Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
Lucius smirked as Severus stepped in, a hint of apprehension showing in the set of his shoulders. “Sit.” He pointed to the floor in front of him.
Severus sighed sadly as he sat, realizing he had earned punishment from his once-Dom.“You did not give Shiloe aftercare?” Lucius asked, his honeyed tone a clear warning.Severus flinched. “I… Was a bit shaken by my loss of control. I fled.” He admitted.Lucius stood, clasped his hands behind him back, and began circling the kneeling man; a clear warning not lost on Severus.“Your appalling behavior reflects badly upon ME, as your mentor and former Master, Severus.” He began softly. “I am ASHAMED of you.”Severus felt his cheeks flame. Rarely had Lucius ever had cause to be ashamed of him, and the quiet sadness the emotion caused in the man stung Severus far more than the man’s icy anger and acid-tipped tongue could.Lucius stopped in front of Severus. “Lower garments off, ALL of them, and bend over the bed. You know the rules.”Severus winced and reluctantly obeyed. He laid his upper half on the bed, burying his face in a pillow, just in case.He heard Lucius walk over to his desk, and tensed. ‘Oh, Merlin, no!’ He thought in fear. ‘Not the hairbrush!’ As he heard Lucius returning.Lucius laid a hand on the small of Severus’ back and sighed. “I had hoped you would have learned to think before you acted LAST time, Severus. I have not been this ashamed since you struck Timothy in anger.”Severus sighed into the pillow. It wasn’t HIS fault the sub had struck a nerve! He had mentioned Lily to the young man, not by name, but when the man had found out she had been a Muggleborn, he had laughed and made a remark about ‘Mudbloods’ that had struck home, painfully reminding Severus of his last words to his once-dearest-friend. He had slapped the man and sent him home, terminating their relationship that second.The slap had been crossing the line, according to Lucius. “One does not strike in anger when one holds a position of power.” He had said calmly, before he reddened Severus’ ass skillfully and thoroughly.Severus shivered as he felt the cool, wooden back of the hairbrush against his bare ass, and he bit down on the pillow. Then, he heard words once more, spoken in the same calm, patiently disappointed tone.“One does not neglect aftercare when one holds a position of power over another, Severus. I do not expect you to count. This will NOT be pleasant.” Lucius warned.Severus’ teeth clenched on the pillow a moment before the brush landed, and he cried out, voice muffled, but still quite loud, as his sit-spot exploded with white-hot pain.Lucius was certainly serious about this matter, and he was letting Severus know clearly that he was most displeased.Nine more blows were landed in quick succession, reducing Severus to humiliating tears of pain.Once he was done, Lucius set the brush aside and sighed, guiding Severus fully onto the bed, face-down. “My foolish Love.” He whispered to the man, kissing him gently before wiping away his tears. “Aftercare, Severus.” He said firmly, smoothing a hand over the heated curves of his backside.Severus nodded. “I will remember in the future.” He whispered, voice still tremulous.“Oh, I’m sure you will, after that. What I want to know is when you are going to stop this idiocy and return to us. Shiloe’s abilities are not progressing at all. He has not learned anything new of any real value or use since you left him, and the strain is beginning to show. He NEEDS you.” Lucius said firmly.Severus sighed. “I can’t. I was far too harsh with-““Do you need further punishment, Love?” Lucius asked, tapping Severus’ abused ass, making him gasp in slight pain.“Please, no, Master.” Severus pleaded. “I will… Speak with him.”Lucius kissed Severus, caressing his ass once more, then stood. “Since you offered him no aftercare, you will get less than you need, which is more than you deserve. Perhaps a dose of sub-drop will drive the lesson home fully, and show you the error of your ways. Shiloe is out, and in his room. Go speak with him.”Severus dressed with a sigh, wincing as the clothing chafed his skin, and headed to Shiloe’s bedroom.He knocked once, and the door flew open to reveal Shiloe, laying on the floor with Salazar, talking. There was an empty bottle of Absinthe and two glasses on the desk nearby.“Yet another school rule broken. You’re no better than Potter.” He remarked wryly, shaking his head. “May we converse in private?”Shiloe sat up with a smile. “Sev’rus! Salazar, what’re you doing?! You heard th’ man! Out!” He ordered, pointing to the door.“You’re a bossy drunk.” Salazar complained, getting up and slouching out of the room.Severus shut the door behind him.Shiloe tried to stand, then stumbled and fell back down, giggling drunkenly. “Sev, help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”Severus just sat in the armchair and watched with amusement as Shiloe worked himself into a sitting position on the floor.