There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
NOTE: Chapters will focus on Harry during the "Day" and then will change to Arthur and the children. This chapter and next, are of Harry. Chapter 46, I think (if my averaging is correct!) will be of Arthur and the kids, then we'll come back to Harry, etc.
RECAP: In Nevarah, Theo takes Charlie and Harry with him to be registered as citizens before visiting a Healer. They arrive at the specialty Health Clinic just as it is closing and are barely admitted, even after Theo uses his connections. They are then escorted by a Gheyo(fighter) named Dahlia, to see Healer Quinn, who turns out to be a mute blond with Teal Eyes and a short-tempered, green-haired assistant named Kyle, who speaks for Quinn through a shared mental connection. Healer Quinn has just seen to Charlie's wings and Theo's Headache and it is now Harry's turn to be investigated...
"Your circle is fairly new?"
Quinn turned to the counter and drew out three different containers and a sheet of wax paper from a shelf below. He spread the paper on the countertop and then reached into the containers with a tiny scoop.
"Judging from your marks, the second one especially, you haven't even been together for a month, correct?"
Harry glared at him, but didn't answer. As far as he could tell, the Healer hadn't tried to pry into his mind, though what he was doing at the counter, didn't exactly leave Harry feeling any more relaxed. He watched as Quinn scooped out different colored powders from the containers, dumped it on the paper and began to stir them together.
"You do not have to answer any of the questions I am asking you, however, it would make this process faster and it would make my job easier."
"What are you doing?"
"Testing a theory. Wrist please," and here, Quinn returned to his side, the silver knife in hand again.
Harry hesitated. "What's it for?"
"Theory." Kyle repeated, obediently and apparently at Quinn's own repetition. "I am testing the strength of your blood."
"Why not?" The question was countered. "Shall I charm the knife painless?" At this, Quinn held up the knife and Kyle waved his wand over his shoulder.
A moment later, Harry extended his wrist and found himself staring in morbid fascination as the knife did, indeed, slice painlessly through his wrist, a line of blood welling up in its path. Quinn coated the blade in blood and then wiped his thumb firmly over the cut. A thin line of pink showed up, newly healed skin.
Harry felt his eyes widen in surprise as he stared at his newly healed wrist. He'd never even seen Theo do that and he knew his dominant had quite a bit of power at his disposal.
"Healer's trick." Came Kyle's explanation when Quinn saw the look on Harry's face. "Saves on bandages."
Taking the blood-covered knife, Quinn returned the counter where he coated it in the mixed powders and then placed it in a water-filled container. The liquid colored, mingling the ingredients together with the blood and resulting in a murky liquid and a clean knife. Quinn rinsed the knife in the sink and then clicked his tongue against his teeth to gain Kyle's attention.
Here, the assistant turned around on the stool and came over to help. Kyle filled the liquid in vials and sealed them, with a wave of his wand, replacing the containers in their original places, while Quinn went about labeling the samples.
"New circle?"
"…yes." Harry finally answered. "Does it matter?"
"No. But it helps me to narrow down the result a little quicker. Are you adjusting well?"
"Define 'well'," Harry retorted.
"Have they spent a realignment cycle with you? Have you had either one of them long enough to process an entire cycle?"
"You stammered. There was a reason, you think so, but you're not sure. Elaborate."
Emerald eyes narrowed. Harry looked from Quinn to Kyle and then back to the teal-eyed Healer.
Quinn elbowed Kyle and with a muffled sound of protest, the assistant retreated to his stool in the corner, facing the wall once more, his wand twirled in idle fingers.
"How long is your cycle?"
"A month."
"Ah, every three weeks?"
"Something like that."
"Who figured it for you?"
"A submissive never calculates their cycle lengths, a trusted friend or their mentor usual does it for them. Who figured it for you?"
"Terius who?" Kyle didn't miss a beat and Quinn continued with his light frown.
"Councilman Terius Snape." Harry filled in, deciding to go ahead and throw in the man's political title, it certainly couldn't hurt.
