There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
NOTE: This chapter focuses on Harry and Quinn, in a professional setting. This features scene jumping, quick snippets of different moments between Quinn and Harry, instead of following the entire, exhausting exam. ;)
RECAP: In Nevarah, Theo takes Charlie and Harry with him a specialty Health Clinic. They are barely admitted, even after Theo uses his connections and then escorted by a Gheyo(fighter) named Dahlia, to see Healer Quinn, who turns out to be a mute blond with Teal Eyes and a short-tempered, green-haired assistant named Kyle, who speaks for Quinn through a shared mental connection. Healer Quinn has just seen to Charlie's wings and Theo's Headache and after performing an in-depth scan on Harry, orders the others to leave the room so he can tend to the new discoveries.
Harry woke to a cool, damp cloth sponging on and around his face, as something cool, sweet and delicious was trickled into his mouth through an equally cool tube, braced at the corner of his lips. He could die happy with that taste lingering on his tongue, it was purity in liquid form as it slid comfortingly down his throat, leaving a nice, chilled feeling in his warmed body. He licked at it as feeling returned to his limbs and the heaviness in his eyelids began to lift. His head was pillowed on something soft and warm, while the rest of him seemed to be on a rather hard surface. He shifted and squirmed when nimble fingers threaded through his hair. He tried to open his eyes only to feel the hand wrapped around his shoulders, loosening to rest over his face, keeping the eyelids lowered.
"Not yet, you are not quite awake just yet. Give it a moment."
Harry contemplated that for a moment and then made a sound in his throat.
It was answered almost at once. "Shh." The sound was soothing and gentle. "You are fine. Everything is fine. You lost consciousness when I deactivated the Blood Seal and removed it. There will be a few side effects, some stiffness in your joints, a few aches and pains, but nothing serious to worry over. That is one major thing over and done with, you did very well and I am quite proud of you." The fingers stroked a little deeper at that line and Harry nearly purred under the delightful ministrations. "This went much better than I expected." Quinn murmured. "Now then, the lights are dimmed here, so you may open your eyes slowly—and don't bite that!" Something flicked his nose lightly in reprimand.
Emerald eyes flew wide open and Harry fought to sit up as the first wave of panic registered and then faded, the earlier calmness returning to him.
"…and don't mind me. Do sit up if you so desperately want to." Quinn's sarcastic drawl didn't quite touch his eyes that shimmered with warmth in their teal depths. "Hello again, Harry. Welcome to the land of the wakened." He helped Harry sit up and gently tugged the tube from his patient's mouth. "How are you feeling?"
Harry protested with a groan and half-whine as he let himself be moved and maneuvered into a different position. Quinn's hands were slender, betraying a hidden strength beneath them. He did give a yelp when something thick and cold was rubbed into his back. "Hey!" He flailed with uncoordinated limbs, relaxing when the ointment warmed within seconds and began to seep into his skin. He could feel spikes of leftover pain and from the numerous aches beginning to bloom. "Cold." He explained the outburst, a moment later, feeling the warmth of a blush spreading over him as he realized he was currently still shirtless.
"Sorry." Quinn's thin lips quirked into a smile. "This helps with the pain somewhat though, a touch of cold is worth it." He held two items in one hand, one being glass tube that Harry could now see had been a rather large dropper. The second item happened to be the container of ointment and it was set down well within arm's reach. "Blood." The Healer answered, in reply to the silent question in the emerald eyes. "Pure Dragel blood, the properties within help you to heal faster in the wake of a seal removal." He tossed the dropper upwards, hearing it clatter in the sink. "I only gave you a few mouthfuls, your recovery time is rather decent. I am glad. That is less worries overall."
Harry blinked groggily at him, finally putting two and two together. They were sitting on the floor, with Quinn sitting, braced against the floor cabinets, looking somewhat tired, while from their current position, Harry could figure that he'd been lying on the ground with his head in said Healer's lap and now was all but practically sitting in said lap.
There was a quiet squeak of mortification and Harry blushed fiercely.
Quinn matched his blush with a warm smile. "You were perfectly well-behaved." He teased. "As was I. Be assured that your innocence is exactly what it was as is my own."
Of course, that only served to deepen Harry's blush, even more so when he could scent that the young Healer was indeed telling the truth. He looked away, frantically searching for a better topic of conversation. Anything that didn't have anything to do with…that. "What happened to me? What did you do?"
