...After Happily Ever After | By : Lissa & snowblind12 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 25854 -:- Recommendations : 4 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Harry Potter or J.K. Rowling. I make no money off of these stories. This is just fun for me. |
AN: Ooooh, you guys. We suck. We know. This has been difficult to write on. Writing in general isn't too high on our lists right now. We're hoping our motivation comes back soon, but in the mean time - we were able to wrangle this chapter out....
More as soon as possible. Four chapters left... xxxx Lissa & Snow
Chapter Forty-One
Pregnancy Woes
June 21st - 26 weeks gestation
Snape pulled Hermione’s arm through the crook of his elbow, encouraging her to lean on him without saying the words. NEWTs had finished two days ago and, while she looked considerably better, he was still a bit concerned considering how hard she had pushed herself over the last six weeks.
At just over twenty-six weeks pregnant, she was no longer able to hide the fact that she was showing. He had been hard pressed to pull her away from her studies the previous weekend to take her into Diagon Alley and then Muggle London; but he had insisted when she had burst into tears after their shared morning shower when she couldn’t get her tattered Muggle sweats up over her belly. He had already noticed that her robes were quite snug and knew she had stopped wearing her school uniform underneath them altogether; only donning a top that allowed her tie to peek through with a pair of panties underneath.
So, during the insisted upon trip, he had purchased her two new school uniform skirts and blouses (she had argued that she only had three weeks of school left and did not need more than that). Pepper laundered them for her nightly. He had then insisted on purchasing her a handful of maternity robes, some new undergarments to fit her fuller frame, and (from Muggle London) she had chosen about a dozen outfits from a maternity shop. Jeans and slacks with a funny panel where the button and zip should be, billowy blouses, and a couple pairs of pajamas. She had thanked him profusely, although he had felt she hadn’t purchased enough.
Being it was a Sunday evening, she was currently wearing a lovely witches robe in a pale lavender color that had trailing sleeves and it made him happy to see her comfortable in her own skin again. “Have I told you how lovely you look in that color?” he asked her as they finished her rounds on the fourth floor and made their way up the stairs to the fifth.
“Thank you,” she murmured distractedly as she pulled away from him. Using her lighted wand to check a popular tapestry to snog behind, she chased a fifth-year couple from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw away deducting points for being out of their common space after hours. Both students had looked fearfully at him, but one of the compromises they had made with her patrolling duties is that he wouldn’t interfere with her punishments.
Because he didn’t want Hermione patrolling alone, he had agreed. She continued to fight him, however, worried that he worked too hard and insisted he should use his alone time to read and relax. Maybe one day she would get it through her stubborn Gryffindor skull that there was nowhere he would rather be than at her side – especially given her pregnancy.
Hermione let out a heavy sigh as they made their way up the stairs from the fifth to the sixth floor.
“We’ll be done soon,” Severus said encouragingly. Her assignments tonight were floors four through six. They only had one level left.
“Are you nervous for tomorrow?” he asked, watching her fidget with her fingers a bit. She had yet to retake his arm, being her stubborn self once again. He knew she was tired.
“A little,” she admitted, “but I think I did well enough.”
NEWT results would be handed out at breakfast in the morning for all the returning eighth year students. They had been expedited for the few students who had returned – mostly because of their war status and because many of them were wallowing in job offers that were just waiting on their test results. He knew Hermione had been made at least a dozen such offers, but he was also aware that she had turned down most, if not all of them. She was wholly unsure and undecided about her future, telling him that she just wanted to get through her confinement before thinking too hard about what was next. The seventh years would be given their results a few days before the graduation ceremony.
When his attention focused on her again, he realized she was still fidgeting. “What’s the matter, pet?” he implored, taking one of her hands in his and pulling her back into his side.
“I’m hungry.”
She sounded annoyed and Severus cocked a brow as he peered down at the witch’s pained expression. It was getting harder and harder to shield his amusement and Salazar help him if she ever figured out the entertainment she unwittingly provided. “Just one more floor to patrol and you’ll be back at the troth… I mean the kitchen in our quarters.” He pinched his lips, almost succumbing to the urge to bark out a laugh. They had shared a bowl of popcorn just before starting her patrols.