"Councilman Terius?" There was a hint of surprise in Kyle's voice. "Admirable…shut up, Quinn, it is. That and the little Alpha."
Harry bared his fangs at that, a mild hiss. Theo was not little!
Theo's golden eyes glittered with amusement, but he didn't do anything to counter that, seemingly pleased with Harry's reaction instead.
Quinn threw a glare over his shoulder in Kyle's direction—for good measure, it seemed.
"When is your next cycle expected?"
Harry blinked. He tried to count and then looked to Theo for help. His Alpha was quiet for a moment and then he held up two fingers, one crooked. "A week and a half?" Harry translated. Theo nodded.
"A week and a half? Interesting. Were your cycles restful?"
Harry snorted at that.
Quinn perked a brow, expectant.
"Care to share, please? The entire story, if you would."
"I didn't know when the first one came." He admitted. "It was after my birthday I slept and I didn't know and then a few weeks before school, the first week in school and then the last one…I found Theo."
"So roughly about four cycles. Hmm." There was a sound of consideration from Kyle's corner as Quinn tapped his own chin in thought. "You should have had some sort of elemental inclination by now, if you were so inclined. Is there anything you'd care to share? Any specific issues you wish to address?"
Harry nearly scoffed. No magic, for one. No sanity seemed to be a quick second. Theo gave him a look from his corner on the sofa. Harry struggled against the urge to squirm. There was a weight in that gaze that urged him to speak up and speak freely, even if he didn't particularly want to. "I don't have any magic." He said, at last.
"None whatsoever?" Kyle asked, calmly. "Since when?"
Harry shook his head. "Gone. Since this happened." He gestured to himself.
"I see. Have there been any accidental bursts? Do you have a wand and is it still attuned to you? Have you been able to access your mate's abilities?"
"No bursts. I still have my wand." Harry fiddled with his shirt sleeve until the sleeve holster released it and he gripped the wand tightly in his hand, feeling the comfortable weight settle there. "I've used Theo's," he thought for a moment. "And Charlie's too, but I don't remember using his."
"Fire and Earth. Hm. Alright. Is that your wand? Please hold it up. I would like to look at it and I do not wish to touch it."
Harry held up the wand, cautiously.
Quinn leaned in and sniffed experimentally at the stick of wood and then craned his neck to look from side to side and then his lips gave a faint quirk, before he straightened and stood back.
"You said you were unaware of which power?"
"Charlie's fire. I used Theo's before."
"By used, how so?"
Harry straightened, visibly. "I…invoked his password."
Teal-eyes grew wide and snapped around to look at him for a good long moment, they flickered briefly to Theo and then settled on the parchment where the quill was busily writing away.
"I see. I wish to summon your medical records, do they exist in the wizard or muggle world?"
"Wizard." Harry answered. The Dursleys surely had never thought him to be worthy of anything as luxurious as a trip to a muggle hospital, so there were definitely no records to be found there. He was sure that Madam Pomfrey had something on him though—he certainly spent enough time beneath her tender care.
Quinn snapped his fingers to gain Harry's attention and then extended his hand.
"Please relax and trust me. I am merely tracing your files via your magical signature."
A rather reluctant Harry placed his hand in the one extended. He felt a gentle magical tingle and the faintest of pulls before it faded away, then nothing. Quinn frowned as he released Harry's hand and turned away.
"Excuse me a second."
There were several moments of silence.
"Quinn?" Kyle spoke up from the corner. "What's the matter?"
Quinn gave a faint shake of his head in answer and then reached yet again for the floating parchment currently documenting their appointment. He scanned it with expert eyes and finally waved his hand as to urge Kyle on.
"Have you been sleeping well? Nightmares, dreams, visions?" Kyle recited obediently.
Harry blanched. He didn't know where to look and how to answer that. So he didn't. He had a sneaking feeling it didn't matter if he did or didn't. There was something about Quinn that hinted of secrets known and well-kept.