"Stupid answer or smart one?" Quinn shifted with a wince, drawing Harry back to him when the brunet made a move as if to escape the almost-embrace. He shifted them around until Harry was practically straddling him. "I need to reach your front and back." He explained, simply. "This will help the aches and pains to fade faster, if they linger, we should be worried."
At that, Harry relaxed and let himself be manipulated. It was easy to follow and understand Quinn and from the gentle, but expert efficiency of those hands, Harry knew there was nothing to fear from them. Even the sudden display of power that had, quite literally, knocked him off his feet, didn't leave any lingering resentment, in fact, he felt several stones lighter. "Easy answer?" Harry suggested as Quinn shifted him around, positioning him just right. The Dragel world was terribly complicated, he had a feeling the simple answer would be just overcomplicated enough that he might consider puzzling it out. "The really easy answer?" He added, hopefully.
"Of course." Quinn now held him close, pressing him forward so that Harry now rested against him, chest to chest. It allowed him to gauge the brunet's steady heartbeat, pulse rate, magical core and a few other vitals as he continued with his earlier ministrations of rubbing in the medicated salve, starting off with a generous handful. "I am not going to explain everything at once," he cautioned. "You're in no condition to follow it, really and I do hate to repeat myself, which is why I have Kyle. He does the repeating. Now, what I did was to remove the Blood Seal. Do you remember what we discussed before you lost consciousness?"
Harry was silent for a moment, his head pillowed on Quinn's sturdy shoulder. He was glad the Healer could not see his face or his fisted hands that rested at said Healer's waist. He did remember, now that it had been mentioned and there was a sudden rush of emotion that he didn't really want to deal with. He gave a slow nod.
"Harry?" Quinn prompted. "Verbal answer, please. Do you remember? It is not uncommon to forget a few things after having a seal removed, I would just like to know where we stand right now."
"I remember."
"Good. I also frayed the edges of the seals your parents placed on you. Your records list them as deceased, so I am left wondering if you were aware of their existence? The seals, I mean. Generally, parental seals fade within a year or so of a parent's passing, unless they become Caspered, and then, as such, their soul hangs in the balance and if the seal was made with good intent and honest heart, then soul magic will keep the seals alive and functioning. Yours are still functioning."
Harry whuffled softly into Quinn's neck, his mind sinking into thought. He was sorting through some things and ignoring others. It was quite a lot of things to take in all at once, so he focused on one important term that seemed to stand out amongst the others. "What exactly is a seal?" He asked, at last. "If you don't mind my asking, I don't really…know."
Quinn was silent for a moment and then he scooped out another handful of ointment and sighed, softly as he warmed it in his fingers. "I am not sure of an analogy that would make sense, but perhaps you will understand anyway. A seal is like a valve, sort of. Well, more like, everything inside of you has an outlet, which is controlled by a valve. You can either cement the valve shut, hack it off and cover it up as if it never existed, or you can grease it well, polish it and replace it as necessary." He chuckled. "And that is probably the most horrible example I believe I have ever fabricated in the-"
"No, I can actually understand it." Harry interrupted. "Thanks. You're saying that I had all my magic, but the seal—froze it?"
A burst of warmth traveled from Healer to patient. "Quick study." Quinn complimented. "Precisely. I do not want to prejudice you into thinking that all seals are evil, they most certainly are not and they can be a tremendous help to powerful individuals, as it allows them to effectively use and handle their powers, without becoming overwhelmed. However, they can be harmful as well and in some cases, very tricky to cast, bear and manipulate."
"I guess that makes sense," Harry frowned. "But I'm not powerful or anything—and I don't remember anyone, how did all these—on me?" He started to straighten up.
Quinn's hands gently pressed him back down, working through the tenseness of his shoulders and neck. "I am not sure." He answered, honestly. "I can, however, investigate and I do intend to. The parental seals will probably be the easiest ones to remove next, as I do not foresee any complications with removing any of your seals, merely the inconvenience on my part that it will take a significant amount of energy."
"Oh." Harry's disappointed voice made the Healer roll his eyes.
"That does not mean I will not help you." He lightly pinched the back of Harry's neck. "It means I will have to see a catalyst in the form of another healer or enlist Kyle's help. I will have these seals off of you or so help me." He said, dryly. "Now, tell me about your parents? They were wizard and witch, obviously, but beyond that, what can you tell me?"