Hermione didn’t miss the slight upturning at the corners of his mouth as she cut him a glance at the troth comment. The wizard thought he was so sly. For a double agent, he wasn’t very good at concealing his thoughts from her. She knew he found humor in her pregnancy woes. She’d like to see him have to survive one day of what she went through. “You assume I don’t know what you’re thinking, but you’re wrong you black-cloaked Snallygaster. You, who actually gets to sleep through the night without having to pee…”
“Shh,” he interrupted as he turned his head to the side. He whispered, “I heard something.”
Convinced he was merely trying to distract her, which he usually accomplished by mentioning food, she was about to continue her rant before she heard it as well. It sounded like giggling. Only it was a rather masculine giggle. It sounded like it was just ahead of them in the vacant classroom to their right. They both tiptoed forward, her eyes wide and his narrowed as they zeroed in on the newest set of curfew breakers.
As they approached the door, the couple could be heard much more clearly. It was definitely a man laughing. “Stop, stop! That tickled, you minx.” The playful reprimand was followed by a moan of what sounded like pleasure, “Oh Gods, Luna. Your tongue is amazing. Suck it, witch. Suck it!” Hermione looked up at Severus, her jaw slackened with shock as she whispered, “Luna?”
Severus rolled his eyes. “It’s not the first time I’ve caught her. She and Longbottom were…”
“Stop! Don’t tell me. For Merlin’s sake, don’t tell me.”
Drawing himself up, the potions professor whispered, “Alohomora,” and stepped through the now open door. Hermione tentatively followed, not sure she wanted to actually see. As far as she knew, Luna wasn’t dating anyone. Then again, she hadn’t really spent any time with Luna in months.
Hermione was speechless. If she had spent hours, or even days, contemplating what she would discover behind the door, she never would have imagined the truth of it. Theo Nott was naked and laying on a bed of what looked like Venus Rose leaves, given the variegated coloring. The wizard was on his stomach and Luna was sitting at his feet, sucking on his toes as she tossed what looked like Sopophorous beans onto his back. The couple was so engrossed in their task, neither noticed the intruder’s entrance.
“Mr. Nott. Would you care to explain just what it is you are doing?” Even Hermione cringed at the tone of her husband’s voice, a tone usually saved for Harry or Neville, certainly not for one of his beloved Slytherins.
Theo immediately jumped up, careful to keep his back towards the door as he grabbed his cloak and pulled it on. Luna, who was clad only in a thong, stood slowly and offered polite greetings without the least bit of discomfiture. “Oh, hello Professor Snape. Hello Hermione.” She simply stood before them with her breasts exposed as though it was the most normal thing in the world.
“Miss Lovegood, could you kindly put some clothes on instead of standing there like a…like a…”
Hermione could not remember a time her husband was at a loss for words, and certainly not while he was in full snarky professor mode, but Hermione guessed if anyone could render the wizard speechless it would be Luna Lovegood. Hermione tried to contain her smile as she stepped towards her girlfriend and picked up the cloak draped over a desk behind her, tossing it over her shoulders.
“Thanks,” Luna said lightly in response before looking back at the Professor. Hermione glanced at Theo to see his face was the color of a ripe tomato as he stared at the wall over his professor’s head.
Snape let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m almost afraid to ask, but I simply have to hear this. What were you two doing? Why were you throwing the beans on him?”
“It’s the snorklerooks, you see. Theo has been having trouble lately with some of his spell casting. I knew something was wrong when we woke up in his bed this morning and the wrackspurts were hovering all around him.” She was looking sympathetically at Theo who was now looking at the floor in front of him, his right hand rubbing his forehead.
Luna sighed and looked back at the professor. “So, obviously I had to do something. Snorklerooks not only increase magical strength, they also feed on wrackspurts. It was a simple matter of attracting them. That’s what we were doing, Sir.”
“Let me get this straight,” Hermione could tell her husband was greatly amused despite his attempts to hide it, otherwise he wouldn’t bother with hearing an explanation. “When you woke up in Theo’s bed this morning, you noticed… wrackspurts?”
“Yes, sir. All around him. Quite an infestation, really. So tonight, we were attracting the snorklerooks with the sopophorous beans. The snorklerooks in turn consume the wrackspurts while transferring magical strength to the infested witch or wizard,” her forehead wrinkled, “although, we didn’t get very far. We had only just started when you arrived.”