Wizard Harry wasn't sure whether he ought to trust him. Dragel Harry excitedly pointed out Quinn's significant magic and whispered that he didn't appear to be claimed into a mated circle. Plain ol' Harry wanted to clobber both sides of him.
"Have you been taking anything for your sleeplessness?" Kyle continued on, not even seeming to notice his reluctance to answer.
Theo and Charlie both frowned, apparently remembering separate incidents with Harry and his nightmares. Neither could recall the green-eyed brunet ever mentioning anything of said nightmares nor had they ever seen him take anything for it. Theo's golden gaze narrowed as he silently waited for Harry to answer the question. If his adorable little sub did not, then he would definitely be speaking up—regardless of Quinn's initial warning.
"Have you taken any Wizarding potions such as Dreamless Sleep? Please answer." Kyle prompted.
Harry sighed and after a moment, he did answer. "Yes."
"How did it work?"
"Define badly."
"It didn't work at all." Harry ground out.
"…Have you taken any other measures to counter your sleeplessness?"
"No. It's fine." The words were quiet and defensive, Harry's emerald eyes shimmering as he silently dared anyone to correct him on that. He'd always managed and managed just fine, thank you very much. A slight prickle of unease washed over him and he refused to look in the corner of the room where his mates were sitting. He had a sudden sinking feeling that this whole healer's checkup might be bringing out a few more secrets than he cared to reveal just yet.
Far more secrets than he cared to show.
Now he could almost understand the reason for Gheyos(fighters) to lurk in the doorways and patrol the halls. He could definitely see Theo shaking walls and floors as he discovered Harry's past. Charlie was sure to burn a few things to nothing, knowing of the famed Weasley temper. Harry swallowed hard. He didn't want to have his mates thrown out of the room, in all honesty, he felt far more comfortable with them there, in spite of everything.
"Sleeplessness is not just fine." There was a hint of reprimand in Kyle's tone and most definitely in the look that Quinn shot his way. "You have recently come into your inheritance and judging from that, your mates are relatively new. Your realignment cycle will alter with each new mate, it may increase or decrease your spare time and sleep in between of each cycle is extremely important, especially for a male submissive. You do not have the luxury of a monthly cycle as a female to keep your hormones, emotions and magic in balance, as such, sleep and an excellent diet will go a long way in ensuring balanced health."
There was a pause.
"When did these bouts of sleeplessness begin?"
Harry shrugged. As long as I can remember…I've never been able to enjoy a peaceful night's sleep…not until Theo and even so, only when I am directly in his arms and otherwise…exhausted… A pale blush decorated his cheeks.
Quinn pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I shall assume since your inheritance and it would behoove you to at least pretend to care about answering these questions? You may refuse if you feel so inclined, but I should warn you that I can only help you to the extent that you allow me. Now, for your sleeplessness, you have two mates, both fairly young and as such, there is one obvious way to wear yourselves out and sleep should come easier because of it."
Here, Harry blushed a delightful shade of red as his mind caught up to the insinuation. Theo's cheeks may have pinked and Charlie was studiously eyeing the ceiling.
"If neither of you feels particularly inclined, then I would suggest a few minutes of blood sharing or you can request of your alpha to ease you into sleep. Meditation exercises and sleeping directly under moonlight according to your astrological sign in coordination with the lunar cycle, can also ease your sleep worries. Now then, I have several questions some of which I expect to be answered through this scan, please remain calm and do not fight it. Remove your shirt so I can begin."
As Kyle finished the instructions, Quinn was fiddling with the newly sealed vials once more and finally, he selected on, broke the seal and downed in a single gulp. He shuddered, moving to stand over the sink as his body trembled and spasmed, before stilling.
"Quinn?" Kyle shifted uneasily in his corner. "What'd you just do?"
No answer.
