Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Chapter 43 - Provocation
Hermione snuggled closer to Fenrir, resting her head on his shoulder so she could still face Lance. Her hand moved over his broad chest, drawing lazy patterns on it. She felt this awesome, safe feeling again; as if their bodies were made for each other, as if their hearts couldn't beat without the other. Out of the blue, a voice from the back of her mind whispered to her, and she realized that she shouldn't feel like this. It told her that Fenrir was on the other side of the war, the war that didn't even exist anymore because he and his friends had killed so many of her—
She had heard Fenrir’s growl, but it couldn't pull her out of the damned reverie until the shattering of the glass on the table did so, Lance having purposely done so just for that effect.
Hermione panted and hid her face in Fenrir's shoulder. She could hear the shards coming together when Lance repaired the glass, even though Fenrir was still growling. She felt bad, for the fact that he was still mad with her for being so weak and letting the voices in her head win again.
“Stop growling. She is misinterpreting it and thinks you are mad at her.”
The growling became even louder. “I'm not mad at her.”
“She does not understand your body language, Alpha Fenrir. You need to control yourself and talk to her if you want these memory flashes to vanish. She needs to talk about what causes them.”
“They come out of the blue. You must have scented it as well. She was happy and then it just happened.”
“Nothing just happens, Alpha.”
“I'm not mad, pup. You know this, right?” Fenrir asked insecurely, trying to calm down. “I'm just worried. I want these flashes to stop. Severus should have told me about it earlier. I will break his neck.” The anger was riled up again, and the growl changed to a really angry growl this time.
“No, you can't,” Hermione said, shocked. “He had nothing to do with it!”
“Why are you defending him? He let you play games with your mind like he does with his all the time. He can do what he wants with his mind but not with yours.”
Hermione whimpered. His angry growl made her frightened.
“You know that his anger isn't directed at you, don’t you?” Lance asked calmly.
“No, it is. Severus hasn't anything to do with it.”
“It's Head Beta, pup. He had everything to do with it. He realized something was wrong and didn't tell me or the Eldest.”
“How could he tell them anything, Fenrir? They try to find mistakes in everything he does and want to force him to live a life they deem correct.”
“What the hell are you talking about? What has this damn Head Beta planted in your head?” Fenrir gripped Hermione forcefully by her arms and shook her.
“Get a grip on yourself, Alpha Fenrir!” Lance demanded.
“Don't tell me how to treat my pup, you damn Shaman,” Fenrir yelled and tried to stand up.
Hermione used all her weight to hold him down. This was dangerous, and she needed to calm Fenrir down or he would attack Lance. She knew she couldn't manage this on her own, so she screamed for help.
Not even a second later the door flew open, wood splintered, and the door fell down as Yorik stumbled into the room.
Fenrir roared in anger. “Get out, Yorik!”
“No!” Hermione screamed, and Yorik remained rooted to the floor.
“I said get out!” Fenrir bellowed again, trying to get rid of Hermione without hurting her.
Yorik didn't react, his eyes only on Hermione, waiting for her command.
“As much as I enjoy this insight into your pack communication, I would highly appreciate if you could act like the Alpha you are and take responsibility for your pup and help me to help her. We can only do this if you calm down.”
Fenrir seemed to get control of himself again. He let Hermione press him into the couch again and let her snuggle on his lap.
When Hermione sensed that Fenrir had calmed down, she stretched one of her hands over the back of the couch in Yorik's direction. Slowly her beta came over and took it. All tension left Hermione, and she sagged down over Fenrir's chest, exhausted.
“Would it be okay if we send your beta out again, pup? I think your alpha has calmed down enough, don't you think?”
Hermione nodded and looked thankfully at Yorik. Then she let go of his hand.
Yorik nodded in Lance's direction and threw one last insecure look at his alpha, who ignored him, before he left the room. This time, Hermione couldn't even see the movement of Lance's hand before the door repaired itself.
“As much as I appreciate that you act like you feel, please never try to get between your alpha or any other of your mates and me. I don't need your protection and nobody will be punished for attacking me. So you don't have to worry, pup. No more of those dangerous stunts please, am I understood?” There was the dominant Lance again, which made Hermione nod her head.
“Good. Maybe you already have noticed that there are some differences between your alpha and the head beta. Most of the tension you feel radiating through your alpha is caused by other problems and not you. Of course he is very worried about your memory flashes, but he is not angry with you.”
