Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47196 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
Review Responses (All two of them):
Shiloe let himself into Lucius’ room, and the man instantly shot up in bed, wand pointed at Shiloe.“Whoa, Sir, it’s just me.” Shiloe said, holding his hands up in surrender.Lucius sighed, setting his wand down on the bedside table. “My apologies, Shiloe. I have been having restless sleep, and I am a light sleeper even at the best of times. I confess that I am a bit on edge. I did not mean to hold you at wandpoint.”Shiloe smirked, walking up to the bed. “I’m terribly famished.” He purred. “Can I come in?”Lucius chuckled and lifted a corner of the covers, revealing that he slept in the nude even when alone. “Be my guest.” He said, patting the empty space next to him.Shiloe slid into the bed and placed a hand on Lucius’ chest. “I can give you what you want now.” He said in a whisper.Lucius smiled wistfully, then turned intent eyes onto Shiloe. “In that case, your Sir is absent for the night. I am yours, Shiloe. Do with me as you wish.”Shiloe smiled. “How gentle should I be?” He asked.Lucius flushed lightly. “Very. The only other person who has ever earned this honor has been Severus. I do not bottom lightly.” He explained.Shiloe raised an eyebrow. “I shall do my best not to cause you pain. Thank you for allowing me to do this.”Lucius scoffed. “I want a child, and I trust that you do not wish to harm me. This is something I must do to get one. Don’t think it will happen again.”Shiloe smirked, before disappearing under the covers. “Of course not, Sir.” He replied, before he swallowed Lucius’ erection, able to tell what he was doing by touch alone.Shiloe raised Lucius’ legs onto his shoulders and ran his fingertips over his thighs before grasping Lucius’ cock with one hand, stroking it as the covers were pulled back to reveal him to his blond lover.He tentatively ran his tongue over Lucius’ pucker, hearing the sharp intake of breath from above him. He raised his head. “Is this okay?” He asked.Lucius moaned, fisting a hand in Shiloe’s hair. “Yes, Love, it’s more than okay.” He assured Shiloe.Shiloe smiled and returned to his task. He licked Lucius slowly, savoring the taste he knew he’d not get to experience often, if he ever got this chance again at all.
When Lucius was slick enough, Shiloe carefully slid a finger into his Sir’s tight heat as he continued to work his tongue around the ring of muscles.Lucius moaned again, his hands tightening in Shiloe’s hair, as he began to push back against the finger. “More.” He breathed.Shiloe pulled the finger out and lubed it, along with his others, and added another finger when he slid the first back in, the entry even slicker than before. He bit his lip and began to scissor them gently, hoping not to hurt Lucius. If he did, he could find himself unable to sit for quite some time the next time he went to bed with the blond man.When he deemed Lucius ready, he added a third finger.“Gods, Shiloe. Where did you learn to do that?” He asked when Shiloe found his prostate and proceeded to rub it in a circular motion.“You’re hardly my only anchor.” The teen replied with a grin. “Some of them are more submissive than you, and a few were virgins before they were with me. I had to learn to prepare them well, or I could have hurt them.” He replied honestly.Lucius groaned as a fourth finger was worked in. “I don’t need that much, Shiloe. I’m ready.” He said, shuddering as Shiloe brushed his prostate again.“Forgive my boldness, but I want to make sure.” Shiloe told him.Lucius groaned and laid back. “Then my body is at your disposal.”Shiloe smiled. “Thank you.” He said, gently stretching the man as best he could before he withdrew the fingers.He sat up again, looking into Lucius’ face searchingly. “You’re sure you want this? Shiloe are very fertile, so it may take this first time. If you don’t want the child yet, tell me now.”Lucius smiled. “Shiloe, if I had wanted to wait, I would have. I want this very much.”Shiloe nodded. “Could you turn onto your side?”Lucius turned so his back was to Shiloe, and Shiloe pushed Lucius’ top leg slightly in front of the blond. “This should make things easier. Relax. I really don’t want to hurt you.”Lucius clenched his teeth as Shiloe pushed in carefully, groaning under his breath at the pain.“Sorry.” Shiloe muttered.“It’s fine, it’s just been a LONG WHILE.” Lucius replied tightly.Shiloe stilled once he was fully inside and reached around to stroke Lucius’ cock back to full hardness. “Are you okay?” He asked.Lucius’ response was to push back against Shiloe and clench down with his inner muscles. “Oh, YES.” He moaned.Shiloe smiled and began thrusting.