"My…parents?" Harry shivered as those talented fingers continued with their magic, turning him into a compliant bundle of arms, legs and drowsiness. "It's c-complicated—ah. That feels nice." His eyelids drooped and a faint smile registered.
Quinn hid a smile over Harry's head. He shifted to cuddle the smaller figure better when Harry shivered. "Cold?"
"Mmmhm." Harry mumbled, his head lolling forward to rest on one tattooed and scarred shoulder. Theo had magic hands. Quinn had magic hands. They must have attended the same school, he figured, contentedly.
"I'll take that as no." Quinn stifled a chuckle. "Seals," he continued. "I cannot say why your parents would have placed seals upon you, but I can wager an educated guess and it will probably be the closest thing to the truth. Whether your parents did it consciously or not is the main point. If you do not recall anything at all, then that is fine as well. It is rare that a child would remember a parental seal, but sometimes it does happen. I am still worried. I will work on the parental seals tomorrow. I do not have the energy to spare for it at the moment, but it is nothing a good night's rest cannot cure." He paused. "How are you feeling now? Your magic has been repressed for some time, I would wager you will feel quite a bit of discomfort as it returns, but I'm sure you won't mind, as having it back will cancel out all other feelings."
The pleasant tingles and faint pinpricks of pain danced over Harry leaving him in a pleasurable haze that he didn't care to deconstruct. "Feel fine." He said, in wonderment, surprised to find that he really did feel much better than he had in weeks.
"Good. I must advise you however, not to use your wizarding magic—no matter how tempting—until I can determine that it has all returned and your magical core is fully restored. Your magic levels will be rising, doubling and expanding quite rapidly and deeply in the next few days, simply because of the removal of these Seals and you have yet to come into your Dragel Inheritance, fully. It is extremely important that you be very careful with all your magic, especially your wizarding magic, because it has been suppressed for so long. Understand?"
"Good. Now, how do you really feel?"
"I feel—lighter." Harry admitted.
"Blood Seals will do that to you. I expect your temperament will even out in a few days, even more so when the other seals are off."
Harry's eyes popped open and a wave of shame washed over him as he briefly remembered attacking the Healer just moments ago. The kind Healer that now held him quite comfortably in his lap and was currently giving him the best back and shoulder massage he'd ever had in his young life. Harry buried his head further in the available neck, wishing it could hide the burn on his face. "…sorry about attacking you and all that."
"Perfectly fine." Quinn hummed, scooping out another handful of ointment and slathering it easily over the thin body. Harry was still absorbing it, proof that the small figure was still in some degree of discomfort, so the Healer continued on. He'd move to the limbs next. "You were provoked. Deliberately provoked, I might add. Strong emotions can bring forth magical reserves, I had already tapped into mine, so I was aiming to use yours to help break the seal. I did not mean to distress you, my apologies if I had."
Harry blinked and leaned back to stare at him.
For a long moment, they simply stared and then, shared a single, simple smile.
"So Blood Seal…" Harry mused. "Just because I," he swallowed back the bile in the back of his throat. Just thinking of that pink-clad witch was enough to make him sick to his stomach. He hadn't given in. He hadn't! But it had been pure torture of an unearthly kind, even with Hermione's helpfulness with the Murtlap. "Because I-"
"If you picked it up and didn't know what it was, you accepted it willingly." Quinn explained. "It didn't matter if you refused it once you found out what it did or how it worked, the fact that you picked it up on your own or accepted it from the person who gave it to you constitutes as willing."
Harry bristled, faintly, unable to keep from the reaction that revelation had given him. The wounds were still fresh in his mind, no matter how much or how little time had scampered between it. He abruptly jerked away and out of the warm safety offered to him.
The Healer made no move to restrain him. "Bad memory?" Quinn inquired, simply.
"Something like that." Harry sucked in a breath and blew it out, harshly. "I-it's hard to explain."
"Sometimes there are things that can't be explained." Quinn murmured. "And you do not owe me any explanations. Any twisted individual that would prey upon an innocent is a truly sick monster."
"She was a toad." Harry gave a short bark of laughter. "A toad."
"Warts and slime and all that rot?" Quinn supplied.
It was the way he said it, Harry mused. Because then, suddenly, he couldn't stop laughing and the weights wound around his neck lightened, considerably.
They talked some more, general small talk, as Quinn rubbed the herbed ointment into his arms and legs, until he was satisfied that no more would be absorbed by the soft skin. Once done, Quinn switched ointments and beckoned to the small brunet once more to his lap, not moving from his position on the floor.
