...After Happily Ever After | By : Lissa & snowblind12 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 25854 -:- Recommendations : 4 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Harry Potter or J.K. Rowling. I make no money off of these stories. This is just fun for me. |
T-minus TWO CHAPTERS!!! Soooo close ladies and gents!!! L&S
Chapter Forty-Three
August 20th
Lizzie’s eyes were alight with wonder and incredulity as she slowly looked around her. “Draco! This is…this is…wow.”
“You like it?” he responded in a rush with a somewhat nervous tone.
“Pfft. What’s not to like?” She had forgotten just how rich her boyfriend was. Times like this reminded her like a Bludger to the nose. “It’s beautiful,” she said quietly as she ventured from the entrance foyer further into the flat. The living room was huge with natural light streaming in through four floor-to-ceiling, paned windows on the opposite side from the entryway. The floors were a rich, dark-brown hardwood and the walls were painted a light cream color with bright white trim on the moldings. A large fireplace adorned the right-hand wall and there were two doors on the left. One led to a large, state of the art kitchen and the other to a long hallway. Down the hall was a half bath for guests, a den, an office/library, as well as two bedrooms with full baths, and a master suite.
Making her way down the hall, she wondered what Draco needed all this space for. Then again, he grew up in a mansion. His perspective of necessity was likely very different from her own. When she stepped into the master bedroom, she could only shake her head at the luxury. Paned, French doors led to a balcony with an amazing view of wizarding London, including Diagon Alley and its many adjourning streets and alleyways. Several large windows offered more views and bright sunlight, which gave the room a very welcoming feel. Massive his and hers dressing rooms and a monstrous bath that was in-between added to the opulence. “I’ve never seen a flat or apartment like this. It’s amazing.”
Draco was leaning against the master bedroom doorframe as he watched her take it all in. He visibly relaxed at her approving words. “Well, it needs furniture and decorating.”
She smiled as she peeked back over her shoulder at him. “I guess you’ll hire Lexie Poppinstock or some other decorator for the rich and famous?”
“No,” he responded, barely above a whisper. “I had another idea entirely.”
She turned back to him fully. “Your mother? Or Belby, maybe? I know how you adore that elf.”
He approached her slowly, a slight upturn to the corners of his mouth. His voice was quiet and calm, and his eyes held a heat that caused her stomach to flutter. “No, not mother or Belby.” When he was standing directly in front of her, he took both her hands into his own. “You, Lizzie. You.”
Her forehead crinkled in slight confusion. “Draco, I’m not a decorator! I have no experience…”
“We’ll do it together. We’ll make this place ours. Because…I want you with me, Lizzie. I want you to live here with me.”
There was a moment of silence before her jaw fell slightly open. “Wait, you want me to…”
“Yes, I love you and you love me. We’ve graduated from school. I know you’ll be traveling with the team a lot, but I want you to call this home. I want to be your home.”
Her blue eyes shone as his words sunk in. “You do?” Her whispered response quivered a touch with emotion.
He smiled crookedly. “Of course I do, silly witch. I realize it’s not traditional, or even entirely favored upon in wizarding society, to live together before we get married but it’s common in the Muggle world and I thought…”
Her eyes were wide, and a tear escaped her bottom right lash. “Before we get married?”
His thumb swiped the tear. “Well, one day…hopefully. I mean we aren’t even in our twenties yet. There’s no hurry, is there?”
Swallowing heavily, a no-nonsense look came over her as she abruptly wiped under her eyes. “Let me get this straight, Draco Malfoy. You love me, and you want to marry me one day, but first you want me to live with you…in sin.”
His jaw fell as a slight panic overcame him. “Well, I mean…we could get married first if…”
His words were interrupted when his girlfriend jumped up and threw her arms around his shoulders, causing his hands to reflexively grab hold of her. Her legs wrapped around him as his palms slid around and cradled her bottom while she peppered his cheeks, brows, and lips with kisses. “Yes, Draco. Yes! I’d love to live with you. I’d love to one day – perhaps when we are ready to have children – marry you.”
His grin was wide, and his eyes glittered with excitement and relief. “You would? You’re sure?”
“Now who’s being silly?! Of course, I would,” she beamed as she pulled back, meeting his fevered stare. “I love you, you darling, darling man.”
Immediately his lips were on hers. A few steps and he had her back pressed up against the wall. Lips and tongues dueled for dominance before he pulled back and choked in a throaty growl, “We are christening this room, now!”
She brokered no argument as she slid out of his hold and onto her own feet. Her hands made quick work of untucking his shirt, as his hands unbuttoned her jeans and slid down the zipper. Not interested in fooling with the pesky buttons of his shirt, she pulled it roughly, causing said buttons to fly and his creamy skin to come into view. He groaned when her soft lips and tongue flicked and caressed first his left nipple and then his right.
