Teaching Miss Granger | By : OracleObscured Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 117158 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 14 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any other characters/things/places created by J.K. Rowling. I make no money from my fan-fiction. |
42 - Meet the Parents
“Mum, it’s me. Where are you?” Hermione called as she stepped through the back door.
Henrietta Granger popped her head round the corner, her face lighting up at the sight of her only daughter. “Hermione dear, we weren’t expecting you.”
Hermione hugged her and looked into the front room. “Where’s Dad?”
“Reading upstairs. Morris! Come down here. Hermione’s home,” she called up the stairs.
Hermione smiled as he came into the kitchen. His shirt was rumpled, and he looked slightly dazed. He’d fallen asleep reading in bed again. “Dad!” She hugged him too. “I’m glad you’re here. I need to talk to you both.”
Her father motioned to the table so they’d sit. “Do you need more money?”
Hermione smiled. “No, Dad. Not that. It’s good news.”
Henrietta sat next to Hermione at the little round table. “Good news is always welcome.”
Morris Granger cleaned his glasses on his shirt. “What is it, darling?”
“Well, to put it bluntly, I’ve fallen in love with someone.”
Morris and Henrietta gave each other a look of mild surprise before Morris put his glasses back on with an amused smile. “Have you? Anyone we know? Ron?”
Hermione shook her head. “No, not Ron; and no, you don’t know him. But I’ve known him for some time.”
“What’s he like?” Henrietta asked, a smile twitching on her lips.
“Well . . . he’s incredibly intelligent, one of the smartest wizards I know and very talented.”
“Handsome?” her mother asked with a smirk.
Hermione didn’t know quite how to answer that. “Ah . . . um . . . I think he is, but I guess I’ll have to say not in a traditional way.”
“Handsome fades,” her father said dismissively. “How did you meet?”
“Well, that’s lovely,” said Henrietta. “When do we get to meet him?”
“Very soon. There’s a bit more I have to tell you first.”
“Go on then,” her father encouraged.
“Well, I know you think I’m too young to be in love, but I’ve really never been happier. I feel it would be an insult to life if I didn’t go after that happiness with all I have.”
Morris smiled. “Why do I feel like you’re about to drop a bombshell?”
Henrietta studied her daughter’s face and wringing hands. “You’re still going to university, aren’t you?”
“Yes, of course. It’s nothing like that. He’s very keen on me getting a good education.”
Henrietta was relieved. “Then what’s wrong?”
“Well, nothing’s really wrong,” Hermione stalled. “Some people may not think it’s right, but I hope you two aren’t those kinds of people. Do you both promise to keep an open mind?”
Her parents looked at one another then nodded.
Morris clasped his hands on the table. “We love you no matter what, Hermione.”
“Oh God,” her mum whispered. “You’re pregnant!”
Hermione shook her head. “No, Mum, I’m not pregnant. I’m nowhere near ready for kids.”
They both sighed in relief.
“It’s just that he’s a bit older than me.”
“Is that all?” her father asked, no longer looking dazed. “You had us worried.”
Henrietta could see Hermione was still nervous about something. “How much older?”
Hermione took a deep breath. “He’s thirty-eight.”
“Thirty-eight?” her mother repeated. “That’s . . . quite more than a bit. I thought you said you knew him from school.”
“Yes . . . he was my teacher.”
Two pairs of eyes bugged out at her from across the table.
“But he’s not my teacher anymore. And I want to make it clear that he did not pursue me. It was all my idea; I went after him.”
“You . . . went after . . . him,” her mother repeated.
“We’ve been seeing each other all summer. I know this is a horrible way to hear about this, but I don’t want to hide him from you. There’s no easy way for me to say this to you. Are you angry with me?”
They just stared at her. After a minute, her father wiped his face. “We’re . . . just a bit shocked. It’s a lot to take in. Maybe you’d better tell us more about him.”
Hermione nodded, squeezing her fingers tight to keep from shaking. “Okay. Um . . . he teaches Potions, and he has his own lab at home where he works when he’s not at school. He’s made some fascinating discoveries this summer with the Wolfsbane Potion. He’ll probably be published later this year. He received an Order of Merlin First Class after the war. That’s kind of like a Silver Cross. His father was non-magical, and his mother was a witch, but they’re both dead now. He has a small place in Cokeworth where he grew up; he lives there in the summer. He likes to read as much as I do, and he has an amazing collection of books. It would take me years to get through them all.