Harry wondered, briefly, exactly how tired said Healer was, but Quinn never gave him the chance to ask nor turn the conversation elsewhere as he started over on the careful process, answering Harry's questions in honest tones.
Harry was soon surprised to find that his arms, at some point or another, had somehow managed to make their way around Quinn's neck. As the Healer didn't seem to even notice, Harry left them where they were. He was pleasantly surprised a moment later when Quinn, himself, pulled him down once more, flush against his warmed, tattooed chest and continued with the gentle massage.
"What is your full name?"
"Turn around, I need to reach your front." And here, Quinn untangled Harry's arms from 'round his neck and turned the smaller figure so they sat chest to back. "I am going to stretch your arms in a moment, so don't fight it, alright?" Harry nodded, unable to find himself further embarrassed at the quiet, efficiency presented by the Healer. "Your full name," he requested, again. "I am curious."
"That is fighting me." Quinn said, dryly. "Just relax. I will not be doing anything you do not wish for me to do, but you will feel much better when I am through here."
Harry reluctantly let his arms go limp. "Why does my name matter?"
"Why wouldn't it?" Quinn countered. "There's quite a bit to be had in a name. I was asking your full name, because the parental seals you bore came from the Noble houses of Perevell and Evanson. The Perevells are known for bright, smart and rather mischievous individuals and their children are always sealed. Sometimes they never remove the seals, even through death. I have heard of a few who were caspered and still bore the seals without any ill effects, sanity intact. I would wager your father placed the seal on you for the sake of his sanity and your own. Too much power at a young age can force you to grow up or grow wild." Quinn scooped out another gob of the ointment and slathered it generously over one arm, working the tendons and the muscles according to his expertise, his fingers skimmed over the mating marks and settled on the elbow joint where Harry had yelped a moment before.
"My father died when I was a baby." Harry blinked, trying to process this. There was something familiar about that name…
"The Perevells have been known to cast seals at Birth. Not only does it cut down on wild, irresponsible stunts in your youth, but it prevents possible dangers from bursts of accidental magic during infancy. It is not a bad seal, but I see no reason for it to remain, as you seem well and worthy enough to hold what it restrains."
"So he did it for my own good?"
"I should think so." Quinn patted his arm. "Next arm. Parents generally do what they think is best for their children."
"So they were probably Dragels too?"
"They would have had to be." Quinn explained. "If they weren't, there's no way you would have been one."
"But I've never heard about it. No one's ever—never!" He protested.
"Knowing what you do of us, can you find that so difficult to believe?"
At that, Harry shook his head. He really couldn't. "I just, I mean, why then? Everything I know, everything so far," he amended. "It's as if Dragels are invincible."
Quinn chuckled softly. "They are not. We are not." He said, simply. "It would take a great deal to kill one, much less two—but that is only if the Dragel is trained and with access to their Dragel side. If not, then they are no better than any other witch or wizard, albeit with a touch more power than the average magical individual. Of course, if an individual is suppressed or bound, then they are already at a disadvantage."
"What's the difference? Bound or suppressed, isn't it the same thing?"
"A suppression can be temporary and placed by more than one individual." Quinn explained. "Bound is permanent and done by one caster with extreme control over a single type of magic or element. If your parents were unaware, it is likely that they were bound and…clueless as to their true heritage. The Dragel gene is a dominant gene, however and it would have been passed to you, but remained hidden, even through your magical majority, as long as the seals were untouched. Your parents lived in the wizarding and muggle world, correct?"
Harry nodded.
"Then it is possible they were suppressed or bound since their birth and knew nothing of it. The same would've been true for you." He frowned. "Which is another thing that worries me, your inheritance wouldn't have been anything other than a strong magical boost, but this—your actual coming into creature—it was forced. I know this might not be particularly pleasant to recall, but this is a serious offence. Do you remember anything odd or strange happening before your inheritance? Typically, a revelation spell will cause some degree of pain and lightheadedness, I have yet to trace the origin of the one I found on you—that will take some time, but if you had anything to offer-"
Here, Harry straightened, a grim line replacing his earlier frown.
"Remember something?"
"It's a fuzzy memory," he said, at last. "Sometimes, I remember it."
"Really?" Quinn prompted.