In a blurred frenzy, Draco had his witch naked, both their shirts tossed aside, with trousers and jeans laying in a puddle at their feet. Still pressed between the chest of her lover, soon to be live in boyfriend, and the wall behind her, Lizzie’s eyes grew wide when she found her hands pinned over her head. As one of his large hands held hers in place, his other slid between her legs causing her eyes to flutter back and her breathing to morph into short pants as his fingers stroked her moistened slit.
Draco’s heart was racing, his own arousal incited even more by her response to his touch. Within seconds, she was dripping. Releasing her hands, he promptly hoisted her thighs onto his forearms. As he lifted her light frame, her legs immediately wrapped around his slender hips and her hands grasped his shoulders. Balancing her between his torso and the wall, his left hand slid between them to guide himself into her warm, wet entrance. He could not contain his growl when a whimpering mewl escaped her lips as he slid home. Freezing in place for a few seconds to maintain control, he was brought back to the present when her voice whispered fiercely and commandingly, “Move! For Morgana’s sake, move!!”
Not needing to be told twice, and slightly taken back by her demanding tone, Draco was not going to disappoint. His hips plunged at a steady pace as he melted his mouth onto hers. He was surprised and, shockingly, even more aroused when she sucked his bottom lip between her own before biting down on it. His brain was reeling from the heady combination of pleasure and pain as a sharp tug on the hair at the back of his head had his grey eyes on her emblazoned blue.
“Touch me,” she throatily commanded and without conscious thought, Draco’s left hand moved back between them, rubbing her bullet-hard nub. He could tell she was close by the little grunting gasps she always made before she came. She completely surprised him when he felt her reach under him and gently grasp his sack before giving it a quick tug. And then there were stars that were magnificent and all-encompassing when he felt her walls clamp and quiver over his shaft. He was barely conscious of the euphoric wail from her release as he was completely lost in the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced. Later, he would ponder and marvel at the fact that not only did his little witch have a slightly dominant streak, but he loved it. Who knew?
Still cradling her body to his, Draco slid to the floor, holding her on his lap. Her face was nestled into his neck and her breath slowly returned to normal. His arms wrapped tightly around her, he held her close and kissed her head tenderly. It was in this moment that Draco knew everything would be okay. Lizzie had said yes. She would live with him and one day he would marry her. He had lost his father and his life would never be the same but with Lizzie at his side, he knew he could be happy. He worried about his mother, however. Despite Lucius’ faults, she had loved the wizard dearly. Narcissa was still young in the eyes of the wizarding world, though. She was stunningly beautiful and was still able to bear children. She was also wealthy and not in need of a husband. Wizards would be pursuing her in droves. If Narcissa were to decide she wanted to remarry or if she became lonely, she would have a sea of wizards to choose from. He knew in his heart his mother would be fine. Draco closed his eyes and thanked Salazar. His shoulders felt lighter than they had since he was a young Slytherin. At last his life was his own.
August 28th 1999
Gestation – 35 weeks, 5 days
Hermione was an emotional mess, but the guests of her surprise baby shower were being very understanding and sweet. She had been completely shocked when Severus had escorted her to the newly erected park in Diagon Alley on this hot Saturday in August to find almost all the women Hermione knew in the wizarding world waiting in the new pavilion that was decked out with baby girl decorations and tons of culinary delights.
He had left her with a kiss to the forehead and an indulgent smile, promising he’d return for her in a few hours. Those hours had passed quickly and had been full of food, laughter, silly games, and a mountain of presents. She had been floored with the number of people who had come. Molly, Ginny, and Fleur Weasley had organized it and all her friends were there, plus people from the order, and almost every classmate who was in her year – and many from the grades above and below her, as well.
“I still can’t believe you girls did this for me!” she whispered as she hugged Ginny close to her. “You’re amazing,” she turned her attention to Lizzie, Luna, and Susan. “All of you. Thank you so much.” The guests had all slowly started trickling away once the gifts had been opened. Those left in attendance were vanishing the party mess, packing up the leftover food, and shrinking gifts to be transported home.
“Of course, we did!” Lizzie exclaimed. “And you’re very welcome, we love you!”
“Do you need to do this now, Hermione?” Severus asked concernedly while he leaned against the nursery door jamb with his arms crossed over his chest. “It’s been a busy day, why don’t we have some supper and read for a bit?”
“I couldn’t possibly eat another bite today,” Hermione insisted, not looking up from where she was sorting a massive pile of baby clothes into bins according to size. “There was so much food at the party and I have to get this done. It will just cause anxiety if I don’t get everything situated right away. The baby could come at any minute now.”