“He’s . . . not very sociable. He likes quiet and books over people. Except me that is. He cooks for me, and he’s incredibly sweet when we’re alone. He can be a bit intimidating to some people, but he treats me like a queen. He doesn’t smile much, but when he does, you know he means it. He listens to me and doesn’t mind when I rant for hours about house-elf rights and the inequality in the the magical law system.
“It’s all hard to describe. How do you tell another person about all the little things someone does to make your life better? I guess the most important thing is he makes me happier than I’ve ever been. I don’t want to spend one day without him.”
“What’s his name, dear?” her mother asked.
“Severus Snape. I . . . well . . . there’s one other thing.”
They looked worried.
Her father nodded; she couldn’t possibly surprise them more. “What?”
“He’s asked me to move in with him, and I’ve agreed.”
There was a very long pause, and then her mother got up and went to the sink for some water. Morris took his glasses back off and rubbed his nose. “You’re moving in with him? Now?”
“Before uni starts.”
“What do Harry and Ron say about all this?”
“That they’ll miss me, but they’re very happy for me. Harry says I’m free to come back to Grimmauld Place whenever I like; the door is always open.”
“You’re going to live alone with a grown man we’ve never met?” her mother asked, setting down her glass.
“Well, we’ll be at Hogwarts. I don’t know if I’d call that alone exactly. And I’d like you to meet him right now.”
Henrietta blinked a few times then sat back down next to her husband. “Right now? He’s here?”
“Out in the garden.”
“You left a guest out in the garden? All this time?”
“Well I had to break the news first, didn’t I? Besides, I didn’t think it would look right to leave him skulking around the front door like a salesman.”
“I suppose not,” Henrietta muttered. “What are we supposed to say to him?”
“Just get to know him.”
Morris nodded. “Bring him in. I want to meet him.”
“You’ll both be nice, won’t you?”
“We’re not going to yell at him if that’s what you’re thinking.”
Hermione got out of her chair and went round the table to hug them both. “Thank you. He means the world to me. I want you two to like him.”
She went to the back door and poked out her head. Severus was sitting in one of her mum’s white wicker chairs, his elbows resting on his knees, stiff and apprehensive. He looked up when the door opened.
“It’s all right. Come in." Hermione smiled at him.
Severus wiped his hands on his trousers and made his way into their little yellow kitchen. This is the most nerve-wracking thing I’ve done since the war.
Hermione introduced them all. “Mum, Dad, this is Severus. Severus, these are my parents, Morris and Henrietta Granger.”
Snape held out his hand, and her father took it. “Very nice to finally meet you, Mr. Granger.” He took Henrietta’s hand next. “And you, Mrs. Granger.”
Henrietta didn’t know what she was expecting, but the man before her wasn’t it. Tall and pale. Black eyes and hair. His hooked nose dominated his face. The greasiness of his hair suggested that he hadn't showered in a couple days. And his teeth . . . A dental jungle. The top ones were all right but the bottom ones were crooked and yellow. She wanted to get him in her office and give him a proper cleaning. “I’ll put on the kettle.”
Morris waved at the table. “Please, sit down, Mr. Snape.”
Hermione smiled. Mr. Snape sounded so bizarre. She took Severus’s hand and sat with him across from her father as her mother started the tea.
“I’m sorry we have to meet under these circumstances,” Severus said to Morris. “You both must think I’m a monster, dating a girl half my age; and an ex-student no less.”
Hermione squeezed his hand. “I told them it was all my doing.”
Morris nodded. “It is a bit disconcerting. She is quite young . . . and our daughter.”
“I’m almost nineteen, Dad,” Hermione countered.
“No, he’s right, Hermione,” Severus told her. “It’s worse than unprofessional. My personal life has become a frightful cliché. I want you to know, Mr. Granger, that I never went looking for this. I was resigned to a life of solitude. Falling in love at my age wasn’t something I was hoping for.”
“So you’re in love with her too?” Henrietta asked, sitting back down and waiting for the kettle to boil.
“Very much.”
Hermione smiled and squeezed his hand.
“It’s extremely important to Hermione that she finish university,” Henrietta said, making sure he knew where they stood on that front.
“It’s important to me as well. I want her to succeed in whatever path she chooses. Her intelligence is refreshing in a school crawling with imbeciles. I expect she’ll be at the top of her class at university as well.”
“And if she isn’t? What if this arrangement leads to distraction?”
Severus looked at Hermione. “I don’t see how that could happen. I’ve never met someone more absorbed in learning. She accepts nothing less than excellence. However, I believe she’ll be the first to tell you that it is only when we are parted that she is distracted.”