“But he is angry with Severus.”
“That will be taken care of in another session and without you present. Right now we are talking about you and your alpha.”
Hermione sighed and listened to Fenrir's slowly calming heartbeat.
“Please tell us what you were thinking about shortly before the flashback.”
Hermione wanted the flashbacks to stop; she wanted help. She knew there was no escape from this place and she didn't want to escape. She loved Fenrir and Severus and her other mates and she loved Draco and Neville. Many of the other clan members also were very fond of her. They were her family now and she felt very good and safe here. Outside this territory there was nothing to live for. All her friends were dead, many having died long before her time at the compound began. The way her former world was ruled now wasn't something she wanted to live in. So Hermione sighed and started to tell them what was going on in her head a few minutes ago.
“Did you ever speak with your mates or someone else about what your alpha is doing when he leaves the house? What his duties for the Dark Lord are or what is going on outside?”
“Of course not. That's none of her business,” Fenrir interrupted sharply.
“It's her past. Most of her human mind is still intact. It is entangled with her wolf but the human mind is dominant if she wants it to be. I'm surprised she even adjusted as well as she did. She must be really fond of you.”
“Of course she is fond of me. I'm her mate.”
“Soul mate, Alpha Fenrir, soul mate. That's the only reason she didn't fight you all tooth and nail, or hasn’t gone insane, yet.” Lance looked carefully at the couple in front of him. “You once were separated from her for some days, right? How was it?”
Fenrir growled. It was the sound a trapped animal made, afraid but ready to jump even though it knew it had hardly a chance.
“You must learn to not see her as a simple sub. Telling her what agony it is to be away from her can only tighten the bond between the two of you or are you afraid she will use it against you?”
“Please stop provoking him, Lance,” Hermione pleaded while she again struggled to keep Fenrir in the couch. “He will have a heart attack.”
“I will not,” Fenrir said, embarrassed.
“You better not, alpha. Your pack needs you.”
Fenrir growled. “You could have said you need me, pup.”
“That would be too cliché and it would make your head swell up even more.” She grinned, happy that he had calmed down again. “And you know that anyway. By the way, it was agony for me as well, but I at least had some people to distract me.”
“Thanks for rubbing salt in the wound. All I could think about while the Dark Lord bored us with stupid politics was you being fucked by everyone else but me.”
Hermione grinned. “We made up for the time away though, didn't we?”
“Yes, we did, you little vixen, and just the thought of it...” He rumbled in his chest and grabbed her waist to pull her closer to him.
“Fenrir,” Hermione panted, “We’re not alone.”
“Who cares for the wooden elf?”
Hermione swatted his chest. “Now you are provoking him. Why do you dominants always have to do this?”
“To get rid of tension or get out of an embarrassing situation.”
Fenrir's honesty surprised Hermione, and she looked dumbfounded at him. “You were honest with me. Seriously,” she stated, puzzled.
“That's what he told me to do. I'm not dumb, and I'm a quick learner. So did it help?”
Hermione smiled and kissed Fenrir. “I have no idea, but it felt good.” When Lance spoke again Hermione jerked. She had forgotten the Shaman.
“Your alpha just told you he was meeting the Dark Lord and I couldn't see any change of your aura or scent any discomfort. Do you have an explanation for it?”
“I try to not think too much about the world outside, but sometimes it just overcomes me. I know that Fenrir is still working for him and I... I know that he most certainly has killed many of my friends or is still doing so if there are still some alive. Thinking about it makes me... I don't like it.”
“The war is over, pup. If not for your submissive nature you wouldn't be alive anymore nor would Neville. I stand by my choice of side in the war and its aftermath. It was and is the best side for us werewolves. We are free to live how we want. We have our own territory with our own law and rules. If I need to kill people who think us to be beasts and want us restrained or killed to maintain this freedom, than I will do so, no matter what side they are on. But that's not what I'm doing for the Dark Lord. He is in need of my senses, pup. My payment is high, and I get the submissives from his arena games.”
Hermione shuddered, remembering the arena.
“Have you talked about the arena with someone, pup? Your mates, Miller, or the other subs?”
Hermione shook her head. “Neville wants to forget as much as I want to talk about it, and I never dared to ask him. Draco always scolds me for asking anything concerning our past. He says I have to accept that I'm a werewolf now and that I have a good life here. The past should be of no importance.”