"Quinn!" Kyle was off the stool and across the room, standing beside his friend even as the Healer shied away from the helpful hands. "You know you're not in a condition to do that!" He hissed, smacking his friend over the head, perhaps a tad harder than necessary. "You shouldn't even have been doing the—you're my friend, Quinn and I'm your assistant afterwards! What kind of friend lets his—I don't care! There's tomorrow. There's always tomorrow—oh for heaven's sake, spit it out!" He clapped a firm hand on Quinn's back as the wavy-haired blond promptly threw up in in the sink. Kyle muttered a few more things before throwing an apologetic glance over his shoulder. "Please excuse this," he waved towards them both. "Quinn is a…special healer. He has many abilities that have not been seen in centuries, this is one of them. Unfortunately, he has a habit of working of himself to exhaustion and as such, leaves himself in a position like this." He thumped Quinn on the head again.
The Healer scowled at him, darkly, and dodged the incoming smack. He took a disposable cup from a nearby stack and filled it with water, rinsing out his mouth and washing his face. His gloves were replaced once more and then Quinn straightened, sending Kyle back to his stool with a single pointed eyebrow.
"Sheesh. I'm going, I'm going." Kyle grumbled. "See if I worry about you again, idiot." He flumped on the stool, but did not spin around to face the wall until Quinn finally glowered at him again.
The stool swiveled to face the wall and Quinn's attention returned to a newly apprehensive Harry.
Quinn held up the cross pendant again and the familiar golden glow shone at the tip as it began to perform the scan, starting at the tip of Harry's head. Quinn's expression darkened as the scan continued down to Harry's toes. When it finished, the Healer touched the tip of the pendant to his own throat, opened his mouth and spoke.
Harry found the image slightly familiar, reminded of a sonorous charm as a light, clear voice suddenly filled the room, quite a difference from Kyle's rich depths.
"Dahlia!" It was spoken with force and authority, teal eyes blazing as Quinn's free hand dropped to his side.
The door to the exam room burst open and Dahlia entered, her dark eyes snapping as she quickly took in the scene and then looked to Quinn.
"Please escort these gentlemen to the waiting lounge." His voice was pure steel, as the pale skin rippled and smoothed, a smattering of fine pale green scales beginning to show on his face and hands. "Kyle, out, now."
"What?" Harry froze, panic showing clearly on his face. "They didn't do anything! I want them here!"
"Dahlia." Quinn repeated, his gaze pure steel.
"No!" Harry made to slide off the exam table only to find that he was stuck to the papered surface and unable to do so. "You can't-!" He struggled for a moment, finding his movements growing sluggish and uncoordinated until his limbs were simply too heavy to move. He opened his mouth, but no sound came out.
Charlie was on his feet, his wings bursting out, the back of his shirt shredded to nothing even as Theo rose protectively in front of them both, a steadying hand on Charlie's forearm and a warning glance to Harry. "Is something the matter?" He inquired, stiffly, formally.
Dahlia looked from the scowling Quinn to the two bristling Dragels. "There probably is." She said, quietly, cautiously. "I would say it is something of grave importance." She turned and extended a hand to Quinn, who pushed it aside carelessly, his teal gaze still locked on Theo and Charlie. Dahlia frowned, her features smoothing over as she drew herself up, one hand hovering over the corded belt of her robe. "May I ask you two to please step outside to allow some privacy between a Healer and his patient?"
Kyle slid off the stool, coming over to join them, worry showing plainly in his face. "Quinn? What's going on? I didn't sense anything amiss with his scan, what's wrong with-"
"Out." Dahlia pointed to the door, her gaze narrowing as it flickered to Kyle and then back to the other two.
The green-haired assistant shut his mouth and quickly ducked out through the door.
"Sirs?" She gestured towards the door. "I do not know what exactly it is that has triggered this…situation, but I would ask you to please trust me that everything will be fine. Quinn is an excellent Healer and if he has discovered something, it is not his intent to exclude you from the proceedings but to allow some privacy for your submissive." She tipped her head to the side. "Kindly step outside and do not make this any more difficult than necessary. It has been a long day and my temper is rather frayed."
"Necessary?" Charlie bristled. "What kind of twisted-!"
Theo's gaze burned bright and a subtle ripple of magic washed through the room.