“So, what brought you back ‘ere? Did you miss me?” Shiloe asked teasingly, slurring his words slightly.Severus sighed. “How much did you drink?” He asked.Shiloe shrugged. “How much is left in th’ bottle of Absinthe?”“None.” Severus answered dryly after checking it.“Half th’ bottle, then. It was full when we started, and we both matched each other glass for glass.” Shiloe shrugged, then swayed, eyes crossing. “Ooohhhh, I’m g’na lay back down now.” He decided, falling onto his back again.Severus sighed. “Delinquent. Shall I come back when you are sober?”“Mm-mm.” Shiloe shook his head in denial, looking up at Severus dazedly. “Stay? I wouldn’a been drinking if you’da been here. I miss you. Th’ drinking stops th’ missing.” He admitted, the alcohol loosening his tongue.Severus sighed. Having Shiloe this honest was almost too much for Severus. He could see from the look in Shiloe’s eyes that he was eagerly drinking in the sight of Severus, assuming he’d leave again and not return for a while. “Can you conduct a meaningful conversation in your current state of intoxication?”“Mm?” Shiloe questioned drunkenly. “Nah, c’n you spell me sober?” He asked.“Tollere vocatus.” Severus intoned, waving his wand over Shiloe’s form.The teen blinked a few times, then sat up with a sigh. “Thanks. And, uh, can you forget what I said earlier? It’s irrelevant.”Severus sighed. “Actually, I came to apologize. I did not treat you properly last-““Not THIS again!” Shiloe shouted, standing up, his hands curled into fists at his sides. “Dammit, Severus-““Listen!” Severus snapped.Shiloe clamped his mouth shut and glared at the man.“I should have stayed, if for no other reason than to assure that you did not feel used and discarded afterward.”Shiloe’s face cleared and his body relaxed. He blinked. “Oh.” He said.“Yes.” Severus agreed. “That I did not proves that I am not worthy of you. That you still wanted me afterward shows that you are far too forgiving to me. Even knowing I do not deserve you, I am still here, to beg your forgiveness.” He said, totally swallowing his pride, hard though it was. He studiously avoided meeting Shiloe’s eyes.Shiloe walked up to kneel between Severus’ knees. “And what is proven by the fact that you never needed my forgiveness in the first place, and the fact that I still want YOU?” He asked the Potions Master calmly.“That I was an utter fool.” Severus whispered, his eyes closing to hide the emotion churning within him as he hung his head.Shiloe chuckled. “Severus, there is nothing to forgive. I liked what you did, except the asshole move of avoiding me like I was plague-ridden afterward.” He scooted closer and took Severus’ clasped hands within his own, smaller hands. “Master, I miss you.” He whispered.Severus laughed humorlessly. “Don’t call me that. I don’t deserve the title. I did not treat you as one should a cherished slave. I was supposed to be there for you. Offer you guidance, discipline, structure. Instead, I fled like a spineless coward.”Shiloe frowned. “Does this mean you aren’t coming back to me?” He asked, his eyes taking on a slight wildness in the face of possible rejection.“No, it does not.” Severus said wearily. “It means that we will steer clear of bedroom games AND the associated titles until I have had time to let myself grow accustomed to… This arrangement.”Shiloe smiled brightly. “Thank you!”Severus sighed. “Do not thank me until I earn it, please.” He requested.Shiloe rolled his eyes. “Of course not.” He muttered. “So, Harry seems to be falling for Luna Lovegood.”“No.” Severus held up a hand. “No, surely NOT. The Gods cannot be THIS cruel, I’m certain of it.”“I’m sorry?” Shiloe questioned, brow furrowed.Severus groaned. “I will never survive my job if those two reproduce. Did you know that while her class was SUPPOSED to be brewing pepper-up potion, Ms. Lovegood successfully produced a batch of male fertility potion?! The two potions do not even share a single ingredient, so HOW she did it still eludes me!” He finished, throwing his hands up in disgust.Shiloe bit his lips, clamping them together to smother a chuckle. “Well, Sir, she does seem to have a rare talent in coming up with uncommon solutions to… Everything.”“Well, I suppose I will have to tell Potter that I will be tutoring him for the tournament and for battle with the Dark Lord.” Severus said wearily.Shiloe winced. “Two things I have to request of you, first. Please call him Harry. The two of you need to get along. And be careful with the insults. I know you and he don’t really see eye-to-eye, but he’s not who you think he is.” He told the somber man. “He’s not his father. And your words are just what he DOESN’T need an extra helping of right now.”Severus inclined his head. “I can agree to that. I suppose that your existence alone is enough evidence to prove your point. I seem to have made nothing but mistakes with you both.” He reflected.