“I think we’ll be safe for a few more weeks,” he told her softly. She had been acting a bit odd since they had returned home. She had snapped at him to bring the bags upstairs, then had gotten emotional when she apologized for her snippy behavior – telling him she must just be tired. He had tried to talk her into laying down but, just like a moment prior, she had insisted on unpacking all the gifts they had received. Severus had helped her resize and unpack all the bags and watched as she had made numerous piles before transfiguring some boxes into large plastic totes to store in the attic. She was now filling them with the gifts that they wouldn’t use with a newborn.
He was startled when, after a few moments of silence, she started sniffling. “What’s the matter?” he questioned.
Large doe eyes found his and she gave him a tremulous smile. “I have no idea,” she told him. “Something just seems a little…off.”
“Are you feeling alright?” His arms dropped to his sides as he quickly made his way through the piles of stuff.
“Yes, I feel fine,” she told him honestly as he settled onto his knees next to her and ran a hand down her spine. “I really do!” she assured him when he peered at her through narrowed eyes, trying to gage how she was really feeling. “I’m a little tired, but that’s to be expected. I’m almost thirty-six weeks, I’m huge, and I haven’t been sleeping well.”
“It’s been an exciting day – why don’t we go relax. A bath?” He prodded her again to come with him. He didn’t understand this obsessive need she seemed to have to put all the baby’s stuff away right this moment.
The tears were gone as quickly as they had come, and she hummed lightly to herself while gently asking him to hand her certain things. After a bit, she shifted to her knees and reached for the last pile of clothing to pack away. She clipped the lid into place and turned a bright smile on where he was now sitting with a book in the rocker-recliner in the corner of the room.
“I think I could possibly eat a little something now,” she told him as she bent one leg up. He was marking his page with a bookmark while watching her struggle to stand.
“I’m coming,” he told her. “I’ll help you up.”
“It’s okay,” she answered with a giggle, planting both hands on the ground as she pulled her other foot underneath her and tried to push herself up with her hands. He almost laughed at her, she looked utterly ridiculous – like some sort of Yoga move – but he was able to catch the laugh as he crossed the now cleaned and straightened room with the intent to take her arm and help her stand.
He watched, fascinated as she bent her elbows, then gave herself a shove off the floor – propelling her into a standing position with a muffled groan that turned into a gasp of pain. His stomach dropped as the noise met his ears followed by a low curse from his wife.
“Hermione?” he was at her side in less than a second more. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, ow,” she rubbed her low belly, under her bump cautiously. “I think I just pulled something a little bit. That was stupid. I should have waited for you.”
“Yes, you should have,” he answered and wrapped an arm around her waist. “A bath now – I can bring you something to snack while you rest?”
“I actually think that would be good,” she replied. “Soak my sore muscles.”
They took a step together, but this only caused Hermione to double in half and cry out. “Oh, Gods!” she exclaimed as a debilitating pain swept through her abdomen. “Oh my God,” she groaned. “Severus…” She gasped in a lungful of air before swearing softly under her breath.
“What’s wrong?!” he demanded, his heart rate rising rapidly.
“I don’t know!” she let out a hiss as another wave of pain shot through her. “I don’t understand what’s going on.”
“Can you stand upright?”
“I can try!” Slowly, she allowed him to help her into a more upright position. When she was as straight as was comfortable she looked up into his eyes. She could see fear and nervousness in the depths of his dark eyes.
“Better?” he murmured before he pressed a kiss to her forehead which had broken out in a cool sweat.
“I think so…” She trailed off. After a moment of no more sharp pains, she tried another step, which seemed to go well. A few more and she felt herself relax. “I must have just pinched a nerve or something,” she shrugged lightly.
“Are you certain?” Severus responded, tilting her chin up.
“I do believe so.” She gave him a small smile and went to pop up on her toes, planning to kiss his lips reassuringly.
She never made it there, instead the stretch to her toes caused her to cry out in the worst pain yet and she let out a sob as Severus caught her forearms and held her steady, leaning into the wall to support them. Before he had even finished steadying her, she felt a gush of fluid soak her knickers and the light cotton stretch pants she was wearing.
“We’re going to Mungo’s,” he told her decidedly, pulling her tightly to him. He reached to sweep her up into his arms, but she gripped him tighter in order to halt the motion.
“Wait!” she said through gritted teeth. She let out a controlled squeal as another wave of pain swept low through her womb as the baby shifted and squirmed. The motion stole her breath. She heaved and sobbed out, “Severus, my water broke!”
“Are you having labor pains?”
“I don’t know!” Her voice was tight with pain and tears. “Something’s not right.” She gasped again, and her body twisted reflexively trying to offset the anguish she was experiencing. She choked back another sob. “Severus, something’s wrong!”
Severus gently pulled back, gripping under her arms tightly to steady her as his eyes swept down her body. As he did, his eyes flooded with horror and his gaze snapped to hers. “Hermione,” even through the haze of pain she was experiencing, she could see how terrified he was. “That’s not amniotic fluid – you’re bleeding.”
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