“Merlin, it’s been far too long since I’ve had this.” Lucius panted, pushing eagerly back to meet Shiloe’s thrusts.Shiloe grabbed onto Lucius’ hips. “You’re really tight!”Lucius nodded. “Severus and I haven’t been intimate in a few years. That’s to be expected.”Shiloe whimpered as he felt his climax drawing near. “I hope you’re close, because I can’t last much longer.”“Stroke me harder and fuck me faster, and I’ll meet you at the finish line.” Lucius demanded.Shiloe obliged, his hand tightening on Lucius’ length and he picked up the pace, sweat dewing on both their bodies rapidly.Shiloe felt Lucius’ release coat his hand a second before he felt himself spill inside Lucius’ body.He collapsed behind the man bonelessly, pressing a tender kiss to the back of his shoulder. “It’s done. I’ll know within the week if it took, and I’ll tell you if it did the first chance I get. A Shiloe can sense when a child of theirs implants itself into the parent’s womb.” He explained.Lucius turned around and smiled at him. “Thank you, Shiloe. And thank Harry for me, as well.”Shiloe nodded. “I will. Can I sleep here?” He asked, yawning.“Yes, my love. Of course you can.” He replied, wrapping his arms around Shiloe and drifting off into a sated sleep.Shiloe watched Lucius’ face for a few hours, studying it, before he drifted off as well.*****Harry opened his eyes and looked around, noting that he was lying in a bed, facing the wall. He felt a pair of arms wind themselves around his waist and stiffened.“Good morning, pet.” He heard a voice behind him purr.Upon recognizing the voice, he answered, voice strained. “Not exactly.” He replied, closing his eyes tightly. “Am I naked?” He asked.Lucius rolled out of the bed in one fluid movement, cursing as his arse protested the abrupt motion. “Argh! Damn! Yes, you are, and so am I. I will go into the bathroom, and you may collect your clothes and leave. I am sorry for the awkward situation we now find ourselves in.”Harry sighed as he heard Lucius walking slowly toward the bathroom. “Not your fault. Um… Are you ok?” He asked, still not looking.“We will know within the week.” Lucius replied tersely, closing the bathroom door behind him.Harry gulped, realizing what that meant.Shiloe had donated his sperm, then. There could be a baby growing within Lucius at that very moment.Harry grabbed his clothes and fled the Saferoom.*****“Baby.” Harry sighed, leaning to put his head between his legs, breathing deeply to will the nausea away. “Baby, baby, baby.” He chanted softly, then groaned.“Harry?” Sirius’s voice called out and Harry groaned louder, not wanting to deal with anyone until he had fully absorbed the new realization.“Harry!” Sirius rushed over. “Are you alright? Are you sick? Where does it hurt?” He asked, placing a hand on Harry’s forehead to check for fever.Harry slapped it away with a sigh, sitting straight again. “No, there’s nothing wrong with ME! It’s bloody Malfoy!”Sirius raised an eyebrow. “What could Draco have possibly done this early in the morning?” He asked in mild humor.“It’s not him, it’s Lucius. And it’s Shiloe that did it. I said yes, but still… A BABY! I’m not ready for this!” He cried out, tugging at his hair frantically.Sirius’ jaw dropped, then his eyes narrowed. “That bloody FOOL! I’m going to kill him. It’s not too late, we’ll get you to Poppy, there’s a potion-““What?! No, I’M not the pregnant one! Lucius is!” He shouted, waving his arms around.“Oh.” Sirius deflated. “Well, if it’s not your kid, you have no responsibilities toward the child. All of that will fall to Shiloe. And if you don’t have to carry it, what’s the problem?”Harry sighed. “It’s just… It’s real, now. I’m… Well, SHILOE is going to have a kid. I’m not sure I can handle it.”Sirius chuckled. “You don’t have much of a choice, the way I see it. Too late now.”Harry sighed, laying his head against the cool table he was sitting at. “I woke up in bed with him. Naked.”Sirius fought back his laughter. “DID you? How did THAT go?” He asked with a chuckle, failing to hold it back.Harry grinned despite himself. “Not too good. He got up as soon as he realized it was me, but it sounded like it hurt him.” Harry finished with a melancholy tone.