Dahlia sighed and her hand dropped to her waist, tugging the belt free and loosening the gown to show armor-plating beneath and two, thick, heavy swords slung to her left hip. She was dressed in a cropped bustier and a short, plated skirt, to allow free-movement. The scar from her face was shown to continue down the left side of her body, ending somewhere mid-thigh. "Might I ask you to leave?" There was a new edge to her voice. "Now?"
Theo reached back, his hand staying on Charlie's, calming him. He turned those golden eyes to lock onto Harry's panicking face. "Calm down, Harry." It was spoken gently, soothingly. "We will be right outside nothing is going to happen." If at all, those words only served to make the panic more present in Harry's body as the expression reached his eyes that immediately shuttered and dimmed as the smaller figure began to withdraw.
"Thank you." Dahlia murmured, ushering them both out and exiting herself, with a weary glance cast over her shoulder at Quinn.
"Ororo Carmena." The spell was spoken with a soft finality.
Harry watched with angry eyes as Quinn's grip on the pendant loosened and a thick band of black settled around the blond's throat in delicately twisted lines, a decorative choker. He fought against the invisible bonds once more, refusing to believe that there was nothing he could do because he didn't have any magic. Just you wait! He thought, fiercely. I am not some bloody doll that has to be-!
"You will answer carefully and truthfully." Quinn began, his teal eyes drilling straight into the angry figure sitting in front of him. "And you will think before you answer, lest your anger accidentally triggers my own temper. Dahlia's temper is not the only one that is frayed. It has been a very long day." There was the faintest hint of warning as he spoke. "Do you trust me to heal you?"
Harry blinked.
"Think about it for a moment if you must, but I would like to know the answer to this as well. What have you done to deserve this?"
There was a moment of silence and then Quinn clicked his tongue against his teeth, removing the silencing spell he'd thrown up around Harry as he gestured towards the smaller Dragel.
Harry glared at him, angrily for another long, silent moment. That question didn't make any sense at all and he most certainly wasn't inclined to answer. He silently dared the older Dragel to make him talk. He'd been through far worse than anyone could have ever-!
"I have never seen an individual as young as you bound with so many seals, two of which correspond to two of the oldest, most respected families among our High Nobles." Quinn continued to study him. "In addition, you bear seals to bind your wizarding powers, one to bind your Dragel Inheritance, another for your physical protection, one to suppress your soul, another to hid your signature and above all, it worries me to think why a someone of your age—a submissive at that—would bear a Blood Seal and Death Seals!" There was the faintest tremor as he voiced those last words and the temperature in the room dropped several degrees. "Only fighters and perhaps a few Carriers ever bear a Death Seal." He said, quietly. "It is a dark and heavy burden to have laid upon your shoulders. By all admission, simply holding these seals should not leave you functioning in such good respect. So I repeat, what exactly have you done that someone would do this to you? My opinion may not matter, but I do not believe there is anything in this realm you could have done to warrant such punishment. Our clinic specializes in Dragels coming into their inheritance from the muggle or the wizarding world. I cannot place you in either one, so it must be both, regardless, whoever has done this in whichever world, I will only say that you've suffered more than enough and whoever has dared cast these, should hope for death, because if I should find them, I daresay I will kill them."
The chill in the room could not compare to the sudden cold shock rippling through Harry. He was unable to keep the surprise from showing through his face and he stared, still silent, for there was nothing he could quite place to that.
"Thirteen total." Quinn continued, at last, seeming to sense that his patient was far too shocked to continue on. "An unlucky number isn't really a bad omen. Double digits as it is, really isn't a problem, considering there are those who are decades or centuries old and can house up to a hundred and beyond of Seals, but certainly none quite as varied as yours. Answer me this, how were you raised? And please answer. I do not have all day to keep this up and if you truly require help, then I am in a position to be more helpful than any other healer or individual you may stumble across at present. I would swear that on my honor if need be."
Harry glared at him at that, but considered the words and the possible answer before finally giving a tug to his still unmoving arms and legs. "Take this off first!"