Hermione smiled. “True.”
“I intend to do everything in my power to make sure she achieves whatever she desires.”
Morris thought Hermione’s guest seemed very serious. Frivolity was probably a foreign word to him; he looked as though he’d seen more than his fair share of life in his thirty-eight years. Mr. and Mrs. Granger had always pictured Hermione with someone wholesome and kind, like young Joe from down the street. This man appeared to be neither. “Have you ever been married before?”
Snape shook his head. “No. And no children. I find most people tiresome. Your daughter is one of the few exceptions I have come across.”
Henrietta was fascinated by their guest. He seemed both sick of the world yet devoted to Hermione. He had a way of complimenting her without coming right out and saying it. “I think we’re just concerned that things are moving a little fast. You’ve only been dating a few months, and now you’re ready to live together?”
Severus put his other hand overtop Hermione’s, stopping her rebuttal. “I’d like to explain, love. I won’t lie to you, Mrs. Granger, my life has not been a pleasant one. I am lucky to still be alive. Although, I didn’t always see it that way. I used to wake in the morning dreading the day to come. Hermione changed that. Now every morning my first thoughts are of her. I actually look forward to waking up so I can see her again. I don’t want to let go of that. I’ve had enough regret and missed chances in my life. I don’t want to spend a single day without her.”
Hermione leaned in and kissed his shoulder. “Me either.”
Morris didn’t understand the man at all. He seemed bitter yet completely in love. But the look on Hermione’s face was undeniable. She was glowing, smitten by him. Henrietta got up when the kettle whistled, and Morris watched her, thinking about what Snape had just told him. “So you’re saying you want to make her happy?”
“Every chance I get.”
Henrietta set the tea on the table. “Cream and sugar?”
“Just cream please. I would never have asked Hermione to stay with me for my own sake. If living at Grimmauld Place made her happiest, I would insist she stay there with her friends.”
“Thanks, Mum,” Hermione said, taking her tea. “I love Harry and Ron, but living there was just a place to stay. Being with Severus is the best part of my day. It’s more than being happy. It’s like home. And I guess after seven years, Hogwarts is like home too. I’ll be glad to go back.”
Severus smirked at her. “Is that why you agreed? Familiarity?”
Hermione smirked back. “Nope, I’d live anywhere with you.”
Morris took his tea, watching them grin at one another. “The school doesn’t have a problem with this?”
Hermione shook her head. “Severus already asked the Headmaster, and he said he was glad to have me back. He even said he’d set up a Floo connection for me so I don’t have to Apparate every day.”
“Going through the fire?” her mother asked.
“MmHm. It’ll be much easier.”
“Hermione, you’re grown up now, we’re not going to tell you what you can and can’t do. We just want you to be sure this is really what you want and, I don’t want this to sound insulting, sir, that you’re not being taken advantage of.”
Hermione thought her mum sounded like McGonagall. “It is most definitely what I want, and just because Severus is older doesn’t mean he’s taking advantage of me.”
“We don’t wish to upset you,” Severus told them both. “We know what everyone’s thinking. I don’t know how to convince you otherwise. It’s difficult to prove sincerity. I promise you both that I will do everything I can to make Hermione happy for as long as she is with me.”
“You already do,” Hermione said, smiling at him.
“Henrietta’s right,” Morris said. “We both believe in autonomy for Hermione. She’s always gone after what she wanted with such determination, I doubt we could have ever stopped her.”
Hermione nodded. “And you both want me to be happy just like Severus does, right?”
Morris smiled softly. “Of course. We may think this is a bit rash, but we’re willing to let you live you’re own life. You know, Great Granny Granger was twelve years younger than her husband.”
Hermione couldn’t stop smiling. “I’d forgotten that. She used to show me his picture. He was quite good-looking.”
“Hermione, if this is really what you want, we’ll support you,” her mother said. “Will you promise to write at least every other week? We want to know how you’re doing.”
She nodded. “Sure, Mum. I hope you don’t mind the owls.”
“I’ll get used to it.”
- - - - - - - - - -
Morris and Henrietta sat in the front room, listening to Hermione and Severus packing some things in her room.
“What do you really think of him?” Henrietta whispered to Morris.
“I don’t know,” Morris muttered. “She was right, he is intimidating; but . . . did you see the way he looked at her?”
“Yes, I did. I don’t know if that makes me feel better or not.”
“Well, he did seem genuinely open with us. The fact that he wanted to meet us at all says something.”