"Yes." The brunet squeezed his eyes shut, sitting back, hands clenching to fists that came to rest in his lap. "It was right before the end of term, the Farewell feast." He swallowed hard. "It's like I…imagined it."
There was an encouraging brush on his arm and then Quinn took his hands and held them steady, uncurling each finger and splaying them out for inspection.
"I see…someone. I can't see them, exactly, but it's almost as if I know who it is." Emerald eyes popped open, showing a wealth of anguish and agony. "It's as if I don't want to believe it, so I can't see the face. But he casts a spell. A big one. Everything hurts and then it stops and then, nothing." Harry shook his head slowly from side to side. "It's like a dream. Like I imagined it." He said, quietly. "Because I asked—even Hermione, she said nothing happened and I know her, she wouldn't…it's real, isn't it?" He stared straight into those steady Teal eyes. "It's real isn't it? Someone cast a spell that did this?"
"I'm afraid so."
"B-but, there were other people there." Harry's own worries gave way to new fears. "The whole Great Hall, everyone!" He stared at Quinn in horror. "There were more people! They're all going to-"
"Shh. Hush. Calm yourself." Quinn caught him in a hug and held him tight, even as Harry squirmed and wriggled to be set free. When the smaller figure relaxed, Quinn's embrace loosened, faintly. "They are not all going to turn into Dragels, Harry." He admonished. "There are other creatures and possibilities."
"B-but, they don't know. There's no one to help them and-"
"They have their families, friends and I'm sure the teachers at this Hogwarts school are intelligent and helpful individuals."
A finger was pressed to his lips and Harry was gently held at arm's length as the finger then moved. "No buts. They can wait, for now." Serious teal eyes locked onto Emerald orbs. "Right now, you are important. You are, no one else. Now, can you answer what I asked earlier?"
"Harold James Potter." Harry said, quietly. "After my father," he added, in reference to the middle name.
Quinn smiled. "Thank you, Harry." He gently urged the boy to stand. "Quinten Auwren Kalzik." He added, softly. "I was named after my Sire's favorite uncle."
Harry smiled—brilliantly.
There was a grunt in answer.
"What about my Mum? Her side of the family? What seal did she put on me? Is it good?"
"It is quite harmless, if that is what you mean. Nothing detrimental about it. Your mother's seal, known commonly among the high circles, is the Evanson seal. It is actually two-fold. One was done at birth, as your father's, this was to dim your sense of intuition to some degree of empathy. Mostly because the Evanson's have a long and varied history of extremely powerful and important empaths, telepaths and telekinetic individuals. Coming into an empath's inheritance too young in life, can cause emotional instability and such. You feel too much and in turn you can stop feeling altogether. That is never a good thing."
Harry found himself nodding in agreement. That did make sense. As much as feelings and all of that emotional rot made his stomach churn, his head heart and his heart ache, he had to admit that the thought of being an emotionless, mindless drone was far worse. It would be more of a shell of a person, rather than an unique individual.
"I take it you have found yourself to be more sensitive to other things than expected, compared to other friends and peers?"
Harry nodded, holding up his other arm as Quinn had finished with one side. The Healer was now carefully wrapping his arms with something akin to a muggle ace bandage. It was flexible and soft with a dull green color on one side and a cream-colored hue on the other. "Sometimes." He admitted. "Is that important?" He flexed his wrist, obediently holding it up as Quinn expertly threaded the bandaging through and around his fingers. "And why are you doing this again?"
"Because it needs to be done and because you want your magic to channel equally through your physical body, yes? I do not believe an oversized arm or head would suit you well."
"You're not wrapping my head."
"Of course not. It does not need wrapping."
"Oh, indeed. I am wrapping your arms, because you were muggle-raised and wizard taught, all your magic has been channeled into a wand, with the exception of accidental outbursts. As such, to keep the magic from settling solely in your arms, I am wrapping them with these. It helps to coax the magic to circulate in your body. You can take them off before you sleep or before your morning shower, tomorrow. The longer you keep them on, the more sensitive your arms will be, but I can take care of that when you return tomorrow." He patted Harry's wrapped arm, gently. "Now, before, as I was saying, the gifts in the Evanson line are on account of Ancient Magic. The Evanson house has long held ties and associations to it through the ages. According to folklore, it is because Lord Evanson was a consort to Magic, herself and she chose to favor him with a link through his children as thanks for his loyalty."
"And Perevell?" Harry felt his mind spinning and whirling, the name and the history. The invisibility cloak! He nearly gasped.