“Just two more questions, Miss Lovegood, why were you both naked and why were Theo’s toes in your mouth?”
“Being naked simplifies the cleansing and magic transfer. As far as the toe sucking, that’s just something Theo really likes.”
A small whimper escaped Theo as his other hand came up to shield his face completely.
Severus’ gaze lazed to his Slytherin. “Theo. You’ve been awfully quiet. Do you have anything to add?”
“No, sir. Sorry, sir.” His hands had fallen to his side, but his eyes remained glued to the floor.
“I see. Well Miss Lovegood, perhaps you would have more success if you squeezed the sopophorous juice onto his body. Just saturate him with it. Maybe leave it on him for a couple days. I would venture it’s the juice they are attracted to. Perhaps the snorklerooks simply need more time to work their way here?”
Luna’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Why didn’t I think of that? Yes! Yes, I think that might help.”
Theo’s eyes grew wide with horror as he looked up at his Professor.
“Theo, you will wear the juice until Miss Lovegood determines it is no longer necessary. You will not wash it off. Is that understood?”
“Yes, sir,” he barely croaked.
“Just for good measure, I would work the juice into his hair as well, Miss Lovegood.”
“Thank you, Professor. I believe you are right.”
“Well then, I’ll leave you to it. However, I expect you each in your own dorm room within the hour.”
Hermione followed her husband out of the classroom shaking her head. “You really do have a sadistic streak in you. You know that, right? Sopophorous juice smells foul. He is going to reek.”
“Yes, well. I doubt we will ever catch Mr. Nott in such a precarious situation again. Lessons come in many forms, my dear. Detentions are not always the best option.” Severus shook his head lightly as they made their way down the hall, letting out a soft chuckle. “Snorklerooks. How absurd.”
By the time they were done with rounds Hermione was exhausted. Her back ached and she desperately had to pee. The minute her bladder was empty, and her hands washed, she pulled off her clothes and slipped on one of the loose, comfortable night gowns Severus has purchased her the previous weekend. She let out a sigh of relief as she padded to their kitchenette. To her surprise, her husband was standing next to their little eat-in table where he had laid out cut-up fruit and vegetables as well as a big glass of pumpkin juice. This was not the snack Hermione had in mind. Her eyes glanced surreptitiously at the pantry cabinet where her half-full bag of Cheetos was hidden behind several stacked cans of beans.
Her husband cocked a knowing brow. “Cheetos hold absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever. Have you even looked at the listed ingredients?”
She tried to hide her surprise at his knowledge of her stash. At least he doesn’t know about the bag in my trunk...or the others. “I don’t eat them all the time. They are an occasional treat.”
“I suppose that’s why I found a bag tucked into the washing pale in our broom closet and another hidden behind your winter boots?” He smirked at her slackened jaw expression. “I can only imagine what’s tucked into your trunk.”
“I only hide them because when I eat them in front of you, you get that condescending look of superiority on your face like you are wearing right now!” She knew her voice was trembling, she was gearing up to cry again and she hated that she had no control over it. Damn it – she wanted those Cheetos! “You have no idea what I’m going through and how intense my cravings are! I’m miserable. I’m always hungry, my back aches, I have terrible indigestion, I’m fat, and now…” She let out a small tearless sob as she collapsed into the chair. She gestured at her feet. “Now… I have cankles!” She new she was being totally overreactive, but she just couldn’t stop herself. She wanted her body back.
When a genuine big, fat tear slid down her cheek, Severus sprung into action. Crouching in front of her, he nudged her chin up so their eyes met. “You have never been as beautiful to me as you are right now, pet.” When she snorted her disbelief at that, he continued, “Your body is adapting and providing for our child. There is nothing sexier than that. And you are not fat, you are pregnant!” He looked down at her slightly swollen feet. “Furthermore, you do not have cankles. You have slightly swollen feet because you push yourself to hard. You don’t rest your legs enough. Now that NEWTs are over, I expect you to rest more.”