“I’m not worried about his motives anymore. I’m worried about her. Young girls in love do foolish things. What if she gets pregnant? She can’t have a baby and get an education. And what about her career?”
“Hermione is the most responsible teenager I’ve ever met. I don’t think she would let that happen. If you’re worried about it, say something.”
“I intend to. Keep him busy while we say goodbye.”
“Yes, dear. Wait. Do you hear that?”
“Hermione laughing?”
“When was the last time you heard her laugh like that?”
Henrietta had to think about it. “When she was eight and we took her to that big library near London. Oh, Morris! Are we bad parents? Our daughter wasn’t happy here?”
“Nonsense! She was very happy.”
“That man didn’t look very funny. I can’t imagine what he could be saying.”
Morris smiled. “There’s no accounting for taste.”
- - - - - - - - - -
“This was me when I was five.”
“Are you sitting on a stack of books?”
“I couldn’t see the tabletop without them.”
“I see now where your bibliophilia began.”
“Shut up,” she said with a chagrined smile. “That’s me at the beach when I was eight.”
“Don’t you have any pictures where you’re not reading?”
“That was a very interesting book about seashells.”
“Soooo . . . no?”
“Get that stack of stationery off the desk for me,” she said, packing her pictures in a satchel.
“What about your lover, Teddy?” he asked, poking the stuffed bear’s nose.
Hermione blushed. “I hardly think he’s necessary if I’m going to live with you.”
“I promise not to be jealous of any inanimate objects." He picked up the bear and looked at him critically.
Hermione took it out of his hands and set it back on the bureau. “Mr. Mackintosh is not for play. He was my bear when I was little. Stuffed lust is in the closet if you’re so keen on snooping.”
He grinned, going straight for the closet. Hermione shook her head and went on packing her jumpers for the cold weather to come.
Severus came back with a large white teddybear and a wicked gleam in his eye. “What do you call this one?”
“How original.”
“I thought you’d like the double entendre.”
He smirked. “Touché.” Severus came up behind her and pressed the bear’s head to her crotch. “Why don’t you give me a replay?"
Hermione pushed it away. “Be good,” she whispered. “My parents are just down the hall.”
“Snowball misses you,” he purred, setting a tremor charm on it so the bear vibrated against her pussy. “Just look at the state of him.”
Hermione burst out laughing. “Stop that. Maybe later.”
“Later we’ll be at school,” he whispered in her ear, keeping the bear tight against her. “I intend to fuck you on every available surface. Would you like to play dirty detention when we get there?”
Hermione covered her giggling with one hand until she calmed. “Pack the bear. I have to get detention for something.”
“I'd better not find you humping that later tonight,” he said, making it clear that that was exactly what he wanted. “That would merit a lengthy punishment.”
Hermione smiled. “That’s what I was hoping.”
- - - - - - - - - -
“What was your mother whispering to you back there?” Severus asked her as they made their way up the street to Grimmauld Place.
“She’s scared I’m going to get pregnant.”
“What did you tell her?”
“The truth, that I use a contraceptive charm.”
“Did that ease her mind?”
“Somewhat. I don’t think she quite trusts magic like Muggle medicine.”
“You know, I could make you a potion. You wouldn’t have to think about it all the time.”
“I don’t think about it too much. I just do it every day after breakfast.”
“You only have to it when you’re ovulating.”
“I like to be on the safe side.”
“The potion would be good for twenty-eight days at a time.”
“What if I forgot to take it? It makes me nervous.”
“I would not let that happen,” Snape assured her. “Just pick a phase of the moon and stick with it.”
“The new moon is coming up in a less than a week.”
He knew what that meant. “So you’ll be sanctifying the new academic year with a blood offering. I’ll make the potion. You take it if you want to.”
“Okay. I’m nervous about starting university.”
Her sudden admission took their conversation in a new direction. Severus was a little surprised. “Why? I thought you’d be excited.”
“Oh, I am. It’s just I don’t know anyone.”
“You’ll make new friends soon enough. As long as you dial back the swotty attitude.”
Hermione slapped his arm with the back of her hand. “Very funny.”
“That’s fifteen,” he warned her, looking down at the spot where she’d hit him. “You'd better hope Potter and Weasley aren’t home when we get there.”
Hermione looked at her hand in shock. “I barely tapped you.”
“That’s beside the point.”
“Damn!” she growled, angry with herself.
“First thing when we get in the house. I mean it.”
They were on the front walk. Hermione could already feel her bum getting sore, her imagination running wild. She opened the front door. “Harry? Ron?”