“Clever sub,” Fenrir muttered, and Hermione glared at him.
“Fenrir once told me that it isn't our clan who helps Voldemort in the arena. He is just called when there are submissives left. He checks them and brings them here when he thinks they can survive. He fetched me as well back at that... day.”
“Can you remember who was there?”
“Not exactly, but I know my best friends were.” Tears were flowing down her cheeks.
“It is okay to mourn for them, pup. It is also understandable that you sometimes feel guilty for living with people who support the regime that killed them and even are part of that regime. Nevertheless, do you think your friends would have wanted you to suffer? If they would have known that you had this choice to survive and like the way you are living here, wouldn't they have supported you?”
Hermione hid her face in Fenrir's chest, not caring that she wet his shirt with her tears. “I don't know. It’s all still so confusing. Why do I like it here so much? How can I love them so much?”
“You are a werewolf now and this is your family. You even have a soul mate and five other mates. In Draco you found a good old friend who had already adjusted in this new world here and in Neville you had someone who was as confused and helpless as you. You were never alone and survival mode kicked in.”
Hermione nodded against Fenrir's chest. “I feel so guilty. They all died, and I changed sides.”
“No, you didn't. The human Hermione died beside her friends, fighting for the side she believed to be the right one. She is dead, and born was the werewolf Hermione, the pup of this clan. Bury the old Hermione, pup. Don't let her voice haunt you. She knows nothing of what you feel and are now. These people here need you. They love you. You can have a very happy life here if you allow yourself to have it.”
Hermione sniffed, but slowly calmed down when Lance gave her the time to do so. Everything he said made so much sense. She was no longer Hermione, the fighter for the light. She was Hermione, the werewolf; Hermione, the pup. And she was happy to be that wolf. She felt safe here with Fenrir and the others and with Darius to talk to. She no longer wanted to leave or die. She wanted much more freedom, yes, but she had enough influence to get it someday.
Fenrir's hand played soothingly with her locks and his breath warmed the top of her head.
“I try but it is so hard. It helps to talk with Darius. He understands me and... well.. there is no sex standing between us.”
Lance nodded. “Yes, you manage to gather people around you who you need. The only one who causes problems is that tiny bit of the human girl you once were, that you hold onto even though you know you need to let go of that piece. That can't be done in one day. We will talk about it several more times before I will leave in a few weeks. We also will talk with your chosen sire.”
Hermione had calmed down and looked at Lance. “I'm very tired. Do we have to go on?”
Lance smiled kindly. “You can always tell me if you feel tired. We will stop in a few minutes. It would be nice if you felt up to it for another hour or two after supper. It's your choice. Just come by if you think you can handle it. Nevertheless, I have two little things I would ask you and your alpha before we part.”
Hermione sat up straighter on Fenrir's lap.
“I would like to know if you remember the werewolves in the arena.”
Hermione looked at Lance with a lost expression. “I was in a lot of pain. I don't understand your question.”
“Your alpha told you he had nothing to do with it, but are you sure? Maybe you remember one of the wolves from this clan.”
This time Hermione had no choice. She was quickly placed on the couch and Fenrir was up in one go. Abruptly, he jumped right against an invisible wall. Lance didn't even look in his direction, as he was just looking at Hermione.
It took her a moment to make sense of what Lance had just said and to register Fenrir's attack on Lance, but then she was up. “No, please, Fenrir.” She tried to pull Fenrir away from the wall he was punching at.
Fenrir turned to her and grabbed her forcefully by her arm and shook her. “You must not interfere in fights.”
“I don't care about that stupid rule. You jump to every stupid thing he throws at you. Start thinking with your brain and not your muscles. He is no werewolf and doesn't seem the least bit afraid of you. He asks questions like this to see your or my reaction to it, not because he really believes it or wants to offend you. So stop playing the big bad wolf and sit down so I can tell him that I trust you completely and know you wouldn't lie to me about something like this.”
Fenrir stared at her open-mouthed.
“You are a real treasure for this clan, pup,” Lance said, amused. “Now make your alpha sit down again please.”
Hermione turned to him, glaring. “You should really stop mocking him and provoking him like that. He can't help reacting to it. It’s his nature. He can't control it.”
“Then he has to learn to control himself because that's what he has to do to keep you happy and satisfied here. He needs to learn to articulate what's going on in his mind and not just assume that you understand his body language and animalistic noises.”