"Well, I said Consort of Ancient Magic. Lord Evanson was not the only one. Magic is a demanding mistress. Lord Perevell was probably another, though it is never recorded in the official historical accounts. But he is best known for outwitting Death—on shared terms."
"The invisibility cloak." Harry managed, he lay, limply, relieved that Quinn was holding him up.
"Indeed. Also known as one of the Deathly Hallows." Quinn flashed a grin. "I'm going to stretch your arms again, to test the strength of the wraps and your range of motion. Remember, stay as relaxed as you can and let me move the arm."
Harry nodded again as his left arm was lifted and bent in a position that gently tugged on his weary muscles. Another phrase Quinn had calmly shared suddenly registered. "Quinn?"
"You said Noble houses as if they're alive."
Quinn blinked. "Well, they certainly aren't dead." He remarked. "And if I were to even insinuate such things, my entire family might be in disgrace or quite close to Death's door, herself."
"So my parents?-" Harry didn't dare finish that sentence. The thought that he might have family—extended family, to be sure—alive, after sixteen lonely years was nearly too much to comprehend.
"According to your records, they died in the wizarding world and as I have no records of them here, I am afraid they are dead, unless they were able to make a pact of sorts, then they may be somewhere as caspered spirits."
"Caspered whatsits?" Harry twisted to look at him. He'd heard the Healer use the term quite a few times already.
Quinn immediately dropped Harry's arm and turned Harry's head back to the front with a quick hand. "Do not do that. Your neck is not meant to be at that angle when I am moving your shoulder!"
"Sorry." Harry nibbled on his lip for a moment. "But the-!"
"Caspers. Not Caspered whatsits." The Healer sighed. "And I did mention this earlier, did I not?" He said, softly. "A Casper is, as I said before, an individual who retains their soul for the purpose of hovering between the afterlife and the living realm, they do so of their own free will and often, because there is unfinished business. They last as long as their soul does. If they find another soul before time runs out, then they go on living in their own sort of way. It is a possibility that your parents may have been caspers, if they knew of their Dragel origins, but the chances are so slim, I would surmise that it is quite impossible."
"And almost done." Quinn chuckled. "Breathe in. I do hope you are not ticklish."
Harry sucked in his stomach, surprised when Quinn thwapped it lightly with two gloved fingers.
"According your to basic health scan, you've been starved…and beaten." He said, bluntly.
Emerald eyes met Teal ones. Harry didn't look away.
Quinn's expert fingers skimmed over skinny ribs and the thin bits of flesh finally beginning to fill out, thanks to Theo's meticulous attention to Harry's eating habits. "The report tells me this all happened before your inheritance, so I am assuming your Alpha had nothing to do with this."
"Never!" Harry flinched as Quinn's fingers massaged over familiar scars on his arm. "Theo's been…good. So's Charlie. They had nothing to do with…this."
"I am glad to hear that." Quinn said, calmly. He took the ointment back, closed it and set it aside. "Do they know?"
Harry swallowed. "No."
"Why not?"
Harry's hands curled into fists as he searched, desperately for words that would make himself known. "I can't." He said, at last. "I don't know. I don't think I can. I'm not…ready." He hesitated. "I-I can't!"
"I am not forcing you to." Quinn said, quietly. He took Harry's hands in his and gently uncurled them. "Sometimes things happen that can't be controlled. Sometimes the things that happen, really shouldn't." He sighed and turned to face Harry fully. "I do want you to know that it is not a sign of weakness. No matter which way you paint it, sometimes bad things happen to good people. The true strength of those people come to light if they can weather it out rather than drown beneath it."
It was then that Harry finally took a good look at the Dragel standing before him. He wondered how he'd missed it before, in his rage-induced haze. The moving plant-like tattoos had finally stilled and it seemed as if Quinn had a curtain of lovely, curling ivy growing over his left shoulder and torso. Now that the tattoos weren't distracting him, Harry could see dozens of white and cream colored scars littering Quinn's pale-green scaled form. The Healer's throat was a mangled column of scar tissue, with several clawed marks reaching out and down his chest. There were various marks all down and along his torso, though his elegant face remained untouched. In spite of it, the markings didn't detract from the tailored beauty surrounding the Healer.
Quinn was a fighter, from the looks of it. Able to stand up and stall tall, no matter what had happened to him. Harry swallowed, seeing and hearing the truth the Healer had so obviously imparted to him.