He paused for a moment before a rare, crooked smile graced his lips when his gaze shifted back to her face. “In fact, I find your feet to be very sexy.” He lifted her left foot and kissed each toe, before sucking her big toe into his mouth. Her back automatically arched and a small gasp escaped her lips. He released it and smirked up at her now flushed face. “Hmm, perhaps Mr. Nott was on to something?”
Hermione, whose emotions changed with the wind, let out a giggle before giving him a come-hither look. Her pregnancy hormones left her practically insatiable.
To her surprise, Severus stood and grabbed the bag of Cheetos off the counter behind him. How did I miss those? He held his hand out to her. “Come, let’s explore this new erogenous spot, shall we?”
Taking his hand, she let him pull her up to follow. “What are the Cheetos for?”
“Ah well, I need something to toss at you as I suck your toes, don’t I?”
He let out a bark of laughter when she shoved him playfully.
Two hours later Hermione woke, her bladder screaming. As gracefully as she could manage, she slid out of Severus’ protective hold and padded to the loo. She sighed with relief as she emptied her bladder and smiled at the memory of their lovemaking. Godric, she loved that man. He may find mirth in her pregnancy complaints, but he was certainly good with his reassurances and distraction techniques. Still, if he truly understood what it was she was experiencing he might be even more sympathetic. After all, she knew he was simply tuning out her complaints much of the time. Not that she blamed him. She pretty much complained all the time.
As she washed her hands she looked at her reflection and whispered to herself. “There’s no way for him to fully understand, Hermione.” As she dried her hands, she paused in thought. “Unless…” A small smile crept over her lips. “Where did I see that book?”
Hermione lay in bed, wondering if the spell had worked; hoping on the one hand it didn’t and on the other hand it did. Would he be angry? Perhaps she should cast the counter spell? As she continued her internal debate, her husband started shifting in his sleep. She peeked at him as his forehead crinkled and he grew restless. After a minute of squirming, he whispered a curse in frustration before flipping the covers back and slipping out of bed.
Hermione had to stifle a giggle when the minute he was standing, his hands flew to his lower back and he let out a groan. Then his feet shuffled quickly towards the loo as his hands continued to rub his lower back. A minute later he sleepily made his way back to bed and let out a moan of what sounded like relief as he sank into the bedcovers. When his stomach let out a loud growl, her hand flew to her mouth to keep from guffawing. It was when he sat up and his palm flew to his lower abdomen and he looked down in surprise that she began to feel a twinge of guilt. Was he feeling the baby move? A hiccough, perhaps? These were all symptoms she had experienced in the last twenty-four hours. She tried to recall her other symptoms as she watched him once again climb out of bed, only this time he headed to the kitchen.
This was just too good. Unable to resist, she climbed out of bed and, after relieving her own bladder once again, made her way to the kitchen as well. It took every ounce of control to not give up the gig when she saw him. Half asleep and his hair a mess, he was pulling everything out of the fridge. Everything he pulled out, he made a face of disapproval at before reaching for the next item. Her inner witch let out a cheer of victory when the vegetables and cut-fruit was met with a scornful look.
“There’s some of that Shepherds pie in the round container,” she said simply, her arms crossed as she leaned on the door frame. He looked up in surprise, not having noticed her presence. That was another symptom, being singularly focused at times (especially when food was involved) to the detriment of being unaware of what was going on around you. It was very un-Snape-like.
“What are you doing up?” he growled as he continued his foraging, finally finding the round container and pulling it up to his nose. A resigned sigh escaped him as he cast a warming charm and grabbed a fork.
“I heard you moving about and wanted to check on you.”
“Well, as you can see I’m fine. I’m just so hungry all of a sudden.” He made a face of disgust as he chewed the shepherds pie. He put it down and looked back in the fridge, disappointment etched in the lines of his face at not having found anything that satisfied his craving. He grudgingly picked up the round bowl again and began eating.
Wondering, she went to her trunk and pulled out the unopened bag of Cheetos and brought them into the kitchen. She opened the bag and ate one, her eyes practically rolling in bliss. Watching her, he pulled out the jar of Muggle barbeque sauce from the pantry and studied her curiously as she dipped one into the sauce before popping it into her mouth. “Wanna try it?” She asked, her voice muffled from being full.