She heard footsteps on the back stairs. Harry's smiling face appeared in the hall.
“We’re in the kitchen. Dinner’s not really ready yet. How’d it go with your parents?”
“Fine. Well, shocked, but fine. We just need to pop upstairs for a bit. Be right down.”
“You two are impossible,” he muttered, shaking his head and heading back toward the kitchen.
“Get up there,” Severus said calmly. “Shorts and knickers down.”
Hermione wanted to turn around on the stair and shove her pussy in his face. Shorts and knickers down, she repeated in her head. And pussy juice all over your leg if you’re going to say things like that. They got to her bedroom, and he sat in the armchair while she unfastened her jean shorts. For some reason her hands were shaking. She finally got them off and pulled them down her hips along with her knickers.
“Over my knee.”
“Did you put up a silencing spell?”
“No. They’re in the kitchen. This will be over in less than a minute. If you’re worried, then stay quiet.”
That’s easier said than done. She bent over his lap. There was no stroking or petting. He slapped her left bum cheek hard. Hermione squeezed her lips tight to keep her shout in her mouth. The second one seemed even harder. The next three made her eyes water. He was hitting her as hard as he could. At least she hoped it was as hard as he could. If it got any worse, she was going to scream.
Her legs involuntarily kicked with each smack. The volume of her muffled shouting was increasing. Severus didn’t let up. The sooner they finished, the better.
Hermione let out a choked sob as the rest fell.
It was over, but she couldn’t get up. She lay there silently sobbing. Her bum felt like a roasting pan that had caught fire.
“What do you have to say to me?” he prodded.
Hermione tried to take a deep breath so she could talk. All she managed was a ragged hiccup. “I’m . . . sorry . . . sir,” she gasped
“Good girl. Stand up.”
It took her a minute, but she climbed out of his lap. Hermione started to reach for her shorts, her bum screaming, but he stopped her.
“Just a second. Leave those where the are. Why did you just get a spanking?”
Her face somehow burned brighter. “Because I hit you again.”
“And why is that wrong?”
“Because it’s rude, and I love you.”
Severus let a small smile slip. “That’s right. Do you want more?”
“No, sir!” she answered quickly.
“Next time it happens, it’ll be twenty. I hope you avoid that fate. It’s entirely up to you. Did that turn you on?”
“No, sir. It hurt a lot.”
“I should take a ruler to your hands next time. Maybe if your hands are sore along with your bottom, you won’t be so quick to lash out. No rubbing.”
Hermione covered her face with one hand. The spanking was bad enough, but the chastisement made her cringe. She didn’t need to be told what she’d done wrong again and again. She knew. “I’m sorry, sir. Am I forgiven now?”
“Yes.” He leaned forward and pulled her to stand between his legs. “Let me.” Severus bent down and pulled up her knickers.
Hermione winced. His hand moved behind her, stoking her backside over the cotton.
“I can smell you. Is there something you need to tell me?”
Hermione looked down at him. “Like what?”
“Like that spanking did turn you on.”
“It didn’t, sir. I promise.”
“Part of it did. Maybe not the pain, but perhaps the rest.” He pulled up her denim shorts. “I think every single other part of it made you wet. Tell me the truth.”
“I . . . I was wet before you spanked me.”
“What turned you on?”
“You saying you were going to spank me.”
“Yes, sir.”
“And more after that?”
“Yes, sir. Everything you said after that.”
He took that in. “Is it my voice or what I’m saying that gets you wet?”
Severus nodded. That was impossible to work around. The humiliation was part of the punishment. “All right. Get in my lap.”
Hermione straddled his lap, and he pulled her close so her head was on his shoulder. He stroked her back until he'd rubbed away the last of her tears.
“Still love me?” he asked.
Hermione smiled. “Yes, of course.”
“You took that spanking very well. I’m proud of you.”
“I didn’t take it well at all.”
“Yes, you did,” he murmured, kissing her head. “You stayed fairly still and fairly quiet. You took down your knickers without complaint and got over my knee without a fight.”
“Please don’t say that, you’re just making me wetter.”
Severus smiled and kissed her head again. “What part?”
“Taking down my knickers and getting over your knee.”
“That’s one of the things I like about you, pet. You’re so easy to get in the mood.”
“Will you fuck me right now?”
“No. You’re going to wait. We need to re-christen my private quarters tonight. I want you primed and ready.”
“Let’s go now.”
