mind as his pleasured groans and grunts joined hers in filling their bedroom. You have no idea how much I need you, do you? Severus asked. But I do need you; I do love you and fucking hell I want you. And I will never tire of showing you.
Hermione was whimpering incoherently as Severus' fingers dug into her hip, whilst the other hand became buried in her curls.
Do you have any idea how good it feels to be inside you? To feel your heat around me, begging me to come? To have your tight...
His voice continued to ripple through her mind, his words morphing from declaration into utter filth, which only served to push her closer to the edge.
Severus' thrusts were becoming more erratic as his own orgasm came flying out of nowhere, threatening to announce its presence too soon. But suddenly it didn't matter. Hermione's eyes glazed over, and her sopping walls began to pulse around him. Knowing she was on the precipice, he felt himself swell further inside her. As his balls constricted, Hermione's body spasmed, and she screamed out his name before crashing over the edge and taking him with her. White light erupted around them as he spilled deep inside her with her name and various profanities falling from his lips.
He collapsed on top of Hermione as orgasmic pleasure overtook them, both mumbling unintelligible declarations against skin and hair before Severus unceremoniously rolled from her body and slumped onto his side of the bed.
"Sev, did we...I mean, I forgot to...if I open my eyes will the room be in a total state?" Hermione asked tentatively, rolling over onto her side and burying her face against his chest.
"No," Severus chuckled, feeling quite smug that he'd finally remembered to cast a stasis charm before it was too late.
Severus poured himself another cup of coffee as he completed his recollection of yesterday's events. He smiled, taking a sip of the thick black liquid until his moment of solitude was suddenly interrupted by the former headmaster.
"My dear boy, whatever are you looking so smug about?"
Severus pondered Dumbledore's question. Was he smug about his stellar performance in the bedroom which continued long into the night? Hermione may have been moaning, but she certainly wasn't complaining–even if his back was. Was it because he was one step closer to asking Hermione to marry him? Or was it because as he lay behind Hermione, drifting off into a deep satiated sleep, she mumbled, "Everything's going to be alright."
It seemed rather an innocuous thing to say, but it made him think. For years, he was told that everything would be alright; everything would fall into place. But despite people vacuously uttering those words over the years–whether it was his mother, his grandmother, Albus or Minerva, Lucius or Narcissa–deep down he was never convinced.
But for the first time in his life he actually believed it. He looked up at the portrait and stated calmly, "Everything's finally going to be alright, Albus."
"I'm glad you've finally realised it," Dumbledore smirked before a small bell chimed, alerting Severus to the imminent arrival of an unscheduled visitor, and that meant only one thing.
"Ah, a chime for a crime," Albus chuckled. "Enjoy your first disciplinary visit of the year, Severus."
Severus' scowl was in place before the first knock sounded on the door.
After finishing her last lesson of the morning, Hermione went back to her and Severus' chambers, aware of the fact that headmaster seemed to be in a bad mood. Everything they needed for their visit to Beauxbatons had already been packed, and their bags were on the bed, ready to be taken by Missy and Winky at the appropriate time. Severus had already deposited Leo in his grandma Minerva's chambers earlier that morning.
The curly-haired witch changed quickly into a set of dark blue formal robes, put on some mascara and neutral-coloured lipgloss, secured her hair into a loose bun at the nape of her neck, and left the chambers to head towards Severus' office as they were due to leave for the Ministry together.
Hermione had just turned into the main corridor when she heard a familiar, "Hello Professor," as Luna caught up with her.
"Hello, Miss Lovegood," Hermione replied, giving a stunted giggle. The necessary formality between the friends was still awkward, but Luna actually seemed better at it than many other of Hermione's acquaintances.
"You seem different today. There's more of the headmaster in you. Did you make another declaration last night?" Luna asked in her usual airy but incisive way.
Hermione smiled. Nothing got past Luna. "Yes...yes we did," she admitted with a calm surety that shouldn't have surprised her but did.
The blonde-haired witch smiled dreamily. "I presume you got rid of your Nargles beforehand."
"Nargles? We had a few niggles to sort out yesterday. I don't think that had anything to do with Nargles," Hermione said dismissively.
"Nargles and niggles...all the same, really. They're both mischievous and annoying. The headmaster looked so worried at dinner last night. I told Professor Malfoy about it when he came back from seeing Lucius last night. He went to your rooms, but when there was no answer he was quite concerned. Blaise was also worried about Ginny's absence. He thinks he's done something wrong, but I think he's the wrong the person," the blonde witch mused conspiratorially.