“Or I will learn to understand his animalistic noises and body language,” Hermione replied challengingly, but Lance just laughed.
“I'm the wrong person to fight, pup. I'm sure you will learn all of this, but it can't hurt if they learn to communicate better as well. The benefit would not only be for you.”
He looked at Fenrir. “Would you please sit down with your pup, so we can talk about the last topic for today?”
Fenrir grumbled something Hermione couldn't understand and sat down, pulling her on his lap. “I can fight for myself, pup. You embarrass me in front of him when you try to defend me and interact,” he whispered, growling in her ear.
Hermione rolled her eyes and then looked at Lance. “So what is the last question?”
“It is for your alpha. I just would like to know if he is constantly growling and correcting you when you call him or one of the others by their names and not their title or if it is just because of me?”
Hermione glanced from one to the other. Lance was piercing Fenrir with his blue eyes and Fenrir was trying to stay calm, glaring back.
“So, Alpha Fenrir?”
“I never cared for rule beside mine, Shaman Lance. You already know that.”
“That's why I ask. I just wanted to know if it is your wish that she addresses you and the others with their title or not.”
Fenrir stared at Lance. Hermione knew that he felt trapped. This topic was a weak spot. She often was reprimanded for not addressing someone correctly, but she had mostly ignored it. It didn't matter much to her, and she had the feeling, to the dominants neither. It was just a protocol they wanted to be followed while others were around.
“I want you to tell me the truth and not what you think I want to hear.”
“You will go to the Eldest, and then I will hear from them what they think about whatever I said in here,” Fenrir replied angrily.
“You know the rules, Alpha Fenrir. Nothing is allowed to be kept secret from the Eldest. If your pup isn't worth the effort to speak openly with me, we can end this right here.” Lance stood up and gestured them to leave.
Fenrir pulled a grimace. Hermione could scent that his pride had been hurt badly by what Lance had just said. She knew the Shaman was again playing his mind games, but she had no idea how to help her alpha. “I can call you all by your title. It's no problem. I just didn't try hard enough.”
“That wasn't what I was asking for.” Lance never lifted his eye contact with Fenrir.
“I don't care what she calls me or anyone else,” Fenrir said his voice as tense as his body. “She doesn't need to speak out our title to know where her place is.”
“Then don't reprimand her for it or growl at her when she doesn't use a title. She is mated to you and it is obvious that it makes her feel more comfortable calling you by your first name. Anyone else can decide for themselves, as well. I know that you feel responsible for making her react the proper way to the other dominants as she is your pack member, but don't forget she is a pup, not a simple sub. To many of those half-hearted growls and reprimands make her resistant to it. That could cause problems later. If you ask me for an advice, I would suggest letting her call all her mates by their names, even the head alpha. The protocol says mates are allowed to call each other by their name and not the title, so why shouldn't she be allowed? Nevertheless, she needs to learn to address other dominants with the proper respect. She won't learn it by giving her half-hearted lessons.”
Hermione was surprised by how many muscles moved in Fenrir's face. He must have been thinking hard, as the emotions were overwhelming him. She tried to scent him, but what she scented was just confusing.
“You have much to think about, Alpha Fenrir. You can go. If you need to talk with me, let me know.” Lance looked at Hermione again and smiled the fatherly smile that made her at ease again. “You worked very well with me, pup. Thank you. I'm positive we will be able to get those memory flashes under control after a few sessions. I still need to see you interact with your other mates and some other dominants to answer the questions I have about some of your pack members. We have a lot in front of us to accomplish. I hope we can go on after supper, but if you are too tired, don't force yourself to come here. Maybe you need some rest or some well-earned cuddling time. I don't want you to do anything against your feeling. So please let the wolf decide, pup.”
She nodded and smiled at him. “Thank you for your help. It’s a new way to look at all the things that confuse me in my mind.”
“It's a start, pup. We will try to work on it in a few days, more in depth. First we will get rid of some of the misunderstandings in your clan. That will make you more at ease as well.”
Hermione nodded again, taking Fenrir's hand to guide him outside. .
“Are you all right, Fenrir?” Hermione asked, worried, when Fenrir still was in a confusing state.
Fenrir shook his head as if to clear it. “He just said something I never thought about.”
“Will you tell me about it?” Hermione asked hopefully.
“Later, first I need some tension to be released,” Fenrir said huskily as he lifted her off of the floor with a husky, horny growl.
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