Family Means More Than Blood | By : WingsofaDream Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 59852 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 7 |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and its associated characters are property of J K Rowling, not me. This story is not being written for profit, just for the lols. |
24th August 1994: Afternoon
"Seventh Year won't happen for George and I." Fred murmured abruptly from where he was laying on his back on his bed, his legs hanging over its edge and his blue eyes staring, unseeing, up at the ceiling.
It was late afternoon and Harry was at the Weasley's Burrow, staying there to attend the Quidditch World Cup with the family. They were due to leave the next morning, so for that moment the three sixteen year olds were laying on Fred's bed in the twins' bedroom. George had his head on his brother's stomach and Harry lay on the bed just beside where George was stretched out.
"What do you mean it won't happen for you?"
"We're leaving after this Year." George answered.
"Starting our own business." Fred added.
"When did you decide this?"
"Last week."
"Though we've been thinking about it for the past few years."
"We're gonna start that joke shop."
"Give Zonko's some competition."
"Your mother's going to go ballistic when she finds out you know." Harry pointed out with a slight amount of amusement in his tone.
"We'll be of age by then though." George pointed out.~
"Even if she doesn't approve, there won't be anything she can do to stop us." Fred agreed.
"The only problem is the money."
"Yeah, the money, that will be a problem."
"Starting a new business from scratch isn't cheap after all."
"So we're saving." Fred announced proudly, as though it was some sort of achievement.
"No more Zonko's, not so many sweets."
"It'll be worth it though."
"Oh yeah, definitely worth it."
"Bill's here!" Ginny's voice suddenly rang throughout the house, catching the attention of every Weasley in the house, and Harry.
"Best go down and show our faces then." Fred said with a yawn and a stretch.
"Don't sound too enthusiastic." Harry teased as he rolled off of the bed. "It's only your brother after all."
"We've got a whole week of him, there's no rush." George pointed out as he followed Harry's example and rolled off of the bed, intentionally nudging Fred along with him as he went.
"Oi, do you mind?" Fred frowned as he made to slap his brother.
"No, not at all." George grinned as he fell off of the edge of the bed in order to avoid the slap coming his way.
"You're lucky Bill's here," Fred muttered as they all headed out of the bedroom and headed down the stairs. "If we didn't have to go down to meet him you'd be dead by now."
"Ooo, I'm shaking!" George teased with a cackle which ended just as they reached the bottom of the stairs and found all the other Weasleys: Mr and Mrs; Ginny; Ron; Percy; Charlie, gathered around the front door, one head of red hair high above the rest. "Bill!" He yelled joyfully, bouncing over to his older brother, the other Weasleys parting to allow him through.
"Alright there, George?" Bill grinned at the slightly shorter Weasley as he gave him a brief, one-armed hug, jostling him playfully. "Fred?" He added, grinning over to where the other twin was approaching with Harry. Fred gave him an identical grin and received the same sort of hug his twin had. After that, Bill lifted his gaze and it locked onto Harry. "Wow, you've grown." Was all he could say for a moment.
Harry blushed lightly at that. "I could say the same about you. You've grown your hair."
"Not as much as you have." Bill laughed lightly, his eyes flickering down as he looked at the end of Harry's braid which lingered just above the backs of his knees. "It suits you."
"Thanks. Cool earring; dragon's tooth?"
"Very good. Bonus point if you can tell me what dragon."
"I'm not that good."
"I'll have to train you up then." Charlie chipped in as he walked past in order to get into the kitchen where Mrs Weasley had retreated back to.
Harry watched him go with a small laugh before the laugh was suddenly gone when an arm came around his shoulders. He completely froze as Bill gave him the same brotherly hug he had given the rest of his family members, minus the jostling. "It's good to see you looking so well, Harry."
"It's good to see you too, Bill." Harry murmured in reply, his cheeks remaining flushed in embarrassment. Bill's arm gave him a small squeeze before it left him. Shyly, Harry watched as Bill joined Charlie and Mrs Weasley in the kitchen before he felt a pair of gazes on the back of his head. He turned his head slightly to see Fred and George grinning at him like a pair of Cheshire cats. "What?"
"Someone fancies Bi-ill." They chanted together before Harry dashed forward and slapped his hands over their mouths.
"Shut up! Someone might hear!" He ordered the two of them before removing his hands. "And I do not fancy Bill! He's just...Changed, is all, it was a bit surprising."