"I will not let this go." Quinn murmured, softly. "You will have to speak of it."
"I know." Harry swallowed, searching for another change in subject. "What happened to your voice?" The words came out before he could stop them and he ducked his head, hoping he hadn't offended the young Healer.
"A foolish fight in my youth." Quinn half-smiled.
"You're speaking with a spell."
"One that my dear mother will have my head for." Quinn sighed. "Every minute that I use it, is a minute to the side that I may never speak naturally again."
"Then take it off!" Harry burst out, worriedly. "That's too dangerous."
"I am well aware of the consequences, Harry and I would gladly trade the ability to speak again for the ability to heal all the patients that come into my care. It is my own choice and I have chosen, knowing fully well what price I pay." Quinn half-smiled. "Now, if I did not use this particular spell, then Kyle would be privy to our conversation. A well-meaning as he is, I did not think that he would be particularly helpful at the moment. Did you?"
The brunet shook his head, conflicting emotions dancing across his face. He wasn't sure who he wanted to know what, but for now, he trusted Quinn, if only because the Healer had yet to give him a reason to distrust him. Kyle, well, Harry wasn't quite sure about him yet. He opted to change the current subject, as the seriousness in Quinn's voice a moment ago, had him squirming where he sat. "How do you talk to Kyle, then?" He countered. "What kind of mental connection?"
"The kind that is rather difficult to explain." Quinn tapped his head and moved around Harry, to where he began to manipulate the silver and pearl wings that had finally come out in the last few minutes as they spoke. "There we are, I was wondering if your wings would dare to come out again in my presence. They are fine wings, by the way." Quinn checked the clock on the far wall. "And I do not believe I have the time to stretch them as did your Beta's, perhaps you could encourage both of your mates to pay a little bit of attention to them? They could use some stretching and I am sure your Alpha can show you both a few exercises for them. Are you taking flying lessons yet?"
Quinn stifled a chuckle. "I shall let your Alpha explain that one. Just stay still a moment longer. Use the same oil I gave your Charlie, alright?"
"Alright." Harry shifted and stilled a moment later. He felt Quinn's familiar hands dancing up and down the sensitive length of his wings. It sent dozens of delightful shivers all over him. "They feel fine." He babbled. "You don't have to-"
A hand snaked around from behind and covered Harry's mouth. Quinn leaned forward to whisper in one pale ear. "I do too." He said, softly.
"You're all done for today." Quinn announced, watching as Harry stood on cautious legs and wobbled, once, before catching Quinn's proffered hand and shoulder. He'd finally eased himself down from the examination table where he'd been sitting as Quinn had worked on his wings. "Easy now. Small steps and small breaths." Quinn advised. "We were sitting for a reason." He helped Harry walk around the exam room, a careful arm threaded around the thin shoulders.
"Thank you." Harry finally managed. "For everything I mean, I really-"
"It's fine." Quinn cut him off with a warm smile. "It is just fine. I expect to see you tomorrow though. Tomorrow afternoon. We are nowhere near through."
Harry fought to keep the blush from showing on his face. He felt his cheeks warm anyway and he was glad, for once, to be shorter than average. At least Quinn might not see it. "Right." He took several careful breaths. The pains and aches were faded to a dull drumming in the back of his head and while he did feel as if he'd been stretched too far, it was definitely an improvement than when he'd been awakened before.
"How are you feeling now?"
"A little better. It's finally kind of fading."
"Good. It's about time."
"Thank you-"
"Make sure to rest well tonight and probably most of tomorrow as well. I know it is Hunting Season and the First Walk and feasts and all that, but you are not going to miss much and it is best for you and your magic, if you simply take it easy at least, for this week. You can make up for lost time next week if the Hunt is that important." And here, Quinn winked.
Harry, of course, half-blushed.
"You will tell them at some point or another." Quinn watched as thin shoulders stiffened and raised, ever so slightly, defensively. He expected it, a few hours were exactly that, a few hours. There was plenty he could do in that time, but scars were scars and they would always remain, even as they faded. "As I said before, as your current Healer, I am obligated first to you and second to them. But for the sake of your own well-being, I am requesting that you include them. It does not have to be on everything and believe me, I will never say a word to them, without your permission. But they do deserve to know."