He seemed to ponder and then held his hand out. Hermione handed him the bag and set the jar in front of him. He tentatively dipped a small cheese curl into the sauce and hesitantly put it in his mouth. After a couple seconds of chewing, his eyes grew wide and he grabbed another, dipping further into the sauce before eagerly eating it. “So good,” he mumbled before sitting and feasting on the very thing he had ridiculed her for eating. After consuming about ten curls, he let out a loud and unexpected belch. His hand flew to his abdomen. “Something’s not right,” he looked at her with apologetic eyes. “I think I might need the loo again.” When he went to stand, his body refused to allow him the speed he was accustomed to. “I feel so heavy and my back is killing me. And look at my feet – look how swollen they are.”
“Maybe it’s just from the walking about during rounds?” Hermione suggested. She was torn between confessing to what she had done to him and letting him live it out a little more. What would one day be compared to the over hundred she had already spent in this condition?
He looked contemplative for a minute before shrugging. “Perhaps.” A yawn grabbed him, and he covered his mouth as he watched her flick her wand to put all the food he had pulled out back where it belonged.
“Use the loo, Severus,” she told him. “Then let’s go back to bed.”
Hermione was a mess. She was torn between total guilt and complete mirth at how Severus was responding to the spell she had cast on him. He had gotten up twice more before morning to pee, the second time muttering darkly how he just “didn’t understand why he got up with a screaming bladder only to squeak out a few dribbles before he felt relief and could return to bed”.
The morning came with a small bought of nausea when he smelled the PG Tips she was brewing and the insistence he couldn’t eat a thing, only to devour the English muffin slathered with peanut butter she set down in front of him like it was the best thing he’d ever tasted.
She watched with continued amusement while he grumbled and groused about how much his lower back hurt and how he must have “slept funny” the night before. She tutted sympathetically and they both slowly made their way to the Great Hall. Having to bite her lip while he slowly waddled his way to the dais after having left her to sit with her friends for breakfast, she watched as Minerva asked after him with concerned eyes. He waved her off.
Hermione had a late morning free period, where she returned to their rooms and found Severus crashed out in front of the fire after just having had a free period himself. He had class starting in less three minutes. Feeling a little bit guiltier this time, she woke him gently and pressed a Pepper Up potion in his hands, telling herself she would tell him what she had done after dinner and remove the spell. Less than twenty-four hours would be enough time to get her point across; she wouldn’t make him suffer for longer than that.
After dinner in the Great Hall, the Heads of Houses and all returning eighth year students made their way to a large classroom on the second floor to obtain their NEWT results.
“Nervous?” Harry asked her sympathetically as she settled herself carefully in the desk next to him. Noticing her harrumph at not having a lot of space left for her ever expanding abdomen, he smiled tenderly at her and slung an arm over her shoulders and surprised her by planting a kiss on her temple. “You look beautiful,” he assured her.
She gave him a bashful smile and answered him, “Thanks. Yeah, I’m nervous. You?”
“Uh-huh,” he responded. “You know you did amazing, though, ‘Mione.” It was said teasingly as Ron plunked down on her other side with Susan in tow. Hermione let her gaze roam as the boys fell into joking and watched her classmates settle in. Seamus, Dean, Hannah, Tracy, Justin, Draco, Theo, Blaise…almost everyone who had survived the war had returned.
Professor McGonagall brought everyone to order a few minutes later and started a brief speech about her pride in all off them that, much to Hermione’s amusement, obvious caused her husbands “hormone’s” to act up as much as hers did. She watched him struggling to compose himself by hiding the lower half of his face in the palm of one hand and supporting his elbow with the opposite palm. For herself, she discreetly dabbed her tears with a tissue.
“I’d like to begin with announcing the re-opening of the Apprenticeship program of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Starting now, we will take applications for a two or four year degree in Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy. If you have an interest in any of these fields and would prefer a faster-paced program than University, I highly recommend you discuss the opportunities with your Head of House.” There was some excited chatter as students exchanged enthusiastic glances and quietly commented on the new opportunity available to them.
After a few moments, the Headmistress continued. “We have decided to take a moment to recognize those who have made some exceptional achievements in a more private manner, so if your name is stated, please stand. Hard copies of your awards have been sent to your dorms. When we are finished, you will receive a hard copy of your marks.