He smiled. “No. You promised your friends dinner, and we’re going to go through with it. And you’ll need your strength, so you'd better eat and not spend the whole meal trying to grope me under the table.”
“I make no promises.”
Dinner was nice. Ginny was there (she wasn’t allowed to spend the night, but she could stay until midnight). Ron was the only one with both hands visible at the table. (But he was going out with Ingrid later, so Hermione figured he’d make up for that.) They had fun, and the food was good. Kreacher refused to eat at the table with them, but he sat in the corner listening to them talk.
When she was done eating, Hermione went upstairs to pack the rest of her things. It wouldn’t take long; she didn’t have much. Most of her books were still in the boxes. Severus took everything she set on the bed and shank it down to fit in her bag. They were done in less than an hour.
“I’m going to go say goodbye, and then we can leave,” she told him.
He stood by as Hermione hugged Harry and Ginny (who looked very rumpled and dazed) and then Ron (who reeked of aftershave). Severus watched them with a detached interest. The closest thing he had to a friend was maybe Lucius (or, disturbingly, Draco). Albus was more of a loose father figure. The people at Eros were just acquaintances. Then he realized that Hermione was his best friend, and the overt corniness of that thought made him want to vomit. He couldn’t stand couples who claimed the other was their best friend. It seemed so pathetic. He made a vow never to say it out loud even if it was true.
“Ready?” she asked him.
Severus nodded.
They Apparated to the gates of Hogwarts. Severus let them in, and they made the long walk to the entrance. They saw only Filch on their way through the deserted halls. The squib gave them a dark look, and Snape put his arm around her shoulders and stared the other man down. Filch nodded as they passed, but said nothing.
Hermione couldn’t believe how quiet the school was. It was eerie. They got down to the dungeons, and she smiled as they entered his office. It looked just the same, and all she could think about were all the times they’d shagged in there. He led her through to his room, and Hermione set down her bag and ran to the bed. She buried her face in it and sighed. “It smells so good in here.”
Severus watched her rolling her face in the sheets and shook his head. “Let’s put your things away. You’ll have plenty of chances to smell the room later.”
Hermione ran back and hugged him. “Let’s play detention now.”
“We have all night." His lips touched her forehead. “At least put away your clothes and the things you need tonight. I’ll have to add on to the bookshelves if you want your books out. Go on. You need to find something appropriate to wear anyway.”
“Kiss me first. It’ll be our first kiss officially living together and our first kiss in this room where I didn’t have to sneak in to see you.”
“Sort of a housewarming homecoming?”
“Knicker-wetting, housewarming homecoming.”
Smirking, he leaned down and kissed her. She still tasted of chocolate cake and mint ice-cream from dinner. He wanted to make it clear that they were going to take their time that night. His invasion of her mouth was slow and steady. A strategic maneuver. When she threw her arm round his shoulders and held onto him in surrender, he went in for the kill.
Hermione felt as if her knees had turned to liquid. Maybe her body was melting down the solid bits to keep her pussy streaming. His hand moved down to her bum, and she moaned into his mouth when he squeezed her still-tender rump. The way his tongue slowly explored her mouth, as if he were on a leisurely nature walk, was turning her stomach to jelly. She was going to be an invertebrate at this rate.
Severus slid his hand further around her arse, sinking his fingers into the furrow of her cheeks. Her shorts were keeping him from finding her heat, but he tried his best, pressing denim and cotton into her valley as he rubbed over her arsehole and pussy.
Hermione whimpered and tried to grind into his hand. No matter how much she squirmed, he kept his hand and tongue on their original course. She felt like the tortoise and the hare—if the hare were trying to shag the tortoise. He was driving her insane.
When her breathing got too labored, and she started to try to climb him, he pulled away and searched her face. Her eyes were so dark he almost couldn’t see any brown. Severus smiled at her hungry expression and brushed back her hair with his fingers. “How was that for our inaugural kiss?”
“More,” she whispered.
Snape’s smirk grew. “Soon. Right now I want you to put away your things. You want to wear your uniform, don’t you?”
Hermione smiled, giving him a dazed nod.
“Well, you have to unpack to find it. I’ll help you. We’ll be done in no time, and then you can show me what a repentant schoolgirl you are during detention.”
“On my knees repentant,” she assured him.
Severus smiled and nodded. “That’s my good girl. Go on,” he said, patting her arse to get her moving.
They did finish quickly. Snape expanded the wardrobe, and Hermione hung her clothes next to his. He already had drawers empty for her in the bureau; Hermione put away the rest of her things, shooing him off when she got to her knickers. She still had some things she hadn’t shown him yet, and she wanted to keep him from seeing. One of those surprises would be put to good use that night.