"Uh huh, suuuuuuuurrrrrrrre." Fred teased just as the fire-place flared to life. They turned to look at it just in time to see Hermione step out with a trunk dragging behind her. "Ron, Hermione's here!" He called, wandering towards the kitchen where it seemed everyone had gathered.
"Hey Hermione, here let me help you." Harry offered, taking her trunk from her so she could concentrate getting herself out of the fire-place.
"Thank you." She smiled to the older boy as brushed the bits of soot which clung to her. "How's your summer been so far?"
"Pretty boring really. Draco and Uncle Lucius have gone to France to spend some time with, um," he glanced to where George had taken the trunk and was heading towards the stairs. "The you-knows."
"Oh! So he's come into his Inheritance?"
"Not when he left but I imagine if he's going to, it would've started by now, yeah."
"It'll be hard to adjust, I've read about it."
Harry sighed. "I don't doubt it." He perked up then. "C'mon, let's go track down Ron hmm?"
25th August 1994: Morning
Harry hit the grass-covered ground with a grunt of pain as he, Hermione and the youngest half of the Weasley children came out of the portkey portal awkwardly. Unfortunately, he was the first to touch down and the other teenagers fell right on top of him, crushing him under their weight. Soon, they were just a pile of arms and legs, groanings and moanings ringing out across the empty countryside which surrounded them.
"I can't breathe!"
"Get off'a me!"
"You're sitting on my head!"
"Who's got their hand on my bum?"
"Ow, you just kicked me in the face, George!"
"I'm Fred!"
"Alright, alright, c'mon, time to get up again." Mr Weasley said to them all as he helped Ginny, who was on top of the pile, up first.
The next few moments were spent getting the younger people back up onto their feet until it was only a crushed Harry who remained sprawled out on the grass. He gave a small huff of annoyance as he pushed himself up onto his elbows, preparing to get up onto his feet again. However, when a hand appeared in front of his face, out-stretched to him in an offer to help him up, he glanced above to see the friendly face of Cedric Diggory smiling down at him. He had only really met the soon-to-be-Seventh Year Hufflepuff that day as they had shared the portkey with him and his father. Harry had certainly heard of him before that though; he was one of the most significant student at Hogwarts.
A bright blush of embarrassment covered Harry's face and he shyly accepted the offer of help. "Thanks." He mumbled as he was pulled up onto his feet.
"Don't mention it." Cedric assured, still smiling.
"C'mon you lot, don't fall behind!" Charlie called over to them from where the majority of the group had started to walk away.
Cedric gave Harry another smile before turning and walking over to the group. Harry smiled a little to himself but it promptly vanished when he sensed two people come up from behind to stand on either side of him. He turned and looked and saw it was Fred and George, both grinning at him in the sort of way that just screamed they were about to tease him for something ridiculous.
"Someone fancies Ce-dric." They chanted together, still grinning.
"I thought you said I fancied Bill." Harry grumbled, the three of them heading after the rest of their group.
"You fancy Draco too." Fred laughed.
"I'm with Draco."
"Just because you're with Draco doesn't mean you can't fancy other people." George pointed out.
"I do not fancy other people! Now will you shut up before someone hears you?"
"Alright, we'll shut up." Fred grinned slyly.
"For now at least." George added with a twin grin.
25th August 1994: Midday
Harry smiled brightly as he pushed aside the flap of the tent he was sharing with the Weasleys and stepped out into the sunshine. It was a beautiful summer day, with no clouds in the sky and the its colour the brightest blue Harry thought he had ever seen it. There was also a light breeze which helped cool everything down. Around him was the chattering and clanging and other general noises that occurred when large crowds gathered in one place but it was more fun than annoying or bothersome; it only served to remind him where he was.
"It's too hot in that tent." Hermione's voice suddenly came from behind him and he turned to watch her and Ron come to his side. "It's a lovely temperature out here though, isn't it?"
"Erm, Harry? Maybe you should go back inside now." Ron murmured somewhat nervously, catching the older boy's attention more fully.
"Potters at three o'clock." The red head revealed, inclining his head in the appropriate direction.
Harry looked and, sure enough, there were the gaggle of Potters: Mr and Mrs; Violet; Johnathan, and Sirius Black as well. Remus was not even present to help lessen any hostility. "Ugh, I'm not doing this right now." The green-eyed boy muttered as he turned and went to go back into the tent.