“Now is as good a time as any to change that.” Shiloe pointed out.Shiloe and Severus both spun to face the door as Lo walked through it. “Good, now that this is all settled, we need to teach Harry to access your magic, Shiloe. He’ll need to know how in order to complete the tournament safely.” Shiloe nodded. “Do we need to go to the forbidden forest?” He asked.She nodded. “We do. Follow me.” She led them quickly through the common room, then strode through the Saferoom, Shiloe and Severus calling out hasty greetings to Lucius, who frowned and followed them.Once they were all within the clearing, Lo stopped and smiled at Shi. “Alright, Little One.” She told him. “We need your Host.”Shiloe sighed and relinquished his hold on the body, feeling Harry’s consciousness take over once more. He settled back and watched.*****Harry blinked, looking around in confusion. “What’s going on?”Lo grabbed his hand and began to stroke it. “Calm down, Young Harry. I am Lo, and these are two of your Shiloe’s anchors. You have nothing to fear from us, and much to gain from me. Now that Shiloe is ready, you can be taught to draw on his powers, with his assistance.”“Oh.” Harry looked at Lucius and Severus, then snatched his hand back, causing Lo to chuckle as she released the appendage. “Er, thanks.”“Now, there are two things I feel that will be of help against Dragons. I would like you to learn those first. Shadow-walking is a bit beyond you yet, so that’s not going to be an option, though it would be the best way.” She mused, tapping a finger against her lips. “Oh, well. We’ll just have to do without it!”Harry blinked. “Right.” He agreed.Severus chuckled.“So.” Lo said decisively, turning to pin Harry with an intent stare. “You can speak with animals.” She told him.“I can what? Oh, right, Shiloe.” Harry realized. “Um… How?” He gasped as whispers and snippets of words began to sound in his ears.Then, he crumpled to the ground.*****Shiloe rolled his eyes, listening to Lo. ‘Well, of COURSE I haven’t figured out shadow-walking yet! I only got Severus back TODAY, that’s going to take more TIME!’He heard her tell Harry he could speak with animals, and smiled. ‘Of course!’He began to carefully ‘push’ that one ability toward Harry’s core consciousness, feeling a jolt as it connected with Harry’s parseltongue, overlapping with it, and both Harry and Shiloe fell into blackness.*****Lucius caught Harry’s body before it hit the ground and laid the teen gently on the ground. “What happened?” He asked, looking at Lo.She was frowning. “I honestly don’t know. This is most unusual, I don’t think I’ve ever—Oh!” Her eyes widened, then she covered her mouth and began to giggle. “Oh, how very silly of me! I forgot, the boy is ALREADY a Parselmouth! Not many Shiloe have a Host with such a gift, so it is not generational knowledge, but he will have to be careful that the two forms of Parseltongue do not converge.” She giggled. “If they do, the result is rather shocking.”Harry groaned, sitting up. “Okay, I don’t think that worked right.”‘Sorry.’ Shiloe spoke up, sheepishly. ‘I guess Shiloe Parseltongue and the inherent gift variety aren’t compatible. I’ll try not to let the two mix, shall I?’ He offered.Harry chuckled. “Right, so, let’s try that again.” He agreed under his breath.He listened carefully, and the hum of the forest began to take on the sounds of words, whispers too soft to make out, and shouts of alarm, greeting, merriment and fear as the forest carried on as always, ignored by all the deaf humans nearby.A few times, he’d hear what sounded like a voice fading in and out of recognition, but within a few moments, it would right itself again, and he’d hear Shiloe sigh in relief.‘Okay, and… There!’ Shiloe finally said, and Harry could feel the ability snap into place.“Wow.” He breathed, listening as Shiloe listened with him.‘Cool, huh?’ He asked proudly.Harry nodded, dazed, as Lucius and Severus watched curiously.“Do you ALWAYS hear this?” Harry asked.Shiloe made a soft noise of agreement. ‘Well, when I’m listening, I do. But I can easily tune it out when I want to.’ He chuckled. ‘Wait until we learn how to shadow-walk!’Harry frowned. “We?”Shiloe snorted. ‘Aw, come on! Listen, maybe I’m not always the best roommate, so to speak, but I DO bring certain perks with me, and I’m not going to be selfish!’“Are you actually whining at me?” Harry asked in amusement.Both Lucius and Severus began coughing behind him.‘NO!’Harry snorted. “Merlin, even your TONE is blushing.” He muttered.Severus started snickering.Lucius chuckled. “Oh, well, he’s never going to be made to forget this day, in that case.”‘Oh, you are positively EVIL when you want to be.’ Shiloe told Harry in awe.“Thank you.” Harry replied smugly.
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