Severus took a shower while she finished with her underwear organization. He was wide awake. Hopefully he would drain himself before it was time to go to sleep. She came in while he was at the sink in his towel. When she tried to pull the terrycloth aside, he shook his head and pushed her hand away. “Not yet. Are you getting ready now?”
“MmHm,” she muttered, running her finger down his spine and trailing under the back of the towel.
“You’re going to get it, little girl. Unhand me if you don’t want to spend the next couple of days sleeping on your stomach.”
“I’ve got my uniform right here.” She pointed at her pile of clothes on the counter. “Just give me fifteen minutes.”
“I’ll be in my classroom. Come in when you’re ready.”
Hermione smiled and pushed him toward the door. “Yes, sir. Now get out. I want to surprise you.”
She waited for him to leave and then took the fastest shower possible. After she dried off, she put on her black lace bra and a very tiny thong she’d been keeping for a rainy day. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, but their first night back at Hogwarts seemed like a worthy occasion. Hermione pulled on her knee socks and shoes then stepped into her skirt. It was still short from the last time she’d worn it; she went to the mirror on the back of the door to see how it looked when she bent over.
Cheeky, she thought, laughing to herself. Pulling on her shirt, she smoothed it down and put on her Slytherin tie. If she was going to live in the dungeons, she'd better embrace the sliver and green. Her hair got pulled into bunches. Hermione put on some eyeliner and curled her lashes. She wanted to look good but not wind up with a face full of smeared makeup in the morning. After checking her reflection once more in the mirror, she went to go serve her detention.
She snuck out of his office door and went around to the real classroom door. There was little chance of being spotted with no one else there. Knocking softly, she opened the door and slipped inside. His classroom looked just as it always did; she breathed in the scent of potion ingredients and metal cauldrons. Severus was sitting behind his desk, his face as inscrutable as ever. She wanted to climb in his lap and ride him till she screamed.
He stood and walked around his desk. He had on his frock coat, and Hermione only lamented the fact that she’d have to take off more to get him naked; otherwise, it was brilliant. He looked just like he did when teaching (minus his teaching robes). There was brief flash in her head of pinning him to the desk and straddling his chest so she could rub her clit over all those buttons.
“You’re late, Miss Granger. Sit.”
She sat in the seat closest to him.
“What did I tell you about proper attire for detentions?” he asked in a silky tone.
Hermione bit back her smile. “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t want to be seen in hallways.”
“Get those clothes off before I decide to cane you crimson.”
Hermione stood up, quickly unbuttoning her shirt. When she loosened the tie, he said, “Leave it.” She got off her shirt and laid it on the table beside her. Then she unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. When she bent over to pick it up, she heard his sharp inhale.
“Leave the knickers. Take off the bra,” he ordered.
Hermione hid her smile as she unhooked her bra and set it with her other clothes.
“Remove your shoes and go stand in the corner.” Her damn underwear had changed his game plan. Making her beg for it didn’t seem like enough. He wanted to watch her parade around in her impossibly tiny knickers. When she got to the corner, he paced behind her, watching her bum shift and twitch, framed by those tiny scraps of fabric. The center strip disappeared between her cheeks, reminding him of where he'd like to be. He wanted to tear them off her. “Have you been hiding those knickers from me, young lady?”
“I was saving them, sir.”
“For what?”
“A special occasion.”
“I see,” he mused, staring at her pink bum. “I’m pleased you think so highly of my detentions. Do you know why you’re here tonight?”
A good rodgering? “No, sir.”
“Because you’ve been a bad girl. Would you like to admit what you’ve done wrong?”
“I don’t know what I did wrong.”
“When you need something, you are supposed to tell me. Can you think of what it is you need that you’ve been keeping from me lately?”
“I can think of lots of things, sir.”
“I’m disappointed in you. I thought you were a good girl.” He moved in closer, almost touching her back. “I can’t take care of you properly if you don’t tell me what you need. Being forthcoming is part of being honest. I think it’s time for another lesson. Come with me.”
Hermione followed him over to his desk, where he got out a quill and parchment. He set out a well of ink next to them. “Bend over. I want you to write out what it is you’ve been keeping from me.”
Hermione looked up at him. “Things I need or things I want?”