“Neville Longbottom – Excellence in Herbology.” Neville stood, a pleased blush covering his cheeks and Hermione noticed with interest as Hannah Abbot clapped a little louder than the rest while her eyes never left the boys’ face. Hmmm…
Harry received mention for the highest DADA score in over twenty-five years. Draco for Potions. Terry Boot for Charms. When the individual core-class awards were handed out, Hermione felt herself disappointed but tried not to show it. She hadn’t received the highest score in any class? A bought of panic was starting to swell in her chest. I’ve failed everything! She was going to be sick.
“Hermione Snape.” McGonagall’s voice saying her name snapped her back to attention and she stood so quickly a bought of vertigo swept over her. She saw her husband take a step towards her in concern, but she held up her hand. “Sorry, just dizzy.” She was embarrassed when her voice came out tinged with the evidence of the tightness in her throat.
“Hermione Snape,” McGonagall repeated. “I’m happy to inform you of being this graduating class’ Valedictorian.” Hermione felt her lips part in surprise and all the teachers who stood before their small grouping smiled at her, all except her husband, whose face was blank. “I also want to congratulate you on receiving the highest overall NEWT score since your husband graduated in 1979.”
“What?” she whispered, her eyes quickly moving to meet Severus’.
His face remained impassive, but his eyes were glinting with pride and amusement. “I dare say you outscored me by three percent.” Neither noticed her classmate’s wide eyes as they swiveled back and forth between the married couple in astonishment. His tone suggested he was upset, but she knew better.
“It’s only three percent.” Her elation was hard to suppress and she broke into a tooth-baring grin. “Hardly worth mentioning.” Her heart fluttered when Severus started to laugh, and she wanted nothing more than to run and jump into his arms.
“Congratulations, love,” he told her from their safe distance apart and the murmurs that broke out around them drew their attention to remind them they were not alone. She felt her face heat as her classmates started to tease her, a few of the girls chattering how sweet they were – much to Severus’ chagrin.
A few minutes later, after McGonagall announced that Theo Nott secured Salutatorian and Terry Boot had taken the third-place honors, they were handed a sealed envelop with their actual results and dismissed.
After spending a bit of time with Ron, Harry, Lizzie, and their respective significant others, Hermione headed back to the dungeons, each step causing her more and more guilt.
She entered their suite a few minutes later to find Severus seated at the table with a huge bowl of Cheetos in front of him along with a dish of barbeque sauce and a large glass of milk while he paged through a Potions Journal. Her mouth started watering even as she choked back a laugh.
“You were right,” he didn’t look up at her, “this is good. I’m sorry I’ve been giving you so much grief.”
She sat down next to him after pouring herself a glass of milk. They sat in silence for a while, each munching on their snack. After a little while, the baby started rolling and stretching low in her womb causing Hermione to smile fondly and drop her hand to the rounded flesh. A moment later, Severus looked severely startled as he, too, dropped his hand to his abdomen.
“Are you okay?” she whispered, wondering if he was feeling the baby move as well. She fought a snicker – it would be an odd feeling for him, especially as he didn’t know what it was.
He looked at her with concern, which caused her amusement to disappear instantly. “Don’t get to close to me, pet. I think I’m sick and I don’t want you to get it.” He rose from the chair with a groan, his hands flying to his lower back.
Once again, guilt flooded her as she watched him practically waddle towards the bathroom. She just couldn’t let him suffer anymore. Pointing her wand at his still retreating form, she whispered the counter spell, catching him just before the bathroom door closed. A minute later he came out shrugging his shoulders. “I feel fine now. It’s been such a strange day.”
Silently, Hermione waved her wand at the kitchen, magically putting everything away before moving to pick up the ancient book from the coffee table to bring to him. He shot her a curious glance and then looked at the page in front of him. She watched as his eyes grew wider with each line of the spell’s description. He closed the book and stared at her, his dark eyes gave nothing away. Hermione suddenly not only felt guilty, but a touch of concern – fear even. She had gone too far. Was he about to lose his temper? Yell? Or worse, just walk away and say nothing?