"Harry!" Violet's voice called out, stopping Harry in his tracks. His shoulders slumped and he gave a small sigh of defeat before steeling himself and painting a happy smile on his face. He took a deep breath and looked up just in time to see his little sister take a running jump at him. He caught the small girl with a light grunt of effort and she clung to him tightly. "I've missed you so much! How has your summer been? Oh, isn't the weather lovely? Is this your tent? It doesn't look very big..."
"It's good to see you too, Violet." Harry cut her off gently, giving the top of her head a few pats.
Violet backed away a little then, though did not release her older brother from her arms, and looked around them somewhat tentatively. "Erm, Draco Malfoy isn't around here anywhere is he?"
Harry gave a small chuckle. "No, he's in France with his father. I'm here with the Weasleys."
"You came with the Weasleys? If you needed someone to come with you could've come with us."
"I, uh, I don't think that would've been the best idea." Harry said quietly as he stepped away from the girl with the approach of the rest of his biological family. She looked a little lost for a moment before she realised the others were approaching. Hermione and Ron stood to the side, watching everything carefully. "Good afternoon Mrs Potter, Mr Potter." He greeted them formally when they reached him.
"Please Harry, there's no need to be so formal." Lily told him gently, somewhat sadly.
"I beg to differ." Harry replied in a monotone. He noticed that Sirius Black was looking at him rather sternly. "What?"
"I was just thinking that maybe the way someone's raised does have more of an affect on them than where they actually come from."
"You know, you should take a leaf out of Professor Lupin's book and leave the past behind you where it belongs."
"Would you say that to your father?"
"My father is none of your concern! You are such an immature man, it's hard to believe you're technically an adult! What did my father ever do to you to make you hate him so much?"
"Harry? Everything all right?" Fred's voice came from behind as the sound of the flap being pushed aside came.
A short silence followed before Harry replied. "Everything's fine." He replied stiffly. "Maybe I'll might see you later, Violet." He said to his little sister before moving past Fred, back into the tent. Once inside, away from the eyes of everyone out there, he released a slightly shuddered breath and clenched his hands in irritation upon realising they were shaking slightly.
The sound of the tent flap opening again came before a hand landed on his shoulder. "You okay?" Fred asked gently from behind him.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Harry assured, turning and giving his friend a small, genuine smile. "It's just something about that man; I can completely understand why my father despises him so much, it's so easy to."
Fred gave his shoulder a small squeeze before letting it drop. "C'mon, let's see where George is at and have a wander around the camp."
"Sure." Harry agreed, still smiling, as he followed his friend further into the tent.
26th August 1994: Early Morning
Harry gasped at the sights around him as he stepped out of the tent he was sharing with the Weasleys where he had previously been enjoying a game of chess with Charlie despite being beaten terribly. It was chaos, complete chaos. People were running around in complete panics, their screams and the roaring of fire mixing together with the hissing chant of roaming Death Eaters. It was hard to believe it was actually happening, it felt oddly surreal.
Harry vaguely heard Mr Weasley tell Fred, George, and himself that they were to look after Ginny, Hermione, and Ron and get to safety while he took Bill, Charlie, and Percy to help the Aurors. And then he was being pulled along by someone's hand gripping his arm, swallowed into the rushing crowd around them. Then, as suddenly as he was pulled and forced to move, the hand on his sleeve was gone and there was nothing moving him forward anymore. He heard his name called and screamed but it faded away as abruptly as it had begun.
His legs began to move him forward of their own accord. He did not know where he was going, even if the way he was going was going to save him or get him into more trouble; he just ran. Until he tripped and then he was on the floor and he could not quite get back onto his feet for all the people stampeding around him.
A sudden crack on the back of his head ended the chaos and he was left in the blackness of unconsciousness which was at least ordered and silent.
Pain was the first thing Harry was properly aware of when he started to come around. It throbbed from the back of his head all the way down his spine making movement painful. His ankle was also aching with the familiar pain of being twisted which made him frown in annoyance; his twisted ankle from before had only just stopped hurting. Slowly, carefully, he opened his eyes and saw the destruction around him and groaned, not in pain but in regret. So much hate and violence; it made him feel ill.
It was quite a struggle to push himself up but he managed it, drawing his knees up before getting to his feet, putting most of his weight on his uninjured foot. He wobbled uneasily for a moment before he steadied himself, bringing a hand up to press against his forehead as a wave of dizziness clouded his vision. For a moment he just stood there, eyes shut, waiting for the phase to pass. When it did, he opened his eyes and lifted his head before starting forward on unsteady legs, limping on his bad ankle.