Hermione considered Luna's words before some professorial instinct kicked in. "Draco didn't stay the night, did he? Severus will have an apoplectic fit if he did."
"He didn't stay the night," Luna stated innocently.
Hermione smirked. Luna really was too clever by far. "Oh, so he left at four this morning then?"
Luna looked at the brunette with an expression of pure innocence. "No, three."
As a group of Gryffindor girls walked past, nodding respectfully at Hermione, she whispered, "For Merlin's sake, Luna, be careful. If Sev finds out, he'll―"
They had reached the intersection of the corridor leading to Severus' office. Hermione suddenly stopped talking upon hearing the gargoyle begin to move. Both witches looked to the end of the corridor to see Harry descending the stairs, escorting two of his first year Slytherins.
"Ah, Professor Granger, Miss two wait there for me," Harry ordered the two boys who had been on the wrong end of a Stinging Jinx.
Hermione looked concerned. "What's going on?"
Harry looked at the two sullen looking boys. "Four Ravenclaws turned on these two in Ancient Runes. Filius is up there with them. I'm taking the boys to the Hospital Wing just to get them checked over."
Hermione gasped. "What caused that and how come you're with them?"
"A bit of 'my father knows what your father did' from what I can gather. Slugs got summoned, but he said he was teaching―"
"Well I don't know where that was because there's only one Potion's classroom at the moment and I've just finished teaching in it," Hermione informed him curtly.
Harry rolled his eyes, realising that Horace Slughorn was once again becoming one of the banes of his life.
"You should tell Severus," Hermione urged, "because he's worried enough about the Slytherins without having to worry about having a competent Head of House."
Neither noticed Luna slink off until they heard her talking to the two Slytherins. "As the Ravenclaw Head Girl, I can only apologise for those four up there. I can assure you the headmaster will not let them get away with it. Now, I think the professors have something to talk about, so shall I take you to see Madam Pomfrey?"
Harry smiled at Luna softly as she stood between the two boys with her hands on their shoulders. "Thanks, and you two behave for Miss Lovegood. I can assure you that you don't want to mess with her," Harry smirked knowingly. Luna's charges nodded at their deputy Head of House before being ushered away.
Once they were out of earshot, Harry growled at Hermione, "I hope you're not suggesting what I think you're suggesting."
"Well it would be better that you become Head of Slytherin rather than Severus getting it into his head that he's got to take them on again," Hermione snapped back.
Harry huffed at his friend, running his fingers through his hair. "Would that be such a bad thing?"
"Yes, because he's got enough on his plate just running this place and with everything else that's going on," Hermione said forcefully.
Harry smiled and rubbed his best friend's arm. "It never fails to amaze me how much you care about him."
"Of course I do. I love him, for Merlin's sake. In fact, we made another declaration of engagement last night."
"Congratulations! I presume this was after you two made up?" Harry asked as Hermione raised an eyebrow at him. "Well," Harry blustered, "why else wouldn't you be at dinner last night whilst he looked as if he were about to throw up?"
"Alright, we had a falling out. But we're better than good now."
Harry smiled softly and gave Hermione a quick hug. "I'm really pleased for you, 'Mione."
Hermione blushed before Harry shifted the subject back to the state of Slytherin house. "Do you think the Slytherins would accept me as Head of House? After all, I've been the focus of their hate for the last seven years."
"Well, you're deputy Head of House already, and you're talking to Draco like you've been best mates for years. And did you honestly ever imagine talking to Sev? You get on alright with Blaise and you even talk to Lucius, for Merlin's sake–which is even more surprising after―"
"Ginny wasn't at dinner last night," Harry stated dispassionately.
Hermione huffed. It was so obvious he still really cared for the redhead or else he wouldn't have mentioned it. "Talk to her, Harry."
Harry shrugged. "She's seeing someone else. What's there to talk about?"
"The fact that you still love her," Hermione whispered.
Again Harry's fingers found their way into his hair before his hand thumped to his side. "You're right, we should tell Severus that Slughorn is slacking."
The curly-haired professor growled frustratedly at her best friend for changed the subject. "We? Harry, it's your responsibility, and―"
Once again, Hermione was interrupted as the gargoyle began to move and the two young professors heard the squeaky voice of Professor Flitwick chastising the four Ravenclaws responsible for the attack.
"I've never been so disgusted with any of my students," the tiny wizard railed at the four shell-shocked youngsters that he accompanied. "You're supposed to be intelligent, and personally you should count yourselves lucky that the headmaster only gave you a month's detention considering how angry he is with you. You've only been here a few days, and now he has your cards marked. It will take a lot for you to regain his respect, you know?"