Quinn turned his head to the side. "Those are not the words I am listening for." He said, calmly. "Were you raised by your parents or were you gifted a mentor upon coming of age? If your parents placed the ancient seals on you, then I will not touch them as it is in their place to remove it or your mentors. My removing them can cause a bit of a hiccup for some of the other seals as well as your magic. This is an extremely delicate situation. However I do not see a mentor's mark of claim upon you, which worries me as you bear three seals with a mentor's signature." He frowned. "You really do worry me," this was said with a touch of frustration and a mild expression of pain painted across his pale face. "How is it that no one noticed anything?"
"No one ever notices! It doesn't matter to them. And I don't have a mentor!" Harry growled. "Is that all you people think about? It's always whether I have one, whether I knew one. I don't! I didn't! I don't f-"
"How odd." Quinn interrupted as he inspected his fingernails with a seemingly blasé air. "And I am not attempting to insult you for a lack of one. I merely meant to say that you do have one because there is a mentor's seal upon your signature, hiding it from others, one to guarantee your physical protection—suggesting a less than stellar home environment—and there is a third, suggesting it might have reckoning with your unnecessary Death Seal, which worries me, because then you have another seal on you, this one tied to something of a prophetic seal? It has to do with reviving you in the event you should die before it is fulfilled. I'm afraid Dragel Law is rather complicated, but there are some points that are very clear—we outlawed the prophetic seal eons ago. It was far too cruel to keep."
"Then take them off!" Harry hissed, his hands beginning to morph into claws, his shoulders burning and aching, warning him of wings about to burst forth. He silently reached out inside of him, feeling for the thread of energy that linked him to Theo and the one that led to Charlie. This stupid, idiotic Healer would never know what hit them if he-!
"Do you trust me to heal you?" The question was repeated again, in all seriousness, the Teal eyes glittering with fire.
For a moment, Harry felt his anger freeze. There was more to this question than the Healer was saying, but at that moment, he didn't care. He'd had it with secrets and lies and coded messages. "Can you even help?" He shot back.
"Shall I take that as yes?"
"Take it however you like!" Harry hissed. "Take the bloody seals off or let me-"
"I cannot remove them some of them without this missing mentor's permission." Quinn said, matter-of-factly. "Though I would dearly love to have an audience with this non-existent mentor whenever they are found, be it dead or alive. I will split the necromancy fee with you, if they are dead." He smiled, humorlessly. "I have quite a few things to say to them." He studied Harry with a critical eye, his arms folded over his chest, fingers drumming in thought. "I cannot do much today, I am truly exhausted, but I will do my best and that is all that really matters, isn't it? With what I know for now, I can pull at the Blood Seal and perhaps a few of the others. Your Dragel Inheritance seal is fraying at the edges, I would think that in accessing your mate's powers, you subconsciously accessed your own gift as well, in order to best use them. I am loathe to unseal that just yet, removing too much too quickly would be dangerous and harmful in the long run. Which leaves me little choice if I am to do anything today and I would much rather prefer to do this with some sort of preparation…" Quinn trailed off at this, his eyes taking on a faraway look. "You've done so well so far, I wish someone had noticed you sooner…" He huffed at Harry's perplexed expression. "Do you understand what I am saying?"
"…explain." Harry demanded, scowling.
"I won't list them all now, because I'm sure you won't remember half of them. For now, there are a handful I will attempt to remove. You have a Blood Seal, this binds your blood. That is also a not quite legal seal by Dragel Law, but it is sometimes used in rare cases. You, a newly turned Submissive, most definitely should not have one. It binds the true power and life in your blood. It can weaken your circle if they choose to feed from you or if you all indulge in blood sharing on a regular basis. It can also lead to depressive tendencies. A lack of life in your blood, leads to a lack of life overall. This may become more pronounced after your inheritance, because the change triggers certain things within your body." Quinn eyed him, carefully. "The only way this can happen, is if you willingly allowed a dark artifact of blood origin to repeatedly violate your physical body." Quinn's brow furrowed. "Though how you can come into contact with one and no one notice, is beyond me. They reek of dark magic and that alone is unsettling to most."