“Start with need. Go on. Title it and start your list. Number one . . .” he said, nodding at the parchment so she’d start. He got behind her and gave her bum a decent slap. It would sting, but it would also soak her little knickers in record time. Another slap, and he watched her bum jiggle. “We’ll keep this up until you tell me everything.”
“I’m done, sir.”
Severus blinked at her back in shock. He hadn’t even taken his belt off yet. This part was supposed to last at least a half hour. “You’re done?” Moving to one side, he looked over her shoulder.
Things I need
1. Severus Snape
2. Food/air/water
That was all she had written. His throat got uncomfortably tight. Standing so she wouldn’t see how much it had affected him, he bit his tongue until the unfamiliar, but recognizable, tension behind his eyes faded. Severus walked to his chair and sat down. He slid the parchment out from under her and put it in his top right drawer then got out a new piece and placed it before her.
“That was very good,” he said, careful to keep his voice even.
Hermione couldn’t help noticing that he wouldn’t look at her.
Snape took a deep breath. “I’m going to go get the riding crop. Start on your ‘want list.'” He had to get out of there for a few seconds.
Making it back to his room, he sat down on the settee. Her list had caught him off guard. He might freely admit that he loved her, but he wasn’t about to let anyone see him tearing up over a stupid roleplaying game. She hadn’t played by the rules. It felt as if she’d cracked open his heart like and egg. Now there was yolk on his shirt. A big yellow mess. He put his hand over his heart and tried to rub away the shaky feeling.
When his chest stopped feeling so wobbly, he went to the wardrobe and got the riding crop. It felt cold in his hand, which made him think of how warm her skin had felt by comparison. It is too damn hot in here! He used his wand to unbutton his coat. The room felt twenty degrees cooler without it. He tossed it in one chair as he passed then made his way back through the office.
Severus found her exactly as he’d left her: bent over his desk, writing on her parchment. He smiled at her stringy knickers. She was more than he could have hoped for. More than I deserve. He made his way over to her side and read over one shoulder. Whatever she wrote would determine how they would proceed.
Things I want Severus Snape to do to/for me
1. Tell me he loves me every day.
2. Use the riding crop on my clit until I come.
3. Be honest about how he feels (good or bad).
4. Tie me to his desk and cane me (and then fuck me).
5. Let me take care of him as much as he takes care of me.
6. Tie me open over his desk and lick my pussy.
That was as far as she’d gotten. It was an odd mix of sex and romance. He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Time out."
Hermione looked up. “Hm?”
“Time out. Come over here.” He sat in his chair. She gave him a funny look but did as he asked. Severus pulled her down so she was sitting in his lap. “Do you want to play detention?”
Hermione nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“Well, I can’t pretend to be strict with you if you keep this up.”
“Keep what up?”
“The sweetness,” he said with an exasperated sigh. “I’m trying to punish you, and you’re writing me love notes.”
“I thought you wanted me to be honest.”
A smile pulled up the corner of his mouth. “I do. I will always want you to be honest.” He put his hand on her face, running his thumb over her lips. “You just can’t spring things like this on me.”
“Things like what?”
He sighed, trying not to roll his eyes. “Things that make me want to kiss you instead of spank you.”
Hermione smiled. “I like the kissing as much as the spanking.”
“I know you do. I do too. But I can’t play disciplinarian and prince charming at the same time.”
“Prince charming?” she said, laughing. “When do I get to meet him? Bring him out now; I want to suck his royal dick.”
“You know what I mean."
“Can we play naughty princess and strict prince charming?”
“I thought you wanted to play detention.”
“I do. We can play prince and princess tomorrow.”
“If we’re going to play detention tonight, you have to make your list more lascivious than ‘tell me he loves me every day.’ ”
“You said I shouldn’t keep things from you.”
“And I don’t want you to. I want you to make that list for me later, and you can make it as sappy as you wish. I’ll do my best with it.”
“Okay. Will you kiss me before we start again?”
He nodded. “But after that we really have to start over. I want you to go back to the door and show up again.”
“I can’t go out in the hall like this!”
“Not out in the hall. Just to the door.”
“Oh. Okay. Dirty Dungeon Detention—take two.”
Severus nodded and kissed her. He kept it as slow as the first time but far shorter. If he kissed her senseless, she wouldn’t be in the right mindset (or indeed any mindset). Pulling back, he gave her a small smile. “Go on. Professor Pervert will no doubt find a way to kiss you later.”
Hermione grinned and climbed out of his lap. She heard him clearing his desk as she made her way to the door. When she got there, she put her hand on the smooth wood (tag you're it) and took a deep breath. Action!
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