"I don't want to-"
"Then you do not have to." Quinn interrupted. "But if you are hiding this from them, because you expect them to reject you, then you are only doing them and yourself a grave disservice. In the wizard and muggle world, there is nothing that can honestly compare to a mated Dragel Circle." Teal eyes drilled deep into Harry. "Nothing." The Healer emphasized. "They do not love and care for you because they have to, but because they want to. It will, in time, become as second nature to them as breathing, because you are a part of them. When you hurt, they hurt. When you ache, they suffer. It is the kind of bond that cannot truly be grasped by the mind. But I urge you to speak to them, regardless of whatever is between you, whatever may be, between you. Speak to them. Speak to your alpha. Ask them to listen and tell them. They will never think anything less of you."
The messy head of hair lowered as Harry looked away. "Maybe." He allowed, at last.
"Excellent," Quinn backtracked to the counter where he drew out the tooth gel in a container and tossed it to Harry. "Remember, twice a day! I want to see the result of at least three applications before you arrive tomorrow."
"Three?" Harry swallowed.
"Don't give me that face. You liked the taste of it earlier and it's good for you. Once more tonight and twice tomorrow." He instructed. "Now, I need you to do me a favor."
Harry pocketed the ointment and caught the shirt tossed to him. He shrugged into it and did up the buttons, reaching for his robes that hung on the pegs near the door. "What kind of favor?"
"A very easy one." Quinn said, lightly. The Healer had moved around from the counter and now braced against the wall, a look of exhaustion slowly creeping over him. "When you walk out of here, there's going to be a bit of chaos." He explained.
"Oh." Harry brightened as understanding registered. "I'll tell them that you were only helping."
"Lovely." Quinn winced. "That is quite alright. I want you to look for a hulking Jamaican giant. He's probably got a scowl on his face and may or may not be lecturing Kyle out of his mind."
And here, now that Harry looked closely, he could see the light in Quinn's eyes beginning to dim and the black choker 'round his neck beginning to fade, showing the spell wearing off. "Quinn?"
"I'm fine, Harry." The smile was soft. "Remember, a tall hulking fellow. His name is Bharin and he's a brute." Quinn smiled fondly. "And no matter what anyone says out there, I need you to tell him that I need him, alright?"
"Why? What's-"
"I'm taking the silencing wards down, the protection ones next and then door should be opening, right about now-"
The flicker of black 'round Quinn's neck flickered out and he leaned, heavily against the wall as his smile turned into a grimace.
The door opened.
Chaos was outside.
Angry magic, crackling energy and loud shouting voices.
Harry suddenly couldn't find his voice.
A/N: Quinn is repeating himself just a bit, because he is really very, very tired at the moment here. It's taken a lot out of him to remove this one seal from Harry on his own after the end of a very long and tiring day. Give him a bit of credit here. As for Harry's seals, I hope to focus on one to three seal(s) each chapter/appointment, depending. That way we all know what they do, why they're there and what they've done to Harry. Next chapter will feature Harry as well, I don't think I'll get to Arthur and family just yet. Thanks a bunch as well to everyone who pointed out typos and issues so far. I really appreciate it! (and I'm fixing them!) ^_^
If you have questions, ask away. I'll answer what I can and read the replies below-you might find answers to your questions before you even ask. ^_^
Green--well, I did say there was a VERY good reason for why Harry was so hufflepuff-ish and what happened to his magic and the whole Dragel Inheritance coming out of nowhere. ;) I'll be focusing on about one seal per chapter, they will be attending healer appointments through the rest of the week, it is Tuesday in their time, so at least up to Saturday-ish, it'll be seal removal time and also some fixing up. Not to mention, Quinn's pretty ticked off right now, so he's going to get the investigation started towards Harry's missing mentor, etc. Yes, James and Lily were Dragels, (Unaware of their heritage however, and their seals preventing them from coming into their Dragel selves were passed down to Harry, but his transformation was forced when Dumbles' cast that spell that horrified Arthur in ch37-8)
unneeded--They did consciously seal him, but to protect him, as you said and they were not fully aware of the kind of magic they were invoking and what it was doing. Dumbles had a hand in the seals, at least two of them, Voldy inadvertently had one as well, the same for Umbitch. Yes, Dumbles still expects him to walk up to V and die willingly, (another thing that will send Quinn into fits). Yes, Quinn pressed Harry's buttons on purpose to use the excess magical energy summoned through Harry's emotional tags to his magic (which wasn't missing, just suppressed!). Enjoy the chapter!
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