Harry trembled. Anger spiked and wrought its fiery way through him, as the memories danced through his mind as blood rushed to his ears. He remembered one scar he had looked for, after his change. One line that had been burned into his brain, courtesy of one sickening excuse of a witch. For Quinn's question, there was only one thing, one specific little thing that fit such a description. "A dark artifact…?" He licked his lips. He had to be sure, even as the sick feeling in his stomach warned him that he already knew the answer. "Of blood origin?"
"Anything of Vampire or Shadow origin," Quinn said quietly. "Or something of Dark Wizardry. It needn't have been anything complicated, a hairbrush, a family ring, an enchanted parchment…a quill."
Harry blanched.
The Teal eyes watching him darkened visibly.
"A blood quill?" Quinn ground out. "You willingly used a blood quill?"
If Harry had thought the young Healer had a temper, he truly had yet to see a fraction of it, as this version of Quill seemed decidedly taller and most definitely darker as his bright eyes flashed with an eerie glow. They seemed to say far more than his mouth would have at that point, but with a visible effort, he held onto his own temper and calmly continued to speak.
"Did you not know?"
"There was nothing I could do." The words sounded hollow and empty to his own ears, even as Harry spoke. He cringed, waiting for the backlash, even as his temper simmered beneath the surface. He struggled to keep it back, growing weary at the thought that he might explode in a passion and cause the kind of trouble he wouldn't be able to reverse.
"Surely there was an adult you could speak to, a guardian, a teacher."
"No one." Harry smiled, bitterly. "Not then."
"Couldn't you have taken things into your own hands? I am sure there are plenty of wizarding spells that would have done the trick."
"Sure." Harry said, lightly. "I could've used any of them, if I'd known of them. If it wouldn't have landed me in Azkaban. If it had even been an option!"
"There had to have been something." Quinn pressed. "For you to have so many seals and still be walking, talking and functioning as you are, is a large testament to the sheer amount of power within you. Some of these are new, some are quite old. I would wager that within the year this…situation occurred, you should have been able to take things into your own hands. You were more than capable."
"Like what?" Harry demanded. "What would you have done?"
"It will be painful." Quinn said at last. He turned away, slightly. "Because you willingly accepted it, will make the ritual to remove the seal more painful than necessary." He turned away, his back to Harry as he skimmed over the parchment. "Am I correct in assuming the phrase 'I will not tell lies' is the point where the blood was drawn?"
Said hand clenched into a tight fist.
"According to this, you attempted to treat it with Murtlap Essence, but the scars remained until your inheritance, yes?"
Harry bristled, visibly.
"I shall take that as a yes." Quinn turned, a calculating look on his face. "Tell me, have you learned the intended lesson?"
"Do you still tell lies?"
With a growl, Harry's pearlscent wings burst from his shoulders in a shred of fabric, a burst of blood and a twinge of pain. His vision went red for a moment as he struggled and fought against the invisible bonds holding him back from ripping the Healer to shreds. Rational thought was quite far from him at this precise moment. He could only vaguely understand that his mates were not nearby and that this new dragel might be trying to help him, but had somehow managed to insult and compliment him at the same time. He could also understand something his mind had refused to dwell on before. Betrayal. The Healer's words had struck a raw nerve. He'd been through so much for so many and yet, he was repayed how? He screeched and twisted, violently.
A low rumbling growl caught his ear and Harry looked up, freezing.
Quinn had morphed as well to show a trim, lithe body clad in yellow-green and pale-green scales, with hints of bright teal mingled throughout. His wings were several different colors, shimmering and fluttering, comfortably extended in the large room. Scales had taken over his entire body and Harry realized that the Healer was no longer wearing his overtunic, but that it was placed neatly on the nearby countertop. Harry glanced at the expanse of torso and chest, but didn't focus longer than it took to see that it was covered in scrolling green tattoos resembling flowers and leaves amongst their scripted scrolls, a moving tattoo that seemed to be dancing around him as Quinn simply stood back, waiting.