What surrounded him was horrific. Every tent was in ruin, the wood and material charred to a sickening black, the stench of burning hung heavily in the air and everything was varying shades of grey. Even the sky looked dead and bleak, thick clouds obscuring the dingy night darkness. There were still a few small fires going on around at several points, their faint crackling the only sound which could be heard and the only movement and light which could be seen. Everything else was silent and still; everything was dead.
Harry hugged himself insecurely with his left arm as he continued on, his right hand clutching his pendent around his neck and his eyes constantly roaming around the ruined land, searching for anything: the injured; the trapped; anyone who might need his help. It was because of his vigilance that he caught sight of someone in the distance moving through the ruined tents. His eyes lit up in relief and he took a step forward, intending to approach the person. However, with that step forward, a feeling of dread washed through him, making him stop instantly. That person, that man, he was dangerous, he was not someone who would help Harry in anyway. The teenager took a few steps backwards, not taking his eyes off of the man and moving towards the half-erect remains of a tent. He ducked down behind it and peered through a tear in the tent material, watching the far-off man.
With an almost casual ease, the man lifted his right arm, the hand of which was holding his wand. The distance did not allow what was said to be heard by Harry but the whoosh of the green light which suddenly exploded from them tip of the wand rang clear throughout the entire camping ground. Harry watched with an open mouth and wide eyes as the green light shot into the air like a firework and then, at its highest, it formed a symbol which was only too familiar to the teenager and caused a strange pain in his scar on his forehead. It was a sort of pleasant pain, like pressing down on a bruise; a sort of thrill for the first few seconds but as it continued you got increasingly uncomfortable.
"Death Eater..." Harry whispered in horror. What should he do? Should he confront the man? Should he follow him? Should he stay where he was? Should he make a run for it? He had his staff with him but not his wand, he did not carry it with him as he was not allowed to do magic out of Hogwarts. What was he to do? He honestly did not know what would be for the best.
Harry gasped in horror as the sound of his name echoed around the barren area and the attention of the man further ahead was caught. The man looked around himself quickly, no doubt looking to see who it was who had called out or looking to see if Harry was out in the open. When he obviously saw nothing, he turned and hurried off in a fast walk, never once breaking into a run while he was still visible to Harry. Once the sight of the man had gone, Harry struggled to his feet, having to clutch onto a charred wooden post in order to stop himself from falling back onto his knees.
"Harry? Can you hear us?" That sounded like Fred.
"Over here!" Harry called, closing his eyes against the pain which suddenly shot through his ankle as he tried to shift his weight a little.
Running footsteps approached him then and he straightened himself up as best as possible. Luckily, a pair of arms soon came around him to help steady him. "Merlin mate, are you all right?" George asked as he ducked underneath Harry's right arm to prop him up.
"Bump on the head and a twisted ankle is all. Why, do I look worse?" Harry enquired as Fred propped him up on the other side.
"Your hair's a mess..."
"...You're covered in ash..."
"...And you can barely stand up on your own."
"Is it any wonder I thought it was worse than it is?" George grumbled somewhat indignantly.
"What are you both doing out here? Shouldn't you be somewhere safe?"
"And leave you out here for the Death Eaters?"
"The moment we realised you weren't with the rest of the family we sneaked away to find you." George explained as he and his twin began to carefully turn them around to head back the way they had come.
However, when they had turned, Fred was the first to notice someone up ahead with their wand pointed straight at them. "Get down!" He cried, dropping to his knees in an instant.
Harry and George followed him quickly, Harry giving a small cry of pain as his ankle was jarred. Seconds later, several shots of red light met above them, cancelling each other out into nothingness. Once that had happened, half a dozen men emerged from various hiding places and made their way towards where the three teenagers were still huddled together.
"Stop!" The voice of Mr Weasley suddenly called out, much to the relief of the three boys. "Those are my sons!" Harry, Fred, and George lifted their heads to see Mr Weasley and Bill hurrying towards them. "Fred, George, Harry, are you all all right?"
"We came back for Harry." Fred said quickly, as though excusing him and his brother before they could be blamed for anything.
"Which of you conjured it?" A frantic looking man demanded as he suddenly ran up to them all, his wand pointing at Fred, Harry, and George in turn.
"Mr Crouch, you can't possibly..." Bill began to protest.