As the four were marched past Hermione and Harry, Filius rolled his eyes at his colleagues before continuing to berate them about the unforgivable loss of points.
"You know, it's kind of refreshing to see other people subjected to Severus' wrath," Harry smirked.
Hermione was about to reply when she heard Severus in her head.
Are you ready to leave, my love?
Just at the gargoyle.
She then turned to Harry. "Well, you'll have to speak to him when we get back as his lordship has summoned me."
"Well in that case, your Ladyship, you shouldn't keep your wizard waiting," and after bestowing his friend with a peck on the cheek, he began to walk away from her.
Hermione smirked as Harry called back, "Have fun."
"Do we have to take a Portkey?" Hermione groused as they walked into the diplomatic area of International Portkey Departures on the sixth floor of the Ministry of Magic.
Severus was beginning to wonder how Hermione ever thought she was going to travel around the magical world. She hated flying, side-along Apparition–although she could Apparate herself–and Portkeys.
"We can't Apparate, can we? And you were alright a few weeks ago when we went to France," Severus huffed.
"I bloody wasn't. We could have gone by plane. Marseilles has an airport."
Severus shook his head. "Well, when we go to Lucius' over the summer or to our estate in Tuscany, we'll fly, but as the Ministry is paying for this trip, there will be no Muggle planes."
"Really, you'd go on a plane?"
"They hold no fear for someone who can fly unaided. I really wish you'd let me take you flying one day," he teased as they approached the two most diametrically opposite individuals one could possibly imagine in terms of personality and fashion sense–Lord Malfoy and Rubeus Hagrid. Severus noted the awkward air between them, and also noted the absence of Harold Sexton, who was accompanying them from the Department of International Magical Cooperation.
"Oh yeh'll be lucky, 'eadmaster," Hagrid chuckled.
"And yet she flies around in planes," Lucius intoned. "I suppose we could have taken one of the Ministry cars and driven down. It would have only taken us half a day or less if Severus was driving."
Hermione's mouth fell open as she turned to Severus. "You can drive?"
"Legally as well, unlike some blond bastard I know. I passed my test when I was seventeen."
"Did you have a car?"
"Lucy did," Severus told her before pressing his lips together in embarrassment.
Lucius turned to Hermione before stating scathingly, "Did being the operative word, my darling. It was a bit of a fad I went through. It ended when...what was it the Muggle garage said you did to my DB6, Sev?"
"Wrote it off."
Hermione's eyes widened. "You wrote off an Aston Martin?"
"She knows her cars," Lucius said sounding vaguely impressed.
"My Dad's dream is to own an Aston and retire to the south coast. I've grown up with him drooling over them," Hermione informed them. "Gods, I can't believe you totalled an Aston."
"Would it make you feel any better if you knew that the reason I lost control was because I was trying to avoid Lucius' dog? Triton seemed to object to Lucius and I going off for a drive―"
"Can I just point out that was my favourite car?" Lucius interrupted. "It was a beautiful silver convertible."
Severus rolled his eyes. "―and he came tearing across the lawn and into the road in front of us. I swerved and ran into a tree. Lucius managed to cast a Cushioning charm on us but not the front of the car."
"Why didn't yeh get another one after that?" Hagrid asked.
Lucius sighed. "Draco was born a few days later, and by the time I thought about it, Voldemort had announced his desire to make Draco his heir, and practically forbade all of my Muggle indulgences as he put it."
He suddenly became pensive, and Severus squeezed his shoulder before the blond wizard cleared his throat, and changed the subject. "Anyway, where is our friendly ministry jobsworth?"
"No idea," Severus mused. "By the way does anyone know who he is? I'd never heard of him until Monday when I received an owl to say he was accompanying us. Is he a friend of the Minister do we know?"
"'arold was at 'ogwarts...a Ravenclaw. But he'd left before you started, Malfoy," Hagrid informed them. "Can't say I 'ad much to do with 'im, but always struck me as a devious sort."
Lucius shrugged. "Oh joy," he grumbled.
"Hagrid, how was your meeting with the Beasts Division?" Severus asked.
Hagrid drew himself up proudly. "They've asked me to consult for 'em."
"Really?!" Hermione exclaimed. "Oh, Hagrid, that's brilliant news. Congratulations!"
"Oh bless yer. But it's only part-time. I'm just grateful to Professor Snape fer letting me speak to 'em when they approached him. I just 'ope the week ends as well as it started if you know what I mean?" The half-giant told Hermione with a wink.