“Well, as I don’t see Lucius bottoming for any other reason, last night may have been his first time. It’s bound to be sore the day after.” Sirius said.Harry groaned. “Now I feel awful.”Sirius sighed. “Harry, there’s nothing for it but to endure and don’t beat yourself up over it. It was an honest mistake, after all. You didn’t know. You couldn’t have.”Lucius’ voice sounded from the doorway of Helga’s room. “He’s right, don’t feel too bad. I am fine now. And for your information, Black, that was NOT my first experience in that manner. Nor, I am sure, will it be my last.” He told the man icily as he turned his look back onto Harry and it warmed somewhat. “Would it be acceptable if I spent more time out of my rooms, now that you know about me and have had the pleasure of waking in my bed?” He asked with a smile.Harry snorted, recognizing the dry humor as an attempt to overcome the morning’s embarrassment. “I don’t think I’d use the word ‘pleasure’ to describe a near heart-attack myself, but sure, make yourself at home here. You’re going to be here a while, after all, way I hear it.”“Oh? Actually, I almost have one of my houses secure enough to live out my confinement there already. A bit more work on it and I can leave.” “You aren’t going anywhere.” Harry heard himself say in an authoritative voice, then flushed as the man turned a cold glare on him. “Sorry.” He said sheepishly. “Shiloe.” He explained.Lucius sighed. “And WHY is he saying that, exactly?”Harry felt Shiloe trying to move his lips again and gave up, letting the other teen speak his piece.“I don’t want you in any danger. You are staying with me and Harry until my child is brought into this world, and that is final. This is the one battle I will not concede to you, ever. Sir.” The last word was tacked on at the end, and Harry licked his lips. “I hate it when he does that.” He added.Lucius chuckled. “Very well, Shiloe. I will stay here for the duration. Though I daresay I will probably go mad if I cannot get out of these rooms.” He smiled at Harry. “I’m afraid you may go mad, too. We are not friends, and although I wanted to speak with you more and perhaps change that unhappy fact, I did not mean to impose myself on you for a full nine months, however accidentally it happened.” His smile faded. “I did not know Shiloe would do this. I apologize.”“It’s ok, if you don’t plan to kill me. The rooms all have gardens you can visit.” Harry offered. “And you know where the Saferoom leads, of course.”Lucius smiled. “Ah, yes, the Forbidden Forest. And the door that will not open?”Harry grinned. “The Chamber of Secrets. I still have to find the key for that one, though.”Lucius’ eyes widened. “Salazar Slytherin’s Chamber? But I thought the Dark… Ahem, I mean, you ARE a Parselmouth, then, as the rumors say?”Harry smiled and glanced at the frame of Salazar’s portrait, which had snakes carved about it, and then hissed. //Yes, I speak the language of snakes. Does that bother you?//One pale eyebrow arched. “My word, Potter! Such a rare gift! I have to admit to intense envy of that particular talent.” He said. “Would you teach it to me? If you can?”Harry flushed. “Um, it sounds like English to me, sorry. I really can’t.”“Ah, but I can, Mr. Malfoy.”They both turned to the portrait of Salazar Slytherin, which was in the process of expelling its occupant, feet first, into the common room.Salazar stretched and smiled. “Now, as I said, I can teach you the speech of the Serpentine, but you must swear that you will not abuse, spread, or disrespect the knowledge.”“I would never presume to do such a thing, Sir Slytherin.” Lucius said with a deep, formal bow.Salazar laughed. “Oh, we aren’t as stuffy as all that! When I teach this boy,” He said, laying a hand on Harry’s shoulder, “To read and write the language, you may sit in on the lessons. They will be conducted in a mixture of Parseltongue and English, and after each lesson, you and I can go over the words that were used the most during that lesson. You can learn to speak it that way.” Lucius smiled, and Harry finally realized just what Shiloe saw in him. When he let down his cold mask, he was strikingly beautiful. Not that he was anything near Harry’s type, but still, he could recognize and appreciate aesthetic beauty.“Thank you very much, Sir. It will be an honor to learn from you.” Lucius said.Slytherin smiled and seemed to preen. “Yes, it will be. So I trust you to apply yourself to learning it when the time comes. I do not accept anything less than your best efforts.” He finished, casting a stern glance on Harry as well, before he smiled. “Don’t look so worried, my little prodigy. Half of your work is already done for you.” He teased.Harry shrugged. “How do you write Parseltongue, though?” He asked, clearly confused.Salazar chuckled. “By using a LOT of parchment.” He answered.
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