"Don't bother to lie! You've been discovered at the scene of the crime!" The man, Mr Crouch apparently, practically yelled as he continued to wave his wand about.
"Barty, they're just kids!" Mr Weasley gasped, clearly shocked that the man would accuse three teenage boys of conjuring the Dark Mark in the sky.
"And this is Haryon Snape we're talking about; why would he of all people support the Dark Lord?" Bill pointed out reasonably.
That seemed to do the trick and left the man without answers. His mouth remained set in a firm line as he glanced from one Weasley to the next and then finally to Harry. The dark haired boy met his gaze steadily for a few seconds before Crouch was the first to break it. "Follow me." He instructed the rest of the men who were with him as he turned and began to walk away swiftly.
"Wait! There was a, erm, there was a man." Harry told them quickly before they could move too far away. Crouch and the others stopped and turned before looking at him somewhat suspiciously. "Over there." Harry pointed in the direction the man had disappeared in. "He left in that direction when he heard Fred and George call for me."
"All of you; this way." Crouch ordered them all wasting no time. They all dashed off, leaving Harry and the cluster of Weasleys alone.
"Who was it you saw, Harry?" Mr Weasley asked him seriously.
"I don't know. I didn't see his face."
Bill sighed slightly at that and moved forward. "Best not to dwell on it then. Anyway, I say we get out of here, this place is a bit too over-cooked for my liking. Give Harry here guys, I'll carry him."
So, with Fred and George's help, Harry was handed to Bill and was treated to a piggyback from the eldest Weasley child. Together with the twins and Mr Weasley, they made their way back to the safe spot where Charlie, Percy, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny were waiting for them.
26th August 1994: Midday
Arriving back at the Burrow was cringe-worthy for Harry to say the least. Mrs Weasley had been almost hysterical, hugging the members of her family to her as though they were her oxygen and she would die if they ever left again. He could understand it, to hear about something so terrible happening right where all the people you loved the most were had to be terrifying. Still, that did not mean the Weasley matriarch had to hug him quite so hard and almost suffocate him against her chest.
Luckily, Harry had not been required to hang around for long after that. Severus had apparently contacted Mrs Weasley to see if she knew any more details than he did and, at the end of the conversation, had requested that Harry be sent straight home upon returning to the Burrow. So, fifteen minutes after getting back, Harry was standing in the Burrow's fire-place, saying goodbye to everyone with his shrunken luggage in the pocket of his robes and a wooden crutch under his arm to help balance himself as he lacked the use of his freshly injured ankle. He threw the floo powder down, spoke the name of his home and in a whoosh of green flames, the Burrow and the Weasley's disappeared to be replaced seconds later by the familiar sight of the living room of his and his father's cottage.
Harry stumbled badly out of the fire-place; he was never good with coming out at the best of times and having a bad ankle just seemed to make it worse. He paused as he sneezed at some of the soot that got up his nose before giving a sniff and looking up at the empty room. "Father, I'm home." He called into the house, knowing that the Potions Master would no doubt hear him wherever in the house he was, even the basement where he made his potions which was practically sound proof.
The sound of movement above him signalled that he had been heard and was going to be responded to and Harry took the last few moments of peace to calmly take his luggage out of his pocket and settle it down on the table. Peace would not be something he would get a lot of for the next few days; Severus would be hovering over him constantly, checking to make sure he was not in pain and basically staying near to make sure that the teenager did not suddenly disappear. If not for the man's "striking" appearance, Harry would be tempted to wonder whether Severus had a bit of Veela in him as he could be somewhat over-protective and irrational when it came to his son.
Harry's mind barely had time to register the fact that his father had entered the room before he was in the man's arms, crushed against the firm chest, a hand holding the back of his head and an arm wrapped completely around his waist. Severus did not say anything, not ever being someone who was good with words, but they were hardly needed at that moment if the slight damp feeling growing on Harry's shoulder was anything to go by.
Gently, the teenager lifted his hand to the back of his father's head and began to stroke the lank strands of black hair. "Sshh, it's all right, I'm all right, don't cry Father, it's all right." He murmured softly, doing his very best to ignore the pain in his ankle brought on by the fact he was forced to put some weight on it because of the position he was in.
With no warning at all, Harry was suddenly swept up in Severus's arms. His crutch fell to the floor uselessly as they turned and moved out of the living room. "Father?"
"If your ankle is causing you pain then it hasn't been tended to properly." Was the only reply Harry received and he asked no more after that; he knew only too well that would get no answer.
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