"Indeed," was all the headmaster could say before Harold Sexton burst in through the door, "Oh my apologies, Headmaster. I was delayed with Minister Shacklebolt, who wishes you well for this trip, by the way."
"How generous of him," Severus said with heavy grace, which caused Lucius' eyes to flash mischievously at Hermione. After quick introductions, the headmaster scowled, "Now shall we? We are already late."
After their wands had been identified they prepared to take the Portkey to the French Ministry of Magic. Hermione stood between Severus and Lucius and looked at the offensive book-shaped transportation device with disdain. "Even looking at it makes me feel queasy."
Severus took her hand, squeezing it gently.
"Are we ready?" Lucius smirked as they were about to touch the Portkey.
"No," Hermione whimpered, before suddenly feeling as if her entire body were being drawn in through her stomach.
"I feel sick," Hermione groaned. Her body was swaying from the effects of the Portkey journey and Severus just managed to catch her before she stumbled.
"Take deep breaths, love," Severus told her, soothingly rubbing her lower back.
They were suddenly greeted by a familiar, but, as far as Severus was concerned, unwelcome voice.
"Bienvenue au Ministère français de la Magie."
"Ah, Mr Weasley," Severus drawled as Percy Weasley, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for International Magical Cooperation, walked towards them, holding his hand out to welcome the headmaster, which the raven-haired wizard duly ignored.
Determined to fulfil his obligations, Percy continued, "May I take this opportunity to welcome you on behalf of the French Ministry. I will be escorting you to Beauxbatons where I believe they have organised quite the feast for you this evening. I must say, it is a shame Harry could not attend as there will not be a Triward champion from Hogwarts in attendance for the feast."
"I was not aware that Mr Potter's presence was required, and I hope you understand that it is hardly Mr Diggory's fault he cannot attend," Severus sneered. "Am I to assume that your sister-in-law and Mr Krum will be in attendance?"
Percy gave the headmaster an awkward smile as Severus' eyes bore into him. "Well, there was no formal requirement. Fleur often attends Beauxbatons, and Viktor has just accepted a part-time position at Durmstrang. Shall we to the Apparition point, Headmaster?" Percy simpered.
Severus felt his chest constrict at the thought of Hermione seeing her ex; her Bulgarian, athletic, international Quidditch playing, much younger than him, ex. But although he was less than enamoured at the thought of Krum's presence, the question was, did Lucius know Fleur would be there?
"I'll just go and make sure Hermione is ready. She always feels a little ill after Portkey travel," the dark-haired wizard told the officious younger man.
"And side-along Apparition as well if I remember rightly?" Percy chuckled.
Severus nodded before walking towards his partner and Lucius. "Did you know Fleur would be attending?" He asked his friend in a deep, hushed voice.
Lucius' eyes widened, scanning his friend's face on the off chance that he was joking. He swallowed hard, shaking his head.
"And Krum will be there too," Severus added curtly.
"Viktor?!" Hermione exclaimed.
"Who else?" Severus growled. Oh, she's pleased he'll be there, he thought he was thinking to himself, but Hermione heard him.
It will be nice to see him, but―
Forgive me, but you fantasised over him; you masturbated over him.
If I remember rightly, he happened to be in a fivesome fantasy which morphed into you taking me away from it and making love to me.
I know. I'm sorry, I'm just a possessive bastard.
You're a daft bastard, but you're my daft bastard, and I love you.
Hermione smiled as Severus' eyes flared with the desire to kiss her; to claim her right in that moment, but his reverie was short lived as Lucius hissed, "Listen, her ex showing up is nothing compared to my problems, so put the green-eyed monster away, Sev, and remember it should be him that's jealous of you. Fleur– my pregnant, married, part-Veela soulmate– on the other hand, will be within easy touching distance on fairly neutral ground. What am I going to do?"
His friend shrugged. "I don't know, but the phrase 'you're fucked' springs to mind."
Lucius sighed. He desperately wanted to see Fleur, and Merlin only knew how much he wanted to hold her and perform unspeakable carnal acts with her, but he found himself battling his conscience. It still amazed him that he had one left. He snorted at Severus' flippant comment. "I probably will be, but for the first time in my life I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not."
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Website Domain ©2002-2017 by Apollo. PHP scripting, CSS style sheets, Database layout & Original artwork ©2005-2017 C. Kennington. Restructured Database & Forum skins ©2007-2017 J. Salva. Images, coding, and any other potentially liftable content may not be used without express written permission from their respective creator(s). Thank you for visiting!
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Site Owner - Apollo