Her chocolate orbs were heavy with remorse. “Severus…forgive me. I shouldn’t have… It was wrong on so – ”
“Sshh,” he whispered as his index finger glanced over her lips in an effective means of silencing her. “I forgive you. Frankly, I deserved it… No, I needed it.” He kissed her forehead and pulled her close, his strong hands sliding down to her lower back where he began to rub. She gave a small moan of appreciation. “I have a whole new understanding. Come on, let’s get you in the tub to relax your muscles.” He paused, “Or are you hungry? I can get you something? Cheetos?”
She smiled warmly and pushed up on her toes to plant a lingering kiss on his lips. “Maybe some vegetables. It’s better for the baby after all.”
“We’re going to get going, too,” Lizzie said to her friends as she watched Hermione exit the Gryffindor common room. “Congrats Harry, Ron, Sue – on your NEWTs. I can’t wait to get mine!” She smiled at the group as they gave their thanks and waved her and Draco good-bye.
It was their turn for the Head-Girl suite tonight, and they were looking forward to some quiet alone time after the craziness that had been the last couple of weeks. Last six weeks, actually. Draco had been struggling lately. Mostly with his emotions surrounding his father’s death and the Obliviate that had been cast on himself and his mother – which they had found Lucius’ signature on upon examination at St. Mungo’s.
The funeral had been very small and very quiet. The Malfoy money had been able to keep it out of the papers for the most part – only announcing his death and the transference of title and estate to Draco.
Draco had thrown himself entirely into his studying and Quidditch since their return after their weekend of bereavement leave. They had hardly talked about anything besides school at all. He hadn’t even given her much in the way of playful ribbing when Hufflepuff secured the Quidditch Cup for the first time in sixty-two years because of her Seeking – she had caught the Snitch over Harry in the final match of Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff just before NEWTs had begun.
She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye as they barely caught the moving staircase to the fourth floor, the look on his face was contemplative and she reached out to snag his hand. “What’re you thinking about?” Lizzie asked.
Instinctively, Draco laced his fingers through her and pulled her closer to his side. “The future,” he replied honestly as he turned his head slightly to meet her gaze. “We need to discuss it, don’t we?”
Does he know? Lizzie’s thoughts became quickly frantic.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Who did tell you?” she wasn’t mad, not in the least, but she hadn’t told anyone but Hermione. Well…and Ginny, but Ginny had only known because she had also been on the receiving end of a very similar offer.
Draco raised his eyebrows and smirked at her. “Well, that’s something the Team Owner would find out about, I guess.”
“What do you mean…Team Owner? You own the Holyhead Harpies?!” She pulled her hand from his and stopped in the middle of the corridor, her hands slamming down on her hips.
Narrowing his eyes, Draco took in her defensive stance with slight exasperation. “Before you go get all ‘Did I get an offer because of you?’ on me – that answer is no. I own the team, but I do not manage it. I pay someone very well to do that for me. The team was my seventeenth birthday present from my mum. In my opinion, they couldn’t have picked two better witches for this years’ recruitment, however. Now my question again – why didn’t you tell me?”
Lizzie, her ire calming, turned her eyes to the floor in embarrassment. “I…” She trailed off as Draco pushed open the suite room door, letting her enter before turning and locking it behind them.
She still didn’t answer him, even when he trailed his long fingers up to tangle into her golden locks. Gently, he forced her eyes up to him. “Are you leaving me, Lizzie?” His face was stoic, even if his eyes were sad. The sensation of ice water washed over her as the question made her gasp.
“No!” She reached for him clenching her fists in his robes. “No, Draco. I love you! I just…I didn’t know how to bring it up. You’ve been going through so much, and I didn’t want it to add any stress. It would mean a lot of time apart – I don’t think I’m going to – ”
“Of course, you’re going to take it,” he interrupted her with a tone a finality in his voice. “You deserve it. You’ll be brilliant.”
She froze, her stomach clenching in fear. “But…but what about…us?” It came out as a pitiful whisper.
He smiled warmly at him. “We’ll figure it out,” he promised her. “You won’t get rid of me that easily.” His crooked smirk warmed her instantly and her tension melted away.
“Okay then,” she returned his smile. “What about you?” she asked. “Have you decided what you’re going to do?”
“Yes,” he answered straightening. “I think I’m going to apply for the Potions Apprenticeship.”
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