Harry felt his Dragel screaming to be released. He smirked. He wasn't about to deny it.
A faint glint showed in Quinn's teal eyes, a pleased glimmer, almost, as if he'd finally seen what he'd been looking for all along.
Harry didn't care. He only wanted to sink his fangs, claws—anything—into that calm, collected face. He tore at the bonds, feeling a strange, tickling feeling rippling over him, almost as if his magic was slowly returning.
Quinn rolled his neck to the side, stretching, casually.
Emerald eyes seemed to darken to rich forest green as Harry's narrowed gaze locked onto that vulnerable throat.
And then, the bonds holding him down, were off.
Harry launched himself forward in a barely controlled fury. He swiped, clawed and hissed, trying to hook his deadly claws in any available part of Quinn. The anger was more like a friend than some uncertain, incontrollable outburst. Harry tried to ignore the soft, painful ache beginning to burn in his chest as he prowled, backing Quinn around the exam table—again.
In a brilliantly calculated move, he leapt over the bed, wings flaring out behind him as he threw himself forward and pounced, knocking Quinn to the ground. The Healer did not fight back. Harry snarled viciously in the impassive face, one clawed hand rearing back as Quinn opened his mouth and a series of foreign words spilled out.
Pain streaked through him in blinding streaks as the words echoed eerily in his head. He reared back, thrashing even as slender arms came up to lock around him. He howled and screamed as the fire burned through his veins. Images streaking through his mind, flashing before his eyes. Images of his father, his mother, of faces he didn't know and couldn't place, of whispers and spells cast before he was even born.
And then of course, that lovely blissful blackness came for him at last.
A/N: And so begins the first seal of this Healer Arc. I hope it answers a few questions (and that it lives up to the expected standard so far!) Phew! I'm just glad to have gotten to this point. Yay! This fic is now 200k words. I can't believe it! Anyhow, yes, Quinn is provoking Harry on purpose and yes, he is VERY upset to see what's happened to someone of Harry's age and in his current position (newly mated and currently without wizarding magic)
NOTE: The spell Quinn uses translates to "Song of Speech" and allows him to temporarily speak, but at a costly price. In his worry for Harry's privacy, he also had Kyle leave the room via Dahlia, before invoking it.
If you have questions, ask away. I'll answer what I can and read the replies below-you might find answers to your questions before you even ask. ^_^
Jan--Bhindi is a bitch on purpose--a love to hate kind of character. :) Her brother, Bahn, is quite nice in comparison, she's in a snit right now for a few reasons, which is why Aracle didn't publicly call her out on her bad behavior, but she's not getting away with it though. Glad you like Quinn and Kyle, they were fun to write and they'll be helping Harry through the next few chapters. Enjoy this chapter!
HeartStar--Ah, that's partially cause Theo's a worrywart and because of Harry's Seals, he'll be fine though, now that Quinn is doing to get to the bottom of things. Arthur will appear in ch 46, I think and the Weasley mini-arc will pick up from there. :) Sera21 mentioned a fic a few years back with a creature Harry and Severus, where Severus created a few copies of himself to keep Harry's sexual appetite whetted, she looked for it, but didn't find it. :( Thanks for reading!
unneeded--Yep, pretty much like training rings, In a Pareya's case, yes, you leave that circle and while you might take on a mentee (Pareya and Subs are usually the only type of Dragels accepted as mentors. Ilsa is a special case with Theo), you do not return to the coven unless something drastic, such as the sub dying, occurs. In the Military circle, You would only leave if you had alpha tendencies or accepted as a fighter, if you were leaving to start your own circle, you'd have to fight the entire circle at one go, if leaving as a fighter, you'd fight the alpha for the right to leave and if you win, you leave with the sub's blessing, if not, you leave in disgrace, but can try again at another time. A blessing of approval is a pretty big deal and will come up pretty soon in future chapters. Ah, no, Bhindi is in trouble for running her mouth and she does know better. She's acting out on purpose and Aracle is aware of it. Glad you like Healer Quinn and Kyle, hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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